31 $V til TUIRTY-FIFTH YEAH. NORTH PIsATTE, NEB.,DfiCEMBfcR 26, 1910. V No. 100 i . 4 9. American Legion Applies for Charter. Tho application for a charter for Uio North Platte camp of tho Ameri can. Legion was sent In Tuesday, Tho oamp starts In with a charter member ship of ono hundred and two, and It ia alined to Increaso the membership to 400 or 500. Wo understand that tho ox-servlce men of Wallaco aro contemplating or ganizing a camp. ;:o:: Snowed In for Twelve JJays. W. C. Ritncr roturncd-'thqlatter part of last week from Stockvllle'wlioro ho had gone In his car to transact busi ness prior to the last snow storm. Tho day after ho reached thero the snow camo, and he was forced to re main thero for twelve days before ho oould venture on his return trip. In coming home he was three days on tho road and had to shovel his car out of tho snow n number of times. ::o:: Fuel Committee Discharged. Tho fuel committee composed of J. V. Romlgh, J. C. Wilson and Fred J. uiener, who lmd served the public faithfully and well during the Bevoral weeks of coal shortage, was dls cliarged from service Wednesday ev ening. Coal orders will now bo han dled again by the local dealers and to them orders must bo placed. The fuel committee will bo called into existence again should tho short agoof coal become acuto. ::o:: j Notice to Librarr Patrons. Fines will be remitted on all over dtio books returned to the library, De comber 29th and 30th. ::o:: Clarence McCormlck camo down from Paxton Tuesday for a few days' visit at tho homo of his uncle, P. O. Klngdon. ATj THE IDNITHEATRE. FRIDAY Shadows of Suspicion HaroldfjLockwood ALSO 2 &EEL COMEDY. - SATURDAY . .u. . Woman Undercover Fritzt Brunette ALSO 2 reel VBiily West" comedy. MONDAY Elmo the Mighty AND Six reel Vitagraph special. SECOND HAND FORDS In First Class Shape. -1917 TOURING, ONLY $225.00. -1917 ROADSTER, ONLY $296.00. 1 1 These two ears are a bargain, Hurry they will not last long. See us as to values on 2nd hand Fords. We know Hendy-Ogiers Auto Co. Rnst Fourth Street. Winter Courses University of Nebraska School oi Agriculture. January 26 to Febr. 20, 1920. GENKRAL AGRICULTURE: Rctter Farming Methods: study of seed selection, crop rotation, soil Ullage; Live Stock Farming: judg ing of cattle, hogs, sheep and horses. Care and feeding of Hvo stock. )lenses of Animals nnd Plants; Growing of Fruits nnd Vegetables; Poultry Raising for Proilt, DAIRYING A Practical Training in tho essentials of tho dairy busi ness; Selection and cure of Dairy Cattle, feeding, housing and man agement;RuUcr Jinking, cheese making, marketing of dairy products; Milk Testing, preparation of milk for market. RURAL ECONOMICS Farm Aacounting, bookkeeping, farm records; Fnrm Organization, farm equipment, cropping systems; Murkctlng, grain exchanges, co-operativo organization. For for agricultural courses $8.00. AUTOMOBILES AND TRACTORS CourSo opens January 5. Four weeks; Students enter every Monday. Instruction for tho Farmer who handls his own machines; Lectures and Shop Work on engines, igni tion, transmissions, differentials, carbureteors, etc. Practice In opera tion, repair and caro of tractors; New Building, splendid equipment, ex port Instructors. Feo $10.00. Minimum Age Limit 18 Years. For furthor information address, PRINCIPAL, SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, . University Farm, Lincoln, Nbbrnskn. COMPLIMKNTS NORTH PLATTE'S AUTO CAMP (ROUND Frank A. Darbor has handed us a copy of tho Pomona, Cul., Daily Pro gress dated December 15th, which con tains a write-up of an auto trip mado by William A. Blxlcr from his eastern homo to Pomona, In which he makes tho following reference to the auto camp ground which North Platto1 maintained during tho past season: i'Whilo in North Platte, Nebraska, wo camped In a park especially pre pared for tourists by tho chamber of commerce of that city. For miles be fore wo reached tho city wo were guid ed by sign boards upon which wore tho following: "Free camping grounds shower baths and fuel furnished by the chamber of commerce." Upon ar riving at tho spot we found autos from many states, some going oast, some west and some both north and south. Whilo wo woro pulling in a machine Just ahead of us carried a California license and was bound for Pennsyl vania; while close bohlnd us a mn chlno carrying a Maine license was bound for California. A few moments lator a Ford pulled In having a Texas license. They had been to Colorado and wero on tholr way back via Illi nois. This particular machine wrts loaded quite heavily both husband and wife averaging a good 200 pounds each, filling the front seat, while in the rear seat were four children. On both running boards was tho camping outfit, which included bedsprings und chairs reaching as high as the ma chine top, nnd this was not all for on the rear of tho machine was fastened a largo trunk. One of tho spectators remarked: I'd halo to venture out with that outfit, for fear of being ar rested for cruelty to Fords." "Thoro wero In all about twenty machines camped thero all night and from nearly as many states. We found everything as represented and far better than we expected. Every tourist went his way with a good word for his treatment in North Platte, and the fact was known for hundreds of miles In every direction. Tho name of North Platto Is stamped upon our momorlos while that of many another beautiful city, is forgotten." ' ::o:: Episcopal Church. Holy communion 8 a. m. Church school and bible class 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon 11 u. m. Church school on north side 3 p. m. No evening services until tho first Supday in January. R. O. MACKINTOSH, Rector. ::o:: -The ban on public gatherings tem porarily knocked out the community chorus while in its formative state, but immediately after the first of the year a first rehearsal will bo held and efforts made to secure members in addition to those already listed. The scores of several good choruses have boon received and the permanent heat ing of tho Franklin auditorium will provide a place for rehearsals. Judge Samuel H. Sedgwick, for 15 years a justice of the Nebraska su premo court, died suddenly at his homo In Lincoln yesterday from heart disease. He was a pioneer of the state. Ho was 71 years old. Women voters of Nebraska may vote for delegates to tho national party convention, according to an opinion rendered by Atoorney General Clarence A. Davis, Issued Wednesday. Cnpi. Hnlllgnn Sails. Capt. P. U. Unlllgnn, who had beon In ovorseas si rvlce for more than two . yurs, sailed for homo December 10th and Is 'expected to reach Now York) Wednesday of next week. After landing he will go to somo camp to receive his discharge. Ho will visit his parents in this city and then expects to locate in Lincoln to uractlce law. Distributed Thirty-three Baskets. Trough the efforts of tho Twontloth Century Club thirty-three families In North. Platte wero provided witiftXmas baskets. Each basket contained a chicken and other eatables in such variety and quantity as to mako a good dlnnor for tho recipients. It is a safe guess to say that those baskets wero thankfully received. ::o:: , . O'llrlcn Sale .Monday. Tho T. J. O'Brlon sale at the O'Brien ranch twenty mllos north of Suther land, which was postponod on ac-1 count of stormy weather, will bo hold next Monday December 29th. Tho sale is a big ono Including 400 head of cattle, fifty-eight head of horses and mules, 270 hogs, nnd a big lot of farm machlnory. Tho sale will begin nt 10 o'clock sharp t:o:: Round (her to District Court. Calvin J. Andorson, who was arrest ed for attempting to coerco and extort money from C. N. Williams on Decem ber 19th, had a hearing In Judge Woodhurst's court Wednesday, plead ed guilty, and was bound over to tho district court. Tho attempted coer cion occurred on December 19th, when Anrlnrann thrnntnnnrl "Wllllnma wlfli death If ho did not fork over a cor-j tain sum of money, and would also do him bodily harm if ho reported to any one the threat Anderson had mado. Anderson is said to resemble strong-' ly a man who is wanted for a grave crime committed in Kansas. ::o:; Plant's Name Significant. The spelling of Mangel-Wurzel is a question which appears cnpnblo of be ing settled in different wuys. Whut is really interesting about the word Is the fuct that its name was altered from Runkolruben by the German people. At a time of famine Runkel ruben saved the people from starva tion, and was for that reason given the new name of Mangel-Wurzel, lit erally "ftimlnc root. The plant stood Hui rifit-iiiiitisi In p-nnit utfHiil flnMiirr iUtiA miier unys oi uio recent war, mus once more earning Its sobriquet, by which It Is known everywhere In Eng land. Christian Science Monitor. Counting the Cost. "How much do you pny for beef steak?" "Not much. After the salesmun gets through charging for the suet and the bone the cost of the edlblo por tion Is scarcely worth mentioning." All is not gold that glitters like gold. When you buy jewelry (about which you can know noth thing), you have just one thing to rely upon-the REPUTATION of the firm from which you buy. "We refer those who have not dealt with us to those who have. We respectfully invite you to come in. CLINTON, Sign of BLACKLEG GERM FREE AGGRESSIN 25c A DOSE. One dose immunizes the cait" for life, l.xlra strong 7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for sale. All orders promptly filled with lrcsh vaccine. DR, W, T. PRITCHARD, Distributor. North Platte, Neb. RAILROADS WILL UK RKTl'RNi:i MARCH FIRST President Wilson Wodnosdny issued a proclamation returning tho railroads nnd oxpress companios to prlvato con trol, March 1. Failure of congress to onnct remedial legislation was given sago to congress Inst May President months uio tlmo originally announced for reli'iq.iiRliIng government control o' the railroad properties. In his mes sage to congress lat May President WIibou &nld the roads would bo turned back at the end of tho calendar year. "Xo agreetnont having yot boon renohod by congross," Secretary Tu multy said in announcing tho procla mation, "it becomes necessary in tho pulho Interest tr. allow a reasonable tii.' o W between the Issuing of tl: i '..'ti. .nMon and Mic date of Its actually taking effect. Thos president I iul irfo.l that thu i. ;'rcad nnd ox-p-isn eoatranios lire not organized to mukb It lossiblo for them to rocolvo and t.innaf.e tholr properties If actu ally t imed ovor to them Dcccmbor 31. In tf o years of physical possession of tho railways, tho government has encountored n dofleit of approximately; $046,000,000 according to estimates submitted by Mr. Shorloy to Sonator Cummins. When tho roads woro tnk on over January 1, 1918, congress guaranteed them a rental of $900,000, 000 annually, based on Uio average in como of a three year test period. Op erating rovenues in 1018 fell $23G,000, 000 below tho standard return nnd this year will bo about $250,000,000 under that amount. The remainder of tho dofleit has been incurred in expenses of administration, inland wntorways, etc. ::o:: Terms of Court Judge Grimes has issued tho follow court calendar fcr his district: Cheyenne county April 2Gth, Sop telpher 27th. Dawson county February 24th. May 10th, November 29th. t Deuol county February IGth, Sep tember 13th. I Kimball April 5th, October 18th. Lincoln March IGth, November 8th.' Mcl'herson May 24th, September Cth. ; -::o::- Mldnlght service was held at tho Episcopal church Wednesday night a large congregation welcoming tho dlwn of Christmas. Rev. Mackintosh ffl'ofivered an address, tho holy com munion was celebrated and bright nnd cheerful music was rendered by tho choir. j Maurice Pattorson entertained a number of his Uttlo friends Wednes day at a "party, tho occasion being his sixth birthday. Tho afternoon was spent in playing games after which delicious refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Tho Hershey Times says J. C. Mooro is feeding 450 head of cattle on his Blrdwood ranch. ita we fry. Stores The Jeweler. thu Big Ring. LOCAL AND PERSONAL A girl baby was born Tuesday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Randolph Becker. For Snlo Organ In good condition. 321 south Chostnut. 100-2 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cahlll, of Paxton. visited friends In town Wednesday. License to wed was granted Wed nesday to Oriu Hess and Mario Oloison both of this city. v Miss Margaret Kockon camo up from Omann to spend Christmas with her father and slstcrt. Chas. Cornell, manager of tho nows stand at tho depot, was called to Oma ha on business last night. Steward Kennedv.of tho Elks' club went to Omaha Wodnosdny night to visit relatives until Monday Miss Lucillo Llndonmoyor roturnod this morning from Fairfield where she had boon visiting her pnronts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry M. Johnson and two children wont to storiinn- n,ta morning to spend tho week end with friends. Misses Doris and Holon Soibort spent Christmas wthi their grnndpnr ent. Mr. nnd Mrs. G M. Smith, in Horshey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Edwards, of Brady, Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Mrs, Bakor and family, of Maxwoll wero Christmas guests nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Elliott Ogalaila's third financial institution, tho Farmers' Stato Bank, opened for business UiIp. wook. E. A. Smith, late of Coiumlius, is president nnd C. W. Lynn, who comos from Dallas. S. D., Is cashier. A man told us yostorday that in or dor to hnvo his customary Christians lum uiui jerry no wns compolled to pay ten dollars for n pint of Old Taylor. This la nnothor instanco of tho cost of high living. Tho work of cutting tho flrat crop of ice cast of town will bo comploted 1 Tho-yloW will bo about 14.000 tons. Tho harvost at Gothetw burg has not started, tho ico not be ing thick enough. C. F. Kllngo was fined nvo dollars and coats by Judge Woodhurst Wed nesday for provoking an assault up on Geo. C. Israel. Both partioa live soutli of Maxwoll and tho troublo arose ovor school matters. Grandma Steams was tho recipient of a very pleasant surprise when a largo numbor of her friends camo in Wednesday .afternoon and colobrnted her eighty-flrst birthday with a hand kerchief shower. Work on tho artificial Ico plant, which tho Pacific Fruit Express Co will erect at this terminal, will start March 1st. Tho plant, which will be located north of tho track west of (ho ard office, will liavo a daily capacity of 375 tons. j Mrs. R. L. Cnnlirnn nn lf(t. cs.i.ri - .... . . uif Gantt entertained a fow frionds lasfc ovenlng at an old fashioned Christmas party at Which domrntlnna r ar.d a Chrlstmns trco lont a holiday in. me uvening wns spend at dauc ng nnu cards. K. M. Cathcrs. innnnirnr nt dm I) V E. ICO ninilt. linn linnn nilvlaml Hint '!,' . ..ww.. w....WWwl Willi, HJU number i f cars to bo iced in transit next year i-romlses to bo as heavy as me imsi ,,-ear, aim no lias boon di rected lO fill tllO ldPJll W limi-ncj t the rafters reuardloss of cost. It is not often that bo committed to Jail, but such request wns mauo or Uincor HoKors Tuesday night and ho complied. This woman said she was without funds with which to pay for lodKlmr. and as a Htrnnt'nr iiroiorreu jau accommodations to anting tlio streets al night. Christmas was very quietly snont in North Platto, comparatively fow peo- pio appoarlng on tho streets during ine nay. it was originally planned to have community Christmas ovdnlnt: oxorcisos at uio l'Tanicilti auditorium, but It was found Impossible to ar- rango such a program as was desired. Keith, Monday and Tuesday. IRENE CASTLE IN "The Firing Line" Robert W. Chambers best known story makes nn evening" en tertainment that is a novelty as entertainment and as a fashion show. Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. "The Eternal Magdalene" WITH MARGARET MARSH She is as inevitable as the sunrise. She is someone's runaway daughter or some man's abused wife. A story of your town and mine. Saturday special, Rainbow comedy. "A BARNYARD ROMANCE." SIAKKS CIlItlSTJIAS OF $100,000,000 TO MANKIND Now York, Doc. 25. John D. Rocko follor gave to mankind a Christmas presont of $100,000,000 half to tho gonoral education board to ralso tho salaries of collogo profossors and half to tho Rockcfollor foundation to aid in its work of combating dlsoaso through Improvement of medical education, public health administration and sci entific research. It is estomatod that Mr. Itockorollor's public gifts now ap proximate $460,000,OOuH While leaving to Uio gonoral edu cation tho board tho task of selecting tho colleges which shall rocolvo awards for their teaching staffs and tho amount each Is to rocolvo, Mr. Rockoreller urged that tho principal ns well as tho income bo used "as promptly and largely ns mny seom wise." Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Joffors an nounco tho ongngomont of tholr daughter Gonevievo to William C. Easton. Tho wedding will take place Now Years Day. Miss Joffors was for morly employed ns clerk in tho storo dopartmont of tho Union Pacific. Mr. Easton is a firomnn for tho Union Pa cific on tho Wyoming division. Both of tho young people woro born and raised In North Plntto. Keith, Tonight. William Russell IN "Eastward Ho!" A Btory of typical American manhood in which "west moves cast." Sun shine Comedy A Schoolhcuso Scandal. Keith, Saturday A Real Western Play "The Arizona Outlaw' WITH EDYTHE STERLING A bruma of tho cattle country. Also tho ;Sunshino Comedy A Schoolhouse Scandal. Crystal, Tonight. The American Beauty, KATHERINE McDONALD IN "The Beauty Market" A play that will shamo some mon and delight nil womon. Rainbow Com edy "A Barnyard Romance.'