The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 19, 1919, Image 1
4 ft THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 19, 1919. No. 98 8RVENTY-SIX WEDS SIXTY- FOUlt YKSTE1MAY AFTE11N00N FOJHI AUTOMOBILE IufAlK DEFEXDAXT IX SUIT. Leonard A. Holl, aged soventy-slx, a votoran f tho civil war and supor lntondent of tho Ft McPhorson Na tional ccmetory, was united In mar rlago by Judgo Woodhurst yostorday Afternoon to Mrs. Julia McCready, of Yopcka, Kan., who gave hor ago as sixty-four. With head erect, with a, military bearing and with tho. Hght no33 of step of a man of forty, tho to- bo-groom accompanied by tho kindly I looking but not excited to-be-brldo, en tered tho court room, tho old veteran nouncod his doslro, which Judge "Woodhurst promptly, fulfilled. Tho I Ago or tho brldo and groOm seemed toi add reverence to tho occasion, and the Judgo read tho marriage service with more than usual Impresslvonoss, and m the laBt words woro spoken the groom gracefully and with apparent tenderness slipped a ring upon the finger of his bride, and as ho did so, Uio gave him a sweet, satisfied smile which almost spoko words of happi ness and contentment And then he helped hor on with hor coat and silk on bonnet, and they started out to en Joy each other's company during tho remainder of tho twilight of their lires. ::o:: Major Wuriolo YV11I Return. Major Fred J. Wurtole, who had been visiting In town for a week, loft for Washington last ovonlng, where, ho expects to securo his discharge from service. Having secured this, hoi will return to North Platte about Jan-j ary 16th and resume tho practice of1 medicine. i ::o: A remarkable offering of hats for merly priced up to $16.00, for $5.00, Saturday, December 20th, ono day on ly. Villa Whittaker, Block's second floor. Switchman Huff, who Is in a help less condition duo to rheumatism in his legs, was taken to La Grande, Ore., this morning whore ho will take treaU mont. He was accompanied by his wife. Govern & Stack, phone No. 80. Phono No. 80 for fresh groceries. . Person knowing of any family in need of a Christmas basket are asked to notify the president of the Twenti eth Century Club at once. For Sale Hardman piano In good shape. Inquire at 513 cast Fourth after 5 p. m. 98-2 Lorn . Bailey loft this morning for Fort Morgan where ho will trunsacl business for a few days. L. M. Monroe, of Tryon, transacted business In town Wednesday. "Tho Stato of Nebraska vs. Ono Ford Autoniobllo" Is tho title of a caso which will como up for hearing In tho county court In a day or two. The charco acalnst tho Ford automobile Is "that It illegally and feloniously trans-! ported Intoxicating liquor." ftathor a' peculiar caso at first sight, but not so when tho facts aro known. This Is tho car formorly operated by Ralph Starkoy whon ho was engaged In a rather notorious conveyance of liquor from Choyenno to North Platto and other Nebraska towns. But Ralph and . tho car camo to grlot at Brady on the' first day of July when Ralph finding that he was about to bo cornered, de sorted tho car, took to tho brush that lined tho river and made his escape In the dawn of tho early morning. Tho car was confiscated by Sheriff Sails bury and has since been in his pos session. In tho meantime a resident of Sutherland, who claims to hold a mortgage on tho car has made at tempts to securo Its release from tho sheriff but without success. Tho caso will como up In court and the Sutherland man will have to show cause why tho car should not be con fiscated by tho stato and under the law bo sold, by reason of having been used as an unlawful conveyance, and tho money accruing from the sale bo turned into tho strong box of tho county. " , Just at present It looks as though the Sutherland man will hold the sack. :;o:: Business Is Good, Thank You. Tho store with Xmas spirit and Good Values. 1 HARRY SAMUELSON, Men's and Boys' Outfitter.' Make it a Dixon Xmas. ::o:: Mrs. G. S. Huffman and Mrs. Harry Mltcholl entertained soven tables at brldgo yesterday afternoon with Miss Myrtle Beeler as the honor guest. A three course luncheon was served, tho small tables containing baskets of pink roses, while tho center piece of tho brldo'B table was a basket of pink sweet peas, which was presented to the honor guost at the close of the function. Joe Mahaffey, editor of the Arthur Enterprise, camo to town Wednesday to mlnglo with friends for a day or two. i Furs. Furs. No more delightful gift none more appreciated. You'll find the best to choose from at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Lloyd Askwlg underwent an opera tion at the OsteopatlTfcfTIbspItal Wed nesday. Your last chance to see "Broken Blossoms today at the Sun. LOCAL ASP PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Goodman went to Omaha yesterday to visit for a fow days. Misses May and Mabol Churchill woro called to Fremont yostorday by tho death of an unclo. "Wo soil the best for a llttlo less." Phono No. 80 for grccorles. Froo de livery, McGovom & Stack. Miss Temnleton. of Lincoln, secre tary of the stnto library board, lsj spending today la town an the guest of Miss Annlo Kramph. Harold Duke, who for somo time; has been employed as brakeman on' tho Southern Pacific in California, ar rived this week to spend Christmas with tho homo folks. j Our stock Is absolutely fresh, our policy. Is cash with freo delivery. Mc-1 Mrs. Arthur Billiard entertained at a handkerchief shower Wednesday nf- tcrnoon for Miss Myrtlo Beeler. At tho luncheon covers woro laid for twelve, the tablo having as a center piece a basket of pink roses, and roses wore also placed as Individual favors. Mrs. Floyd Rlcheson gave a pupils' recital at her home at 1020 west Fourth street Wednesday, twelve of hor pupils taking part In the program rendered. A feature of the evening was a Christmas tree from which gifts were distributed to the pupils. Special sale of trimmed hats. My ontiro stock of trimmed hnts at one half price. A sale coming at an oppor tune time for gift selections for Xmas. Villa Whittaker, Block's second floor. Mrs. Arthur Tramp entertained four tnbles at brldgo Tuesday afternoon I complimentary to Miss Graco Burke! A nlcoly appointed luncheon was served, pink roses and violets form- vlduals favors were unique, consist ing of California sea shells filled with I confections. Miss Dorothy Joffors entortntned at a Christmas party last ovonlng. Tho novel feature of tho ovonlng was u Christmas troo which boro a present for each of tho miosis. A telogrom recolvod yostorday morning announced that W. H. Mc Donald had submitted to nn operation; at tuo .Mayo Bros, hospital Wednes day ovonlng and that all conditions woro favorable. J. B. McDonald, of Omaha, was at Rochostor at tho time. Tho notorious BUI Carllslo is again back In tho ponltontlary at Rawlins, from whi-ii ho escaped Novombor 15. Bill says tho wound In his lung, recolv-j od from a shot by tho shorlff who, mado tho arrest Is causing him Bomo trouble, otherwlso ho fools "fine." Promoter Solby promlstes a real j good wrestling match for tho after noon of January 1st. Just who ho will! got to go up ngalnst Bobby Bylund.l ho has not just determined, having a' list of live or six others from which to soject n cnndldate, all of whom aro good inon. Th5$!0 men have onllated In tho army since the opening of tho recruiting station In this city last week. Ono of thoso recruits lived at Paxton, tho othor two were "floaters." Thin la a very largo enlistment for a ton-day period, but the men In chargo of tho station say enlistments aro alwayB slow around Christmas time. E. S. Davis was very agreeably sur prised Inst ovonlng whon ho camo home for dinner and found that Mrs. Davis had remembored his birth annl vorsary by inviting In a fow of his business associates and friends. A four courso dinner was served. Tablo decorations woro Christmas placo cards and a tiny ChristmaB tree graced tho contor of tho table. Covers were laid for ten. Good looking and careful clerks to assist you In selecting "His Xmas Gift" HARRY SAMUELSOI, Men'B and Boys' Outfitter 31 HAT PACKERS TO RETIRE FROM OUTSIDE BUSINESS Keith Theatre, Tonight PEGGY HYLAND . IN "The Webb of Chance" - Sennet comedy, "NO MOTHER TO GU232 HIM". It's comedy night! The best place that we know, of to spend an evening! Washington, Dec. 18. Tho flvo big packers will dispose of all tntorosts controlled by thorn except thoso di rectly allied with meat packing undor an agreement reached with tho De partment of Justlco for tho settlement of tho anti-trust Bults against them. All stock yards jpwnod by tho paok ors will be sold undor tho approval of a United States court to nnyono who doslres to purchaso thorn. Tho packers will bo onjoincd forov or from engaging In tho stock yards business, In tho ownership of Btock yard tormlnnls, mnrkot nowspapors, cold storago warehouses, tho rotall meat business and nil unrolntcd ac tivities under tho agreement nnnounced today by Attorney Genoral Palmor. Tho docrco will prevent tho uso of transportation facilities of tho packers for any purposo except tho moat bus iness. Government officials regard tho do crco as so comploto that It will ro movo permanently any dangor of tho packers monopolizing tho dlnnor table of tho average Amorlcnn, Inasmuch ns tho packers will bo forced to rotlr from tholr domination of tho markets and transportation systems. National 'JlirlfMVeck. Tho fodornl govornmont hns sot asldo tho week of January 17th to 24th as a thrift week. During this wook thero will bo specially doslgnatod days. January 19th will bo "National Llfo Insurance Day," January 20Ui "Own a Homo Day," January 21st "Mako a Will Day," and Jafiunry 24th, "Pay Your Bills Day." ::o:: Don't wait for January. Salo prices aro now on all women's and mlssos' suits and coats, at a discount of 20 to 40 per cont below regular prlcos, sav ing you from $5.00 to $35.00 on any pnrmont you select at Tho Leader Mercatllo Co. ::o::- Buy Her G if ts At The Women of The Town 9 swSW Art ifV S ARRANGED FOIt VOUIt CONVENIENT SELECTION ARE SCORES OF USEFUL GIFT SUGGESTIONS MOTHER, WIFE, DAUGHTER, SISTER OR SWEETHEART. WE KNOW WHAT WOMEN LIKE, RE CAUSE WrE SPECIALIZE IN WOMEN'S APPAREL EXCLUSIVELY. WE STUDY THEIR NEEDS AND ANTICIPATE THEIR WANTS, THEREFORE YOU CAN SAFELY COME HERE TO HAVE US DECIDE THAT DIFFICULT GIFT l'KOD LEM. REFORE YOU MAKE YOUR LIST OF "WHAT TO GIVE," COME HERE AND SEE HOW WELL PREPAR ED WE ARE TO HELP YOU. IT WILL SURELY MAKE YOUR TASK MUCH LIGHTER. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SUGGESTIONS. , Of course she needs n silk waist or a hlousc and you will find it a real joy lo choose from the ones we are showing in bountiful models of plain, headed, or embroidered crepe or georgette waists, from ' $4.98 up. FOR D LlQhtnlng's Freaks. Sometimes lightning Is strangely se lective. One will be taken and an other loft. Quito recently 20 sheep were killed under a tree, but the num ber sheltered was over 40, nnd thoso killed were by no means all In a bunch. But a stronger Instance Is roportod. Lightning entered a stable containing 20 cows. The first, third, and ho on, were killed ; the second, fourth, and so on, escaped. Two friends were going round the Uliiks tojtptirsrientvhejj. a storm cmne on from which they toolr'wjoJteH In a corrugated Iron building. One of the golfers sat near the door, and while waiting for tho passing of tho storm comtnenivd to cut up unsold' golf ball with a knife. A very vivid flash struck Ihe knife, melted the blade, made a deep hole In tliejhnll, and scorched the golfer's fingers badly, and thnt was all I v ff ' Ucccnt Additions to tho Library. BlackGreat Doslro. Blndloss Partnor of tho Out-TralL. Homllrook Camp Fires Girls In War and Ponco. ' Holland Llttlo Moment of Happi ness, t Loo Halncoat Girl. Lewis Froo Air. Norrls Slstors. . " . Paulsaon What JJapnonod to Ihger Johanna. '"Wl .' r Sabltv Boys' Book ' of Frontlor Flghtors. TmllnsonXScoutlng With oGnoral Tomllnson Scouting With Gohoral Tomllnaon Sorgonut Frod Colo.'r5' Sabln Lost With Lieutenant Pike. Wlddmer Winona's Way. V Wlggln Ladles In Waiting. Wllkle Forbidden Trail. 3rctli0('li)t"ciuircli. Sunday school 9:4C a. m. Tho children will have tholr Christ mas treo, exorcises and troat during tho Sunday school hour. Wo want bv ory mombor of tho Sunday scliobT present. Preaching 11 n. m subject, 'WIso Mon from tho East." Preaching 7:30 p. m subjoct, "Shop hords Abiding." Tho Epworth Leaguo will meot at 0:30. Z1 . ;::: Whon a man thinks of ChrlBtmns he also thinks of tho girl ho loves best. Sho may bo his wife, sho may bo his Bwoothcart. Buy, hor a nlco sot W furs, they will suro ploaso hor. You. will find tho kind at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. , ::o;: Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings every week nt 8:00. A cordial invi tation Is oxtonded to nil to attend theso sorvlcos. Building & Loan build. Inn. room 2R. ATjJTHE SUN THEATRE. fllvn 1hi cnmotliliif in wnnr. n r-nnt nr suit Ik snrnlv iisiofnl. We still hum n snleiwllil K selection and we are selling them nt a saving in price from $10.00 to $$!ir.()0 on ench garment purchased during our Yenr End Sale now in full swing. Petticoats $2.98 up Rath Robes $1.98 up Sweaters, wool and silk $4.98 up Slip-overs, wool and silk $51.98 up Rags in Leather or Mesh. FURS FURS FURS The most appreciated and practical gift you can buy is a sot of furs, or separate scarf or muff. Wo have them in all the best and choicest furs obtainable, and they arc now on sale nt greatly reduced prices. SILK UNDERWEAR We positively have the greatest and largest selection of silk underwear in the city. Silk night goAvns, teddys, camisoles, bloomers, vests, union suits etc.. They come in silk crope, satin aiid jersey, all reasonably priced. Onyx Hose, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Kid and Silk, all colors. Middies, Serge, Flannel and Cotton. Kimonas, in Silk and Crepe. Wool Scarfs and Sets. Skirts in Wool and Silk. Morodo Underwear.. Muslin and Flannel Gowns. Aprons and House Drosses. Infants' Wear. I: I Ain't It the Truth? Mr. Skepp (with newspaper) Says here that the man who throw tho bomb at the premier of Egypt Is n di vinity student. Mrs. Skepp Oh, you're always dig ging up !micthlg like that because I Insist on dragging, you to church now and then! Buffalo ExprcBs. SATURDAY "The Forfeit" STAltBHtG, 1 J?U8 E-tbters The Jail Breakers. A 2 KEEL MONDAY THE GAMBLERS WITH Harry Morey ALSO 13th Chapter, "Elmo th& Nighty. A Christinas Present For Your Whole Family. Make your family a Christmas present of an Auto mobile. It's a present that willjgivc every member of your family pleasure and comlort. ' It's a present that will endure a present that your whole family can enjoy together. It will strengthen the family ties. Make your selection now of a Dodge or Chandler; cars of established reputation and proved value in which you will get added value in the assurance of ever ready, courteous and dependable local service. DODGE BROTHER, CHANDLER MOTOR CARS. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 6th and Locust. . Phone No. 844. One Dodge Sedan, immediate Delivery.