The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 16, 1919, Image 4

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Wlioro arc you buying your Grocer
ies? Aro you getting Quality and
Price? Look over somo of our prices
bolow, as wo can save you money.
9 osc. jnr prepared mustard l"c
22 oz. Preserves 2"c
Irt nr. bottle Sunrcmc Cntsup 30c
10 oz bottle Wcbfoot Catsup 25c
No. 2J win tomatoes .. 10c
No. ft can pumpkin 15c
No. 3 can pork and beans 18c
Largo package fancy oats 33c
Tail can medium red salmon 30c
The ttbovo aro well known brands
and you won't bo deceived on quality
and price. Wo aro headquarters tor
tbo famous Butternut and Kream
Krust Bread.
Wo deliver fresh meat with grocery
ordors If doslrcd. Call and get prices
on othor goods. Wo aro not In all
parts of tho city but you can get us
by calling 212.
Scientist Settled Disputed Question,
But Loser Proved Himself to Be
"Poor Sport"
Dick Stegeman.
813 North Locust Street.
start tho day right
Let the furnnce take
its time; the Radi
antfire responds in
stantly, For bath
room, for playroom,
for any cold room,
get a
The same in principle
of construction as the
wonderful ' fireplace
See it demonstrated
at our show rooms
w ; i
North Platte Light &
Power Co.
Gamble with Sponger
No. 1, 220 North Locust, I'hone 203.
No. 2, 110 East 11 Stroet, Phono 400.
No. 3, 021 East Fourth, Phone 701.
No. I, 82 1 West Third.
Notlco 1b hereby given that the cor-
(Copyright, 1919, Wnltn Newptr Union)
Minn had n honrhiche and n head
ache, and It seemed that there was no
remedy within' her four studio walls
,1 to pnlllnte this distress.. Through her
weary brain flitted memories oi past
ailments of childhood, and the charm
which never failed to relieve a
browned spiced ginger-bread doll. Site
smiled whimsically at the recollection
mother, In her white starched apron,
her loving lingers fashioning deftly
currant eyes, while a fretful child lay
eagerly waiting. There were no wlilte
nproncd, ginger-bread women now,
Sellna reflected sadly. Her worm
knew only women of her own kind,
busy with various careers wmcn
brought comrorts, pernnps, inn ihh me
old-time restful enjoyment
Snilnn was very tired, yon see, so
her reflections may hnve been over
colored and morbid. Rut childishly,
unreasonably she longed tonight for
the "atmosphere" of the ginger-bread
doll. And to wish for anything was,
to Sellnn. the first step towards Its
Some friend hnd written "grandma,"
who was renlly a relative of her own,
and Sellna had almost forgotten.
Grandma's farm rested at tho foot
of a hill, which In summer was a
dream of beauty. Sellna wondered
what lUmlght be like In chill autumn.
The autobus, however, awaiting pos
sible passengers, seemed to settle her
dlfllculty, while a senso of exhilara
tion crept Into her being with the tang
of the sweet, fresh air.
Twilight descended, ns she paid
the driver and walked swiftly up a
tree-bordered path to tho white door
of the farmhouse. A little girl, with
widely curious eyes, responded to her
Orandina Harvey was nwny from
home, she Informed Sellna; a sick
neighbor bud sent for her In n hurry.
Grandma Harvey had telephoned, the
child added, that she must not be
frightened If she was detained until
a into nour.
"Hut I am frightened," the little
girl said. "I never stay alone, and I
want my supper."
"So do I," laughed Sellna, and
promptly deposited her bag In the
wide old hall.
"Who are you?" sho asked the child.
"I'm Jflno, from the city," tho little
girl replied. "The loctor ordered me
to go Into the country lust spring, and
I've been with Grandma Harvey ever
since. She used to be my own dad
die's nurse."
"And there Is no one else here?"
Sellna questioned.
'No one," answered Jane.
"I want my supper," sho repeated,
"Grandmn Harvey said she left some
sandwiches, but I don't want sand
wiches." "We will set about getting supper
at once," she said briskly; and soon
afterward the two ato a merry meal.
"You came," Jano said gravely, "In
answer to my prayer. I prayed : 'Dear
God, send somo ono quick,' and there
you were."
Sellna bent sympathetically toward
the child." touched by tho tremulous
note In herolce."
"Dearie," ' sho asked, "were you
longing for your mother?"
Jane shook her curly head.
"Never had one," she said. "She
went away when she loft mo In the
world. I'm sorry. Mothers aro nice.
They visit with you when you're lone
ly, uud mako things for you "
"I know," Sellna's smile was un
Did you," sho asked, "by any
It will scarcely be believed that the
question of the shape of the earth
could ever have disturbed the peace
ful atmosphere of the law courts. Yet
In 1870 tho question, Indirectly, Indeed
did como before three lenrncd Judges,
nnd the case excited a deal of Inter
est and nninzcmcnt. The circumstances
were ns follows: '
The plaintiff, one Hampden, enter
tnlned tho opinion that the world was
not round, nnd Issued an advertise
ment In a paper challenging philoso
phers, divines and scientific professors
to prove contrnry from Scripture, rea
son or fact. He deposited $2,500 In n
bank, to bo forfeited to anyone who
could prove to the satisfaction of any
Intelligent referee that there was such
jjilng ns a convex railway, canal or
The challenge was taken up by no
less a person than the late Prof. Alfred
Russell Wallace, who proved to the
satisfaction of the referee the curvn
ture to and fro of the Berford level
Lcnnnl between Whitney, bridge and
Welsh's dam (six miles) to the extent
of five feet, more or less, nnd the '-',-COO
wns paid over to him.
Rut he did not keep It. The plain
tlff apparently begnn to see that he
was making a fool of himself, and
brought an nctlon and recovered back,
his deposit on the ground thnt the
whole affair was a wager, and there
fore Illegal. Springfield Republican.
Through All the Ages Man Has Dared
Evt.-y Danger In the Search for
Beautiful Things.
Now, a thing of beauty that Is rare
and dllllcult to obtain seems ever to
hnve exercised an Irresistible lure to
adventurous man. To possess It ho
will suffer the hardships of the high
est mountain climb, or risk tho al
most certain dangers of disease In
tropic zones. He will dare death at
the hands of savage enemies and pur
sue his quest far Into the regions of
unknown wilds.
Into the depths of shark-Infested
seas he dives with the hope of secur
ing a lustrous pearl. Then to the top-
most Alpine peak he climbs for a rare
specimen of the edelweiss. A glitter
lng Jewel in an Idol's head may tempt
hlni to Invnde the sacred precincts of
nn Indian temple, or a beautiful flow
er lure htm far Into the prlmevnl for
ests of Rni7.ll, Colombia or Peru.
To this spirit the civilized world
owes not only Its greatest geographic
discoveries and Important additions
to scientific knowledge, but to It Is
also fluo the discovery of many of
nnturo's choicest things of beauty,
things whose practical value may be
but slight, but whose appenl Is to the
artistic and esthetic sense. National
Geographic Society Bulletin.
poratlon Ima been duly, formed undor chnncc, have a ginger-bread doll?"
tho lawB of tho State of Nebraska, tho "Grandma Harvey makes glngcr-
namo of which Is "Watchmakers' bread from this," sho said, excitedly.
Document, Incorporated." "Maybo after you'd baked it, you could
Tho principal place of transacting ,irnw It out into a dolll"
business Is In tho city of North Platto, Hn lf ilfinnon,lf1 ihnt mn invinf
Lincoln county, Nebraska, .. ,. . Hl .-,-.... ,Mvwnv
Tho gonornl nature of tho business
to bo transacted by said corporation
tilmll bo tho manufacture nnd salo of
a certain patont artlclo consisting of
nnd pausing to look through a lighted
kitchen window, saw there In tho lamp
light two Interested heads bent over a
Every-Day Fellowmcn.
There are few prophets In tho
world, . . . few heroes. I cannot af
ford to give all my reverence to such
rarities; I want a great deal of those
feelings for my every-dny fellowmcn,
especially for tho few In the fore
ground of the great multitude, whose
faces 1 know, whose hands I touch, for
whom I have to make way with kindly
courtesy. ... I herewith discharge
my conscience and declare that I have
had quite enthusiastic movements of
admiration toward gentlemen who
spoke tho worst Kngllsh, who were
occasionally fretful In thler temper,
nnd who had never moved In a higher
sphere of influence than that of palish
overseer; and that the way In which
I hnve come to the conclusion that
human nature Is lovable tho way I
have learnt something of Its deep
pathos, Its sublime mysteries has
been by living a great deal among peo
ple moro or less commonplace and
vulgar, of whom you would perhaps
hear nothing very surprising If you
were to Inquire about them In the
neighborhoods where thoy dwelt.
George Ullot.
u comblnod mlcroscopos and objocts doughy mixture upon tho table.
holder for tho uso of watchmakorH
nnd retail Jowolors nnd for tho manxi
facturo juid ,salo of merchandise) geii'
orally, nnd especially us usod In con
noctlon with tho watchmaker's trade;
tho salo of Hiich lnorchandlso to bo
conducted at wholosalo or retail nnd
for tho rental or oroctlon of such
buildings and structures as may bo
deemed necessary for tho proper con
duct of Bald business, and to purchase
nocossary real ostnto as a Blto thoro'
Tho authorized capital stock of
Tho fair, curly head belonged to
his own Bmnll daughter, but the fluffy
brown one, when raised presently to
examine an object In a pan, proved to
be that of an nttractlvo young worn
an. Ills entranco wns unnoticed un
til Jane, Jumping up from a bnnged
oven door, cried:
"Oh I daddy, I'd forgotten that I tel
ephoned you to como out at once. I
was terribly lopely then, you see, and
afraid. Rut the ginger-bread lady
came and mnde It all right." Sellna,
snld coporatlon Is $25,000.00, turning, flushed and pretty from her
$15,000.00 of which bIiiUI bo fully paid
up, tho balanco of said stock to bo
sold and made payable subject to Uio
order of tho board of directors of snld
Tho tlmo of commencement of bus
Iness of said corporation shall bo tho
1st day of November, 1919, and shall
extend for a porlod of twenty years.
Tho highest amount of Indebted
noss or liability Uio corporation shall
at any tlmo Bubject Itself shall not ox
baking, waved aside tho man's polite
ly proffered hnnd.
"MIno aro all floury," .she explained.
The city studio was forgotten, ns tho
leaves turned to scarlet in the beau
tiful hilly country.
Jane's daddy, also, decided upon en
Joying, with his small daughter, u post
poned vacation.
And Grandma Harvey, watching
from her cheery kitchen, smilingly
Japanese Masks of Shame.
One of the most unusual features of
a Japanese court to a stranger Is the
fact that each prisoner hns his head
covered by a wicker mask, more like
nn Inverted waste-basket than any
thing else, the object of which Is to
prevent recognition of the prisoner, to
permit him to hide his shame unde
the dlsgulso nnd, very possibly, to prr
vent him from making a bolt for lib
Tho sight of n prisoner so nrrnyed is
ghnstly, the mnsk bringing up the sug
gestion of the hangman's cap.
Onco In tho prisoners' box, how
over, tho masks nro removed, whllo
tho prisoners sit with deeply bowed
beads In an attitude of tbo utmost hu
nilllty. Roston Post.
coed two-thirds of tho capital stock greeted her three guests at evening ns
rnf ji i , m .i . t,iey returned from somo tramping ex'
tuu uuivtio ui uiu vui jiuj uuuii uiu lul noilltlmi
lin onmliiPtnd liv lin linnr,1 nt fllrnntnra l'1-"11'011'
consisting of throo In number, to be , 7 tl,1k" fnl(l Salliin ono night,
elected by tho stockholders, and tho looking up at tho man In the firelight, snld corporation shall bo imu 1 biiouiu nnvo 10 mnvry n win
prosldont, vlco-prosldont, Bocrctary ower, ofter all my protestations I"
treasurer nnd manager, nnd chosen by "And I," said Jane s daddy, with a
tho board of directors.
Dated November 4, 1919.
mock sigh, "to marry a woman with
an absorbing career."
"You should worry about the ca
reer," added Jano slnnglly. I'm going
to keep .sipmi busy being n ginger
bread mother."
ixovel Stunt In Advertising.
They aro not so slow In Russians
many of us Imagine An American ro-
IntpR that 5vlill In Hnsmw linfnrn llin
war ho one day saw a crowd gathered
around a little fellow who was bawl
lng at tho top of his lungs. Many
asked him what the trouble was, but
ho kept on crying, and tho crowd In
k creased ; then all of a sudden ho stop
ped and snld In a clear, loud voico: "I
am lost. Will somebody please take
mo homo to Ivan Toblnsky, tho chum
plon clothier of Moscow, who has u
full supply of autumn ovcrcouts, suits.
neckties, shirts, hats nnd umbrellus,
which he will sell cheaper than anyone
elBo In the clt"--Uosion Transcript.
I , 1919, by MoClura Nwpaper Syndicate.)
j "Lucille, I think -you nre carrying
this affair a little too far." Lucllle's
father frowned upon her from the
depths of his great ofllco chair, and.
Ucle Rob, her father's brother and
I partner, frowned a bit himself.
"I quite agree with you in this,
John," ho said. Of course, the ofllco
force might have quaked, or the world
of lwslness men been disconcerted, for
the firm of Spencer h Spencer were
pretty big men and their word carried
considerable! weight. However, Lu
cille appeared not to be affected great
ly; she gazed down at her slim ankles
nnd smothered n yawn as if a trifle
Father," her eyes looked Into his
serenely, "I can't see why you object
to Mr. Carter, and besides he's so dif
ferent from nil the rest."
"Different I" John Spencer's ton
was almost exasperated. "I con t sue
wherein he's different. Ho Is slmpiy
tho fourth cx-soldler your Red Cross
work gave you a personal Interest In.
For each of the four you appealed to j
mo to give them n position. I crowded
Carter In rather than disappoint you, ,
though I didn't need him."
"Like the others three, be thnnks mo
by making love to my daughter. The
others, although they amused you for a
while, soon wearied you, but this fel
low evidently possesses some added
charm, for you accept his attentions
gladly, to all appearances."
"Rut, father," Lucille was persist
ent, "Mr. Carter Is. so different.
"His salary Is $25 per, just what the
others get," threw In Uncle Rob dry
ly. "Wouldn't keep you In huts, even."
"ne'll get to the top all right," de
fended Lucille. "You 'lions' in the
business world certainly make me
tired. You cheer the boys for their
valor in fighting. They win the war
for you and come back, looking for
Jobs. They mny get the Jobs, but right
there the heretofore bravos cease. No
matter what their heroism, what their
sacrifice.' tho danger past, thoy are
Just the poorer class, the class your
daughters needn't associate with."
"Lucille." Mr. John Spencer looked
somewhat hurt. "Your uncle and I
have been In the business a long time.
We have struggled and worked hard
nnd kept our noses to the grindstone
for yenrs. If wo havo won the title of
'Hons,' we deserve It."
"Hero stuff Is all right, but It doesn't
pay tho rent nor buy groceries, does it?
Why,' Carter has had two chances to
go with other firms. He's a bright
fellow, and there Is a Sfi raise
In each enso. Rut, no, tho other men
didn't have dnughters."
"I toll you what I suggested to your
father." Uncle Rob leaned over to pat
the little hand resting on his desk. "I
suggested letting Carter go; not throw'
lng hlni out without n job, but forcing
one of his recent offers upon him."
Her father turned suddenly and
pressed a certain button on his desk.
"Send Carter In," ho said to the red-
haired ofllco boy. And the next mo
ment n tall, well-built young man
crossed tho threshold. "Good morning,
Dnnlel," called Lucille, cheerily.
Why. Lucille," the young man's
face lighted up wonderfully.
Carter!" John Spencer stopped him
with a gesture ere he could cross to
Lucllle's side. "Just a moment, please;
I want n word with you."
"Certainly." Carter stopped cour
teously by his employer's desk.
"I'm not at all sntlsfled, young man.
I'm going to let you go. Of course, I
will see that you get another posi
tion; that ts understood, but I don't
think you hnve played square with
me. Speak out like a man. Do you?"
For an instant Cnrtcr's grave blue
eyes registered amusement, men lie
drew himself up soberly.
"I haven't played square with you,
-," be answered. "Of course I've
oeen very honest with your daughter,
but my year In the trenches taught me
a valuable lesson. You sec, 'lions' and
Germnn foxes must bo approached with
caution and a cunning to match their
"When I first met Lucille, nnd found
out that you were her father, I real
ized that If you knew my uncles were
Carter k Carter, your most hitter ri
vals und contestants for the 'Honshlp
honors,' I would have to go slow.
"Lucille and I thought If I could
establish myself la your good graces
that would be, of course, tho llrst step.
Needless to say, my uncles wnnt me
with them, especially now ns I havo
some methods of yours to Introduce.
"Don't be nlnrmed, sirs," ns Spencer
& Spencer clutched at their collars
convulsively. "I havo drawn up pa
pers ready, for your signature, which
admit me into the Arm. And now, lf
you'll pardon us, Lucille nnd I will run
off to lunch. Don't forget tho papers
you are sure to sign, gentlemen. You
know, I shall belong to tho house, and
n houso divided against Itself shall
Lucille ctuno over softly nnd put her
smooth cheek against her father's.
"Father, you und Undo Rob know
the story about 'Daniel In tho lion's
den,' don't you?" sho asked Innocently.
Spencer and Spencer exchanged
glances. "Yes, I reckon I remember,
all right," Mr. John Spencer nssured
her. "The mouths of tho lions were
stopped, lf my niomory is correct."
The other membor of tlio Arm, Mr.
Robert Spencer, extended his hnnd to
young Carter, and with tho other tilt
ed Lucllle's chin.
"Daniel was some boy," ho remarked.
Very Special
An Extra
Pair of
With Every Two Piece
Made To Order at
Full Suit and Extra Pants $40.75.
lVo guarantee you cannot dupli
cate the suit alone from the
snmo quality of material nt any
other tailors nndor $15 to $f0.
This Is tho biggest offer mndo
by any tailor and we advise you
to take advantage of It before
tho sale ends.
The extra pants that wo include
will double the life of your suit
Wo guarantee everything to be
first class woolens, linings
trimmings stylo and fit Come
ln now order the best suit of
clothes you ever had on your
back and get our extra pair of
pants for
$37.75 or $40.75
We Buy and Sell
Obtain our Prices.
Mutual! Building andjjLoan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the buildingor purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
I have plenty of SIX PER CENTJMONEY
to loanj on improved farms and ranches,
with interest payable annually and' with
option of paying all or part of loan at any
Tax free mortgages bought and sold.
T. C. PATTERSON, Loan Broker.
B. & L. Building, North Platte, Nebr.