f YOU'LL REMEMBER By NELL ADAIR. 9 (Copyright, 1910. Wentern Newiipnper Union) The girl fiit before tin; plnno In a cozy pnrlor. Her graceful Ilgure wns reflected In nn old-fashioned pier glnnH, mid upon the ninrhle shelf of the pier glnss were vnrlous orniiinon tnl shells of n generation ago. The while gown Unit (he girl wore was not nn old-fashioned gown, and her beauti ful hair was done In quite an approved new fashion. As her lingers touched the keys she glanced upward with pretty unconscious coquetry Into the attentive fare of a man who bent over her. fie was tall,- this young man, with the lltheness of an athlete, nnd his deep-set blue eyes beneath their fringed lids gave to him an nlr of sin cerity and wisdom. Dick Drown would make his way In the world, the proud villagers prophesied, for already Dick had started upon the way. Had he not transferred the work of his fn ther's farm to hired helpers while ho himself attended college In n faraway .city, returning no whit changed by the experience from the frank, unpreten tious lad he had always been un changed, save In prnctlqnl application of knowledge? The farm prospered nncw under his supervision, while Dick took the place which the town's worn-out old lawyer was overwllllng to lay aside. Kitty Dale was proud of Dick. Well, Kitty knew that It was she who had always been his Inspira tion ; his thought of her u spur to do his best. Kitty could not remember n tlmo when she and Dickie Itrown had not been companions and confi dantes. Ho had carried her books down hill from the academy when sho had worn pink gingham and curls. When Dick had crossed the seas to fight for his beloved country, Kitty was still his Inspiration and comfort Sometimes, In the midst of heart-rending struggle, Kitty and Dick's country beenmo ono and the same. It was for her sake, as well, that ho was doing this thing. Hut sorrow was lost In victory, absence forgotten In the re stored Joy of the present. Bending over the one that he loved Dick sang tenderly, "Then you'll re member me." It wan an old song they both loved; Dick's eyes would grow deep with meaning as he sang the words, while Kitty would Hash up at him at Its finish a smllo of sweet un derstanding. Tonight she turned upon the stool, regarding lilin apprehen sively; he would not like the news sho had foV hliii. "Dickie," said the girl, "I'm going nwpy to visit mother's sister In the city," she added at hltf startled glance, "nnd, for the rest of the winter per haps. Aunt Kleanor feels that I should see more of the world and loam Its advantages. She Is very rich ; It Is her pleasure to buy pretty frocks and do for me some of the things sho would like to do for her own dnughlcr if she had one." Kitty's mother spoko briskly from nn adjoining room. "We feel It our duty to let her go, Ulchard," she said. "My sister who wns bore last week for the ilrst time In years, was Just taken with Kitty's appearance. Fa ther's agreeable to the visit, too, so wo'vo planned It for next week." Dick Hrnwn held Kitty's hands Inter as they stood In the old hall snylng "good night." "I am not going lo ask any prom ise from yen before you go, llttlo girl," be told Imr. "You know that I lovo you." And so Kitty went. The beautiful city homo, the wonderful ontcrtulu- .ments. the distinguished people who visited atfAunt Eleanor's all were n revelation to the girl who seemed to grow In loveliness and In the coiill denco of her surroundings. There wns one personality, which dazzled and absorbed her. Kitty In all her secluded young life had not dreamed Hint a man such an Kenneth Gordon could exist outside pages of romance, Gordon, prominent In tho world of business, and feted as a singer, could he ns companlonnhlo as Dickie Drown himself. Kitty tried not to bo dlsloy nl to her old friend, In realization of many small courtesies which ho had Incked. Kenneth Gordon bestowed them wllh the manner of n knight, un bellevnbly and miraculously, Kenneth Gordon, the favored nnd admired, loved her loved her, a llttlo country girl. He had told her so, nnd In her astonishment Kitty had delnycd an swer to his plen. Aunt Kleanor was Jubilant over the success of her se cretly planned nciuovemcnt, nnd bo sho gnvo that evening n muslcnle. Kenneth Gordon should further seal his conquest, wooing In Bong. Kitty was very lovoly that evening ns sho snt nnd listened. Hers would bo a homo ns fine ns this; hers tho magic of wealth nnd power. Dlcklo Drown tn Ills plain llttlo Inw office formed no pnrt of her' picture, Dlcklo Drown with his drenms of reward nfter strug glo, Then, nil nt once, to Kitty came a distinct memory picture. A cozy room In shndod light, nn old piano, i nnd over tho plnno n innn's flguro bending. Hyos, bluo eyes doop with sincerity, gazed Into her own. Ken noth Gordon's volco rang out now In that self-same song: "Thero may porhnps In such a scene, Some recollection be Of days that have, as hnppy been, Then you'll romembor nio." Kitty turned to her mint a sob In her throat. "I'm going homo," she whispered breathlessly. "Oh I I must go home to lovo aud Dickie." AGE - OLD BUILDING MATERIAL "Pise," In U6e for Many Centuries, It Merely a Simple Form of Concrete. What Is plx'e? Tin? word, which In Its complete form Is written plae de torrc, betrays n French origin nnil. from Its general iippenrunre, might well Miggest some affinity with the world of art Thexe preliminary Im presslons. however, will be found mis leading. There Is nothing peculiarly French In pise dwellings, though they aro common enough in some parts of France, and reference to them nbounds In French llternture of the eighteenth century. The word Itself, traced to Its Latin origin, apparently means nothing more artistic than "battered." Perhaps the simplest definition of pise Is provided by I'llny the Elder, who cnlls It "earth battered between boards," meaning by boards a form such as may be used for concrete In construction work. The Hainan sage adds that it was an old and well-tried system of building and remarks that Hannibal used this material for watch towers on the tops of hills In Spain during bis campaign. Who knows whether It was not also In use when Cheops built his Great Pyramid; for there nro prehistoric pise buildings In New Mexico nnd Arl zonu which, some sny, dato bnck al most to that period? Certainly history cannot trace tho system to Its origin, and the pise dwellings now visible In France, Spain, America, the Drltlsh colonics and elsewhere may give no complete Indi cation of the extent to which this ma terial wns employed In other centuries. Exchange. INDIAN'S TRIBUTE TO MOTHER Red-Sklnned Fluhter In World War Proves Worthy Descendant of Race of Chiefs. Wouiided-Wlth-Many-Arrows is an Indian living In South Dnkotn. According to an Indian custom, the first thing an Indian mother sees or says after her child Is born may ho chosen as the Infant's name. The night of his birth. In April. 1801. the mother saw a warrior who hail neen wounded by ninny arrows; hence the name given to the new-born child. Entering the world war In the armies of the great white father at Washington, the Ilrst thought of this copper-skinned descendant of a jace of chiefs was of his mother, whom lie named as the beneficiary In bis $10, 000 government war risk Insurance policy. The mother's name Is susim-i-oves- the-Wnr and she lives at Wakpoln, S D. She was proud that her son was among the first to respond to the call of the United States for soldiers to fight for their country; she was glad when ho came hack, unharmed, full of wonderful stories of the adventure through which be had passed. Aim she realized that he had, by allotment of nay and by his Insurance policy. demonstrated that nil he had was hers, as everything he was he owed to her. Wounded-Wlth-Mitny-Arrows mlglit be called Indlan-Gndd-to-Ills-Mother, Big Money for Perfect Potatoes. The perfect potato, which resists blight and other "spud" diseases, hns been developed, nccordlng to bainucl Hydcr, head of n well-known English seed firm. " He refused to give the nnme of the hybridist, but said be paid him .$12,000 for seed potatoes which wouldn't 1111 a peck measure. "Wo have bought up all tho Hy bridized seed of this expert," said Ryder. "Tho average potato yield In 1018 was four tons per ncro In hug land. With tho new seed, six pounds per root, or fl.1 tons per ncro, enn he produced. The full results of tho per.' feet potato may not be reaped for two or three yenrs." New Matrimonial Idea. Connecticut hns a married couple living apart In two towns, tho bride, who has advanced Ideas, In ono town, and the bridegroom, who has n good Job and a big salary, In nnother. They decided to live In separate establish ments and to visit ench other over week-ends or run away together, as ono of them explains It, for several days whenever tho mood seizes them. They havo ronted a third apartment In Now York city, which they will shnro "In their piny time." Tho bride retains her mnlden namo nnd tltlo of Miss. It is her lden that man nnd wlfo should not llvo In tho same house, nnd so get a surfeit of each other.' Doston Globe. Many O'Briens. A soldier named John J. O'Drlcn, writing to tho war risk bureau nbout his Insurance, failed to give his serial number or policy number, but snld the papers would bo easy to Identify os his wife's name was Mary A. O'Drlen. A search through tho burenu tiles dls closed tho names of 175 J6hn J O'Drlens, nnd each of an even CO of them had n wlfo named Mary A. O'Drlen. May Use Concrete Coffins. The corporation of tho town of Mlddlosborough, Knglnnd, la consider ing tho uso of concrete coffins In locnl burlnl grounds ns being lighter nnd cheaper thnn those mado of wood His Class. "Hero's some health export snys we don't need sugar." "Ho nuiHt bo ono of thoiio guys whe ure always taking, the sweetness oul A DUROQUE MODEL By LOUISE M. ADDELSON. (, mo. by .McClure Newnpuprr Syndicate.) At an unusually enrly hour one morning Clnrlce entered the tittle dress shop of Mine. Do Hevnl. - An Important social affair was coming off, for which sho wns, as yet, unpre pared; and she was much pleased when inadaine, with much enthusiasm, Informed h"r that she had several gowns exactly suited to Clarice's style ; nnd figure. ' : Clarice examined them carefully. She hud discovered Mine. De Iteval n I couple of yenrs before, when dwln- I filing family funds forced her to stop buying at the most exclusive store In i town, and take what sho could get In the smaller, more moderately priced shops. The gowns designed by the j clever little woman were ns dainty as any she Had ever seen, with the addi tional merit of being much cheaper. Nobody, so far, bad detected any dif ference In Clnrlce's mnnner of dress ing, or suspected that her clothes did not come from a more pretentious es tablishment. So she continued to patronize Mine. Do Iteval, and inadatiie. In return, kept her choicest models for Clnrlce. Two gowns In partlculnr captivated Clarice, each so soft In texture, so dainty In design nnd delicate In shnde that for some time she found difficulty In making a selection. At last she de cided tin a rich bluo as being more suited to her complexion, and with a lnst, lingering, regretful look at the lovely rose-colored concoction of silk nnd chiffon thnt she must leave be hind, Clarice ordered her purchase wrapped, saying she would take It homo with her, as she wanted It for Immedlato wear. While waiting on the corner for the street car, Clarice was surprised to seo approaching from tho opposite side Mllllcent Gray, ono of her numerous acquaintances. And to Clar ice's astonishment Mllllcent walked straight Into the store of Mme. De Iteval. Mllllcent had alwnys boasted of doing her shopping In tho more ex clusive districts, and Clarice could not help wondering wnt sho wns do ing In this rather unfrequented part of the town. She wns nbout to call out, but Just then her enf enme In sight and she hoarded It, much puz zled. The following evening Clnrlce was one of many guests at the function for which her dress had been specially bought. It wns a gain oecnslon. There were wonderful gowns and the Hash of multi-colored gems. Clnrlce, how ever, did not feel ashamed of her cos tume. It held Its own. In spite of the higher-priced ones all around. As shlnimory, ns lovely, ns wcll-mnde ns any, It set off her blonde beauty to perfection, nnd, stately as n young goddess, she kept a crowd of ndmlrers around her the whole evening. She was obliged, in fact, to turn away a good many would-be pnrtners. It was late when Clarice caught sight of Mllllcent Gray at the further end of the room. Mllllcent beckoned, and, tired of dancing, Clarice excused herself to her partner and went over to see what was wanted. Within n few feet of her sho stopped, rooted to the spot, for Mllllcent wore the roso- colored gown which only the day previous Clarice bad seen at Mine. De Heval's. Seeing Clarice's surprise, Mllllcent smiled with pleasure. She thought her friend overcome with tho benuty of her gown. "It Is pretty. Isn't It? Ono of tho newest at Stark's. A'Duroque model." "A Duroquo model?" murmured Clarice. "A real Duroquc. They have so few, even nt Sturk's. Isn't It n dnrl- lug? Hut you hnvo n very pretty dress on yourself. Where did you get It?" "At Stark's. It's It's nlso a Du roque model." Clnrlco looked nt tho rose-colored dress, nnd tried to ns sumo a correct and admiring expres s!ou, but quite suddenly and unox pectedly she began to lough. Mllllcent stnred resentfully, her fnce red with anger. Clarice went on laughing. "Oh, Mil Hcent, please forgive me. I can't help It I snw thnt very dress yesterday nt Mme. Do nevnl's and I got mine thore, tool" Mllllcent's face, which hnd turned from red to white, grew red again For n moment it looked ns If sho would cry, but Clnrlco's lnugh wns In fcctlous, nnd presently Mllllcent, too, began to glgglo until the two wcro nl most hysterical. "Clarice," said Mllllcent, when they were more composed, "this Is tho last tlmo I resort to shnm. For tho past threo yenrs I've been buying ray dresses at Mine. De Heval's, because they cost less. I didn't hnvo tho cour age to let people know It, for fenr I might fall In their esteem. Dut this Is n lesson to me. I'll be honest from now on." "And so will I," declnred Clnrlce. "Hereafter, If I got a gown from Mme. Do Rovnl that cost n third loss than the snmo nt Stnrk's, I'll let the world know It, nnd look no more for Duroque models." Mark of Missouri Eccentricity. "Uncle Johnborry Is n mighty queer old man," mused the gnunt Missouri nn. "Why, nctunlly, ho don't 'penr to caro nt nil when Dome other jld chnp comes nround nnd outbrngs him about his rheumntlz." Kansas City Htur. ED. KiERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Snles a Specialty. References nnd Hates at First Nn- tlonnl Hunk, North finite, Neb. 100 Enst Third St 1'hone 912 Sale Dates. Ktl (Julvin. Feb. ilOlli. Feb. 23 Hog sale, Western Nebrns Un llrcedcrs' Ass'n. L. 0. Lloyd, February 21. If. C. Ddebke, February iWth. February 20 E. S. Froman. Charlie Slilnn, February 27. It Noble March .'Id. Mnrcli i)th John Wing. .March 10 II. Frazcr. It T. Welllver, .March Kith. .March 23d It. S. L. Vnss. March 2(1 Cattle sale, Western Nc bniskn Hrccders' Ass'n. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern' institution for the cit;ntific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dcnl. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Rcdficld, M. D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1718 of Patrick II. McEvoy, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will toko notice that tho time for presentation and Ming of claims against said cstato Is Juno 12, 1920, and for settlement of said estate Is August 5th, 1920; that I will sit nt the county court room In said county, on March 12, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 12, 1920, at o clock a. in., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f9ni5 County Judge NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1729 of Georgo Brown Can- right, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said estate take notice that npotition has been filed for tho appointment of John Canrlght as administrator of said estate which hns been set for hearing herein on March 5, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a, in. Dated February 3. 1920. (SEAL) TO. II. C. WOODHURST, f9f27 County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING In the mnttor of tho estato of Adolph Scherz, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska To the hoirs and all persons Inter ested In said estate: Notice Is hereby given that a petition for tho appoint ment of Frieda Scherz, as administra trix of the estato of Adolph Scherz, deceased, and also an application fbr an nllowanco for Frieda Scherz, as widow of said deceased, has been filed in this court nnd thnt said pe tition and application for widow's nl lowanco will bo heard boforo tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in tho Court House In tho City of North Platto, in said County, on Fobruary 28, 1820, at 10 o'clock a. in., nt which time nny person inter ested may nppear and show cause, if any thoro bo, why tho prayer of said notltion and nnnlicntlon should not bo granted. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska, Fobruary 0, 1920. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST. fl0f27 County Judgo NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1710 of Christina Cohngen, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss. Credl tors of said ostato will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said es tato Is Juno 12, 1920, nnd for settle niont of said osta.to Is January 30, 1921: that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on March 12, 1920. nt 9 o'clock o. m., nnd on Juno 12, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a. m., to recolve, exnmlno, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, flOmS County Judgo, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1715 of Josoph J. Bow kor, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nobraska, Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credl tors of said ostato will tako notlco thnt tho tlmo limited for prosonta tlon and and filing of claims ngalnst said ostato Is Juns 5th, 1920, nnd for sottlomont of said ostato is January 30tln 1921. that I will sit In tho coun ty court room In said county on March 5th, 1920, nt 9 o'clock n. in., and on Juno 5th, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive hoar, allow, or ndjust nil claims and objections duly tiled. WM. II .0. WOODHURST f2-4 County Judge Col. H. M. JOHANSEN, AUCTIONEER. ' Sale Dates: I 21st. Cnsper Raucli. gonornl farm sale nt tho old stock ynrd barn. 23d. Wostern Nebraska Breeders' Association, North livery barn, i 25. Leo Mustard, general farm sale southeast of North Platte. 20th. Scott Shancr. general farm . sale, two miles southeust of Dlguoll. I 28th. Combination salo nt the North Plntto Salo Darn. v , March. 11th. W. II. Towers, gonoral fnrm sale, southeast of Maxwell. 15th. Iundholm & Anderson hog salo at tho North Plntto Salo Darn. Land and Stock Snlc. On March 9, 1920, Mrs. Dartholo mow & Son will hold a stock and land sale. 1120 acres of land, In Sec 2, T. 1(5, R. 32, and Sec. 30, T. 17, R. 32, located 12 miles south of Tryon, 20 miles nortwest of North Platte nnd 2 miles west of Tryon mall route. Now Is tho tlmo for those In terested to look this land over, while tho snow Is oc, ns It will bo sold upon tho above dato regardless of the weather. 102tf Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T. Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. East End Grocery, 709 East Fourth St., On the Lncoln Highway. Staple & Fancy Groceries QUALITY GOODS Atlvo, Del Monte, Wcbfoot nnd Dccch Nut Drands of Canned Good". A. F. BEELER, Prop 1008 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Platte, Nebr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. , A place where the sick are cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North Platte, Nob. MIS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors o, G, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phone 97. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Hlrschfelil's Office Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 R. I. SHAPPELL Auctioneer Dates can bo mado at tho Platto Valley Stato Bank or Phono 15G Sutherland, Nobraska. I always tako stock buyers with mo. Office Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb Phono for Appolntmontt. JOHN S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Surercry McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phono S3 Residence 8S GEO. B. DENT, Fhsylchin and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115 DR. REDFIELD Physician. Obstetrictnn Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Office C12 Residence 070 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapj 723 City National Bank Dnlldlug. Omaha, Nebraska. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist RooniB 1 nnd 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska, DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician nnd Surgeon Office over Rexull Drug Stoio Offlco Phono 371. House 1068 DERBYBERRY ft FORBES, Licensed Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black S6S Big Price for Furs. r , c n cn Don t sell your rurs nelore sec- ing me. I'tirs arc mgii nna am offering the top prices. L. LIPSHITZ. W. T. F HITCH AUD. Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox asslstnnt doputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vino Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 033 Notice of Final Report. Estate No. 1089 of Mary, Vosolpka, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, Tho SUito of Nobraska, to all per sons lntorestos In said estate lako no tlco that Vlasta Vosolpka, tho ad ministratrix of said estate, has Mod a final account and report of her ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, and for a decreo of heirship and distri bution of said estate, which havo been sot for hearing before said court on Saturday, February 2Sth, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m.. when you may appear nnd contest tho same. Dated January 31. 1920. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f3f20 County Judge ORDER FIXING CLAIM DAI'S. In tho Mutter of tho Estato ot Frank L. Lawrence, Deceased. Now on this 30th day of January, 1920, it is ordered by tho court that the executrix be allowed ono year from this date In which to sottlo said estate, and creditors will bo allowed until tho fifth day of Juno, 1920, to lllo their claims, after said date, claims will bo forever barred. That on the 5th day of March, 1920, and tho 5th day of June, 1920, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., of each of said days, the court and the executrix will attend at tho county, court room In said county, to rocelvo, examino, hoar, allow and ad just claims. Tliat notice of this or der bo given creditors and all persons Interested in said estate by publication of a notice for four successive wteeks immediately preceding tho 5th day of March 1920 in The North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspa per printed and published in Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f2-4. County Jugo AMICMJMKNTS TO ARTIOI.HS OP IN COHPOIIATIOX OK TUB .NORTH I'IjATTK KflUITV ASSOCIATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That at a special meeting of tho stockholders of tho North Platto Equity Association, a corporation duly organized under tho laws of tho statu of Nebraska, hold at tho olllco of tho company In North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 31st day of January, 1920, A. D.. after duo and legal notice had been given to the stockholders thereof In conformity with Its Articles of Incor po.ation, By-Laws and tho laws of tho State, at which the requisite majority of the stock of said corporation was represented, tho following amend ments were adopted as shown bolow: Artlclo III of tho Articles of Incor poration was amended to read as fol lows: ARTICLE III. "The general nature of the business to bo transacted by this corporation shall bo to buy, sell, trado and deal in, at wholesale and retail, groceries, pro visions, food supplies, farm and dairy products, vegetables, produce, pottery and crockery, fresh, salt and smoked meats, Ash, oysters, and sea food pro ducts, llvo stock, poultry, and domestic, foreign and manufactured food nro- ductB, grain, hay, feed, straw, seeds. poultry feed, lumber, cement, coal, all Kinds or machinery, engineer ne and hardware specialties, gasoline or gas engines and motors, automobiles, steam engines, Doners, electrical motors, farm machinery, farm euuinnient. wire. dairy supplies, vehicles, and machin ery and appliances of every kind, na ture and description, furniture and ar ticles used in furnishing and enuln- plng of banks, theatres, churches schools, residences and other nubile and prlvato buildings, dry goods. clothing, wearing apparel and textile fabrics of every kind, hats, caps, mil linery, boots, shoes, furnishing goods, fancy goods, and all articles and mer chandise of like general character and description, bread, cakes, pics, crack ers, biscuit, pastry, Ice-cream and oth er similar food products, and to provido and maintain a restaurant, inn or eat ing house; and to do all things inci dent to tho general transaction of the character of business hereinbefore enumerated and Implied, Including tho right to own, leaso and operate grain elevators, hay barns, refrigerators, stables, pons, slaughter houses, abat toirs, cold storage plants, bakeries. and garages; to mako and perform contracts of any kind and description, ond In carrying on its business or ror tno purpose or attaining or furthorlng any of its objects, to do nny and nil things which a natural person could do and exercise, nnd which now or hereafter may bo au- inorizeu ny law; nnd in tho purchase or acquisition of property, business, rights of franchises, or for additional working capital, or for any other ob ject In or about Its business or affairs, to Incur debt and to raise, borrow and secure the payment of money In any Jawful manner. Including tho Issue and sale or other disposition of bonds, war rants, uenentureB, obligations, nego tiable and transferable instruments and evidences of indebtedness of all kinds, whether secured by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or othorwlso; nnd to own, lease and sell such personal and real proporty ns may be necessary and useful for tho transaction of tho business and tho accomplishment of tho purpose of this corporation." We, Edgar M. Dawson, nnd Ilnrry M Johnson, President nnd Secretnry of snld meotlng, do hereby certify tho above to bo a true and correct state ment of tho proceedings of tho stock holders nt tho nbove named meeting, nnd. wo do hereby execute, sign and acknowledge tho same, for nnd on be half of said corporation, this 31st day of January, 1920, A. D. EDO AH M. DAWSON, President. HARRY JI. JOHNSON, Secretary. Stato of Nebrnskn, County of Lincoln, ss Bo It Remembered, that on this Oth day of Pobrunry, A D. 1920, before me, a not ry public In and for sjld Count -and Sato, personally appeared Ede -M. Dawson and Harry M. Johnsr ench being to mo personally know who being by mo duly sworn did sn that they nro tho President and Seqr--tary respectively of the North Piatt Equity Association, and that snld In strument was signed and sealed In b' -half of said corporation by nuthorit of Its stockholders, nnd that they ac knowledged said instrument to bo th voluntary act and deed of said corpor.i -tlon, by them voluntarily executed E. R OOODMAN. Votiry Publt. of life."