For Your From Condensed Milk to Cereal . Food Baby foods form a very important part in a Unit; storo's stock or equipment. There are a great many baby foods on the mar ked, some of them applicable as direct foods with sustaining value of their own. Othors intended to modify other foods or to modify cow's milk. Coreal foods, too. ' We carry most every thing in the line of baby foods or milk modifiers. Everything in cereal compounds, canned milks, milk sugar. Buy such things here for opportunity of selection in getting just what you want for freshness which is guaranteed by our frequent turn-over and price always fair. - HON LICK'S 3IALTK1) MILK DUXTUO MALTOSE ESKAV'S FOOD M ELLIN'S FOOD HOKDKN'S EAGLE BRAND 111 BISKS' SUGAR OF MILK Vmino ClOItt COMPARTMENT AUTOMATIC TUMP HAM PR A NO OOOR IN KITCHCN roRCCLAiN door PANELS eitOlllNA AND TOMTM6 WAJNA81E lANItART WHITE PORCELAIN BROILER PAN CKtCH DAMPU TO COM POUII BURNERS AND tlMHClUR rOH OAS DKAFt CONTNOU.IA DAMPER SEir STARTER FOR OA1 NO MATCHES TOUR COV1 'Jrs ran L o woob p UJAA. All WHITf PORCELAIN DRIP PAN oafoy ,,T I 'In' J WHITE POSS?.""" I HHV CI 1 - GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Frank Strollberg, of Blrdwood, left Tuesday for Stanton, Jeb., to attend a Duroc Jersey hog sale. For Sale Piano, cheap if taken at once. Call at 321 east Second street. 6-4 The Evening Bridge Club was en tertained Wednesday evening by Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Mitchell. Mrs. John Day returned Wednesday night from a visit with her daughter Mrs. Cody Boal in Greeley, Col. Lost Cameo pin Monday evening, between 203 west Second street and 102 south Locust. Return to Dixon's Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Keefe and children went to Kearney yesterday morning whero they will visit relatives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Owens, of Ocden, arrived in town Wednesday, having been called here by, thp death j of Mr. Owens' mother. i Taffeta Dresses for Spring are cs-i pecially good and our stock was never j more complete than now, do not tail to see them. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. E. F. Secberger entertained the Bridge Luncheon Club Tuesday afternoon and the following afternoon entertained a score of ladies at bridge. Robt. -L. Homer and Eva Bolle Town, both of Gothenburg, were united in marriage by Rev. A. C. Hull Wed nesday. To whom are you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. G4tf The meeting night of the Commun ity Chorus has been changed from, Wednesday to Monday evening. The next rehearsal will be held Monday evening 'of next week . Special Kettle rendered lard. Brod beck's Meat Market. SCtf Gothenburg and North Platto will vie for honors in a biisket ball game at the Franklin auditorium this even ing. From here the Gothenburg team will go to Sutherland to play tomor row night. Word has beon received of the birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carey of Omaha and a girl baby to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gorham of Grand Island. The mothers are sisters and wore former North Platte girls the Misses eJffers. Elsewhere is published an ordinance under which the limits of the city are considerably extended and en larged. Our population may not roach ton thousand as enumerated, but we cover tho territory and have the peoplu of that sized town. A. II. Turpen, who lives ten miles northeast of town, sold his ranch last year and on February 19th will sell off his 165 head of cattle, horses and ma chinery. Ho has purchased a resi dence property in town and will be come a resident. Ranges .Majestic, Steel Malleable Acorn and other makes, $20.00 to $45.00. New Vernls Marten and brass beds $15.00 to $40.00. Second hand beds from $3.00 up All kinds of house furnishings. Buy now at last year's iprlces. ECHELBERY, 6-G 104 East Front. On a card written from El Contro. Cal., O. II . Thoolecko says: "Fifty feet below sea level but I don't feel the "moisture." Across the border at Mexicalo one needs a diver's suit to keep dry, but no one wears them. Great country; plenty of money." For Sale A cornet, phone 257 or call at 714 west Fourth. Fifteen Spanish War Veterans and their wives spent a delightful evening Tuesday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Moody. The event Avas In celebration of tho wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Moody and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker. The veterans revamped war stories that were entertaining to each other as well as to the ladles and other feat ures made tho evening enjoyable. A three-course lunch was served. For Sale Cobs, $2.00 per load while they Inst. You haul them. A. A. Mnrr, Phone 794F13. 7-2 1 .Margaret Anglln. That sterling American actress Margaret Anglln, never falls to in spire her audlenco with tho keenest admiration for her art, but It is doubtful if for a long time she has had a play quite as interesting as "The Woman of Bronzo" which will bo seen hero at the Keith theatre on Wednesday, Fobr. 11th. Just at present the theater is top heavy with what Is known as tho In genue star, many of them forced blos soms in process of development, whose principal radiance. Is rellected in the electrics which flash their names in front of the theater. Therefore!, Miss Anglln with her splendidly developed art, her wonderful technique and Iter 8ure-ty of expression must always bo particularly delightful, and in tho role of Vivinn Hunt in "The Woninn of Bronze" she has the opportunity of which she avails herself to the fullest to demonstrate her splendid powers as an emotional actress. That she possesses wonderful artistic ability has been proven by the fnct that she takes her present role which tho au thors have drawn from a somewhat theatrical angle, and Infuses it with the depth and sincerity that eliminates all original suggeston of artificiality and presents a real, living, breathing, storm-tossed woman. "Tho Woman of Bronze" presents tho "eternal triangle" and tho story it tells Is one that hns been duplicated in life, mnny, -many times, and the play possesses many, many scones that have great dramntic effect. Many of the best known critics have said that Miss Anglln's artistic sincerity her keen intellectual sympathy with characters, lifts the play above the theatrical, and is proof .of her really splendid gifts. A very excellent company has been engaged to support Miss Angjln In her new play, among whom may? bo men tioned Fred Eric, who has been her leading man for a number of seasons. Langdon Bruce, Sydnoy Nather, Wal ter Connelly. Harriet Sterling, Sally Williams, Marlon Barney, and several other well known players. Twentieth Century Chili. The Twentieth Century Club will meet with Mrs. M. E. Scott, 220 west Second street on Tuesday, evening, February 10th. Mrs. J. G. Beeler and Mrs. W. E. Starr will assist the hos tess. The program under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph North will consist of the fourth and fifth lessons on Citizen ship. Members are requested to come prepared to take part in the lessons. Mrs. Stanley Orr, Press Cor. ' 'Is vf I vi." t wem It Fays to Bale the aril ragni THE hay market is always favorable for the man whose product shows up in trim, clean-cut, convenient-sized bales. International Hay Presses make that kind of bales. They run by horse, motor or belt power. They have capacities of 6 to 30 Ions a day. One and two-horse presses do excellent work on small crops. Both types have the same efficient toggle joint, the same type of plunger head, roller tucker, bale ten sion, hopper and feed tabid. The bed reach is only four inches high horses do not stumble over it. The International motor press is a two-in-one ma chine. It is a very fast, convenient and substantial baler. Its 6-H. P. kerosene engine can be disconnected from the bale chamber bed and used as a portable power plant. The big capacity, all-steel power press is made for custom work and large crops. With International hay presses you buy International service. This service is especially valuable to the hay grower, whose product must be handled swiftly and seasonably. One of these types of Internationale is going to please and satisfy you. Let us show you that one. Derryberry & Forbes Implement Co, Inc., ::o::- Clierkfng up Enumerators. The work of checking up the cen sus enumerators and ferreting out all actual residents has been in prog ress this week and it is expected that this work will be completed by to morrow ovenlng. Tho committees who are making tho canvass are mak ing tho work as thorough as possible tho city having boon divided into small districts and a committee ap portioned to each district. So far several hundred not found by the e- numerators have been turned In as additions to their lists. POR DOOR stir stARUR.roB COAL NO KINDLIN4 DRAFT 3LIOC UNDCR URAfCS Alt CAST IHON O0Y A UK TIME RAMIIE 1 vr j 'i i MM i 1 X MRrf IAIN (144 roe. A9JUSIADIC AIR MIKTUKll OURNt COAL WOOD 01 oS&wtsttjr tCTt IN 40INCN SPACE - CAST WON KURNfR BOX A UfE TIME HANOI A SIR PI! TWIST (NANCES OVIN liO COAl TO AAI OVtN INN IN lfHC1 KM COAL WOOO OR OAS. ft AT THE SUN Tuesday & Wednesday. IF you want an up-to-date range. If you want a better cooker. If you want a range that has all the modern conveniences a range that is economical durable dependable beautiful and simple. If you want a three-in-one range at the cost of an ordinary one-fuel cooker, come in and let us demonstrate the Simplex Universal Combination Range to you. 1 combination Lr ang e No parts to change no danger of mistakes. A simple twist of the wrist changes from coal or wood to gas. The Universal burns coal or wood and gas separately or at the same time just as you wish. It keeps your kitchen cool in summer and warm in winter. It is just the range for the up-to-date home and housewife. Let us show it to you. You incur no obligations. Come in today. The Quality Store AltK YOU A CONSTANT ItKADKlt Or THK II. & S. AUKN 1 CY MONTHLY MJMiKTIN? , 11" Z HART-IK ChWUN vA LO'i Wf 'I C'CJU J ' 3 UMiVtft ..AC MRS. CHARLIE CHAPLIN MILDRED HARRIS in "HOME" A six reel Lois Weber Production. Afternoon Matihee's If so. you will notice an error In spoiling on ono of tho pages of tho JfeuFuriry ist issue. ' Now the nrst one minureii scnooi children who detect this error will each be given a lead pencil if thoy will call at the office of the H. & a. Agency in tho Urodbeck bidding, bringing with them a copy of bulletin and pointing out the error. Good for Saturday, February 7th, only. REMEMBER If you aro in tho mar ket for a homo, Ae lime thorn. Or If you are looking for a farm to move onto March 1st, wo have tlium. We also writo ALL KINDS of insurance TUB II. & S. AGENCY. ::o:: Investigating Selling Prices Tho county chairman of the Nebras ka Economy campaign, has been re quested to Investigate the selling price of oysters In North Platto. I his Is tho ilrst of a series of Investigations that will bo ordered mado as to the selling price of commodities, it Is understood tho selling price of meats will be reported next. These reports are made to the state fair price com missioner who will determine whether the retail prices In North Platte are sufficiently high as to come under the provisions ol the Lever act relative to profiteering. The Lover act as amended Inst October provides a weapon against profiteering in wearing apparel, fuel, food stuffs and machinery. ::o:: -Wrestling .Match a Draw After Hobby Hylund of this city nnd Georgo Kinney, of Spalding had wrestled for two hours at the fire men's hall Wednesday evening with out either getting a fall, tho event was called a draw by Referee Hastings. Tho work of both men was active from start to finish; there was no stalling and it was withal a contest that the. spectators really enjoyed. Thirty minutes after tho match began, By lund suffered a broken rib, but this did not seem to effect his work to any degree though it caused him con siderable pain. Homo Talent I'laj When Friday ovenlng, Feb. 20th. Where Franklin Auditorium. What Play entitled "Engaged by Wednesday." By Whom Tho NIcaflgeo Camp Fire Girls assisted by others. Prico of Tickets U5 cents and GO cents, which includes war tax. IteSMents Take Own Itlsk Tho residents of North Platto will lie hold responsible for snow In front of their homes and places of business as all sidewalks should havo beon cleared by this time. Arrest will fol low reports of tho violation of this ordlnnnco. CHIEF OF POLICE. ::o;: .Morning Glory FJaur $:5.75 for 48 lb. sack. McGovern & Stack. Phone 80. Free delivery 8tf Christian Church. Bible school at 9:45 a. in. Preaching at 11:00 a. in., subject "The1 Vine and Its Branches." Preaching at 7:'.50 p. m., subject "Tho .Healing of a Leper." .There is "ail interesting bible school class for overy age and a cordial wol como awaits all who como. ::o:: Mrs. J. II. Curry left this morning for St. Paul, Neb., where for a week or so she will visit her mother, who is in poor hcalh. For Salo or Vi section good hill land W miles from town; fair Im provements; 70 ncrea broke; 00 acres hay land. Will tal&e a clear houso in town as part pay. For further In formation call 700F41. 8-2 r SOCIAL ACTIVIT1K& Ash Wednosdny, the bogjnnlng of ho Lenten season, comes February 18. As usual there is much social activity proqsdlng thlo forty days of sack cloth and asheB. Next Monday ovon lng tho-Cathollc GlrjR will-glvo their annual dlinco at tho K. C. hall, tho following evoning tho SpasSsh War Vote-ran will glvo their sixth annual ball, and Thursday evening tho Ma chinists' Union hold their annual ball. In addition to those, many lessor functions aro planhed for next we.ek. ::o:: JIKKKFOIll) KlJWiS FOlt SALK. Roglstorod Hereford Bulls for salo On Lincoln Highway, six miles cast of North Platto. 7-0 .1. A. JACKSON. New Spring Oxfords The New SPRING OXFORDS are here and what superb style and character footwear designers have acheived. You must see the Shoe Market's Oxfords for spring to fully realize what's what in footwear. Oxfords in patent brown an black kid leathers, High Louis, military, one inch walking heels and the new Baby French heel, styles of the hour priced right compare. $6.50 to $12.00. WE DO SHOE REPAIRING. "HOE iyARKET AVES YOU E'ONEY ON SHOES. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T. Osteopathic Physician. Horth PJatU1, - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. JO JrsL We Buy and Sell in our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO 1