The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 09, 1920, Image 7

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Bird Waa Seemingly Tired After Long
Trip, and Was Easily Cap.
tured; Given Name.
The American eagle recently spread
his wings tnajestleully over Canadian
soil. The eagle n real one by the
way soared from somewhere and
landed In Kandwleh, Ont. Whence ho
came, nobody knows. Hut It was from
b long way off, us he was manifestly
exhausted when he alighted on the
roof of a new house at the comer of
Lot and I'eter streets. It was Just
about noon, and children coming from
school espied him, says (he Detroit
The bird stayed on his perch for
some time, when the mob gathered be
low. The eagle surveyed the crowd In
a bored manner during the nwnutcs
when he was uot engaged In searching
Tilth Ills benk for something or things
under his feathers. The crowd be
came larger and . more threatening.
Finally one braver than the rest, evi
dently a Hrlton without guile, cast the
IVrst stone.
The American eagle spread his wings
U their full extent und, waiting not
w the year of parley between disput
ant nntlons, fluttered Jo the ground.
Down the streets of Sandwich the
pioud bird trotted with unhurried
Ivsrt dangerous steps. Through a gaunt
lot of citizens he ran, Indian like, turn
fug his beak from right to left with
each new step to peck at some venture
uime bystander or over-ardent pur
suer. It looked for a time us If the
bird would not bo captured. But he
finally came to a man whose attitude
was not hostile. With scarcely a
struggle the eagle gave In.
His captor was Clyde Thornton, 31
Tcters street, an American citizen.
During the remainder of the day the
Sandwich residents made tentative
peace offerings In the form of pieces
of meat. The bird accepted them un
graciously. Ills name Is Roosevelt, Thornton In
Sekhmett, or Mut, Egyptian War Di
vinity, Seems to Have Been a
Favorite With Sculptors.
The arrival at the Metropolitan Mu
turn or Art, In New York, of seven
statues of Sekhmett, or Mut, the an
clnt Egyptian goddess of war, pur
chased In England In 1014, reminds
one of the beginnings of modern Inter
est In nroheo ogy. for the seven siai-
lies, although their history over the
last century seems difficult to trace In
all Its detulls. were probably among
the earliest results of Egyptian exca
woHnn thnt eamo to Eimlund. Some-
thlne over thirty centuries ago Egyp
tian sculptors were carving such stat
ues out of solid blocks of black gran
He for the decoration of templet; and
then In 1700. as the record goes, an
Arab sheik, working at the Instigation
of a Venetian prl -si. 'found a statue
of Mut In the sand that had accumu
intml over the ruins of Kniiiac. Since
then a good many statues of Mut have
been recovered, and the strange goo
dess of strife, part unlmal and part
human, as the sculptors Imagined her.
dwells In many a museum.
Don't Blame Mosquito.
We have lately been taught that the
mosquito was the only disseminator of
malaria, and that we should be safe If
we should get rid of mosquitoes. But
Doctor Hoax, formerly chief physician
of the St. Louis hospital at Jerusalem,
usserts as the result of his own expert
n vosirs und that of many
colonial physicians, that malaria often
exists where there are no mosquitoes,
He points out that everywhere in
malarial countries, the disease breaks
out Just at the time when the soli Is
broken for planting. He does not deny
that the anopheles mosquito spreads
malaria, but he says this Is evidently
not the only means of infection.
Tim nid Hiporv that miliaria was
caused by the bad air of swampy dls
trlcts or by certain emanations from
the soli may be correct alter all.
Beliefs About World's End.
The Mohummeduns believe the time
of the end of the world to be u per
feet secret to all save God alone; the
ungel Gabriel himself acknowledged
his Ignorance on this point when Mo
hammed asked him ubout It.
Christianity of all Is tho least cer
tain nbout the precise time of the
event. Jesus, telling his disciples of
tho precursory signs of the great ca
tastrophe, said: "Verily, this genera
tlon will not pass before my words
shall be accomplished." The first
tChristlaus, accordingly, looked to im
mediate fulfillment of the prediction
and believed the end of the world
near at hand. Although the advent
failed to come to puss, they clulmed
to believe In Its near realization. Still,
centuries followed centuries and the
world continued to live.
) Royal Grapes at Low Prices.
The vine which belonged to the
kings of France still exists at Fon
;tnlneblenu und bears fruit. One day
in September the administration of
'the demesnes, uccordlug to established
icustom, sold the grapes by award.
There were 000 kilos of grapes, and
the ustonlshlng thing Is that they sold
ifor 525 francs I Yet the little com
Imon grapes to be bought on the Purls
street burrows fetch from 20 to 25
sous tho pound. Royul grapes grow
cheap theHe days In France, It would
seoui. Those purchasers must huve
thought themselves fortunate; cheap
and good Is not n combination often
Residence That Satisfies Eskimo Can
Bo Put Tooether In Something
Like Six Hours.
It takes about six hours to build n
llrst-eluss winter residence In Eskimo
land. The material, snow cut from
n bank that must have been made In a
single storm, must be solid and homo
geneous, line, yjet soft enough to be
easily cut with saw or snow knife. The
blocks are three or four feet long, two
feet high nud six to eight Inches thick.
They are piled on one another, some
thing like In building a brick house,
save that they are placed to form a
spiral, Inclined Inward, to form a
dome-shaped structure. When finished
the hoTiso Is tO or 12 feet high nnd V.2
to 15 feet In diameter, and lias the ap
pearance of a hemisphere of snow set
on its nut Blue. An cuiruucv, un
enough to cruwl through, Is made on
one side and on citner sine ui u uic
cubby-holes for the storage of harness,
spare food, etc. A window Is cut In
the wall und covered with seais in
testines, sewed together. These are
translucent and admit daylight. In
lieu of that u slab of clear fresh
water Ice may be used. The house Is
lined with skins to prevent the wonn
ulr from the Inside from melting the
snow roof. Hctween the skins and the
wull there is always a layer of cold
air. There Is also a small hole cut In
the roof for ventilation, and to pro
vide a draught for the fumlly lamp.
On the side of tho house opposite the
entrance u broad snow bench Is mint,
with a long pole for un edge. This Is
the famllv bed. For u mattress u
thick lay. of shrubs Is spread upon
it nnd over these many deerskins.
niothns. when taken off, ure rolled up
imd put under the skins for pillows.
One blanket of skins serves 10 cuvm
the whole fumlly.
Recalls Roman Conquest.
The sale Is announced of the an
cient Cnerwent, Monmouthshire, Eng
land, which Is mentioned in Domesday
Book. This town (Bcntu Slliirluni)
was the headquarters of a powerful
and warlike tribe called Sllures, who
occupied "approximately the counties
of Monmouth, Brecon und Glamorgan."
In spite of the fierce resistance offered
by them, about 48 A. D., to the Ro
man conquest, their town in time be
came a Roman city, not unlike Sll
chester, but smnller.
The old walls and gateways still
survive, and the many excavations car
ried out have discovered Roman relics
of much Interest a town hall and
market square, a temple, baths, fres
coed panels, and ulso water pipes, said
to have carried drinking water from
the hills.
i , '.iio,.,.cin I
!.n.i i,u.. ..i.,....i (v..,., U
building to another. "The manual traln
Ing supervisor was will, the superln-
he was irolntr to semi me." she said.
"and I just asked them If 1 was to
sweep shavings up in that depart
ment." Her listeners smiled; they smiled
again when she continued : "Then
the superintendent told me to go to
the high school and sweep shavings
up in the histofy department there."
"Why." milillv put in one of them,
"are they blockheads down there?"
When in North. Platto stop nt the
N'ew Hotel Palace and Cafo. You will
lie treated well. 58tf
Watkins & Haller's Medicines,
Extracts and Toilet Articles.
For Salo by
'I.". West It. Phone Black 5118
Havin.j sold my farm, I will sell at public auction at my. residence, 9
miles southwest of Brady, and 11 miles southeast of Maxwell In Suell
Canyon, on
the following property:
Two registered Porcheron mares 3 and 4 years old; ono reglstored Por
cheron maro, G years old, In foal; ono serviceable bay mare, smooth
mouth; one black maro 7 years old. All of tho above mares will
weight 1500 to 1700; ono 2 year old gelding, wt. 1400.
Ono herd bull, 2 years old, very largo and active and suro breeder; six
cows and three holfors, will bo fresh by salo day, thrco heifers, 10
months old; threo heifer calves. These cattle aro quiet und can be
handled by anyone, and aro without exception right In every way. I
have bred and raised the entire herd except tho bull and one cow and
can recommend them. Inspection boforo salo Invited and I will guar
antee that I will not misrepresent.
Two reglstored sows; flvo gilts eligible to roglster; seven gilts, puro
but not oliglblo to register; all bred to registered boar for March and
April farrow; twenty summor and fall shoats.
Ono form wagon and box, foihler rack, 8 foot McCormlck grain binder,
McCormlck corn binder, McCormlck mowor. 12 Inch gang plow, walking
plow, 2 Doero cultivators, 2-icw lister cultivator, John Deere lister,
1-row cultivator, hog rack, set blacksmith tools. 1-horso grain drill,
ropes and pulloys, three sets of work harness, saddle, 150 bushels of
Korslion seed oats.
Cream soparator nearly now, six dining room chairs, two Iron beds, two
cream cans, and many other articles useful about a farm.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash; on sums over
$10 a credit of 8 montliB will bo given, purchasor giving bankablo note
bearing 8 per cont Interest from date No property to bo removed until
sottlcd for.
COL. II. E. ASH, Auctioneer. W. W. WINQUEST, Clerk.
Prejudice Against This Cheap and
Nutritious Food Seems In Fair
Way to Disappear.
Gouts, It must be admitted, have
never been taken seriously by public
Opinion In the United States, und tho
news that the owner of the largest
herd In the American Northwest Is
preparing to establish an extensive
dairy for the sale of goats' milk will
probably seem to many rather humor
ous. As u matter of fact, however, It
appears that a promising beginning Is
already made, nnd that the city of
Seattle, conveniently near the great
herd of goats on Cypress isianu, i
the Puget Sound nrchlpelago, nlrendy
consumes about a thousand quarts of
goats' milk a day. Publicity will per
haps bo necessary to overcome the
American habit of regarding the goat
humorously, and It may tako time and
pntlenco to prove widely tho state
ment of the owner of the herd thnt
goats' milk Is quite ns good, If not
actually better, than cows' milk. Five
cents n day. says he, will pay tho cost
of keeping a goat whose average milk
production Is two or three quarts;
nnd two quarts of milk for 5 cents
would moke a considerable difference
In the food expense of n family. The
goat dairy may be more Important
than It seems ; nnd ten years from now
such dnlrles may be commonplace.
Bones for the Tuberculous.
Bones ns a diet for human' beings
mav sound rather strange, but In cases
of ' tuberculosis Doctor Berthler of
Paris bus found them highly benetlclal.
It Is the spongy or cancellous parts of
veal bone that he uses. These are
about one-half ossein, which Is laden
with phosphates and carbonates of
lime, these snlts being much needed
by tuberculous persons, who always
suffer from decalclllcatlon.
Doctor Berthler describes In a bul
letin of the Academic de Medicine
how he prepares the bones. He se
lects the short, spongy bones, splits
them, boils them with vegetables, salt
nnd u piece of ment for almost six
hours and then lets his patients pick
out with their forks as much of the
soft bony matter as they can.
Another benefit derived from the
bones Is that they help to prevent de
cay of the teeth.
' Glaus-Decorating Old Art.
The art of glass decorating Is not
a modern Bohemian accomplishment.
It thrived In the seventeenth century.
The lloman cathedral of Prague, In
1720, boasted two windows which were
decorated with Old nnd New Testa
ment scenes. Decorative windows
soon became a favorite form of church
.i..,lnn nMin nttitcnline nt ttlO
Czechs noiessed many high and wide
windows which were brightly nnd nr-
. tlstlcally decorated. Asnaes Sylvius.
, who later became Pope I lus II, ob-
served. The curriculum of the division
I of technical arts of the University of
, Prague Included courses In paint ng,
woou curving '' j."1"" "-"
No degree was conferred on a student
miles he could exhibit sufficient apt!
tude as a "glass man" orqunllfy In
To Stick Labels on Glass.
The Druggists' Circular und Chemi
cal Gazette says thut mucilage of trag.
acanth Is a satisfactory agent. The
mucilage Is made by pouring over the
gum enough water to n little more than
cover It. and then, ns the gum swells,
adding more water from time to time,
In small portions until the mue'lage
Is brought to such a consistency that
It may be easily spread with a brush
If the labels are of thick paper, per
haps Hour paste might be better. Dex
trine dissolved In cold water mukes n
tenacious paste. Its odor, however, Is
aot particularly agreeable.
a i
General Farm Sales n Specialty
L '
References anil Dates at First
tlonnl Dank, North I'lattc, Neb.
100 East Third St. Phone 912
Illld Rros January 15.
It. Marshall, January 22.
R. H. Wllllnnis sale Fob. ISth.
Charlie Shlnn, February 127.
Frank Strollberg cnttlo salo Apl. 15
February 2( K. S. Fronian.
February 2:5 Frank Strollberg Hog
,.General Hospital..;
One Hall Block North ol Postoftice.
Phone 5S
A modern institution for the
dentine treatment of medical,
lurgieal and confinement case.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Locas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield.M. D. J.S. SIMMS. M.D.
imir nu'ivinr iiicnim a t
North l'lnttc, Ncbr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
where tho sick aro carod for so aa to
bring about normal conditions in the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phone 110. North Platte, Neb.
Over Hlrsclifold's
Offico Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020
Dates can bo made at tho Platto
Valley Stato Bank or Phono 15G
Sutherland, Nebraska.
I always tako stock buyers with mo.
Office Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb
Phono for Appointments
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Rank Building
Office Plinnn 63 Residence .'19
Phsylclan aud Surgeon.
Special Attention Glron (o Surgery
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130, Resldenco 116
Physician, Olistctrictau
Sunrcon, X-Ray
Cnlls Promptly Answered Night or Dny
Phone Office (112 Residence 070
Pructlco Limited to
Surgery nnd Radium Therap)
788 City National Bank Bulldini;.
Onmhn, Neb'.iiska.
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Roxnll Drug Store
OfTIco Phono 371. Houso 1068
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Offico oyer McDonald Rank.
Offico Phono 1130 Res. Phono 1120
General Auctioneer.
Live Stock and Farm Sales. Phone
or "Wlro at My Expcnso for Dates.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Dlroctora
Duy phone 41
Night phono Black (388
East End Grocery,
709 East Fourth St.,
On the Lncoln Highway.
Staple & Fancy Groceries
! Ailvo, Del Monte, Wbfoot nnd Beech
A t Brands or Canned Good".
A. F. BEELER, Prop
McDonald Dank Bldy.
Phone 97.
EsUto No. 170G of Albort M. Solbort,
deceased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nobrnska.
Tho Stnto of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said ostnto will tako notlco that tho
tlmo limited for presentation nnd filing
of claims ngnlnst said estato Is April
30, 1920, and for settlement of said es
tuto is Docombor 19, 1920: thnt I will
sit at tho county court room In said
county, on January 30, 1920, at 10
o'clock a. m., and on April 30, 1920, at
10 o'clock a. m., to rccolvo, oxanilno,
hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and
objections duly filed.
d23J16 County Judge.
In tho matter of tho ostnto of Herman
Sonuoman, deceased, in tho County
Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnska.
To tho heirs nnd all persons interested
in snld estate:
Notlco is horoby glvon that Minnie
Sonnemnu, as administratrix of said
estato, Hied her final account horein ou
this day, and also her application for
tho distribution of the porsonal prop
crty bolongtng to said estato, and that
tho said final account and application
for tho distribution of snld estate will
bo heard beforo tho County Court in
the court houso In tho city of North
Platto, county of Lincoln nnd stnto of
Nebraska, on tho 10th day of Janu
ary, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in., nt which
tlmo any person intorostcd may up
ponr and show cause, If nny thoro bo,
why tho said final account should not
bo approved and nllowed and tho os
tnto distributed as provldod by law.
Dated at North Platto, Nobrnska, Do
comber 20, 1919.
d23j9 County Judge,
Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt the cor
poration has boon duly, formed under
tho laws of tho Stato of Nebraska, tho
name of which Is "Watchmakors
Document, Incorporated."
Tho principal place of transacting
businoss is in tho city of North Platto
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho general nnturo of tho businoss
to bo transacted by said corporation
shall bo tho manufacture and salo o
a certain patent articlo consisting of
n combined mlcroscopos and objects
holder for tho uso of watchmakers
and retail Jowclors and for the nianu
facturo and salo of merchandise gon
orally, and especially ns used in con
noction with tho watchmaker s trade
the salo of such merchandise to be
conducted at wholesalo or retail and
for the rental or erection of such
buildings and structures ns may bo
deemed nocossary for tho proper con
duct of said business, and to purchas
necessary real estate as a site there
Tho authorized capital stock oi'
said coporatlon Is $2f,000.00,
J15.000.00 of which shall bo fully paid
up, the balanco of said stock to bo
sold and in ado paynblo subject to tho
ordor of tho board of dlroctors of said
Tho tlmo of commencement of bus
iness of said corporation shall bo the
1st dny of November, 1919, and shall
extend for a period of twonty yoars.
Tho highest amount of indobtod
noss or liability tho corporation shall
nt any time subject Itself shall not ex
ceed two-thirds of tho capital stock
fully paid.
Tho affairs of tho corporation aro to
bo conducted by tho board of directors,
consisting of thrco in number, to bo
elected by tho stockholders, and tho
officers of said corporation shall bo
president, vice-president, secretary
treasurer and managor, and chosen by
tho board of directors.
Dated Novombor 4, 1919.
Estrny Notice.
Taken up on or about July 15, 1919,
by tho undorslgnod, who lives nino
miles southwest of North Platto, a
brown maro, sovon or eight years old',
wolght about 1,000 pounds. No brands.
Owner call, provo property, pay charg
es nnd tako animal away.
Legal Notice.
Ebor II. Smith, Claud C. Smith, Exa
Hazol Smith, Lots Ono and Two in
Block 7 of Ponlston's Addition to tho
City of North Platto, Nobraska, and all
persons claiming any Interest of any
kind in said real ostato or any part
thereof, defendants, will tako notice
that on tho 0th day of Soptombor, 1919,
Allco O. Colo, plaintiff, filed her peti
tion in tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, against said do
fondants, tho object and prayer of
which aro to obtain a decree of Bald
Court quieting, and confirming snld
nlnfnilff'u tltl,' n Mm nlinn rinai11inr!
real estato aim to enjoin each and nil
I'll, (libit l 1 1 .1,1, ,Vf .IIU ! I' W , J l.UUl. ll.Vl. ,
or said dofondants and nil porsons
claiming nny Intorost of any kind in'
said promises from assorting any In
torost thoroln advorso to said plain
tiff. You and each of you aro required to
answer said potltion on or beforo tho
26th day of January, 1920.
ALICE O. COLE, Plaintiff.
f, 0, 7 Untitling & Loan Building.
OfTIco Phono 70. Roa. Phone 1243
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
100 West Sixth Street
Phono 310
Big Price for Furs,
Don"t sell your Furs before see
ing mc. Furs nre high and I
am offering the top prices.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Governmont Votorlnarlan and ox-
asslstnnt doputy Stato Votorlnarlan
Hospital 31S South Ylno Street.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houso Phono Black 633
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an ordor of salo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon n docroo of
foreclosure rondored In said Ccurt
whoroln Nebraska Central Building
and Loan Association Is plaintiff, and
John L. Schlloiitz and Caroline M.
Schlloutz, his wife, aro dofoudauts,
nud to mo directed, I will on tho 7th
dny of Fobruary, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.
m., at ho oast iront uoor or tho uourt
Houso in Nbrth Platto; Lincoln, Coun
ty, Nobrnska, soil at Public Auction to
thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said docroo, intorost and costs, the
following described property, to-wlt:
South One-Half (S&) of lots num
bored ono (1) nnd two (2), Block
numbered ulncty-slx (96), Original
town of North Platto, Nobraska, ao
cordlng to tho recorded plat thereof.
Dated North Platto, Nobraska, Janu
ary 3rd, 1920. A. J. SALISBURY,
J6f6 Shoriff.
Notice of Referee's Sale.
Notlco is horoby givou thnt by vlr
tuo of an ordor IbsuoiI to mo by tho
District Court in aud for Lincoln
County, Nobraska, in ou notion thoroln
ponding wherein Emma Hathaway is
pnintlff and Walter Shafor, Howard H.
Hathaway, Myra Ross, Morris Walter
Ross, Estys Osborn. John Osborn,
Frances Patterson, Georgo Pattorson,
Alia Gaff, Erva Gaff, Aria Lo$) Lockard;
William Cnrdwoll Ashby, a minor,
Rozotta Witt, Charlos Witt, William
Elmer Shafer, Orlo Elsie Shafor, his
wife, Ellzaboth M. Lovo, guardian of
William Cardwoll Ashby, a minor, aro
dofondants, I will on tho 24th day of
January, 1920, at tho hour of thrco
o'clock p. in. of said day, at tho east
front door of tho court house in tho
city of North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nobrnska, soil at auction to the high
est bidder for cash, tho following des
cribed real estato situuto in tho Coun
ty of Lincoln nnd Stato of Nobraska,
to-wlt: tho Northoast Quarter (NEW)
of Section Thirty-four (34), Township
Ton (10), Rango Thirty-throo (33),
West of tho 6th P. M.
Dated this 22nd day, of Decombor,
ipi9. O. E. ELDER,
(123J23 Referee.
In tho Mnttor of tho Estate of Frank
L. Lawrence, Deceased.
Now on this 18th day of Docombor,
1919, on tho filing of tho potltion of
Sarah A. Lawrence praying that tho
Instrument now on fllo bo probntod as
tho lust will and tostnmont of Frank
L. Lawrence, deceased, and that sno
bo appointed as executrix of said es
tato with tho will annexed.
It Is horoby ordorod that January
13, 1920, bo Bot for tho hearing thereof
boforo this court at 10 o'clock a. m.,
and that notlco of Baid hearing bo giv
en tho heirs, devisees, nnd all per
sons intorostcd in said estato by pub
lication of a notlco thoroof for throe
successivo weeks prior to said hear
ing in tho North Platto Semi-Weekly
Tribune, u legal soml-weekly nowspa
por printed nnd published in Lincoln
county, Nobraska.
d23-3 County Judgo.
A. A. Prultt, first and roal namo un
known, will tako notlco that on tho 3d
day of Novombor, 1919, Wm. H. C.
Woodhurst, tho county Judgo of Lin
coln county, Nobrnska, issued an or
dor of attachment for tho sum of
$950.00 nnd costs of suit in an action
ponding in said county court wherein
Loypoldt & Pennington Company, a
corporation, Is plaintiff, and A. A.
Prultt, real namo unknown, is defend
ant. Pursuant to said ordor a writ
of attachment was duly Issued and
lovlcd upon tho following property of
defendant: Ono car of potatoes, in
C. B. & Q. car 27884 located In tho
railroad yards at North Platto, No-
bratika. That tho summons issued
, thoroln
bolng roturncd showing do
fondant not found in said county, tho
answer day Is continued until tho 2d
- , day of Fobruary, 1920, and tills plain-
tiff authorized to recolvo sorvico on
tho defendant by publication.
Dnted this 11th day of December,
PANY. Plaintiff,
By Hoagland & Hoagland and E. E.
J.o be met with In Franco uowudayu.
H. IC. Oarr, Her Attornoys.
dl6J9 Carr, Attornoys.