The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1920, Image 11

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when they started calling him Al. When he was six, his father died, and Ids
mother, wllh the children and no money, opened n candy store. When Al was
thirteen he went to work in an oil store, quitting four years later to clerk
in the Fulton fish market.
The district leader got 1dm a Job as server of jury notices nt $1,000 a year.
Then he married a Cherry street girl, sister of a pollcemun. They took n
four-room tenement In Peck Slip and the first baby was born there In 1001,
when Al was twenty-eight.
At forty-five Al Smith was governor of the state of New York.
The Japanese question comes up
frequently In congress. Senator Gore
of Oklahomu (portrait herewith) has
introduced a joint "resolution In tho
nature of a proposed amendment to
tho Constitution. The resolution
reads In part : "No person other than
a citizen of the United States shall bo
entitled to vote for Senators and Rep
resentatives In Congress or for elec
tors to choose a President and a Vice
President when such electors are
chosen by direct vole of the people."
Senntor Chamberlain of Oregon
read Into the record a memorial from
the Oregon legislature favoring an
nmendmcnt to the fourteenth amend
ment of tho Constitution providing
that' children born In the United
States of parents who are not citizens
and cannot acquire citizenship by nat
uralization shall not become citizens
by reason of birth.
At the senate committee
regarding the entry of Japanese, Senator Phelan of Cnliromla announced that
he had prepared a bill excluding Jnpanese. Chairman Colt questioned the
wisdom of such a proposal because of the present International situation, but
Senntor Phelan said he thought tho question should be settled at this time
Senator Gore said the United States made a mistake In debating tho Im
migration question with Japan when It first came up.
of the Chicago Federal Heserve bank and was one of the excess profits ad
visers of the treasury department.
Heduce the number of middlemen, ellmlnnte usehjss employees and en
courage their return to the farms to help Increase production of food. That
was the message brought to the capital by tho new secretary of agriculture.
It took a Chicago jury but 23 min
utes to hear the story of Miss Innls
K. Hopkins of St. Louis In her $50,000
breach of promise suit against Elliott
It. Andrews, treasurer of the Slgnodo
System, Inc.
For each minute spent In hearing
the case the Jury awarded Miss Hop
kins $1,000 $23,000 In all.
Mr. Andrews, who broke his en
gagement to Miss Hopkins to marry
his stenographer, did not contest the
"It was in February, 301-1, thnt
Mr. Andrews nsked mo to marry him,"
testified Miss Hopkins. "I had met
lilin nt many social affairs In St. Louis
and I accepted him. The engagement
was announced at a luncheon, given
at tho homo of Mrs. Frederick Gard
ner, tho wife of tho governor of Mis
souri. I spent $!,000 on my trousseau.
.1,000 In entertaining friends of Mr.
Andrews and exhausted my bank ac
count In prepnrlng for the wedding."
Miss Hopkins' story was corroborated by her mother. Attorneys pre
sented a copy of a telegram sent by Mr. Andrews to Mrs. Gardner In which
he announced his engagement to Mlsa Hopkins.
It lias been n long time since an
Horatio Alger has had a current In
spiration for one of those racy, Amor
lean "From Canal Boy to President"
stories, for strictly modern Instances
of "tatters" reaching the White House
have been strikingly lacking.
But if Alfred E. Smith, chief exec
utive of the state of New York, and
familiarly known as "Governor Al,"
should by trick of fate or politics nr
rlvo there in 3021, all the old Lincoln
Garfield brand of romance may Imme
diately be revived.
"Al" Smith, although modern as
George Ade, Is as plebeian as Abe Lin
coln. Although of rich New York, ho
was born as poor as the rall-splltter,
and his father's Bowery tenement had
no more graces than the little Lincoln
Alfred Smith's birthplnce was In
tlio center of the famous Fourth ward.
He was about three years old
Edwin T. Meredith of Des Moines,
Iowa, (portrait herewith) has become
a member of the Wilson cabinet, suc
ceeding David F. Houston ns secre
tary of agriculture. Mr. Houston was
sworn in ns secretary of the treasury,
replacing Cnrter Glass, who took his
seat In the senate to fill out the un
expired term of the late Senator Mar
tin of Virginia.
These changes lenve only four of
tho orlglnnl members of President
Wilson's olllclnl family, and one of
these, Franklin K. Lane, secretary of
tho Interior department, has an
nounced thnt he will retire to private
life. The others are Secretary of the
Navy Daniels, Postmaster General
Burleson sund Mr. Houston.
Mr. Meredith, the new agricul
tural department head. Is the editor
of Successful Farming and president
of the Associated Advertising Clubs
of the World. He also Is a director
MOTHERS owe a rising voto ot
thanks to the resourceful and In
genious creators of children's clothes
.his spring. First, becnuso these
clothes arc so simple and pretty, nnd
next, because they are so well made.
Even a fastidious needlewoman enn
content herself with ready-made clothes
Tor her children. But If the ready
made things are higher-priced thnn
suits her, then she enn copy them nt
home, buying materials from the mer
chants near her and gratefully follow
ing the lend of skillful and keen
designers who spend their time think
ing up wnys for making children's
clothes. One would have to bo u born
genius to outdo them, and why take
tho responsibility of designing ns well
ns sewing nt home?
The little maid in tho neighborhood
of twelve years and her smaller sis
ter of eight, or thereabout shown In
the picture nbove find themselves
dressed In perfect tnste. Nothing
Straws in the
0 one has been nble to llguro out
Just why It Is thnt women take to
millinery that anticipates spring and
no one enn doubt thnt they do wear it.
With charming audacity a few straw
hats courageously make their appear
nnco along with .Tnnunry thaws in the
coldest sections of the country nnd In
the South they enter, to remain. It Is
tho tourist's millinery tho resort hats
probably that entice even the stay-at-homes
Into discarding their midwinter
hendwear and donning something that
has a promlso of spring In It.
Spring millinery is a survival of the
fittest among the ninny and diverse
styles thnt appear nt tho winter re
sorts, with the addition of models In
which variations In the use of mate
rials appear. Already the seal of ap
proval Is set on the hats that appear
in the group pictured nbove hats of
the simpler sort, having, with ono ex
ception, soft outlines. All of them, hut
tho wide-brimmed model, mny be
placed in the clnss of street hats and
this one Is to be Included In the list of
"pnstimo hots" those glorified sport
hats of gay and beautiful colors and
tine mnterlals. This particular cxamplo
Is mnde of alternating rows of narrow
faille ribbon nnd n braid, In light green,
with a pin-wheel rosette of the ribbon
for adornment. It Is faced with whlto
tngal and may be worn with sport
clothes or other summer upparel.
In tlto dark hat, with feather orna
ment at the side, thero Is n splendid
example of liatr-cloth millinery. The
more unusual than chambray was se
lected for these delightful frocks and,
both of them employ a pretty, old
thney finish in overlapping points of
white cotton, made by folding nnd sew
ing down strips of whlto material.
It might bo of any of the durnble cot
ton fabrics lawn, batiste, percale, or
Peter Pan cloth according to tho de
gree of daintiness or durability Unit
the maker may have in mind.
Tho dress for the older girl Is n
straight-lined model with kimono
sleeves, and little signs of needlework
embellish It. Tho nnrrow belt of black
patent lenther must not be overlooked.
The other dress has a long blouse and
a little how of black ribbon nt the
throat. Elbow sleeves belong to both,
nnd, Judging from their millinery,
these two children are considered to
he quite dressed up In the simplest of
frocks. This ldeu Is borne out by
their footwear.
Spring Winds
baud about the crown shows cello
phune over white ribbon and the hand
some feather ornament seems to have
been created for this hat. The soft
Breton sailor mndo of loops of braid
and georgette crepe Is u lovely hat nnd
undertakes to outshine the plain blind
ed sailor of brilliant straw which Is
perfectly sure of holding Its own.
Many Wraps Are White.
For southern wenr many of the
wraps being prepared by the specialty
shops follow the mode of the old time
French enpo known as the "vlslte.""
This was a qunlnt, long, nnrrow affair
gathered up about the neck. This model
was followed out nt one place in whlto
velvet gathered to a hand of ermine
and lined with pomogrunnte red crepe
do chine. White wraps are, by the
way, being exploited much for the
Florldn resorts. So nro tho blnck ones.
Both depend for their beauty largely
on vlvld linings of orange nnd citron
and rose and henna.
Belts Little Used.
Tho voguo for belts Is decidedly on
the wune. A belted effect Is given,
however, by clover cut, nnd much In
genuity Is exercised In this direction.
Show mo ft man who doesn't nmko
mistakes and I will show you a man
who docBn't do things. Theodore
Thus do all things preach tho Indlf
forenco of circumstances. Tho man Is
till. Emerson.
Every housekeeper who plans tho
tnoals should lmvo n clenr understand
ing of tho quali
ties of fruit and
teach theso to her
c h 1 1 d r o n. Sho
should know that
fruit Is not n lux
ury but n neces
sity. Tho acid
fruits are:
Lemon Excesslvo citric ncld, nntl
bilious, potash salts, lime and mag
Orange Moderate citric ncld, laxn
tlvo, valuable.
Grapefruit Excesslvo citric ncld,
bitter tonic, purifying.
Strawberry Citric nnd malic ncld,
nntlblllous, potash, lime, soda.
Cherry Tonic.
Cranberry Citric ncld, Iron, tonic.
Currant Citric ncld.
Gooseberry Citric ncld and mnllc
Blackberry Iron, constipating.
Sub ncld fruits:
Apple Malic acid, phosphates, lax
Mivc, sugar.
Pear Iron, potash Brits, very laxa
tive, sugar.
Pcnch, nprlcot Lnxatlvo, nnd sugan
Plum Very laxative, nitrogen, sugar.
Grapes Tartaric and phosphoric
acids, potash salts, Iron, excesslvo
Raisin Dried grapes, moro laxntlvo
Mian fresh grapes.
Plnenpplo Natural pepsin, sugar.
Raspberry, loganberry, huckleberry
Mild, refreshing, moderate sugar.
Elderberry Astringent and me
dlclnnl. Starch and Sugnr Fruits:
Bntiana Constipating, excessive
Fig Very laxative sugar, protein.
Dale Excesslvo sugar, protein.
Alligator pear Oil, starch.
Melon Refreshing, sugar, purifying.
Such fruits ns water npd musk, mel
ons contain upward of 05 per cent of
wntcr. Tho flavor is agreeable nnd in
hot weather they are especially re
freshing. The value of fruits In season cannot
bo overestlmnted. Dried fruits com
pare with cereals, says Langworthy.
Cheerfulness, looking always on tho
bright slda of thlngH, .determined to
always stnnd In tho sunalilno, rather
than the shadow this It Is that makes
llfo, with Its knotty problems, contin
ually oaslor. It's the "oil of gladness"
that helps In doing tho work,
Thrift has become tho slognn, nnd to
practlco It we must Increnso our
knowlcdgo In re
gard to suitable
s u b s t itutcs for
costly foods
which wo have
been used to re
gard as common
nnd cheap. Mont
Is tho great ex
pense in many households. Try using:
Baked Calf's Liver. Wash and care
fully remove tho tough portions and
lard with small strips of salt pork.
Dust with salt and pepper and brown
In hot pork fat. Cover with one cup
ful of hot water and put Into n hot
oven, hasting twlco during tho half
hour's baking. The last hasting use
one tnblespoonful of flour with two ta
blespoonfuls of thick sour cream ; sea
son well nnd serve.
Spiced Sauce for Suet or Bread Pud
ding. Mix well two lablespoonfuls of
cornstarch and one cupful of sugar;
ndd one pint of boiling wnter, tho
juice and rind of u lemon, one tnble
spoonful of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls
of butter and ono tenspoonful of mixed
spices. Cook well before adding the
butter, lemon nnd vinegar.
Squash Muffins. Mix together three
cupfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of
sugnr, four teaspoonfuls of baking
powder; ndd ono cupful of dry sifted
squiish with half a cupful of milk, ono
egg and another half cupful of milk.
Add two tablespoonfuls of finely-chop
ped suet, melted. Bent thoroughly and
inke In well greased muffin pans in a
hot oven 25 minutes.
Peach Blrd'o Nest Pudding. Put n
layer of canned peaches In n well-but
tered pie plate and pour over them a
one-egg cake mixture. Bnko In n hot
oven until the cake is done. Remove
the cake from the oven and turn up
side down on a hot plate. Sprlnklo
with sugar, dot with butter and finish
with n grating of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Serve hot.
Ham a la Itallenne. Tnko n two
pound slice of ham cut one Inch In
thickness, Plnco In n frying pan and
over It slice four smnll onions, cover
with a pint of tomnto nnd u generous
sprinkling of snlt nnd pepper with hnlf
n cupful of wnter. Cover and bnko an
fiour or longer In a modernto oven. Re
move the hum to n hot platter and
thicken the tomato nnd ftit In tho pan
-with n tnblespoonful of flour mixed
with n little wnter.
Corn-Meal Puffs. Take one tnbjo-
no resolutely nnd faithfully what
you are, bo humbly what you aspire
to bo.
Man's, noblest gift to man Is his sin
cerity, for It embraces his Integrity
also, Henry Thoreau. (,
For those who like tho old-fash
ioned buttermilk soup, tho following
will appeal :
Mulled Butter,
milk. Tnko five
cupfuls fof but
termilk. Stir
one tnblespoonful
of flour with n
little of the milk,
add to tho but
termilk nnd cook until boiling hot.
Add sugnr, clnnnmou or nutmeg to
Caraway Bread. Pour two cupfuls
of scalded milk on two tnblespoon
fuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt,
add two tablespoonfuls of shortening;
when lukewnrm add ono ycnBi enko
dissolved In hnlf n cupful of snlt wa
ter, then ndd six cupfuls of ryo flour,
two tablespoonfuls of caraway seed.
Knend, using ono and one-half cup
fuls of whole whent flour. Rise nnd
shnpo In loaves.
Brown Nut Bread. Take two cup
fuls of buttermilk, two cupfnlo of grn
hnm flour, one cupful of wheat flour,
ono-hnlf enpful of tnolnsses, ono table
spoonful of sugar, ono tenspoonful of
soda, ono-hnlf tenspoonful of snlt, ono
cupful of raisins, ono nnd one-half
cupfuls of walnut meats. Mix and
hake in n modernto oven.
Kidney Beans With Sour Cream.
Cook tho beans ns usual. Then ndd
tho cream to moisten thoroughly.
Place over a slow flro and simmer ono
hour. Add snlt nnd nermcr to tnste.
8auce for Fish. Sour cream, using
half as much of sour crenm ns grated
horseradish; add sugar, salt nnd n
dash of popper. Serve with Oah or
boiled beef.
Ham Tlmbals. Dissolve n tnble
spoonful of gelatin in half n cupful of
hot wnter, ndd two cupfuls of cold
boiled hnm, chopped. Season with
mustard, cayenne, then add one-lmlf
cupful of henvy cream, beaten stiff.
Turn Into n mold, chill, nnd when
molded serve with
Lucullus Sauce. Bent one-half cup
ful of heavy crenm until stiff, ndd
three tablespoonfuls of mnyonnnlso
dressing, two tablespoonfuls of grntcd
horseradish, two tablespoonfuls of
vinegar, ono tenspoonful of mndo mus
tard, one-hnlf teaspoonful of salt ana
n dash of cayenne.
There Is no friend llko an old friend.
"Who hnH shared our morning days.
No greeting llko his welcome.
No honmgo llko his praise.
Oliver W. Holmes:
We frequently rend of the capable
and systematic housewife who, having
nn unexpected
group of friends
drop in, goes to
her lco chest or
pantry nnd greets
n cold fowl, (i
hunch of celery, n
J n r of mayon
nnlso, which she
quickly prepares into n most dclcctnble
snlad. With rolls, cako, coffco and pro-
serves sho sets before her guests n
most dainty luncheon.
This reads well, hut tho slmplo fact
Is this prenchlng Isn't sanctioned by
practice, for most women In such nn
emergency do not meet n cold cooked
fowl fnco to face, but n bnro cupboard1
and the necessity of beginning with
the flour bnrrel, rather thnn n well
stocked larder, to preparo n mcnl.
Anybody, efficient or otherwise, vvltlr
n well-stocked pnntry might prepare air
acceptable meal, but tho woman who
finds a dish of cold potatoes, flanked
by n tough and world-weary steak, and
still looks out on llfo cheerfully, In
both nn optimist and a genius.
To fortify this optimism nn emer
gency shelf is lndlspensnblc. Even
whore the corner grocery Is near or
the telephone at hand ono cannot nl
ways provide for nn emergency. Each
housekeeper will stock her shelf with
the foods, accessories nnd relishes es
pecially ndapted to her needs.
A few cans of fish such ns salmon,
tuna, snrdtnes nnd lobster, which mny
be served hot, cold or In salads or In
combination with vegetables as a malu
dish, cans of corn, beans, pens, enns
of soup, olives, pickles, n Jnr of salad
dressing, n bottle of nutmegs, with Jel
lies, Jams and a pnekago or two of
crackers nnd n Jnr of cheese. When
any food Is used It Is replaced at the
enrllest opportunity, so thnt the sup
ply will always be full for the chanco
Two or three kinds of cookies stored
In air-tight Jars will keep for n long
time. A few cookies with n dish of
fruit, n cup of ten or coffee is n des
sort which Is sufficiently satisfying for
the most exnctlng.
The fortunnte ones who live In tho
country nnd hnve plenty of milk, crenm,
butter and eggs, find it easy to pre
pare delicious dishes In short order.