The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1919, Image 12

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    I It A L HARK. Editor mitl J'nhllsluT
Ono 'cnr by Mall, In alliance. .151.75
Ono Year by Carrier. In ailranco, $2.00
Entorctl at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Poatofflco aa Second Class Mattor.
rjtlDAY, RECKMIKU I!), l!)ll.
Twentieth Century Club.
The popularity of tho evening ses
sions wbh attoHted by, tho largo at
tendance Tuesday evening at tho
meeting of tho Twentieth Century
Club with Mrs. C. S. Clinton. Mrs.
Ouy Swopo and Mrs. Stanley Orr were
tho annistlng hostesses.
Itoportfl of tho Red Cross Christmas
Seal chairmen woro not as favorablo
as honed for owing largely to tho in
clement weather conditions, but the
final wcok is expected to bring dnslred
Tho program on CltIzonshlp, with
Mrs. V. II. Cramer as chairman, prov
ed of doepost Interest, tho members
First rrosbytcrlan Clmfcli. I
Tho pastor will give a Christmas
sermon at 11 a. m., and tho Sunday!
school will havo a short'program nndi
make an offering for the aid of tho nuf-!
forlng In Persia. If you havo not heard i
the choir of this church latoly- you l
havo misses a real treat. Mrs. Gllfoyl
and Miss MacKay havo somo of the'
best singers of tho city with thorn nnd
they will offer to tho public Sunday j
ovcnlng at 7:1)0, ono of tho best pro-(
grnms of Christmas music that the
city has heard.
Tills church will make this a giving j
Christmas, so all members arc urged'
to come and enjoy tho splendid Christ-1
mas music, and then romombor the
suffering in Persia with a real ottering
for tholr rcllof. 1
Rnmombor It moans giving for He
Why flic Jtod Crss Christmas Seals
Although tuberculosis IcIIIb 1G0.00C
nfmiiL mini, VAfir Itl Ml ITflffPfl RtlltftM
. . . . k I , I f I ... 41. ......... ............ 1 . 1 1 UCI
It Is not gaining ground, in fact it nag '"
lost much ground. Tlie forward movo- about to bo plncod In their hands and
nf i o .nroi. in viinrv. Tim Na- determining to assume thrtr null-
. .i.ini.i ftfliml nlinro tint nlnnn In rftffnrn tn
s leading tho .SSTaSuMt So U o bnl 00 but in tholr cnllght- whose birth wo celebrate, who gave
iltf PlaS. b active, cned training of the youth of pur coun-' -e. for ,-rlng h Uy am
lv oncairod for fifteen Toars. When ltiiry. tho commumiy mn uimur "i ""' " """t"":":r
first opened flro, little was being done, j leadership f Mrs. Henry Gllfoyl Is
Flfteon years ago only flvo states jvoro proving qulto a feature of tho pro
making active efforts to copo with tho, grams. Mrs. Mao Forbes' humorous
ravagos of tuberculosa. Today every! recitations and little Miss Tholma
one of tho forty-eight states has an Starr's delightful piano solo rounded
antl-tuborculosls association, and so; out a mst ontertalnlng session,
.also have Porto Rico, Hawaii, and tho, MRS. STANLEY ORR,
Phlllmilnos. In add t on there are 'ross correspond oiu.
nearly 1.000 other associations and
societies engagod In tho samo work. I We can mako Immcdlato delivery on
Flfteon years ago thoro woro only, 100. Dodge Brothers touring cars and ono
hospitals and sanatorlums for tho sedan. Get your car now whon you
treatment of tuberculosis. Most of, can get It. Don't wait for tho spring
these Institutions were poorly equip-; shortage and possibly higher prices,
pod. Today there aro ovor COO special . j. V. ROMIGII, Dealer,
tubrculosls hospitals and sanatorlums,
and moro than GOO clinics and dls-i Mrs. Rogue chairman of Iho Fourth
pcnsorlos, all thoroughly equipped for wa,rd ,n th Ror Cross Christmas Seal
their work. drlvo reports splondld results from
Fifteen years ago tho limited fundsl uio irauic ni no union i-acuic siauon
glvo out of our abundance to bring
Him to the needy.
Mr. Ed. O. Martin, of Denver, will
sing at both morning and evening ser
vices. ::o::
Diamonds Dixon Diamonds.
for tho fight against tuberculosis camo
from a fow contributors. Today the
work of the National Tuberculosis as
sociation and tho 1000 stato and local
organizations with which It Is affiliat
ed Is financed largely through tho salo
of Rod Cross Christmas seals, thus en
abllng tho public to support a move
ment that is designed solely to pro
pmoto tholr health oad general wel
fare. What has boon accomplished Is
a causo for congratulation and offords
groat oncouragomont for tho future,
but much remains to bo dono. Today
wo aro being called upon to assist as
individuals. If within oar homos there
Is no bolovod victim of this dread dls
easo lot us thankfully, assist In re
storing to health thoso loss fortunate.
Press Correspondent
Used Cars on Payment Plan.
1$17 Dodgo Touring $750
1918 Ford touring 1 $425
1017 Ford touring $275
1917 Ford roadster $400
Will soli thoso cars from ono-thlrd
to ono-half cash and balanco on
monthly payments. J. V. ROMIOH,
"98-2 ( Dealer
(Cholcorcorn fed boof dollvorcd by tho
guanor nnu iporic mo mi mo. rricos
rlglit, AtJMcKaln'B Meat Markot,
North Sldol Phono G18 or call. 98-2
As tho contributors are largely out of
town peoplo, It bohoovos tho homo
folks to look well to their laurels.
Tho best way to bo happy Is to
mako somo ono olso happy. Ruy a
useful gift for your wlfo or swect-
. heart. Nlco furs, Bilk klmonas, pret
ty waist and many other practical
gifts, you'll find at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hnsonyagor and
llttlo daughter, who havo boon visit
ing tho lattor's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Young, loft Wednesday for Los An
geles to mako their homo.
Dovo silk underwear for Christmas
at Wilcox Department Store.
A girl baby was born Monday to Mr,
and Mrs. Wilbur Atkins.
Men's flno shirts at reasonable
prices at Wilcox's.
Miss Mary Hockrldgo, of Sutherland,
visited frionds In town Wednesday.
Albrecht dependable furs at Wil
cox's. Mrs. Puoppkc, of Paxton, visited
with friends in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Frye, of Horshcy,
woro guests of friends In town Wed
Buffalo meat at Martl's markot for
tho ChristmaB trade. Fresh from
Pawnee Bill's anch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. II. Eyerly, of Her-
8hoy, visited with friends In town
Tho H. & S. Agency reports tho salo
of tho Elmer Clement property, 1110
west Tenth street to II. S. Davis.
for quick dollvery.Handles anything
Day or night. City or country. Resi
dence phono Black 0GG, stand phone
92. J. II. TAOADER. 9E-C
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Clark as the chief of the Man Haters' League. Come and
see them hate ? men in this captivating picture.
Austin s
We have in slock a large selection of Diamond Rings, Brooches,
Lavallieres, Dinner Rings, Bar Pins, Platinum or gold combi
nation. Diamonds will advance 25 percent the first !of theyear,
they are the safest place to put money, as a Diamond never be
comes second hand and are always going up in price. See our
selections before you buy.
Solataires in Tiffiny gold mountings $15to 850.00.
Solataires in platinum fancy good selections. -
Lavallieres, gold or platinum, $9 to $1,000
Lavalliers elastic gold or platinum $150 to $500
Bar Piis, platinum and gold $30 to $200
Bar Pins, platinum and diamonds up to $600
Wrist Watches set with Diamonds, solid gold, $60 to $100
Give the little store on the corner a visit, will appreciate
your patronage.
C. ML AUSTIN, Jeweler.
Xmas Joys
May be emphasized by the exchange o
gifts of a serviceable nature. Such
gifts may be had in abundance at Hirsch
feld's Store. A modern up to date estab
lishment for Men and Boys Wear.
Gift Neckwear
A real delight to select this always welcome ,
gift for a man at Hirschfeld's. The assort
ment is large; the silks of exceptional qual-
ity at each price; the colors and patterns
such as we know men prefer.
Xmas Neckwear Special
up to $1.00
3 for $2,00.
up to $1.25
3 for 52.50.
up to $2.00
3 for $3.50.
Men's Mufflers
Lustrous knitted or cut silks for dress and
street wear. Mufflers made right for
ivormth as well as dressy appearance. Rich
plain colors or accordion knitted effects.
The values can not be equalled.
$1.25 to $5.00.
Special attention. All merchandise purchased at our
store can be exchanged after Xmas for suitable selec
. , tion.
Coal Tied Up by Drifts.
With snow drifts eight and ten feet
deep at ono end of tho snow sheds at
Rock River, and with an engine stall
ed In tho shed and blocking the west
bound track tho Union Pacific was
completely tied up from Sunday night
until nearly, noon Monday.
By tho uso of sovoral hundred men
with shovels a nolo was dug through
tho drifts, opening one track to pormlt
trains to pasB.
Tho snow plow was unable to mako
any headway In tho concroto snow-
shed. General Superlntednent Ham
mill was west of the drift and Superin
tendent Woodruff of tho Wyoming di
vision on this side.
iMghteon trainloaus of coal were
tied up by thes blockade.
Louis Cogger, of Sutherland, trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Mrs. C. A. Seckman, of Keystone,
visited with friends in town yesterday.
See tho now lino of fancy combs just
in at Wilcox's.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jackson, of Pax-
ton, visited with frionds in town yes
A ladies' wrist watch makes a flno
gift. 100 to select from. Ausln, Jew
l)IstIllcrSeo Way Out.
A way out apparently has been i
found for the distillers caught with
large stocks of liquor on hand by the
suprome court's decision holding war
time prohibition constitutional; "
A plan was presented to distillers
by representatives of steamshlninos
operating out of Charleston, runs
wick, Jacksonville, Savannah and
Wilmington to Cuba, South America
and Europe It contemplates immcdl
ato shipment of liquor stocks In Ken
tucky, estimated at 30,000,000 gallons,
largely to Cuban ports for storage
and subsequent resale in Cuba or
shipment to other foreign countries.
French Kid Gloves, Heavy Kids and
the Moco, both lined and unllned in a
big variety of colors at prices within
tho reach of all. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
! Keith, Saturday.
"Phil, For Short"
Nothing over $1.00 on table No. 1,
at tho Style Shop.
Goo. Shoup, of Sutherland, was a,
business visitor in town Wednesday. I Smiling Bill Parsons in a
Dick Graco, of Omaha, assistant' ,
chief boiler Inspector of tho Union Pa-' tWO part comedy,
clfic. has been In town for a day o. MEDICINE"
Beautiful silk pajamas would mako
a wonderful present, Edwards-Reynolds
Co. 06-4
for Right Pricos on Furnlturo, Stovos
and Hardware. Bargains in used
Furniture. Special pricos on Guns,
Shells, Traps and Tents.
To whom are you going to sell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer the highest
prices. C4tf
For Salo Sovon room modorn
houso, two full lots, fruit and shade
trees, garago and other out buildings
Easy torms. 320 south Elm. C. E.
McLnne. 02tf
McDonald Bank Bldy.
Phone 37.
East End Grocery,
709 East Fourth St.,
On llJoXncolu Highway.
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Adro, Del 3ront, Wbfot and Ilpech
A Service message
A Christinas Suggestion
Do your children think that money grows
on a tree, that Dad just picks it off when
they ask for "movie" or "soda" money?
Most of US worked for our spending money,
but time and conditions havo changed some
what. Still we must teach son or daughter,
the value of thrift.
How about a Savings Account or a Christ
mas present? A Dollar will start the ac
count and the Pass Book will serve as a
starting point for those lessons.
Platte Valley State Bank9
Taj's i Tor Cent on Sayings.
ut Ilraudu of tanned Good".
A. F. BEELER, Prop
m m Bir.TrmiiTrTirn'irrrayrTTTiTrfnrTiTi