t 1BA h nllE,' Editor nnd Publisher subscription rates: Ono If car by Mall, In udrunco. .81.76 Onb Year by Cnrrlor, in advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nobrauka Postofflce as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, FKIUIUAKY 21, 1020. LINCOLN COUNTY EVENTS AND PERSONAL MENTION (Condensed from County Exchanges.) An examination ror postmaster ni Brady was hold last woek, with David Johnson as tho only applicant. Other parties considered tho proposition but on account of long hours, hard work and poor pay declined to tondor tholr services. Henry George of- Brady attended a Bale of Whltoface oattlo at Grand Inl and last week and purchased two thoroughbred heifers for hlmsolf nnd ono for J. F. Schafor. Carl Schmld of tho Bamo place purchased four thoroughbred Whltefacos at a sale ur. Gothenburg. Residents of tho section west of Wallace mot last week and organized two telephones companies. A line will bo extended from Wallace to EI slo. Six cars of poles and fifty miles of wlro wero ordered. Owing to the prcvalonco of the flue in tho country surrounding Wallace tho plcturo show In that town was closed last weok. G. W. Hooker, of Hampton, la., for whom Hooker precinct was named, visited Wallace last week. He lived north of that town many years ago. H. B. Olson f Maxwell has ac cepted a position with the Farmers' Stato Bank at Wallace. Forty now residences wero built In i Sutherland last year, and It Is ox- pooled that as many, if not more, will bo orccted this year. Tho Amorlcan legion post at Suth erland will bo known as Otto V. John son Post No. 208. P. J. Lowis and family of Suther land will" soon loavo for a visit in Ireland, which country Mr. Lowis loft i twolvo years ago. Bon RlchardB, Henry Cokor, Mrs. Fred Myors, Mrs. J. B. Crabill and Afra'fvjW.' A. Hossnck wero in North Plaltq' last Wednesday tolling the clvilBorvico examination for the Suth erland postofflco. :;o:. Stylish stouts la everything at tho StylOAShop. POMK NORTH PLATTE EVENTS THIRTY.riVi: YEARS AfiO (From The Tribune Fob. 21, 1836.) The Tribune said: "Alex Stroltz. who used to bo ono of North Platte's most popular boys, will return to this oily In a couplo of week and as sume his old position in LeFll'n- drug store." A surprise party was tondorpd Miss Norn O'Connor at tho Wm. Grady home The Trlbuno gavo the names of the young people attondlng and of the list only four are now residents Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald, and Messrs. Clinton and Bare. The Dlstol & Kriekson brewery in Hie south part of town passed into th hands of Waldo & Landgrnf. Mrs. M. J. Macklo had received cor sage boquots from Now York which she was soiling at $6.00 ouoh. Tho seventeen-day old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Church died of brain fever. An Injunction had boon granted re straining tho town marshal from kill ing unllsconscd dogs. Tho Lloyd skating rink was opined and the oponlng was attonded by a largo and gay crowd. The building cost $1,000. Mr. Lloyd announced that later he will build n stage In the north end of tho building. Roller skating was the craze, and Bare contributed the only rhyme he over wroto. It run this way: Tho girl stood on tho rollor skates, But then sho could not go; Sho was afraid to tompt tho fates Because she wobbled so. Sho called aloud, "Say! Chawloy, say! Do como help mo along!" But Chawley went the othor way. Because his legs went wrong; Thoro came a crash a thunder sound. Tho girl, O, where was sho? Ask of the giddy youth around, Who viewed her hosiery. Tho government directors of tho Union Pacific in their report said: "During tho year thero have boon two strikes by ompioyos connected with tho repair department. An order re ducing the pay of ompioyos caused one and an order reducing tho force In one of tho shops caused tho othor." Tho englno for tho Sporry electric light works had arrived and tho boiler was expected In a few days. A man who had lived In the county for nineteen years remarked; "For-a steady and cold winter this Is tho worst ono Wo have had since I camo to tho county." Miss Pansy A. Mooro, of Ogalalla, a westorn Nebraska bello, was married to J. D. Soltz, or Kansas City. Quite a number of land seekers wore In town, tho ndvanco gunrd, The Trlb- "Fll be your partner for this number" Chesterfield GOMPANIONSHIP in a cig orette? Yes, sir! It's in ChcstcrGelds, sure as you live. Chesterfields begin where other cigarettes leave off. They not only dense they "Satisfx!" Mm R. A. PHILLIPS Heating and Plumbing Co. Kmtcataasaseixi ' Wo will be ready to do all kinds of Heating and Plumbing work after March 1st, and will gladly give esti mates on all wprlc. All Material Used Will Be of Fabst Grades and the work will be done by thorough, competent work men and will bo guaranteed In every respect If you aro contemplating building or remodeling lot lis flguro on your work, wo will try to make yqu reason able prices both for new work or repair. No job too largo, none too small. PJiono lied 158. Itesidonco 1308 East 0th St. HAY Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow OWEN MOORE IN "Piccadilly Jim" H was gay, advonteroug -sho was young nnd beautlful-and sho neodfid li!s Imji;. Shit got it nnd his hoar: as well. A sparkling, rollicking comedy rncianr.o nken from the slory Iv. The Saturday Evening Post. Special tonight Comedy Whoso Little Wife Are You! '.mo said, of the groat army who will bo hero In a fow weeks seeking homos in this rich agricultural region. In a recent shooting faot Doc Carver out of G5.000 blocks of wood thrown In tho nir hit G0.02G. Tho blocks wero thrown in tho air at the rate of twenty-live a mlnuto, and Doc would shoot them before they fell. ::o:: MAKES NEW USE OF ECHOES Inventor's Idea May Do Away With the Old Practice Known as ''Heaxing the Lead' An Inventor In Oakland. Cal., hns found n new hnd practical use for echoes, nnd as a result tho tlmo may como when the practice- of "heaving the lend" at sea will bo knovn only In historical novels nnd old maritime history. The marlmeter, ns tho new device Is called, sends n sound from tho keel of the ship to the bottom of the sea: tho sound comes back ns nn echo, nnd the Journey, automatically recorded on n diaphragm, Is translated Into terms of length. The report shows the depth of water between keel and bottom, calculated from tho known speed of the sound-wave In'salt water, and the knowledge may be acquired nt the rate of four, soundings n minute, which Is very much faster thnn by tho older methods. The marlmeter, to be sure, has only recently gone to sen, If Indeed the steamer Governor, which will carry the first of them, has yet left dry dock In Seattle, Wash. But the instrument promises to add ma terially to tho security of ocean traf We Buy and Sell S in our Prices. TIE HARRINGTON IER.C0. Insures Crusoe's Musket., t iit The musket said to, have been glv.jfj to Alexander Selkirk when he wns,pjj ashore on the Island of Juan Fernan dez, -100 miles off the Chilean const, has been going tho rounds of British museums. It was Selkirk's adventures upon which was based Do Foe's famous story, "Robinson Crusoe." The musket Is Inscribed with the name of "A. Sel kirk Largo, 1771." It was purchased by Randolph Borons for $0.25. but the owner has Insured It for $10,000. Selkirk owned a tavern near Clap- ham, England, but died In 1723 nt sea as a lieutenant aboard a naval vessel. Mennonltes Make Trouble. &n The Mennonltes in Cnnada aro light ing the compulsory school law, Insist ing on sending their children to their own parochial schools. As a result, a little schoolma'am has sat at her desk In n schoolroom in central Saskatche wan dnlly since September 1, waiting In vain for pupils to come to occupy tho empty benches. PUKE BRED POLAND CHINA SOW SALE Wo wish to aimounco that on March 15th wo will havo a salo of Pure Bred Poland Chtna Sows at North Plntto. C. J. LANDHOLM & SON, GLAUS ANDERSON. F2-5 ::o:: For Sale. Sovon room houso and two lots, house all modorn except heat; barn nnd garage; ono lot In fruit troas. In quire nt Tho Trlbuno. 9-4 !) room houso and cornor lot, plenty of similes troos, electric lights and wntor in houso. Can give possession at onco. Call at 221 So. Walnut st. or phono Red 310. 11-4 A SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF Chicago Kahn Bros., Tailors That Satisfy, thoroughly experienced in the tailoring business and fully posted regarding the latest styles, will display at our store on February 26, 27 and 28 an extensive line of fashionable Woolfand Worsted Suitings, Palm Beaches, Mohairs, Tropicals and other latest fabrics for Spring and Summer 1920 COME IN and select your new garments from large size woolens. Have your measurements taken in a scientific manner and receive expert advice regard ing latest fashions for men. Choose your favorite fabric, while the picking is good. Time of delvery will be arranged to suit your own conven ience. Correct fitting, dependably tailored and rightly priced gar ments, absolutely guaranteed. HARRY SAMUELSON. Sentenced to Penitentiary. In tho January 8th issue of this pa per thoro was an artlclo published re garding two young men living in the vicinity of Paxton who stolo a Ford car at Fullorton. Nob., and drovo same to Julesburg, Col., sold the car for ?425.00, wero captured nt Julesburg and returned to Fullerton to stand trial for tho theft. Theso two young men's names wore Mote Bradford of Paxton and tho oth er ono was a, young man by tho name of Waters, who lived south of Paxton. They, wore tried in the courts of Nanco county, Nebraska, and were sentenced to tho stato prison for a term of from one to seven years at hard labor. Ogallala Nows. ::o:: Wanted Man and wife wanted to talco charge of the Platto Valley irri gation ditch. House furnished, with opportunity for keeping cow, chickens and having garden patch. Applv to J. C. Wilson, 405 west Third street, North Platto. 13tf ::oi: , Extension to Rond No. 2S.1, nnd Vacating Road No. 300. To Whom It May Concern: Tho consent petition tcf extend Road No. 285 and to vacate Rbad No. 300, signed by Scott Shanor and 9 others has been filed in tho office or tho County Clerk, In words and figures as follows: Commencing at tho quarter sectloil corner In the center of the west lino of Section 1, Township 12, Range 29, running thence east on tho north sldo of tho cast and west center Hue of sai(l section, 40 feet wide, to tho center oi said section, wo further ask that the 40 foot road commencing whero the north and south center line of said section intersects tho north line of said section running thence south to tho center of said section be vacated. All claims for damages and objec tions to tho establishing and vacating of above roads must bo filed in tho of fico of tho County, Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 30th day of April, 1920, or said roads will be allowed without roference thereto. Witness my hand and official eal this 24th day of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN. f24 County Clerk. Moro and More Toilet Soap Scarcity in toilet soaps, has long been forgotten. They aro coming in fastor all the time. More and more of thorn arriving overylng every month. All of tho old favorite tollot soaps and many of the noweet Importod nnd do mestlc kinds are now bolng shown. Gumm'ere-Dent Drug Co Mrs. M. Henry Gilfoyl Instructor In VOICE OULTyitU and THE ART OF SINGING Phono Rd 1101 v Rwldouou StUlllo, WoM Ird St INCORPORATED 1887., Mutual Building and Loan Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at ils command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you ' are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday ovoning meetings every week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend theso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Attachment Notice. William Adair will take notice that on tho 2d day of February, 1920, Paul G. Moyer, a justice of the peace of Lincoln county, Nebraska, Issued an ordor of attachment for the sum or $13.55 in an action pending before hi in wherein The Star Clothing Company, a corporation, is plaintiff, arfd Wil liam Adair is defendant; that prop erty of the defendant consisting of a Ford delivery car 1ms been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 15th day of March, 1920, at 9 o'clock a m, THE STAR CLOTHING COMPANY By, E. J. Vandorhoof, President. uroc Jersey Bred Sow Sale 3S Proven Sows and Gilts University of Nebraska NORTH PLATTE SUB-STATION Under the Auspices of the Western Neb. Brooders Ass"n (larch 17 Wednesday See Our Herd Boar North Platte. Great Orion Sensation Sired by the Greatest Hog of the Breed GREAT ORION SENSATION Grand Champion oi the World. SALE TO BE HELD AT Experimental Station Horse Barn ' Three Miles South of North Platte Commencing at 1:30 P. W., Central Time tt R. I. CHAPPELL, Auct. C. P. KILDAHL, Clerk. Must Change Location. . Chance to buy a good homo cheap. Good seven room houso, wash house, garage, coal house and other Improve ments; 6 good lots, 3 blocks east and 7 blocks south of the 10c store. Price $4000. F. H. Woodgate, Phone Black 149. n.5 NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate No. 1735 of Nels C. Rasmussen, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said estate take no tice that a petition has beon filed for the appointment of Josie C. Rasmus sen as administratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on March 19th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in. Dated February 21st, 1920. (iSEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f24ml2 County Judge, ii Notico to Creditors Estate No. 1722 of Georgo E. Rogers, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is Juno 2Gth. 1920, and for settlement of said ostato is February 20th, 1921; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on March 2Gth, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 2Gth, 1920, at 10 o'clock a, m., to re ceive, oxamine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly fllen. (SEAL) AVM. H. C. WOODHURST. f24m!9 County Judge. Notice to Creditors Estate No. 1721 of Sheldon C. Are comber, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said ostato is June 26th. 1920, and for settlement of said estate is February 20th, 1921; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on March 2Gth, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 2Gth, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m., to re ceive, oxamine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objootlons duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, f24m!9 County Judge Notice of Petition Estate No. 1734 of E. R. Raworth, de ceased In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested in said ostato take no tice that n petition has been filed for tho appointment of David Lanhnm as administrator of said ostate, which has boon sot for hearing heroin on March 19. 1920, at 9 o'olock n. m. Dated February 19, 1920. ' (SEAL) WM. IL C. WOODHURST, f34m12 County JiufSe.