' t .11 !5r i mm Jtorth Ma THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 20, 1920. No. 12 WOODRUFF A1V0IKTED GFNKUAL S U P F. 1 1 1 X T K N 1 E N T OF U. l A. W. Woodruff, superintendent of tho Wyoming division with headquar ters at Choycnnc, passed through yes terday to Omaha where he goes to ac cept the offlco of general superinten dent of tho Union Pacific, accepting tho vacancy occassloned by, tho return of E. II. Hnmlll to tho Northwestern road. Mr. Woodruff will bo succeeded as suporintondont of tho western dis trict by M. C. Duffy, who occupied tho position whilo Mr. Woodruff was In army service overseas. North Platto emplpyes of tho Wyo ming division will regret to lose Mr. Woodruff as ho is vory popular with them and is considered not only an efficient railroad official but a prince of a man. Uusiness men of North Platto will also regret him leaving the Wyoming division, as their business relations with him have always been pleasant and satisfactory. As general superintendent ho will not visit North Platte so frequently as ho did whilo division superintendent. ::o:: Wanted Housekeeper. Inqulro at Style Shop for Mrs. Popojoy. Keith, Tonight. GEORGE WALSH in a bluo shirt lead IN 'The Shark 99 the athletic actor in a tale of tho bounding deep. The Sunshine Comedy Hungry Lions and Tender Hearts crammed with thrills and side split ting laughter. Something peppy at the KEITH Monday and Tuesday. CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN "A Tempermental Wife" She had picked her husband from all the men in the world be cause he wouldn't look at onother woman and then she dis covered his secret he had a stenographer--The Brute! Oui! We! Friday Prices $1.00 to $2.00JPlus war tax.jj Seat Sale Wednesday 2 p.m. JOHN CffT PRESENTS THE SEASONS SENSATIONA1 SUCCESS Book by FRED DE GR5AC?. Music by mm SILVIO HEW'g Special Augmented "Flo-Flo" Orchestra. New York Cast of Players and Beauty Chorus. Captivating Music. Stunning Gowns. 40 People 40. A characteristic John Cort Production. Mail Orders filled Now. 8:15 Curtain. Damage Suit Dismissed. Engineers George Austin and Jake Smith returned last evening from Grand Island where they had been called as witnesses in a damage case against tho Union Pacific. In Decem ber, 1017, Engineer Austin while pull ing a night train struck a bunch of cattle which had congregated on tho tracks and killed forty-five head. The ownor of the cattlo brought suit and tho caso camo up for hearing Wednes day and was dismissed before Messrs Austin and Smith were called to tho witness stand. -::o;: Announcement Tho Victor Fashion Hook in ready, showing wonderful values in the San son's liitcst and most approved styles In women's and misses' high class suits, coats, drosses, skirts, waists and petticoats. Ready to wear and made to measure. The styles are , beautiful and the materials of the Illicit all wool grades to be had. It ! will l)t a pleasuro to you to look ( through this wonderful line which . can bo seen at 412 Oak street, or phone black B24 for an appointment. ' Mrs. Janet MncKay, agent for Victor j Ladles' Tailoring Co., Chicago. Per-1 feet fit, prompt service and satisfac tion guaranteed and prices always the lowest. -: :o: :- J. B. Hemphill was badly bruised last evening when ho fell down the stairs leading to the basement In the building which Is jointly occupied by his job printing shop and tho Null bi cycle shop. Mr. Hemphill was at once conveyed to tho General hospital for treatment. Saturday will bo tho last day of tho uuicn Auction saio at mo ueauur Mercantile Co. Coats, Suits, Dresses and skirts in I! groups; group' 1 is $2.00 today; group 2 is $12.00 today and group 3 is $22.00 today. Price de creases 5100 on each garment each day. , The Episcopal Guild will hold a food exchange In tho Derryborry & Forbes window, Saturday, February 2S. 12-2 Wanted to buy, a reed sulky car, phone Black 1011. Bingo! Bluie! North Platte , TV v r 1 , if,, i j F - LOCAL AND PEItSONAL Martin Brestel and Blanche M Fowlos, both of Brady, woro grantee', a marriage Hcouso by Judge Wood burst Wednesday. The newest fashions In coats, suits, dresses, blouses, etc., aro now being shown at Block's. Paul Harrington spent Monday h Denver attending a meeting of the stockholders of tho Hibernian Bank and was elected a director of that in stitution. ' Complete stock of spring's newest creations in suits, couts,, dresses and blouses at Block's. There !s much hay In the Platte val ley yet to bo moved, due to lack of de mand In both the eastern and weaterr markets. Buyers are offering ?ir per ton on car. For Sale Plymouth rock rooster Phono 221. tf J. B. Young, commercial manager for the Westorn Union telegraph com pany, has purchased of S. U Derry berry the property at B10 south Lo cust street. Don't delay, but come to the Dutch Auction Sale at The Leader. Satur day Is the last day of tho sale. Price decreases $1.00 per day on each gar ment. Greatest values of tho season. The last of the furnishings of tlie Trotter show room woro moved from tho Hnrrlngton building today. There are a half dozen applicants for tho building, two or three of whom are out of town parties, but up to today no selection of a tenant had been made by Paul Harrington. If you want to see what is new In milady's spring apparel, Block's Is tho place to look. Before a raco is run, betting is the most attractive of sports, but after wards well. Go to the Crystal and see Tom Moore in "Lord and Lady Algy." It has some of the best sport in It you have seen In many a day. Bo there Saturday afternoon and evening and Monday. The Stylo Shop windows are full of beautiful now Madam Flanders blouses. The Loyal Workers Sunday school class of the Christian church held a farewell party Wednesday evening for their teacher, Mrs. A. A. Craig. The evening was spent in playing games, with an elaborate lunch to mark the end fthofuh. 'The blass'presented Mrs. Craig with a set of salad forks as a token of their esteom and appre ciation of her work with tho class, Mr.' and Mrs. Craig will leave next week to make their home on a farm near Den ver. Private Sale. I will sell at private sale 45 head of cattlo; 2 cows one Jersey and one Shorthorn coming fresh; 15 yearling calves, 28 heifers coming two years, 4 head of horses, 3 colts and farm im plements. Call at 412 oast Front streot or wrlto mo at General Doliv-, cry. C. SODICOTT. 9-4 27th. PROPOSM) WATHR MAIN EXTENSIONS AUK SHOWN. Wator Commissioner Welch has placed on exhibit In a window of tho Groon blllnrd hall a mnp of tho pro posed water main extensions, togeth er with that portion of tho city that Is served by six Inch mains, tho lo calities that have but two Inch mains, and the soctlpn that has no wator ser vice. Tho notations on tho map stato that there aro G92 consumors on the fi-lnch mains, 760 on 2-Inch mains, and thoro aro 1G1 rosldoncoa that have no service. Tho proposed extensions are sinteu to no tiurtoon and two-tenths I miles In longth. or equivalent to lav-' ing a 6-Inch main from the Union IV olilc depot in this city to a point one1 mile wost of the dopot In Hershoy. Tho cost of the extension and the replacing of small mains by larger ones is estimated by Comlsslonor Welch at $150,000 If the pipe is pur-' cuusM in tho Immediate future; if. the work is delayed tho cost will im i greater a pipe is advancing In price. . AVliile there may bo some who will oppose a bond Issue of ?150.000. a big , majority, no doubt roalizo tho neces sity of those extensions and will fnvnr 1 tho bonds. In fact ovory one of the B92 consumors who havo had tho benefit of service from 6-inch mains should not hesitato to holp out the consumors who have lnul tn lio nmi. tont with tho poor Bervlce obtained 1 irom -mcn mains and the resiUonts who havo had no service, for tho consumers who havo had poor service and tho residents who havo had no sorvico have boon paying tho samo taxes in proportion to tho valuo of their property as havo the residents who have enjoyed that excellent ser vice rendered by a ,6-lnch main. ::o:: Masons Attention. All Masons and Eastern Stars are invited to tho celebration of tho Gold en Jubilee of Platto Valley Lodge No. 32 'A. F. and A. M. and tho Twefth annlvorsary of tho dedication of the Temple, Monday Fob. 23, at 8 p. m. ::o:: Former North Hatters Picnic. Writing from Long Reach, Calif., under date of February lGth, C. J. McNamara says: "We attonded a North Platto picnic at rSycamoro Park In Los Angolos, yesterday, thanks to tho notlco In Thr Tribune, and had a grand time. It wns ouito a treat to see so many homo folks. .Mr." DoolltUo. tho official r-ensii' 'MOTnorator, counted orer two hun dreduso you may know wo had a good sized crowd. Tho Nebraska state picnic will bo held at tho saino place on Fob. 29th." : :o: : Tho True Worth Aprons and House Dresses handled by B. T. Tramp and Sons are truly worth all wo ask for thorn In overy respect. Miss Maymo McGeo, of Hrady, visit, ed friends In town yesterday. Clothes By Your Clothes Satisfaction Is Guaranteed In This Store. You lake no chance when you buy your clothes here. A definite guarantee of sat isfaction is back of everything wc sell. We are more particular about your satis faction than anything else because we re alize that satisfied customers make a bus iness grow continually. And consequently we at all times arc conscienctiously striving to satisfy our customers by having the foremost styles. The most desirable and exclusive fabrics and patterns, the finest grade of tailoring and by pricing all our clothes right. We are doing all these things in offering you KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES They satisfy the most critical judge ol good clothes. They are especially noted for their style and the styles worked into them so that it will last as long as the ' clothes. THE Lh(! Subjects Arc Discussed. Tho Paront-Teachor association of the Washington school met Wednes day aftornoon. Mrs. Harry, Cramer spoko to tho mothers nbout tho neces sity of increased salaries for tho teachers. She explained how tho dol lar of today Is equal to only nbout forty-seven conts of yostordny. In or der to got tho qualified, oxporlcnccd teacher It Is necessary to pay thorn as much as thoy might earn In an offlco. "Defects of School Children's Byes' were oxplalno by Mr. Dixon. Ho show ed how Importnnt It was to glvo eye strain or any defect Immediate atten tion. "The Underslept Child." by Mrs Crosby cvought to attention the many points that aro sometimes neglected concerning a child's sleep. Children from six to twelve years need ton hours sleep and those from twelve on should havo at least eight hours sleep. To Insure, restful sloop one must have plenty of fresh air. Mrs. J. H. Uedtlold spoko on tho sub ject of "What Should bo Done For the Handlcappod or Subnormal Child of our School." She emphasized tho three types of sub-normals, and tho special attention each one required. This subjoct brought up a discus sion of tho "Opportunity Itoom," Hint Is found in so nrtuiy city schools of todny. In thin room they aro taught hand work so that such pupils may earn a living In that manner. Tho onrollmont of tho association Is now sixty-four mombors. ::o:: I'nrcnl-Tencher Association. Tho mooting of tho Paront-Teachor association of tho Jofforson school was well attended. Tho spenkors were full of enthusiasm and spoko on sub jects of vital Interest. Mrs. A. C. Hull tendered hor resignation as presldont of tho association and Mrs. W. C. Sholvcr was elected to nil tho vacancy1 Mrs. A. N. Durbln wns elected vice president. ::o:; Sales of City Properly. Tho H. & S. Agency report having mnde sales of tho following city prop erty: Win. LynVan to Albort Raush, residence property at COO south Ash; Will Powell to Mrs. D. M. Brooks, residence property, at 610 oast Sixth; P. C. Petersen to B J. Wilson property at 1003 west Tenth; S. II. Derryborry to J. 11 Young residence at 310 south Locust. Also a number of lots In Rellovuo addition. -: :o: :- Vhj)tlior,xou arqroady to buy your Hprlngngarment or not you are wel come to call and lnspoct tho most beautiful and greatest display of spring garments over brought to this city. Illock's. J. .1. Wilcox loft this morning for Chicago and St. Joe to purchnso spring stock. Tho nowost fashions In coats, suits, dresses, blouses, etc., aro now belnj'i shown at Block's. The House of Kuppenheimer Cerjtliti Tilt Uoutt (it ktipfiLlitlaiu HIRSCHFELD IWASONS WILL CKI.KllHATi: FIFTIETH AXMVUKSAKY 3I0N0AV Platto Valley Lodgo No. 32, A. F. & A. M., will noxt Monday colobrato tho fiftieth annlvorsnry of Its Institution and tho twelfth nnnlvorsnry of tho dedication of tho Mnsonlc temple Platto Valley Lodge was organized at 1-ort McPherson through tho efforts o officers of iho Fifth Cavalry in De cember, 18G9, nnd tho first mooting was hold on tho second iloor of tho Charles McDonald sutler store on tho evening or Januury 12th. 1870. Since then tho lodge has been a continuous and growing organization. Tho annulversary program Monday will fenturo addresses by Attorney E M. Carr. Miss Nell tlartmnn nnd oth ers, music by Stamp's orchestra and vocal and piano peloctlons. Following and the Iloor will be cleared for dnuciug. Ihiskct Hall Lasl l-icnln A basket ball game botwoou tho boys teams or tho Parochial school and tho Junior high school wbb played in the basement of tho formor school last ov ontng with tho result that tho Junior high won by a scoro of fifty to twenty. Tho parochial school was outclassed In all stages of tho gamo. "A TompermenVui Wifo" with Con stnnco Talmadgo, at tho Kolth Monday and Tuesday Is a sad, sweet story of a maid who would wed a man who would gazo on no femi nine chnmiB but hor own'. Sho sallies forth Into tho wldo world In pursuit of hlm, finds him, captures him nnd then oh thonl Sho boglns to to find out things nbout men, tho wretches I nnd hor own man in partic ular. You know Constanco, so come. FOItSALE. Nnsh Hairy Farm at Cheyenne, n'yo. 320 acros two miles south of Union Dopot. Well Improved, with good house, bams, etc. Two artoslan wells furnish an abundnnco of puro wator; 120 acres In cultivation last year, In cluding1 good stand nlfnlfa. All lovol bottom land and best of soli. All necessary farm machinery and imple ments go with place. $5,000 will hundlo this pined nnd terms can be arranged on balance. . Possession glvon Immediately If desired, f Liberty Land Co., North Platto, Nob Offlco rhono. 128. ' :;o:; Plckard China, Dixon, tho Jowolor. Mrs. M. Henry Gilfoyl Instructor in VOICE CULTURE , and TUB ART OF SINGING Phono Red 1101 Resldonco Studio 108 Wost 3rd St. if V FOR MENS WEAR THAT MEN WEAR.