THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. """ TEACHING COMMERCIAL . IN ACOLLEGE ; j Mon lighting a gas vll lire nt Snake Hollow, Just outside McKocsport. Pit., whore vast (piuntltios of natural m lmvo been discovered recently. The men with the long pipe nro trying to knock the cup olT the well so the Are can bo extlngulshiHl with steam. OPENING OF FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES 0 scene In Hourbon puluce, tuken at the opening of the French chamber of deputies for the session of 11)10 Wiit M. IHegfrlod, the oldest French deputy, may be seen rending the openlnK speech, with Paul Deschanel, tti" presltlent, presiding. TO BRING BACK OUR DEAD FROM FRANCE NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Penny lvnniu Military college, at Chester. Pa., has started a course In commercial aviation. Tho pboto shows iflets learning to operate a plane. GAS WELLS AMONG HOUSES IN SNAKE HOLLOW, PA. "'J Scene in Snake Hollow, near McKeesport, Pa., the newly discovered natural gas district. The wells are lrllled In the streets and among the houses. ... . . ..... .23 t nix odlcers ami iviy tivlllan employees have gone to Kurope In ooiineo tl hi with the bringing In k to the rnlted States of (he bodies of our soldiers i,lili' l in France This photograph shows from left to right : Lieut. O. S. '"W ht of Oallfornl't, i apt W. II. Robertson of South Oakola, In charge of th party, and Lieut F. Mcintosh of California. AMERICAN TROOPSHIP DEKALB ON FIRE a' Atlantic City has Installed a new tin alarm system In which a horn placec above the tire alarm box automatical!, starts Immediately an alarm Is turnei In. The alarm boxes have been placet at every other comer along tho malt, avenue. When an alarm Is sent In not only docs the particular alarm box mi which alarm was sounded release its horn, but every born along the lino" of route- to (he (Ire begins blowing, thus warning pedestrians and vehicles. SHE ELUDED D'ANNUNZIO THE TENNESSEE NEARING COMPLETION Miss Mnzlo K. Clemens, special rep sentatlve of the National Catholic var council and noted writer, dls ilscd herself as an Italian peasant irl and inannged to enter Flume In ellnneo of IVAnnunzIn's "blockade or ler." She carried necessary food and lathing In the bags and subsisted uostly on grapes. " t 11 i the I nlteil st, m tniiiiisiiip HcKiili" inrmerly tli Gemma raul.'. Priuiv Hltel Frlcdrlih. on lire In the Hudson river near ,hp .(.'it lu;ll AH of the uienibcts or (he skeleton ,-rev of UtM) eseaped uiii'ijuri-d. POSTSCRIPTS ( ''inula- A;, nourly it's Jarxo In area pa 'In; hoK of F.uropu. 1 lodoo ha a tribe of Indians whose Jm rfiiHRc 1m limited to about : '.00 words in. t who cannot count more than 10. Wlwt Is fluid to bo the smallest prae U nl ttlectrlc motur I'jrms a now doutal lisi bolder ud vs'eUtis but four ounces. Mkhi ono-tlilrd of tfio world's gold ip.h :. fi ii.i h strip "f laud In the '4. . 1 1' xlr im w Iciiir timl llfty wide, Of the world's boots and shoes, nioro than I" per rent are made In Massa chusetts. The miserable Icnenieiits of the Lon don slums are being replaced by mod era buildings. None of the Spanish railways Is lit tod with block signals, nor, In fact, with any signal system. , Less oNpenslvo than a bristle brush, a shaving brush made of a hemispher ical piece df rubber sponge bus been Invented. Ants That Make Biscuits. According to recent studios of the Mediterranean ant. tlio seed which are collected are kept for a tlm dry and are eventually put out In tic nun so that they begin to perilunate I Ins bus the advantage of bursting the hard seed-coats, anil In some cases of starting processes of fermentation. At a certain stage, however, tho ants kill the embryo-plant by biting off the radicle or other parts, and tho seed are dried again In tho sun. According to Negor tho dried seed" of some leguminous plants for In siauce. are then taken back Into tin nest and chewed Into dough. This l dried once again In tho sun In the form of biscuits, which are oventuall.v put Into the cupboard. New York Herald. Simple Test of Cloth. The department of commerce says that the best and simplest test of cloth Is to burn a small piece of It. If It Is pure wool, It will char and roll up with very little Hume. If It Is cotton mixture. It will burn steadily and leave little or no ashes. Another test Is to fray a piece of tho goods. Tho cotton will break smoothly at thr ends; and the wool will present a nigged appearance. How view of tho groat sitpordrondnuuglil I . S. S. Tennessee which Is Hearing completion at the Brooklyn navy yard. She was launched April HO 1910, and when completed will bo one of the largest and most powerful battle ships atlout. ROLLING STOCK DESTROYED BY THE REDS His Poignant Regret. Two members of a certain well itinwii club dined for u number of years always nt n small table at the tar end of n dining room, where one clialr stood with back to the wall, with i view towards the apartment, while neither set opposite. The member vim had the claim of seniority to the 'letter position died and his friend, on tho day of the funeral, was sitting thoughtfully and alone In the chair with the hack to the wall. "Pray forgive me." said a younger member earnestly, but I must reull. lr. venture to offer my profound sym pathy. Von and ho wore such devoted 'ronios that 1 can well Imagine the I'cllng which Is yours now that your onipanlon " 'True, true," quavered the surviving rlond with considerable emotion. Tills Is, as you jmgest, an Impressive moment for mo. OnO of those occa sions not likely to bo forgotten. The old scoundrel kept mo, as a matter of fact, out of this clialr for well over a (juarter of a century." "Flaneur" in Indianapolis Star. MM I I We Have Met Such People. "Some people's Ideas of heaven and of politics," said Senator Sorghum, "are very much the same. They con sult their own Imaginations as to the kind that would suit their personal tastes and then stand out for It till doomsday." Hulling stock on the rraiis Sllieru n rallwaj which was destroyed by hoNiiexlks In mail cases the wrecked -nrs were pushed from the track and rolled down Into the nenreM ditch " as to facilitate uninterrupted passage of oilier trains. CONDENSED INFORMATION Cuba W the greatest consumer of ralslus aiming Spanish-American na tions. To lessen the noise of water falling Into a bathtub an Inventor has pat onlod an extension tube for faucets. In an Kngllsh Inventor's holt-driven automobile changes of speed are made by moving the belt from one set of pulleys to another. The !! books of the Hlblo woro written by 10 men during a perjod of 1,000 years. There are 781: varletliV of arctic (lowers which have lint two colors, white and yellow. What Is said to bo thu smallest elec tric motor forms n new dental holder ami weighs but four ounces Klectrically opcn.ted oilers fm chinery have been Invented that cm ! controlled from central switchboards. tool lua-