The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1920, Image 12

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    mm33ccklu; Sributte.
IIU L HA HE. Editor nnd publisher
One i'enr hy Mull, In nihnm-e. .1 7f
One Ycnr by Currier. In advance, $2.00
Entered at the North i'latte, Nobruska
Postofflco as Second Class Matter,
FRIDAY, FKIMtUARV l7, 11(20.
Fobrunry 24, 1020.
piiriunnt to adjourn
full board and otmnty
'Food today should be tin clump, If
not cheaper, than It wii six years
ago. There 1b more food per capita
being produced nnd the public Is fool
ish to pay oxprbltant' pHcob .
That wne thafOfroliirntlon made In
Chicago Tuesday" by Edwin T. More
dlth, tho now secretary of agrlcul
turo, who stylos hlmsolf the advortls
ing inanngor of the department of ng
rlculturo. According to Mr. Moredlth
tho rubo who formerly bought the gold
oncK, or tno guuioio yoKoi who pur
clinsod tho Masonic tomplo for ?47
or paid $15 to seo Marshall Field's
building turn around, woro wlso mon
ns compared with tho general public
today. By Its own complacency and
lack of fighting spirit, the public has
fastened upon Itself 'present outrag
eous pricos and a dollar worth 'only
30 cents. Ton, or oven fivo years ago,
a man hod to bo assured ho was get
ting leathor, stylo and workmanship
when ho paid $5 for a pair of shoes.
Today ho kowtows to some lnaolonl
clerk who throws a :air of varnished
paper shoos at him nnd peels $15 off
his bank roll without a whimper.
Tho samo goos for grocorlcs and
meats and everything else.
Mr. Moredlth says tho blamo for the
high cost of living must bo laid at tho
door of tho distributor and ho has a
trunkfull of figures to iprovo it . To
day there is moro grain, moro leathor,
more beef nnd hog meat, moro wool,
and cotton, yet tho gulllblo Amorlcan
public Is led to bollovo till thoso com
modities are short and thoroforo cost
Tho now Bocrotnry scoffed at tho
Idee, of a ferncrs' strike. Ho depre
cates such talk as foolish, as farmers
are. not tho sort of citizens who will
strike. All they aftk Is something like
n squaro deal, although they nro not
getting It now.
"Pricos of foodstuffs, shoos, cloth
ing nnd other necessities, in mnny
cases aro 100 por cent higher than
they should bo," ho declared, "but
tho remedy for this condition Is not In
my department. That is a tnnttor for
tho dopartmont of Justice."
Lofty resolutions by conferences
aro treated as a Joke by tno avari
cious dealers. WhaJ, s needed is for
ovory Individual to bftwl ,rid' fight nnd
rofuno to pay outrageous prices or ac
cept shoddy goods at any price,
Itenuhllpnn KiiitamIu Tnnutni
13atnbrldgo Colby, Qf Now York, who
was ono or mo loaaorn in tno progross-
lvo nnrtv undor Thwrlnrn Tlrvsivilf
will succood Robert Lansing, as secre
tary of stato, Announ.cqment of bin
euiocuon oy rrcsiuent wuson was
made "Wednesday nt tho "Whlto Houso.
On tho odgo of civilization thoro are
no traditions. Men moot life with all
tho strength of , soli I within thorn.
That Is why the greatest storlon havo
always boon written, not of the nt
rophlsed emotions of soolcty, but of
tho virile 'peoplo ncarost tho groat
outdoors. Thoro men may bo good
or bad but wliatover thoy aro thoy
nroMjtrong. "Tho lllvor's End" Is a
stoiy of advonturo and a story of
wonderful love. Tho story will bf
shown on tho screon nt tho Keith Mon
day nnd Tuesday.
Smart In Style Clover in Lino and
Cut and boautirully tailored you'll
find Tho Peggy Pnrla Suits and Coats
at Tho Leador Mer. Oo.
sorniKihN f Aims ash kaxciies.
Mr. Farmer and Stockralsor did you I
ever itop to think of the ntnnber of '
farnisr and stock raisers In the3 states I
of Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wlacon- j
Rin. Michigan, and othed statsa who!
have shown their wisdom and fore-1
sight, by selling their high priced
lands In the stato Just named at good 1
figures and going down and buying
lands Just ns good or bettor, at leu
than half tho prico of their former i
holdings, in tho states of Louisiana !
Mississippi, Alalmma, nnd other
southern states, whore everything In
the general farming line Is ns suc
cessfully raised as in the north, west
and northwest, where slock havo good
pasturage continually, and where
general farming, fruit and vegetable
growing reachos perfection?
In addition, every day In tho yenr
may be spent out of doors In comfort
which means every day a working day.
A Few 1'oliifor ,
The thermometer soldom registers
00 degreos and rarely reaches 05; sun-!
strokos unknown. ,
In wlntor the morcury rarely goes
bolow tho freezing point. '
Tho raln-fnll Is abundant and evenly,
distributed; tho farmer onu look for?
rain almost weekly.
Soil is sandy loam with clay sub-1
soli, and well dralnod. !
No llnor cllmato; no healthier sec-!
tion of tho country; and It Is tho com-!
ing section of this continent in the
mattora of stock raising and general'
fanning. I
Two and throe crops can bo raised i
during tho same year, on tho samoj
Tho wlntor does not consumo
tho Bummor produces.
Ten months good pasturage and
twelve months nbundant water sup-j
No drouths nor blizzards which
sometimes almost wipe out entlro
No costly barns necessary for win
tor housing; simply a shod for pro
tection from rain.
Sovonty.-dny feeding period carries
cattlo to maximum weight, ns against
120-day period in tho north, west and
Nativo food stuffs aro tho most
economical known, nnd tests provo
that tho product Is equal to tho bo3t
produced olsowhore.
Dditrd iut
ment present
Commissioners proceeded to
; ry for March term of court,
(.'li.lms woro allowed as follows:
Frank Fre:'erlcl, dragging, $18.00.
Herman Johnsdn, road work, $13.60
F. D. Woatohfeld. indue, county
poor, $60.04.
W. T. Lloyd,-road work, $M.80.
Paul Meyer, road conrfhlMioner
Johnston Bros., road work, $18.00
Hnrley Sonnernian, road work"
'ttlis Hnaso, rond work, $12.00.
W. II. Frees, road work, $44.80.
.1. V. Dlonor, road work, $40. '00.
Tom Horn, work on road, $10.00.
A, It. Lonvitt. road work, $26.50.
Herman Johnston, road work, $8.60
Wm. Anthony, road Work, $10.00.
J. C. Johnston, roRd work, $UG.42.
Herman Johnson, rond work. $73.80
M. C. Rogers, sorvlces, $2.00.
A. F. Heeler, mdse. county poor,
David Scott, gravol, $21.70.
J. S, Kotchum, hauling gravel
I). B. McDonald, road work, $19.25.
Arvol Larson, road work, $0.30.
S. Workman, road work, $23.45.
Fred Johnson, hauling gravel, $28.
Merl Jacox, road work, $18.75.
W. II. Malonoy, mdse., $5.00.
W. J. HolI, dragging, $7.20.
W. T. Elliott, work on rlvor, $45.
W. T. Elliott, bridge work. $32.50.
Board adjourns to March 1, 1920.
Funeral of Former Resident 1
Tho funeral services of the lato Mrs.
Oliver Y. Itoss, a former resident ofi
this city, who died this week In Omaha
woro hold Wednesday; afternoon at, tho
lecal Presbyterian church. Many
friends attended tho services and ex
tended condolences to tho bereaved
family. Rov. J. II. Curry was in
chargo and dollvoredv an improssiva
sermon. Interment was mndo in tho
North Platto cemetery.
Harriot Carroll Itoss was born
March 10, 1835, in Qreensburg, Ind.,
where she spent her childhood, later
she resided In Indianapolis and in 185G
was married to Oliver Y. Ross who
died in this city In March, 1912.
After her marriage sho lived in
Ohio, moved to Missouri In 18G8 and
came to North Platto In 1885.
In early days sho conducted an art
storo In tho building on oast Sixth
street, now used by tho Duko Paper
After her husband's death she mado
her homo with nor son Charles Ross
In Omaha, and her dnughtor Mrs. Em
ma Ilalrd in Oakland, Cal. The latter
dlod in May, 1919, and Mrs. Ross then
wont to Omaha to remain with her son
Sho was takon vory, 111 a week ago and
dlod Monday. During their long resi
dence horo both Mr. and Mrs. Ross
mudo many friends nnd were hold in
high esteem.
To mourn her aro loft her daughter
Mrs. A. O. Hamilton of Denvor and her
son Charles of Omaha, who formerly
lived horo, and a nophew Eugono
Klsor of Salom, Ore., also a formor
"Flo.FV Tonight
Tho attraction at tho Keith tonight
will bo "Flo-Flo," a charming musical
comody thnt 1b ful of pop and go with
musical numbors that will bo whistled
and hummed weeks after tho show
has gono. Tho play ran throughout
ono entlro season at tho Cort, theatre
in Now York and slnco then has played
in sovpiui of tho larger cities, includ
ing Chicago, wlioro it delighted large
audiences for threo months. You are
to see tho production exactly as It
was presonted in Now York, and Chi
cago and you mny be suro that John
Cort has supplied a company of the
highest merit for that has always been
bis wiiv of eautlnir Ills nlavs.
i - ... i i . i
I ::o::- wo pay cusn lor uuiicr mm eggs.
Soo us for wall papor, Tho Roxnll , McGovorn & Stack, phono 80, Froe
I Storo. 14tf ' delivery. 8tf
Contrasted With the Above ii
Musi Remember Hint In (he Northern,
Western nnd ftortlnvvstern Home
It costs time, labor and money, and
requires a good iportlon of your acro-
ugo to ralso the winter supply of fqod
for your live stock.
Ifr costs tlmo, labor and money to
build barns, cribs, etc., In which to
storo this feed.
It costs more to feed yourself, yqur
family and your stock during those
long, cold winters than In mild
It costs time, labor and moneynto
furnish your supply of winter fu,ol
nnd storo It nway, ready for uset
A crop failure In a land of sjngo
crops means the loss of a whole-year.
You loso flvo months' valuable time
each year in "getting ready" for and
Jn being "housed upV during tho
winter. i
You loso tho profits of the other
seven months toll while waiting for
"spring to open-up."
Thoso profits in tho southern
country are not only SAVED, "put
aside for a rainy day," constituting
REAL PROFITS, but you continue
right along through tho winter months
producing, not only sufficient for
your table, but something ovor and
abovo to sell. ,
If you aro lntorosted, write us ifor
descriptive literature, or bettor still
call at our office.
THE II. & S. AGENCY, Farm Dopt.,
W. II. BARRETT Manager,
Brodbock Bldg. North Platto, Nob.
Why They Are Favored By
Farmers Everywhere
For nearly A 25 years tge3 New
Deere Sulky and GariffJ Plowsl have
been the most widelyiusedCofitHeir
respective types.
Here is the general reason-
Farmers everywhere have con
tinued to find that these plows give
the best and longest f seed . bed
making service.
And here are some specific reasons
1 Their genuine John Deere bottoms,
made of the best material, tempered
perfectly, and shaped exactly right, cut,
turn, scour and pulverize to the best
advantage. And they out-wear any other
j' 2Tr:Their bottoms reach fall depth immedi
ately and stay in the ground at uniform
depth while plowing they make uni
formly deep, roomy seed beds. y ..
changing shares a matter of a few mo-
. ments. They are strongly reinforced
against wear, retain their original shape,
and always fit closely.
4 Their forged steel frogs neither bend nor
break.V Nor do their frames.
5 They pull easily because the wheels
carry the entire load no landside or
furrow bottom friction.
6 They have the simplest and most de
pendable power lift ever placed on a
wheel plow.
The $ unmatched record of these plows
and the reasons why they have maintained
this record are things you can bank on.
Come In and Investigate Our New Dccre
Sulky and Gang Plows.
1, ,
To Help French Children
NoSt week a campaign for funds for
thh American and French Children's
Leaguo will be started In this city
with Miss Graco Moonoy as chairman.
The League has been organized to
A I.owj-Ih'iidud J.nbor Lender.
Prr li.leut Or ii'p. r. .hi? Amorka.
Fedei.Ttcu of Lator frowns on tlu
propr !! i o o p.i.l- cai labor
party l Itlc l.eri n a relegrnm from
a cor .'.'ii' cn of tho Indiana state In
complete the wprk begun by the j uor pavtj-, in delates that "tho etfeet
New Spring Samples Are Here.
Tailored to Measure
Fine All Wool Quality
Piece A tJ
Full Suits $43.50.
Drop in nnd sec these beautiful iabrics -ns fine mi assortment of Woolens as
ever you laid your eyes on. By Woolens wemcan STRICTLY ALL WOOL
(the kind that grows on the sheep's back) -and we will show you a substan
tial saving also.
It is impossible to ovor-emphasize the importance ol all the wool fabrics
they wear better and tailor better.
'Burke's Tailor Shop.
American government. Its first pur
poso Is to aid tho French children in
the dovasted section of Franco; Its
final purposo Is friendship through
understanding. In every state where
tjio quota Is raised each school and
each assisting club will rpceivo a cer
tificate entitling its community to free
of a ..or-iirate political party can only
be dlMafrtrous lo t'r.t wag earners.
We dare say he i3 right. It has been
a long, long time since a third party
has been successful in the nation.
Porhaps Mr. Gomp.ers has in mind
the futile efforts of the old prohibition
party, which limped along for fifty
For Sale.
Seven room houui? and two lots,
hOlioe all modern except heat; barn
and garage; one lot in fruit tro?s. In
nulre at The Tribune. !M
arch 2, 3, 4, S.
J Uill W llllUUl ICkiliti ttiij- iiJ u., uuu
bitterly opposed tho Anti-Saloon lea
tho chliaren in the dovasted section of i CUQB non-nartisan oolicv. which won
the battle against boozo hands down.
Unquestionably tho political wis
dom, moral convlclton and economic
Franco Is described as horrible.
For four and a half years In collars
and holes; now paralyzed by rheuma
tism, succumbing by tho thausands. to LrGnius of tho country aro overwhelm
tuberculosis, many maimed by wounds, ingiy favorable to tho republican and
ruinea oy poisonous gas, ana mum-1 democratic parties as tho organiza
tudes with the tense, unsmiling faces' tlon8 bost qualified to secure justice
that havo broken tho hearts of so for til0 people-as a whole. Through
many observers Thero nro children ono or tlie otjier of them right is sure
undor tho 'teens who havo lost their i (0 prevail. Omaha Bee.
. I . 1 . . l.IT.T 11.1 1 . ...l.r. .
havo forgotten how to read and write,
how to speak, how to smile, and
these aro "tho Hopo of Franco!"
Only tho most precious caro can
pavo them. Healthy surroundings,
nursing, schools, guidanco In work,
thoso are tho only medicine. Franco
is doing what sho can, but Franco is
hugely burdened; and wo must aid as
wo should aid, nnd nld now for
each passing week sees mnny a child
laid under tho popples who might have
been saved to Franco. Tho martyrs of
tho war are the Childron. But it is a
martyrdom that can bo stopped. AVo
can stop it, and wo shall know In the
future the roward of a noblo grntltudo.
This campaign for funds has tho en
dorsement of Rov. Mackintosh, com
mander of tho local (post of tho Amer
ican Legion.
Early showing of spring stylos In
vomon's suits, coats and dresses now
horo for your Inspection nt The Load
er Mor. Co.
For Salo
3 room house and corner lot, plenty
of shado trees, oloctric lights and
wator In houso. Can give possession
at once. Call nt 221 So. "Walnut st. or
phono Red 310. 11-4
1 1 v
Divine Services Episcopal Church
Second Sunday in Lent.
Holy communion 8 a. m.
Church school and bible class 0:45
n. m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11:00
o clack.
Church school Northsido 3 p. m.
Evening prayer and sermon 7:30.
Lonton sorvlcos In church-Wednes
day at 4 ip. in.; Friday at 7:30 p. m
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Northsido.
The Koarnoy Military Academy, fol
lowing tho flro of last week, when tne
boating plant nnd laundry was des
troyed, installed a number or stoves
which are noting us tomporary heat
ing apparatus. An effort will bo mndo
to finish tho school tonn undor this
handicap, as tho school management
is considering oxtonstvo chnnges to
tho heating arrangemont when a now
plant Is orectod.
Itetrlsterctl SuffolkStalUon
for salo or trade. ".'6fihT"1650, six
years old. Inquire- of Albert A. Glnnpp
Brndv. 10tf
Street Parade Daily.
Science and Soap Bubbles.
Sir James Dewar, the English pro
fessor of chemistry, who has mndo
soap bubble? which ho kept Intnct for
more than a year, says that when a
soap bubble becomes very old, sny In
threo or four days, It offers tho only
possible example of tho molecule vis
ible to the nuked eye. In tho soup
bubble ordinarily thero arc tibout 100
layers of molecules, but scientific treat
ment has produced black bpots In
which there Is only n single layer, so
thin that'SIr .Tames estimates that It
would tako one and one-third mil
lion like It superimposed to make an
McDonald State Bank.
of North Platte, Charter No. C17 in the
State of Nebraska at the close of bus
Ineas Fob. 14. 1920.
Loans and discounts $513,941. 35
Overdrafts G.443.15
Bonds, securities, Judgments
claims, etc., Including all
Koverninent bonds 34,274.61
Uanklnp house, furniture
and ilxtures 1G.9D0.65
Other real estate 7, C00. 22
Cash Items 22,200.80
Due from nat'l and
state banks ...197,504.66 '
Checks and items
of exchange ... 6,943,00
Curronoy 9,440.00
Gold Coin 690.00.
Silver, nickels and
cents 5,905.42
Liberty loan boiuls
held as cash re-
serve 10,000.00 230,483.08
Put Over.
"The gentleman disclaims nnj
knowledge of n huge slush fund spenl
In his behalf."
"Aud you will observe he does sc
without rancor."
"Quito so. I also observe that the
gentleman was elected, which mny ex
plain the absence of rancor."
Salt in Holland.
Holland has begun to produce snli
from wells drilled experimentally in
two provinces and mny be able to ob
tain enough for all of Its needs.
Total 98.-l),802.S(l
Capital stock paid In $100,000.00
Surplus fund 20,000.00
Undilded prints, net 8,436.97
Individual depos
its subject to
Demand certifi
cates of depos
its ..-
Time certificates
of deposit . . ,
Certified checks
Duo to Natlonnl
and state banks 21.435.54 72S.0R3 9.7
Depositor's guaranty fund 6,281,96
Total $sr,o,802.8H
State of Nobras, County of Lincoln, ss.
I, W. E. Starr, cashier of the above
named bank do hereby swear that tho
above statoment Is a correct and true
aopy of the report made to tho Stato
Hanking Hoard.
"W. E. STARR, Cashier.
"W. H. MCDONALD, Director.
J. 11. MCDONALD, Director.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo
this 20th day of Fobruaray. 1920.
Notary Public.