The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1920, Image 4

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Is Organized to Lend Helping
Hand to Young Men of
Every Communify
HBBKi.-3.v- - :.ii-i- - -
. f'r n r f t- rwr ry u A M
Once To Every Man"
Jack Sherrill and Mable Withee
A drama of struggle, love and&adventure lat
wil entrance every man, woman and child. Adopted
from ths novel by LarryjEvans. Noted sport writer.
At The Sun,
Travelers In Auto Unknowingly Se
lected Peculiar Place In Which
to Pass the Might
They lived In Milwaukee and "fllv
vcrcd" through to IndlnnnpollH
with tliclr two children. They left
home early In the morning, arriving
at Gary Just before dark. Anxious
to reach their destination as noon as
possible, they left Gary after getting
a supply of gasoline.
A few miles out of Gary a heavy
rnlnstorm checked their progress and
throuded the countryside In pitch
darkness. Losing their way they de
cided to turn In at tho first gate and
spend the rest of tho night in the
automobile, rather than take chances
of traveling by night In the darkness
on unknown roads.
A fdvv miles further on the outline
of a ireo Just beyond an open gate was
seen, and tho auto was guided beneath.
Tho couple and children slept In
crarapeV quarters In the unto and
awakened at daybreak next morning.
Imagine their horror when they ills
covered they had slept nil night In
their auto In n cemetery. Indlnwipo
lit) News,
Too Beautiful.
A man and his wife went to one of
the most beautiful Islands In the
Carlbhenn sea seven years ago to spend
tho twilight of their lives In tho se
rene beauty of tho tropics. It was a
place which the husband, a seafaring
man, bad chosen as the nearest ap
proach to terrestrial paradise for those
who have enough money to live with
out working bard.
The couple landed tit New York the
other day with their Inres and penates
and a parrot. Tho Ideal season Is Just
about to begin In tho Caribbean, but
It will start and. continue without this
particular pair of humans. "We want
an old-fashioned Now England win
ter," said the wife. The husband was
more specific. "It was great for a
while, but finally, It got too dodblasted
beautiful.' Wo are going back to Con
necticut to see some rocks and barren
flolds." New York Sun.
Soldiers Reported 'MVHssing In Action"
Have Been Classed as "Pre
sumed Dead."
According to The Home Sector there
are still between 250 and 300 members
of the American front line army still
unaccounted for.
In speaking of this war mystery of
missing men tho ox-soldier's magazine
says: "Soldiers who go Into battle are
like men who go down to tho sea In
ships. There are those who return and
those who do not, those wlio live and
tlioie who die. And then there are
those who dwell for years In a twilight
zone of uncertainty, neither life nor
death, from which no word ever comes
back to the shores called home.
"A few weeks ago the newspapers
of the country announced that there
were no more members of the A. K. F.
'missing In nctlon. The only reason
they are not missing In action Is that
they have been 'presumed dead.'
"There are still between 20 and 300
members of tho American front line
army unaccounted for, who, carried on
the rolls for mouths and months as
missing In action, seem to have dls-,
appeared from tho battle field as If
by the wave of n magician's wand,
leaving neither the ripple of a rumor
behind them, the testimony of an eye,
nor n footprint In all tho paths of the
"They are the Irreducible minimum
of the r0,000 lost, strayed or stolen
men that the A. E. F. carried on the
morning of Nov. 12, 1018. as missing
In action. To guard against Injustice
to their relatives or friends, the war
department has ordered that from
henceforth they be carried as' 'pre
sumed dead' Instead of 'missing In ac
tion,' In order that their war risk In
surance benefits may be paid. That In
brief explains why the American army
as It stands demobilized today techni
cally has no 'missing In action.' "
New Metal Ladle Invented.
For workers with meltel mctnls
ladle bus been Invented thnt pouri
from the bottom, leaving the dross and
Impurities behind.
Saturday, February 28th,
Johansen Sale Barn, North Platte,
Siilo will commence at 2 o'clock Sharp
34 Head ofdCattle
15 milch covtb, 18 heifors and steers, coming yearlings.
12 Horses and Mules
1 span of mules 7 years old, weight 2100; 4 mules 1
years old, good as grown; span of mares, 5 years old, wt.
2500; span of mares 5 and 7 years old, weight 2200; 1 gray
horso 7 years old, weight 1600; 1 bay maro.
John Dcero lister, hay mower, garden plow with all at
tachments, 2 sets of harness, good saddle, and some other
articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS OP SALE All sums of $20 and under cash; ovor
,ttiat amount 8 months time will bo given on bankable notes
bearing 10 per oent intorest from dato of sale.
H. M. Johansen, Auctioneer,
F. C. Pielsticker, Clerk.
Altogether too often tho Y. M. O. A.
Is thought of as a big building In a big
If this Is your Idea of the field and
work of the modem program of the
Young Men's Chrlstinn Association yon
do not understand tho varied and
ndnptablo program of the State Asso
ciation of tho Young Men's Chrlstlun
Associations of Nebraska.
Absolutely Independent of n build
ing, it Is prepared to help boys and
young men In tho following effective
ways :
1. Through the II1-Y Clubs. W
now have thlrty-soven In Nebraska,
with a total mcmborshlp of twenty-six
hundred. Their purpose Is to create,
maintain and extend high standards of
Christian character throughout the
school and community. Our policy
for the next two years calls for the
doubling or trebling of this number.
2. The County Y. M. C. A. plan
operates through n County Commltteo
nnd nn employed County Secretary.
We have sir counties organized In Ne
braska, embrnclng thirty-one Blblo
Study Groups and n totst membership
of one thousand. In all Its activities
tho County work operates through the
home, the church and the school. Our
policy calls for the organization of at
least twenty-five additional Counties
during 1020 nnd 1021.
S. The State Association conducts
various older boys' Conferences, which
challenge Uic boys to high Ideals of
living appealing for cloan thoughts,
clean sport, clean speech. A strong
body actuated by a real purpose In
life. Last year there was a total at
tendance of seven hundred select High
School boys with decisions In forward
steps and now purposes totaling live
4. Camp Sheldon hnd a vital con
tact with about three hundred boys
last summer, and ,wlll Ibis year have
a greatly enlarged attendance. Camp
Sheldon operates from June to Octo
her and serves the purpose of a train
ing camp for the development of local
leaders In your community. Its sole
purpose Is to build character.
5. There Is a student Y. M. C. A
In every college, university and aca
demy In Nebraska. Tho purposo of
the Student work Is to foster and dc
velop the Christian character of stu
dents already so Inclined and to lead'
others where possible Into tho Chris
tlnn life. It tends to follow up and
make permanent tho Influence begun
In the home nnd the high school, and
to steady the lives of tho young men
at n time when the stress nnd strain
of temptation Is often severe. It en
deavors to supplement the constructive
Christian Influence of the home nnd
the Church.
(1. Through our State and District
Secretaries, meetings for boys and
young men are conducted with
for a clean, purposeful life.
7. The Association movement has
developed the Idea of the Father and
Son meetings and as nn Inter-denomln-ntlonal
agency has encournged and
promoted them through churches nnd
other organization until they aro today
becoming one of the most popular and
vital factors In moulding tho lives of
our sons. Any city, community or
church enn profit by this type of work
In behalf of .their boys.
8. Tho corresponding member Sys
tem Is n net-work over all our Stntes,
whereby young men leaving home aro
followed and right contacts nnd ac
quaintances formed In their new loca
tions, endeavoring to tie him up to Wt
Church and Association in the city of
his new locution.
All the above Is dono without nny
special buildings or equipment, except
at our State Hoys' Camp and at relu
tlvely little expense.
Those types of Association work
deal with boys and young men where
we find them utilizing the agencies
nnd facilities already existing in tho
The -work In Nebraska is under the
direction of tho following men:
Directors .1. Dean ltlnger, Omaha,
Cbalrinnn ; Glenn .Tones, Grand Island,
V.-Chalrman ; A. W. Bowman, Omaha,
Bee. Sec; O. C. Edgerly, Omaha,
Treasurer; Chas. A. Goss, Omaha;
Clias. Fordyce, Lincoln; S. K. War
rick, Scotts Bluff; .Tnmes N. Clarke,
Hastings; George P. Blssell, Central
City; Frank Hammond, Fremont; S,
D. Ayres. Central City; W. S. Curtis,
Omaha: A. F. Tyler. Omaha; C, W,
Pugsley, Lincoln; K. L. llevelono,
Beatrlco: F. M. Woltzol, Albion; L. O,
Obcrlles, Lincoln; Guy Wilson, Laurel
A. L. Johnson, University Place; Wll
Ham Volgt, Nelson; II. S. Dungan
Hastings; David Bees, Norfolk; W. .T,
Hill, Lincoln ; G. A. Loveland, Lincoln ;
It. M. Campbell, Columbus; C. U
Richards, Hebron Nathan Wilson,
Stromsburg; Hugh E. Wallace, Omaha;
J. II. Knowles, Fronlont; .7. D. Has
kell, Wnkcneld: C. A. Bawls, Tlatta
mouth; C. C. Smith, Exeter; Geo. W.
Shrock, York; Geo. A. Marshall, Ar
lington; B. I. Elliott, Clmdron; II. L
BubcoQk, Cbappell.
Secrtarle--Chas. II. Musselman,
State Socretary; K. M. Baber. Asso
ciate State Secretary; M. V, Arnold,
District Secretary; H. W. Kendnll,
District Secrotury; Paul II. McICee,
SUte Boys' Work; O. B. Delhi, High
School Work ; Hervey F. Smith, Coun
ty Work; 0. M. Adams, Associate
National Repair Week for 1920.
If your child is sick your first thought is for your old reliable family physician.
The first week in March is sot aside as the National repair week, so let us be the. old
reliable family physician and place all .your machines with necessary repair in A I con
dition for your spring work.
We carry a $3,000.00 repair stock and this stock together with our long experience
will be at your service.
We can get you your repairs for any machine built in the United States providing the
factories are still in operation. 1
Derryberry & Forbes Implement Co.
Easy to See Many Advantages In 'New
Methods Rapidly Being Brought
to Perfection.
Heretofore we have bought medlcnl
service at retail. Now Glasgow Is try
ing out a plan to sell medical service
What Glasgow Is striving to do is
this: Divide the city in districts and
provide free dispensaries and free doc
tors to all who need medical attention.
It is claimed that such a scheme will
reduce the death rate, because many
poor people now skimp their families
In tho matter of health precautions.
And the doctors like It, also. They
work fewer hours uiid u stundnrd pay
Is guaranteed.
Withal, the Glasgow plan of whole
sale doctoring Is said to be cheaper
than our old-fashioned retail method,
"GIrard" writes In the Philadelphia,
American cities have made half a
step toward such doctoring of the peo
ple In wholesale lots.
We have boards of health and health
bureaus. They administer in u gen
eral way" and they administer In whole
sale doses.
An order goes out and It gdes for
all the people. It Is economical and
wise, as every one knows, during such
nn epidemic ns the "flu" was last
Doctoring by wholesnle saved mil
lions of lives In that one calamity.
Uncle Sum did the Insuring of his
own soldiers by wholesnle In the last
Public schools supply education In
wholesale quantities.
Our spiritual wants are supplied In
fashion wholesale through tho
So wltolesnle doctoring Is only an
other day's mnrch In tho general di
rection of a socialistic emnjre.
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
References and Sates at First Na
tional Bank, North Platte, Neb.
400 East Third St. Phone 012
Sale Dates.
id Noldc March 3d.
John Win?, March 8th.
Louden Bros., Mnrch 0th.
Mnrch 10 H. Frnzcr.
B. T. Wclllver, March lfltli.
Mnrch 2.'M K. S. L. .Vass.
March 26 Cattle sale, Western Ne
braska Breeders' Ass'n.
Frank Eng'nnd, 31arcli 17th.
When in North Platte stop at tho
New Hotel Palace, and Cafe. You will
bo treated well. B8tf
Jack Norton and some of the girls in "FLO-FLO"
which will be presented at the Keith this evening.
Curtain at 8:15 sharp.
Siberian Y. W. C. A.
Over in Siberia a staff of Y. W. O.
workers are slowly but surely mak
ing headway in organizing nn associ
ation and In interesting girls in mo
various activities planned for their
benefit. Overcoming tho mountains
of difficulties which arise from the
abnormal educational and social situ
ation in Vladivostok has been a prob
lem to be npproehed slowly nnd with
eyes open.
The workers report finding a rew
people Interested In the things which
have to do with girls nnd with what
ever Information they have gathered
they aro carefully developing their ac
tivities. There are sewing clnsses ana
one of the workers Is conducting class
es In spelling nnd letter writing.
Prlze-Flghter Congressman.
T,he report that Carpentler, the prize
fighter, Is ambitious to become a mem
ber of the French parliament, recalls
the election of John Morrlssey to con
gross on November 5, 18G7, from the
"Bloody Sixth" ward of Now York-
city, says the Springfield Bepubllcan
Morrlssey's famous light, In which he
defeated Ileenan, took place October
29, 185S, In the no-man's land adjoin
Ing Boston Corners In Berkshire coun
ty, afterward conceded to New York
by Massachusetts. Tho pugilist had a
long record of Indictments for assault
nnd burclnr.v and had served nine
months In the penitentiary for nine
breaches of tie peace. Ho served his
district In congress sntlsfactorllj
enough to bt re-elected.
Win Flaht on Yellow Pever.
In 1010 the Bockefellor foundation
sent a sanitary commission to Ecuador
for the purposo of arranging with tho
Ecuadorian government to tnko tho
responsibility of eradicating yellow
fever from Guayaquil. The proposal
was accepted June 10, 1018, when
celebrated bacteriologist arrived and
becan his work. Ho succeeded In. dls
covering the germ which causes yellow
fever, his Investigations promising to
produce not only a preventive, but
4 iL
exclusive I
features make
it "trouble- proof
Western Electric
THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric
Power and Light is practically automatic in
,its operationr-a child can operate it
Dependableelectric'servicenight and day forj
your farm.
ISee this plant inicraliorDl
North Platte Plumbing & Heating Co.
106 E. 6th, ST.
County Work.
also a cure for this maiatiy.