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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1920)
V NERVOU X 17777 T7 SVr-T rrnrv ,tI PROSTRATION Mrs. J. Christman Proved lhat Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetablp Compound is a Kemedy for this Trouble. Binghamton, N. Y. "I was in a very uci vuua cuiiuuiun ior over a vcnr. m mimiiiu was gioomy, Mjtuuiu buo no ngnton manvthinc. mum nni- Rwork and could not I have anyone to sea me. Doctor'n mpH. licino did not holn m land Lydia E. Pink- nam's Vegetable Comnound . commended. I took Ii t and am now well. I riiAntrt. BmntlH if fr nil nOlintl ed with nervous prostration. "Mrs. J. vimwsTMAN, iuj uaK Street, BuiKham ton, New York. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound, made from roota and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who Buffer from nervous prostration, displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, irregularities, periodic pains, back ache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion and dizziness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ia tha standard remedy for femalo ills. If there are any complications about which you need advice write in con fidence to Lydia EL Pinkham Medicina Co., Lynn, Mass, HEARTBURN Caused by Acid-Sfomach That bitter heartburn, belching, food repeating, Indigestion, bloat after eatlnc oil are caused by acld-Btomach. Dut ther are only flrit symptoms danger slcnals to warn you of awful troubles If not stopped. Headache, biliousness, rheumatism, sciatica, that tired, listless feeling, lack of energy, dizziness. Insomnia, even cancer and ulcers of the Intestines and many other ailments are traceable to ACID-STOMACH. Thousands yes, millions of people who ought to be well and strong are mere weak lings bocauso of actd-stomach. They really starve In the midst of plenty because they do not get enough strength and vitality from the food they eat. Take EATONIC and give your stomach a chance to do Us work right. Make It strong, cool, sweet and comfortable, EATONIC brings quick relief for heartburn, belching, Indigestion and other stomach miseries, Im. proves digestion helps you get full strength from your food. Thousands say EATONIC is the most wonderful stomach remedy In the world. Brought them relief when every thing else failed. Our best testimonial Is what EATONIC will do for you. So get a big BOc box of EATONIC today from your druggist, use It Ave days If you're not pleased, return U and get your money back. ATONIC C FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at thepresent time for young women over nineteen years Oi asa who have had at least one year it) high school to tako Nurses' Train ing In general hospital Our graduates re In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurnes, Lincoln Sanitarium, Lincoln, Ncbr, COPPER TUBBING New, Soft and pliable; Short lengths 2 to 8 feet, Inch diameter; Auto repair and garage work, 40 cents foot, postage prepaid, express or postal money order. CAPITAL SALVAGE CO. Schiffman Bldtf. St. Paul, Minn. J'HONOGIIAI'II NKKIll.KS. .Mortonp needles elve clearest tone on any phonograph Kach needle plays ten records perfectly. I'ackage of 60 needles for 16 cents or send 11. 00 for 10 packages and we send freo record catalog which saves you 20 on all records pur. chased Mortone Co.. Century Bldg..N.Y.Clty Itrllulile Automobile School. Mechanical, Electrical. Vulcanizing. Low tuition. Free Catalog Nnt. Auto.Schonl.2S22 N.20th,Omaha. He Had to Confess. Hostess (to little Johnny, who la lust leaving the party) Won't you have im orange, Johnny? Johnny No, thank you. I couldn't eat any more. Hostess Well, put one In your pocket. Johnny (much embarrassed and with considerable hesitation) I 1 can't. They're full already. Edin burgh Kcotsmnn. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR, To half pint of water add 1 oz. Day Rum, small box of Barbo Compound, and at. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired xhade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and docs not rub off. Ady. Times Change. "In the old dnys a man had to bo engaged beforo he ventured to address a lady by her first name." "Well?" "But now frequently a girl never knows the chnpple's last name until they npply for the license." Children's handkerchiefs often look hopeless when th$y come to the laun dry. Wash with good soap, rinse In water blued with Rod Cross Ball Blue. A woman of experience says it Is Impossible to keep children or stnlr carpets In place without using the rod. The fronr parlor Is the most populnr of nil court rooms, in sssswsssataaa n twa m as aasssssssassataa mtmmm imm t Night ,n Morning eeoVbur EVes Clean - Cleat- HoalthV tt fW FfH CY Car Dock Murina Co.Oilcsfa.UXl llllir iilliiT I MTall LP Am K Oh, why should the spirit of mortal bo proud? Like a swlft-flcetlng meteor, n fast- flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wnvo, Man passes from life to his rest In the grave, MEALS FOR A DAY. For the first meal of the day, a little fruit of some kind Is n good be ginning. If fresh fruits, such as or tinges, grapefruit, apples or pears are not at hand, n tablpspoonful or two of rnlslns, steamed and add cd to the ontmenl Dr cooked cereal, or a few dates, figs or stewed prunes nro nil good nnd de- ilrablo breakfast fruits. With an almost endless vnrlety df breakfast foods, one may have a dlf Cerent kind every morning, If the fnm ily Is large enough to practice this npthod without waste. For the hot dish, eggs are always good, and tuny be cooked In as mnny ways as there are days In the year. Bncon Is a breakfast ment, nnd If liked can be served dally without losing Its -harm. Sausage, chops and fish of parlous kinds are other breakfast meats. .Mackerel Is a great favorite. When the fresh fish cannot be obtained the salted fish makes n fairly good substitute. Sonk the fish over night, or until much of the salt Is removed, then bake In the oven for 20 minutes, covered with thin cream. Serve hot with hits of butter. With toast, cakes, muffins, dough nuts, cookies nnd good coffee, one may find a choice for the first meal. For luncheon, one hot dish, which may be escnlloped fish, vegetables, rice or nincaronl. codfish with linked pota toes or a cream soup, of which there nro a largo number from which to choose; n salad, some kind of bread, a cupful of chocolate, cocoa nr ton, and n small cake, with or without fruit. Such as ninrnialade or Jelly, canned or reserved fruit. For dinner, n clear soup, If followed b" a heavy dinner, a cream soup If a light dinner follows; one vegetable 'jesklos potatoes, a roast or meat loaf. a simple dessert, with coffee. For a course dinner, the cocktail Is served as a stimulant; on this account the clam nnd oyster, the vnrlous fruit cocktails and those with appetizing herbs, are used, their object being to stimulate, not cloy the nppetlte. Pineapple Cocktail. For each glnss take a tnblcspnonful each of plnenpple and lemon or orange, one-half table spoonful of grated orange peel. Sweet en to taste, pour over n little chipped Ice nnd fill the glass with Iced water. Many .Imes In fact, Invariably the mental attitude wo take towtird nny thlng of an unfriendly nature that on ters our lives determines Its actual elfect upon us. Trine. A FEW CREAM SOUPS. A cream soup Is sufficiently nour ishing to serve as the main dish nt a luncheon. One of the most com mon Is potato but tho following Is not common. Cream of Pota t o. Ii oil ten large potatoes and mash with n cupful of cream ; season with salt and grated onion. Blend together two tablespoonfuls encli of flour and butter; add two cup fuls of cold milk nnd cook until thick, stirring constantly. Add four cupfuls of boiling venl stork, tho mashed po tato, and bring to hoil. Serve nt once. Veal and Celery Soup. Cut up three pounds of veal ; break, the hones ; cov er with four quarts of cold water and simmer for four hours; strain and return to the fire. Add two bunches of celery, and two chopped onions; simmer until the vegetables are done. Press through a fine sieve; thicken with two tablespoonfuls of corn starch mixed with two cupfuls- of milk; add two tablespoonfuls of but ter In small bits; reheat and serve with dice of fried brend. Cream Veal Soup. Chop fine three pounds of lean veal and one Inrge onion. Cover with two quarts of cold water; simmer three hours; strain, cool nnd skim. Thicken with two ta blespoonfuls of flour blended with n little cold milk beaten with three, eggs. nnd two cupuns or mine, season with wtlt, pepper, minced parsley, and n grating of nutmeg. Egg Soup, Butter six slices of stnle bread ; sprinkle with sugar nnd brown In the oven. Iteheat two cupfuls of veal stock and two cupfuls of milk ben ten with tho yolks of three eggs. Add a tahlespoonful of butter; sea son with salt, pepper, minced parsley, and n grating of nutmeg. Pour over the toast; cover for ten minutes and serve. Sweetbread Soup, Itohent one quart of veal stock and add two cup fuls of crenm which has been beaten with the yolks of two eggs. Take from the fire, season to tnste. and add one cupful of parboiled sweet breads cut In bits. Garnish with one cupful of whipped croaiii and a hit of minced parsley. m He who lins the quest of the good In his heart relates himself thereby with nil the higher powers nnd forces of tho unlverso and thoy aid him ut every turn. FAVORITE DISHES. The old-fashioned milk tnnst which our grandmothers made, with plenty of butter and flour mixed togtther. making n rich white sauce, Is not much like tho soupy mass usually served when asking for milk tnnst. Pr. pare the flour and butter, using two tablespoonfuls of butter nnd two of uour ror each cunfnl of mill.- wimn the butter Is bubbling hot, ndd the uour; men when well blended add the milk. Cook until smooth, mill uniK and turn over well-buttered tonst. the enges or which have been softened by nipping tlieni Into hot milk or wntor Some like n generous sprinkling ol i ueese as this makes n morn nourish Ing dish, It Is especially good for o inucueon disii. Fruit Souffle With CornsLirrh Mir three tnhlespoonfuls of cornstarch, one-tllirU Of a CUUftll of snunr nml linlf n teaspoonful of salt; stir Into one and one-iinif cupfuls of scalded milk: stli Until It thickens, then mill tUvon. lourtns of a cupful of rnlslns or cher. ries cut In halves; cover and let cook ten minutes. Add one tnhlesnnnnfnl of butter and fold In tho whites of tliree eggs beaten very llcht. Rtittpr m inuivititinl molds, dred-'o Mm but tor with sugar and fill tho molds with tne cooked preparation, Set the molds on sovernl .folds of cloth or pnper In n baking pnn. pour bolllnc wntnr to half the height of tho molds and cook anout 12 minutes. Serve unmolded with cream or a custard mndo with tne egg yolks. Honey Frostlna. Holl hnlf n cunfnl of strained honey nnd a tahlespoonful of corn sirup to 210 decrees Fahren- neit. I'our In n fine stream the beaten white of one egg. Heat until cool be fore spreading on the cake. Quick Potato Rolls. Roll potatoes anil press through n rlccr. To one cupful of potato and water ndd hnlf a cupful of scalded milk, three table- spoonfuls of .shortening, hnlf a tea spoonful of salt, one tablesnoonful of sugar; and when lukewarm, stir In one cake of compressed yeast mixed witn oue-rourth of n cupful of hike wnrm milk; add two and n half cup fuls of flour; cut and work tho dotich Into a loaf and let stand to raise, cut It dowivmee. then let raise again nnd mnke Into smooth balls. Cover and let stand until light. Shape for fin ger rolls nnd when ngnln light, bake. Success Is the Inevitable result of good management, Just as failure Is tho natural outcome of Ignorance, carelessness and Idleness. t SEASONABLE FOODS. There Is no waste In tripe. It Is all edible and easily digested, and reason able In price. Take care to select tender pickled tripe, wash In cold water and cut In uniform pieces. Dry In ii cloth, then pat In sifted corn meal. Have ready two or three spoonfuls of hot fat In a frying pan. Set In the tripe- nnd let cook until lightly browned on one side, then turn and brown on the other. Hnve ready small onions, boiled tender nnd seasoned with salt and butter. Servo the tripe and onions on the same dish. Apricot Sponge. Soften a lablo spoonful of gelatine In one-fourth cup ful of water and dissolve in one cupful of apricot pulp and Juice, heated hot. Add one-fourth of a cupful of sugar and stir until dissolved, then when the mixture begins to become firm, beat In the whites of two eggs, beaten very light. Serve In glass cups with cream, sweetened and benlen very light. Prunes may be used In the same way. Care should be taken to use no more gelatine than needed as It Is best when not nulto Ann enough to keep Its shnpe. Potato Puree. Somo potntoes aro better If a little cold water Is nd ded occasionally to check tho boiling. Test with a fork and when tender, drain nnd dry off In the saucepan ; add butter, salt and n little milk, using more than for mashed potato. Bub tho saucepan with the cut side of n clovo of garlic. Soup stock may bo used Instead of milk. The puree Is used as a vegetable with meat or fish. Qlnoer Cream. Make a custnrd of the yolks of four eggs and tho whites of two, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of the sirup from the preserved ginger and one pint of milk. Just before tho custnrd Is done add gelatine, using enough for n pint of liquid. Allow plenty of time for the gelatine to become completely dis solved In the hot custnrd. As soon as the custard coals the spoon, stand the dish In n dish of cold water to check the cooking and then turn Into the custard molds. Sprinkle pach mold with chopped preserved ginger. Clever Management of Braid in Suits Braid and buttons have been the ac customed decorations for suits for so long a time that we take them as a matter of course and are not surprised to iind them among any season's pro ductions. Their popularity ebbs and Hows; occasionally there Is a season when they almost disappear and then comes a time when there Is no getting away from them. They have been at the ebb for tho past two seasons sparingly but most cleverly used in In genious ways that are surprisingly novel. Like the return of old friends nfter an absence, braid and bone buttons are welcome, especially when we discover them so smart and orig inal In application. The suit nt the right has a few but tons and n, little braid, but these are used with consummate, taste, Thu braid appears in a lattice-work ap WHITE GOODS SALE mm I Hie bends of well regulnted house holds take Inventory of the wardrobes of their families In January, with a view to replenishing undennusllns. This Is the time also to go over the household linen client nnd maintain Its standard of sheets, pillow cases, towels, etc. Early In January the white goods sales are featured In dry goods stores along with showings and wiles of un- dcrmusllns. Styles change less In undermufllns rnnn In other apparel, although there ro usually new and Interesting de velopments on trial In the January saleH. The limit of sheerness has been reached and there Is a reaction nwny from It and away from sllki. They havo become too popular and too showy to suit the fastidious. A return to fine cottons and handwork s n step In advance, which evidences tho cultivation of -good taste In peo ple who have money to spend and are earning how to spend It. Batiste In good qualities is the fa vored fabric for underthlngs. Al though It Is fine and dainty It stands up well under the strain of wear nnd tubbing. Like other clothes the most economical practice Is to havo u sup ply largo enough ho that the same gar plique on the front and back of the coat, which Is a vague-llttlng belted model, conservative and graceful. But tons nre set along the top of tho pock ets and on tho narrow belt at the back, It Is a suit for any cllino or any sea son. The suit nt tho left differs only by having more buttons set In two long rows at tho back, with bauds of braid Joining them. They Torm a narrow panel that Is turned under, In most un expected fashion, at the bottom. It Is little, unusual touches of this kind that give clothes distinction. Designers who determined to uso braid evidently made up tlnalr minds to thlnk up new ways of applying It. These are only two of several braid trimmed models that havo compelled admiration for their originality and Ingenuity. ments do not hnve to be laundered very often. New chcmliee and night dresses, blouses, petticoats and corset covers made of It do not differ much from those of last year. A pretty nightdress, shown In tho picture Is a good model to copy, and other gar ments can be made with the same de sign in decoration. Very nnrrow cross bar tucking, line val lace edging, set together with beautiful, painstaking exactness, account for its trimming. A novel management of the tucks re veals them In groups Inrtead of sin gle tucks In the cross bars, Tho laco Is set In In scallops and a little fine embroidery finds place on tho scallops. Morning Jackets, negligees and breakfast caps come In for consider ation at this season, also tho holidays brought out the usual number tit pret ty caps of silk or ribbon nnd laco or net. A few of them aro mnde with wire support like the glorified Dutch bonnet shown In the picture which re quires laco, silk and a little niching, together with the Ingenuity of a good copyist io make It. (J Watch Your Kidneys! That "bad back" is probably due to weak kidneys. It ahowa In a dull, throbbing backache, or aharp twlngea when atooping. You have headaches, too, dizzy apells, n tired nervous feel ing and Irregular kidney action. Don't neglect it thero is danger of dropsy, gravel or Bright's discaael Uso Doawa Kidnov Pills. Thousands havo saved thmftflirifl mnrn nrfmia nlln.nt. l.w Neighbor! An Iowa Case a. TT. Kinirnlnv. S Second St.. Maquoko ta, Io., nays: "For many years I suffered from kidney weakness. Tho kldnoy secretions contalnod sediment and woro Irregular In passage. My head ached nnd T hurt iIItw nnd norvous Bpolls. My j buck ucnou constantly and I couldn't lift anything without great nnln. nnnn'n Tflrinnv Pills cured me In a wonderfully short tlmo and the euro boa been "Nrww, pormanent" iMr Cat Doan'a at An Slnra. 6hi R DOAN'S 'VfxlV" FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS i . , .... aro rejponsioie. noi tion, but correct biliousness, sick headache, in- IITTLE IVER digestion, sal-i they novor fall renewal of regular habits follow. Purely vegetable. Saudi Fill Snail Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Ncrvoainiesc, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. totalis mitl bur iIjmIbu s&trrih&C Flxer-Up. Tho fourth grade was having a con test between tho boys and girls In tho room. One day tho teacher started a bow method in tho recitation by call ing on tho members on ono sldo first and then giving those on tho other the opportunity to correct them. Tho boys happened to bo tho first called on In this casxi and It lookcdWich bet ter for the girls. Finally one youth could stand It no longer. "The boys aro not having n fair chance," ho com plained. "You make them go first and then let the girls bo thu flxer-ups for their mistakes." ARMISTICE! Constipation, Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Sur render to "Cascaret3" Ilrlng back peacol Enjoyllfol Your system Is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomnch upset, your hCQd dull and aching. Your meals aro turning Into poison gases and acids. You enn not feel right. Don't stay bilious or consti pated. Peel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. Thoy net with out .griping or Inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so llttlo too Cascarets work whllo yon sleep. Adv. Saving Coal. A local factory starteil work n fmv days ago on a new building, and bought u quantity of cinders from unothor lo cal ractory toNuso in tho construction. Ono of the owners of tho now factory was making the rounds of his nhint oon after tho first load of cinders was received. He discovered his fireman shoveling tho cinders Into tho firebox. The liieinnn said tho cinders burned readily, and the owner said they saved coal. "Cold In the Head" Io an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per. sons who are subject to frequent "colds In tllM hAfl1' will flnri t,nt - ... ..wuu TV... ..tub ll.U UOU Ul HALL'S CATARRH MRDICINTn tjulll build up tho SyBtem, cleanso tho Blood and render them less liable to colds. Iteneated attacks at Acuta Cntnrrli mnv lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. rtii uruKKisis voc. Testimonials free. 1100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not euro. w. J. cneney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. " Many a man may butcher his gram mar and nt the same time get hln checks cashed at the bank. COLDS breed and Spread INFLUENZA KILL-THE COLD AT ONCE WITH CASCARA&IQUININ Standard cold remedy for 20 years m laoici orm aie, sure, no upiaiei Drcaici up a com in z v Jiours relieve crip in 3 dayi, L Money back If it fails. Tha genuine box hat a Kd top. with Mr. Hill's picture, v Mi &3 ICARTER'SI unify -avt At AUDtvM Star i