The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1920, Image 11

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lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Frees Another
Woman From Suffering.
Bayonne, N. J." Before I wns mar
ried I suffered a great deal with noriodi.
iiunnii Win i
icai pains, l had
lama in my mae ana
ack and also head
aches, and got so
weak I could not do
anything. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and soon felt
better. Now I am
married and have
rj two little boys. Be
ll foro thfi firnt nnn
came I was weak
and nervous, could not eat and was
dizzy. After 1 took the Vegetable Com
pound I could work and eat. Now 1
am strong and recommend your medi
cine to my friends. " M rs. Anna Sleva,
25 East 17th Street, Bayonne, N. J.
Women who recover their health, nat
urally tell others what helped them.
Some write and allow their names and
photographs to bo published with testi
monials. Many moro tell their friends.
If you need a medicine for women's
ailments, try that well known and
successful remedy Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Write
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con
fidential) for anything you need to
know about theso troubles.
Often Caused by
How can anyone with a Hour, gassy
atomach, who la constantly belching, baa
' heartburn and suffers from Indigestion have
anything but a bad breath? All of these
atomach disorders mean Just one thing
EATONIC, the wonderful new stomach
remedy In pleasant tasting tablet form that
you eat like a bit ot candy, brings quick
relief from these stomach miseries. EATON
IC sweetens the breath because It makes the
atomach sweet, cool and comfortable. Try It
(or that nasty taste, congested throat and
"heady feeling" aftor too much smoking.
If neglected, Aclil-Slomnch may cause you
lot ot serious trouble. It leads to ner
vousness, headaches. Insomnia, melancholia,
rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer
and cancer of the stomach. It makes Its
millions of victims weak and miserable,
listless, lacking In energy, all tired out. It
often brings about chronic Invalidism, pre
mature old age, a shortening of one's days.
You need the help that EATONIC can give
you It you are not feeling as Btrong and
well as you should. Tou will be surprised
to see how much better you will feel Just as
aoon as you begin taking this wonderful
atomach remedy. Get n big 50 cent box
from your druggist today. He will return
your money If you aro not satisfied.
C for your acid-stomach)
Cutieura Soap
Is Ideal for
The Complexion
Soap 25c, Qintment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Krackla OiotiDi)t"-Your druireltt or or
mail, ft p. r. book Dr. CM. Barry
Co.. 297S Michigan Avanua, Chicago.
His Only Chance.
"She nays she's going to give sing
ing lessons." "She'll have to. Nohody'd
ever pay her for them."
"Diamond Dyes" Make Faded, Old,
Shabby Garments New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Dinmond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to nny
fabric. whether It be wool, silk, linen,
cottoi or mixed goods, drosses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats- feathers everything !
Direction Book In package tells bow
to diamond dye over any color. To
inntcli any innterinl, hhvo dealer show
yov "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv.
Sini men like In lls-h lior:iue it's
the -nest thing to doing nothing.
Weak and Miserable?
Docs tho leant exertion tire cii out?
Feel "blue" and woineil mid have daily
backache, lameness, headache, diuinesa
nnd kidney irregularities! Sick kidneys
are often to blamo (or this unhappy
late. You must net quickly to pre
vent more serious trouble. Use Doan'a
Kidney Pills, tho remedy recommend
ed everywhere by grateful user. Aik
loiir iiefiMor
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Q. T. fian-
for.i, .Minrien, Nob.,
tmyn "1 wiih lulu
tin In bed from
liiilney trouble ami
wim k'ctlltiK vori.
although I vn til
ItiK modU'llie nil tho
Mme The whan1.
ittmotlilK P a I I)
noroM tuv bin I;
rrn leirlblo. My
head nelieil aul I
bait lillmlliiK dUay
pells Pnnti'n Kid
ney l'llln put ins
oil my feel nnd con
tinued use eurpil in
. imvpieiely
have never mirrored
01 Desn's at Any 3l, file a Bo
roaiHt-MiuitmN co huitai.o. n. y.
mini'1" ixw..:
pi oele!elv 1
lfor liTllnUiri Thronts
m H IM-d and irW earifdr ,e Itiot
h H fc(tviHW Ittvt n.-lhlr e,t (-tulrlii
M eHs r Rl Utl y a.Hi I.w
Red" Menace
Is Movinsr East
Whole World in Grave Danger
Through Advancing Tide
of Bolshevism.
Practically All of Asia Is Open to the
Propaganda, and Result May Be
Bloodiest Chapter In World's
Washington. The danger to the
world from bolshevlsm was never
greater tl)nn nt the present moment.
The collapse of the Hiisslan national
forces under General Knlchuk In Si
beria and the retreat of General Deni
kino's army from tho Moscow front
arc regarded In every capital In Ku
rope nnd In Washington as constitut
ing a threat of a possible Invnslon of
Europe, a certain penetration by the
bolshevlkl In Asia and a menace to the
pence of the entire world.
Kven Prince Mlchncl Cnntncuzene,
hushnnd of a grnnddnughter of Presi
dent Grunt, who has Just arrived In
tho United States, while hopeful that
the Russian natlonnl forces mny still
snvo themselves, confesses that their
plight Is desperate unless allied nld
renrhes them. "They have no shoes,
no clothes, very little ammunition and
very little food. If the allies wish to
stop the spread of bolshevlsm through
out the world they must come to the
rescue of Kolehnk nnd DenlkiiiP."
This Is the belief of a limn who Is
fresh from Slberin and who Is optimis
tic enough to advance tho opinion thai
If bolshevlsm can he kept isolated In
Russia It will wear Itself out by its
own excesses.
On the High Tide of Victory.
The word "if" makes all the differ
ence In the world. Hut the fact Is that
bolshevlsm Is now riding on the high
tide of victory and there does not seem
one chance In a million that it will lie
confined to Kusslu. Nearly all of Asia
is now open to Its propaganda. The
defeat of the forces of General Denl
klne opens the door between Moscow
and the Ulnck sen. The connecting
mllitnry link between the former Kol
ehnk and Deniklne lines lias been ob
literated and nothing remains to pre
vent the agents of the bolshevlsts from
moving toward Armenia, Persia, Af
ghanistan and India. Agents of the
Russian reds hnve already stirred up
considerable trouble among the hill
tribes on the northern confines nf Indln
and lirltlsh troops' a re now engaged In
suppressing uprisings.
As for Siberia, the red propaganda
Is moving eastward rapidly. It lias
become so serious a menace to China
nnd .Tnpnn that the government of
Scene in ii. i- Miulio oi M. Lfinuniaiii. V rencli paimcr wim vwis blinded by
a shell explosion (luring the war, when olllclals of the republic notified him
that he bad been awarded the decoration of the Legion of Honor.
Toothpick Brings Back
Voice of Ex-Soldier
Sioux City, la. Swallowing a
toothpick was a blessing in dis
guise for Donald Culllngs of this
city, an ex-soldier, here. At
dinner a bit of toothpick lodged
in his throat and he coughed
violently, choked and nearly
strangled before It was dls
Rut when he had recovered
be found that his voice, which
lie had almost Inst following an
nt tack at St. Mlhlel, September
12 mis Just ti year to the dn,
bail returned. After recover
ing from tho gas uttnek Culling
could only speak In a husky
A True Sport, j
Women tunc been iuvuhwI of luck nf j
KtiortNumuoblp: ,el ww H WttiHHU over t
Known lo bent a carpet when II whs
dew ii " Post. hi Tl'llll!" '
Japan Is taking steps to hnlt the ad
vance of the reds before It reaches the
very threshold of Manchuria and the
Island empire Itself)
Among the Ignorant musses both of
China and India there Is great oppor
tunity for the bolshevlkl tot spread
their doctrines, and If these countries
embrace the prQpaganda, the sequel
will be written In the bloodiest chap
ter In history.
Rut It Is not against Asia merely
that the bolshevlsts are plotting. An
invasion of Europe Is among their
plans. All recent developments Indi
cate that It Is the program of the
reds to bring mllitnry pressure to bear
against the Raltlc provinces. Poland
and the new nations which the Ver
sailles conference has been erecting In
central Europe and that the soviet
military machine will this year be
hurled against thnt front.
It Is Idle, nay, It Is criminal to talk,
of peace while bolshevlsm remains In
Russia, ever threatening to spread Its
accursed cult throughout the world.
"Drys" In Fight
Since Year 1808
Growth of Prohibition Can
Traced More Than
Moderation Was First Sought, and Not
Until 1847 Did Demand for Aboil- .
tion of Strong Liquor Make
Itself Heard.
Chicago. Prohibition sentiment, cul
minating In the epoch-making amend
ment to the federal Constitution, lias
been growing steadily in this country
since 1S0S, according to records com
piled by the board of temperance of
the Methodist Episcopal church. At
that time a demand for moderation In
the use of ardent spirits arose, fol
lowed ten years later by an even
broader movement for abstinence from
ardent spirits and for moderation In
the use of malt liquors. This In turn
gave way In 1810 to sentiment for ab
stinence from all alcoholic beverages.
Agitation for abolition of .he prac
tice of licensing the sale of liquors
dill not come until 1817, resulting four
years inter In the enactment of pro
hibition laws In Maine, the lirst state
Taken From Rabbits and Grafted Into
Soldiers Paralyzed by Shot Wounds
Cures Effected.
Chlcngo. Tho miracles of iriodern
surgery which hnvo developed sinco tho
World wnr have tnndo It possible to
tiiiiisplnnt into a human being the
iieives of an animal nhd so to repair
tlc part of the anatomy thnt has boon
suH'icred by shots.
There lire wards In the h'lg military
lwl Ita; at Fort Sheridan filled with
men who had nerves cut In half by
l.iilteif, and fragments of shell and as
h twit were paralysed. Sometimes
th bi-vprwl ends of these nerves could
lir wwihI loiiether, but ill other cases
n considerable lenptb of nervo would
i Ih turrtotl nwny so that n spllcu had
! t In put in.
T'u- unrve to he uraftml does not
have t be used luiiuedlately, Inn can
be kepi in.!i'fli.:nly in cold slunio or
Treaties of peace may be drawn up nt
Versailles and signed nt Paris, us the
treaty with Germany was the other
day. but such treaties have tin more
effect on bolshevlsm than the passing
of a sedition bill by the senate. Hob
shevlsm must be suppressed If the
world Is to know peace. Anil bolshe
vlsm must he ended If the world Is
not to become bolshevik. Retween It
and the principles of government In
other binds there Is an irrepressible
conflict and one or other of these op
posing forces must perish.
A few years ago In the United States
communism was regarded as a "Joke."
Is It a "Joke" today? Two years ago
bolshevlsm In Russia was regarded as
a passing mnnla. Rut It hns not passed.
It Is In Russia still and It threatens to
overllow Its conllnes and plunge thu
world Into another hnth of blood.
Thieves Took Big Chances.
Raltlmore. Md. Taking chnnces of
being dashed to death, a pair of dar
ing hotel robbers used n narrow ledge
outside the Hotel Emerson to enter
the fourteenth floor rooms of Mr. and
Mrs. William K. Stutz of Washing
ton. They filled a suitcase with fine
dresses nnd lingerie owned by Mrs.
Stutz nnd valued at ffGOO and escaped,
carrying the plunder by the same dan
gerous route, a single slip upon which
would have been certain death.
to put prohibition Into effect. Kansas
was second, In 1880, and North Da
kota third In 18S9. Meanwhile tho
movement had grown to such propor
tions thnt the national Prohibition party
was formed at a convention In Chicago
In 1809.
Women, always In the forefront of
the activity to stop the sale of alco
holic drinks, organized for a concert
ed tight after the famous woman's cru
sade, I873-74. Their association was
later to become known throughout tho
world by the name of Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union.
Antl-Saloon League In 1893.
Another powerful influence In tho
fight for prohibition enme Into exist
ence In 18n:i In the formation of tho
Antl-Salonn league. It Is noteworthy
that both these organizations had their
Inception In Ohio.
The modern wave of prohibition
legislation began with Georgia In 1907.
Since that time, the movement gained
strength more rapidly than any other
reform In the history of the world, so
tjmt Xi states already have prohibition
by state action, In 21 adopted by pop
ular vote and In the others by legisla
tive measures. At the time the con
stitutional amendment was submitted,
!M of tho -18 states and considerably
more than half of the territorial Unit
ed Stntes had prohibition. In states
where prohibition was not Mate-wide,
it has been adopted under local option
laws by many communities.
In addition to state laws, there have
been in effect stringent measures
adopted by congress as aldR toward
winning the war, which gave a tre
mendous impetus to the prohibition
movement. Studying the examples of
foreign countries, a law was passed
making It unlawful to provide nny
man In uniform with alcoholic hover
iiiies. Making of beer and whisky was
stopped under the food control act and
the snle of drinks was terminated at
midnight last June !10. Shipment of
liquor Into any stntes was prohibited
ey the bone-dry law.
Ratifications Took 13 Months.
The constitutional amendment wns
finally adopted by congress on Decem
ber 18. 1917, with a restrictive clause,
hitherto unknown In legislative pro
cedure, that It would be Inoperativo
unless rut Hied within seven years. The
vote In the house was 281 to 128 and
in the senate 0." to 20. The ratification
required only III months, the thlrty
Mth state taking favorable action
.1 muary 10. 1919. Frank L. Polk, act
ing secretary of state, proclaimed the
iiiuenilment hh pnrt of the Constitution
under date of Janiinry 29. 1919, but
It went Into effect one year from the
date of ratification by the thirty-sixth
After that date nine states voted for
ratification, making 15 In all. Rhode
I Island, Connecticut and Now Jersey
1 were tho only exceptions.
chemicals until It Is needed. There
have doveloped experimental proofs
where nerves have been taken from
the dead, preserved for a short period
and grafted to the Injured part of liv
ing porsons. ,
In ward til) Is Joseph Hlggins. a
shell carried away the muscles nnd
luives of the upper part of his left
arm. Tho wound healed, but his arm
un paralyzed. Surgeons decided to
tiiii.splant muscles from his chest. Ho
Is now regaining the use of h's arm.
Private Joseph nelschmnii. One
Hundred mid Forty-eighth Infantry,
who halls from Antlgo, Wis., was lilt
b. a machine gun bullet, which cut a
icrve and resulted In the loss of con-t-rl
or his right leg. He was sent to
the llrltlsh expeditionary hospital and
from there to Fort Sheridan The leg
was opera ted on. nerves from a rah
ltr grafted In, and now, six months
latei he Is again feeling Hensatlon in
the part of the eg which was dead.
Take tablets only as told in each "Bayer" package
Tho "Haycr Cross" is tho thumb
print of genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin." It protects you ngnlnst Imi
tations nnd Identifies tho genulno As
pirin prescribed by physicians for over
eighteen yenrs.
Always buy nn nnbroken pnekngo of
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which con
A Number of Them.
HoiucL Did any innn ever kiss you
befcie 1 did?
Helen Yes, dear.
Horace Tell me his name so I can
beat,hlm up!
L:elen I'm afraid that he might bo
too many for you.
Garfield Tea, taken regularly, will cor
rect both liver and kidney disorder!. Adv.
A limn sometimes loses his head, but
a woman never loses her tongue.
Perfect Health Is
If the
Almost Evety Human Ailment
Is Directly Traceable to Im
purities in the Blood.
You should tray particular liecd
to any indication that your blood
supply is becoming sluggish, or
that there is a lessening in Jts
strong and vital force.
By Keeping your blood cleansed
your system mora easily wards off
disease that is ever present, wait
ing to attack wherever there is an
Of Them All the Hickory Is Easily
the Best Known, and Grows
Nowhere Else.
Of the nut-henrlng American trees,
hickories are perhaps tho best known,
being strictly North American trees,
none now growing In nny other part
of the world. Of the 14 known spe
cies one Is Mexican, the other 111 grow
ing east of the Rocky mountains. In
diana boasts of six species, of which
the shagbark, or sliellbark, is the most
noted, because of Its nuts nnd pe
culiar bark.
The wood of most of these species
Is tough, strong nnd flexible, but be
cause of Its value for Implements and
fuel the finest trees of our forests
lmve been sacrificed, the crop of wild
nuts decreasing ns a consequence.
The pecan Is the largest of our
hickories, being n native of the south
ern nnd southwestern counties of In
diana and growing to perfection In
the rich, moist soils of river bottoms.
Tho black walnut grows west from
western Massachusetts to Minnesota.
Its branches are stout and spreading,
forming a round-topped tree when
grown in the open.
A Terror, Perhaps! i
"Bessie, why don't you try to lie a
good little girl?" "1 do try awfully
hard." "But you don't succeed very
well." "Why, mother, Just think how
bad I'd be If I didn't try at all." Life.
Only a wise girl selects for a bus
baud a mail wlioe mother didn't know
how to cook.
Coffee Prices Are Up
There W JVb JPafse
In Price OjT
Try this delicious table
drirOt of coffee -like
flavor m place of yonv
next pound of coffee
Note the satisfaction,
not only to purse liut
to liealtn., and you'll
continue to drinlo
this delightful family
bevera&e .
"There's a Reason!
Mfldo by Postum Cereal Company
Battle Creek. Michigan.
tains proper directions to safely reller
Colds, Headache, Toothache, Karach.
Neuralgia, Lumbago, RhcumntlRm, Neu
ritis, Joint Pnlns, nnd Pain generally,
Handy tin boxes of twelve tnbletd
cost but n few cents. Druggists nlHO
sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin
Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoaceticacldcsterof Sallcyllcactd,
"1 hope you didn't tnke a second
piece of cake, Kthcl?" said the mother
to tho young daughter, who had been
visiting a friend for ten.
"Yes, I did, mother," replied tho
child. "You told mo never to contra
dict, and the Indy said: 'I know you'll
hnvo another piece of cake;' so what
could I say?"
Peruvian petroleum ranks next to
Busslan for the quality of lubricants
It yields.
Blood Is Kept Pure
opening. A few bottles of S. S. S.,
tne great vegcraoic dioou mcui
cinc, will revitalize your blood and
give you new strength aad a
healthy, vigorous vitality. Every
one needs it just now U keep thd
system in perfect condition. Go
to your drug store and get a bottia
to-day, and if you need any medi
cal advice, you can obtain it withi
out cost by writing to Medical Di
rector, Swift Specific Co., 46 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga
Statue of Liberty at New York Is Not
Fulfilling Original Purpose
of Designer.
Tho stntuto of Liberty, in New York
harbor, Is electrically Illuminated
that Is, so Hooded with light as to ba
rendered brightly visible at night.
Originally, however, the Idea was
to iiinke It serve as a beacon, and for
this purpose the "llnmo" of the ludy's
torch was cut at tho sides, the open
ings fitted with glass, and nlno duplex
arc lumps placed Inside.
Thus was obtained u light which,
uphold nt a height of !105 feet above
the water, was visible twenty-four
miles nut at sea, or ten miles beyond
the anehorage of the outside light
ship. Its maintenance was assigned
to the government lighthouse board.
But the lighthouse board declared
that It had little or no usefulness ns
an aid to navigation, Its value being
purely sentimental, and In 1002 tho
light was extinguished, tho business
of Illuminating the statuo being hand
ed over to the wnr department.
Not Idle.
"I'm afraid you're an idle fellow,
"What's that, sail?"
"I'm afraid you llko to Idlo away,
your time."
"Oh, no, sab, I doesn't, snh. Why
I gits in' wlfu mo' work dan she can
do, sab !"
In Korea the marriage certificate
Is equally divided between husband
and wife.