Crystal, Thursday and Friday. JUNE ELVIDGE Dr. O; If." Crewlor returned this morning from Onmhit where lie had Yesterdny now storm did not ox tend weal of Jttlosburg, and et of Lexington the fall was light.; Mr. and Mr. 1eonard Stroup pass ed east Sunday enroiite W their home In Chicago from n visit m t'nliornia The Wotiinn'a Foreign Missionary society will hold a. inlsnonary tea at I the home of Mrs. York Unman Friday 1 flfteruopn. . ,'nptlst church groups moat Thura- itiTH' 0;- 'B.-,', day tills weok. Ann HazoHlne group i lie I OlSOll 1 Cil Vllh Mrs. Engmnlngor. lUDle anil Q IS. group ut tho church. Tim Nlcaflcoo Cami) Fire Olrls will -give tiffcrontartalnmoiit at tho Frank lin auditorium the evening of i-od-niary 20th. Lout Cameo phi Monday evonlng, botwocn 203 west Second street and CK.NSl'S TAKKKS' HE closi: IN A itory, of the strugglo of the good ' and bad In our naturoa. FRIDAY COMEDY ac i Amnnlpnn' 102 south jLociimU Return to Dixon's African Lions and American, Jowolo gt0. rt(lwani. ' Rf.mifTR The Catholic Girls Club will hold l their second annual dnnco nt tho k. 1 C. hall on Monday evening, February, BBanSMi 9. to which an Invitation to th- public Is extended. 'Die Catholic Girls' Club will meet Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. W. It. Maloney, with Mlssos O'Neill, Nichols and Morrow as as sisting hostesses. Mrs. C. L. Patterson and daughters and Mrs. Hess left for Donvor last night, Mr. I loss loaves for Buffalo this afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Cochran I'attorson will depart for Long Beach this evening. Mr. Moran, newly olected secretary of tho Chamber., of Commerce, arrived last evening from Oelweln, Iowa, and will at onco take up his duties. His family will arrive as soon as ho can securo a suitable house. Tho Methodist iaulcfl ''will hold an other of their famous public dinners in tho church parlors tomorrow from 11:30 to 1. Menu: Boiled beef and noodles., masb'cd potatoes, croamed peas, pickles, cherry plo, and coffee. Prico CO cents. LOCAL AND PUKSONAL Miss Cnra Sousor spent Sunday with friends In Paxton. Dr. J. S. Twinom made a business , trip( to Paxton yoatordny. ! Victor Itomlgh entered tho Twlnom hospital Sunday for treatment. ' Wantod Office asslsitant Phone , 135. Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Buckley returned ' yesterday from a visit of few days In Omaha. f : Sco Dixon's sight specialist about that headache. Miss Gladys Hall came down from Sidney Saturday to spend tho week end with friends. 'a son was born Sunday nt tho '.'TSvlncm hospital to Mr. and Mrs. "Harry Carothors, of Maxwoll. Dixon &, Son, Sight SpecIulHts. W. W. Cummlng and W. C. Shel vor spont Sunday in Clioycnno on business for tho Union Paciilc. Myron MuiiHlnger returned Sunday from Wayne whoro ho had boon visit ing relatives for boiho tlmo past. F. Muck has resigned' as man , agor of tho Union Paciilc dining room and E. it. Kllngamon arrived yester day to bo his successor. Cordbva leathor good aro consider cd tho best on tho market Dixon, tho Jawolor. In tho basket ball games Friday ev ening betwoon tho boys' and tho girls' teams of Oshkosh and tho North Platte teams, the later won, tho boys by a score of forty, to nlnoteeu and tho girls by a soventeOn to llvo scoro v For Salo Piano, cheap if taken at " onco. Call at 321 1 east Second street. , 6-4 Miss Oortrudo Robhauscn 1ms re turned to hor duties at tho Dixon Jow elry Btoro after an nbsonco of two weeks duo to tho illness of hor mother "Mrs. Uohhnuson suffered from a so ' voro attack of gall stones but is now abloto bo up again. v For' Salo-FIno mnnuro for lawns Joseph Spies, phono Black 1100. 3-8 A good way to got tho story of ono . of Hobort W. ChumberB' novels wlth ' out spending tho tlmo to read It would bo to go to tho Keith tonight and soo "Tho Dark Star," with pretty Marion DaviB In tho leading rolo. To tho nc companlmont of excellent music it will make a pleasant ovening. You might try taking a frlond, but anyway como yourself. Tho MethodiBt nid society will meet Thursday afternoon In tho church parlors with Mesdnmos M. E. Scott, F, Redmond, J. F. Finn and' II. L. Kelso as hostesses. The ludloB are asking for a kitchen shower on tills aftornoon and a good attendance is desired. A young man nnnicd Bradshaw, who Is employed in tho bowling alloy on cast Sixth street, wub arrested Satur day night by tho police with a pint bottlo of Uoozo in his possession. He had a hearng boforo Judge Tracy in tho police court yesterday forenoon and pleaded guilty. Ho was fined one hundred dollars and costs, which he paid. For Sale 12 Ithodo Island Red chickens and a rooster. Phone Black 229. 7-1 Misses Besslo and Hnzcl Smlh cn turained nt a china shower last even ing at which Mis's Wllla Rauch "was honor guest. Tho ovening was spent in playing llvo hundred, after which a two course luncheon was served. Tabic decorations were In yellow and blue. From tho chandollor abovo tho bride's table streamers of yollow nnd bluo stretched to tho corners of tho table and tiny wedding bells suspended on colored ribbons hung abovo tho kowplo bridal party which formed tho center piece. ::o:: Home For Salo Five room house, good barn, chicken houso, garago and two blocks of land foncod. Two pumps. A good placo to keep two cows, boiuo chickens and pigs. $1,500 down, balanco on month ly payments at 8 por cent interest. W. Ti1. Arltormnn. 170i nnnt .Qlvtli I street. 7-4 "'fth Plnf$Y on'Trfnl'TlflB I tfl and the entlro stato of Nobraska and, UK tho United State IA the Jury. North vU Platte Is In the hi rticb "with Grnnd 31 Ulflhotd. Columbus, Kearnoy, Hastings K seotts uiuii nnu ouier cities, which je oxpoct to bo placed' In the 10,000 TI cln. And this nicft Is bolng watched IjJ-j by all the cltios of the United States, and particularly cities In Nebraska 'S! We hove put out tho challenge of 31 "North Platte Third City. In Nebraska" ' LC and If wo Intend to reach this position m It is necessary that every Citizen of 3j tho city- do his part The Immediate tjpj mns of prtgreBlng a great way to- r ward this position In the taking of a jj porKonal Interest in the rogular 10 il year' United Statos census which Is UZ now In progress by enumerators. It gi would humllato and disgrace us in the UT oyes of tho ontlro country, and par tlculurly tho slate of Nobraska, If we nr woro to fall short and bolow the class 3l of a city of 10.000 and thereby fall to Jfi Iiavo the namo of North Platte placed UZ In tho Government's statistics and "jij nubltcatlons and on the government Zxl maps and othor returns which include LEZ Up to tho present tlmo there has but a very, little Interest or enthusiasm shown In this cause by the people of North Platto. It Is a terrible mis take. Durng the next ten years peo ple will not ask how large North Platte is nor accept any explanation as to why wo don't show in the class of 10,000, or ask us how prosperous wo are, but when considering the op portunities and advantages of North Platte, will refer to the census of the United States as tho proof and will gauge ottr city, accordingly. The re turns of tiro census takers, as they will show on tho United States re ports, will be the finding of tho Jury, and it cannot be appealed from. This llndlng will limitms for tho next ten years and will also limit the powers and authorities of tho city govern ment and will keep us from entering tho higher municipal class with ad ditional governng powers, which Is determined by the 10,000 mark. So let ecry man, woman nnd child LC in tho city, of North Platto got busy Jr 31 bmall but Mighty IS THE FOR DSON TRACTOR. Hi Hi m Hi Hi :n Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi at onco and see that we get credit for every individual we have in the census report. Let us be honest; we don't want credit for a single individual moro than wo have, but wo do want and need every one we do have. This Includes everybody from old men to babies, every member of your family roomers or temporary' residents, who wore on January 1, 1920, or who are now residing or staying in the city of North Platto. If you have beeii omit ted In tho census, or' your family, or If you know of any one or any one's family or friends, who have been omit ted, It is your personal duty to your city to call Thos. F. Healoy, or tho un dersigned, and give tho name, ad dress, ago and other facts which are required for the census, and wo will do tho rest, nnd sco that tho names are added to tho list. SoVoral committees have been ap pointed to check over 'the census .Hat, Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi HIGH SPEED FOR ROAI) WORK. SHORT TURNING RADIUS. PHENOMENAL PLOWING STRENGTH. PULLS TWO 14 INCH BOTTOMS. FULL 22 H. P. ON THE BELT. SERVICE MEN AT YOUK CALL. PARTS FOR REPLACEMENT HERE . XOT FIFTY MILES AWAY. These Meritorious Points Make the Fordson the BEST. . TRACTOR BUY Bar None. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co,, Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi North Platte, Neb. J. L. SOUDER, Sales Mgr. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi but this cannot bo done unlowJ every 1 resident of North Platto gets bShlndi tho movement and shows that no Is a booster and also checks up and asks cveryono ho knows whether ho or she has boon enumerated und then ninko a report to the proper authorities. This must bo dono at onco, It will be too late after the week ending February 7th, as tho local censors must turn in their books, and in fact tho informa tion should be in by the middle of tho week. Just consider how hunillnted nnd grieved each of us would fool, if when tho show down conies and tho final returns are in wo find tlmt the other cities of approximately Uie- same slzo and In our class have outstripped North Platto in growth, population Industries and fame, due to our own negligence. If wo will be alert now aim get to work and ninko this a SUN THEATRE DAYS ONLY Starting Tucs. Feb. 3d A big British melodrama, from the Colossal Adelphi Theatre success which ran several seasons in London. Now presented for the first time on the screen by JESSED. HAMPTON as a SEVEN PART Special Production The Zulu Chieftain informs Lady Turnbull that he demands an eye for an eye a life for the life of his brother, Koni, who was treacherously shot, by her husband while holding a flag of truce. whirlwind campaign to tho finish and got in tho census reports what we are really entitled to, then North Platto will shine as one of the most rapid growing cities in tho country, and one of itho most prosperous, and this record alone will bring thousands of other people to our city and bring it to tho position it is entitled to occupy as third city in Nebraska. Here's to North Platte, the gateway of western Nebraska, a city of 10,000 Chairman Census Commlttoo J. C. HOLLMAN, ::o:: Drive for Higher Wages. Despite tho fact that Director Gen eral Hines says government opera tion has resulted Jn an Increase of wagos amounting to a billion dollar, and increased rates resulting from this advanco has produced an in crease in tho living cost of about $12, COO.000,000 annually to tho public, it is roported that tho railway unions, representing moro than 2,000,000 workers, aro planning to make anoth er drive upon tho railway adminis tration for higher wages, says tho New York Herald. Furthermore, it itj reported that tho unions demand a setlement of tho matter before March 1, tho dayllxed by President Wilson for the return of tho railroads to private ownership. Promoters of tho Plumb plan and advocates of con tinued government operation aro ac tlvo, not to say threatening. Labor representatives In Washington are bringing to bear every influence pos sible to defeat tho nntl-striko provis ions of-tlie Cummins bill nnd to sub stitute the Esch bill or a compromise creating boards of conciliation to pass upon disputes and providing for a de lay of six mouths nt least boforo a strlko may bo legal. There is sus piclon that theso movements aro for tho purpose of delaying a settlement of tho problem nnd forcing a continu ance of government oporation boyond March 1. Perhaps nil legislation may bo blocked by the powerful forces act ing upon Uio minds of a not too cour ageous and independent conroronco committee. When will tho tho fedornl government, which Includes congress, liavo tho courago snuaroly to face this problem and solve It finally? Not His Own Words. The hoary-liPiided examiner glnnced over tho top of his spectacles. "Are you sure," ho Inquired, "that this Is a purely original composition you have handed In?" "Yes, sir," cnino the answer. "But you may possibly, sir, have come across one or two words In the jlctlonary." Blighty. Chris Thompson and A. C. Ogg filed petitions in tho district court last week asking for legal separation from their respective wives on the ground of desertion. Thompson's wife deserted in less than a month after they Wero married, whllo Ogg's left him after they had been married five or six years. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley says: "In only ono instanco would I use whisky for an Influenza case and that would be whore I wished to hasten the depart ure to heaven of the patient." Those North Platte men who have been be moaning the lack of wlibky for flu patients will probably not agree with Dr. WUov. 9 GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! The most wdndorful washing machine on the market absolutely brand now nothing like it; beautifully ilnlsheed in bluo and white enamel. $5.00 puts one in your home. Walt and see it Porter's painless paying plan. THE PORTER ELECTRIC CO. 510 Locust Street. Phono 240 Cheap Travellnn. A London couple connected thftlr tw bicycles by Iron cross plucos carrying a long ling and thus transport the fam :ij f !, mH cl thlrvti In the tun y PUBLIC Having sold my farm, I will offer at Public Austion 4 miles west of North Platto nnd half mtlo south and two and a half miles east of Blrdwood Siding, known as the Red Ranch, Wednesday, February 11th, 1920, Commencing at ono o'clock sharp, Uie following described property: 28 HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of ton High Grado Holsteln Milk Cows, somo fresh, others soon fresb, 3 and 4 years old; ono Holsteln bull 18 months old; Uireo Holsteln heifers, two heifer calves, ono Whlto Faco milk cow; ono Durham milk cow; three 1 and 2 year old steers; two 2 year old heif ers, ono Durham bull calf and five calves. The abovo Holsteln cows aro double'tubercular tested. 12 HEAD OF HORSES Consisting of ono bay maro 6 years old, weight about 1400; ono bay maro 5 years old, weight 1400; ono span of bay mares 10 and 11 years old, weight 2600; ono brown maro 10 years old, weight 1300; two grey colts 2 and 3 years old; ono gray maro weight 1100; ono span or buck skins weight 2100; ono 1 year old colt 1C Head of Shoals, ." Dozen Chickens, l." tons of Hay In Stuck, 150 Bushels of (on, i Crib. FARM MACHINERY Hay stacker, sweop, riding cultivator, Dcering C-foot mower, 12-foot McCormlck hay rako, now B. & O. beet puller, disc, 24-foot steeif liarrow, Fresno, beot boxes, two sulky plows, two wagons, top buggy, watering tank, 3& set work harness, single harness, two grindstones, crenm separator, rango, Round Oak base burner, good as new, oil heator, tools, somo furnlturo nnd othor articles too numerous to cite. FHEE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS OF SALE $20 nnd under cash, sums over $20 eight months' time will bo glvon on bankablo papor bearing 10 por cent in terest from date of salo. No property to bo removed until sottlcd for. CHAS. SWEDELL, Owner. Col. H. 31. JOUAXSKX, Auctioneer. p. C. PIKLSTICKKIt, Clerk.