The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 30, 1920, Image 3

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6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
BY "BAYER" IN 1900
Liver and Bowels
Right Always
Feel Fine
There's one right way to speedily tone)
up me aver ana Keep
the bowels regular.
Carter's Little
Liver Pills never
M-il S!H!
will testify 3
that there U
nothing bo
rood for lill.
iousness, indigestion, headache or sal
low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
(Iiaalat nsilbeiriliailore yanriPicC
Look for name "Dayer" on the tablets,
then you need never
If you want the true, world-famous
Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians
for over eighteen years, you must ask
for "Buyer Tnbletfe of Aspirin."
Tho "Bnyer Cross" Is stumped on
eacli tablet nnd appears on each pack
age for your protection against Iml
In each package of "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin" are safe and proper direc
tions for Colds, Ileaduche, Neuralgia,
Toothache, Earache. Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain In
Handy tin boxes containing 12 tablets
cost but a few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin
Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac
ture of Monoacetlcacidester of Salicy
llcacid. Adv.
His Branch.
"If you hud to enlist for overseas
duty again, what brunch would you
"The pence delegation."
A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., Brook
lyn, N. Y., asking for sample will repay,
you. Adr.
The Kind.
"Margaret has n film In her eye."
"Poor thing. Is it a cataract?"
"No; a motion-picture play."
Keatorea l-olor and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
wo. ana ii.oo&t drutrguu,
Itlicoi Chem. Wki, fatchogn. W.T.
HINDERCORNS Itemores Cnrni, Cat
onset, etc, tops all pain, eoiures comfort to the
fret, isakes walking asr. 15a, by mall or at Drag-,
gists. 11 itcoxCaeciical Works, ratctwgn,M.Y.
Zionist Organization of America Is
Proceeding Along Comprehensive,
' Far-Rcachlng Plans.
Tlie Zionist organization of America
will prepnre the Holy land In every
way for Immigration or Jews from
Russln. Poland, GuIIcin, Ilouninnln and
"other pogrom ridden countries," It nn
nounced. Large tracts of lnnd In
Palestine will be bouglit, and the plnns
provide for conservation and develop
ment of water power, Inauguration of
sanitation and drainage in cities ami
towns. Irrigation, n forest station, sur
vey and development of natural re
flourres, and establishment of tech
nical laboratories for agricultural pur
poses. Basing its project on Its confidence
that Great Britain w'll assume a man
date over Palestine for the specific pur
pose of establishing there a homeland
for the Jewish people, the Zionist or
ganization lias gone into comprehen
sive detail in its Holy land arrange
ments, It stated. These provide for a
school system from kindergartens to a
university, tinnncinl loans to agricul
tural and industrial organizations, re
habilitation of devastated Jewish col
onies, maintenance of hospitals and
nurses' training schools, nn antl-mala-rla
campaign and Improvement of
housing conditions in Jerusalem, JnlTa
nnd other cities.
Made to Measure.
Mrs. Newrich Don't you think, Wil
liam, now that we arc getting into so
ciety, that we should have a coat of
Newrich Certainly, my dear. I'll see
my tailor about it tomorrow, Boston
When a man Kisses n girl for tits
first time she tries to act so he will
think it Is her first experience.
"Home is what you make It." It can
be a real home or merely a house.
Tho charm of a bathroom Is Its spot'
Icssncss. By the use of Red Cross Ball
Blue, all cloths and towels retain their
whiteness until worn out. 5c.
Yes, Alfred, a wife Is called the bet
ter half because she usually gets the
better of the other half.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy
for lnfunts and children, and sec that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Man's Remark Could Only Be ClassK
fled as a Remarkable Inspira
tion of Genius.
livery man thinks nil sorts of
things about ids rival, but not every
man Is genius enough to suy exactly
the right thing to lower ids girl's
opinion of tho same rival. But re
cently n remark was overheard in a
downtown restaurant which proved
that one man possessed that ability.
He and his best girl were eating when
the other man entered the restaurant.
Immediately ho came to them, shook
hands witli the girl nnd, nfter being
Introduced to tho llrst man, talked a
few minutes.
Now, the girl had quoted tlds second
man so much that his name to the
first man was like the sight of a red
flag. And she firmly expected a
stormy session when the Intruder left.
But Instead of that the escort calmly
went on with ids eating, offering only
one comment: "There's one man I'll
never be Jealous of again."
Parent Of course, as my daughter
Is of age she can suit herself as to
marrying you, but the day she does I
shall cut her off without a cent.
Suitor In that case, it's nil off. I
could not think of depriving a young
lady of her inheritance. Boston Transcript.
The End of the Year.
"Cold embers! Did you ever hear
of cold embers?" "Sure November
and December!" Cartoons.
Paints thnt are said to he both fire
and waterproof are made from the oil
of a Miinchurlun bean.
No matter how loiig you
liave teen a coffee drink
er, you will find it easyio
change to
The flavor is similar.
The only difference is the
certainty" that no harmful
after effects can possibly
Sold hy Grocers everywhere
Made by
Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek, Michigan.
Florida County Agent Reports
Most Valuable Work in Con
trol of Harmful Insect.
&s a Result of Illustrated Lectures
Great Many Farmers Have Built
Tight Cribs for Proper Housing
and Fumigation of Corn.
'Prepared by tho United Stntcs Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho Marlon county (Florida) ngrl
:ulturul agent, co-operating with tho
Bureau of entomology's field agent in
Florida, reports ids most valuable work
:o be controlling tho corn weevil. Dur
ng tho current season approximately
$."0,000 bushels of corn were raised in
lis county. The ngent held a series of
meetings nnd gave Illustrated lecture
(bout tho evils and control of the corn
Yeovil, with the result that a great
iiuny fanners have built tight cribs
Tor tho proper housing and fumigation
)f their corn, and us a direct conse
luenoo many thousands of bushels of
orn have been salvaged.
Crib Is First Essential.
An nlr-tlght crib large enough to
itoro a reasonable amount of corn Is
:ho llrst essential In combating tho
voevll. It Is nlso necessary that the
Tip lind of Ear of corn Showing Round
Holes In Kernels Made by Angou
nois Grain Moth.
corn be thoroughly dry to prevent heat
ing ltefore it is placed in the cribs for
fumigation. The best results usually
follow where the husks nre removed
from the corn, so that the grnln can
be placed In an open crib for a period
of ten to fifteen dnys where It will have
access to plenty of light nnd air. This
also operates to free the grain from
tho weevil, which cannot withstand
tight, especially sunshine.
Apply Carbon Disulphld.
After tho corn Is thoroughly dry, It
should lie placed In nn nlr-tlght crib
nnd four pounds of carbon disulphld
should be applied for each 1,000 cubic
feet of space in the crib. If the shucks
are not removed, tho quantity should
be doubled. Tho application should
not be made on damp or rainy days, as
too much moisture prevents speedy
evaporation. A second fumigation
should bo performed within 25 to .'!()
days after tho first.
Ordinarily, two fumigations are suf
fleiont to save tho corn crop, although
It Is essential to watch the grain close
ly thereafter, nnd, If necessary, to
make use of tho carbon disulphld
treatment a third time.
Good Protection From Winter Winds
and Gives Animals Chance to
Stay Outdoors.
Right now when tho winter winds
nro blowing there nre many fanners
who wish they had a windbreak on tho
exposed side of their homes. They nro
a fine protection for live stock and give
the cows a chiince to spend sunny
days outside when the cold winds
would otherwise be very uncomfort
able. If the soli is not too moist tho
Norway spruce makes a satisfactory
windbreak. The white pine Is also
quite generally used for that purpose.
Insects Are Espnoially Injurious
to Foundation Timbers.
Flea Beetles, Colorado Beetles, Early
and Late Scab, Can Be Con
trolled or Prevented.
The most serious enemies In potntd
culture are licit beetles, Colorado po
tato beetles, early and Into blight, rot,
K"h "ml powdered mildew. Most. If
not an or tneso, can be controlled or
prevented by frequent" and thorough
applications of a combination of lime
and coppor-sulpliato with wnter, which
is nothing else hut tho great fungicide
bordeaux mixture.
No Farmer With Live Stock on His
Farm Is In Very Bad Difficulty
Flocks nnd herds on furms are sure
Indications of thrift and Independence
In fanning. It Is true that not all
fanners who have nnimals make a
profit on tliein tint no fanner with live
otock is In very bud financial dlfilculty.
Woodwork Can Be Protected From At
tacks of Bugs by Proper Construc
tion Coal Tar Creosote Is
Quite Efficient.
U'repnrod by tho United States Depart
mcnt of Afc-rlctilturo.)
Damage by white ants Is serious to
many classes of crude and finished
forest products. These Insects nre es
pecially Injurious to foundation tim
bers nnd woodwork of buildings nnd
to material stored therein. Damage to
timber In contact with the ground Is
especially serious in the South.
The woodwork of buildings can be
protected from the nttnek of white
ants by proper construction nnd these
Insects can lie eliminated where ul
ready established, suy entomologists.
Where possible make the foundation
of buildings entirely of stone, brick, or
concrete. Including stone columns or
pillars In tho busoment to support the
floor above; make walls and flooring
In bnsemcnt or cellar of concrete, and
lay concrete floors on a gravel base.
Whore stone or concrete foundations
are linpriicticnble, uso timber Improg
nuted with conl-tar creosote.
I-ay basement window sills and
frames over concrete and do not allow
woodwork to come In contact with' the
ground. Never sink untreated timber
in ground or moist concrete; let no
wood be in contact with the ground.
Complete dryness of tho foundutlon
and basement walls nnd flooring Is un
Important means of rendering build
ings safe from attack; therefore, pro
vide for nlr spaces between the ground
and wooden flooring nnd lny concrete
floors on a gravel base.
Promptly examine the foundation
timbers and other woodwork In the
busemont to determine the npproxi
mnte point of entrunce and the extent
of damage already accomplished. After
removing the damaged wood drench
the ground with kerosene oil.
Then replace damaged timber with
rock, brick, concrete or metnl work;
or substitute, for tite foundutlon, tim
bers impregnated with coal-tor creo
sote. Since termites always require nc
cess to dump earth, shut off this source
of moisture and the Insects will not bo
able to extend their galleries farther
and will perish.
Full Information concerning tho con
trol of this pest Is contained In Farm
crs' ISulletln 10117.
Estimate of 2,162,036 Bushels In 1919
Compared With 6,818,322 Bushels
in Year 1918.
Of 500 pickle packers on the lists of
the bureau of crop estlmntes, United
States department of agriculture, -105
reported that they hud contracted for
and harvested -10,211 acres of cucum
bers In 1010. This compares with
05.-I87 acres reported hy -175 packers
as having been contrn-?'l for nnd bur
Big Cucumuer Patch Crop of Pickles
Smaller In 1919 Than in 1918.
vested In 1018. Hused on reports re
ceived from tho packers as to the aver
age yield per acre tills year, it is esti
mated 2,1GU,0:U5 bushels were producod
In 1010 on tho contracted acreage re
ported, as compared with ,818,!I22
bushels In 1018. No stock procured In
the open market is Included in the
above estimates.
Frequently no scales uro nt
hand when the feeder Is trying
to feed n balanced ration. Tho
following estimates of the com
mon feeding stuffs will bo
handy: A quart measure of cot
tonseed meal weighs 1.5 pounds;
wheat bran (coarse), .5 pound;
wheat middlings (coarse), .8
pound; wheat middlings (fine),
1.1 pounds; mixed wheat feed .0
pound; cornineiil, pounds;
oats, 1.2 pounds; ryo bran, .0
pound; linseed meal, 1.1 pounds;
gluten, 1.2 pounds.
......... .
No Better Place Than on Fall. Sown
Crops Practically No Loss of
Valuable Fertility.
If stable manure of any kind Is
nvallnhle during tho winter, there Is
no liotter dace to apply It than on tho
fall-sown cover crops, or on clover and
grass sods. When thus applied, there
will he practically no loss of fertility
much less than If tho manure Is kept
In yards, especially if uncovered.
The largest electric sign
In the world advertises
on Times Square New York
Citv: it is 250 feet long, 70
feet high. Made up of 17286
electric lamps.
The fountains play the
trade mark changes read
ing alternately WRIGLEV'S
and JUICY FRUIT and the
Spearmen "do a turn.9
This slun Is seen nlfihtlv by about
500.000 people from all over the world.
What Is Rheumatism?
Sufferers Should Realize That
It Is a Blood Infection.
Doubtless like other sufferers,
you have often asked yourself this
question, which continues to re
main unaswercd.
Science has proven that Rheu
matism is caused by a germ in
your blood, and the only way to
reach it is by a remedy wliich
eliminates and removes these lit
tle pain demons.
Suffer from It?
S. S. S. has been successfully
used for Rheumatism for 'more
than fifty years, and many volun
tary testimonials arc on file from
those whom it has benefitted. Try
it to-day, and you will find your
self at last on the right track to
get rid of your Rheumatism. For
treatment of your individual case,
address Chief Medical Adviser,
Swift Specific Co., Dept. 43, At
lanta, Ga.
True Too.
The other Sunday, first-class and
second-class rank honors were be
stowed on n number of boy scouts
ut tho Temple Israel at Torro llnuto.
A llttlo candidate sat during the cere
mony, his Interest so Intent that
every one near him was Interested.
When the meeting was over lie
turned to the man next him. "I wish
every man had to mako all thoso
promises before ho could vote," lie
suld earnestly. "We'd have a better
country If they did wouldn't wu?"
Tho man agreed with liltn, too. Indi
anapolis News.
Constlpntlon Invites other troubles
which come speedily unless quickly
checked and overcome by Green's
August Flower which Is a gentle laxa
tive, regulates digestion both In
fitomnch and Intestines, cleans and
sweetens tho stomach and alimentary
canal, stimulates the liver to sccrcto
the bile and Impurities from the blood.
It is a sovereign remedy used in many
thousands of households all over tho
civilized world for more thun half u
century by those who liave suffered
with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsin,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal
pitation, constipation nnd other in
testinal troubles. Sold hy drugglsta
and deulers everywhere. Try u bottle,
take no substitute. Adv.
1'I.OKIDA l'AUM NKWH, 112 East l'arh
Ave., Tampu, Kla. Threo mu,' subscription
nnd folder nt beautiful t.uhtroplcnl views, 26a.
CD CPs'! KUTi5lii!i?u uJumI'tT.J
Ciiticura Soap
Without Mug
Catleura Soap li tbs f avorlta f onf atyraior aharlng.
Expert Witness.
"You swear Hint this man Is no
chicken stenlerV" demanded the Judge.
"Yessur," replied Ilustus Knsldey.
"Da's whut All sulci, suli."
"What do you know about the facts
In this ease?"
"Alt Isn't s'poued to know nutlln'
'bout do fucks In do case, sub. Ah
Is un expert witness fob do defense."
New York Evening Post.
Caused by
Millions of people In fact about B out of
10 suffer moro or lesa from Indigestion,
acute or chronic. Nearly every cane la
caused by Aclil-Hlomacli.
There nre other stpmuch disorders which,
also ure sure aliens of Acld-Htoroncli belch.
Ing, heartburn, bloat after eating, food re
peating, sour, gassy stomach. There are
many allmenta which, while they do not
cuiise much dint reus In the stomach Itself,
nre, nevertheless, traceable to an acld
ntomach. Amunit these are nervousness,
biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheuma
tism, Impoverished blood, weakness. Insom
nia, melancholia and a lone train of phys
ical and mental miseries that keep the
victims In miserable health year after year.
The right thine to do Is to attack these
ailments at their source get rlil of the arid
stumuch. A wonderful modern remedy called
KATONIC now malios It easy to do this.
One of hundreds of thousands of grateful
UBers of KATONIC writes "I have besn
troubled with Intestinal Indigestion for about
nine years and have spent quite a sum for
medicine, but without relief. After using
ICATONIC for a few days the gas and pains
In my bowels disappeared. KATONIC Is just
the remedy I needed "
We have thousands of letters telling of
these marvelous benelltn. Try KATONIC and
j mi, too, will be just as enthusiastic In Its)
Your druggist has KATONIC. (let a big
COc box from him today He will refund
your money If you are not satlsfled.
To half pint of water mill 1 oz. Hay Hum,
a small box of llarbo Compound, nnd "A
ot. of glycerine. Apply to tliu hair twice a
week until it become. tliu desired simile.
Any ilrugciht will put tins up or you can
mix ft nl homo at ery little cott. It will
gradually iliirktn stieaked, failed tjrny liair,
nnO will make liartli hair nifl anil glossy.
It will not co'or tliu bcnlp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub oil. Adv.
A new pocket cuso for personal or
business cards ejects a card part of Its
length us a lever Is pressed.
Lots of people say tilings they ought
to be ushuiucd even to think.
Wasteful Methods.
"I see where they nro milking rouda
out of old slides In tiront Ilrltnln.
"What reprehensible- extrnvngiincu I"
Think three times before you spenk,
nnd then gho the other fellow n
ehiiliee to lit'iko n fool of himself.
.- Morning
eeoVbur EVes
Clean - Cloar Hoalthy
Writ, lor trt t Cars Ooek Mirtaa Co.(M.Jo,Ut