IRA L BAKE. Editor nnd Pntiltshcr ! SUBSCRIPTION KATES! Ono l'cnr by Jfnll, In lulrnnco. .$1.75 Ono Year by Currier, In nilrnnco, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska I'otftofflco ns Second Class Muttor. Tuesday, eebkuakv 17111, im EVENTS IN NOHTII PLATTE Timrri.i'ivF ycars ago (I-roin The Tr"niie. Feb Mth. 1S;(5.) Lrioi liny wan lining oellverod in town for five dollar a ton, or $1.0 to $2.00 In' tho Hold, .a. cording to tho distance from tho dity. Clins. W. Jinsklim returned from the cant with a bride, having boon mar ried In PcniiftyJvnnin to Miss Ko Itanck. John Droit & Co. woro feeding liny to four thoiiHand hoad of ctittlo and corn to about H00 of tho woakor onos. Kor three duys the temporaturo had ranged from twonty-ono to twonty olght below zoro. During this ox tromo cold weather a Hock of wild geoflo flow ovor town and lighted on the C. K. Osgood ranch. A meeting was held at Isaac Dil lon's office for tho (purpose of organ izing a county agricultural society. Tho mattor wan (ilscumcd favorably and the meeting adjourned to n futuro Hate. Tho North Platto Irrigation ditch, tho first to be built la Lincoln county and remain In operation, was undor construction. Jimmy Cannon, a character In those days, brought In two catamount and fifteen coyoto skin8 for which ho re ceived $34. Jimmy, started In to col obrato In his customary way and land ed in jail. Tim North Platto bank had received "tho finest safe west of Omaha," at a cost of $2,300. At a congregational mooting Ilov. Daskervlllo was oloctod paHtor of tho Prosbytorlan church. Kato Castlotou and her own comedy company was booked for tho Keith opona house, Srnta were on sale at Tbacker's drug "tore. LINCOLN' COUNTY EVENTS AND PERSONAL MENTION'. (Condensed from County Exchanges) George Ilild, aged Boventy, died suddenly February 8tli, at tho homo of his son near Hnuly,. Tho body was taken to Plattsmouth for burial. O. Kratzcnst61n has sold his hard ware and Implement buMlnoss at Drady to John and Harry Johnson of that place. Upon tho request of friends David JohnBon, of Drady, will toke tho ex amination for 'postmaster of that town. .loo Leech has sold his Implement business at Maxwell to W. K. Ivln cald, a farmor Uvlng south of tlmt place . A. J. Clapp ha" purchased tho S. V. Clark cement block house at Maxwoll for a consideration of $4,000. Union norvicos will bo hold In Sutherland noxt Sunday in honor of tho soldier boys who gavo tholr lives ovordeas. At this time each family who lost a son overseas will bo pre sented with a Fronch memorial cor tillcato. Ed Loypoldt, of Horahey, ban gono to Mollno, III., to take a course of In struction in tho John lieow imple ment factory. Hov. It. D. Gottys goes to Llncon this week to attend the intor-cburch world movement convention, Hie nines unouiciaiiy announces thai the population of Hershey will rotich tho COO mark. ::o:; To whom are you going to sell your nay and Uralnv Tho Harrington Mor cantllo Co. will offor tho lilghcst prices. C4tf! LOCAL AM) PERSONAL ' Leo Tlghe, a ntudent at the stato univamlty, arrived Satunlay to visit bis paronts over Sunday. Ilev. J. If. Curry united In marriage Saturday Ferdinand Pederson and Minn Ituth Conly both of Cozad. Dixon ic Son. Skill SpccmifaU. Mrs. O. II. Crawler and daughter Mildred were guonts or friends in Lodge Pole Saurday and Sunday. Mrs. Cleatls V. Waters went to Aurora Friday having boon callled there by the Illness of her parents. Dixon' examination of the eye is thorough In ovory dotall. Their op tometrist makes a specialty of thl work and does nothing else. Miss Dorothy I Unman returned Fri day evening from California whore alio -had boen isl4lng for several weeks. Julius Hablcr returned Saturday from Humboldt. Kfln.. where lie spent two weeks looking after his Interests In cemont works. Mrs. Fred Wostonfeld loft tho lattor part of last weak for her homo In Idaho after having visited relatives in town for a month. Fayo Wlnslow enlisted at the local recruiting station Saturday and was soiit to Ft. Logan whoro he will bo as signed to tho hospital corps. For Sale A lot of two-Inch leail plpo. lnoulro of Isaac Doats, 000 block east Third. A civil service examination for mes senger boy at tho U. S. weather bil roan will be held at the postoffice February 28th. The pay of the post tlon Is $480 per year. I. I. Smith rocolved word Saturday that a sou had been born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Akron, Ohio. Mr. Smith Is physical director in the schools of that city,. Wo nro making a specialty of VaHh Ington Cream pie for Washington's Dlrtliday. UAKI3-RITE DAKEIIY. Miss Cathorlno Flynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Flynn, of this city, was married to Mr. C. J. McCaf- froy at Chicago last Wednesday. Mr McCaffrey Is tho son of Hugh McCaf frey, of Omaha, ami is well known thoro ns a promising young lawyer, "Whon Evening Bolls are Ringing," a baritone Bolo by Richard Stranlura. If you onjoy good music stop in at Dixon's and hoar this good Columbia record. LINCOLN COUNTY, COL.. LANDS OVrKK JIAii I OPPORTUNITIES i I'OIt FARM EKN. Lloyd Lloyd, who luis been living on tho old Chnpln place, which ho sold last year, will movo to Rlvcrton, Wyo. about March first. Ten years ago ho took up a homestead near that place that ho still holds and tho government has slnco built an Irrigation ditch from which ho can get a supply of wator. OHDFIt FIXING CLAIM DAYS. In tho, Estate of Edith May Walker Deceased. Now on this 11th day of February 1920, It Is ordered by tho court that tho administrator lie allowed ono year from this date in which to sottlo said ostato, and creditors will be allowed until tho 19th day of June, 1920, to fllo tholr claims, after said date, claims will bo forever barred. That on tho 19th duy of March, 1920, and tho 19tb day of Juno, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m of each of Bald days, tho court and the administrator will attend at tho conn ty court room In said county to ro celvo, examines, hoar, allow and adjust claims. That notice of this order bo given creditors and all persons Inter estod In said estate by pub Ucatton of a notice for four succes sive woeks immediately preceding tho 19th day of March, 1920, in tho North Platto Tribune, a logal semi-weekly newspaper printed nnd published in Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. H. C. WOODIIURST, f 17-4 County Judge Portable Electric Sewing Machine Sale STARTED FEBRUARY 9th AND WILL CONTINUE 10 DAYS. Sew where you like, whal you like, and when you like. mm A complete set of attachments is furnished with the Portable Electric Sewing Machine tjo, do such things as binding, tucking, ruf fling and quilting. MACHINES OFFERED IN THIS SALE WITH A MINIMUM 10WN PAYMENT OF $5.00 Tho Electric Machine has a full sized head costs less to buy than a foot power ma chine, and a cent's worth of electricity runs It for several hours and then, too, they are offered at last year's prices. As your Spring .sowing Is soon to begin why not do It olectrlcnllyi NORTH' PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO, (From tho Ogata 11a News Feb. 6th.) Since making my investments In Lincoln county. Colorado. lauds last spring, I have luul many Inquiries re garding that locality and have decid ed to answer same in print. Limcn, a town of Twolvo Hundred, with electric light nnd water works, is our nearest town. Limon ban two banks, two eleva tors, a large crcumory, a fine high school building and good business houses in proportion. Tho main line of the union Pacific from Donver to Knnsan City and the main lino of the Rock Island to Colo rado Springs cross at Union giving n tho host of railroad service. The Oconn to Ocean, or (Joldon Dolt Highway enters Limon and branches there for Donv?r . and Colorado prings. The Union Pacific Highway and tho ilmon to Drush Highway also enter the town, giving It and the surround ing counties tho best of Stato and Na tional Highway service. These high ways are being constantly improved nnd Colorado roads are noted ovor tho whole United States. Lincoln county products can bo placod on tho Denver or Colorado Springs markol, within four hours by truck. Limon lies Ninety Miles South-oast of Denver nnd Sixty-live miles North oust of Colorado Springs and there fore very convenient by train, auto or truck to two splendid growing cities. I am associated in this entorprlso with L. S. Smith Jr.. whoso develop ment of raw lands In Lincoln County, Nebraska, into high class farms which ho afterwards sold at a long price fiollowied by tho development of a largo tract at Venango, Nebraska, from which ho has Just threshed more than Forty-two Thousand bushels of high grade wheat, prompted me to accept his judgment In the selection of agricultural land, tho result of which was the purchase of six sec tions of land near Limon. My son W. A. Hoxie, also Joined us in the enter prise. W aro not offering this land for salo but have out equipment on the ground ready to break and put into wheat as much as possible and hope to have at least three thousand ncrs of It in wheat by fall. Part of this land has living water on ami our wells are ahout sixteen , foot deep and supply an unlimited quuntlty of pure water. From Inquiry' I learn that good water Is obtained at dopths varying from fifteen, to onn hundred and fifteen feet. ' Tho cllmato Is delightful, quite similar to that of Western Nebraska, and freo from hot winds, which the oldest Inhabitant assort have never occurred there. Tho crops grown aro wheat, com, oats, rye, barley, cane, millet, sudan grass, alfalfa, potatoes, and garden truck about tho same success a'g in Wcstorn Nebraska. Land prices havo advanced greatly since I Invest ed thoro and aro still advancing. Goqd tracts at this time can bo had for Twonty-sovcn to Forty dollars per acre, whllo lands no qulto as attrac tive in appearance or location can be had for Sovontetn to Twenty-live. To any who contemplate changing their location to wjioro lands arc cheaper In price. I will gladly glyo you any Information I possess, and if you should decido to becomo our neighbors and assist in developing that county, wo will lend you any as sistance In our power with tho boUof that wo will bo benefitted by each othors efforts. We haviet an office in Limon from which wo handle our fanning and tractor operations, and I will spend a portion of tho spring and summer there. All callers will recohvt a warm wel come and tho benollt of any know ledge wo may havo regarding Jands or property in that locality. F, G. HOXIE. Ogalalla. Nob. P'J I The undersigned will offer at Public Sale at James C. Wilson's farm, G1. west of North Platte and S j miles northeast of Hershey. on miles north- ebruary d 7 a skt isfja. i&&.vtja.i, Tp nasi ea Commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., sharp, the following described property e Consisting of 150 head of high grade Hereford cows, GO head of Hereford heifers and a number of yearling steers and calves, 7 milch cows. Two Registered Hereford Bulls and a Pure Bred Hereford Bull 26 Head of Horses and Moles 1 span mules 9 years old, weight 1000 each; 1 span mules 7 and 11 years old, weight 1200 each; 1 span mules coming 4 years old, weight 950 each; 1 span mules G and 7 years old, weight 1100 each; 1 bay gelding G years old, weight 1300; 1 bay geld ing 4 years old, weight 1200; 1 black gelding G years old, weight 1G00; 1 gray mare 5 years old, weight 900; 1 bay horse 6 years old, weight 1550; 1 black mare 7 years old, weight 1250; 1 gray horse 7 years old, weight 1500; 1 black mare 10 years old, weight 1200; 1 bay saddle horse, 8 years old, weight 1100; 1 black horse S years old, weight 1100; 1 roan mare 11 years old, weight 1300; 1 black saddle horse S years old, weight 900; 1 two year old mule, weight 900; 1 two year old mare colt; 1 yearling horse colt; 1 mule colt; 1 bay pony coming 3 years old. 125 HEAD OF HOGS Consisting of 40 head pure bred Duroc Jersey bred sows, 1 registered Duroc Jersey boar, and 84 head of shoats. FARM MACHINERY Fordson tractor with plow, 1 McCormick grain binder, 4 mowing machines, 3 hay rakes, 1 sweeps, 1 14 inch walking plow, 1 two row corn cultivator, 2 corn listers. 1 8 foot disc, 3 corn cultivators, 1 beet planter, 2 riding plows, 1 grain drill, 1 beet culti vator, 2 4-inch tire wagons, 1 3-inch P. & O. wagon, 1 3-inch farm truck, 1 7-foot stock tank, 1 grindstone, 1 garden cultivator, 3 beet boxes, 1 roll corn crib, 1 feed cooker, 1 cream separator, 1 John Deere roller, 2 gas engines, 1 cider mill, 1 range, 1 heating stove, 5 sets work harness, 1 set single buggy harness, 2 saddles, 3 washing machines. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS OF SALE $20 and under cash, above that amount eight months time will be given on bankable paper drawing ten per cent interest from date of sale. Cnas. H. Shin. Cols. R. L Shappell and Ed Kierig, Aucts. Ray Langford, Clk. For Salo Hay rako, mowing machine, cultiva tor, wagon and ono good horse, at Martl's Market. Yeomen Taking on New Life. slon Mr. MIchener stated he would . . ,r ..i Mr. onm nrrMi. iprosont. In addition to all other nrizes nri.nni nf American Yeomen.' had a ! trendy offered, a chest of sliver con-1 ber. Bignoll. Neb. most onthusiastic meeting on Fridny February 13th, at tho K. C. hall. Not withstanding numerous other attrac tions in town that evening, alBo con siderable sickness, there was a largo attondanco. A nlco class of candidates Wanted to Buy A small farm near North Platte. Address M. H. 10-3 was Initiated, tho work being exempli fied by tho ladies' degree stair m a verv creditable manner. At tho in vitation of Mrs. Leslie Baskln ar mnirnmnnts were mado to havo a Ific luncheon at her home, 318 west 8th street, on Thursday, I'ooruary iuui, at three o'clock p. m., the proceeds to bo applied on the purchase of new robes for tho team. All Yeomen aro im'itiwi Tim stato manaKer, Edgar JMlchonor, announced that inasmuch Whon in Nortb Platte stop at thp as tho grand foreman of tho society, now noiei i-aiaco aua uaie. xou win sisting of 2G pieces. Each member participating In the campaign is to j have ono chance for each new member i brought in, and tho chest of silver Is thon to bo drawn in any method that those Interested may decide upon that ovonlng. Arrangements were made! Phone hi 1 lay Call. Phone 1270 Com. tor arm practice, also lor entertain ment features for the future. At the I next meeting, which will be hold on Thursday, February 26th, the Installa tion of officers, which was deferred on account of the absence of the fore man, will bo held, and thero will also bo a largo class for Initiation, prob ably fifty candidates. -::o:: floor i? r Frlnk. accompanied by Mr Frink, could be with us on Friday, March 12th. it had been arranged by tho board of managers to hold the first March meeting on that date. It was also suited Uiat tho membership campaign now In progross was well undor way and with some support Call I would bo won. This campaign is u 10-2 closo on March 12th, ouwhlcliocca- bo treated well. 58tf AUTO LIVERY. Romigh Garage. ill Itav Call. Phono !: merclal Hotel Night CaU. Taxi Service. Office phone Zil. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebrasku. Knights of Columbus Bulldlnj;. 1 will sell at my place 7 Ms miles wes;t and 4 milos north of North Platte, on Wednesday, Feb. 25th. Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, tho following property: 95 HEAD GALLOWAY CATTLE Consisting of 28 cnlvos, 22 coining 2 year old heifers, 13 cows, 2 regis torvxl bulls. FOUR SUCKING MULKS Farm Machinery 2 farm wagons with 4 inch tiros, wagon box, hay rack, 2 grain binders, riding iplow, tonguoless disc, John Deoro two-row, Mollno lay-by, walk Ing Hs,ter, Mollno riding lister with potato planter attnehmont, Deor Ing 6 ft, mowor, McCormick 12 ft. rake, tool grinder, S ft, Superior drill, ondgato scodor. 2 pumping Jacks, power fanning mill, 2 sets Con corh hnrnoss, saddlo, n few household goods and othor articles too nu morous to montlou. FKKK LUNCH AT KI.KVKN O'CLOCK. TEIIMS OF SALE All sums undor f 10 cash; sums ovor $10, 12 months itlmo will bo glvon on bankablo paper bearing S nor cent Interest. No property to bo romovod until sottled for MRS. H. F. DOEBKE, COL. Kit KIEKIG, Auctioneer KAY C. LANGFORD, Clerk. o A Y Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON JttER. CO. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. K r 0