I GET PUBLICITY ON CALENDAR That Form of Advertising; la the Most Popular With the Merchant of China. It hns been known for n hing t,me what n rolntie tii'k It was to go visit ing In China- Unit Is. If yon happened to bu a lofly dignitary ami mutt there fore carry along a card of !:nconifnrt nble dimensions. Advert islng, It seems, shows a corresponding divergence not only from occidental methods, but from those of nearby .la pun. There nro thousand upon thousand of newspapers In China, but they are not very llrmly established, and when they do not soon disappear altogether, they are almost Mure (o change name frequently, an has been known to hap pen with certain American product. Newspaper of the republic have an overage dally circulation of ,'1,000, which l larger than It look, since the papers are carefully pa-sed from hnnd to band. There l, then, to be sure, newspaper adicrtlslng as well as pouter. Uut the most popular form of publicity for merchant I the cal endar! Nowhere I that humble do mestic article more Important than In China. Advertisement here placed are looked upon every day. And after all, when you look at the calendar that begin to arrive about this time of the year, Isn't It possible to Imnglne that Chlnn Is not so far from the West an It might he? Christian Science Monl tor. U TO OPERATE AIRSHIP FLEET Ambitious Plans Credited to English Company Well Within the Realm of Possibility. A company has been formed In Kng land for the purpose of operating n fleet of airships to varlou part of the world. The syndicate desires to nc qulre ground near Soulhport, where It propose to erect n tower 120 to 1B0 feet high to which airship may be moored, and an elevator will lake the passenger up the tower and Into the gondolas of the ship. The .syndicate Intend to have a fleet of non-rigid airships In commission next spring; the smaller will carry tl'-' passenger and crew and the larger -10 passenger and crew. The company also antic ipates running some of the larger rigid airships now In courc of con struction. These will have a carrying capacity of lfiO passengers and be nble to travel to any part of the globe. It Is proposed to use- the smaller non rigid nlrshlp to feed the larger ones nnd meet them at the. principal cen ters. The cost per mllo Is put at about half the cost of" n tnxlcab fare today, approximately about 18 cents per mile. Scientific American. IF KR u. i OS i my ; $ A Drop in the Bucket 5 J- 55 J J " :': t.t :r :.: it it i.t i.t it t.t j.t it it if :.: :.: :: it a it j.t :: i.t i.t i.t it i.t it The BREAD (Jive il I hi' place of honor at your hoard at ovory meal. It is Hie iiiohI noiirisliini; and wholesome food which can he had, and consequently, should he well partaken of. Cult hate the hahit of Kilting Hread .More Hread, and notice the tremendous improve ment in health which you will experience. Hread made with COW BRAND FLOUR is the hest of all hreads just as hread is the host of all foods. Kvory slice is delicious, rich in nourishment and of true hread flavor. North Platte Flour Mills. it wv vvrvv rr ww www LAST FRAGMENTS OF EMPIRE Romance In Disappearance of Red Dots From the Map of West em Canada. A map of western Canada kept In the olllces of the Hudson IJuy com pany In Winnipeg Is sprinkled with tiny red dots. Two centuries and a half of romance nnd history focus In these little red dots. When the Hudson nay company in 1870 surrendered to Canada the vast territory granted to It by Charles II of Kugland, It retained one-twentieth of all the land In the "fertile belt" of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta between the North Saskatchewan tiver and the International boundary. This one-twentieth was distributed throughout every township and each of those red dots on the mup repre sents tin area of from 100 to G-10 ttcrus. These lands arc today just as they were when the company's first forts were erected on Hudson bay. They are Just as they were when the buf falo pastured upon them and Indians und trappers snared or shot fur-beur-Ing animals In this domain half a century ago. r SS;S $ at t " a $ j fg n g & s 'vwjjh Evory householder's expenses are divided into a number of items; food, rent, clothing;, fuel and light, house-furnishings, insurance, education and amusements, sickness and the telephone. Qf all those items of expense, the tolephone bill is one of the least, being a very small per cent of the total cost. For a trifling sum you have constantly at your command millions of dollars worth of telephone property and the service of skilled workers. In business the cost of the telophone is frequently an oven smaller proportion of the overhead expense than in the household. It only needs an emorgoncy to bring home to any subscriber tho fact that the telephone is worth many times its cost. In the face of today's high costs the telephone is a daily economy for every subscriber. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE King of Foods. it :.: j.j i.t i.t i.t :: :: it ,. Though now surrounded by farms, they have never been touched by a plow. They are still Islands of primeval soli In the midst of rich farming districts. The little red dots are disappearing one by one from the map. Ench one that disappears means thnt the land It represents has become a settler's farm. All the dots represent 3,000. 000 acres. The company Is rapidly disposing of nil Its remaining hind to settlers. When the last dot disappears from the map, the last fragment of Hudson Hay company's old empire will have disappeared from the North Ameri can continent. Use for Helgoland. The Koynl Society for the Protec tion of Hints in England and the Per manent Wild Life Protective Kund of the United States Join in suggesting that Helgoland be made a reservation for the bird that migrate along the const of Europe. The Island Is less thnn one-fifth of u mile square, but It Is directly In the path of migratory llrds, and when Germnny has re moved the fortifications und other military establishments the birds will probnbly use It. COMPANY ; Z : o Li TEUS HOW HE CURED COLD New York Physician Passes on Rem-1 edy Which He Declares Does I Away With Affliction. Tills Is how Dr. L. Duncan Hulk-1 ley of New York cures his own colds and those of other people. Doctor Iiulkltty tells the story in the Medical i Iteconl, ns follows: "Yesterday I had nbotit as severe a i cold as possible, which had been com ing on several days, and had been sim ply neglected, ami I sneezed and coughed all day, using any number of handkerchiefs. In the afternoon I took one or two doses of soda, half n teaspoonful. and In the evening took five more, at half-hour Intervals, In warm water. At midnight I took one of the grip powders I have so long prescribed, ten grains of phemicetin with 120 of soda, with hot water, and went to bed with two handkerchiefs under my pillow. I dropped to sleep very soon and slept soundly until rnll ed at 7::',0. when I took another of the pheiiacetln and soda powders and found the cold entirely gone; exactly the experience which I reported be fore and which I have bad many times. "Last yenr from October to lute spring I wrote for the phenacetln and soda powders, ten grains and '-'0, al most every dny, and sometimes at least four times In the day, for patients threatened with grippe, ami although I questioned many patients at subse quent office visits I have yet to learn of nny failure to arrest the trouble." TO WORK OLD COPPER MINES American Company, With Modern Machinery, Will Reopen Shaft on the Isle of Cyprus. Equipped with modern mining nfn- chlnery purchased In the United States with California money, the rich copper mines of the isle of Cyprus, which centuries ago furnished cop per for the civilized world, may In n few months be turning out thousands of tons of that metal. According to an announcement made yesterdny, a syndicate of Cali fornia capitalists has secured a long term purchase lease on a score or more of the most valuable workings on the island, and engineers are now on tlx -round outlining plnns for In stalling modern mining machinery to replace the crude plants maintained by the Phoenicians centuries ago. While the names of members of the syndicate were irt given out, D. C. Jncklln, niultl-mllllonalre copper mag nate of San Francisco, is the recog nized head of the corporation. When the war first broke out the syndicate bad about completed plans for perfecting their lease of 22 claims on the Island, but complications brought about by the conflict forced abandonment of the plan until after the signing of the armistice. Art Criticism. One day a German subaltern who hnd been ordered to find billets pre sented himself nt my house, writes n Relglan woman in the World's Work. I showed him among others the room occupied for more than two years by the American delegates of the relief commission, in which u reproduction of an ancient work of art a bust without arms stood on the mantel piece. The subaltern thought the room appeared to he comfortable, but, seeking to make himself disagreeable, he raised bis eyebrows, after looking at the reproduction, and said in n rude voice: "Why, madam, did you cut the arnu off this bust In a room destined to be occupied by n German officer?" Words failed me. What could 1 say? He left the house with an of fended air. Rut the Incident bad no sequel, which was most extraordinary. Lived Long In Seclusion. Korty years In the District of Co lumbia without having set foot on the streets ! Such was the record of sev eral of the sisters of tho Visitation convent, formerly located at Connectl cut avenue und L street Northwest I am told on authority. Kor forty years these sisters lived In the school taking their exercise In the spaclout grounds bock of the building, sur rounded by a high wall. As you gc past ihe building now you see It nl most razed to the ground by wreckers the building and site having been sole recently for a big price. So the good sisters nt last came forth from theli cells and trod again the streets of the nntlonul capital for the first time In forty years. Washington Star. Prizes for English Weavers. A gift of $10,000 from John Cromp ton of Manchester. England, will pro vldo rewards to the designers and weavers of original cotton fabrics de signed and woven In technical col leges or weaving schools In the Brit ish empire. One-half of the fabrics sent In for competition must be en tirely of cotton, nnd the remainder may contain 70 per cent of cotton threads. A special committee of the Textile Institute of Manchester will tako care of the collection of the samples. On Venice Canals. The main entry to Venice from the railway station is by the celebrated Grand canal by means of gondolas or omnibus steamers. The lattci maintain u regular servlct along the Grand caunl and across the lagoon to the Island of tho Lido. There are also tram-steamer connections be tween Venice and the mora Important DRAW MILLIONS FROM LAND Immense Wealth Accruing to Fortu nate Property Owners In the City of London, England. j The most elaborate and the largest j map In the world Is the "valuation"! map of the city of London, which win some twenty years In the making, nntl which Is more than thirty feet wide, and twenty fed from top to bottom. J The mnp Is of the metropolitan dis trict of London, embracing an area of 115 squore tulles, and every house,; shop nnd piece of property In that area Is shown. Nearly 10.000 separate estates are listed. I Some curious and Interesting facts about London landlords are shown by, the great mat). The wealthiest estate! Is that of the duke of Westminster, 100 acres, with a rent roll of Sl.'.OOO,-; 000 per yenr. This Is not by nny menus the largest estate In London, however, though Its location makes It the most valuable. In South London Is one es tate which covers four square miles, and there are several exceeding two squnre miles. Lord Howard de Will den's estate brings In rents to tho nmount of $10,000,000 per annum, and the "!0 acres belonging to the duke of Red ford rent for $10.r00,000 per year. Lord Northampton, the duke of Nor folk: Lord Portman and Earl Cadogan ench own around 200 acres of city property, and their rents run from nbnut $5,000,000 to $3,000,000 per year each. Not a bad Idea to let a city like London grow up around one's farm. Another Slap at "Mere Man." "Marriage Is a desperate thing," said John Selden way back in the six teenth century, and now It looks ns If we of the twentieth century' were do ing our bit to make It still more des perate. A begowned dignitary over in Newark has decided (and unfortunate ly his decisions have legal weight) that the lesser portion of the marriage contract has no right to compensation for work performed in odd Jobs arourd the house on his wife's property, such ns carpentering and painting tl'p fence, or washing the dishes, or get ting up to warm the baby's milk when it begins to squall at ,'i n. m. . These things must be done free. He ought to be glad to do them. And If the wife Isn't able to persuade him of this the court will undertake to assist her. P.rooklyn Eagle. To whom are you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. 64tf A Service message A Good Time to Invest Money. The purchasing power of your dollar at this time is less than half what it was before the war. But EVENTUALLY your dollar will purchase more than it does today. Let your plan be to save your dollars now so that they will buy more in the future. Invest them in our Certificates of Deposit where they will bo absolutely safe, and at the same time in crease materially in value by the addition of the liberal interest money they will earn. These Certificates make an ideal arrangement for your idle funds. Platte Valley State Bank. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at the Cedar Ridge Farm 6 miles south and half mile west of Stapleton on Tuesday, February 24th, 1920 55 Head of Cattle Consisting of forty-five 2 and 3 year old heifers, . seven milk cows and three calves. 32 Head of Horses Big heavy kind. Twenty-five are mares. There is a fu ture lor this class. One Shetland pony, gentle. THIRTY SHOATS. Farm Machinery of all Kinds, including six sets of Harness and 2 Saddles. Also a lot Household Coods. Free Lunch at Noon, L. C. Mitchell, Owner. WOMEN TAKING TO MONOCLE Single Eyeglass Rapidly Becoming Popular Among the Smart Set In English Society. Two fashionably dressed women were seen In Regent street tho other day, ouch wearing a monocle screwed Into the right eye. According to a member of n well-known linn of op ticians the wearing of tho single eye glass Is becoming popular among wom en In society. "We have had several orders for monocles from women recently," he said. "In every case there was genu ine trouble with one eye only. Rather than wear pince-nez titled with one plain glass for the good eye, they pre ferred monocles us being the least dis figurement. They all chose those fit ted with gold rims as being the most comfortable and the easiest to keep In the eye. They take cords also, for It requires the confidence born of long experience to wear a monocle without n gunrd. "After all. why should the monocle be a masculine glass only? It Is a mistake for some people to regard It ns only a facial decoration for dudes and politicians. Where only one eye Is defective n superfluous glass Is a nuisance. The monocle lends distinction to tho right kind of face. It hest suits peo ple with sharpcut features. It Is about time that the monocle came Into Its own." London Globe. The Best of Reasons. The cartoonist who, the other day, pictured "Wonder Whnt a Prlnco Thinks About?" probably wasn't fur wrong when be showed his subject rather bored with what he had to go through. Apropos, the story Is told of a young prince of the Orient mnklnp many friends on the steamer which bore him to England, so that at the conclusion of the voyage these friends arranged n dinner In his honor In Lon don. It was a smart affair and a fash ionable company, but tho prince did not put In an appearance. The following morning the chairman of the committee asked him why he hadn't shown up. "I wasn't hungry," ihe prince answered simply and calm ly. Boston Transcript. -: :o: :- "Wanted n Farm to Kent. I Improved for spring crops, hard land. If any fall wheat on place would buy the share If priced right. Can notify me or John Goedort, Suth erland, Neb. A. J. WILLMES, 10-3 Otis, Colorado. i lagoon Islunds.