NOW I don't Hko. ,TO BB loo porHonul. - BUT I sHW you. I . ; THK OTHI3K day. " . ' WHBN VOU stood. LOOKING at our window. AND THMKIS whb uuMthtng. IN THI5 expression. ON YOUR fHoa. THAT SAID you thought. THIfi DISPLAY WM pretty. AND THAT was anoilgh. TO 'MAKM mo fool. ' WELL paid. FOK ALL the work. OF PUTTING in. THAT WINDOW diiplay. ANP NOW right hora. . ' WHILK WE'IIH talking. AI50UT it. I WANT tO BURgGHt, zm ami. r i THAT IT might pay you. rtf'OP ofton and' look. i&UIt window. , f1 BoCAUSH ovory wok. Wit PUT in something. THAT IS wortl!-whll. WOKING at. AND BVICN If you. DON't NKI5D It JuH than. WHEN YOU do. COME TO need It. YOU'LL romomber. THAT YOU uw It. ' IX OUIl wlftdow. AND YOU'LL know ItlGHT WHE1H3 to corno. AND GET it. NOW isn't Hint SOME Idoa? ANOTHER poom. NEXT WEEK. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Sign of the Big Ring. LOCAL AKI I'EKSOXAL Ed HniiBon, of Chicago, is spending a few dnys with friends In town. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeclc'B Meat Market. tf MIsh France Ilulllgati,, or Ogalalla, was tho week end guest of frlendH In town. J. E. Sebastian returned Saturday! , from u buHinoHB trip to Lincoln and Kansas City. ,iDr. Morrill. Dontlst, office ovor Wilcox; Dupartmont Storo. Don Hlnkloy, of Gothenburg, haH Ueen transacting business in town for a day or two. -wA&blld gold 14 K. wntch of won derful beauty at S150.00. Dixon, the Jowolor. Earl Stamp and Mr. Dill wore In Choyonno Saturday looking after company, business. Dr. II. C. Urock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. ReynoIdH Bldg. Phono 143 ,Mlss Margaret McGInloy returiiod- Saturday to heir homo in Lncoln after a ton days' visit at ho Geo. MeGlnloy homo. St. Patrick's Council, Knights of Columbus, announces n class Initia tion Sunday, February 8th. A. 15. Ilougland returned Sunday from McCook whore ho had been sum moned as a witness In court. For Sale Fine manure for lawns .losenh Snies. nhono Black 1150. 15-8 Wayna Cass, of this city, was taken to Grand Island Friday to answer to tho charge of forging checks. ' For Sale or will trade for a Ford, a comer lot In Cody's addition. Phono Red MG. 3-4 Mrs. D M. Lcypoldt returned Sunday from Wcrshey whero she had Boon spending a fow days with rela tives. To whom are you going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf Tho auxiliary of tho Spanish War Veterans will moot In tho hall of the city fire building Wednosdoy after noon. A pair of diamond cuff llnkn dis played at Dixon's at '$40.00 for soft cuffs, of rare beauty, call and soo them. The Indies' aid society of the Christian church will moot in tho i phurch purloin Thursday afternoon at throe o clock. Wo Iun lh'intudla( buyers for six holies of four or tho rooms on north Mile of raMroad tracks. II. ii S AGKNCY, Hrodbeck HiiIMIng. U J. E. Nelson left Sunday for Fter- ling to look after business connected with tho department store In which ho J is Interested. , When In North Platte stop at the ' New Hotel Palaco and Cafe. You will bo treated well. SStf Ex-sallors and marine can now se cure their service buttons by calling at tho Home Service office In tho fed eral bulking. Dixon's have a lense grinding plant at your service. If you break our glasses) just bring the pieces and they will show you what service Is. Tho Jury In the district court was dismissed Thursday ovonlng Jury cases not hoard at this term will come up for henrlng at tho March term. Call 212 for frosh groceries. Dick Stogemanri. "7lf S. G. Hogate, who came down from Arthur several weeks ago to have a broken ankle core for at a local hos pital, has sufficiently recovered to re move from tho hospital to tho Palaco hotol. Only four days lofl thn 3011 inn buy and savc 20 to ?A) j('r cent on cv crj tiling you buy during the store wide del Uie Money for Pizer Sale The Leader .Mercantile Co. I5bv. and Mrs. Roland Mackintosh; leave this week for a visit with Mrs. Mackintosh's mother In St. Joe, JMo. Mr. Mackintosh expects to be absent about three weeks, and his wife may remain longer. Sutherland organized a camp of Un American Legion Friday everilnp with a membership of nbout fifty. " Efforts will bo made to secure as members all ex-service men In the section trib utary to that town. Ed Martin, who hnd been employed at tho Penny Co. store for a year, lias gone to Grand Island to accept a po sition with tho same company. His position at Grand Island is in the na ture of a promotion. Over In Custer county, an oil de velopment company has been organ ized and up In Dawes county wells arc being drilled. Some day oil wells will be found in western Nebraska and Lincoln county may becomo part of the oil field. aaawgfiWffiHa SAVE 15 TO 20 PER CENT i : on Hi from 15 prepared Si Mi IK m Registered Shorthorn Cattlo Sale. I. E. Burton and Geo. Russell will hold a salo of high class, useful Shorthorns nt ilaywood, February 11. 11)20. .At The Sun,, Co mmeficm 2 Jan. 27th. il EL-a r"v v I 111 cc uu Afternoon Matinee. Anita Stowaft in "Mary Regan SUCH A WOMAN IS MARY REGAN When Big Business relaxes and squanders its swollen profits on Big Pleasure in New York's midnight joy ground the whole glittering underworld dances to its whim v To play with the devotees of Big Pleasure means the opening of the Golden Doors to the woman who has brains, beauty and nerve. LOUIS B. MAYER presents ANITA STEWART In Leroy Scott's sensational Novel oi Big Pleasure in New York MARY Directed by LOIS WEBER. REGAN A First National Attraction. indications are that Tires will advance in price to 20 per cent within the next thirty days. We are at this time to furnish any size from 30x3 to 35x5. If you will need Tires in the spring we will take your order new for delivery any time before May 1st and guarantee the .present price. Yoa need the Tires, we need the business, why notsge! together. We quote a few prices below: 3x3 Plain $12.10, iockding war tax. SOxSTlam $15.75, including war tax. ; 30x32 Non-skid $18.75, including war tax. 32x32 Flak $18.25, including war tax. 32x32 Non-skid $21,85, including war tax. 34x4 Plain $29.35, including war tax. 34x4 Non-skid $35.50, including war tax. m m Hi LFi S !fi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi lL Hi 14? LOCAL ATI) PEltSONAL Dixon & Son, Siflit Specialists. Misses Anna and Joslo O'Hare spent Sunday in Cozad MeCJoiorn & Stack, Frch Grocer ies. I'Jione SO. Free Delivery. A. P. Kelly returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Oklahoma. Dixon-i-Dlamonds. Hover Hastings attended the bas ket ball game at Gothenburg Frldty. Harolfi Pool, of Lincoln, vlnitod ovor tho week end wltl frlonds in town. Dixon's, the storo of quality gifts Mrs. Wm. Slmants .went to Omaha yesterday for a short visit with frlonds. J. Frazier and Mr. Nowsomo went to Cheyenno Friday on business for the Union Pacific. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Don Clabaugh spent Sunday with his parents while enroute from Grec loy. Col., to Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tighe,' of Colo rado, are visiting their sisters, Mrs. Durgnor and Miss Theresa Tigho. . Tho Edison in your home will bo a rleal pleasure to you. Dixon will be glad to demonstrate ono to you. During tho past week hay has gone orf about three dollars a ton, and yes terday's local quotations wero $17.00. For Salo Thoroughbred H. I. Red roosters. Mrs. Wober, 314 west Front street. 5-2 Miss Mario Martini wont to Her shoy Sunday to spend a fow days with her, Mrs. Fred Rasmus sen. Special for Saturdny Swift's l're. mltiin Hams iVlc pcr pound.. McOov ern & Stack, Phono SO. Free Deliv ery Mrs. L. C. McGraw returned Friday from Lexington whoro sho had boon visiting rolativos for the past four weeks. , D. "m. Collins camo down from Cheyenne Friday to spend sevoral days looking after business for tho union Pacific. Levi Duko has moved his stock of wail paper to tho Pulvor building on east Sixth street opposlto Tho Trib uno office. Mrs. Wlbur Martin, of Beatrice, was called to this city tho latter part of last weok by tho illness of her daugh ter. Mrs. E. E. Clark. Mr Moran, of Iowa, who has been olecgod secretary of tho Chambor oi Commorco, is oxpoctod to arrivo in town the early part of next weok and at onco tako up his duties. ::o:: Aro You Interested -in Xorth P'attts Progress? If you are, holn to obtain an accu rate census. TIiIh means n city of ton thousand for North Platte If we make the eeiuiiK complete. ! Misses Lucille McFarland and Katie i Walters will entertain Thursday ev ! ening at tho McFarland homo at a , miscellaneous shower complimentary J to Miss Willa Rauch. I Only four days left that you can buy and save 20 to 50 per cent on ev erything you buy during tho toro wldo (Jet the Money for Plzer Sale The Leader Mercantile Co. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carmichael, of Elsie, wero visitors In town Satur day. They were married In this city tho latter part of December and wero enroute home from a wedding trip. .The Municipal Chorus will meet in tho Junior high school building at eight o'clock tomorrow evening Those who desire to join the choral should attend this meeting. "Kngnged ly Wednesday." Tho thirteen young ladlos of the Nificagee Camp Firo are to be assist ed by four high school boys and many others, many of whom aro of North Platte's best talent in giving this play. In securing Mrs. Tiley to coach them, the girls have the services of an un usually talented person along this spe cial line, and not only aro the girls bedng enabled to give a first class play, but thoy are learning much in the art of drama. Tho theme of this play, al though a comedy, Is of unusual merit, and is being well worked out. ::o:: Are You n Good Citizen? At a cost of many TnlllioiiH of dollars the government 1b endeavoring to take a census of its population. Will you assist to mako this accurate and complete In North Platto? e Buy and our TIE" HARRINGTON MER. CO. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in tho building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary.