The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1920, Image 8

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    vnu'rir TTi attp vmi wvvki v ttmwtvv
Five million people Btf
use it to KILL. COL.D5
Standard cold remedy or 20 yett
in tauici luiui suit, ijw
OPiaies orcaas up a com in c
hours relieve crip in J ojyi.
Monty dick ii ii mil. me
genuine box n a Ken
top wicii mr, um
At All Drag Start
Reg U S.Pat OfT
An antiseptic
dressing for cuts,
sores, etc.
A necessity
where there
are children.
fatatc Street New Vork
Suffer from
Mlllloni of people suffer year after year
from aliment affecting practically every
Prt of the body, never dreamlnic that their
111 health can be traced directly to acid,
itomach. Here In the reaaon: poor dictation
meana poor nourishment of the different
organs and tlatuea of ton body. The blood la
Impoverished becomes woak, thin, alugtclah,
Ailments of many kinds spring from such
conditions. Biliousness, rheumatism, lum.
fearo, sciatica, general weakness, loss ot
power and energy, headache, Insomnia,
nervousness, mental depression even mors
serious ailments such an catarrh and cancer
of the stomach. Intestinal ulcers, cirrhosis
of the liver, heart trouble all of these car
often be traced directly to acid-stomach.
Keep a sharp lookout for the first symp
toms of acid-stomach Indigestion, heart
burn, belching, food repeating, that awful
painful bloat after eatlnr. and sour, gassy
stomach. BATONIC. the wonderful modern
remedy for acid-stomach, la guaranteed to
bring quick relief from these stomach mis
rles. Thousands say they never dreamed
that anything could bring such speedy relief
and make them feel so much tbetter In
ry way. Try BATONIC and you. too.
will be just aa enthuslastlo In Its praise.
Make your life worth living no aches ot
pains no blues or melancholy no more of
that tired, listless feeling. lie well and
itronr, Get back your physical and mental
pu.r;oni your vim, vigor and vitality. You
will always be weak and ailing as long as
Take BATONIC Tablets they taste good
you eat them like a bit of candy. Tour
druggist has BATONIC JO cents fir a big
boi. Get a box from him today and If you
r not satisfied he will refund your money.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
Th world's standard remedy (or these
disorders, will often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Three) sizes, nit druggists.
Look for tho name Gold Medal on avoir bo
nd accept do Imitation,
To Preserve
and keep all
household linen
spotlessly white
and in perfect
condition uso
Red Cross
Ball Blue
in the laundry
every week.
Nothing else will
take its place and nothinu else
is just as good. All grocers, 5c
roii ha a iir..s r coiin i-ajimh in mo
Vell located. Triers right. Terms eas
WrneJoMlst. Wilson A While, Hannibal, Mo
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 7-1020.
It Bit
ic annual ruse festival Is oiu of
shows one of the prettiest llonls In this
loud Lady as
Chief of
Beautiful Woman Who Beguiled
Unwary Into Giving Secrets
to Germans.
At Her Headquarters In Antwerp She
Collected Information Which Was
Forwarded to German Headquar
ters Had Two Accomplices.
Loudon. Mirny details nlimit the
life of the "hlond-halred ladv." who
served as a German chief of spies In
the war, have been given by a colonel
n the I' rench counter esi)lonai;e serv
ice who knew her well, according to
a London Times Paris correspondent.
J his colonel, who was then ii can.
tain, spent some months during the
war at Antwerp and saw most of tho
people who visited the Indv. for It wuh
bis duty to supply these visitors with
raise miornmtlon or true Informal Ion
when too late to use. The chateau.
which tho witnesses at Lille believed
to be outside Antwerp, was In reality
In the center of the city. It was a ho
tel In the boulevard do la Lol. a ma
jestic building which those who were
Drought hllndfoldet In a motor car
with drawn blinds might well have
taien for a chateau in the country
Related to General von Helnrlch.
The hlond-halred ladv was certalnlv
a relative of General von Uelnrich.
though the exact relationship still re
mains uncertain. She was a 1 no worn-
mi, being slim nnd unlike the major
ity of her fellow countrywomen. The
I' ran UoKtor. as she was addressed
by her colleagues, spoke French with
out a trace' or a forolifn accent and
showed by her manner and dress that
she had lived for a long time In
I'rnnce. mid probably In Paris. She
used to address her agents with a
Father Missing, His
Family Lodges in Jail
Los Angeles. Arriving from
Seattle to meet her .husband
here, Mrs. Uuth Anderson, thirty-
four years old. with her four
young children, spent a night In
the care of the matron at the
city Jail. Anderson did not meet
her. as she had telegraphed him
to do.
The only clue to her husband
which the woman had wan tlmr
ho had been working on tho Los
Angeles Hood control project.
Mrs. Anderson and tho four
children, ranging In ages from
ten to fourteen, were taken In
charge at the Southern Pacific
depot by Police Olllcer A.
Sayles. They had had nothing
to eat all day and were without
funds. Sayles gave them a meal
and then took them to Central
Plan War
Germany Said to Be Preparing
for Next Conflict.
Time Will Bring cn Clash, Is Word
of Old and Young of
the Nation.
Berlin. Germany Is preparing for
Its next war.
And Franco Is tho Intended victim.
Just when this attack on the French
Is to tnko place has not been settled
in tho German mind but every Ger
man, no mutter what his ago or sta
tion, says that time Is coming maybe
In ten years, maybe twenty or maybe
But even If there Is doubt as to the
exact time of Germany's effort to
avenge the loss of the world war, thero
does not seem to be felt the least
doubt that vengeance will be visited
the grout features of tho winter H(11S(III
year's parade.
French cigarette between her Hps,
loaning back seductively In a large
armchair, She never spoke harshly,
but. on the contrary, In sweet, even
tones, no doubt gaining much which
her masculine confederates of the Ger
man general stair lost through their
air of brutality.
Accomplices of the German Spy.
Two men lived In the "chateau"
with her, a man who posed as an ICng
llsh fop with a monocle prelemllng to
ho a Journalist on a London paper,
and nn olllcer of the Gorman G. II. Q.
The fop, the French colonel states,
was the proprietor of a hotel In the
same boulevard de la Lol, and tho
German olllcer, ICeffer by niinie, bad
as his last duty the control of tho In
formation upon the allies' submarine
bases at Calais and Dunkirk, nnd tho
numbers' and changes In the north of
France. Tho blond-halred lady, be
sides using part of her time in be
guiling poor unfortunates Into betray
ing their countrymen, collated her In
formation before forwarding It to Germany.
Noah, Not Adam,
Ate the Apple
Delver in Ancient Lore Finds Evi
dence Older Than the
Records In University of Pennsylvania
Provide Apparent History of-'Hu-man
Race Back to 14,000 Years
Before Christ.
Philadelphia, Pa. What tho discov
erer claims to bo evidence older than
the Hlble by " two or three thousand
years, that woman had nothing to -Jo
with the downfall of tho human race,
was produced by the museum of the
University of Pennsylvania In the
form of a now set of translations by
Dr. Stephen Herbert Langdon.
Doctor Langdon is now professor of
Assyrlology at Oxford university, Eng
land. He was for three years curator
of the Babylonian section at the uni
versity museum, and while there stud
led and translated thousands of an
cient clay tablets from the ruins of
Nippur. In ancient Babylonia.
"Noah Ate the Apple."
Tho new book Is the fourth In a
series depicting the religious life of
the atimeiians, a mysterious race, the
origin of which Is unknown, which was
llnally swallowed up by the later Sem
tics. According to one of the Hood sto
ries In the collection Noah ate the
forbidden fruit after be bad been
saved from the deluge.
This salvation was accompllthed, ac
on France
upon the French and that Gormnny
will bo successful In the attempt.
Germany Is not forging arms or
making munitions with than, end In
view Just now. for that would be Im
passible. Hut through propaganda of
tho most poisonous kind the (Ire of
hatred Is being kindled In the German
Every Gorman I met voiced to me
lis laired of France. Every misfor
tune the Germans bavo mot with has
lum laid to the door of the French.
Premier Clemenceau Is bated In Ger
many as no other man ever was.
'Pie mere mention of his name brings direct threats of what Is to
harpon to France.
'P e evil propagandist Is doing his
wnk well, lie Is ronehlng not only
the mind of the adult German, but his
poiMir Is sinking deep into the mind
of the rising generation.
Even young boys give rise to their
hatred and tell how, when thoj grow
111 I'HSMlllMIIl fill Tli,. IIImuI,.,,!,,,..
Every Child In United State3 to Be
Asked to Give Cent for Vic
tory Set.
New Vork. Every child In Ainericn
will be asked to give at least one cent
toward the erection In New Vork of a
set of "victory chlnies," which wid rln-r
out In ('ally reminder of the sacrifices
made by Americans in the war, It was
announced by the newly organized Vic
tory Chimes and Carillon association.
Tho plans call for a series of -IS
bells one for each state in the Union
on which will lie dally a vic
tory anthem composed for children,
"The .itar-Spangled Ilanner" - nnd
"America." A forty-ninth bell, to 'e
the largest bell In the world, would
be sounded only upon the inaugura
tion or death of a president of the
I'nited States.
Meets Sister After Years.
Piilco, Cal. After being parted from
his sister for a period of thirty years,
William Simpson of Vlrden, Manitoba.
Canada, arrived hero yesterday to b
the guest of ids sister, Mrs. L. F. Eg
gers In Cblco Veclno. Simpson Is ac
companied by his wife and son Gor
don, wlio was wounded In action in
France while serving with a Canadian
contingent of the Initlsli nnny In the
world war.
cording to the Suinerlan version, by a
woman deity. There Is no mention ol
any Eve in the story. Clay tablets
from which this and other stories are
taken are said t be at least one thou
sand years older than Kabylonlnn tab
lets. 14.000 Years Before Christ.
After the Suinerlans had been ex
tinguished In their political power, ac
cording to Doctor Langdon. the Baby
lonians retained the language for ec
clesiastical purposes for many centu
ries, Just as Latin Is now used In the
Roman Catholic church.
The Suinerlan records at tho univer
sity provide an appnrent history of
mankind buck to 14.000 years before
Christ, hut this Is not considered ab
solutely authentic, because many of
the reigns of Kings are collateral. The
Suinerlans believed that the patri
arch'?, corresponding to those of the
Old Testament, ruled before the Hood
for KOO.OOO years. According to their
story It was :tri,()O0 years after the del
uge when Cyrus of Persia conquered
Better Late Than Never.
Taunton. Eng. E. A. Bellamy, who
was a prisoner of war In Germnny
and lately returned to his home bore,
partook of a plum pudding recently
that had been sent to him by his wife
in September. 1018.
The pudding was part of the con
tents of a largo parcel mailed by Mrs.
Bellamy to her husband In the prlsor
camp at Iluhleben, Germany. It b&
came lost In the malls and was re
turned to the sender tho day before
Bellamy camo home.
up. they will drive the Frenchman
fr.nn conquered German territory nnd
tlesiioi the French nation.
"Germany soon will be stronger than
France, despite our present condition."
said a German student to me a few
days ago. "Then France hnd better,
watcli out."
Los Anrjeles County Judge" Refuses to
Give Relief to Disturbed
Los Angeles, Cal. Jazz music Is
not a nuisance, according to n decision
by Judge Lewis H. Works, In the Los
Angeles county superior court. The
city of Pnsndcim had brought suit
against a social club, whose neighbors
complained Its Jazz music "Jarred on
their nerves."
"Oiuv Jazz music might have been
construed as n uiilsiinee." Judge Works
said, "it Is no longer construed.
If the music disturbed the residents ol
the neighborhood. I ne .-irr. but tins
court cannot give tlwm relict'."
Stop Whipping Bowels
into Activity, but
take "Cascarets"
Put aside the Salts, Pills. Castor Oil,
or Purgative Waters that Irritate nnd
lns',1 tho bowels Into nctlon but which
do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen
and purify those drnlnnge organs, nnd
have no effect whatever upon tho liver
and stomach.
Keep your "Insldes" pure nnd fresh
with Cnscnrcts, which thoroughly
cleanse the stomach, remove tho undi
gested sour food nnd foul gnses, tnko
tho excess Idle from the liver nnd
euro out of the system all the con
stipated waste matter and poisons In
the bowels which are keeping you hnlf
sick, headachy, nnd miserable.
Cascarets tonight will make you feel
great by morning. They work while
you sleei) never gripe, sicken or cnuso
Inconvenience. Cnscnrcts cost so littlo
too. Adv.
Latoman wanted to buy a clock
that is, a reliable clock and lie made
the shopman show him n good many
before he decided on one.
"Now, sir," said the salesman, "this
clock will Inst you a lifetime."
Latoman looked dubious.
"Why, how can that be?" he asked.
"I can see for myself that Its hours
are numbered I"
Look for name "Bayer" on tablets and
follow directions In
The Bnycr Company, who introduced
Aspirin, tell in their enreful directions
In each package of genuine "Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin" that to get tho
best results one or two glasses of wnter
should be drank after tuking tablets.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be
genuine must be mnrked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Then you are
getting the world-famous Aspirin, pro
scribed by physicians for over eighteen
Each unbroken "Bayer" package
contains proper directions for Colds,
Hendnchc, Toothache, Earache, Neu
ralgia, Lumbngo, Rheumatism, Neuri
tis, nnd for Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tnblets
cost but a few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin
Is the trade mark -of Bayer Manufac
ture of Monoaceticacldester of Sallcy
licacid. Adv.
Ha! Ha!
Brlggs lie claims that he's llviug
high nowadays.
Griggs Raise In salary?
Brlggs No; he claims his house Is
5,000 feet tibove sea leved.
How to Get Relief When Head and
Noso Are Stuffed Up.
, Count fifty. Your cold in head or
catarh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, tho air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more snuffling,
hnwklng, mucous dlschnrge, dryness
or headache, no straggling for breath
at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Bnlra from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant untiseptic
cream In your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the head
soothing and healing tho swollen or
inllametl mucous membrane, giving
you Instant relief. Head colds and
catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay
stuffed-up and miserable. Relief Is
sure. Adv.
Prison Pride.
"I hope," said the governor to the
departing convict, "that you won't u
back to your old associations."
"No, sir. I don't propose to asso
ciate with anybody who didn't have
the advantages of Just as good a pris
on us I had."
There U only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at nil
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
Howevct, if you wish first to test this
groat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure nd
mention this paper. Adv.
A woman can't talk as much at i
funeral as she can at a wedding, but
sho seems to enjoy It anyway.
Better general health is sure to follow
the use of the natural Herb laxative, Gar
field Tea. It corrects constipation. Adv
Natural liabltai of a fur ove?cut
-oniowhere north of Minnesota, bcit b
ooks gorgeous nnywbere.
Nebraska Directory
Importers and Jobbers
1503 HowArd Street, Omaha, Neb.
Hotel Loyal, Omaha
Take Dodge Stret : Car From Station
"PnOQ J $1 -50 up without batb.
Tho Hotel Wittt a Reputation
Colorado Land for Sale
acres, line location, ideal farming or
Investment, $32.00 per acre, $l.f00 ensh,
balnnce easy terms. Owner, Franlc
Gass, 4003 No. 25th St.. Omaha, Nebr.
Kenshavv Hotel
J. IL KeonRn, Airr
ISth and Farnain Su Omaha
Ask us to put your name on
our quotation list that you may
compare our prices with others
Jlotnit Trieo $30.00.
Install ono of our guaranteed
"COIAIIA" Honeycomb Kadi
ntors on your Ford. Ther
Klve your Ford the distinc
tive appearance of the
Their superior quality nnd endurance l
unequaled by any Kord radiator on the mar
ket today. Aak your dealer.
If he does not Htock them write ua direct,
wo shall be pleased to send you one subject
to your examination. Wo also make libera)
allowances on your old radiator.
. . manufacture and ''""tall our guaran
teed OMAHA" honeycomb cores In auto,
truck and tractor radiators. 24 hourr serv
ice on any job. '
"The Home of Radiator Service"
1810-21 Cuniuur St. Omaha. Neb.
170 lb. barrel, with water added, makes
from 1,400 to 1,600 gallons of Liquid But
termilk, with 33 added feeding value
Ask your local dealer or write
The Protector Sales Co
14th and Leavenworth St., Dept. W
Office with David Cole Creamery Co.
Phone Douglas 1483
-- ,
Stop! Listen! Views!
Dandy Farm Bargains. Eusy Terms: Ound
210-acre valley farm. 176 acres In cult,
balance good timber. Vi mile from uood towii
and high school; use rldlnp; machinery at
over It; Boot wt.i, cistern and orchard, tuiC
lays fine, booi! soil; price C0 per acre; teirna.
Also ;0 acre fruit farm. CO acres In fiult
J5.000; term?, (lood valley 80 acre farm,'
13,000; terms. Mce Improved 40 acres from
11,000 to 12.600; terms. -McOarth. Mountain
View Mo.
Tells of fortunes being made '.u newly
discovered Texas Oil Fields How you
can share In the J20. 000,000 a month
being produced In Texas OH. Keep
posted, Send your name and addrrsp
for free copy.
TKXAS on. Firci.n NEWJ
3U Deere Did?., UulUs, Texas
Ciiticura Soapj
Clear the Skm
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
A Heart Affair.
"What attracted you to your bride?"
asked the Judge, after the ceremony.
"Well, sail," replied the cbony-hued-bridegroom,
"do fust time I seed Di
nah here she kinder tuk my eye. She
wuz such a likely lookin 'oinan, an"
so handy wld herself, but when I
learnt dat she wuz doln' steady wnph
ln' fur seben white families, snh, right
den an' dar I surrendered." Birming
ham Age-IIerald.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum,
a small box of Barbo Compound, and &
oz. ot glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a.
wcclc until it becomes the desired shade.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at home at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair Kift and glossy.
It will not co'or tho scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and docB not rub off. Adv.
That l a good book which
opened with expectation nnd closed
with profit. Alcott.
To be a military genius one must
work In the lives of men ; but we must
have military genius.
1 imiMrr Niith nnit Mn,.inj
WJHQ, Have Strang Health
Eye. If they Tire, Itch.
smart or Hum, if Sore
Vniir CaCQ JFltated, Inflamed or
IUUR C.IL..J Granulated. use Murini.
; (ten. Soothes, Refreshes, Safft for
It f ant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
Pi te Eye Book. Muuu Eyi Bestir C,, Chktto