The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1920, Image 6

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Friday and Saturday, Feb. 20-21
LW Soda Crackers in G to 7 11). boxes, per lb. l(5e
2 pkg. Quaker Rolled Oats 25c
1 25c Glass Sliced Beef 2ic
2 pkg. Puffed Rice 35c
4 Tall Carnation Milk 58c
4 Small Carnation Milk '---20c
4 Cans Standard Corn , -rr- 52p
4 Cans Standard Peas 52c
4 Cans Standard No. 2 Tomatoes , 52c:
2 Cans Standard No. 3 Pumpkin 30c
2 Cans No. 1 Van Camp's Pork and Beans 21c
2 Cans No. 1 Oysters 33q
1 Pt. Jar Queen Olives 40c
3 Bars Victor Toilet Soap 25c
3 Bars Lava Toilet Soap 25c
3 Bars P. and G. White Naphtha Soap 25c
3 Bars Crystle White Soap 20c
1 30c Can Calumet Baking Powder 25c
1 25c Can K. C. Baking Powder 21c
I 40c Can Ityzon Baking Powder , 33c
1 Can 25c Fancy Sifted Peas 22c
1 Can 25c Fancy Country Gentleman Corn 22c
Homo Rendered Lard 1 II). or 50 lb. per lb 25c
No. 1, 220 North Locust, IMione 20.'!.
No. 2, 110 East B Street, Phono 400.
Xo. H, 021 Kast Fourth, I'hoiic 071.
No. I, Si! I Wnt Third, Phono No. 75.
CITY AX1) COUNTY NEWS. I Petticoats-Petticoats. Have you
' noon tlio pretty combinations In the
Jerseys now being shown for spring?
E. T. Tramp and Sons.
Dixon & Hon, Might Specialists.
Mm. A. D. McGovem has accepted .
u position as office assistant to Dr.
Hrock. i
The Catholic Lad I oh will hold a
Kilo of pled, bread and rakes al Ma
lonoy'a store Saturday
The season's best styles In suits
now being shown at 10 T. Tramp and
Sons' Ready to Wear.
When in North l'latte stop at the
New Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will
ho treated well. C8tf
Miss Opal Watts, who. has been ser
iously ill with pnoumonia, Is reported
to bo Bomowhal Improved.
Illouwn or every description In a
big variety cf sty,los and all the now
aprlhg slrados. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Miss Lena Meyers, first assistant a
thu Hrock Dental offices, has been 111
for the past week with an attack of
the flu.
"Rack to God's Country" Is a picture
und it's a bird; in fact several birds
and sixteen wild animals and it's com
nig to the Keith March 3-1.
M'sb Minnlo Williams, a clerk at
the Wilcox Department Store receiv
ed a. liiosano Wednesday calling her
to iu home in St. Paul.
Tlir ll:-.t of a series of monthly
morning musicals will be given Sun
(!:' men tut. FMj. 22, during the 11
'lo"U s . .-vice at the Presbyterian
Siy.i j - C ii,, , ,.,ny hcvuliful j;ons to be seen here with
John Coji'o jlli.i'inft- and fasinating musical success
"FLO-FLO" and Iler PERFECT "3(i" Chorus coming to
- : PRICES. $1.00 to $2.00. Plus Tax.
8:15 Curtain. '
Heatmgjind Pkmbiag Co.
Wo will bo ready to do all kinds of Heating and
Plumbing work after March 1st, and will gladly give esti
mates on all work.
All Material Used Will Be
of First Gradesa
and the work will bo done by thorough, competent work
men and will be guaranteed in every respect.
If you are contemplating building or remodeling let
us figure on your work, wo will try to make you reason
able prices both for now work or repair.
No job too largo, none too small.
Phone Red I5S. Residence 1303 East (51 h St.
Politics art' .Showing Life.
Politics began to show life this
week when US. S. Davis llled Ills peti
tion as a candidate for the republican
nomination for legistlatlve represen
tative from the Sixty-eighth district
to auccoed himself, and Henry Coker
of Sutherland, filed for the republican
noinlnntlon for county commissioner
for the Third district. J. S. Koch's
term as commissioner expires next
Jnnimry and he has announced that
ha will not be a candidate for re-election.
Now that thes filings have been
made H Is probable that others will
1)1)11 IUIJUW.
: :o: :
Orr (Joes to Cinclnimif.
J. Stanley Orr, who under the gov
rnment administration lm been act
ing as ticket agent 'for the Union Pa
cific at North Platte has received
word of his appointment as district
passenger agent at Cincinnati, Ohio,
and is expecting to report there
March first.
As ClnrlnaM was theft- former home
Mr. Orr and family art- anticipating
with a great deal of pleasure the re
suming of relations broken off by the
necessities of war.
Mr. Orr's successor as ticket agent
In this city has not yet been named.
Twentieth Century Cub.
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
meet on Tuesday afternoon. February
twenty-fourth, with Mrs. E. Coates.
:i21 South Sycamore St. Mrs. .1. b.
Davis and Mrs. Harold Rlnlock will
be assistant hostesses.
The program dealing with "What
Amorica Is Giving to tho Immigrant"
Is in the capable hands of Mrs. ( . r .
Subscriptions to Itudgel.
Committees have been out this
week soliciting funds for the Cham
ber of Commerce budget for the cur-
ent year, and up to noon yesterday
the subscriptions totaled between ten
and eleven thousand dollars. Tho
mark set for tho budget Is fifteen
thousand dollars, and by tho way busi
ness men and others arc subscribing
tho committees feel confident that the
$15,000 mark will be reached when
the canvass Is completed.
One thing that is gratifying to tho
committees is the cheerfulness with
which those solicited respond, prac
tically everyone subscribing tho
amount which the commlttco had as
sessed against them.
With Slfi.OOO to use durlne: the voar.
and with live 'and progressive officers
at tho helm, the Chamber of Com
merce will accomplish much good for
the city and county.
A Rrlillant Musical Comedy.
Heroes from Oshkosh do not often
hold the Attention of Now York audi
ences for an ontiro season, but this
situation occurred with FLO-FLO.
John Cort's brilliant musical hit.
which ho Is bringing to tho Keith
Theatre Friday, Feb. 27.
This young man from tho Wisconsin
viflago is loved by an American heir
ess, who is betrothed to a bogus Span
ish Count; and FLO-FLO, a beautiful
crset model who is a vampiro at heart.
Rilly, as ho Is known In tho program,
Is ably assisted in his romantic careor
by tho only comedy chorus In exis
tence, every member of which is a
perfect "36." Tho Rrido Shop Lin-
gorio Emporium is tho gorgeous sot
ting for tho scenes, with Its living
models draped In gorgeous diaphanous
Must Change Location.
Chance to buy a good homo cheap
Good seven room house, wash house,
garage, coal houso and other improve
ments; (1 good lots, 3 blocks cast and 7
blocks south of tho 10c store. Prlco
$4000. F. II. AVoodgato, Phono Rlack
149. 11-5
: :o: :
Stylish Stout Coats, Suits, Dresses
and Outflttlngs. sizes 42M- to 54 at
tho Stylo Shop.
Saturday and Monday.
"Lord and Lady Algy"
Tho snappiest Tom Mooro picture in
a long tlmo that's saying a lot isn't
is, A real racing drama that will kocp
you sitting on tho edge of your seats
Comedy special Saturday
Oh, You East Lynne..
Whose Little Wife are You?
Titan 10-20 Kerosene " Tractor
Wo can savo you money on Grocorles
Why I
Bocauso wo huvo no overhead cxponso
as somo merchants have
Quality Goods.
Such woll-known brands as Sun KIst
Dol Monto, Mogul and sob-Foot Can
ncd Goods.
Wo dollvor Frosh Meat with Grocery
ordors It doslred.
A trial ordor moans a steady customer
Phono 212.
DEMEMBER this when you buy a tractor Harvester service is a
A reliable and very important thing you get " thrown in" when you
buy the tractor named above. It safeguards your entire outfit Power,
Machine, Hitch ! Later on, if you need a tractor part you will get it
with the same dispatch and certainty of perfect fit that you have experienced in con
nection with your binders and mowers.
Titan 10-20 kerosene tractor is built to operate from start to finish oh low
priced kerosene (coal oil), or distillate. It does more than simply run on kerosene
it delivers its full-rated horse power or does any kind of work within its capacity on
any kind of oil fuel above 39 degrees Baume.
This means that at the present prices of gasoline and kerosene in this locality you
will save fully one-half your fuel costs over a tractor of equal horse power operating
on gasoline. Getting down to a dollars-and-cents basis, if a Titan 10-20 is used, you
will be able to make a saving of $1,000 on fuel alone in five years of 1,000 hours'
work each.
A Titan 10-20 will furnish dependable power in all seasons. For field, road or
belt work it can be used day and night if the case demands. It will do this work at
the least possible expense. It will be to your advantage to know the Titan 10-20.
Come in and look it over. The best time is now.
Delivered on your place complete with platform, fenders, belt pulley and two bottom
plow equipped with either style bottom for $985.00.
Please bear in mind that this is a throttled governed engine and will burn'either gas
oline or kerosene without any changes
Will develop its horse power at either draw bar or at the belt and is especially adapt
ed where a heavy engine is prohibitive.
Derryberry & Forbes Impt. Co.
Just received a new shipment of
ruby rings for tho lady's finger. Some
very new patterns. Dixon, the jewol-
A fitting climax to Americanization or-
week In North Platte will be tho meet
ing to bo hold Sunday afternoon, Feb-
The music pupils of St. Patrick's
school are preparing a musical pro
gram which will no given in the
ruary 22d in the Franklin auditorium scil00i nlii 0n Monday and Tuesday
at three-thirty o'clock, under tho an-, evenings, Feb. 2I!rd and 24th. The
pices of the Twentieth Century Club, ' program will begin at eight o'clock.
tho Daughters of tho American Revo-' Tio Stylo bhop announces now
. , , ' , , T . spring arrivals of Ladles and Misses
lution and the American Legion. To (,'oat gult3 Bnd Dresses. Also tt
tho latter organization has been dole- special created department of Stylish
gated tho duty as well as tho privilege Stouts, sizes 42 to 54 in coats,
of conferring the French War Memor- suits, dresses and outiittings.
ials from tho French government 1IKlu.:FOitl BULLS FOlt SALE.
through tho United States government nniHgtnr.,, Tirffnr.i nulls for salo
upon the next of kin of thoso who ; 0n Lincoln Highway, six mllos oast of
made tho supremo sacrifice in tho North Platto,
world war. Tho North Platte Chapter , Jzl
covers tho greater part of Lincoln
county and the government has desig
nated thoso to whom tho honor is due.
Tho Row R. O. Mackintosh, command
er of tho Post, will direct tho meet
ing, nnd representatives of tho G. A
R., Spanish War Veterans, Women's
Relief Corps and tho Red Cross will
bo guests of honor. Tho public is
invited and urged to Join on this mo
morablo occasion In appreciation of
our glorious heritage o citizenship
and in reverent homago to thoso who
gave their lives to preserve tho lib
erty, that Is our birthright.
Tho committee In chargo is as fol
lows: Mrs. Georgo Frator, president
nnd Mrs. Stnnloy Orr of tho Twentieth
Century Club, Mrs. II. M. Grimes, ro-
gent, and Mrs. C. F. Sponcor, past re
gent of tho D. A. R. and J. T. Koofe,
Ray Cochran and Francis J. Sandall
of tho Amorlcan Legion.
Tho program will bo:
Star Spangled Banner North Platto
Military Rand.
Opening Remarks J. E. Evans,
Past Commander G. A. R.
Song Rattle Hymn of Republic
Community Chorus and audlonco.
Addross Row R. O. Mackintosh,
Post Commander North Platto Post
Amorlcan Legion No. 1C3.
Song God Savo Amorica Com
munity Chorus.
Addross Hon. H. M. Grimes.
Marseilles North Platto Military
Presentation of French Government
Momorlal Certificates by Post Com
mander nnd Staff.
Song Amorica Community Chorus
and Audlonco.
For Sale Stool Eight-foot wind
mill and new towor, 4-inch cylinder
and piping. Inqutro of R. McFarland.
oast end of 14th stroot. 10-2
Keith, Saturday.
a picture gentle in theme but fragrant
with the spring time and love.
Comedy special
Hungry Lions and Tender
Are You A Barbarian?
A relic of barbarism is the old stoop and nib method
of washing. Years and years ago, before mankind knew
anything of modern conveniences, the women of barbar
ic tribes and half civilized peoples, would go to the sea
shore or to the banks of streams, and there they would
squat with the few ragged garments about them that
were to be washed. They would rinse them and rub them
on stones and repeat the process until their easily satis
fied standards of cleanliness had been met with.
Today, the modern woman has manifold duties com
pared with the wife of the savage. She has many, many
more clothes to wash. On every hand she sees labor sav
ing devices for her husband and his co-workers, and yet
"Why do you delay installing a modern washing ma
chine in your home? Why do you surround yourself with
modern furniture and electricity and running water and
numerous other things that make life worth living, and
yet persist in using wash board's or dilapidated old ma
chines of the long ago?
Come in and talk it over with us. We want to help
every woman in this community to do her washing easier.
W. R. Maloney Co.