N'OTtTH PTjATTR SF.MT -"WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Oldtlmo religion and oldtime morals Bteoretl ninny human ships Into hnr bors of wifety nnd contentment. INFLUENZA starts wish a Cold Kill tho Cold. At tho firat (neezo tako HILLS CASCARAkJ Q.UININ Standard cold remedy for 20 years v . ..11. - r- . opiates breati up a cold In 24 Hours relieves crip in o-tjt. xuoney oacK ix xt xaua. no centime box Has a Kea top witn ur, xxtua picture. At All Drug St oram win "iu w.m. . k I , n II . 1 1 wu mm n&y Id Dandruff With Cuticura All drug8ltii Soup 25. Ointment and CO, Tnlcum !. Hnmi-le each ifrcB c( "Citlcva, Dnt, E. Cotton." Bouncelcss Golf Ball Stops. A golf ball driven, no mutter how forcibly, against a looso canvas cur tain, goes "dead" nml falls harmlessly Instead of slicing away, possibly to do damuge. In a new device for golf practice and Instruction, such a cur tain, about 40 Inches high nnd 30 Inches wide, Is mounted on a folding frame that leans slightly toward tho player, and lias canvas side wings fur ther to confine the hall, says Popular Mechanics Magazine Iti an Illustrated article. A strip of .mper, fed from a roll at tho top, hangs down the cen ter of the curtain, and serves as a tar get to bo perforated by an accurately driven batl. Quito a Lad. "I always envy that stout friend of mine." "Why?" "On a car I can give my sent to a girl, but ho can give his seat to four girls." The Language Plant. "Why have words roots, pa?" "To ninko the language grow, my child." Baltimore American. .tents 15 Fluid Prachro ra I t ? - -imS nzirf - J MM. n rl m mm 5 AVciciablcrx-cparaUoniarASv similatiniJthcroodbyKu18-v llnfjthcStomacliSandDmrelstf: neither Opium.Morphlncnor Mineral. Not Narcotic ii Jhimpkm St yUxSnna bchilUSaB AnlitSetJ Jrptrminl . JltCartautiSaa Item JW PanWSiifar JfSstiryrTta Flavor AhclpfulKcmedyfor Constipation and Diarrhoea and Fcvcrishncss and I resulting lhcrcfroinjnjnfar.ty. facsimile Signature of JnECENTAUnCoilPAtK TO r t . . - .i All Is fair In love except brunettes. For Infants and Children. lothsrs Know That Genuine Castoria Always . Bears the jr Signature Jf tlr ft In vj' For Over Thirty Years iL Bm imr .lXfllj Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE eCNTAUK couuiir, NCW YORK CITY. IN EVERY STABLE SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND Is the ono lmllspensablo remedy for contagious and Infec tious diseases among horses and mules. Its success as a preventive and cure for DISTUMI'KIt, PINIC EYE, COUGHS and COI.DS for more than twenty-livo years Is the highest tribute to Its merit as a medicine. It is en dorsed by the best horsemen and live stock men in Amer ica. Buy It of your druggist. SI'OliN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Iml.. U. S. A. Nebraska Directory DOCTORS tVSACH & MACH DENTISTS rd Roor PAXTON BLOCK. 16lh and Farnam ta., OMAHA. Best equipped Dental Ottlces n Omaha. Rannnnnbla Prlnen. Bneclal fllacount to all people living outside of Oirmhu.. MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1 307 Harney St. OiiiRhn, Noli. "00 Cherry Ht. Des Moines, la. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS Dlstrlbntora for General Hlectrla Co.t American I91ectrloCo.,Tolepbuucfli 0. A. Wood Preserver Co. W A eooa stock of general supplies, botn cities. tTf Mt .tt lni!f If tw and Ttrd Btonl aad Offlr Flltnr UoaM .ulaierlci. Wa Otcopx Our 48,000 Squirt tttt, I OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. 3. W. Cor. 11 th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. Ufrs. e( MODERN STORE, OFFICE and BANK FIXTURES Phone Donglu 2721. All wo ask is a chance to bid UOIXUKS SJIOKESTACIiS TWO PLANTS DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT COEViPANY Main Offlca nnd Works 23rd, Hickory and U. P. R. R. riicno Uouclas 1013 I1KANCU 20th. Center and C. D. & O. I l'honeXJoaKlasllii I Oxy-Acetylene Welding ISTANDt'II'KS TANKS RADIATORS VfnxKE. and Radiator Cores for AutO' f mAhll... Trt,le .nil Trntnrc MADE AND REPAIRED Write or call on us. Or send your radiator by express, Guaranteed work, prompt service and reason able chimes OMAHA AUTO KAUIATOK MFG. CO. 1810-21 CuinlnJ St. OMAHA tei Cesfle !-. 632 S. I6tb Street uniiini, neo. New, absolutely fireproof- 300 ROOMS With private toilet S1.2S: with private bath tl.75 to $2.50 FREDA. CASTLE, Proprietor BEE URY. I 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work guaranteed 10 years Fillinfjs, Crowns, Bridce-work, Plates and Extracting. Homo treatment for Gum Disoasos, tightens teeth and preserves health. It will pay you to como for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet Oa1 WOODMEN OR WORUO PUILDINQ, OMAHA, NED. A Stilus Exceptional opportunity at the present time for younir women over nlnoteon years of ago who havo had at least one year In high school to take Nurses Train ing In General hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Address fiupt. of Nunr. Lincoln Banltnrlnm, Lincoln. Nrbr, TO SHINE A COLD STOVE yiilck nnd Kasjr Usa E-Z STOVE POLISH Heady Mixt Iteady to Sblne UAKTIN UABTtN. CUICA00 Nothing Left of the Ark. Tlioro are no roninlns of tho ArU nt tho ircst'iit duy, nltlioiigh It Ih claliiipd that nn outline may he traced on tho summit of Mt, Ararat where' thu Ark Is snld to have landed. An Insinuation. Edith Jack has spoken nt Inst. Marie And was his answer "yes?" Boston Evening Transcript. FRECKLES POSITIVf LV REMOVED br Pr. B-rrr'x mll, . rr,book. Dt. C,H. Barry Co., 2S7S MicMcan Avanua, Chlcaca. mua ISIrn Wtd. Firemen, Ilrakemen, experlance unneeeaaary l'oater Co.,:0 C'heatnut.St LouIk W, N. U OMAHA, NO. 51-1C19. Nlfibt end MorntnsJ. Have Strong, Health Eye: If they Tire, Itcli, f or mLf' smart or liurn, If Sore, Vnnrt CrfC Lrrltated Inflamed or often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for Infant orAdulU Atall Druggists. Writefoi Frso Eye Book. Ruruu Et kmt ij Co., cUofi PLANNING FOR EARTH ROADS Bearing That Location and Dc6lgn of Dirt Roads Have on Future Im provement Emphasized. (Prepared by tho United Statos Depart-, ment of Agriculture) In view of tho present widespread activity In every form of road hulld lng und since nenrly all public roada are laid out oiiglnnlly as earth roads, the bureau of public roads emphasizes tho bearing thnt tho location und de sign of dirt roads have on future high, way improvement. In locating nnd de signing public roads tho following con' slderntlons should be homo In mind; Sharp curves should bo avoided be cause they nre n inennco to trnlllc. Tho width should be nmple for ve hicles to pass each other without leav ing the traveled way. If a road ever becomes of any con siderable importance, its users probi ably will demand thnt nil tho steeper grades be reduced to the lowest maxi mum that would conform to tho gen eral topography of tho region which the road traverses. Let the road planners remember that aside from the advantages to tratllo of n short route, each mile of addition al rond involves n considerable extra yenrly expense for maintenance, and tills alone may warrant the extra ex- s - - . , - Sharp Curves Should Be Avoided. pense of shortening the route when the rond Is constructed, provided thnt the decrease In distance does not ma terially incrense the steepness of tho grades. Lnnd lines should bo regarded only In so far as this may bo done with out decreasing the usefulness of tho road or Increasing Its ultimate cost. The pleasing features of the route should not bo overlooked. Itomember that n large part of tho travel on most country roads Is for pleasure. Avoid the necessity for subsequent changes In location. Such changes nearly always work hardship on somo of those who havo built homes along the original highway. IMPETUS FOR BETTER ROADS So Many Factors Are Working for Im proved Highways That Moro Money Is Being Spent. The cause of good ronds goes ahead and gathers impetus. Every good road Is a challenge to every bad road. In the competition for traffic between roads the better road wins. Travel fol lows It and property values lncreaso nlong Its course, while the rule Is that they decllno along the course of tho hnd road. So mnny factors are work ing for good ronds that counties and states arc spending more money each yenr for road betterment. Encourag ing sums are being set nsldo for this work In the "bad ronds belt," that Is, In the South. In Washington's neigh bor state of Virginia the highway com missioner reports thnt road projects to cost $8,105,929 are cither under con tract or being surveyed, says Wash ington Stur. Figures showing tho nmount of money being spent on roads In Maryland are not at hand, but In a recent aummnry of good roads work Maryland was set down In tho class with Ohio, Pennsylvania and Georgia, which hud lately approved road Im provements culling for tho expcndlturo of $1,000,000. Unimproved Roads Costly. Each ono of the six million one hun dred und odd thousand motorcars In this country, when It runs on unim proved roads, pays about twice as much for tires and gasoline as when It runs on hard surfaced roads. Some Water Is Essential. Water Is us cssentlul to the making of most roads as the road materials themselves, but an excess of It can destroy almost overnight the results of much careful work. HOW PJffiUMATISM BEGINS Tho excruciating nconlcs of rheuma tism nro usually tho result of failure of tho kidneys to expel poisons from tho system. If tho irritation of theso uric acid crystals is allowed to continue, in curalilo bladder or kidney disease mny result Attend to it at once. Don't resort to temporary relief. Tho sick kidneys must bo restored to health by the usa of soma sterling remedy which will prevent a return of tho dlscnse. Oct somo GOLD MEDAL Ilnarlcm Oil Capsules immodlatolr. They have brought back tho joys of llfo to count less thousands of sufferers from rheu matism, lamo back, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel and other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladdor and allied organs. They will attack tho poisons at once, clar out the kidneys and urinary tract and tho soothing hcnllng oils and herbs will restoro tho inUnrucd tissues aud organs to normal health. 'AH others aro imitations. Ask for GOLD MEDAL and bo euro tho noma GOLD MEDAL is on tho box. Tbrco nizes, at all good druggists. Adv. Fancy Trolley Line. St. Petersburg, Klorlda, has bought tho city trolley system and proposes to operate It bolely "for tho benctlt of citizens nnd their visitors," as is hos pitably snld. The unlovely cars of tho mercenary period, an outrage to mu nicipal esthetics, are therefore to go, and the new cars will be painted a soft French gray, with gold trimmings. The legend ".Municipal Hallway" will bo artistically emblazoned on the sides. Yet the fares will not be a penny higher than when tho enrs were green, red nnd ramshackle. One mny ride harmoniously nt the usual rates. "Cold In the Hend" is an acuto attnek ot NtiBal Catarrh. Per sona who aro subject to frequent "colds In the head" will find that tho uso ox HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanso the Blood and render them less llablo to colds. Repeatod attacks ot Acuto Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. All DruBClsts 76c. Testimonials froo. $100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Tl8 StranQe. Tho strnngo delay thnt murks tho cxtradltfo(n of the ex-kolser led Sen ator Owen to say at n Muskogee ban quet : "I suppose It's on account of Hol land; Holland, you know, objects to our extradition proceedings. "Strange," he added, "that tho coun try which fathered William of Ornngo should now mother William tho Lemon." Life Is short tor a man to do all tho things his wife wants him to do. Nothing will take the conceit out of a Imcliplor like marrying n widow. Think what that means tn vmt tn DOOd hard dollar with the invat rliv ' . . tnand for wheat at hloh price. Man? farmerH In Wrtlrm CannHa havo nidi Inr Ihrlr InnH faom a sinnle crop. The same succe may tUU be Vnilrm. rnr vntl rn hitv n aflv forma itv-.r rarm iunn aT&mm at.fii an mtrm ivl,0f,'?, near thriving towna, good markets, railwayi land of a .w kind i which Browa 20 to 45 buthala of whact to tha scr. (. I rl na.lMlaa.l a 1 I , . . I . '"'k mi iu uricca lunvrnicnt iotout (rrain xarm en able you to reap the profits from atocK railing and dairying. Learn tho Facts About Western Canada low taxation (none on lmprovementa), healthful climate, good choola. churches, pleasant social relatlooshlpi. a protrperoua and Industrious people .rr.r Ji,,"r,i.s litwtar. tnajpa. deacrtptton of farm oprortanlUoi In Kn,VVr.nT ,tr- m,tU W. Y. BENNETT, Room 4, Bc BnUding, OMAHA, NEB. Canadian Government Agent. It Is easy to oo content with what wo A woman Is sure to bo troubled with have, It's what wo haven't that wor- Insomnia If her husband talks In his rlos us. sleep. MIDLAND COLLEGE School of Commerce Formerly Fremont Normal & Business College tt Fremont, Neb. Midwintqr Opening, Monday, Jan. 5th jtSft Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Salesmanship, English, Penmanship, Arithmetic and Spelling. Efficient teacher: reasonable rates: up-to-date. Wrlto for information u ti JOSEPH W. MILLER, Director Wo Quranto ALL THE HEAT YOU WANT Install our Oil Vapor Heater. Burns Hypo Distal, Distillate or Kerosene. For heating purposes of all kinds. Easy to install. Can bo operated by cnyone. Write Today for Dealers' Contract Never a better opportunity than tho present to make money. OXO-QAS HEAT1NQ COMPANY 1508 Harnoy St. Omaha, Neb' An Opportunity to Share in the Profits of MONTGOMERY WARD & COMPANY INCORPORATED ' The Great Mail Order House You have probably been a customer of Montgomery Ward & Co. for years. You have probably 6cnt hundreds of dollars by mail to this concern. Perhaps it has never occurred to you that , ;. , Bonie dny you might be ablo to own a few shares of stock in Montgomery Ward & Co. be able to share in its profits. Here ' is such an opportunity. 510,000 Shares Common Stock at $45 Per Share iivhen, as aid if uisucd and received by us. The groat Chicago mail order house is expanding increasing its capitalization. It expects to do a greater business than ever before to earn even larger profits. If this proves truo Montgomery Ward & Co. common stock should steadily in crease in valuo and earn handsome dividends. On Monday, Dec. 8th, 1919, 510,000 shares of tho new com mon stock were offered to the public for the first time at $45 per share. Indications on that day wero that it would all bo quickly sold that to secure any of it, you will have to place your order immediately. Write NOW for Circular ! A circular fully describing this 6tock inue has been prepared. It tells of the gigantic nature of tho business tho earnings of tho company of the dividends that havo been paid. Write " for this circular today tanrn how you may becomo a partner in the business of Montgomery Ward & Co. Write for tho circular NOW1 JOHN BURNHAM & COMPANY 41 South La Salle Street Chicago. 111. TA itattmentt in this aiivtrtiientnt, ivhiti 'nt guantnletJ, art band upm inltrmatitn anj advice which ivt htlit-vi to It accural! and rtliablt.