The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 23, 1919, Image 3

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""Danderine" creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
In a few moments you can transform
jrour plain, dull, Hat hair. You can
bave It abundant, soft, glossy and full
f life. Just get at any drug or toilet
counter n small bottle of "Danderlno"
for a lew cents. Then moisten a soft
cloth with the "Dundcrlne" and draw
this through your hair, tnklng ono
small strand at a time. Instantly, yes,
Immediately, you have doubled tho
beauty of your hair. It will be a mass,
so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up.
All dust, dirt and excessive oil Is re
moved. Let Danderlne put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness In your hair,
mils stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and fulling
hair and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful. Adv.
Taming the Bolshevik Turkey.
Host of us consider the turkey a do
mestic fowl. lie Is not. He Is tho
bolshevlst among farm birds. lie re
fuses to submit to barnyard govern
ment except when feed cannot be ob
tained by fi aging.
To keep bis turkeys out of the neigh
bor's cornfields, ono farmer fitted up
on nttnehment tlmt at tirst glance
looks like n tnrkoplane. It Is merely
a board fitted around the turkey's neck
and tied by a henvy ccrd that passes
under the wings. Popular Science
Nama "Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist on "Bnyer Tablets of Aspiring
in a "Bayer package," containing prop
er directions for Colds, Pain, Head
ache, Neuralgln, Lumbago, and Rheu
matism. Name "Bayer" means genulno
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade
mark of Bnyer Manufacture- of Mono
ncetleacldcstor of Snllcyllcacld. Adv,
Rightly Named.
Two well-dressed women called on a
rather hnrd-up neighb-.
One of these women commented on
her hostess' dress, making the poor lit
tle woman blush with pleasure.
When the call was over and the two
friends were outside one said crossly
"Why did you call that thing Mrs.
Blank had on 'a creation?' It wnsn't
new, to say fhe least."
"I know. That's why I called It a
creation. It was about as old as that."
St. Paul Dispatch.
Take "Cascarets" if sick,
Bilious, Constipated.
Enjoy life! Straighten up! Your
system Is filled with liver aud bowel
poison which keeps your skin sallow,
your stomach upset, your head dull
and aching. Your meals are turning
Into poison and you cannot feel right
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
splendid always by taking Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip
ing or Inconvenience. They nover sick
en you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nnsty.
harsh pills. They cost so little too Cas
carets work while you sleep. Adv.
Not So Shrinking.
Ornyes She seems a timid, flower
like girl.
Leigh Well?
Grayes Do you think her mother
would allow her to go to the theater
without a chaperon?
Leigh Why. I think so, my boy. Sho
drove an nmbulance In Franco during
the war. London Answers.
Imnnrtnnttn MnthorA
Examine carefully every bottle of
UA.Si.uiUA, mat iamous om reuiery
for Infants and children, and oec that It
Bears tho
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years
Children Cry for Fletcher'6 Castoria
A man soldom forgets a favor he
does another.
A woman seldom Inughs at a man's
Jokes nnless she has pretty teeth.
Mumber of Chickens Kept Usual
ly Determined by Time and
Skill Devoted to Them.
Members of Clubs Formed by Depart
ment of Agriculture Are Taught
the Best and Most Up-to-Datc
Pdultry Methods.
Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Butter and eggs furnish many farm
vomen with most of tho money they
ipend on themselves and their chll-
Iron. Tho amount of butter a woman
lolls depends pretty much on the
lumber of cows her husbnnd Is wili
ng to keep. Tho number of chickens,
lowevcr, Is usunlly determined by her
skill and by the amount of time she
uin devote to caring for them.
Club Members Taught.
Tho women who belong to clubs or-
rnnlzed by tho department of agricul
ture and the state colleges are taught
me best and most up-to-dnte methods
)f cnrlng for poultry. The members
ire also helped In organizing egg nnd
poultry circles which enable them to
)btaln better prices for their products.
'Jno egg circle In Hernando county,
tj'lorldn, In three months sold $1,840.70
vorth of poultry nnd eggs. In ono
nonth the members shipped 1,080 eggs,
flgg circles guarantee their products
:o be fresh, nnd there is always' a
tood market for guaranteed eggs.
Ono of the home demonstration club
iicmbers In Prince Edward county,
Virginia, cleared $500 last year on
A Small Flock of Good Hens Will Sup
ply Enough Eggs for the Average
pggs and chickens, and sho buys all
her feed. She claims 200 hens, if man
aged rightly, will ennble n woman to
keep up her table and to dress well.
Next year her eggs money will bo used
to send her boy to college.
Two Vital Points.
A poultry club In Coffee county,
lVnnessec, In 12 months has sold $345
worth of poultry from n flock of 135.
rhe members of these clubs are taught
Sow to weed out poor layers and how
:o select good setting eggs by the
poultry specialists. Often the dlffer-
mco between success nnd failure for
.ho poultryman or womnn lies In
knowledge on these two points.
Worth While for Farmer to Keep Him
self Informed of Market Con
ditions Before Selling.
(Propared by tho United Stfitoa Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Farmers who sell vegetables or other
farm produce to consumers or retail
stores find that taking pains to Inform
themselves on the condition of the
market Is very much worth while. Fre
quently a telephone Inquiry or refer
ence to the local paper will reveal a
nemtuid or lack o? demand that seri
ously affects tho vnluo of one's product.
Tho Information so obtained may sug
gest a delay In tnklng the produce to
town, nnd give the seller a consider
ably better price than he or she would
otherwise have obtained. In advertis
ing goods for delivery through pnrcel
post It Is particularly Important thnt
the fanner keep closely In touch with
tho demands and tastes of prospective
customers. To advertise goods at the
wrong time Is to throw away money.
To offer them for Gale at the most fa
vorable time nt proper prices means
getting tho hirgest returns for one's
Inhor and Investment.
Hn Can Scratch Up Many Slugs and
Worms and Catch All Kinds of
Bugs and Beetles.
A special reason for woodland rnngo
for tho hen Is thnt sho can scratch
up so many slugs and worms, am!
pick bugs and beetles from rotten
wood and under bark, and catch nil
kinds of Insects In various places.
These give protelds which are so nec
essary In egg production.
As Poultry Remedy It Should Never
Be Given Internally Oil Will
Cause Blistering.
The use of kerosono as a poultry
romedy Is dangerous. It should never
ho given internally, as results tnny
prove fntal. It should never ho used
on the fowl, as It will causo blistering
Of soft parts,
Various Fungi and Bacteria Are
Natural Enemies of Pest.
Insects, Like All Other Animals, Art
Susceptible to Maladies and There
Are Two or Three Known
to Attack Them.
(Dy C. It. JONES, Colorado Agricultural
College, Fort Collins, Colo.)
During every season several re
quests are received asking for Infor
mation relative to diseases as a meth
od of grasshopper control. Grasshop
pers, like all other nnlmnls, are sus
ceptible to disease and there are two
or three known to attack thorn.
First, a fungus dlsenso (Empusn
grylll Frcs), which has been reported
to bo successful In grasshopper con
trol, but Inter experiments havo
proved It to be of no practlcnl value.
It appears that tinder favorable con
ditions this disease will appear, with
more or less virulence, and sprend with
sufllclent rapidity to cause the de
struction of n largo number of lo
Experiments carried on In co-opera-
tlon with tho division of entomology
have demonstrated that tho grasshop
per Is not susceptible to the organism
when brought In contnot with tho or
dlnary form of the fungus, such ns
Is obtained from tho bodies of dead
grasshoppers. In these experiments
the grasshoppers were fed with tho
fungus, and the pure culture was
spread upon their bodies, but In splto
of these numerous nttcmpts to Infect
them, all remained healthy.
Second, a bncterlnl disease (Cocc
baclllus acrldlorum D'H.) was report
ed by D'llerrello ns having worked
successfully In Argentluu. Lnter ex
periments with this organism, both In
the Philippine islands and in South
Afrlcn, have proved It useless.
Under artificial conditions, such n9
are found In a laboratory, these dls
eases may possibly bo applied with
good results, but as yet, In the field,
no disease has been found by which a
swarm of tho hoppers In n given lo
cality can bo contaminated.
Opening Made in Fence to Permit
Farmer or Help to Pass Through
and Is Animal Proof.
On mnny farms thuie Is occasional
need for a gate In some portion of
the pasture or barnlot, yet such open
ings would bo used so little that It Is
hardly worth tho trouble to put up an
J 1 bT LL
The "Needle-Eye" Gate.
ordinary gate. In such enses a "needle
eye" gate will make It easy for tho
farmer or his help to pass through a
fence. Such a gate Is shown In the Il
lustration. It merely consists of two
posts erected so close together thnt a
horse or cow cannot pass between
them. These posts are tied together at
the top with a long bolt, while at the
bottom tiiey are boarded up for a fool
or two to keep hogs or calves In. Such
n gate as this Is convenient for thf
fanner to "duck through" and Is at the
same time nnlinnl proof.
Idea That Every Hen and Cow Must
Be Fed Exactly Same Ration
Is Erroneous One.
Some folks get tho lden that every
hen and every cow must be fed ex-
actly the samo ration. That Is all a
mistake, for they have different ap
petites and different demands. It I?
alright to hnve an Ideal average rn
tlon to serve as a guide, but It must
not be expected to work out Individ
Habit Usually Begins Through Some
Accident and Spreads Rapidly
Through Flock.
Kgg eating usunlly begins through
accident by eggs being broken or
frozen and generally when It gets
Marled In a flock egg entlng bocomen
a serious vice, Inasmuch as chickens
arc very fond of eggs when they havo
learned to ent them, nnd tho habit
quickly spreads from fowl to fowl.
In Making Choice One Must Deddo
Whether Eggs or Meat or Both
Combined Is Desired.
Your chlckon breed must bo select
ed with n purpose In view. Do you
want eggs? Do you wnnt moat? Or
do you want eggs and ment combined?
Bach of these purposes havo breed or
breeds especially.
Look at tongue! Remove poisons
from stomach, liver and
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for tho nnme California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having tho best and most harm
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its delicious fruity tnste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot
tle. Give It without fear.
Mother 1 You must say "California."
His Excuse.
"I'm going to strike 1" asserted tho
farm hand'. "There's too dod-busted
much work around this place I"
"But you seem to do very little of
It," we severely said, "so why should
you strike?"
"It ninkes me tired to see anybody
else yaw-w-wn I working," ho re
plied. KansnB City Star.
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do tho work nature Intended they
should do.
Swainp-Root has stood the teat of years'.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Bo sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cent to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bingharaton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Aav.
Natural Inference.
"Sometimes I feel as If I hndn't a
friend In the world," remarked tho
gloomy citizen.
"You probably haven't." replied tho
night watchman. "When a man tnlks
like you do he generally hns the kind
of a disposition that prevents a mnn
from deserving to have any friends."
"Pape'a Cold Compound" then breaks
up a cold in a few
Relief comes Instantly. A dose taken
every two nours until three doses nro
taKen usunlly breaks up a severe cold
and ends all the grlnne misery.
Tho very first dose opens your
cioggeu-up nostrils nnd the air nnss
ages In the head, stops nose running,
relieves tho headache, dullness, fever
lshness, sneezing, soreness nnd stiff
Don't stay stuffed-upl Quit blowing
and snuffling! Clear your congested
hend I Nothing else In the world gives
such prompt relief as "Papo's Cold
compound," which costs only n few
cents at nnv druc store. It acts with-
out assistance, tastes nice, contains no
qutnine insist upon Pape'sl Adv.
New Terms.
The toast nt the breakfast table was
rather dry, especially the' pleco little
Joseph got. He surveyed It In con
corn for a minute and turned to the
maid who was fixing his oatmeal.
"Milk It, Mary, milk It," he com
Constipation Invites other troubles
which como speedily unless quickly
checked nnd overcome by Green's
August Flower which Is a gentle laxa
tlve, regulates dlgostlon both In
stomach nnd Intestines, cleans nnd
sweetens the stomnch nnd alimentary
canal, stimulates the liver to sccreto
the bile and impurities from the blood
It Is a sovereign remedy used In many
thousands of households nil over tho
civilized world for more than half a
century by those who havo suffered
with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal
pltntlon, constipation nnd other In
testlnnl troubles. Sold by druggists
and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle,
tako uo substitute. Adv.
Father Can the girl you are court
lnir made a uond batch of broad?
. Son Well, she can handle tho dough
nil right.
No unlv. grimy streaks on tho
clothes when Red Cross Hall IHuo Is
used. Good bluing gets good results.
All grocers curry It 5c.
When u mini and a woman both
have broken hearts the woman gets
nil tho sympathy.
Governors of Twenty-Two Western
States Petition for Increased An
nual Appropriation.
If the passage of the Townsend hill
depended on tho support from Western
states tho measure cnlllng for a na
tional system of highways would be
como law by an overwhelming major
ity, says a representative of n large
rubber concern.
t Salt Lake City recently governors
of 22 slates signed n petition, which will
be forwnrded to congress, to lncrense
Immensely tho annual appropriation
for road-building, to be expended dur
ing tho next five years.
While tho Townsend bill asks for
$425,000,000, their petition calls for n
billion dollars. Tho Western gover
nors not only Indorse tho bill ns men,
but ns governors of their respective
states. This action reflects plainly
what tho West thinks of tho necessity
of highways nnd furnishes an Influ
ence which cannot bo overlooked. Tho
West hns gone on record as being will
ing to stand Its shnre of the cost
of a system of nationally administered
ronds, and the shnro will bo a big
Not More Than One-Fourth of 1 Per
Cent of Nation's Roads Suitable
for Motor Traffic
Ofllclnl figures show thnt there nro
In tho United States npprotlmntcly 2,-
500,000 miles of rural roaas of which
12 per cent are classed as improved.
Uond engineers, however, estimate that
no more thnn one-fourth of 1 per cent
of the nntlon's ronds nro sultnblo for
motortruck trnfllc. More thnn 0,000,-
000 motor vehicles nro now using tho
highways, nnd of this number about
500,000 nre trucks varying from less
Ihnn a ton cnpaclty to vehicles capa
ble of hauling five to seventeen loads
The most conspicuous example of
anything approaching the cfllelency of
a national thoroughfare In tho United
Stntes Is the Lincoln highway. Or
gnnlzcd as a private enterprise six
years ago, to stimulate good-road
building, the ofllcers of tho association
havo raised severnl million dollnrs by
private subscription nnd have stimu
lated tho Improvement of mnny sec
tions of the highway by the states nnd
counties through which It passes.
Wooden Device Tightly Fastened to
Rear Wheel Does Much to Pre
vent Ruts Forming.
After n rond which has steep grades
Is carofully repaired, It Is disconcert
ing to see henvy wngons going down
the hills with ono or both rear wheels
tightly clamped by the brake, grlndlnc
A Wide Shoe Placed Under One Roar
Wheel of Each Heavy Wagon Which
Descended the Steep Hills on a
Road Did Much to Prevent Ruts Be
ing Formed.
along tho roadway and cutting ruts.
On n stretch of rond which had suf
fered greatly from this cause, heavy
wagons wero provided with n sliding
shoe, which was plnced under ono rent
wheel when descending u hill, to fur
nish braking uctlon. The other wheel
revolved and prevented side slip. The
shoe was made of hard wood, surfaced
on the bottom with sheetlron, and pro
vided with u staple, ring nnd chain, by
which It was attached to the wagon.
J. W. Shaw, Corinth, N. Y., In Popular
Mechanics Magazine.
One of First Economies Engineer
Makes Is Utilization of Over
looked Essentials.
When a competent engineer Is en
gaged to look after road building imd
maintenance one of the first econo
mies he makes in many cases Is the
utilization of local mnterlnls previous
ly neglected or undiscovered.
American Roads Inadequate.
The roads of America today nro ab
solutely Inadequate, lnelllclent, and
antiquated. They aro not designed
to carry heavy tralllc.
Urgent Need of Country.
The most urgent necessity of our
j country Is good ronds permanent
roads that can bo used twelve months
In each year.
Snreader Is Necessary.
The innnnre Mnrender Is n nneessltv
on tho dairy farm.
" W- ilSg'WM 7 A
What Neighbors Say
Widrlon. Colo.! "I am dad to add my
fMftcnnnv In rcmu-d to what Dr. Pierces
Anurio Tablets havo done for mo. I am sura
inoy savca my me;
nnd if I can bo In
strumental in help
ing others I will feel
well repaid. My
kidneys and bladdev
wero in very bad
condition for a Ions
timo and got woreo
every day. I used
ono bottlo of a wcll
known kidney medi
clno without any re
lief, then I took two
bottles of another
remedy and used them but got worso every
day. I was in torriblo shape, was disturbed
eight to twclvo times in n night and suffered
excruciating pain and thcro would bo a
thick brownish scdimont. I was despondent.
At last I saw 'Anurio' advertised in a
Kansas City paper and I thought it just
suited my caso so I sent to Dr. Pierce's'
Invalids' Hotel, BufTalo, N. Y for a trial
package, which was ten cents. I took two
tablets at night and felt much better in the
morning nnd by tho second morning I
didn't feci any pain at all when voiding tho
kidney Becrotlou. In a week thcro was no
sediment in tho water, and it has been
normal over Binco. That was eighteen
months ngo. therefore it would bo hard to
mako tho claim for 'Anurio' too strong.'Ji
Q. L. 11UNDY.
When Run-down and
in Need of a Tonic
Kansas City, Kans." "About tho only
tncdicino I havo ever given my littlo boy is
Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery.
Ho nover was very strong, and being deli
cato would becomo run-down very quickly;
would suffer loss of appetite. I would givo
him tho 'Golden Medical Discovery" and it
always built him up in good health. I havo
also givon this medicine- as a spring tonio;
for such 'Golden Medical Discovery' has no
equal. I do rccommond its use," -MRS.
GEO. MAUL, 1042 N. 13th St,
Keatores Color and
Deautrto Gray and Faded HaW
60c and f l.oo at druinrUta
IllacoaChcm. Win. I'atchogny. N.T.
louiti, no., stops all pain, enaun-s comfort to tba
feet, makes walking; ear. Ibo. br mall or at Irue-,
(UU. UUcoXC&enuoal Works, l-atcnosue,M.T.
Cuticura Heals !
Itching Burning
Skin Troubles
inn uiUKKilli; DUip u, viiaiiiirut avu sum w, lainimwi
a II -4 . !a. n.. nt nl.i..t r j a- rri. tnm
ruampitt eaen itm ox -uiuau-s., mpi. , aanon."
flics Thli Aeroplane li mutt
-i00 f aluminum, practically
vJiy jUSsCjftGL lndeitructlbl,lngapreai
a. Vi t2PP 1 lnchci-ln alllt li o
Incbci long. Guaranteed
to fly too feet on Iti own power, and "Land"
Jurt like the lane aeroplanea. Special Cbrlnraai offer
only tl.7i and your name and addreia. Machine will
be forwarded by return mall.
I. I. Mutton, c.h.e.l At... riilracn, 111.
Quick anil Kany
yf Keady Hlt Heady to Shine r
MMBB UABT1N al ABTUf. CUIOAQO iiiiiibiiihiumI
IturlliiKlon, Colo. 320 u. unimproved; fine In
vontmenti Ideal farming country. $40, Terms.
Owner, Frank dusa, 4006 N. 25th St.. Omaha.
Nebraska Directory
Importers and Jobbers
1503 Howard Street. Omaha. Neb.
Hess & Swoboda
Special attention to outsldt
orders for floral designs by
mall orexoreaa. Quick aerrloe
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Eia
Cases and Chicken Coops
M309 JoncaSU 1001 E. 4th Si.
412-17 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
Accordion, knife, aide, apnee, box,
Bunbumt and combination ideat
ing, hemstitching, plcot edging,
plnKlng,riiclilnir,coverln(r Imttons,
all styles and sites. Price List free.
Exceptional opportunity at the present
time tor young women over nlnoteen
years of ago who have had at least one
year In high school to take Nurses' Train
ing In general hospital. Our graduates
aro In great demand. Address,
Bupt. of Nurf, Lincoln Sanitarium,
Lincoln, Neur.
Hotel Loyal, Omaha
Take Dodge Street Car From Stations
"DioelSl-30 "P wlthoutbath.
Tho Hotel With a Reputation
Ask us to put your name on
our quotation list that you may
compare our prices with others
Mtury ivnniHrmnrrrrt:. w j '.'ww .f t y. y
Brriiating Coughs
Promptly treat couithe, coldn, honrseneu.
broncmUi and similar Inflamed and Irritated
condition! of the throat With a tested icmedy