The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 23, 1920, Image 1

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V t 1
z.a si
No. A
tkottkit leaves town
um)i:k financial cloud
Tho Tribune regrets to chronicle the
business failure of Clydo M. Trotter
And that his affairs aro In such shape
that ho did not have tho nerve to face
bis creditors and that he has loft for
parts unknown. While It has been
known that Mr. Trotter's affairs wore
In bad shape, largely bocuuso ho was
doing a big buslnos3 In tho auto lino
in this city and as a hay grower and
cattlo feeder at Urudy, without being
the possossor of any capital to speak
of, and that he was handicapped by the
Immense sums he necessarily had to
pay Interest on his loans, yet It was
thought that he might eventually pull
through. IJut Instead of getting out
from under his burden of Indebtedness)
liabilities Increased until he realized
that ho was hopolessly Involved and
ho gave up the tho fight In flight.
The climax catno Tuesday morning
when Mr. Voss of Omaha, a brother of
Mrs. Trotter, arrived In town with a
letter from Trotter which was written
last Saturday ovenlng, mailed at tho
Omaha depot and which ho redelved
Monday In which Trotter stated that
- .
he had become hopelessly Involved and
tliat ho was leaving for tho Lord only
knew where, If tho authorities wanted
him that they would probably get him,
and nsked that Mr. Voss go to North
Platte and save what he could out of
the wreck for Mrs. Trotter. Mr. Voss
spent Tuesday and Wednesday In town
and while hero learned that outsldo of
her lawful Interest In the home, Mrs.
Trotter's prospects of getting a penny
of salvage from tho wreck was ex
tremely slight. Mr. Voss returned to
Omaha Wednesday afternoon.
Tho amount of Trotter's liabilities
aro not at this timo fully known, but
chattel mortgages placed on file in the
county clerk's office since the crash
camb aggregate over $100,000 with
others yet to be filed. Tho valuo of
the securities named In those mort
gages Is problematical. All but two
cover new or second hand cars and
auto accessories. Of tho two excep
tions one mortgage of $15,000 is so
cunad by 500 tons of hay for which he
had made a bill of salo, and the other
is secured by cattle. Tho largest
creditor Is Henry Hupfer of this city
whoso mortgages total $17,150, while
other big creditors are the Gothen
burg State Bank, tho Farmers' State
Bank of Gothenburg, the First Nation
al Bank, of this city, the City Safe
Ebposlt Co., of Omaha, and tho Pow
ell Supply Co., of Omaha. Tho mort
eagoe. held-ny-theso six. concerns to
tal $77,0Q0,r.vfcw 4
Since; liSyliooir Trotter had Jlvcjl in
Lincoln county, and as a young man
was first employed 'as school teacher,
later elected cotmty superintendent of
schools, and following this was cashier
of a bank of Brady. As a banker ho
was unsuccessful, and relinquished thp
position to engage in the auto business
In Brady. About four years ago he
came to this city and opened a sales
room and as a salesman was energetic
and sold many cars, but apparently
on account of taking in so many
made but little money on ho cars he
second hand cars on the deals.
Fatally Burned
Miss Florence Hoover of Blgsprings
was fatally burned Saturday morning i
at the Paul Betcher homo east of Co-
zad. Miss Hoover was teaching near
Darr and boarded at tho Betcher
home. In attempting to start the fire
with kerosene, her clothing became
ignited and she wi.s so seriously burn
ed that her death roulted. She died
at tho depot at Cozad -at eight o'clock
Saturday morning while waiting for
Xo. 19. on which she was to be taken
to tho hospital at North ;
1'iaue.- -uouioiiuurg iiiuupenueiii.
Take advantage of
our Great Stock
Save By Buying Now
Sale Positively Closes
This Week.
Plenty of Bargains left for Every
For Men
Tho offorts to npprohend Uandn, the
Mexican wanted on tho charge of kill
ing the North Plntto pollco officers
have In no way boon relaxed, and the
man hunt Is ns vigorous as at tho
start In n number of plnces Mexicans
havo olthor boon arrested and held for
Investigation or hav6 been placed un
der surveillance. Up to Inst evening
however, nono of the men placed un
der arrest had proven to bo Uanda.
Gun Hyers, of Lincoln, has been In
teresting himself in the hunt for
Itnndn, and It was he who wont to
Donvor to Investigate the suspect.
Hyers wont through from Denver to
Grand Island yesterday morning In
tending to stop at tho latter place and
look ovor the Mexican who has been
held there. From there ho expected
to go to Omaha to look over a Mexi
can who the police bellevo is Uanda
The Omaha officers seemed cortaln
yesterday that tho man they were
holding was tho Mexican wanted.
Sheriff Salisbury wired the officers to
look for a wound scar which it Is
inn f ,8B ?n ono, of j)a"dil'
lint llti trt lnoT ni'aiilnfT liiwl il-iw
but up to last evening had received
no reply to his message.
.Mis. Dixon Entertains
Mrs. Harry Dixon was hostess at n
rooeptlon from three to six o'clock
yesterday afternoon, Miss Dow and
Mrs. Frank Con 1 in, of Omaha, and
Mrs. Rolf Halllgan being the honor
guests. A color scheme of pink and
white was carried out with roses and
tho samo applied to the refreshments.
Mrr. H. S.White and Mrs. A. F. Stroitz
received in tho hall, and Mrs. B. F.
Seoborger and Mrs. W. H. McDonald
presided in hto k dining room
Assisting tho latter wore Mrs. J. J.
Halllgan, Mrs. Chas. Dixon and the
Misses Jnnet McDonald, Alma Wal
temnth and Louiso Ottenstcin.
Or. Fenner Brings Iliid0.
Dr. Harold Fenuer arrived from the
east the early part of the week accom
panied by a bride, having been mar
ried last week to Miss Ruth Dixon, of
DesMotnes. Mrs. Fennor was a social
favorite In the Iowa city, and Is cor
taln to become such in North Platte.
Dr. ana Mrs. Fenner are "at homo" at
710 south Dewey street
Tho Great January Clearance Get
tho Money for Pizer Sale is liable to
bo called off any day, so don't put off
attending now and save lots of dollars
Crystal, Saturday and
"The Loves of Letty"
a Dace from the book of overy girl's
j life. And when it is all done and said,
i what Is moro interesting than the life
of young people,
Saturday Comedy
A Popular Villian."
Monday Comedy
"His Wife's Friend.
12Y i
the last days of
Reduction Sale.
and Boys.
Tho annual conforence of anents ot
tho Fidelity Rosorve Company, our
homo life Insurance organization, was
held Tuesflay afternoon with about
thirty agents and sub-ngonts present
The afternoon was devoted to discuss
ing tho agents' work ot tho past yonr
the work of tho coming yuar, tho ex
perience of tho agonta who hnva lon
gost been In tho Hold for tho contpflny
ami a school of instructions for tho
agents whose oxpierlenco has been
limited. At this meeting there wore
piv.iout officer and directors of tho
company and the ntterncon proved
profitable as ell as piensent, i.o the
o!vIeors and the age;its.
In the evening a banquet of tho
o:"Icial, directors, agents and a few
Invited guests was hold at the Union
Puclllc d'nlng room, covers being laid
for forty. Following a splendid llve
courso dinner served under the direc
tion of the manager, and with F. H.
Temple, of Lexington, ono of the direc
tors, occupying tho chair of toiut
nmstor, responses wore made by qulto
a number of the agents and by others.
In their responses the ngonU made
statements of the amount of Insurance
they would aim to write during the
year 1920, and theso amounts aggrega
ted somewhat over eight million
dollars. From tho evident enorgy
possessed by those agonts. coupled
with their expressions of earnest be
lief that the contracts put out by
the Fidelity Company aro tho best In
tho world, and tills backed by their
work tho past year, would indicate
that the agents will make good In the
amount of tho business they hopo to
write during tho year.
Tho Fidelity Reserve was organized
at Lexington seven years ago, and
four years ago the home office was re
moved to this city. The insurance
wtitton by the company has doubled
each year since organization, last year
showing considerably more than a 100
per cent increase. The company by
no means covers a local field; it lias
ao.its In tho larger towns In the con
trol part of the state and during the
past year Invaded tho eastern part of
the state with marked success. It is
tho aim- to make tho company nation
wide In its field of endeavor, and its
growth since organization indicates
thut within a few years such will be
As a gu.-'st at the banquet Tho Trib
uno man could not but notlco the
character of tho agents. They aro
a mighty clean cut looking bunch of
y.oung men, and 'tho apiwircnt energy
which they display in their work can
not help but appeal to tho fellow who
admires pep In the human make-up
That the "boys" aro hustlers; that
their heart Is in choir work, is ovi
danced by their work of the past year
and their promise tha they will do
gronter things during 1920.
: :o: .
Deputy Will Assist Taxpayers
In a letter to Tho Tribune. Geo. L
Loomis, internal revenue collector
says that a deputy collector who will
assist taxpayers in making income tax
returns will visit Lincoln county. Ho
suggests that arrangements bo made
for a room to work in and prefer a
public place This deputy collector
will be at tho following towns on tho
dates designated:
Paxton January 20th.
Sutherland 27th.
Hershoy 2Sth.
North Platte January 29th, 30th
Brady February 1th.
I. 0 0. F.' NOTICE
Colfax Encampment No. Z'.U I. 0. O
vii will hold Installation of officer
this Friday evening, January 2:d. All
subordinate iiii'inbors nr most cor
dially invited to attend- Following
the installation there Mill be an oys
ter supper
J. GUY SWOl'E, Scribe.
Win. Russell
2 reel
Joe Martin Moskey, comedy
ftiaiineo z:;ju p. m. ana 4:iu p
Mary McLaren
Billy West
Afternoon Matlneo 1:45 and 4:10 p. m
Gladys Loslle
Last Chapter of "Elmo."
Matinee 2:30 p. m. and 4:15 p.
Miss Dow, of Omaha, Is a guost nt
tho Hnrry Dixon homo, having ar-
rlved yesterday morning.
Dixon A; Son, Sight Specialists'
Mrs. Allon, of Lincoln, is the guost
of her daughter Mrs. M. L Ovor-
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Smith and
daughter have returned from a visit
nt Ilookford, 111., and are guoflts nt tliu
Iloxlo home while tenrouto to Julos
burg. Have music in your home. Kdfoon
and Columbia phonograph. Dixon
tliu jeweler.
Strayed from 500 block on west
Rlfth street, a whlto silk haired toy
loQdle dog. Liberal reward for Infor-
natlon lending to recovery. Phone
Hl 21 S.
The atork vlsltod the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Shaffer yesterday and de
posited an eight pound girl baby. The
mother and daughter are reported to
be doing nicely.
The weather this morning is some-
wlint. wtntrv fi olilllv tnnitinrnt.nrn. n
light snow falling and a penetrating I
... . mi t. ... '
w inn. l no snow comes in accordance
with the weather forecast of yostor
day. A capacity house was present last
ovsnlng nt tho presentation ot "Parlor
Bedroom and Path. Tho play Is of
tlio hilarious natur,o and tho audience
smHod and laughod all the while.
Cordova leather is considered the
sterling of all leather goods. Seo
Dxon's complete Uno.
A civil servlco oxamlnatlon of ap-
nllcants for tho nosltlon of nostmas-
t4 at Sutherland will be hold at the
fedorul building In his city February
18th. The nnnual compensation of
tho Sutherland office is $1,500.
Wedding announcement cars receiv-1
ed yostorduy stato that Mr. and Mrs
Dewey Tnrkington will be at homo in
Hot Springs, Ark., after February 15.
At the time of the wedding Mr and
Mrs. Tnrkington were undecided
whfttlior their homo would be in North
Platto or Hot Springs.
Mrs. Guy Edis, who lives south of
the city. Is at tho Fenner hospital suf
fering from a badly burned throat.
Mrs. Edis had been ill. and Mrs. John
son, a neighbor, who was taking care
of her. gavo her by mistake a spoon
ful of lysol. Mrs. Johnson's mistake
was excusnblo as thoro woro two
bottles of liquid ot the samo color and
tho bottles works of the santo size.
"Tatfih Dixon's. wludoys, V ,
'Jp' ::o:: --
T Has rhlros Heen "Jlarkwl I"
Nick Chlros, who shot Vonzuelln,
one of tho murderers of Officers Mo
lomber and Uogors. has reason to be
liovo that ho has been "marked" by
the Mexican friends of tho man he
shot. On two occasions Chlros lias
been followed at night by Mexicans
but has succeeded In keoping them
at a respectful distance. Fearing at-1
tack Chlros made application for leavo
to carry a weapon, which wus granted
If attacked it is probable that Nick
will get another Mex.
Twentieth t'entury Club
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
meet with Mrs. F. C. Plelstlckor, 221
west Second street on Tuesday after
noon of next week, at three o'clock.
Mrs. Catherlno Brown and Mrs. Mae
Forbes will bo the assistant hostesses.
The program, dealing with the Immi
grant and what he is giving to Amorl
ca, under the leadership of Mrs. C.
Franklin Koch, promises to bo of un
usual interest,
Press Chairman
Flu is Strong in Chicago.
Influenza and pneumonia claimed
79 deaths In Chicago within tho 21
hour period ending 9 a. in. Thursday
according to reports to tho health de
partment. The number of now Influ
enza cases mounted to 2,220. a now
high mark. Pneumonia cises also In
creased. 2.17 being roporftcd.
Further spread of tho malady in
this country was reported to tho ser
vice, 93 now cases being listed In
Kansas and 2.430 in 1C counties of
northern Illinois.
The car of apples that wore to be
hero last weok arrived today. All
choice apples In bushel boxos. Ganos,
Ualdwln. Snitzenburg, Roman Renu-
tles, AVlno Saps, Nowtons and Illack
Twigs. Will bo sold trom tho car at
$2.S5 per box. Come and get thorn.
Special Kettle rendered lard. Drod
beck's Meal MarkPt 8Ctf
Keith, Tonight.
"Sacred Silence"
'J' reo men and a woman play tho
gar - of llfo. Only one of thorn wins
Sunshlno Couidy -
The Roaming Bathtub.
At a mooting of tho board ot direc
tors of tho Chatnboi of Commerce at
noon yesterday tho offlco of prosldont
to which C. M. Trotter wns oloctod r
couple of weoks ago, was doclared vnV,
cant and Harry Dixon oloctod to 1111
tho vacancy. Mr. Dixon hnd been vice
president of tho organization, and his
election to tho presidency loft a va
cancy, which waa illlod by tho olectlon
of John U. Edwards.
Geo N. Glbbs was oloctod ns a mom
bor of he board of directors to 1111 the
existing vacancy.
In the selection of Mr. Dixon tho
dlrectcrs tnudo a wise choice, for his
standing In the community, his enorgy
as a progressive business man and
tho Interest ho takes In city and
county affairs adds weight to tho In
tluonce of the organization.
At yesterday's meeting tho directors
mado plans for a big mooting tho
early part of February which will be
In the nature of a welcome to Mr.
Mornn. who was recently selected as
secretary of tho organization.
Mrs. Wilson' A warded 7,o(M).
The district court Jury Tuosduy ev
ening brought In a verdict of sjevon
thousand five hundred dollars in
favor of Mrs. Wilson and ngainst tho
General Hosltnl in an action wherein
tho plaintiff sued for $15,000 dnmngos
This caso was brought by Mrs, Wilson
on tho chnrgo that ono of her foot hnd
boon permanently crlpplod through
treatmont sho had recolved at tho
hospital about two yearn ago. Mrs.
Wilson was represented by W. E. Shu
man. Tho caso will probably bo ap
pealed to tho higher court.
Ycnzucllii's Condition Critical.
Henry Vonzuolla, ono of the slayers
of Officers Mccomber and Rogers and
who has been confined in Jail, has but
little hope of recovering from tho gun
shot wound received at the hands of
Nick Chlros. While he hangs on to I
life tenaciously it is considered that I
his future stay on earth is but abort.
The Great January Clearance Got
tho Money for Pizer Salo Is liable, to
'bo called off any day, so don't put otf
attending now and savo lots of dollars
Christian Church
Illble school at 9:45 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m., subject "Far
off Followers of Jesus."
Preaching 7:30 p. m subject "Tho
End of tho Commandment."
:eiUaaUn.tore3Uiig .blblo schqnL
ciass ror every coy tutu gin trom ono
year old,uii to nlnety-nlno yoara.old.
Como to bible school, Btay lohlrrch
nnd como again In tho ovonlng.
Dlxons' grind tholr own lenses.
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
MARGUERITE CLARK, the adorable
"Come Out of the Kitchen"
The sttigeplny in which Ruth Chatterton mudc such a hit. On the
screen with Marguerite Clark, well use your own judgment, but
we wouldn't advise you to miss it.
Ae Elastic Dime
Is what you make of 10c when you buy
"Mother Goose" Bread.
In no other article of food can you buy as much real
nourishment for the money as in bread. '
Consider how much meat, potatoes, etc., you would get
for ten or fifteen cents. Eat more bread and cut the cost of
Sudman's "Mother Goose" Bread is a loaf of high food
value. It has the true wheat flavor and does not crumble
when cut which is a real test of good bread properly baked.
"Mother Goose" is scientifically mixed in an electric
dough mixer and baked in a modern brick oven which In
sures a loaf with that delicious flavor as in "Mother Goosei"
Order bread with your groceries.
"Mother Goose" at 10c and "Sudman's Home Made" at 15c.
"It's the flavor that counts."
Phone 71 , fiOl Dowey Street.
The coroner's Jury which wns urn
pnnolleil last Friday,, viowed tho re
mains of tho dead offlcors and tlion
took a recoas In hopes that the mur
derer who OBcnpod would bo appre
hended, convened In tho district court
room Wednosday nnd hoard tho evi
donco of the mon who woro In tho
Chlros storo room nt tho timo tho
shooting occurrod. Thojovidonco did
not produco anything different in tho
main from tho statements which
havo previously appeared in those
columns. Tho witnesses tostlllod that
both Mexican hnd guns In their hands
nnd belloved that each of them hnd
tired shots nt the officers.
After hearing the evldonco tho Jury
rendered a verdict to tho effect that
S. C. Meeombor nnd Georgo E. Rog
ors camo to tholr death at tho hands
of Henry Vonzuolla and Antonio
Chickon and wafl'los sounds mighty
good to tho average man nnd woninn
as well an' when tho Lutheran ladloa
sorvo that class of supper in tho
church basomont noxt Tuesday even
ing they will undoubtedly havo a
putronngo that will tax their accom
modations. The Luthoran ladles havo
boon sorving theso suppors for twenty
or moro years and have established n
reputation for serving chicken nnd
wafflos in a worth whilo stylo.
Tho losers of tho Indian card club
ontortaincd tho winners nt a six
courso diniior nt tho Pacific hotol
Wednesday ovonlng. Potted plant
and cnudlos wcro used as tablo decor
ations. Tho dinner was followed by n
'theatre party at tho Sun. Mrs. D. T.
Qulgloy, of Omaha, was the only out
of town guost.
Diamonds Dixon Diamonds.
Keith, Saturday.
"The Girl Alaska."
Tho first and only photoplay ovor,
mado on Alaskan soil.
Tho Sunshine Comedy
"The Rooming Bath Tub.