' 1 pass &ori((joii JYeed neio Masses? mm Has your old watch been fixed and fixed until it is no long er worth fixing? Gr is it too heavy and time-worn? If so, come in and let us show you our new, light hand some correct time keepers and also a new watch chain to go with it. Ve-also have many kinds of WRIST WATCHES, reasonable in price. Don't you want one. Come in. We will test your eyes free of charge, and if you need new ' glasses we will fit you in them correctly and for a moderate price. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Sign of the Big Ring. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. P. M. Soronson entertained the Mother's club Wednesday nftcrnoon. A boy baby was born yestorduy nt the General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watts. Miss Pearl Hunter has accepted n position as stenographer In tbo office of train master Sholver. Dr. Shaffer, who was called to Cali fornia by, tho Illness of his father, Is expected to arrive home today. Clarenco Harrington, of Denver, has been transacting business and visit ing friends In town for a day or two. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Thb datCB of tho postponed Nobras lca Stato Irrigation Association Con vention will bo 28th, 29th and 30th of January at Goring. Wo dellvor Hake-HIto products with grocery orders. McGovcrn & Stack, Phono 80. Tho local army recruiting station has sent six moii to Omaha to enter the service and has three other men on probation. For Sale Almost now houslmok' goods. 019 west H. 103-1 A fair sized crowd attended tho dancing party hold nt tho Elks' homo last evening. Thoso who participated t ny they, had a "dandy" tlmo. Harry Dixon, U. P. watch Inspector, carries a complete lino of high grado watches. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alox Fenwlck return ed this week from a visit with tbolr daughter In Montana, nnd will spend tbo remainder of tho wlntor In town. Nothing will glvo you moro pleasure than a Columbia or Edison In your homo thoso long winter evenings, Dixon, tho jowolor. in vent inning For One W and every Dept. j W. J. O'CONNOR, I I 5, lO AND 25c STORE. I Ooktypu J CO I'M "I'"' Watcfi? Manager Cathers, of tho P. P. E. Co took a bunch of tblrty-flvo mon to Gothenburg this morning whore the lco harvest will bogln on tho lnke near that town. Cathers reported llf-teon-lnch lco on that lake. Luclan Stobblns roturned Wednes day xfrom an oxtonded visit with friends In Chicago. Mr. Stobblns r, Just recovering from a sevcro Illness and was accompanied homo by his grandBon Del Bonner. Tho University Club will meet Mon day evening at tho homo of Dr. J. 15. Redlleld, 523 wost Second street. All university graduates nro urged to bo present as some urgont business is to bo discussed. A good tlmo is as sured. For Salo Heating stovo, sanitary cot and baby carrlago. Call Black 880. ' 103-3 Capt. Rolf Halllgan landed In Now York tbo early part of this week and In company with Mrs. Hnlllgnn Is Bpondlng a few days In Chicago while onrouto to Nobraskn. Mr. and Mrs Will Waltcmath nro with Capt. and Mrs. Halllgan In Chicago. Miss Genlevivo Joffors nnd WHMnin Easton wero married Tuesday morn ing at Futhor McDald's house. Owing to tho Illness of Father McDald, Fath er Burn, of Lexington, performed tho coromony. Tho brldo woro a blue broadcloth suit nnd wns attonded by Miss ituth Moody. William Joffors, brother of tho brldo, wns best man. Watch Dixon's Windows. Tho directors of tho Chumbor of Commorco at a mooting hold Tuosdny selected Mr. Moran, of Oolwoln, In., as secretary, who will nssumo tho duties of tbo office tho first of next month. Mr. Mornn has had years of oxperl onco In this lino of work nnd is a young man who Booms to do full of "pop." Ho will be accompanied hero by his wifo and child Saturday, eek iOc Store or v H. M. Johanion wont to Lexington yesterday to offlclnto ns auctioneer nt h big salo of personal property. Follow the "Wagon Tracks" to the Pelth thontro Monday and Tuesday Win. S. Hart will bo on tho trail. A. II. Hoagland hn been spending t!il weak In Paxton auditing the books of tho Co-operative elevntor . company. I Remnant day Friday nnd Saturday at Wilcox'. Paul Harrington ha roturned from Denver whoro ho spout a wook or moro transacting business and vis iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon enter tained at a flvo courgo dinner party Sunday evening complimentary to Mr. and Airs. E. L. Ford. Tho Initial game of baskot ball will bo played at the Franklin auditorium this ovening between tho toams of the Ogalalla and local high schools. For Rent Furnished room In n strictly modern home; gentleman pre ferred. Mrs. W. J. Tlloy, 1101 east Fifth street, phono black 939. Supt. Patterson, of tho Pacific Ex press Co., whoso headquarters are In Omaha, spent Wednesday In town visiting merchants. Ho told patrons that ho was certain tbo service given would linprovo after tho railroads wero returned to private ownership. Consult Dixon Sight Specialist a- bout your eyes; he Is a specialist and iinvofos bis entire attention to their optical department. All work guar anteed to glvo satisfaction. What themo touches tho heart strings sooner than that of mother love. This is the themo of "Break the News to Mother," at the Crystal to night. Gertrude Berkley who has played tho mother in so many, films and who did such wonderful work In "War Brides", takes a leading part. Tho lighter part of tho program Is thn comedy "A Vllage Venus." Only two more days of the Clear ance Salo at Wilcox's. Tnko advan tage of It or you will bo sorry later, us drv iioods and shoes for spring will avorago 20 to 30 per cent higher than for fall. E. S. Davis, who represented Lin coln county In the last legislature, will be a candidate for re-election this fall. Mr. Davis record in 'tho last session was satisfactory his vote on tho various measures having been cnSt on tho right side and his work In behalf of tho North Platte experimen tal sub-station was aggressive and brought good results. At the meeting of the D. A. ft. Mon day evening Mrs. II. M. Grimes and Mrs. Frank Barber were elected dole gates to the continental congress which will bo hold at Washington this spring. Delegates to tho. state convention at Hastings wero. also elected, Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Hlnman Mrs. M'orey and Mrs. Koch being; olios en to represent the chapter. Keith, Saturday. RUBY DE REMER IN '"The Dust ot Desire" 11 i-ii.i- nboionliiy ith a Society background, emphasizing the fact that avo reap wlint wo sow. Two part Comedy BACK TO NATURE GIRLS. mammmm urn only, 10th. Jan. f I Til i y i it f j Lot No. 1. values Pried Lot No. 3. values Sale Price if! ! Arrow and Monarch Shirts, valu esup to THE SEE WINDOWS PAST AND FUTUItE WOKK I OF THK IIO.MK JJl'ILUEKS! Tfie ilrst annual stockholders meet ting and election of officers of Uio North Platto Homo Builders, incor porated, was held Monday. , This organization was started about' July 1st, 1919, and has engaged gen-1 orally in tho contracting and building j business, specializing In dwellngs I Tho report of the president showed a J very satisfactory business for the six j months since the organization, with j tho completion of six dwellings and j seven others under construction. It was found from tills report that tho business had Increased to such an ex tent that it has become necessary to install several labor saving devices and machines nnd upon recommenda tlon of tho president, some $1500.00 worth of machinery, was ordered in stalled In the work shop which has been equipped on Vino street; and In addition to the electric lathe and oth er machinery already installed, an ex pensive wood working machine has been ordered placed in tho shop nnd ' modern cement mixer and a truck for tho transportation of material was ordored purchased. Expansion of the business has be come so great that moro work has been ol'fored than present 'facilities would accommodate. The present building plan for tho year 1920 cov ers a schedule of between twenty-five and thirty dwelling houses in addition to thoso now under construction and it will undoubtedly bo necessary to increase tbo crew of over twenty men now steadily employed. The stockholders present proceed ed to the election of a board of di rectors for tho ensuing year, with the result that the following members were elected: J. G. Beeler, F. C. Piel sticker. J. C. Hollman, J. E. Sebastian nnd C. V. Temple. Following the adjournment of the stockhalders' meeting the board of directors convened for the purpose of organization and chose tho following officrs: C. F. Temple, president; J. E Sebastian, vice president; M. Lillian1 Sturgos, secretary, ana 1j. cj. iieni mann, treasurer. Tho North Platte Homo Builders bavo filled a long felt necessity, for an organization to push tho home building campaign In North Platto and In tho coming year it intends to exert its strongest efforts not only for tho personal erection ofi dwelling houses but for tho encouraging of tho "Own Your Own Homo" Campaign put on by the United States government, and to this end it is hoped that the citizens of North Platto will cheer fully co-operate. ::o:: Seeing is llolivlng. You got all you pay for when you buy gasoline from our new Visible Gasoline Pump, which wo have just installed. It measures out the gaso line boforo you and you will not go away thinking that you did not get full measure. Standard Gasoline 2Gc White Roso Gasoline 27c. - Sorvlco Day or Night. HENDY-OGIER. AUTO CO. Crystal, Saturday and Monday. WILL ROGERS IN "JUBILO" taken from tho' Saturday Ironing i't Story. You womln'l think n hobo Mould lie much nt this itomoo stuff, would you I Neither did Jiibilo until along ciinio ltoso nd tlit'n 1 It's your Idea of real enteiiaiiinii'iit. Snturday Special Comedy A VILLAGE VENUS. M HIRSCHFELD CLEARANCE SALE MENS AND YOUNG MENS SUITS and OVERCOATS We have grouped our entire stock in 4 lots. Here they are $28 to $30 $23.00 Lot No. 2. values $35 Sapnce $28.00 $40 to $45 $33.00 Lot No. 4. values 50 Sale &). $38.00 I UTBOrODPI Tfc North Plattes Foremost Clothers Men and Young Men. Chapter A. K. of tho P. E. O. enter tained at a seven o'clock dinner party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wilcox, with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ford as honor guests. Place cards and table decorations wero daisies tho club Mower, and ferns. Following the dinner Mrs. Win. Hendy, In behalf ! of tho Chapter, presented Mrs. Ford with a beautiful silver tea set. Tho ovening was spent In doing stunts. 1 A couple of good Columbia records: i "Venetian" No. 2782 by Farrar, and "I Am Climbing Mountains," No. 2791.' Dixon, tbo jeweler. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Hendy and son spent Tuesday in town while enroute to Chicago to make their future home. Mr. Hendy has been transferred to that city as manager of the Ford plant I which employs G75 men and assembles J and ship out 250 Ford cars each twenty-four hours. Mr. Hendy had been foreman of the plant in Denver and ' his transfer to Chicago is a promo- J tion. He was given his choice as ! manager of the plants in London.Pnris or Chicago and accepted the latter. Call 212 for fresh groceries. Dick Stogemann. 77tf Announcements wero received in town last week of tho marriage of Miss Edith Selbert, of Chicago, to" Mr. Carl Logan Lambert on December 30 Edith is tho eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Selbert, a former pastor of tho Lutheran church of this city, now residing in Chicago. Mr. Lambert is Instructor in science at Carriage col lege. After January 15th the young couple will bo at homo at Carthage, 111. Miss Helen Bird arid ' Margaret Fredoricksen are students at Carthage collego this year. Teachers' Examination. Tho Lincoln County Teachers' Ex amination will be held Saturday, Jan uary 24th, at the usual places. AILEEN GANTT COCHRAN, 104-4 County Superintendent By request of the many patrons who have not had a chance to see Mary Pickford in her greatest picture "The Heart of The Hills", we are holding the program over one more day. We will have Matinee at 2:30 and 4:15 p. m. Night Show 7:30 p. m. and 9:15 p..m. Do not fail to see this. REMNANT DAYS ON Friday and Saturday. We will put all of our Remnants on sale for the two days only. These consist of our regular remnants left from our dry goods stock of Cotton, wool and Silks. All desirable patterns but short lengths. Wilcox Department Store. to $38 to $55 $4, 95c. CO. SEE WINDOWS for Stel Strike I SUH On. Fully, one-third of the estimated 350,000 steel workers, who obeyed the ordor of Uio national steel strike com mittee, September 22 last, are still on say tho strike leaders. Yet tho em ployers assort that the mlls and fur naces of tho Carnegie Steel Company tho principal interest against which the strike was directed as well as the mills and furnaces of independent com panles, are In steady operation, with virtually a normal force of workmen In recent weeks, strike headquarter in Pittsburg has devoted Its time to keeping in lino tho men who had gone back to work, and to caring for tho destitute, while the steel companies havo been busy building up their forces and Increasing production. "We have dug in and are biding ouc time," say the union leaders when asked concerning their plans for the future. ::o:: Christian Church. Bible School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Subject, "Jesus at tho feet of tho Apostles." Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Tho New Birth." Tho Lord's people should bo found in tho Lord's house on tho Lord's Day. A cordial welcome to all. Monday Rev. J. H. Curry united in marriage R. L. Wade, of Rising City, and Miss Hazel Pierce, of this city. : :o: : For Snle Three room house and corner lot; house has largo pantry and clothes closet, pantry large enough to bo made into a bath room if deslrod. Lot has plenty of largo shade trees and good cow barn on It. Can give pos session at once. Call at 221 south Walnut street or phono Red 310. 101-5 : :o:: For Sal3 Cord wood, $12 per cord on car at Elkhorn on U. P. Writo W. H. Burkett, 5003 Davenport street, Omaha. 100-4 1