The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 06, 1920, Image 1

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.4 Si I AA,
No. 8
Harvey C. Wallace, an oscaned con
vict from the Wyoming ponltontlary
At Raw 11ns who wns being returned to
that institution by acting warden W.
K. Brlcn, mode- his getaway at the do
pot In this city Tuesday night and is
HtUl at large Wallaco had boon sen
tenced to the ponltontlary for burglary
for a period of two to five years. Ho
made his ipscnpo and was arrested at
Boone. Iowa. The warden wont to
Boone to get his man and on the re
turn trip stopped over in this city to
get some rest, placing Wallace In the
county jail for safe keeping. At mid
night the warden to, the Jail and get
ting ills man returned to the depot to
await train No. 15. While In the depot
Wallace asked permission to go to the
toilet room and his rertuhst was grant
ed! Failing to return In a reasonable
length of time, the warden went to
look for his man but found lie had
fled. Though hobbled with a sixteen
Inch steel shoe. Wallace had gone to
an open window on the east side of the
men's smoking room, unlocked the
screen and crawled through. He was
tracked in the snow for several
blocks and tluen the trnii was lost. .
The warden placed $100 In the hand
of County Attorney Keefe to be paid
as a reward for the arrest of the es
caped man.
Itrood Sow Produces 111.
La.;t May a sow belonging to Ohas.
Smith who lives a few miles east of
town produced a litter of fourteen
pig;). Twelve of these were raised
and fattened, two of which were killed
for family use. This week Mr. Smith
eold the remaining ten for $370. Fig
uring the two butchered, the total
value of the litter was $444. Mr.
Smith says that even at prevailing
price the fennor who iys it does
not pay to grov. hogs don't know how
to r r.lse tho::i .
Dr. Bartholomew, representing the
state board of health as well as tho
federal board of health, met with tho
city council and heads of various
civic societies and churches Tuesday
citing and discussed tho social ovll.
Tho Doctor was introduced by Mayor
Streltz and gavo a talk on vonoreal
diseases, and while ho did not quote
statistics, ho said the prevalence of
thoso diseases was such as to bo a
menace to tho country. Last year tho
physicians of Nebraska alone report
ed that they had treated over 5,000
cases; thore were probainy many
cases not reported. Dr. Bartholomew
recited tho nature of tho diseases, tho
effect upon the system and some of
the ways of contracting them. For
Instance: A syphlletic street fruit
dealer blew his breath on apples and
then polished them with a rag. Two
small girls each purchased and ate
an apple from his stand and con
tracted syphilis from a germ the fruit
dealer had blown on the apple and
had not wiped off. This was one of
tho many ways the diseases might be
The Doctor recommended that a
hygienic committee for the city bo
Rppointed and that a social worker
bo employed, tins social worker to
act in conjunction with the physicians
of the city in ascertaining victims of
tho diseases. lie also advocated the
establishment of a public clinic for
treatment of tho diseases.
Acting upon tho recommendation of
Di Bartholomew, a hygienic com
mitlee consisting of Leslie Baskius
Mrs. It. F. Cottcroll, Miss Annie
hereon tho Episcopal nation-wide "'"'i. . y y
movement, returning to Sidney Wed-j"'- i'"""
Dr. Bartholomew recommended that!
the social worker be employed by
and paid from funds of the Hod Cross
chapter. At a mooting of tho Bed
Prnsa illrorlnrs Woil tiftKflH v nvnln:r
tho employment of this social worker
was discussed ut length
The board finally decided to appro
priate $000 for a welfare worker.
which it was thought would carry on
the work for four months. If the
move is successtul, tho expense can
afterwards be borne by tho city. Ef
forts will lie at onco made to secure
a suitable person as tho welfare work
er, though at this tlmo It is not known
whore such can be secured.
Lutheran Church Dedication.
Festival of tho Dedication, Sunday,
10:80 o'clock: Sermon, Rev. Oliver D.
Sir. Wright Goes Wrong.
On January 21st John W. Wright, of
Stnnleton. appeared at tho county
judgo's office accompanied by a lady,
asked for a marrlago llcenso and re
quested tho Judge to porform the
ceromony. Tho requests were grant
ed and Wright gavo tho judge a chock
for tho flvo dollars, signed "Mrs. V. D.
Greeley by J. W. Wright". Tho check
wns doposlted and returned by tho
bank on which it was drawn with the
notation "slgnaturo not authorized."
as a result Judge Woodhurst Is out
the flvo dollars, as the license and
ceremony fees must be a accounted
fcr by him. Tho Judge vows that
never again will he accept a .check for
licenses and ceremonies. j
Eleu'n Horses Burned to Death. !
Eleven horses were burned to death
Wednesday night In a fire that gutted
tho Interior of tho North Side livery
barn. The lire, of unknown origin,
was discovered about one o'clock, and
had gained such a headway that It was
lug is covered with corrugated iron
the stalls. . Tho outside or tho build
ing is covered with corrugated Iroo
and the walls romnln intact but the
inside wood Work was badly burned
and chnrrnl.
OlfU ill STAKE
We bi'g jour pardon, the 1. V. E.
Compn"rls to erect a 36 JliUion Icing
plant instead of a il million vihk-h wc
lime advertised in our bulletin ami
elsewhere. Yours truly,
lirodheck Building
Rev. Henry Ives, spent Tuesday In
town conferring with church men
nesilay. Mr. Ives has his plans well
laid for tho launching of the move
ment in Sidney next Sunday and it 1b
oypoc-ted that Sidney will bo raised
frcm a mission to a parish.
Tho North Platto Monument Com-
pahy, Inc., Is tho nnnto of the new
concom that will open its doors for
India Pageant at .Methodist Church
Tho India mass movement Pageant,
showing how tho ensto system is be
ing brokon down and whole villagos
under tho leadership of their mayors
aro Booking Chrlsian baptism, will bo
Tux 31 an Coining
By request of the four local bankn
the rovenuo department will Bond an
Income tax agent horo to assist tax
payers in filling out their blanks, thiis
roltoving tho banks of tills work. Tho
business m our city m mo ivmr in- presented In dramtlc form in tho M. Ront wiu arrive Monday and romalu
turo. Tho incorporators aro L. G. U1- u. church Sunday mornng, February for tw0 or three wooks. Tills agent
Hams, W. T. Alden and Chas. Macho. sth, ftt n:oo o'clock. Tho pageant I wm naVo an oflico In the postoftlco
Mr. Williams has for tho past nine Wlli bo directed bv tho Rov. C. E.,iin.-
years boon connected with ono of tho Parker and tho Rov. M. D. Ross, both
largo monument liouww in urnnti ts- 0f whom havo served as mission-
land. Ho is planning to sell his In urloB iu i,UHa for number of years
torest in that concom and will come
to North IMato as president of the new
corporation. ,
Our follow-townsman. W. T. Ald.'ii
will be vicc-TTesIdons of tho compnn
For the past eight years Mr. Alden
has been tho traveling representative
in the North Platte territory for thrt
sumo company with which Mr. Wll-
rlght In the midst of tho mass move
mont and are lntlmatoly acquainted
with exotic feaures of that country.
Llotit. Frank Stuart, who with hiB
wife, hiiH been visiting ': his parents,
will leave next wook for Lincoln to
accopt a position In tho highway de
partment of the state engineer s omco
Hams litis been connected. During his "Hnja YIsu Aya Song" which has had
residence in this city Mr. Alden has a tremendous Influence In tho Chlrs-
mado many porsonnl friends who will Ounlzlng of India, will bo sung In tho
wish him success In his now business vernacular by tho players In costume
enterprise. grouped about the village Chnudhrl.
("has. Macho, who will be secretary nmi there will bo added touchy which
and treasurer of tho new corpora- tu, directors are able to glvo because
tlon, also comes to our city from Grand of their Intimate knowiedgo of Ulio
Island. Ho hns had many years of ex- mannerisms and habits of tho poo'ulo
poiienco as an accomplished lettoror 0f iinn.
and granltos6ulptor. He comes very ::o::
highly recommended as an nrtlst in Basket ball games botweun tho boys'
his lino. IIo has served as foreman in and tho girls' teams of the Lexington
The production wllj iio a roproson- ., tMiBlnri?r. a nrofesslon In whloh
tation of the astounding movement of ! no Kruduntod sovoral years boforo go-
the native mnasic of India toward i jK jnt0 tho sorvlco.
Chrstlanlty. with n setting of the na-j UmmM tatTotn nnM- foulard dress-
uvo Hie. oi uross, cusioms ami , moals. coming In every
Wr:-m 'Kill 1
some of the largest gmnltc shops In
the country.
Mr. Alden states that tho company
lias purchased for Immediate shipment
ono of the finest assortments of monu
ments and gravo stonos displayed in
tho ceural west. Ho also states that
this work will bo hero In plenty of
tlmo to servo any purchasers who
may wish memorials erected before
Memorial Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reynolds left
yesterdny for L03 Angeles to spend
several months.
The men's brotherhood of tho Pres
byterian church will meet In the
church basomont this evening.
For Rent Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping for man and wife
without children. Phono Red 1000.
Dr. J. S. Slmms resigned tho posi
tion of city phytriclnn Wednesday and
Mayor Streltz named Dr. E. W. Fet
ter to fill the vacancy. Dr. Slmms
found It Impossible to give the posi
tion the time it required.
Wanted Some ono to do cleaning
good wage.s. Inqulro at the General
The Saturday afternoon bridge
schools and t,lu 1C111 'b'1 scl(ool
teams will be played at the Fr.inltlln
audiorium tomorrow evening
Friday evening of last week tho ex
ecutive commltteo of tho Gleaners
class of tho Christian church mot at
tho liomo or Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Tho following commlteos wero chosen
by Mr. Taylor, president of tho class:
Social, Mrs. Glnvos, Mrs. Bryant and
Frank Johnston; Dovottonal, Mrs. Li
Master, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Taylor;
Mrs. Eshelman was chosen chnlr
man of tho sick commltteo, with Mrs.
Boyd and Mrs. Enierick as holpora.
A pleasant social hour was spent and
Mrs. Taylor sorveel delicious ro
fr shments.
Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday.
"The Pkiser Case"
A story of cijcumstnntial evidence.
Saturday Comedy African Lions and American
Monday Comedy Slciuths.
1 it Ik 11111 hiAni 4 mn rti fi 4 li 11 lintii i
- r j r I vii uu Ml wi fcv- v " .v iuu nuiuu
BalUly,vPh. D.D.or omaliarA-ACf. PoflrS Keith Neville
of dedication by tho pastor. Special
music by the choir. Evoning worship,
8 o'clock, sermon by Rov. C. B. Hnr-
man, D. D., of Omaha, former pastor
of this church.
Monday evening Rev. Dr. Stnuffer
Prosjdent of Midland College, Fre
mont, will speak on Christian Educa
tion. Tuesday evening, congregational
dinner with talks by members of our
various organizations. Wednesday-
public organ recital and cliolr music
al. Thursday night, community ser
vice, addresses by other ipastors and
music by representatives of other
choirs. Friday evening, Preparatory
Service for Holy Communion.
To all these services the public Is
cordially invited.
o,.,. r m.... ..1.11.. .. ,
Duroc Jersey Hog Sale
The Western Nebraska Breeders'
Assn., composed of farmers living
west of town, will have a sale of Duron
Jersey hogs at the North Side barn In
this city February 2Hd. In the sale
will bo aiilum's grown by Frank
siroiioorg, i . u. jonnsou, staio innn
Fred Nelson and Gus Llndqulst.
::o. :
Former N'orth Iiatlers Will Picnic.
Former, residents of North Platto
now residents of Ioh Angeles and sur
rounding section will hold a picnic at
Sycamore grove, Los Angeles, Sunday
February 15th. All persons who hnvc
lived at or near North Platte are cor
dially invited to attend.
O. E. WEIL, Secretary.
For Sale.
Seven room house nnd two lots,
house all modern except heat; barn
and garage: ono lot in fruit trees. In
quire at Tho Tribune. 8-4
The members
who .hnvo had low scores will on
tortnln tho high score members.
Lesllo Rork and stser Mrs. Calllo
Wyman were called to Colorado
Springs Col., yesterdny by the death
of their brother-in-law William
Holdui. Mrs. Holdon was formerly
Miss Hazel Ttork of this city.
Blouses never prettier than now and
tho prices are within reach of all. 1
Mrs. A. J. Yartier, of Brady, died
Monday morning of influenza. Mrs.
Yurtorimd gone to Stockham a short
time ao tgo to visit her parents and
was stricken with the disease while
tlmo ago to visit her parents and
two small children. Funeral services
wero held at Hastings yesterday.
For Salo Brown wicker baby car
riage. 405 west Fourth. Phone
Black 218.
Tho members of the Baptist church
held a farowoll party In the church
parlors Tuesday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. tlilbort Brown, who will leave
soon for Omaha to mako thoir home.
For tho past six months Mr. Brown
has boon bookkeeper for the Stncoy
Mercantlo Company but resigned to
accept an offer from an Omnha whole
sale house.
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
in n drama of mother love
The ndorahle romance of a motherless waif's pursuit of hap
Altogether charming, quaint and different from Miss Stewart's f,
previous photoplays.
William Russell
Keith Theatre, Wednesday, February
The Distinguished American Actress
I desire to inform auto owners that
l nave oponed a ropair sliop at 012 11 , l H7 11, XT 1
north Chestnut street and respectful- A U inC W OHO tO llOtRinP
"The Woman ot Bronze"
By Henry Kistcmaechsr and Eugene Delord.
Supported by a splendid company of Metropolitan Playors and a Gor
goous Production.
Company conies direct from Brandols Theatre Omahn.
Prices 52.00, $1.50, $1.00, plus tax.
Curtain 8:30 sharp. No one seated alter curtain rises.
ly solicit nil classes of auto repair
ing. Come In and I will treat you
Shop phono 152, Residence phono I
Black 951.
:o. :
Give our New SpriiiR Garments
look. IS. T TRAMP & SONS.
KeiJh, Saturday.
love and The Woman '
the ronmrliubly Interesting story of
tho things tl'at happen to a young
girl, who tin a. baby had been substi
tuted for the baby of a rich man.
The Sunshine
Chicken Ala Cabaret.
2 reel Wonkey Comedy.
Olve Tell
The Trap
Bobby Burns
2 reel Comedy.
Harry Morey
The Gamblers
2nd chapter of
Your 1920
. Miifo I'lncr to liny ViMir Our '
It may snow or storm a little, but spring and balmy
air and good roads will bo soon be here. Good, standard
cars aro not in storage this winter to deliver to you when
you want them in tho spring. Production has been held
back some, but anyway, the demand has been larger than
production, and good cars are short for delivery right
A Snfe I'lm-f to Huy Voiir Cur
We recommend a Dodge or Chandler car for .your
next buy, because of the stability of this organization, its
honesty of purpose to sell good cars and give them good
service as long as you own them. We recommend these
cars because they both have been standard models with
out change for five years or more and because you can ob
tain repair parts and immediate service on these cars as
long as you own them, right here in North Platte. We
sell and repair just these two good cars.
A Siif' lMnee to lluy Voiir Car
I would advise an immediate order for the car you pre
fer, whether it is in my line or not, as many will be dis
appointed who wait for the first warm day of spring to
get their now ear. Abstracts of title furnished on all cars.
A fiif' I'lnee to lluy Vmir (Jnr
J. v.
(ilh anil Locust Sis.
North lMalte, ob.
Seat Sale Monday, Feb. 9th, 2:00 p. m.