The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 09, 1920, Image 1
et THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 9, 1920. No. 104 Helm V t i mrthunc. JIUST ANSWKR QUESTIONS ASKED BY EXl'MEItATOBS. V lYK 1'AltK KNDS LIFE WITH A SHOT OUN Enumerators who aro taking a coimus of tho city complain that resl donts refuse to answer somo of the quontlons that appear on tho blnnks. For tho boneflt of such persons" The Tribune is requested to stato that Section 32 of tho Census Enumeration Act provides a flno of $100 for those who fall to answor tho questions which appear on the schedules, and that theso schedules aro scrutinized by the ccnaus officials at tho division headquarters and that tho names of violators can thus easily be obtained. Tliero are no questions on tho sched ules which tho government has not a right, to know, nnd when giving answers to these questions, the answer Is known only to the enumer ator and tho census officials that Is, it is not mado public. Ono of the questions which many decline to answer Is to whether or not the home is mortgaged. To declino to answor such a question is rather childish, for such information Is not made public, and if tho public did caro enough to know they could easily obtain tho in formation by investigating tho records in tho county clork's office. Whether or not your homo Is mortgaged Is n matter of public Tocord In that offlco and everybody interested has access to the records. Tho enumerators for the city are: Mrs. A. N. Durbln in tho First Ward, Darrell Healey in tho Second, Mrs. Scott in tho Third and Mrs. Snyder in the Fourth. Tho district supervisor of this cen sus district is expected in North Platte somo timo next week to in quire into the enumeration and assist the enumerators in whatever way pos sible. ::o:: IMun Community House. A congregational meeting was hold at tho Methodist church Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing tho proposition of erecting a com munity house on the church premises Tho national board of church work is willing to assist financially in such a proposition. It is estimated that a bunding to meot the requirements would cost in tho neighborhood of $35,000. A committee wos'appolntbrtj to investigate tho proposition and'as certain the amount of financial as sistance tho members of the congre gation would give. ::o:: Mako II. Dixon your jeweler and y.ou will never regret it, as his serylco is - . viiu ill V iiutbiavi Frank Park, aged thirty, shot and killed himself with a shot gun shortly after twolvo o'clock yostorday uoon at Ills homo on Vino street near Thir teenth. Tho weapon used was a ton l'AVOH THE ltlH'LAMATIOX BILL INTKOIHTKl) BY KINKAID I'OSTJIASTKK McEVOY PASSES AWAY LAST EVEMXU A meeting of business men of Daw son nnd Buffalo counties was hold at Koarney Tuesday for tho purpose- of discussing tho reclamation bill lntro- gunge shot gun, tho muzzlo of which duced by Congressman Kinknid. This ho placed against his loft breast, and used a stick in which ho had driven a nnil to pull tho trigger. - The dis charge of the gun tore a gaping wound in tho breast and death was instan taneous. Tho body was viewed .by Sheriff Salisbury and Undertaker Ma lonoy and conveyed to tho Maloney morgue Tho deceased had lived In town for a number of years and hnd for merly conducted a pool hall on North Locust street, is supposed to have be come despondent over family affairs Ills wife, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hood, together with tho thrco chlldron. left him n short timo ago and this seemed to weigh heavily on his mind. DKESS "SALE AT THE STYLE SHOP. $:i:.()0 Dresses at $10..V. SWiW.O Dresses at fc..."i0. $17.50 Dri'8i'S at $27.50. $59.50 Dresses at sF$:t."i.OO. $G7..50 Dresses nt $37.50. $(!!..50 Drcfses at $19.50. ! -O. . Tho Twentieth Century Club. Tho Twentieth Century, Club will meet Tuesday evening, Jan. 13th, with Mrs. W. II. Cramer. 519 west Fifth St Mrs. J. W. Fetter and Mrs. J. L. Mornn aro the assistant hostesses. Tho program will include the sec ond lesson on Citizenship in its rela tion to cities and counties with Mrs Joseph Roddy as Leader. MP.S. STANLEY OltR. Press Chairman : :o: : Central Lulior Union Election All membors of tho Central Labor Union aro requested to attend the meeting to be held At tho Labor Tem ple Tuesday evening, January 13th, at eight o'clock, at which time an elec tion of officers will be held. II. B. HAItN, Cor. Sec'y. If tho party- who "toolc the mink muff from the postoffico lobby last Monday will return the same toi81G wost Fourth street no questions wll' bo asked. The democratic national convention will be held In San Francisco June 28th, this selection having been mado by the national committee at Washing ton yesterday. We may therefore ex pect a score or mora of trainloads of the "unterrlfled" to pass through North Platte the latter part or. yinft( Y 'We liio' ilver -milk arid" cf earn' from the. . Balve-Rito Bakery with 'grocery orders. McGovern & Stack, Phone 80 Miss Bertha Stebblns came down from Denver Wednesday for a short visit with her parents. bill carries with It on appropriation of several million dollars to bo expended in Keith, Lincoln and Dawson coun ties in constructing ditches and rosor vblrs, tho latter to be used for the storago of water during Hood times and to bo subsequently conduqtod through tho ditches to tho lnund un der tho project It Is figured that thoro aro 240,000 acres of land sus ceptible to rrigatlon by such a project in tho four counties named. Congressman Klnkaid introduced his bill severnl months ago. but tho people In tho section of the country to bo benefitted by the project have shown but little Interest in thu mat ter up to this line. It is certain that the bill will not be favorably consid ered by congress if tho peoplo who aro to bo benefitted do not manifest an interest. Here is a matter which tho North Plntto Chamber of Commerce can woll afford to tnko up and' push with vigor. ::o:: Community Chorus Next Wednesday. All those who became members of tho Community Chorus when tho or ganization was effected, and all those who wish to become members, arc requested to meet at tho Franklin auditorium noxt Wednesday evening at S:45. By reason of the demands for tho auditorium by tho basket ball teams and other school organizations, this Is tho only available ovelng noxt week. Tho hour has been set late so that those attending church services can attend. It Is hoped that there will bo a largo attendance of those who sing. ::o:: A mother" is a wonderful thing; othor folks can lovo you, but only your mother understands. She works for you. looks after you, loves you, forgives yon nnything you may do, and tho only thing bad she over does to you is to die and leave you. Seo this idea demonstrated in "Break the Nows to Mother" at the Crystal tonight. ::o:: In the Veach-Morgan case, heard in rtho district court Tuesday., tho "jury Lniinr1 for. tho-defendant. This Is a 'cnije concerning tho loss of hay by Iiro. 1 110 caso was upiieaiuu lrum uiv county court where a damage award was given tho plaintiff Columbia and Edison records, DIx on. tho jewoler. s This Great Stock Reduction Sale s Now on at Full Speed In the face of advancing we offer the choice of our stock at One-Fifth to One-Halt regular price. prices entire Off Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Underwear and every- 0 thing for Men and Boys at Ridical Reductions. ' ''' ' I Patrick H. McEvoy, veteran of tho Sioux Indian campaigns, for twenty five years an omployo of the Union Pnclflc and for three yoars and oloven months postmaster of North Platte passed away at his home on wost Sixth Btreot nt sovon o'clock last ev ening. Death followed an illness of four months, due to stomach trouble and a gonral breaking down of the system. For a month past ho had boon confined to bed, nnd each day showed a wasting of strength until tho end came. At this hour arrange ments for tho funeral had not boon mado, but tho service wtll probably be held at St. Patrick's church to morrow morning. Born In Maine In 1S55, Mr. McEvoy wont to Now York city In tho winter of 1875 Hiul enlisted In tho regular army. Ho was sent to Jefferson bar racks, Missouri and assigned to tho Fifth Cavalry, an organization which made history for itself in the Indian campaigns In 187G, 1877 nnd 1878. With tho closing of theso cnmpnlgns the company to which Mr. McEvoy was attached was sont to Ft. McPhorson southeast of North Plntto. After a service of four yoars and thrco months ho was honorably discharged In 1870 and ho moved to North Plntto and opened a cigar and gun store In a small frnmo bulbing oiv Front street. Later he added Jewelry and musical instruments to his stock nnd moved to the room now occupied by tho Landgrnf harbor shop and later to tho room now occupied by, Harry Sam uelsnu. In 1891 ho closed out his business and accepted a position with tho Union Pacific and wa8 In its em ploy for twonty-llvo years, tho greater part of tho timo holding he position of torcman of ho car shops. In Fob runry, 11)10, ho was appointed post master and held that position at the time of his deatli. shortly niter entering tno army service lie was married, nnd Is sur vived by ton children, Mrs. McEvoy having passed away, seven years ago. Tho children aro James, Mrs. Chas. Crosby, Frank. Laura, Charles, Fred Harry. Nellie, Arthur and Elinor, all of whom but Charles reside In this city. Charles and his wife arrived lrom ti loan s lorry, Idaho, last even ing. The deceased was a member of the Elks, Knights of Columbus, Fraternal Union and the Mystic Legion. In tho death of Mr. McEvoy North 1'iauo loses a good citizen, a man Vnw . popular . wttji every nc- qulilhtnnce, nnd ono whoso friend snip-was aiwiiys true as steei. ::o:: (Jlft Books for the Library. Gift books are very acceptable and tho library will bo vory glad to put your Idle books In circulation for you Mrs. II. Carpenter contributed to the library several books of good fiction and Mrs. O. Wright some favorite books by Jack London. "What Every American Should Know About tho War,"ls a symposium of tho lenders In all branches of war activity. Some of tho leading con tributors nro: Lord Rending, Andre Fardieu. Samuel Gompers, William Walling. Herbert Hoover. Hon. Wm Redfield. Hon. P. Clayton, Mrs. J. B Harrlman and John W. Davis. ::o:: House For Sale. Strictly modern C room house with garage, corner lot, on east Fifth. Also lot on west Fifth. Apply 1002 east Fifth or phono Red 11G5. 104tf ::o:: - Mrs. Wilfred Stewart returned to her homo in Lexington yostorday af ter a visit of several week with her paronts Mr. and Mrs. John Tlgho. !Vo will run .Matinee .Monday after noon at the Si'N ciiminciiciiig at 1:20 I. M. We want all the children to vnu to the matinee to relieve Hip Mi.'lit show. Newton Howe, charge with burglar lzing tho house of Geo. Talbot six months ago, was found guilty of petit larceny by tho district court Jury Tuesday. Tho penalty Is restitution to double tho valuo of tho property taken which in this caso was $24 a flno of $100 or thirty days In tho coun ty jail. Howo had been In Jail since bis arrest, not having been nble to secure bond. Snored Concert. Tho choir of St. Patrick's church, assisted by local talent, will prosent sacred concert at tho church on Monday and Tuesday ovonlngs of noxt week, boglnnlng at eight o'clock ench evening. The following program will bo pre sented : Jubilate Deo, in D D. Buck Chorus Salve Maria.... .-.S. Mcrcudunlc Miss Cecilia Hilgort Calvary Euphonium Solo.P. Rodney Mr. Arthur Tramp O Loving Fathor Torosa Del Dlogo Mr. Chostor Elsworth 'Inllnmmntus" from Stabnt Mater Rossini Miss Hilgort and Chorus Intermission. Lost Cord J. C. Mnxy Mrs. Walter Harbolt, Mrs. Frank . Hatch, Mr. Chester Elsworth Mr. Luthor Owens. Solo Mr. Pnul Harrington ' Hymn to tho Trinity.-!1. Tchnlkovsky Chorus My Redeemer nnd My Lord.-.D. Buck Miss Sadie Trovlllo Gloria from Twolfth Mass-..Mozart Chorus ::o:: WANTS LEAGUE MADE AX . ISSUE A TTJIE L'OLLS Mrs. .IIiiguinesH Passes Away. Mrs. Ivy B. Magulness, formerly Miss Ivy Brontch, of this city, died at her homo in Denver Wcdnosday of this week. Mrs. Magulness will bo woll rememborcd by many North Platte peoplo, tho fathor of tho de ceased having conducted a photo graphic studio in this city for a num bor of yoars. Tho family, moved to Denver about twenty years ago. ::o:: Tno Methodist Indies will give a luncheon to tho business peoplo Wed nesday In tho church parlors from 11:30 to 1 o'clock. ..Washington, Jan. 8. President Wilson in his message to the Jackson day diners hero tonight said: "Tho clear and slnglo way" to dotennine the will of tho American peoplo on the leaguo of nations was to make it an issuo at tho next election. Tho president's mossago said noth ing whatover about-a-third term for himself and nelthor did it say even by implication or intimation that ho would not bo a candidate, ns had been widely, forecast. Most all of his mos sago was devoted to an expression of his argument of why ho considered it the duty of tho United States to Join in tho leaguo of nations covenant, and why ho considered the war not really. .! won until It did. Another nttompt to crush tho now nations of Europo would bo made, tho president said, if the United States hold aloof. William J. Bryan split oponly with Presidont Wilson on tho question of whether tho democratic larty should inuko the leaguo of nations an Issue at tho next election. Tho formor secretary of state, throo times a candldnto for tho presi dency and a power in his party, de clared tho democrats could not go before, tho country on tho issuo nnd that thoy must accept such compro mises as may, bo possible. ::o::- Dixon A- Son, Sight Specialists. Phono No. 80 for fresh groceries, Freo doltvory. McGovorn & Stack. , Wanted Liberty bonds at market prico. Louis Llpshltz. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 Dr. Hovtnrd Yost, Dentist, TwJncni Building. Phono 1107. 77tf Special Kottio rendered lard. Brod bock's Meat Markot. 86t Keith, Tonight. MADLAINE TRAVERSE IN "Snares of Paris" A dramatic Gtory of n diplomatic tangle involving a woman's heart. The Sunshine Comedy, BACK TO NATURE GIRLS. r I Keith, Wednesday and Thursday. WM. S. HART IN SON TRACKS' Mountain and plain and his horses, and long wagon tracks crawling over the trail. The end of the trail? You would never guess. Find it with Wm. S. Hart in this powerful romance of human souls. ADULTS 30c. CHILDREN 15c AT THE SUN THEATRE. A Great Money Saving Sale, Boy's Suits, Overcoats and Macki- n aws at Big Reductions. idwards-Reynol For Men and Boys. Co. Boy's famous Kaynee and Tom Sawyer Waists at a Big reduction. SATURDAY .Monroe Siiullsliiirj IN HIS DIVORCED WIFE ALSO mil) vi IN HAUNTED HEARTS MONDAY ('(iriiiic (Jrili'llli IN THE BRAMBLE BUSH Also Httli ( liupter ELMO THE MIGHTY. Matinee .Momlaj at Win V. 31. Matinee Siitnrilav 1:1,1 1. M, We Don't Believe In Asking a Fancy Price for Our Clothes Just Because We Have the Reputation of Being Good Tailors We could ask $45 for these suits as other tailors do, but we wouldn't do such a large business. We prefer to sell a large number of suits at a small profit rather than a few at a big profit one small profit on each sale but a volume of sales is our motto we call it good business. All Wool Suits Made to Order (Two Plcco) Full Suits or Overcoats-Ail Wool of Course-$32.50 BURKE'S TAILOR SHOP. $20.50