TEMPLE OF FASHION HOME. OF QUALITY SATIS FACTION SQUARE DEAL BEST EVER The First AMERICAN. And NOW we should be 100 per cent AMERICAN. STAR Osama Everything for Men and Boys. OR. 0. H. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office over th Mcllonnld State Bunk. LOCAL ASP PERSONAL Harry Bonner, of Kansas City, spent the first of the week with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Yost. Mrs. M. P. Anderson, of Arthur, en tered the Twinem hospital yesterday, for an operation. ; Mrs. II. N. Smitli went to Melrose yesterday for a short visit with the Tony Pushman family. Mrs. Purbaugh, who has been a pa tient at the Twinem hospital for some time past, returned yesterday to her home in Paxton. Dr. Howard Yost. Dentist, Twinem 'Building. Phone 807. 77tf Mrs. Louis Peterson left yesterday for Kansas City where she will spend a couple of weeks visiting her niece Mrs. W. R. Keslcr. Weather forecasts are for a decided drop in the temperature tonight with : probably snow and Observer Shilling was advised to notify stockmen. ! Art Yates, of Sutherland, well known in North Platte, is said to be in bad sliapo again. He submitted to an operation a couple of months ago and overtaxing himself suffered a relapse. Aprons and house dresses which are good to look at for morning wear. Why not have a good looking one when buying one? E. T. TRAMP & SONS. .Mr. and Mrs. I. C. McMillln left yesterday for Heaver City whoro they recently, purchased a farm upon which they will make their home. Mr. Mc Millln has been engaged in the car penter business here for some time past. Everything in stylish stouts. A now created department at the Stylo Shop. Attached to train No. 20 Wednesday evening were two cars of undesirable citizens who wore booked for depor tation. Enrouto fronl the west four men were picked up at Choyenne and one at Julesburg. The windows and doors of the cars were locked and the men were under guard. Mrs. M. Henry Gilfoyl 'recently made application to be an accredited teacher of voice in the Junior and Senior high schools and has been ac cepted as such by the Board of Edu cation This adds voice culture to tho elective studies of the schools and students now have an oport unity to secure high school and university music credits. LOCAL AX1) PKItSOXAL Attorney Goo. N. Gibb returned this week from a businoas trip to lown. Wanted A waitress at tho Owl Cafe. Mrs. H. B. Parker, of lUwlinn, h tlia guest of rohttlvos In town, lmvlng ar rived Wednoiday. Rev. C. F. Koch went to Paxton Tuosdfty to conduct the funeral iorvice of the late Mrs. Henry DebitH. Dr. J. S. Twinem roturned yostor Jlay from Iowa,, whoro he wag cHed a week ago by the Illness of his moth or. Walter Wilson will soon have com pleted a five thousand dollar home on his fnrm near the Platto Valley school house. Miss Catherine Sudor roturned to her home, In Columbus Wudnosday af 'tdr a-visit with' Mr. nnd fair. It. C. Pratt. Tho Stacey Mercantile Co. recontly i received two carloads of sugar which temporarily relieved the existing shortage. "Six Foot Four" was six months In making and shows it. At the SUN only. Two days commencing Tuesday. Afternoon matinee. 12-2 Promoter Selby announces a wrest ling match at tho firemen's hall next Tuesday evening between Bobby Bylund of this city and Tommy Hay of Omaha. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Viola M. Redinger, a former North Platto girl, who has been living at Ashton, Idaho, has secured a di vorce from her husband Fred Reding er on the grounds of non-support. The custody of tho minor child was given to Mrs. Redinger. J. V. Romigli reports tho sale of a Dodgo sedan to Dr. Carr of Stapleton, Dodgo touring cars to F. J. Dlener, Cyrus Fox and Dr. F. J. Wurtele of North Platte, also J. W. Styskal of AVellllcet and a Chandler Chummy to Ed. Todenhoft. Wanted Furnished or unfurnished house by March lt. Phono this of fice. n-2 All members of the Community Chorus aro Requested to meet at the Franklin auditorium at 2:45 sharp next Sunday afternoon. Tho chorus will sing at the patriotic meeting to bo held in tho auditorium at three o'clock and it is desired to run over tho music. Just received another $1G7.50 Edi son. Call in and see It, It will fit your purse as w611 as your ideas. Dixon will give you credit on an Edison. Nebraska farmers plan to organize n, $500,000 co-operative company for the purpose of publishing a state daily newspaper, according to an announce ment by C. A. Sorensen, attorney for tho. non-partisan league and numer ous formers' union co-operative asso ciations. As carpet warp has advanced in prices I am obliged to raise prices of work. Rugs 75c and 05c; carpets per yard, G5c. Call at 308 So. Walnut or phono Red 975. 11-1 j Tho Union Pacific has sold to R. A. 1 Arnold the big frame building former ! ly used as a dispatchers' offlco and the building is being blocked up pre paratory to removal. Mr. Arnold has sold part of the building to Bert Noble, and tho part ho retains will bo moved to a lot on south Chestnut street, stuc coed and transformed into a tenement ouse. Mr. Noblo has not yet deter mined whoro ho will locate his part of the building. A SPECIAL . REPRESENTATIVE OF Chicago Kahn Bros., Tailors That Satisfy, thoroughly experienced in the uiilorlug business and fully posted regarding the latest styles, will display at our store on February 26, 27 and 28 an extensive line of fashionable Wool and Worsted Suitings, Palm Beaches, Mohairs, Tropicals and other latest fabrics for Spring and Summer 1920 COME IN and select your new garments froni large size woolens. Have your mensuremeata taken in n scientific manner and receive expert advice regard ing latest fashions for men. Choose your favorite fabric, while the picking is good. ! ! Time of deivery will be arranged to suit your own conven ience. Correct fitting, dependably tailored and rightly priced gar ments, absolutely guaranteed. HARRY SAIVIUElLSONL TOURNAMENT POOL PLAYKKS will itAKQinrr tonight Participants in tho pool tournament at tho Elks' homo will hold a ban quet at G:30 this evening, and follow ing tho "big Iced" a number of stunts will be pulled off in the lodge room, by a team of joy makers. In tho tournament, in which sixty or seventy players participated, tho side captained by Bob Dickey made a total of 1737 points, while the players cap tained by Doc Pritchard rolled but 1472. The Pritchard players will therefore boar tho expense of tho ban quet. Elks who did not participate in the tournament may, attend the banquet by paying ?1.25 for a ticket. Frederick Kndo Pusses Anny. Frederick Kudo, one of tho early settlors of Lincoln county, passed away at his homo in Pomona, Cal., Tuesday. For sovoral years ho had been In poor health, resulting largely from an nccidont, having boon run down by an automobile. Mr. Kndo camo to Lincoln county In tho early seventies as a member of either tho Third or Fifth Cavalry and won sta tioned at Ft. McPherson. Rocoiving his discharge ho took up a homestead where ho lived for a number of years, Inter moving to this city. Eight or ton years ngo ho wont to California to mako his homo. Ho was married n second time, his last wlfo passing away May of last year. Tho ico harvoat at Lake Gothenburg has been completed and 42,530 tonB of ico havo boon out. Tho Pacific Fruit Express company has shipped 1,351 cars of Ico, most or it going to North l'latto and Grand Island. :o: A Laundress That Wont Fail You. The wash day problem has be come a real one, You can't do such work yourself and dependable help is almost impossible to find. But The Laundry Queen EWfrir Washer S j 1 P nil . 4-. . n I iirAul1 1 1 1 r 4- oo V . perfectly as a really good maid would do. It washes, wrings and rinses-works quickly and wellgets the clothes out spotlets, in double quick time. Let us tell you how you can put one in your own home. Special ten dry demonstration by factory represcnta Uve, COME AND SEE IT IN ACTION. North Platte Light and Power Co. ill I S J 4 Julius Pl7.or nrrivod homo Wednes day night from a two weeks' visit in Columbus, Ohio, Detroit and Chicago. illo says Detroit is tho busiest city in ,no country nnd that tho business transacted there is simply enormous. Early Sunday morning tho train on j which Mr. Pizer was riding made a I sudden stop by tho application of tho emergency brake, and ills head struck I tho top of tho bortli, mnking a sorious scalp wound and for threo days ho was under tho care of a Chicago physi cian. Wo aro making a specinlty of Well ington Cream plo for Washington's Birthday. BAKE-IUTE BAKERY. H. C. Pratt, who spent a day In Gothenburg this week, says that town ! is getting ready to begin a street pav ing campaign. Tho first district, com posed of eighteen blocks in tho busl-! ness district has boon created. Mr. Pratt says Gothenburg struck him as a town full of tho real old "pop." Lost Largo Brooch Shrino pin, be tween my residence and Masonic hall. Howard for return. .1. F. Clnbaugh, 309 W. 4th. 11-2 Tho Methodist ladles served a splendid chicken dinner at tho church parlors Wednesday and wcro liberally patronized. The ladles servo those dinners each Wednesday from 11:30 to 1:30. If you havo not heon patroniz ing them gel tho habit. Wanted to Buyi A small farm near North Platto. Address M. II. Kael- ber, Blgnoll, Nob. 10-3 Wilson Tout leaves today for Ciovoland, Ohio, to attend tho national convention of school superintendents. : :o: : Notice. Notice is hereby givon that on Marcli 3, 1920, tho Sukraw holrs will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for one-third cash, balanco threo years with interest at 0 per cent paid annu ally secured by first mortgage on stvld land, tho following described tract of land: tho S' of Section 14, Township 14, Range 28 West of tho Cth P. M'., in Lincoln County, Nebraska Said salo will tako placo on tho south sido of said land and wll com monco at 2:30 p. m. on said dato. On completion o' said salo, said cash payment to bo mado to tho Farmers State Bank of Maxwell, Nebraska, whoro deed and abstract showing good titlo aro now dopositcd. Deed and ab stract to bo delivered when nolo nnd mortgago aro executed and delivered for balanco of purchaso price remain ing unpaid. HARRY SUKRAW, Agent for Sukraw HelrB. II. M. Johanson, Auctioneer. Farmers Stato Bank, Clork. Did you know that a Chandler stan dard touring car Is still $2095 deliver ed in North Platto. Yjni know tho record of these good cars maybo you did not know that many, formor small and cheaper cars aro now equal nnd Bomo higher in prlco tlinn tho Chand ler, nnd all of Its old prlco mates aro now from $300 to $900 higher. Con sider both svnluo and prlco, nnd you will find no profiteering horo. I. V. ROMIGII. Dealer. Mrs. Eva Reese left Wednesday for Omaha to visit her son Guy for a wools. Slio will return horo to remain for ton days prior to going to hor homo In Denver. Registered Suffolk StalUon for salo or trade. Wolght 1050, six years old. Inquire of Albert A. Glnnpp Brady. lOtf For Salo. Soven room houso aud twb lots, houso all modom oxcopt heat; barn and garago; ono lot in fruit troefl. In quire at Tho Tribune 9-4 ForSnTD 3 room houso and corner lot, plonty of shade trees, oloctrio lights nnd water in houso. Can glvo possession at onco. Call at 221 So. Walnut, at. or phono Red 310. 11-4 : :o: : Ihnying and Team Work. Of all kinds. Will approciato all work glvon mo and will glvo you sat iation. Phono Black 1118. .Too C. Mlllor, 310 W. 8th St. 11-2 ::o:: PUlti: HUM) POLAND CHINA SOW SAL1 Wo wish to announco that on March 15th wo will luiro a salo of Pure Bred iPoland China Sows at North Platte. C. J. LANDIIOLM & SON, CLAUS ANDERSON. F2-5 t ::o:: For Snlo Deslrablq rosldonco property, GG ft. corner lot, good barn; 5 blocks from Court House. Immediate possession given if sold by March 1st. For prlco and terms seo Qlon Smith at Davis Garago or call Rod 2G5 aftor G p. m. 11-2 Utility Batteries. Batteries like Automobiles are being improved. Some makes of Automobiles improve; some do not. Same in the Battery Line. UTILITY BATTERIES, like some Automobiles, step out far in the lead of all others. UTILITY BATTERIES are no higher price than most others, but so far advanced in service and durability that all other batteries are out classed. UTILITY BATTERIES can be charged as high as six times the normal charging rate without injury. UTILITY BATTERIES can bo overcharged for long period without harm. UTILITY BATTERIES take charge quicker than. any. other. UTILITY BATTERIES relieve 80 per cent of Genera tor troubles due to taking charge easily. Attention, Auto Owners, All winter roads have been bad and many cars have been laid away and likewise your battery has lost its charge and many in that condition will never again build up and you are going to be called to got a new battery. UTILITY BATTERIES have an Iron Clad Guarantee, free replacement for one year, other do not. UTILITY BATTERIES the second year aro replaced on a sliding monthly exchange basis. Wo are from this date equipping all now Nash Cars with UTILITY BATTERIES. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THIS WONDER FUL UTILITY BATTERY. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO