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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1920)
A. ' Jiorth THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 20, 1920. No. 3 MEXICAN' WASTED MAY HE ONE HVJM AT DENVEll CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. end Shorlff Salisbury rccolvicd a. wire last night from C. L. Pattorson, head of tho Union Pacific secret service nt Denver, stating that a Mexican is be ing held In that city, who corresponds to tho description of tho ono wanted for tho murder of Officers Mecomber and Rogers. The sheriff Is asked to send somo ono to Denver to Identify tho man. This morning Shorlff Salis bury called up tho secret service of fico In Denver for the purposo of giv ing additional Moscrlptlon of tho man wanted. Tho man hold In Denver gives his name as Banda, but this Is probably an alias, as the man wanted Is known to have gone under a half dozen different names. Sheriff Salisbury had not succeeded In getting tho Denver offlco up to tho time Tho Tribune went to press. Tho only persons who could positively Ideaitlfy the man wanted are Mexi cans, and tho sheriff has somo doubt as to whether ho could with safety send them to Denver to Identify the man held. ::o:: Will Appoint Chief of Police It Is expected that at a meeting of tho city council this evening Mayor Streitz will appoint a chief of polico and nn officer to fill the existing va cancies. For chief there are saldito bo a number of applicants. ::o:: Dr. O. H. Cressler and Andy Olson who (purchased tho Cummlngs ranch of 3297 acres on Blrdwood creek last fall, sold tho property yesterday to a man named Dean, of Lodge Polo for a consideration of $140,000. In mak ing the deal Cresslor and Olson ac cept a stock of general merchandise valued at $45,000. The sale was made through the Roberts Bros. Land Co. Walter Hoxlo arrived Sunday from tho east whero ho had been taking a course of Instruction In tractor mechanism. Ho Will visit his mother for a few days and then go to the Smlth-Hoxle wheat farm in Colo rado. DIxons grind their own lenses. County Supt. Cochran went to Lin coln last evening to attend tho state convention of county superintend, ents. There will bo a regular meeting of Signet Chapter No. 55, O. E. S. and initiation on Thursday evening? Karl Stobblns 'spont tho week with friends In Sidney. Mrs. Elizabeth Crusen, accompanied by- her grandtlnughter, Miss Dorothy Hlnmnn, left Sunday for Long Bench California. Shoos for mon, women and children at 20 per cent off at The Loador. Miss Viva Lowls, who had boon re ceiving medical attention nt the Twinem hospital, returned Saturday to her homo In Maxwell. Wxon & Son, Sight Specialists. President Gray, accompanied by Vice-President Calvin and other Union Pacific officials passed through Sun day on a trip of Inspection. They spent about a half hour Inspecting the depot and other property at this terminal. Tho Mothodlst ladies will servo a nubile luncheon In the church parlors Wednesday, January 21st, from 11:30 to ono o'clock. Menu: Roast Beef brown potatoes, scalloped tomatoes cabbage salad, jolly, hot rolls. cofTeo and lemon pio. Price 50 cents. Bishop Beechor, of Hastings, and Mr. Gohring. of Omaha,. spent Sunday in town In tho Interests of tno com munity house which will bo erected on tho Enlscoptl church premises. Both delivered addresses, nnd during tho aftornoon committees solicited subscriptions with very gratifying success. Watch Dixon's windows. Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt was hostess at a four courso dinner Bervod at tho Oa sis last Sunday In honor of Mr. Ley poldt's birthday. Tho center pleco was a beautiful boquet of cut flowers Out of town guests wero Messrs. and Mesdames J. G. Leypoldt, J. W. Ab bott. L. E. Jones and Miss Bella- Ley poldt, all of Horshey. Covers were laid for twolvo. Cordova leather is considered tho sterling of all leather goods. See Dixon's complete lino. The parent-teacher association of the Washington school will meet Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Washington school building. Pro' gram: Plro drill, 3 o'clock sharp; out line of tho courso of study from the bednners' srado to tho sixth grade inclusive; business session; question box, eong, and aaaress on contagious dlseaes by Dr. Slmms. PROGRAM COMMITTEE. - Both ronl estate agents and contrac tors any that nowlthstandlng tho high price of material which Is still In tho nscondnncy tho prospects for building operations In Xorth Plntto this year aro very bright. Tho slogan "Own Your Homo" appeals to nil homoloss peoplo who can possibly muster sufficient finances to build. Have music In your homo. Edison and Columbia phonographs, Dixon, tho Jowolor. The War Mothers will meet Prldaj; evening at the federal building at 7: 20 fchnrp. Final arrangements to attend the state convention nt Max well January 30th will bo mndo. All members aro urged to come to this meeting and be prepared to pay their duos. MRS, C. S. CLINTON. Jour nalist. IIxm & Son, Sight Specialists. Tho official paper published by tlw Midland CollcKO nt Fremont, whero 500 studonts nre enrolled, speaks very complimentary of Claude Welngand of this city, who is a student at the institution. Ho is manager of the basket ball team, chairman of the athletic commltteo, and appears to be a live wire In all tho activities of th: school. Tho paper adds that whilu thus actively, engaged his studios aro not neglected and that his standing in tho class room Is high. Any young man of Claude's onergy nnd "pop Is bound to bo recognized wherever he goes. Diamonds Dixon Diamonds. Ruport Schwalger, who had been spending a year or more in LaGrnnde. Oni.. arrived In town Friday for a visit with relatives and frlonds. In advnnco of his arrival, Tho Trlbunq received the following note from La Grnndo: "Rupert Schwalger, of tn Grande Is a real baby oik, and tho day following his Inltlntlon he left for parts unknown, leaving our city In mystery, with many Bills unsettled Should he arrive In Nebraska we warn all Elks not to loan him monoyi nori tako stock in his hurd luck stories Mrs. Polock, his sister, ha succeeted In straightening out his difficulties hero, and no will be welcomed back to La Grande any old time." Miss Opal Palmer, of Brady, visited with frlonds In town Saturday. WANTED 5,000 chickens. Hens 27o, Spring'' 25c. NORTH PLATTE PRODUCE CO. Phone 192. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dixon & Son, Sight SpeclnlisK Miss Bertha Stobblns has accepted a position at tho Hub store. MIsa Wlnnlo Schrlver spent tho weok ond with friends In Maxwell. The Phllos Guna club will moot Wednesday with Mrs. M. E. Crosby. D. W. Welsh, of Welllloct, under went a minor operation at tho Twlnoni hospital Saturday. W. J. O'Connor wont to Omaha Sun day to spond several days looking af ter business matters. W. R. Mnloney was called to Pox ton Sunday as dlrqetor at tho funoral services of Mrs. Crab. For Sale Flno manure for lawns Joseph Spies, phono Black 1150. 3-S L. C. MfeGraw returned Sunday from Lexington whore he had been spend ing tno pBt ton days on business. For Sale or . will trade for a Ford, a corner lot In Cody's addition. Phone Red 680. 3-4 Mr. nnd Mrs. F. R. Elliott, son Ln-' verno, and Lawrence Elder spent Sun day ln Maxwell with Mrs.' Daisy Bak-or. Tho Catholic Girls' Club will meet Wednesday ovonlng at tho F. C. Plcl sticker homo with Mls3 Fnrroll, Mlss os Bossla and Hazel Smith and Miss Betty auch as hostesses LOCAL AND TEKSONAL Mrs. Lolgh. Carroll will be hostoas nt brldgo Friday aftornoon. Misses Ida and Loulso Otteimtnlti will entertain nt brldgo Snturday af ternoon. Mrs. Will Waltomath wilt entortul'i at a luncheon tomorrow qompllntout ary to Mrs. Rolfo Ilalllgan. Mw. Will Joffors nrrlved from Onni ha tlilB morning (or a visit with Mr, E. F. SeeboTgor and other frlondsll. The Lincoln school paront-toacher association meeting will bo held Wed nesday evennlg at 8 oclock at tho school bulldlnfe. Mrs. VanNoys, Pros Women's and children's coats nl one-nfth to one-third off. All sizes, colors and cloths to select from, at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co. Tho Indies aid society of tho Pres byterlan church will moot In tho church parlors, Thursday, aftornoon entertained by MoHdniufs Hastings, Coatoa and Will Dloner. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Kroegor, of Kenr. ney, wore attenilnnco at tno tunerat of S. C. Mecomber and O. E. Rogers Sunday. Mr. Kroeger Is city editor of tho Dally Hub and Mrs. Kroober Is socrotnry of tho Commercial Club Dixon, tho Jowolor, has a complete lino of diamond mountings. Supt, Wilson Tout, of tho city N oticc ! This Sale The greatest and most important money saving event ever held in North Platte, will con tinue this week only. The impor Lance of this Sale is emphasized by the fact that wholesale prices are soaring daily and good merchandise in the future will be offered at prices that will be out q the reach of most of us. And when you stop to consider that we are today offering radical reductions on High Grade Merchandise that is based on the wholesale prices of six to eight months ago, you can see the wonderful money saving opportunity offered in this Great Stock Reduction Sale. Wo will put an Edison In your homo schools, returned Sunday from Lin- on tho payment plan. Dixon, tho Jew- ' no eior. i . , ,.. . ..... .ifti.. ni,ni Tho Parent-Tonchor Association of . i, i,.ntiuimi h mw tlio jenorson school win meci won- tot constitution. This commltteo, ol nosuayrauernoon in uie scnoo. umiu- i w,l(,h Mr Tout ls ft mombori had hohl inK. a" imroin.s ui i.u.u .uxiu.o. Hvnmi mnotlnes. and nt t in tho con- For this week only we will offer unre stricted choice of our entire stock at One-Fifth to One-Half Off Regular Prices. Buy Now Don't let this opportunity pass. Edwards-Reynolds Co For Men and Boys. In that school are urged to attend Tho M. E. aid society will moot In tho church parlors Thursday, Janu ary 22d, with Mesdames R. S. Bosack R. Oman nnd T. G. Roctor as hostess es, a goou auonuanco is uesireti. All the pleasure ln tho world ls In music.' Lrt Dixon prove this stato mont Tho!revalonco of measlos, togeth er with n few cases of small-pox and scarlet fever, has had a notlceablo ef fect upon tho attendance ln tho city schools, especially ln tho lower grades. Tho absences aro as marked Supt. Tout reports, as during tho prev alence of the uu. The wlnnors of the Indian Card Club will bo entertained tomorrow by tho losers. The nature of tho affair Is bolng kept as a surprlso and tho guests wero just asked to bo at tho home.-flt Mrs. Allison Wilcox on ou-' lto5aay"nftornoori;' W. J. Crow, of St. Paul, Neb., who owns a tract of land near town, yes terday purchased tho" Mrs. F. L. Law rence property In the 1000 block on east Fifth for a consideration of $5,500. Mr. Crow will move his fam ily from St Paul to this city about tho first of March. A diamond Is not only a pleasure but a good investment. Talk It oyer with Dixon. All singers of the city aro Invited to becomo members of tho community chorus and those desiring to becomo associated with the organization aro requested to attend tho rehearsal which will bo held tomorrow evening at eight o'clock at the Franklin audi torium. Monday evening of next week the B P. O. Elks will have a big class initi ation. Thoro aro thirty-flvo or moro candidates on tho list, a numbor of whom aro out of town residents. ' If tho entlro bunch ls prosent. there will be merry doings. Steward Kennedy will serve a lunch following tho cere monies. Tomorrow from 11:80 to 1 o'clock tho ladlos oft ho Mothodlst church wlf1 sorvo ono of thoir famous dinners to business people nnd others at the church parlors. If you aro not on tirply satisfied with tho dinner Tho Tribuuo man will gladly refund you your mon6y ho Is porfectly safe ln ottering to do this. ferenco last weok rccoinmondntions. nindo Its final Tim Stato, of Nebraska, through OUtf Hyors, wired yesterday to offor a re ward of $200 for tho arrest nnd con- t vlctlon of tho Mexican who is wanted ' for tho nturdor of Officers Mecomber nnd Rogers. This brings tho total reward oh'ored up to $800. After thlrty-soven yenrs of consocu tlvo sorvlco with tho Union Pacllbj as a machinist, Geo. W. Finn has retired and has hcon placed on tho pension list. During tho long period of tlmo Mr. Finn gavo to tho company a loy alty and orflcloncy that lias unques tionably been appreciated. After throe years porvlco, over two; yoars of which was spent overseas '$ Captain P. R. Ilalllgan, accompanied hv Mrs. HnlllKan. arrived homu SunVfT dav afternoon, and is recelvlnc a vorw hourty wolconie from his friends. Oaptil Ilalllgan Is looking fine and fools WM good as ho looks. j6 Tho parent-tonchor associations ofl tho Senior and Junior high BchoolajjL held a joint meeting yesterday nftcr-f" noon, and decided to consolidate. Thpj officers of both associations will con tlnuo. to hold offlco and each sot will proslda at altomato meetings. Tho first meeting of the consolidated aa-j Koclatlon will bo hold tho second WejlJfc nosday ln Fobrunry. 'j Spoclal Kottlo rondored lard. Erod bock's Meat Market. SGtt Attached to train No. 7 last ovon lng woro throo. carloadB of delegates onrouto to tho Btato flromon's conven tion nt Scotts Bluff. Tho delegations from Fremont, Ord nnd Norfolk each had a band, and while tho train stop ped they paraded down Dowoy street In tho parado woro a numbor of comlo charactors. Tho boys woro making a good start for a big time nt tho con vention. MADLAINE TRAVERSE IN "The Splendid Sin" A drama of high life. She sinned splendidly to save the family honor and was ready to accept the consequences. Keith Theatre, Wednesday. Crystal Theatre, Tuesday and Wednesday. EUGENE O'BRIEN -IN- "Sealed Hearts" A big new, story old in ,a big, new way. A winning combination .ofrlove, thrills, and romance. It is just the kind of picture you like. Vital. Gripping. Forceful. Strong. Special Tuesday, Arbuckle Comedy, "Oh, Doctor.' AT THE SUN THEATRE. TUES, & WED. "Far Husbands Only"j STAKItlNG Mildred Harris (Mrs, CKarlie Chapman.) ALSO 2 -reel Current Events. Matinee Each Day. THURSDAY I The Moonshine Trail" STAIUtrNG Sylia Breamer Robert Gorden. A Human-Heart Drama in six parts. ALSO Mutt& Jeff Comedy. Get the Facts Before You Buy Your investment in an automobile if of suffi cient importance to merit not only careful se lection of the make, but careful selection of the dealer with whom you will want to talk over the purchase and after performance of the car. It will be to your advantage to get all the in formation you can. Most folks do not buy cars very often and protect their investment by get ting full information In advance. Feel welcome at any time to come in and ask us questions. We will answer them to the best of our ability, cheerfully, fairly, and honestly, whether you buy.or not. Dodge Brothers. Chandler Motor Cars. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer Hi one 811. Olh and Locust. Suggestion : A Dodgo Sedan for you and your family.