StmlWttklu HtSmm- 1UA L HAKE, Editor unit rubUglifo SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono l'cnr by Mall, In ndTnnco..$l."r Ono Year by Carrier, in advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. mm a w m m su wax TUi:SIAV, JANUARY tilth, JIUO. LOCAL AiJ PERSONAL J. U. McDonald, of Omaha, ha booh a viiltor In town for a day or two paat. Mrs. Clias. Boguo went to Omaha Sunday to spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Louis Petorson wont to Donvor Sunday to attend tho funeral of the lato Mrs, Ivn MoGlneM. . Gordon Love' ,wiU tb OinaliH the latter part of last week to have his Injured oyo oxnmlned. Mrs. Hobort L. Wright, of Jules burg, ontorod tho Twlnom hospital yostorday for an operation. Dixon's gift store Is always at your service. IJanns wero road Sunday at St. Pat rick's church for Miss Mario Martini and Mont Conlln of Omaha. Dell Boniwr returned yostorday, to Chicago after spending tho week end with his mothor, Mrs. John Bonner. A sterling sllvor nut Hot at $42.00, of exceptional boauty. Dixon, tho qual ity Jeweler. Guv Drako and nine others havo made arrangements to attend the ( Stccher-PoRok wrestling match In Om aha Friday evening. Mayor Stroltz went to Omaha Sun day night to attend .tho annual meet ing of tho Streltz Realty Co., of which ho Is a stockholder. County Commissioner Springer and Mrs. Springer, of Brady, returned the latter part of last week from a visit with relatives in Philadelphia. Diamonds Dixon Diamonds. For Sale 40 acres of land In the fruit bolt of Mason county. If you are Interested, wrlto C. II. Loudon, Branch, Mason Co., Mich. 1-1 J. D. Pile, of Julesburg, was In town yostorday transacting business In con nection with his office as chalrmnn of of tho order of railway telegraphors. Tho Wolfaro Association and Fed eration will moot at eight o'clock this evening In tho basement of the library building. At a meeting of tho Elks lnst ev ening tho necessary preliminaries wore made for tho Initiation of a clnsa of thirty-eight on tho evening of Jnn uary 2Gth. RangQ Offlcor Leonard Robinson took twenty high school cadots out to tho rlllo range at tho state farm Sat urday and hnd target pradtlco. Tho boys mado a good showing, Lieut. Turpio making high with nluoty-flvo, whllQ t)io others ranged from sixty to oighty. A Shaffer fountain pen will bo a llfo long frlond. Dixon, tho Jeweler. No previous sale in North Platte's history has been so unusual or important as THIS. Never before has any store had such an im mense stock of Men's and Boy's High Grade Wearing apparel on hand at this season, and in view of future prices, a most extraordin ary opportunity to Slwat the High Cost of Living is offered in this sale. We continue to offer unrestricted choice of our entire stock at remarkable discounts E-FSFTH TO ONE-HALF the regular price. Come and SaveYon owe it to Yoursel mi i w Keyn MEN AND BOYS. olds Co. ' Tli Income Tax. In in uk I nt; out his income-tux re-, turn tho taxpayer Is required to show both gross and net income. Gross in come includes practically every dol lar the taxpayer roceived during tho year 1019. In arriving at net income, upon which tho tax Is assossod he is allowed tho tax deduction, which wlP j bo explnlncd later, plus tho amount of his exemption. ! Incomes below ?5,000 are oxempi , from surtax. The slnglo man with nc dependents and nn income for 1019 of $2,000 will pay a tax of $40 instead of $G0 as for 1918, and a married man with an Income of $2,500, and no de pendents except his wlfo will pay $20 instead of $30. Husband and wife whoso combined net income for 1919 equalled or exr cceded $2,000 must fllo a return, either separate or joint as desired. A widow, a woman living apart from her husband, or a maid must flic a return if her net ncome equaled or exceeded $1,000. A minor whoso Income for 1919 was $1,000 or more must make a return. If the mirror's income was less than $1,000, It must be included in the return of the parent. AT THE SU Tuesday and MATINEE WEDNESDAY A9 IV- 'vTHG1 TttreTpervfrti chair:1 "THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR" Bayard-Veiller'a greatest of all Mystery plays. Adopted for the screen and di rected by Lconcc Perret. ALL STAR CAST. Yvonne Delva Creighton Hale Marie Shotwell Marc McDermott Walter Law Christine Mayo Geo. Deneboury Only two days. One Matinee. Come early ns scats will go fast. Besides thio fine picture will have another one of Larry Senmon's two reel comedies. Thursday THEDA BARA V 4, W j I- V. -IN "THE SERPENT" ALSO A TWO REEL WESTENER. Gunner Depew a 3Iex Victim. By United Press. Albert M. DoPew njfted war hero and author of a book jyhich bears his name, is dead at Tuc son,, Ariz., tho victim of Mexican ban dits, according to a telegram received from Joseph Burnet, secretary of the Tuscon Y. M. C. A. The refport states that Depow was attacked by the ban dits after leaving the city alone, on a prospecting tour. ::o:: Special prices on all children's coats, in fact wo arc selling them so cheap that it Is a crime for any child not to be well clad. E. T. Tramp & Sons. ::o::' Notice for Bids. iN'oflqo'is horeby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Secretary of tho Board of Direc tors of tho Suburban Irrigation Dis trict in Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho same being at the office of Beoler, Crosby and Raskins; Attorneys. I. O. O. F. Building. North Platte, Nebras ka, up until the hour of 0 o'clock P. M. of tho 3rd day of February, 1920, for tho construction of a hoad of the canal, scouring gate and sheet piling dam to bo constructed at the head gnto and in tho south branch of the North Plntto River on which said canal of said Suburban Irrigation Dis trict heads. Plans and specifications for which prepared by Charles McNa riara. civil englueor which are now on flit In the offlco of the Secretary of said Board of Directors. That said bids will be opened at the office of ald Secn'tnry at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by tho Board of Directors on said 3rd day of February, 1920 and contract for the construction of said works will bo lot to tho lowest responsible bidder ns soon as convenient after snld bids are opened. Tho Board of DIroctors however, rosorvo the right to reject any, and all bids and to re advertise for proposals or to proceed to tho construction of such works un der tholr own superintendence with tho labor of tho rosldonts of snld Suburban Irrigation District. Said sealed bids to be accompanied with a certified check in the sum of $500.00 payable to J. O. Beolor, Treasurer oi said Suburban Irrigation District conditioned that the person to whom the contract may bo awarded shall ontor Into the contract and upon tho failure of such person to ontor Into such contract, said check shall bo forfolted and such person to whom tho contract Is awarded shall, before tho contract shall bo binding upon the Suburban Irrigation District,, entoi into a bojul for tho faithful perform ance of tho contract and to pay for all labor and matorlal and other ex penses entering Into tho construction of such works in a sum oqual to twonty-llvo per cent of the contract prlco. and suoh work to bo construct ed under tho direction and to tho sat isfaction of said Charlos McNamnra Civil Rnglnoer or Bonio Civil Engineer appointed by him in his stead with tho consont of said Board of Directors of said Suburban Irrigation District, and said bond to bo approved and accepted by the Board of DIroctors of said Suburban Irrigation District J. G. BI2ELER, L'repnring for Private Control. The corporate managers of the rail roads are proceeding to reorganize their forces so that operation of their properties when the president returns them to 'privae control may bo reas sumed . with a minimum ,of friction and lost motion. Many new president? havo been elected and many old pres idents nnd other officers who entered government service during the war havo been reappointed and reelected to their pre-war posts. That there will be many slmlar preparations Is gen erally expected. There Is also a gen eral feeling that when the roads are turned back they will go into the hands from which thoy wore lifted by tho president at tho close of 1917. $2S,000 Itye Sale. Perhaps one of the largest sales, if not tho largest, of grain that over took place In Custer county was ono that occurred hero Tuesday of this week when David T. Adams sold to the Taylor-Harden Grain Company of Lour City ryo to tho amount of $28,000. Dave did not inform us how many bushels of rye he lyid to part with in order to got that $28,000, but we sup pose it was any where between 1S.000 nnd 20,000 bushels, Dave said that every bushel of this rye is now in his elevator and- that is was 'practically all raised this year. Sargent Leader. : :o: : Dixon & Son grind their own lonsos. puick service on broken lenses. I II 1 Ill It is our pleasure to announce Brunswick Records, another Super-product by the "House of Brunswick" artistic compan ions of Brunswick Phonographs. They are made under the direction of great interpreters:---men who have the power and faculty of developing musical se lections as the composer would have them played. Just as there are directors for the opera, the stage, the orchestra, we now have directors for records. This means that each Brunswick Record is not only the work of some accomplished artist but is accompanied by the shadings of renowned director. This is why Brunswick Records rise above the qualities most records have in common. Come in and Hear Them. Walker Music Co. NORTH PLATTE. HAY We Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. J13-J30 Socretary