NOHTU PLATTE RKMT-WTCKKM' TttinUNK. HER LIFE WAS SAVED! Kansas City, Kans.: "About twenty, throo years ago Dr. Picrco'a Favorite- Pre scription and Golden Medical Discovery eavou my mc. l be came ill; bad n Bovcro cough and bronchitis. At timoa I would got bo badly choked up that I would have to sit up in bod to got my breath and in n short timo I began to Buf fer with dropsy. I ' doctored but did not improve, in fact, I got so bad I was bed fast and had to havo n n'l. .I--, told mo tho only thing that would help mo was a change ol climate. IIo advised mo to go to a southern climate. I know of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and decided to try it. I had my nurso get mo two bottles. Tho first night I had her give mo just a few drops every few minutes and by twelvo o'clock I was asleep, a thing I had not douo for about thrco weeks. Tho next day they gavo mo this mcdicino every half hour and after that as directed. I kept up its uso until I was a well woman. It not only cured mo but I was in better health than I had ever been nnd since that timo I have always taken 'Favorite Prescription' when ever I was badly run-down or in need of n tonic and it has never failed to help me. I am glad to recommend Dr. Pierce s modi eincs." MRS. SARAH COLEMAN, 1420 Wood Ave. Run-down Weak Nervous Omaha, Nobr.: "I was at one timo greatly benefited by taking Dr. Pieree'a medicines. I becamo all run-down in health, was weak and nervous and wm greatly in need of some good tonic to build mo up and give mo strength. I took tho 'Favorite Prescription and tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' and they proved to bo just what I needed for they built mo up and restored me to good health. For this I am very thankful, indeed." MRS. JENNIE RICHARDSON. 637 S. 25th Ave. Constipation and Slnggisii liver Don't take chances. Get Carter's Little Liver Pills right now. They never tan to mane me liver do its duty. They jgff relieve cuusupa tion, banish in rfitrfistlnn. I1TTL.E ririvftnut hill. ousness, stop A BNE R clear the com- im plexion, put a healthy glow on the check and sparkle in the eye. Be sure and get the genuine. Small Fill Small Dose Small Price Oil. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Ueoolot mui bear signature. taJr!hr0 Never Took the Ax. To n small son's insistent Inquiry as to where he was going each morning, when lie left for his work a lawyer always said : "Over to the courthouse. I got an nx to grind with a fellow over there." Little son wrinkled his brow every morning over this answer nnd one morning he said : "Well, It's funny I never see you take the ax with you." How's This? Wo offer 1100.00 ror nny caso of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak. en internally and acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druBglsts for over forty years. Prlco 75c. Testimonials freo. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. All Dig Fish. "How are the fish running?" "Good nnd large, sir. So large that a notary public has set up u shack on the river hank." Garfield Tea keeps the liver normal. Adv Common sense is none too common. r AFTER 7 YEARS-STILL WELL Now Enjoys Best of Health and Does Her Housework Unaided "I didn't enjoy one day of good health for more than two years," says Mrs. 0. E. Wildes, 740 E. Georgia St., f ..,r,l.; T.nn yfjrz "At first 1 haii backache. After wards terrible at tacks of pain left me weak and limp. My nrnu and limbs ached. My feet felt weighted with tons of lead. I couldn't walk without a enne and had to bo car ried to bed every niaht. I couldn't Mr. WUdei do a bit of work and Kept my people busy rubbing my aching limlw. Some times my whole body became rigid. My feet were swollen twice their normal Bize. "It almost killed me to pas the kid ney secretions. 1 lout -12 pounds and each day felt I had aged a year. I wn so nervous the rustle of a paper made me scream. "Finally I was advised to uso Doan's KUlncu PlUs and seven boxes nmdc mo a well woman. 1 have enjoyed the best of health for wven years, and have done all my housework without any trouble." Sworn to before me. .lOUN M.Nt'IIY. Notnrv Public. Gat Don' at Any Store, 60e n Bo DOAN'S Kf?? FOSTER.MIU3URN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Persistent Coughs re (Unceroui. Oct prompt relief f lMo'. Stojn irrila Ion; poolhlrw. EITt. and tulo for young nod old. No opiate lu PISO'S "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and Bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure youit child Is having the best nnd most harm less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children lovo Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on euch bot tle. Give It without fear. Mother I You must say "California." t-Adv. General In Wrong. When Gen. O'Neill of Allentown first went to Spartanburg, S. C, his train was three hours late. The negro escort nppolnted to receive him at the sta tion had been dismissed. The general walked. Presently he was accosted by a sentry. "Who Is you?" "General O'Neill." "Well, you cut the buck nnn go up there to headquarters to beat the del), bll and sec my captain and explain yourself. We've been waltln' three hours fer you." Los Angeles Times. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Fiush Kidneys if Bladder Bothers You. Eating meat regularly evontunlly produces kidney trouble In some form or other, says a well-known authority, becnuso the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked ; got sluggish; clog up ond cause nil Bort3 of distress, particularly back ache and misery In the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomnch, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and uri nary Irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys nren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any good phannncj ; take n tnhlcspoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with llthla, nnd has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stlmulnte them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thns ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure nnyono; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which millions of men and women take now nnd then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv. Seek, and Ye Shall Find. J. II. King, A. T. Hunt and II. 1 Senrch are active members of the men's class of Central Avenue M. E. church. Recently a lunch was glveu by the class at which the three wore present. The telephone rang nnd Mr. King, who had just arrived, an swered. The caller wishes to talk to Mr. Search. Mr. King, havlnj, been trained In overseas "Y" work, prompt ly replied: "I don't know whether Mr. Senrch Is here, sir. If not, will Mr. Hunt do?" BREAKS YOUR COLD IN JUST A FEW HOURS "Pape'a Cold Compound" Instantly re lieves stuffiness and distress Don't stay stuffcd-upl Quit blowing nnd snuffling I A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the nlr pass ages of the head; stops nose running; relieves tho headache, dullness, fever Ishness, sneezing, soreness nnd stiffness. "I'npo's Cold Compound" is tho quickest, surest relief known and costs only n few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Papo's I Adv. Quite to the Point. "I had a shurp dispute with my husband." "What about?" "l'ln money." Shnve With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efllclency ns well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy sonp, no germs, no waste, no lrrltntlon even when shaved twice dnlly. Ono soap for all uses shaving, bnthlng and shampooing. Adv. A man sometimes longs for tonmr row because be Is ashamed of whin Right-o, Mr. John Bull! To Know Us Is to Love Us WASHINGTON. In response to the appeal of the Anglo-American society. Sir George Watson has given tho sum of 20.000 required for the foun dation nnd endowment of a chair In American history, literature and In stitutions, In order to promote such If this sum be given by a single donor, the name of the donor will bo associated with the chair. It Is not proposed that the chair shall be exclusively attached to one university, but that It shall be used for the general purpose of stimulating interest and study of America In all the Hrltlsh universities. Neither will the chair be held permanently by one scholar of a single nationality. The scheme provides that It shall be held, for a period of ono to two years, alternately by an American and a British scholar or public man thus drawing upon tho best Intellectual resources of the two countries, and securing a variety of treatment of the subjects dealt with. This novel kind of foundation has been selected by a special committee of the Anglo-American society, under the chairmanship of Lord Glenconor. Tho committee Is of opinion that ibis foundation would greatly assist to create In Great Hrltaln a wider knowledge of America today, nnd of tho history, literature and institutions of this great trans-Atlantic commonwealth of English-speaking people. Virgin Islanders Want Local Civil Government THE 75,000 people of the ' three Virgin Islands In the West Indies, which the United States purchased In 1017 from the Danish government for $25, 000.000, think It Is high time they should have local civil government. Up to date they have been governed by the United States navy department, which Is quite willing to get rid of tho Job. Congress seems to think that the proposition Is worth looking into. Anyway, the senate recently passed a Joint resolution, which the house m mended. It was evidently slated for passage nnd at last accounts was as follows : "Kesolved, etc., That a joint com mission to consist of three members of the Senate and three members of the House of Itopresontutlvos, to be nppolnted by the Vice President of the United States, and the Speaker of the House, respectively, Is hereby created lo visit the Virgin Islands nnd to report fully to Congress as to existing con ditions lu the said Islands, and particularly to report and recommend action by Congress, If need there be therefor, with reference to whether the present novernmeiit under executive direction should lie superseded by civil government provided by Congress ns contemplated by act of March .'1, 1017 (IIO Stat., p. IKiii), said government being now only temporary lu character and by order i.f the President being now vested In olllcers of the Navy; also, as to whether 'engross should at this time provide for a civil government of the Islands by an organic act; also what, If any, legislation Is necessary pending tho iornmtlon and adoption of an organic act, and as to the general conditions existing in the Islands. Said report to be filed at the earliest date practicable, and during the Sixty-sixth Congress." The United Slates bought the Virgin Islands so that Germany should not acquire them. They are on the way to tho Panama canal. The people of the Islands have asked for this commission, their Idea being that It should hold hearings und give them a chance to set forth their needs. Professor's Rocket Makes E VKN Old II. C. L. Isn't In It with a new type of multiple charge, the 200 miles of the earth's atmosphere and possibly shoot to the moon Is sent completely through the band of the earth's atmosphere ami Into.-the ethereal mysteries beyond. r With a rocket of his latest designed type, weighing 1,274 pounds Initial mass. Professor Goddard claims It will penetrate to unmeasured heights and lead to great discoveries. The announcement from the Smithsonian Institu tion states that Professor Goddard Is at present perfecting tho reloading mechanism of his rocket under a grant from the Institution, anil It Is hoped that a demonstration of its practicability and value can be made soon. "The apparatus," says the Smithsonian announcement, "designed and tested by Professor Goddard Is a multiple-charge, high efllclency rocket of un entirely new design. The determining factor of the elllclency of a rocket Is the velocity of ejection of tho gases duo to the explosion of tho propelling material. Professor Goddard bus raised the efllclency of the rocket front 2 per cent to nearly 04 per cent. "The gn-at sciontillc value of Professor (loddard's experiments lies In tho possibility of sending recording' apparatus to moderate and extreme altitudes within tho earth's atmosphere. The nature of the higher levols of the air has for a long time been a subject of much speculation." Carranza Needs a "Vice President" Like "Spot" WHAT the United States could do for .Mexico has been demonstrated by the regeneration of three American republics accomplished by virtual protectorates established by Uncle Sum The three republics are Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Nicaragua. In the case of Haiti anil Santo Domingo the protectorate was estaullshed and Is still maintained by force of arms. In tho caso of Nicaragua It was es tablished by consent, though United States marines hnvo maintained order In tho republic for nearly a decade. When asked why the Wilson ad- mlulstratlon had not undertaken to reform .Mexico as it had Haiti, Santo Domingo und Nicaragua. Secretary or the Navy Daniels once explained that there Is considerable difference In the size of tho Jobs. Haiti Is now a going concern, with a complete government of Its own, In cluding a president, a congress and an army all supervised by the United States navy. Incidentally, tho promotion of Scrgt. "Spot" (William A.) Miller, United States marine corps, to a lieutenant In tho gendarmerie d'Haltl has brought forth tho fact that ho holds tho strangest Job lit the whole corpn. Miller for the last four yours bus been personal bodyguard of President Antegtmnlve of the republic of Haiti. Ho has become so lutluentlal In native governmental circles that he Is known as the "vice president of Haiti." He U nhwiy present when Anteguenive meets representatives of foreign nnwt'i-s He is mined with being the real "power behind the throne." studies in all the British universities. The foundation of the chair forms the principal educational proposal of the British program for the tercen tenary celebration of the Mayflower nnd the lMlgrlm Fathers (11120-11)20). Tho proposal was as follows: A sum of 20.000 Is required for the foundation and endowment of a chair of lectureship lu American his tory, literature and Institutions. eti Old H. C. L Look Cheap this new contraption. The Invention of high efllclency rocket thnt will penetrate announced by the Smithsonian Insti tution. The Invention Is tho work of Prof. Robert II. Goddard of Clark col lege, who has tested It, and predic tion Is made that It will be Invaluable to the science of meteorology. The highest level so far reached by scientists with recording Instru ments is 11) miles, accomplished with a free balloon. Professor Goddard believes that his new rocket enn bo 1 d&tev, B5a. How Many Women Are Like This? Can anything bo rnovo wearing for women than tho ccasolcsa round of household duties? Ohl tho monotony of it all work and drudgo ; no timo to bo sick ; tired, ailing, yet can not stop. Thcro comes a timo whon somothing "snaps" and they find thcmsolvcs "simply worn out," and to mako matters worso,havo contractcdsorious fominino disordor which almost always follows tho constant overtaxing of a woman's strength. Then they should remember that tliero is no remedy llko Jjydln, 13. Plnklmni's Vcgotablo Compound tho expo rlcnco of theso two women establishes that fact: Cedar Rapids, la. "After tha birth of my last child I had such painful spoils that would unfit mo outlroly for my housowork. I suf forod for months nud tho doctor said that my troublo was organic ulcora nnd I would h&TO to hnvo an opora tlon. That was an awful thing to mo. with a young baby nud four othor children, so ono day I thought ot Lydla IS. rtnkham'a Vogotablo Compound nnd how It had helped mo yoars botore nnd I dccldod to try It again. I took five bottles of Vogo ttblo Compound nnd used Lydla 13. rinkham's SanatWo Wash nudslnco thonlhavobcene, well woman, nlilo to tako enroot my house and family without any troublo or a day's pain. I am ready nnd thankful to swear by yourniodlclnonny tlrao. I am forty lour yoars old and havo nothadn day's illness of any kind for throo yoars." Mrs. II. Kobnio, 017 131113 JJlvd, Cedar llaplds, Iowa. All Worn Out Women Should Tako LVOIA E.PINKHftM MEDICINE CO.. LYN N . MA3L't. Volubility Not Wanted. When you Und people who enn say volumes about nothing you can usual ly put It down they are short some where. A man with Ideas that count seldom Wears out his vocabulary try ing to advertise the Idea. Ho lets the Ideas stand on their own feet. The fact Is he doesn't need to do so much for u thing that can stand alone. And whnt's more, ideas havo a way of being able to deliver pretty strong ar gument. When they are founded on truth there Is no way of getting back of them. Tho fact tlult others refuse to accept them does not discount them. They stand on their own merits to be recognized und used when people learn to appreciate their value. His tory reveuls the fact that her biggest men were men of small speech. Proved His Deep Love. A remarkable will has Just been ad mitted to probate In England. It Is that of a Hrltlsh soldier, Lieut. Frank It. Kirk ley, wounded In notion, and who died at the Twenty-fourth cas ualty station. Italy. The will Is writ ten upon the bad; of a small photo graph, autographed "Muriel," and con tains only the words: "I leave nil to her. Frank E. Klrkley. Ulth July. 11)17." The Identity of "Muriel" was easily established as Miss Annie Mu riel Kyrke Smith of Larklilll, Salis bury Plain. The value of the property was about $1,500, but It causes a heart Ihrob to realize that the last thought af'the dying lieutenant was for the woman of his heart. First law that ever was niado was shattered that which prescribed what ilam and I've snouldii t do. Lot's wife was the salt of tho earth and still she wasn't wit lulled. A Health-Building Cereal Gran j ij! A Pleasing alike There's L Sandusky, Ohio. " Afterthohlrth of my baby I had organlo troublo. My doctor said It vim causod by too hoavy lifting and I would havo to havo an oporatlou. I would not consent to an operation and lot it go for over a year, having my slstor do my work for mo as I was not nblo to walk. Ono day my mint camo to boo mo and told mo about your mndlolno said it enrod hor of tho camo thing. I took Lydla 13. 1'lnkham's Vegetable Compound nnd used Lydla 13. 1'lnkham's Saua tlvo Wash and thoy hnvo cured mo. Now I do my own housework, wash Ing nnd Ironing and sowing for my family and alsodosowhig for other people. IstlUtakonbouloof Vogo taulp Compound every spring for tonlo. I rcconnnond your niodlclno to others who havo troublos similar to rnlno nnd you can uso my letter It you wish." Mrs. Tadi. I'amn imsu,1325 Stono St.,Sandu3ky,Ohlo. GAY AND POPULAR RESORT Biarritz, In Southern France, Noted as the Scene of European Fri volity and Fashion. One of tho gayest and mosf popu lar watering resorts of Europe- Is Biar ritz In Franco, about forty miles from the Spanish border. Its nearness to Spain has colored Its language and ar chitecture somewhat, giving It tho plo turesqueness of both countries. It Is a beautiful place, with Its cream-colored, red-roofed villas, dark pine trees, winding walks and crescent of white sandy beach gun-Mod at either end by high, rocky bluffs, rising abruptly from the sea. Before the war It was tho scene of frivolity and fashion, rival ing Monte Carlo lu Its gambling, danc ing and display. It was a favorite resort with one of England's more playful kings In his lighter moments. Indeed, Its main Rtreot Is called Ituo Edouard VII lu honor of him. The war brought a sudden change' of mood to Hlarrltz. Its gambling ca sinos nud hotels were turned Into hos pitals for wounded French, and later American soldiers. Grim convoys of warships passed close to Its shores on their way through the Hay of Biscay. Numerous ships were torpedoed in sight of the shore by tho German sub marines lurking along the Spanish coast. The coast was heavily mined, and from time to time the detonation of a mine would shako tho town. The Reason. "What art) you storming about so for?" "Wc'ro having a thundering tfood 1 1 mo." If opportunity were at sen, lots of people would hesitate on tho shore, dreading submarines. tat satisfying food. greatly pleasing tu la⁢, jluij. oi rich nourishment and ready to eat without cooking. Needs no Sugar to young and old. a Reason Nut