The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 26, 1919, Image 4

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We thank you for your patronage
the past year and hope our efforts may
merit a continuance of your favors the
coming year.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Call 212 for frosh groceries. Dlcl:
Stogeinnnn. 77tf
W. V. Honglnnd returned Wednes
day from Scotts IJluff wliero ho lind
' boon transacting hUHlnoss for a couplo
. . of days.
Spoolal Homo curod bacon 35c nor
pound. Brodbcck'H Moat Market. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Payno loft yes
terday afternoon for Los AngoloB
where they will spend a couplo of
Special Kottlo rendered lard. Brod
beck'a Meat Market. 8Ctf
- Mr. and Mrs. dus Norton wont to
Grand Island Wednesday morning to
visit a fow days with their son Jim
and family.
Dr. H. 0. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldfi. Phone 148
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cummlngs and
children loft Tuesday night for Wcb
iHcr City, Iowa, to spend Christmas
.with relatives.
"' Walter Hoxlo, who has been locatod
at Llmon, Cal., for some tlmo, camo
down Tuosday to spond Christmas
with the homo folks.
- For Sale A bargain: 8 room house,
.modern oxcopt heat; has garago, barn
and coal shod. Phono black 1132, 408
east Eloventh street. 8Ctf
l Harry Russoll and Rodger Batlo re
turned Tuesday to their homo In Kear
ney after a week's visti with their
grandmother, Mrs. C. A. Davidson.
To whom arc you going to sell your
Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer
cantile "Co. will offer the- highest
prices. C4tf
W. CRltncr oxpocts to leave about
the first of tho year for his old stamp
ing ground in central Pennsylvania,
Ho will bo absent a couplo or months
For Salo Cord wood, $12 por cord
-lon car nt Klkhorn on U. P. Writo w.
'tH. Burkott, C003 Davenport stroot,
Omaha. 100-4
A dancing party for Elks and mcm
bors of tholr families will bo hold at
tho homo this evening. Thoro will bo
a Christmas tree from which gifts will
bo distributed.
Dr. llounrd Yost, Dentist, Twlnom
Dulldln?. Phono U07. Tilt
v,,Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Munsinger arid'
daughtor Miss Eda, of Wayno, Wnrron
Munsinger and Mrs. Maria Blako of
' Tabor, Iown, are spending a couplo of
weeks nt the M. T. Munsinger homo. -
'For Salo Seven room modern
4lhouBe, two full lots, fruit and shado
trees, garago and othor out buildings
..Easy terms. 320 south Elm. C. E.
M'cLano. 92tf
Tom V. Austin, former local manag
er, of tho Westorn Union, who has ac
cepted a position with a tiro company
in Omaha, expects to movo his family
to that city shortly nftor tho first of
Christian Sclenco sorvlco Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evoniug meetings
every wook at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation Is. extended to all to attend
these services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
At tho mooting of tho B. P. O. ElkB
Monday evening Guy Popojoy, Harloy
Tiley and Harold Langford wero tho
victims of tho funmakors and wero
given tho full progrnm of ovonts which
tend to mako a follow a real good
. Elk.
Four horso powor Fairbanks gas
cnglno in good running ordor. Brod
bocVs Meat Market. 8Ctf
Ed Leypoldt, of Hershoy, transacted
huslnestt In town Tuesday.
Mrs. W. A. Bryant, of Ogdon, Is a
guest at the E. N. Johnston homo.
Speolal Homo curod bacon 35c por
pound. Brodbeck's Moat Market. tf
L. C. Carroll returned Wednosdny
morning from a buslnos trip to Oma
ha. Mrs. Nora Dorr of Rawlins, Wyo., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Johanna Mc
Graw. Miss Gladys Johnston entered the
Twinom hospital tho last of tho wook
for troatmont.
Special Kettlo rendered lard. Brod
beck's Moat Market. 8Ctf
.Knglneor W. S. Dolson returned
TiioBday from Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
wliero ho had spent ton days.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes wero call
ed to Nora Springs, la., Monday by tho
doath of Mrs. Forbes' father.
J. D, Cox wont to Sutherland Wed
nesday,, to play Santa Claus to nciccs
and nophows who live there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bornd arrived
from Omaha Wednesday to spond
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N.
Glbbs. Mrs. GIbbs and Mrs. Bornd
are sisters.
During the past month nulto a num
ber of case of small-pox have devel
oped in Brady and vicinity, but in
most instances of mild form. Natur
ally tho people down thoro aro won
dering whether it Is to prove epidemic
this winter.
Through a boycott on oggs by tho
womon of Lincoln tho prlco dropped
from eighty-five cents a dozen to fifty
flvo cents. Tills latter price is con'
sldored fair and tho ban has been
lifted, Othor articles which aro con
sldored too high in prlco will be boy
Ray Peters arrived homo Monday
from a camp hospital in Georgia on a
furlough and will remain until tho
latter part of next weok. Ho has had
oloven operations performed during
tho past two years and still has an
open Wound which needs dressing reg
L. S. Smith, who fbrmorly mado
North Platto his homo, and who put
Lout a big acreage of wheat south of
Big Springs last year, threshed forty
thousand bushels. lie jmil has 20,000
bushola to put on tho markot This
fall ho put out a big acreago near
Llmon, Col.
Merchants roport Christmas trade
as satisfactory, though thoy feol con
fldont much more business would havo
boon transacted had not tho roads
boon In such bad condition. .Trade
was very heavy Tuesday and Wednes
day, many out of town pcoplo coming
by train to do tholr shopping.
E. O. Martin, of Donvor, spent tho
wook end at tho homo of his cousin,
Mrs. Honry Gllfoyl. Mr. Martin, who
Is superintendent of tho Dyers homo
for boys, Is a slngor of some noto and
assisted tho Prosbytorlan choir, of
which Mrs. Gllfoyl is director, with a
solo nt tho Sunday morning service
nnd a vocol and a trombono solo nt the
evening service.
C. C. Clark, who resided south of
Maxwell and wns well known In that
section of tho county, died at the
Mayo tiros, hospital at Rochestor
Minn., Monday night following an op
oration for mi nhcnfm nf tlin ntnmnrli
Tho remains worn rnenlvml nf Mnvwnll
Wednesday morning, but wo havo not
learneu mo uaio or tno lunoral. He
leaves a wife and threo children. II
wnB a brothor-ln-law of J. D. W. Lin
coin of this city.
Inactive Kidneys
Cause Disease
Too ration and too llttlo work havo about tho samo effoot on persons past middle
ace. I'roper aotton ol tho lddnoys Is necessary to uooa health. Thoy not as a inter
and reinovo Iroui tho blood poisonous waste matter, which, it permitted to remain
in tho Bystem.lcads to muuy complications. in,
.m jya5iy nervo"s- SJ,r8': run-down men and women suffer from pains In tho back and
fides. tlUzy spells, bladder weakness, sore musoles and stiff Joints, and tall to reallia
that rhoumatlsm. dlabotei. or oven IMbui's disease may result.
70uZmtZmZa,0lre that yurkWners weak. disordered, or lnaotlve.
jbave benefited thousands nnd have been used by young, middle
aged end old, with complete satisfaction. They act quickly and
.surely and havo given relief in cases of years standing.
DeWITT'S KIDNEY & BLADDER PILLS are put up in two
sizes, 50 cents and $ 1.00 per bottle for sale by
Hotel McCabe BIdg.
North Plsttte.
Dr'J.sJiTwInom made a bhslncsS
trip to Maxwell Wednesday;: ' 1
boy baby was born Wednesday to
Mr. and Mrs. John yosolpka.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Crisp, of Illlf,
Col., visited with friends In town
Tuesday while onroute to Gothenburg.:
Freeman Hanson came up from Lin
coln Tuesday to spond Christum with
his grandmother, Mrs. Emma Pulver.
Man col Overman, who Is employed
In a lmnk at Cmappll, came down i
I'uesday to eat turkey with the home
Mrs. W. C. Patterson arrived Tues
day from Minneapolis for a visit with
Mr parents, Mr. and Mrs. victor Von
Qootz. i
J. Vernon Lunsford oame down from!
Cheyenne Wednesday to ipomi the :
weak end at the Lochlel Joluiston
homo. i
Wanted A competent stenographer
Inquire at Hoftgland fk Hotignnd' law
office !
Air anil Mm. r?nrl Sliiinn nml nlill- 1
dren went to Hastings Wodnpsdav
noon to visit over Christmas with rel-1
Harloy Pennington returned Wei
nosdny, from a woek's business viblt in i
Omaha and towns on tho Northwest- j
urn ruuu.
C. P. CathaiiB, night ticket agent at
the depot, loft Tuosday night to : pend
Christmas with his parents at Hum
phroy, Nob.
Mrs. Farrell McGovern, who had
been taking treatment at the Twlnem
hospital, returned Wednesday to her
home In Brady.
Harry Sprung, of the Landgrnf bar
ber shop force, has returned to work
nftor a two weeks' siege of sciatic
Mr. and Mrs. Westfall arrived Wed
nesday from Carroll, Iowa, to spend
Chrlstmns with their daughter, Mrs.
W. F. Crook.
Miss Anna O'Conncll camo up from
Grand Island Tuosday to spend Christ
mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. O'Connoll.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sommer, of Max
well, wero Christmas guests at the
homo of tho latter's brother, Dr. and
Mrs. E. W. Fetter.
Tho banana' belt, which was shot all
to pieces for about six weeks, Is now
coming Into Its own. Why go to
southern California?
For Salo Four room house and two
lots, Nos. 3 nnd 4 In S00 block on west
Ninth street. Prlco $1500. Inquire
nt 221 west Eleventh street . 100-3
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. SIzemoro and
daughter Miss Ruth went to Hershey
yesterday to spend Christmas and tho
week end with relatives.
Miss Lillian McCracken, Instructor
of music in tho Boulder schools, Is
spending the holiday vacation with
hen sister, Mrs. H. M. Grimes." .p
County Treasurer Soudor desires it
to be known that 1020 automobile
Ulcenses aro payable on or before
Thursday of next week. Failure to
pay promptly may cause trouble to
the delinquents.
Tho wedding of Clarence Day and
Miss Myrtle Deoler will take place at
tho Methodist church Wednesday ov
enlng of next weok. Following tho
ceremony a reception will be held in
tho church parlors. -
Thoy attempted to trifle with a
wostornor, but found out to their sor
row that ho meant business. He could
handlo a gun or fight with his fists,
Soo William Russell In "Eastward
Ho-" at the Keith tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph North enter
tained a number of frionds yesterday
at a flvo course Christmas dinner. The
fcaturo of the dinner was tho tiny
Christmas tree center-pleco bearing
a gift for ench guest. Tho gifts whon
opened provud to bo "sells." Covers
woro laid for eleven.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Saint and chil
dren, of Elmhurst, 111., nrrlved Wed
nosdny to spond Christmas with Mrs.
Saint s paronts, Mr .nnd Mrs. P. J
Glemnn. For several months past Mr.
Saint has been locnted nt Casper,
Wyo., as onglnoor in chargo of con
structlon work for tho Northwestorn
Thieves gained an ontrnco into tho
furniture department of tho W. R. Ma
lonoy store Tuesday night through an
alloy window and though thoy had ac
cess to tno office, did not molost tho
cash register or desk drawors. Thoy
did, however, attempt to force tho door
betwoon tho furnlturo nnd hnrdwaro
departments, but failed to do so. Evl
dontly thoy woro after some article in
tho hardware stock.
That poker games on tho quiet ex
1st In North Plntto Is evidenced by tho
fact that ovory day or so somo follow
walks Into ono of tho banks nnd stops
paymont on checks, remarking that
ho had gotten into a llttlo gnmo and
had beon "trimmed." Of courso it is
a "poor sport" who won't pay his pok
or dobts In early days such an action
gonorally resulted in a "guu play."
Tho follow who can't afford to loso
should never handlo tho cards, but
ovory town has its poor dupes.
Hoiiko For Snip.
Strictly modorn G room house with
garago, cornor lot, on oast Fifth. Also
lot ou west Fifth. Apply 1002 oast
Fifth or phono Rod 1155. 09-2
Fur Coats and Itobcs.
v Wo tnko ordors for tanning furs
nnd hldos for coats and robes and for
tho making of coats and robos from
furs nnd hides, Coats rollned and re
FJvo Dollars llownnl
For tho roturn or for information
loading to tho rocovory of a whlto En
gllsh Sottor fomnlo puppy, six weoks
old, with largo black spot on right
sldo of head, loft side of head white
return to 703 east Third Btroot, or
Red-Blooded Folks " ""
How iong have you waited for such a Cyclone Sensation as this?
Arguments are unecessary to convince you that this Big Sensation
al Production will be the talk of the world wherever shown.
Three Bays, Commencing Dec. 3Qth.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDnnaW
State Bank.
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bokosklo cele
brated their fiftieth wedding anniver
sary Saturday morning at 8:30 In the
chnpol of St. Patrick's church, Rev.
Patrick McDald reading the marriage
linos as this couple renewed the vows
they made fifty years ago. They were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Buchaw. At
th samo tlmo their daughter, Mrs.
Durbln and her husband, of Wellficet
celebrated their fifteenth anniversary
Following tho celebration nt the
church on elaborate dinner was serv
ed at the Bokosklo home at noon to a
largo number of frionds.
::o:: '
Seoiutr Is Uel loving.
You got all you pay for when you
buy gasoline from our now Visible
Gasoline Pump, which wo havo just
installed. It measures out the gaso
line boforo you and you will not go
away thinking that you did not get
full measure.
Standard Gasoline 2Gc
Whlto Roso Gasoline 27c
Sorvlco day or night.
Johnnsen's Sale Dates ,
7th. General farm sale at Lexing
ton. 14th, Geo. Snyder's general farm
sale 3 miles east of Maxwell.
. 20th. General farm sale at Lexington.
4th, Lee Mustard, general farm sale,
southeast of North Platto.
18th, A. H. Turpen general farm sale
10 miles northeast of North Platte.
Start nt Washington
Congressman Blanton (democrat)
of Texas asserts that tho radical idea
is woven into our whole system of gov
ernment at Washington and that the
department of labor from Secretary
Wison down "Is so honoycombed and
permeated with tho spirit of anarch
Ism that we have got to havo a house
cleaning there before wo can got to
the bottom of tho situation.
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
prlco. Louis Llpshltz.
Iiicomo Tax Blanks Delayed.
A noto from Geo. L. Loomls, Internal
revenue collector for Nebraska, reads
as follows:
"Owing to dolay, In tho printing, in
como tax blanks will not bo available
for distribution until about January
15th, 1920. Forms will be mailed
promptly to all taxpayers, who filed
return for tho yenr 1918, us soon as
received by tho collector of Internal
revenue. '
A IJuUer Jinking Cow.
Chicago. All records for tho pro
duction of butter aro believed to havo
boon brokon by tho registered cow,
Lulu Apheo of Ashburn, which pro
duced 13.CC9 pounds of milk, from
which 1000 pounds of butter was mado
In tho year ending November 1 accord
ing to a statomont by tho Amorlcan
Jersey Cattle club.
Tho butter produced from tho cow's
milk Is 100 pounds In oxcess of her
weight, and Is said to bo flvo times
as much as tho average production
from dairy cows.
for Right Prices on Furniture, Stoves
and Hardware Bargains in used
Furnlturo. Special prices on Guns,
Sholls. Traps and Tonts.
20 Years Experience
Pure Bred Live Stock and Farm Auctioneer
Making sales regularly for some of the be3t breeders and
farmers all over the state. Am selling nearly every day in
sale season and will appreciate the opportunity to make
your sale. For sale dates write me or call at the Union State
Bank, North Platte, and arrange for sale dates and terms.
In appreciation of
of your Christmas
support to you a f
prosperous New
Geo. Frater, Druggist.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for tle people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
We Buy and Sell-
Obtain our Prices.
phone 202 99-2