The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 13, 1920, Image 5
LOCAL AX1 1'EHSONAL Rev. Honry Ivos, of Sldnoy, vlelted frlonds in town Friday. Miss Marie Stunrt visited ovor the! week end with her aistor in Donvor. Call 212 for fresh groceries. Dick' Stogemann. 77lf Miss Winnie Selirivor spoilt Sunday in Gothonburg with friends. Miss Ilossle Smith spent Sundny "With friends In Gothenburg. Miss M.iblo Gaston, of Tryon, visit ed friends In town Saturday. Mrs. Emma Garden, of Paxton, vis ited wlthfrlonds in town Friday. Mrs. J. A. Cale. of Sutherland, spent Saturday In town with frlonds. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf IflDi'Wm. .McNeel, .off SJuyijrlnnd, .trail-, Wfpacted, business In town Saturday, ' Wo deliver Bake-Ilito products with grocery orders. McGovern & Stack, Phono SO. Tho Tuesday nfternoon bridge club will bo entertained todny by Mrs. A. F. Streitz. i . Mrs. W. H. Munger was hostess at tho session of the Saturday afternoon bridge club Miss Alleen White, of Sutherland, was tho guest of friends in town Saturday, Miss Maud Morledgo, of Grand Is land, was tho week end guest of Miss Irma Johnston. Miss Mlnnio Woods hns accepted r. position as remittance clerk at the Platto Valley bank. Miss Sara Reynolds arrived Satur day, from Sheridan, Wyo., for a visit with her sister Mrs. C. M. Austin. Miss Colosto Katen returned to Al liance yesterday after a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Glen Miller. An artificial ice plant is being In stalled at Ogalalla by Messrs. Elker and Storer. They expect to be making ico by February 10th. What is better to a tired man than to go homo, light a good cigar, start his Edison on one of toso rotful Ed ison Recreations. Lot Dixon put one in your homo. , Tho entertainment committee of tho Elks announce a dnnclng party for tho ovenlng of January S3d. Supper will bo served In tho dining hall fol lowing tho dunce. The city council of Gotheuburg will put up to a vote of the people whothor tho strcota of that town shall bo paved. Tho proposed paving dls rlct will cost $335,000. Editor J. S. Kroh of, tho Ogalalla News, who Is well known In North Plntte, becamo seriously, 111 last week and was taken to Denver, whero an oporntlon was performed. For Sale M'ctz transmission and re,ir axlo complete. Also Studobaker engine, cheap. Call after C pttfT G15 west Third. ;:(. JMlOt An installation of officers of the Royal Neighbors will bo hold at the K. P. hall Wednesday nfternoon. Lunch will bo served. Let thoro bo a full attendnnco of members. Tho American Legion hold a meet ing at the public library building Fri day evening for tho transaction of general buslnoss. The membership for was raised to threo dollars. For Sale Heating stove, sanitary cot and baby carriage. Call Black SSO. 103-3 Mrs. Agnes O'Connor, who had been visiting her mother Mrs. Margaret Hanlon, returned to Omaha yesterday Sho was accompanied by Mrs. Hanlon who will visit in that city for several weeks. J. Vernon Lunsford camo down from Cheyenne yesterday to take a position In the company shops. Mr. Lunsfort' has secured a transKer from tho shops at Cheyenne and will make North Platto his home. Our entire stock of merchandise in cluded in our January sale, which continues throughout the ontiro week, closing Saturday, January 17th. E. T. Tramp & Sons. If -fL THEATRE Q DAYS 1 C 11UUI North piatte L beginning MATINEE DAILY 2:30. EVENINGS 7 and 9. THE HAPPIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD. IV 44 HELEN KELLER Df THE PHOTO PLAY BEAUTIFUL DEL3VERANCE" FIRST REAL 82.00 PICTURE AT POPULAR PRICES YOU WILL BE AMAZED YOU WILL BE THRILLED Prices ADULTS 50c. CHILDREN 15 c. Plus Tax. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Louisa Fetors, of Grand Island spent Sundny with hor sister, Mrs. 0. O. AVolnstnnd while enroute to Call, foroia. A light snow fell in this section Saturday followed by a drop In toni poraturo Sunday and yostordny morn ings, but during yostorday tho temper ature rose and we are having a brand of winter wenthor that cannot bo crit icized. Tho AVestorn Nebraska Hoapltnl Association hns been organized at Sidney which has for Its purpose tho oroctlon of a hospital at Sldnoy. A number of tho loading citizens of the town have subscribed one thousand dollars ench. Mlssefi Elizabeth and Helen Hrod beck entertained at a dinner party Sunday ovenlng at which Miss Freo- ninu, of Chicago, wlto Is. tho guest of M. ahll MfW R.-OirCailtfra.'was the flibifoi guest. Table decorations were candles and pink and white roses. Phone No. 80 for fresh groceries Freo delivery. McGovern & Stack. Two colored wotnon were picked up on the streets Friday and a chargo of vagrancy preferred. In the police court they gavo evidence of being exc eedingly "tuff" and were given a few hours to leave town. They lost no time making their departure. Wanted Liberty bonds at . market price. Louis Llpshltz. Tom T. Marcott, one of the old timers of Urady, loft last week for San Diego. Cnl., where ho will spend several months. Tom writes that while there ho expects to stray ovor Into Mexico and witness a few bull lights and other first class nmuso ments. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bids. Phone 148 Secretary Moore, of tho Lincoln county poultry association, says In dications nro that tho show to be held for four days commencing tomorrow promises to oxcoll any yet held by the association in number of pens ex hibited. The show will bo held In the room formerly occupied by tho Gem candy kitchen on Dewey street. Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twlncin Building. Phono 307. 77tf In these days of high priced print papep, which forces tho actual cost of The Tribune to a figure in excess of tho subscription price, we must de mand 'prompt payment of all sub scription accounts. With Tho Tribune there is no free list, every subscriber Is expected to pay and pay promptly. otherwise tho paper will bo discon tinued. Our salo lasts till January 17th and the good feature about this sale Is the real values given at tho price. Ev T. Tramp & Sons. North Platto is promised a real show January 22d when "Parlor, Bed room and Bath" will bo presented by a very excellent company. As tho titltt woukr naturally suggest, tho ploy one big continuous laugh. Tho com pany is onrouto to the Pacific coast and North Platto is fortunnte in get- ing the production. Every hat in tho Millinery Depart ment selling at one-half of marked price. THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. It is said that on tho first of this mouth there wero on the Union Pacific pay-roll at this terminal or associated with the allied Interests, a total of nine hundred and seventy persons. Of thoso probably nine hundred aro men of voting age. which means that about hrflf our voting strength derive their support from tho railroad. No. Platto can therefore be well termed a "rail road town." Special Kettle rondorcd lard. Brod beck's Meat Market. 86tf A colony of beavers have made tholr home on tho banks of tlic rivor a fow miles east of tho city, and their work Is watched with Interest by a number of people. It is unlawful to kill tho animals, but a land owner can secure permit to kill them upon showing that thoy are proving destructive to trees pn his land. Wo understand that A. C. Burton, who owns land on Medi cine creek nnd upon which there is a beaver colony will make application to exterminate them as they are cut ting down many of his trees. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf Bids for tho construction of the proposed Twlnem building will bo re ceived and opened about January 25th. It Is hoped that tho bids will not bo too high for acceptance as North Platto needs just such a building as Dr. Twinem contemplates erecting. On of our oldest railroad employes says that from what ho learns not over thirty por cont of tho employes at North Platto aro opposed to tho Union Pacific going back to private control. Very fow of tho older men, ho says, favors a continuanco of govern ment control or government owner ship. - To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf Tho Tribune's artlclo on "Looking Backward" aroused considorablo In terest among tho older residents es pecially, and there has arisen consid erable speculation as who is tho old est continuous rosldont in tho city. No ono questions W. II. McDonald as hav ing lived tho longest period in tho county, but his earlier years wore spent at Ft. McPhorson. Probably T C. Patterson has been a rosldont of North Platto for a longer porlod than any other porson, and probably P. J Gllmnn Is next on tho list. Thoro aro six or eight others who follow closely. John E. Evans, Charley Ell, Georgo Austin, John Ilimnan, Joe Pillion John Ottonstoln nnd sovoral others camo hero tho early part of tho 70's. :o A jufe Place to Buy GAS ENGINE FOR SALE. Four horse powor Fairbanks engine in good running order, bock's Moat Market. gas Brod l In buying your car for the season of W20, it might be well for you to consider the advantage of buying from this agency. First l have always Second Stability of the dealer. handled nothing but good cars, have now sold Dodge Brothers cars for almost 5 years, and the Chandler line for over 2 1-2 years. I know these cars are good, as I have personally put them to all tests. Knowing they are good, I will back them to the limit in the hands of my purchasers. 'Responsibility and Stability of the Manufacturer. I am proud to say that I represent two cars in which there has been no great mechanical change in the past five years. They were good products of the best engineering genuis in the country and they have kept good. Dodge Bro thers plant is the second largest in the industry and employs over 18,000 men. Their capital and genius seems unlimited. The Chandler factory goes into its seventh year with the largest production behind them in 1919 that they ever experienced and have increased their factory for an 80 per cent larger production for 1920. Such makers have always built for quality first, and the result has been that the buying public have put. their products in a class by itself. Never have they been forced by small production or inadequate resources to raise their prices unduly as has been most common this past year. Try comparing Dodge and Chandler prices with those of any other line of car you know. Local and dependable Service for the buyer. x I have always believed that local service meant more to the buyer and more to me in continued business with the same buyers, than anything else. I carry repair parts in stock for my two cars, and have limited our repair department to work on only those cars we have sold. We know these two cars, we can give you better and more intelligent service at less expense, than if we were trying to take care ol every make. A permanent business must mean continued busi ness with your old customers, and as they are satisfied, with their friends and acquaintances. Our chief aim is to satisfy all our owners as long as they have our cars. Such service makes this a safe place to buy both your passenger car and your truck transportation. I invite you to como in and talk over your particular needs in the motor car line for next year, and would advise that you do not wait too long. Tho good standard cars are going to ho much more in demand this year and production will he far short of filling the spring demand I predict a much grcal er shortage than last spring. By the 10th of March, there Avill not bo a standard car on tho floor of any North Platto dealer which you can buy for immediate delivery. If you can get your order in now, we will protect you on a delivery date, those who wait will lake their turn in waiting for delivery, when the cars are availablt. Today is not a day too soon to -get your order filed. Buy when you can buy at the fair prices now on Dodge Brothers and Chandler cars, they may bo forced upwards any day. Third- Jo V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Phone 844. North Platte. 8Ctf fryraTOtfpaMH!