r ( i; x : J4a Grab Them Quick, Come Early. You can not afford to let this opportunity pass. Our first cut price sale. Two Days Only, January 23 and 24. They say it can not be done, but watch us do it. Here they are. 2 8 on. imckage macaroni l.'.c' 2 lurje cHns Btnndard' tomhtooa --Me 2 8 ok. packagos spaghetti I5c 8 tall cans Cnrnntlon milk !(! 2 paakngos grape nuts 2Se j 8 small cans Pnrnatlon milk - 2."c 2 largo packagos Oats oOc j 3 bars i'tilmollvo soap ilk- 2 large packagos Post Tonstlos Jl.'icj 3 bars Croam of Oil soap 'Jle 2 packages puffed wheat or corn2.a'j 4 bars white laundry soap '.repackages E. tj-qj-ifjakpt'&ii.'ic f 1 can Lows lye -' -tTOe 3 cans VanCamps asst. soups 31e 2 package borax soap chips 2le 3 large cans Van Camps Pork and 2 packages powdered borax 2c beans Sic 1 bottle Mrs. Stewnrt bluolng l.'lc '3 medium cans VanCamps pork and beans ."ilcl 6 small Turtle pork and beans 3 cans standard corn !lSc 3 cans standard peas ItSc 1 1 15c sack table salt lie 3 cans standard tomatoes USe (1 30c sack table salt 20c BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. WE LEAD IN HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICE. WHEN YOU THINK OF QUALITY THINK OF VanCamp Quality. H. J. Heinz, that Quality Sunkist, that Quality Paxton & Gallagher Turtle Brand Quality, rtayniond Bros. & Clarke R. B. C. Quality. Granger1 Bros. NEBA Quality. Beech Nut Brand Quality. , . THESE PRICES GOOD TOR TWO DAYS ONLY AT ALL TOUR OF OUR STORES. . Gamble with Springer, THE CHAIN SYSTEM. , , No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203. No. 2, 116 East B Street, Phono 49C. No. 3, 021 East Fourth, Phone 791. No. 4, S21 Wi'st Third, Phone No. 7.',. N DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL .Mrs. C. R. Morey returned Saturday evening from a ten days visit with relatives in Hastings. For Sale Almost new housjeholt." goods. 019 west B. 103-4 Mr. and Mrs. Will Waltemath re turned Friday evening from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. 'For Salo by owner: Small Bunga low close in. Four Rooms and bath. Phone Red 1219. 2-2 Miss Annie Kramph went to York i Saturday night to attend the confer ence of the state social welfare work ! ers. FoundTuesday on east Sixth street, neck fur. Owner can have I same bv calling atthls office. Dr. and Mrs. Krause returned Fri day night from their wedding trip to Chicago and St. Paul and are staying at the McCabe. ' t Bird for Sale. 1121 West Tenth street. 2-3 Miss Floronco Gruendel, of Grand Island, Is the guest of Misses Eliza beth and Helen Brcdbeck and will visit-here for several weeks. Lloyd Askwig returned yesterday to the Kearney military academy. Ho came home to spend the holiday va cation and while here was stricken with small-pox. Walter E. Perkins, Etto Bryan and Will Archie in scene from "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," Keith Theatre, Thursday, January 22. 1 15c glass G. & S. mustard 11c 1 block stock salt 1 100 pound fcack salt 1 10c sack table salt 7c , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dolson left Sunday morning for Oakland, Cal., where they will spend a month visit ing Fred Dolson and family. For Sale Quarter section good val ley hay land, 8 m. from N. P., $100 per a; GO a. broke. M. R. Magnus son. 1-3 J. J. Halligan. of this city, will be one of tho speakers at the state Ir rigation convention to bo hjeld at Goring next week. His subject will be "Irrigation Laws." Relinquishment For Sale 480 acres northwest McPherson Co. Vacant land near for additional entry. Ad dress XX, Tribune office. 2-1 Bert Llles spent the latter part of last week in town attending district court. Ho has been farming nqar Julesburg for a year past but has pur chased a barber shop at Holyoke, Col., and will make that place his homo. Contrary to past and present re ports, It is not tho intention of J. H. Stone, the druggist, to leave North Platte. He will need vncate the room ho occupies next August, but ho has in view a room which ho will probibly lease. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store, By a rising vote which was almost unanimous, more than one hundred and twenty-five women in attendance at tho mooting of tho Nineteenth Con tury club of Kearney Wednesday pledged themselves not to buy any thing which was not absolutely neces sary. Dr. Frank Conlln came up from Omaha Saturday to spend Sunday with his wife nnd daughter who are .guests at the Dixon home! Mr. Dixon jnvitcd a score oi men io spcuu aunuay even ing with Dr. Conlln, among whom were Bishop Beechor, Mr. Gehring, of Omaha and Rev. Mackintash. Inquest Proceedings Friday a coronor's Jury wus em punoled by the coroner nnd the coun ty nttdr'ney, the remains were viewed, an adjournment taken until Saturday when another adjournment was taken until a later day in hope that tho Mex ican at large might possibly be caught. :.o:: if(lill) Konnnl for .Murderer , A total of six hundred dollars is now offered as a reward lor the arrest and conviction of tho missing Mexican who was Implicated In the murder of Of ficers Meconibax and Rogers. Of this amount Lincoln county olfors $150, tho city of North Platte $300, nnd .N'lck Chlros, tho Greek who shot one of the murderers personally offers a reward of $1C0. Chief Shot TmIco . Chief Mecombor was shot twice. 0ft)lbullet entered, tho left side of tho .neclc uld oinglniJ-ifpward i was em bcdded'lrt tho lower part of tho skull; tho other entered tho left broast near tho nipple nnd ranging downward came out tho right side of tho back.. Tho bullet which killed Officers Rog ers entered the loft breast near the nipple, passed through the heart and lodged In the spine at tho lowor ond of tho back. Tho shots which killed tho officers: wore fired at short range. ::o:: Funeral Held Sunday. Tho funeral of Chief Mecombor nnd Officer Rogors was held from the Mn sonlo temple Sunday afternoon In charge of the Masons, of which order both were members. Tho attendance was very largo, tho seating capacity of the lodge room being Insufficient to accommodate half those presont. The funeral ritual of the order was read and a touching address mndo by Bis hop Goo. A. Bother, of Hastings, along tho line that both men had died lu the pursuance of duty and in pre serving the welfare of tho city. Mu sic was furnished by singers of the Episcopal church. Mexican Tips Off .Men. It was one of their nationality that, tipped off the fact that tho Mexican?) who killed Olflcers Mecombor nnd Rogers were "bad men." This partic ular Mexican was loafing In tho Chlros storo when tho two murderers enter ed, and after the two had been sented at the ta,blo for a few minutes smok ing "hashco" they called the other Mexican over to them and engaged him in conversation. Later' tho Mexi can to whom they had been talking told Chlros tho follows wore heavily armed, that they were bad men, and he thought from their talk that they wore planning a robbery or a hold-up It was then that Chlros sent out one of his countrymen to tell Chief Me combor of the presence of these men in his store. ::o;: Wounded .Man Protests uill. Tho wounded man in jail, who gives his name as Venzuola, but which Is probably an alias, declares that ho is not guilty of' shooting tho officers, that' Martinez Is tho murdorer. This plea of lnnocense might of course bo ex pected. Greeks who witnessed the shooting say that both the Mexicans fired on the officers. When picked up after being shot, Venzuola had on a bolt filled with fifty cartridges, while tho gun which ho dropped when shot had five empty shells and one loaded shell In It It Is not probablo that a man of his character would carry fifty cartridges in a bolt and have but ono In his gun. There were live shots fired, th:y may all have come from Venxuela's gun. Tho codltlon of Venzuola continues critical: he Is unable to tako any but liquid food and Is not inclined to swal low tho liquids given him. His lungs aro said to bo suffused with blood County Physician Dent, who has boon in constant attendance, says Vonzu ola's condition is satisfactory but that he is not yet out of danger. ::o:: Martinez Still at Large. Martinez, the Mexican who escaped after tho killing of Officers Mecoinber and Rogers, is still at largo. Ho was followed as far west as Horshey that Is ho Is known to have passed west through or near that village but there tho clew was lost. He Is supposed to have been headed for a certain point In Colorado, and officers thoro havo boon notified to watch for him. A good description of Martlnoa was furnished by Venzuoln, tho wounded Mexican In jail, and also by tho sec tion foroman at BIrdwood for whom Martinez worked for a week. Martin ez is married nnd his wife left Friday for a certain point In tho west whore they had formerly roslded. AVhllo tho local' hunt for the es caped man ceased, Saturday, Sheriff Salisbury has by no means abandoned the work of attempting to apprehend tho murderer, and thoro Is not art officer within a radius of 500 miles of North Platte who" does not have a description' of tho "man wanted. Tho offering of a $000 roward will be an incontlvo for officers to bo constant ly on tho look out. Ilo'd Monthly Social. Tho Young Married People's Class of tho Christian Sunday school held their regular monthly social at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Walter EhIiH nian, on Tuesday evonlng of last week This bolng tho first mooting of the year, tho following class offlcors were chosen: President, Mrs. Taylor; VIco prosidont. Mrs. Frank Johnson; Sec retaryMrs. Graco Banks; Treasurer. Mr. Tolllo Glaves. Mrs. Morrow was unanimously choson class teacher After tho business mooting, Miss Kathryn Morrow played two selections on tho piano and dainty refreshments woro served by tho hostoss. Tho next meeting will bo held at tho homo of Mrs Grace Banks, Tuesday ovonliu' Fobruary lid. s : o:: Kslrny Notice. Takon up on or nbout July 15. 1919. by tho undorslgnod, who Uvea nlno mllos Bouthwost of North Platto, a brown mare, sovon or eight yoara old, weight about 1.000 pounds. No brands, Owner call, prove property, pay charg- os ami tniio animal away. 97-G FRANK ENGLAND Sheldon ('. Mcromlior. Sheldon C. Mocomber wu btorn near SyracUBo, Now York, on Soptwnbor 2 1SG7. Died at North Platte. Nob., Jan 15, 1920, at the axe of 03 years, 4 months and 13 days. Mr. Mecombor suont the earlv day of lis life in Nev York. When ho was 16 years of ng he enlisted In tho U. S. navy, serving both on the grenb lakes and the high seas. During his ser vice Ik visited nearly all of tho prin cipal .ports of both tho old and new world. On November M. 1S7S, at tho age of 21, ho enlisted In the U. S. army, and while a member of the famous Fifth Cavalry was stationed at Fort Rus sell, Fort Robinson nnd Fort McPhor son. Ho took part In many Indian campaigns, among theih the, terrible Meeker niassacro In which his com pany lost 0;t of its men. Ho was made a corporal In 1S80 and was honorably discharged on account of disability on November 22, 18S2, at which tlm ho was serving as first sergeant at Fort Thomas. Arizona. On June 10, 1SS:1, ho was married to Miss Frazer and Uie following yea onterrd the sopvlce of the Southern iPaclllc railroad as brakeman, was promoted' to conductor nnd served that road until October a, 1SS8, when he entered the service of the Union Pa cific as brakeman; was promoted to conductor in 1891. which position he filled until April. 1919. at that time being the sixth oldest passenger con ductor on tho Wyoming division When tho peoplo determined to clear up North PJatto In April, 1919, Mr Mocomber was appointed chlof of po lice, which position he was filling to Its fullest extent nt the time of his death. Mr. Mecoinber was a student nnd a deep thinker, generous to a fault faithful to ills friends, efficient nnd un assuming in the discharge of his dut, In his untmely, death North Platto has lost one of her ablest citizens. He was very active In Masonic circles being Worshipful Master of Platto Valley Lodge No. 32. A. F. &. A. M.. a member of Euphrates Chapter No. 15 R A. M ond Pnlostlno Commnndery No. 13, Knights T?mplar. Ho was also a member of Sesostrls Temple, Noblet of the Mystic Shrine, nt Lincoln. There aro loft to mourn him besides hosts of devoted friends, his wlfo and two sons, Claude of Ravenna and Roy of Mobile, Ala., and two grand chil dren. His brethren mourn his untimely death. Ills work was not finished, yest his column was broken. (Jcoi. K. Rogers. Goorgo E. Rogors was born nt Elk Grove, Wis., In 1SG1, but moved to Adams county! Iowa, when h,e was a boy, whero ho lived until 18S3. lie then moved to Denver, Col., where ho was employed by th? Union Pacific as a. fireman. July 24, 1S89, ho mar ried Miss Mary Larson and to this union was born two children, Mrs, Elfle Murray of Butte, Mont., and Elwood of this city. In 1903 tho fam ily moved to North Platto and was employed upon tho Dr. Lord ranch In tho valley, whero they lived for Blxtcen months after which Mr. Rog ers was employed by tho Amcrlcnn AVater Works company of this city and worked for this concern for sev eral years when tho family moved to Keatsvlllo, Mo., whero they resided until 1910, wlwn they returned to North Platto and Mr. Rog,?js ro-enter- od tho servlco of the water company remaining thoro six or eight years an', then ncceptlng a position with thn Union Pacilc which ho hold until ap pointed a member of tho pollco forco During his many years of resldenc In North Platto Air. Rogers enjoyed tho esteem and good-will of all; a man who was respected for his up rightness and gonornl good charac ter. As an employo ho was efficient and loyal to his employer, as an of ficer ho was honest nnd brave. For many years ho was a member of the Alasonlc fraternity, taking out nnd kholdlng a membership in the Keats villo lodge. ForSnlo Three room houao nnd corner lot; houso has largo pantry and clothos closet, pantry largo enough to bo mado Into a bath room if desired. Lot hns plenty of largo Bhado trees and good cow barn on It. Can givo pos session at once. Call at 221 south Walnut street or phono Rod 310. 101-5 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated) One Halt Block North of Posloflicc. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case. N- Completely equipped X-Ruy and diagnostic laboratories! Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedGeld. H. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. THIS TWINKM HOSPITAL, 1008 Wi:ST FOUJtTH STJtBKT, North Plaltc, Ncbr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where tho sick aro cared for so as to bring about nonnnl conditions In the easiest, most natural nnd scientific murmur. Phono. 110. North Plnttc, Neb. . W. E. FLYNN ATTOJtNflY.AT-LAl) Office over McDonald Bank. Oftlre Phono lino Res. Phono 1120 (Jim Exhibition f,nVtf('Iy'A(lfnile(l Tho jMilortnlnmoflt glvTm ttt the" Franklin auditorium Friday evonlng i flie girls' gymnasium class, un deritho direction of Alius Alorrow was attended by six bundered N people nnd wo believe we are safe In saying that, ovoryono enjoyed the prbgrnir given;' lii, which were Included calle thuhlcs, folk dances, relay race nnd high jumping. The work of tho girls Avn certnlnly very creditable. The high school band furnished sev eral sulectlons and we were agreeably surprised with the progress the boys aro making. ::o:: GAS KNGINi: FOR SALE. Four' horso power Fairbanks gas engine in good running order. Brod- beck'a ATeat Alarket. SGtf JL&VaHAA & AlVi&ttLA V Scats Today at Box Office 2 p. rn. A New York Production on way to. Pacific Coast. Biggest Farce Hit of Recent Seasons. A.H.W00DfeKHERE. A NEW TALEOFA BE C.W.BELL AND MARK SWAN A RIOT OF LAUGHTER The Cast Includes EtJa Ann Luke, Walter E Perkins, Will Archie, Etta Bryan, Fred 1. Lewis and a dozen other well known corned iuns. ire; 'BUI AMONG the various makes of storage h batteries there is only one radically 7 different and superior to the rest. This one exceptional battery is the Vesta. Three great battery improvements make the Vesta different. These triumphs give it double life: . Vesta Indestructible Isolator on ingenious device, locka tho plates apart and prevents short circuits. 2. Vesta Impregnated Wooden Mats prevent "trecinc" a"d its disastrous consequences. 5. Titanium a rnro mineral, enters Into tho lead plates, hardening them and giving them longer life. It precipitates minerals and impurities in solu tion, thus increasing the efficiency of tlie battery. These remarkable features are covered by U. b. Basic Patents belonging to the Vesta. Uiey cannot boused in any other battery. Vesta costs no more than ordinary batteries. Ask any Vesta Service Station man to explain. Vesta superiority. Jl-im North Platte g Battery &EIec. j mIiIIii Villi indoitrj1 tolilcf ill. .tptriinttr .Ira. tjld.vir.fid..n.. p. lit. tT.rrVetU 6krwt Ifeu.f jr. PHMtw wimji lit in u MtMmi,WAmiMa m " Tlie NorUi Pintle Xlbnirr. out now books ortclf week and urges prompt return of books. Begins tho day at 2 p. m. and closes nt 9 pjfpn. Lots ' teacher have nil the books thoy nocld. Invltoa everyone to use the library Can't succeed without support. Looks up fncts and figures for pat rons. Is plonil to have strnngors call. Believes country rosldont should use tho library. Renews books for patrons. Alms to ploaito. Rosorves books for studdnts. Yields ample intorost for money in vested. L. MURPHY. Llbrnrlan. & nan . A tf.o J Igflfio 6tJ4e WAYSIDE INN AMD m0 109 W. 6th, St. wmmmm,..,..- M