The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1920, Image 12

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Does it
To have a
Factory Trained
Work on your car?
Remember we have
An expert electrician
The best battery man
Complete stock of
High grade parts
Complete 'efficiency
The oldest service to
)' . i .
Auto owners
in the U. S. A.
Batteries of all Makes
Insured Service.
Midway Motor
ScmMHeehlu (tribune.
(HA h HA ltt:. Editor ami Publisher
Ono l'cnr by Mnll, In itdranco. .$1.7'
Ono Ycur by Carrier, In ndranco, $2.00
Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflce as Second Class Matter,
FRIDAY, I'KJiJtrAKY 1211, i!h!0.
Oscar Eymon, of Ogalnllu. wan r,
hilnenH visitor In town yesterday.
Mr. and Mm. It. Itrucc Eshom' will
oiivo noxt woolc for Omaha whore
they will make their home thin spring.
Ml mi Maude Moriledge will arrive
tomorrow frTJm Grand Island to be
tho week end guost of Mm. II A.
For Sale fi room Stucco house
Ith bath, on west Gth Street. Phone
24. tf
Yesterday was a perfect spring day
bright and warm, and It wan enjoyed
not wltliHtnndlng the prediction of
biiow and colder" tonight.
We pay cash for butter and oggs.
McGovorn & Stack, phone 80. Free
dollvory. stf
Mm H. F. Wright substituted yea-
orday and today for Mrs. Allen who
toachoH tho llfth and sixth grades at
10 Central building.
The Stylo Shop is showing the now
Slnlmd" dross. One of New York's
latost creations.
Mrs. J. K. Dlllmnn returnod yes-
onlay to her homo In Gothenburg
after spending sovoral days here a
guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo,
Henderson Fashion Form Corsets.
absolutely guaranteed to give satis
faction to each customer. E. T. Tramp
and Sons.
Tho noon-day lunches served Thurs-
ay of each week at tho Elks' homo
by Stoward Kennedy havo become a
permanent feature and from fifty to
Bcvonty aro served. John servos n
dinner that men onjoy.
Aprons and bouso dresses for spring
in all good styles and colors Do not
fall to see them. E. T. Tramp and Sons
The year old child of Mr. and Mrs.
. E. Sebastian, which had been suf
fering from double pneumonia, Is now
nprovlng. Mr. Sebastian has been
having a serious tlmo during the past
three weeks, as all members of his
family havo boon sick during tlmt
FOR SALE SEVi Sec. 24, T lit. It
10. 7 mllos southeast of North Platte,
known as tho Connolly place. For
rurtnor Information, address A. 11.
Yates, Sutherland, Neb. 12tf
Thanks to tho untiring work of
Commissioner Salisbury and his trac
tor and drag, the residonce streets
of tho city aro again in very good
shapo. For u month or moro thoy had
been In horrlblo shape, due to snows
which foil tho latter part of last
For Sale Old Trusty incubator,
good as now. L. D. McFarland, 1702
oast Fourth. ll-G
A fair sized audience attended tho
second number of the lecture course
at tho Franklin auditorium Wednes
day evening and hoard Miss Sarah
Wlllmer. a reader of moro than or
dinary merit. "Tho Sign of the
Cross," as given by Miss Wlliner was
exceptionally good.
Money Invested In a Henderson
ishlon Form Corset is a safe Invest
ment. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Gambling Is a great human mission.
nice nailing. Tho trouble with Tom
Moore In "Lord and Lady Algy" at the
Crystal Saturday and Monday is that
no nns a great passion for gambling
or betting on horse races. Resides ho
loves horses and owns his own racers.
Hut tho woman In tho case, as usual.
objects to Lord Algy'a mad mania for
netting. Perhaps she Is merely; Jealous
or ins attention to horsos. Womon aro
that way, you know. Well, It Is a long
row for Tom Mooro to hoo before ho
gots his wife to smllo nn answer to tho
famous Irish smllo of his.
"The Beggar Prince"
. "Loot"
Ora Carewe
Billy West Comedy.
arATINEB ltIS 1. M.
"The Girl Women'
Gladys Leslie
4th Chapter
See the Gmen Verlthln watoh In
Dlxon'a windows.
A son was born Saturday to Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Haggerty.
C. M. Austin went to Fremont Wed
nesday to attend the Jeweler's conven
tion. Mr. and Mra. N. K. Buckley enter
tained tho Tuesday Evening Jrldgo
Club tills week.
Mlaa Alice- Hoatfland returned to
ScottBblulT yesterday after upending
a week here with her paronta.
J. Vernon Lunsford wilt go to Klm
creok tomorrow to apend the week
end with his parents.
George Frater left WednwHlay for
Laramie to spend several days looking
after business matters.
Anton Novak, a Gothenburg cloth
ier, spent Wednesday In town veil
ing with John H. Edwards.
An Ingorsoll will please thnt boy.
Dixon's carry a complete line. 1
Watch Dixon's windows. I
Miss Gay Ilostou left Tuesday for J
Waterloo, la., to spend ten days visit- i
lug with friends and relatives. i
F. R. Elliott returned yeslerda
from Denver where ho had boon a bus ,
inoss visitor for several days.
Llconso to wed wo a granted bv
Judge Woodliurst Wednesday to Axe! i
Isaacson and Ma it T. Hoggs, both
of Horshoy.
Dr. Goo. II. Dent returned Tuesday
from Los Angeles where ho had been
called by tho Illness of Mrs. Town
send, mother of Mrs. Dent.
Have you seen the new "Sinbad"
dresses at The Stylo Shop?
Miss Julia Gleason returned Monday
from Chappoll whore she had been em
ployed for some tlmo past and has ac
cepted a position at tho Sudman Dak-
Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Harry Sanuelson and Oscar Sandall
If ft Tuesday night for Medicine Bow,
Wyo., to attend tho funeral of Robert
Drown, who was a brother-in-law of
Mr. Samuolson.
Paul Nolan roturnod Wednesday
from Wood River where ho had boon
spending a few days with his brother
John after attending tho Knights of
Columbus Initiation at Grand Island
Dixon & Son. Sight Specialists. j
A two-fisted, quick shooting! "mnn's!
man in a 100 per cent American
drama df adventure, mystery and ldve,
with 100 thrills. At tho SUN' only.
Two days commonclng Tuesday. 'Af
ternoon niatlnoo ut reduced nrlce. 12-2
Leo Mustard, living on the Turple
ranch, will sell off his personal prop
erty Wednesday of noxt week and
move to a 1000-acro farm ton miles
Out from Denvor which ho purchased
last year. Four hundred acres of this
farm Is under irrigation
Complete stock of spring's newest
creations in suits, coats,, dresses and
blouses at Block's.
Rov. R. O. Mackintosh returned ,
Tuesday from St. Joe, Mr. and Mra. I
Mackintosh went to St. Joo about throe'
weeks ago where Mrs. Mackintosh, '
who is convalescing from the grippe,
has boen visiting her folks whllo tho
rector looked after buslnoss Interests
In St. Joo, Topoka and Canada. I
Miss Maymo Coonoy and Leo Andor- j
son wero marrlod Monday at Overtoil '
ai tno Homo or tho brides parents.
Mrs, Anderson has boon bookkeeper
for tho Durbln Auto company for tho
past year whilo Mr. Anderson Is a
traveling salesman for the Powell
Auto Supply Company with North
Platte as his headquarters.
For Salo Electric washer and fur
niture 418 oust Fifth street. Phono
Hlack S17. li-t
Leonard Ilorrod, accompanied by
his brldo, Miss Francis Hart, to whom
ho had boon married that morning at
Sidney, passed through Tuesday after
noon enrouto on a short wedding trip
to Columbus and and Omaha, Leonard
Is the son of Jos. Ilorrod, of Columbus.
former round-house foreman hore,
and Is a successful young clothing
merchant at Central City.
For Salo White Rock Cockerels.
Phono Hlack 920. 12-3
Charley Rogue arrived homo Mon
day and loft Tuesday night for Wash
ington, D. C, to bo prosont at tho con
foronco which the railroad brother
hoods chairmen will hold with Presi
dent Wilson and his cabinet. This
conforonco will bo hold Monday of
next week and rolatos to an Increase o1
wages. The outcome of tho conforonco
Is awaited with much interest by the
geuoral public.
Stop and constder prlcos In automo
biles. What ca.ii you buy which com
paros with a Dodgo Urothors car at
J122K. Most anything In Its class is
now prlcod from $300 to $400 higher
and cheap ono-tlmo aollors cost with
in StiO as much. Dodge Urothors do
not boltovo In war profiting nt your
expense. ,You know you buyJ5arvIce
In a Dodge car maybe you did not
know that price Is also In Its favor.
J V ROMIGH. Dealer
Commencing Tuesday.
American Fzhn
A Six Paorl
As BocK Thornton
The Western Breeding Association
will hold iT great Brood Sow Sale in
Februury 23. 1920, at Johansen's
Livery Barn, 2 Block South of U. P.
(10 Head of liroed Sows.
In this salo will bo GO Head of Real
Sows, bred to Eight Real Herd Boars,
carrying the most popular Blood lines
In the Duroc Brood, you will not go
wrong In buying a Sow In this Salo.
Wp aro striving year from year to
Breed Bigger and Better Hogs to place
bofore the Public and all wo ask of
you is to come to this stlo and seo If
wo are going wrong. v"e are In the
business and intend to stay and brood
the Duroc as big as they grow, and wo
cordially Invito you to join us In buy
ing a Sow or two; this will encourage
us as well as yourself. If you own a
high priced sow, It will encourage you
to take caro of her and In this way
you will ralso bigger nnd bettor hogs
for yourself and the community. Now
Is the time to got Into tho gnmo. It
will bo a good Investment. These
sows aro selected from six different
herds, including Tried Sows. Fall
Gilts and Spring Gilts.
Manngor. for Catalogue.
CONSIGNEES Frank Strollberg,
Chas. Swodcll. Fred Nelson, F. O.
Johnson, W. P. Snyder, Experimental
A. M. Swoodburg, Ed Koirlg, II. M.
Fiold Representative, .Frank Ander
son, Nebraska Farmor.
Clerk, T. O. SWENSON. Union State
Bank. North Platte. Nob.
Don't Forget Dale, Monday, Feb. 2.1.
Dressmaker and Fitter for our Wo
men's Ready to Wear Dopt. Must bo
efficient and rapid in tho work. Prefer
ono who can also assist in soiling at
rush times. Call or phono Miss A.
Voss of tho Leader Mercantile Co.
Wallace Couple Married.
Harvey E. Parton and Miss Nell
Comically, both of Wallace, wero mar
rlod Monday evening at St. Patrick's
chapel by Rov. Fr. McDald. Tho couple
wero attended by Miss Noll Hunilln
and Harry Guthorless. Tho groom Is
a contractor and builder at Wallace
and tho brldo had boon omployed in
tho Farmer's Stato Bank nt Wallace
You know what a Banjo clock Is
If you don't step In to Dixon's nnd
they, will be glad to show a very beau
tiful model.
Freight traffic on tho Union Pacific
Is rathor light at tho prosont, some
what lighter than tho corresponding
period last year. Trainmen and ong
Inenion aro not thoroforo cnrnlng
nearly so much money as they did
throo months ago. Fow railroad
nion's checks for $100 for tho half
mouth period wero cashed on tho last
pay day.
: :o: :
Divine Services KpNcopal Church.
1st Sunday "in Lout:
Holy Communion S a. in.. Church
School and blblo class 9:45 a. m Morn
ing prayer and sormon 11 a. m. Churchy
sohool North Sldo 3 p. in. EvonlngJ
prayer and aermou 7:30 p. m. Lonton
Services in church Wodnosdny nt 4 p.
in. Friday at 7:30 p. m. Wodnofdny
at 7:30 p. m. North Side.
Co., Inc.
ii tea Sanaa ad
Srodxictioix of Umisual Merit
Commissioners' Proceedings
February 1G, 1020.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
present Herminghauson, Springer and
Koch and county clerk.
Claims wero allowed as follows:
Cy Askwlg special deputy, $50.00.
John Rltner, rlprapplng, $100.00.
Chas. Vanscoy, work on blade, $10.
Bond of O. H. Eyerly, assessor Nich- '
ols precinct approved. 1
Wm. Calhoun, work oil tractor, $10.
Sutherland Lumber Co., coal for
county poor, $19.15. I
E. S. Hostctter, road work, $G1.50.
John Schram, dragging, $32.00.
Paul Meyer, services, $10.00.
A. N. Durbin, hauling pile driver
hammer, $20.00.
Albert Stolnhausen, road work, $49.
W. H. Watson, mdso county poor.
Star Bottling Works, mdse, $3.00.
Sundray persons. Stato vs. Bailey,
I. W. Conant, livery hire, $24.50.
Wm. Smith, road work, $0.41. !
Petition presented to the board by
Nathaniel Bratton and others for their
approval to the stato engineer for fed-'
oral and state aid i end. The board
recommends it to the state engineer
for establishment. !
John Frazior, road appraising, $4.50
Clarence Webb, road work. $27.00.
Adjourned to February 21, 1920.
The undersigned will offer at public sale on the Turpie ranch 3
miles south and three miles east of North Platte, on
Wednesday, February 25th, '20
Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp the following described property:
118 Head o Cattle,
110 head of well bred Hereford cows, mostly 3 yoar olds, most all
will havo calves in the spring. 3 Hereford bulls. 5 milch cows, 3
giving milk, 2 will be frosh soon.
1 team of brown mares G and 7 years old, weight 2100; 1 mare nnd
hprso 5 years old, weight 2300; 1 team of gray mares, weight 2200; 1
single driving mare, smooth mouth, weight 1100.
22 head of full blooded Duroc Sows, all bred to havo pigs in April;
10 head of barrows, 30 f; 11 pigs 1 registered Duroc boar.
John Doere hay, stacker with trucks In good shapo, Champion hay
swoop, six-foot Doerlng wower, ground roller, 14-lnch John Deere
gang plow, lG-lnch sulky plow, 14-lnch Oliver gang plow, 3-sectlon
harrow with cart, lGxlG disc, Jenny Linn walking plow, now John
Dooro two-row, press drill, 2 ono-horso corn stalk drills, walking
broaklng plow, corn bindor, low wagon witli 3 inch tires, high wag
on with 4 inch tires, hog rack, hay rack, 2 baling hay racks, 3 sets of
work harness, 2 sets of single harness, grind stouo, 3 sots of lly nets,
whoolbarrow. 2 scoop boards, pump, 2 gas barrels, buggy nearly now.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS Cook stovo, buffet nearly now, kitchen cab
inet, bookcase, oil stove, lncubntor, folding bod, tout lGxlG nnd sowing
TKR.MS OF SALE $20 nnd under cash; sums over $20 eight months
time will be given on banknblo papor bearing 10 per cent interest
from date of sale. No property to be removed till settled for
II. 31. JOHANSKN, Auctioneer.
Ler .ooxt Matinee.
Methodist Church Announcement.
Sunday services: Preaching 11 a. m.
subject "The Inter Church World
Movement." Preaching 7:30 p. m.
subject "George Washington." Ep
worth League G:30 p. m. Tho Leaugue
lesons are now on China and are both
interesting and Instructive.
The "Red and Blue" contest in the
Sunday School is creating much in
terest and increasing the attendance.
One feature of the contest rules Is
that a pupil taken from any, other Sun
day school looses a point to the class.
A splendid orchestra is playing now
for the school.
Farm nt Auction.
On Thurstday, February 2G, 1920, at
one o'clock p. m. I will sell at Public
Auction my 80 acre farm one mile
north and ono and one-half miles west
of Sutherland. Nebraska. .Possession
given as soon as salo completed.
IMPROVEMENTS: New House 14' x
28' with ELL 14' x 10'; Corn Crib and
Granary, 1G' x 24', Garage in center.
Farm fenced and cross fenced. Two,
hog pastures. Irrigation Ditch crosses
TERMS: Ten per cent day of sale,
balance made known the day of sale.
Horsos, cattle and farm machinery
sale on place same day.
C. H. SMITH. Owner.