The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 12, 1919, Image 6

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Homo matting ChrlstmaB gifts
Furniture. If you give furniture there
Is no doubt but that tho girt will
please and glvo long continued witls
fnctlon. It's easy to clioo at Ma
lonoy's. Cold woathor sorlously interfcraa
with business In tho matrimonial di
vision of Judgo Woodhurst's court. He
A Mufflnr isa?iftnny man would
il lUUUltl appreciate in our store.
You will find n good assortment of
fancy weaves as well as plain colors.
91.00 TO $5.00,
ni For Dress and Driving ap-
lliOVGS propriatc and uselul to any
man. Dress and business gloves in
swede, buck calf or kid. Plain or
contrast stitching lined or unlined.
91.50 TO 9S.OO.
AUTO GLOVES lined or unlined.
$2.50 TO $20.00.
The Store of Practical Gifts for Men and Boys.
Graduate Dentist
Ottice over the McDonald
Stnte Bunk.
, HlrHchfold's, tho atoro of practical
gifts for mdn. M-G
O. A. Zcntmoyor spent Wednesday In
Omaha looking after business matters
Drop Into tho Stylo Shop and seo tho
latest creation, tho 3 In 1 garment. (
MIbb Mary Wholploy loft yesterday
for her homo In Fremont where she
will spnd tho Christmas vacation.
"Billy's Place," tho houso of good.
oats. Ho sorves morcnants' mnr.ii ior
aV. rftn iln otrhrna tn nlnnwo. tf
Miss Maudo Jleos will return Mon
day from Elsie, whero sho has been
visiting her parents fr tho past two
Dress gloves for "him" In tans, dark
browns and blacks. Edwards-Reynolds
Miss Esslo Wessburg, clerk In tho
county Judge's office, has beon con
fined to tho houso, for several da.vs by
. .At tho most opportune tlmo comes
'tho salo of furs, women's suits and
Misses Lucille and Anna Linden-
moyer loft yesterday for Fairfield
whore thoy will visit their parents un
til relief from, tho present coal short
ago permits tho schools to re-open.
The fabrics used In Manhattan
Shirts are positively not obtainable In
other makes. Wo arc exclusive deal
ers for North Platte. Edwards-Roy
nolds Co. 9G-4
John E. Nelson, of this city, and
several others living in Storling, Col.,
havo formed a company and purchased
the largest department store In that
place. Mr. Nelson will not, however
leavo North Platto.
This year practically all of us will
bo a bit moro lavish in giving to our
families and friends. Buy wearable
articles and whore your monoy will
reach; at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.
Miss Graco Schlrtz, of Sutherland,
visited with friends in town Tuesday
Mrs. J. Merriment, who had been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Johana Mc
Graw, returned Monday to her home
In Wheatland, Wyo.
Motor gloves for "him" many dif
ferent styles. Edwards Reynolds
Co. 9G-4
Tho sugar factory at Goring will bo
obliged, to closo on Docomber nine
teen unless moro slack coal can be
socured. Should tho company bo un
able to securo the coal tho factory will
bo closed, leaving one-third of tho beet
crop siloed.
Havo you seen tho Stylo Shop Xmas
Silk teddies $2.95 to $17.00
Camisoles $1.50 to $5.50
Silk gowns $6.00 to $19.50
SJlk. petticoats. -,$fc.50',to $;K3,PQ,
Washable satin petticoats, i
$7.50 to $15.00
Vanity Fair vests $2.50 to $3.50
Vanity Pair Pettibockers
$9.50 to $10.50
has not Issued a solitary license or
officiated at a wedding since Thursday
of last wcok.
Everything for tho motorist that
will make his Christmas a happy ono.
Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4
County Treasurer Soudor5 is now
sending out final notices to those who
have not paid tholr personal tax for
tho year 1919. These notices state
that If tho tux Is not paid by February
first distress warrants will be Issued.
Hundreds of slippers horo In every
wanted stylo for all members ot the
family on salo, for little tots at 95c
and $1.25; for the adults of the family
$1.45, $1.G5, $1.95 and $2.25; useful
every day; Tho Leader Mercantile Co.
11111 Landgraf, who Is something ot
a philosopher as well as a humorist,
says tho redeeming feature about oar- Kron ins $(5.00 to $9.50
ly closing of cigar stores and pool Ut i nwn 9 9R tn Sf? Of)
halls is that it gives some married aillSOOlC gowns ..Jo to Jb.UU
moil an oimortunity to become ac- Japanese nuuse ruuus $io.vv
quainted with their families. Negligees $25.00 to $32.50
Tho style Shop packs your gifts Crepe de chine combing jack
ready for shipping free of charge. ets $8.50
It is almost pitiful to como down BLOUSES $4.75 to $47.50
town in tho evening and notice the Silk pajama suits, the latest
dark and deserted streets. The only
placo whore there Is any Blgn of life
Is at tho Union Pacific depot where
many assemble to keep wnrm until
bed time.
High class suits for women and
misses at moderate prices, saving you
now during salo from $10 to $35 on
any garment you buy at The Leader
Mercantile Co.
Theatres In Grand Island were per
mitted to remain open for the appear-
anco of Sousas' band Tuesday evening.
Quite a number of local people had
planned to attend but It was not
known until too late that the concert
had not been cancelled.
Wo do al kinds of general repair
work. John H. Null, GOG Locust. 89tf
Kearney has adopted fuel rules sim
ilar to North Platte, the business
houses, however, opening at eleven
and closing at five, with tho same
hours for pool halls, cigar stores and
barber shops. Picture shoys public
nnu parocniai scuoois arc Closed.
Watch our Xmas windows and see what we have for her, also come in
and inspect our wonderful line of useful gifts. Leave your orders for
gifts made of ribbons. Here are a few suggestions.
fancy with embroidery or
(lainty lace edging at
10c to 75c
Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes,
1 to G in a box at 50c to $1.50
Crepe do chine handkerchiefs
in plain or fancy colors at 25c
and up.
creations $25.00 to $45.00
lo perparations, toilet waters,
Mary Garden perfumes, san
itary hair brushes, imported
powder puffs, manicure tools,
cosmetic containers.
CAPS AND SETS Children's
knited caps and cap and scarf
sets, assorted colors 75c to $2
GLOVES Kid gloves in the
best shades at $2.25 to $4.75
Imported French kid gloves.
Winter silk gloves, pair $1.95.
MiLUJiius, an wool, red or
white trimmed at $8.50
HOSIERY Silk hosiery in all
the new and popular shades
at per pair $1.50 to $3.50-
Lisle hosiery, very good quality
at a pair 65c to 75c
BEADS Of all kinds, colors
and combinations at per
string $1.25 to $6.00
RIBBONS Shower bows
75c to $1.50
ERS, assorted colors at
$1.00 to $1.50
assorted colors and patterns at
$2.50 to $4.50
Ribbon rose buds, violet bo
quets of ribbons, small, flowers
and buds made of ribbon, Xmas
We will help you select your Xmas Gifts. Plenty of sales people to take
care of you. Special arranged tables full of beautiful gifts to help you.
Table No. 1 Table No. 2
Nothing over 51.00. Nothing over $2.00.
Table No. 3
Gifts over $2.00.
coats, at Tho Leador Mercantile Co.
Douglas Thornton, of Goring, was a
guest at tho M. McFarland home for
a day or two this wcok whllo onroutc
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
price. Louis Llpshitz.
Miss draco Moonoy will entertain
Mnminv nfinrnnon at a mlscollanoous
aiinwnr r.omnllmontarv to Miss
Dlnncho Fonda.
If j-ou are looking for a presont for
"him," save worry and tlmo by trying
first at Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4
George Foster, of Ft. Dodge, Iowa,
IH spending a fow days at tno i.
Payne homo whllo onrouto to Californ
ia to spend tho winter,
To whom aro you going to soli your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington iier
cantlle Co. will off or tho hlghcsi
prices. 04t:
Pat Roddy returned Wednesday to
his homo in Sioux City, Iowa, nftor a
urn wonltH' visit Will MB uromura
James and Josoph.
SDCcial Kottlo rondorod lard. Brod-'s Meat Markot. 8Gtl
Miss Cathorino Herrod has accepted
a postion for tho holiday season nt
. . , nl. ...111 lw
Clinton's loweiry Bioro. emu m
glu hor now duties Monday,
v lino of wheel goods for Xmas
John II. Null, GOO Locust 89tf
As soon as tho weathor moderates a
building will bo orocted on eaBt aixm
Htrnot. liotwoon Dowy and Pino for C.
O. Dedmoro who will occupy It ns a
photograph studio.
if vou are looking for a prosont for
"him," Bavo worry and tlmo by trying
first at Edwards-ReynoldB Co. 9G-4
In order to koop all chairs working
during tho noon hour, tho barbers
havo lunches sont In and oat whllo
tlioy work'. Clorks in somo of tho
storos aro doing likowlso.
A man's gift is hard to find at host.
Wo havo Just what tho man wants. W.
R. Malonoy Co.
Tho Hastings collogo having closod
oii account of tho lack ot fuol, Miss
Ooorclna MaoKay, Emll Loypoldt and
Harold Sponcor, Btudonts nt that In
stitution, havo roturned homo.
For Rent 2 rooms unfurnished or
partly furnished. Phono Red 1243. 1
At the county superintendent's of
fice yesterday, It waa statod that bo
far as known practically all tho
schools In tho county have closed and
will remain closed until fuol grows
moro plentiful.
Nothing over $1.00 on table No. 1 at
tho Stylo Shop.
Lloyd ABkwlg arrived homo yester
day from Kearney where ho Is attend
ing tho Kearnoy military academy and
will remain horo with his fathor. J.
C. Askwlg, until relief from tho coal
situation pormlts tho school to again
hold classes.
If you aro looking for a nresont for
"him," save worry and time by trying
first at Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-1
Tho Loyal Workors' Sunday school
class of tho Christian church hold
their mid-week party Tuosdny even
ing at tno homo of Mrs. A. O. Craig.
Hio ovonlng was spent In playing
games, after which delicious refresh
ments wero sorved.
Tho now late arrivals of women's
coats and suits aro on salo at Tho
Leader Morcantllo Co. at a saving of
20 to 40 por cent, or a saving of $10 to
$35 on any garment you buy nt Tho
Leader Mercantile Co.
Gaining ontranco to tho Hub store
Sunday night through a baBoment win
dow, thieves succeeded in obtaining
jfiou m casn from tho strong box. A
numbor of checks in tho drawor wero
not molested. Tho police aro follow
ing a clew that may lead to arrest,
Sacrlflco salo, doslrablo closo in
south sldo rosldonco proportv, if
handled quickly. Part cash. Call
owner, Black 1148. 94-3
Tho Trlbuno is In rocoipt of a lottor
from acting secretary R. II. Willis, ot
Bridgeport, Btatlng that owing to tho
fuol Bhortngo tho ninth convention of
tho Btnto Irrigation convention to havo
beon hold at Goring noxt week has
been indefinitely postponed.
Dr. Morrill, Dontist. Office over Wil
cox Department Storo. tf
Real Estato Agent Hastings and J.
tho or-pollcoman was somowhat bat-
licomnn, bocamo Involved in an al
torcation Wednesday night in which
tho ex-policoman was somowhat bat
torod up. Tho mattor was aired In
pollco court yestorday afternoon.
Hlrschfold's, tho storo of practical
gifts for men. 94-G
Mrs. Wm. Hawloy and Bon John, ro
turnod Saturday from Chicago, whoro
sho had beon called by tho serious
condition of an aunt who had been
struck by an auto truck. MrB, Hawloy
reports her aunt to bo improving, al
though not yet ontiroly out of danger.
"Hnndsomo Ilnndwoar" Is what one
shoppor said of our glovo assortmont
Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4
High class suits for womon nnd
misses nt modorato prices, saving you
now during salo from $10 to $35 on
any garment you buy at Tho Leador
Morcantllo Co.
Announces Engagement
Miss Balncho Fonda entertained
thirty-four young lady frcinds at a
nnn iVnlnnlr Innnlinnn Wnflnoarlnv At
ueauunu siik pajamas would mako thla function Miss Fonda announced
a wonuonui present, iwiwanis-uey-plor comjng marrIago to D. H. Tar-
nold CO. 9C-4 1 Vrln.rtnn n ilmn-Hut whnno linmn !h In
The temperature Wednesday morn- Hot Springs, Ark., which will take
ing was nineteen degrees below zero, Place December 26th. The announce
some llttlo relief from twenty-five be- mcnt was made known as the guests
low tho nreced nu mornlnir. Yester- were seateu at tno table, toiiowmg
day morning was not so cold, and wo the bridge games by cards of cupId and
aro roadv to bollova that tho hack- ring design. The decorations were
bono of the December cold weather carried out in red ana green, tno cen
has been fractured. tor tablo decoration consisting of red
r, , ... .... roses, with red shaded candies form
JfOr Bilie iNOW UUVer lypowriier IMO.Mt.. , mwl .lnonmllnnx Vnvnra tn
a uurgain. u. w. Adams xjv. , the guesta were red roses. The tunc
JJrOCKS OU1CC. , yUir II wlmla wna na nrntHlv nn.
Among the teachers who returned Pointed as It was enjoyable
nnfnrnnfl vnrnt nn wnrA Mtaa Vlnln vmns jm lamina .oti...-.
ninann Mlaa Minimi ntirl MW Qhnn. "AUG IT', IiriHUIUia, nuuiUl Uliu u
non, who left Wednesday for Denver. "u m' ,n 8 .TI
Miss Julia O'Neill left Thursday for "1" wUOO .v..
Ailing. n,i atic, xf,.. nt every ono of us and a strong appeal
., r; nT,. I for aid In their battle with tho dread
l uiiumy puuui tuiuaio mtu jiaiiu io,-
liirscnroid's, tno storo or practical 000 victims each year in tho United
gifts for men. 94-G States alono. Tho Twentieth Century
Tim Pnl.l wnntlmr ,,n,1 a,,mt. H. n. Club, through its prosldoilt, Mrs. GOO.
ly part of the week seriously affected Fator. 1ms again accepted tho ro
imfin nn lining pnrifln -K.D,in,. sponslbllity of disposing of 100,000
nnd Wednesday passenger trains wero Christmas seals in North Platte and
from four to twolovo hours lato, thoso Ul BUCUU88 "l u!" u,'ve
frnm im wn.i iminn. M, .,iot,i the generosity of its ten thousand cit-
Wost of Choyonno tho snow fall was lzcn.a- . Tho Club members can be de-
heavy and tho cold intense. ponuou upon i o oo ineir snaro m uw-
LrinuLion oi iiLeruiuro uuu buuis, wiuuii
Specinl Homo cured bacon 35c per nroaont woathor conditions render no
pouna. jjroooecK S meat AiarKot. tr mean task, and tho small sum asked
After thlrteon years' service in dif- Per caPlttl should meet with universal
fnr..nt nlnrlnnl cnnnoltv w.Mi thn IT... response. Mrs. J. M. 1 rotter, iirs
ion Pacific, Ncls Rasmusson tendered Ray Lnngford, Mrs. H. R. Blalock and
Ma rnBin-nntinn innt wonir .nnnni Mrs. Charles Boguo are acting as
clorkshin in tho TiMrnt NnMonn) linnk. chairmen with a largo and enthusiastic
As a clerk Nols is a roal "old rollabil
lty," and will no doubt prove his real
worth in his now position.
For Salo Somo
heater and tricycle.
furniture, good
320 west Front-
corps of club mombors as assistants.
Tho Twentieth Century Club
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
moot on Tuesday, ovonlng, Decembor
Extravagance a Fault That Could
Not Be Truthfully Ascribed
to Hetty Green.
Some years ago Hetty Green paid a
visit, with her daughter Sylvia, to the
Connecticut village of Pomfret. They
stayed at un Inn conducted by Miss
Vinton. On the evening of her arrival
Mrs. Green sent Sylvia to the attic
for a packet of love letters which
Sylvia had that day received from vnrl
ous admirers who had never seen her
nnd who "loved her for herself alone."
The room they hnd taken was on the
top floor, because Mrs. Green believed
that a syndicate had been formed to
kidnap her daughter and herself for
the sake of their wealth. The letters
she read aloud for the diversion of
the other feminine guests assembled
before the fireplace.
When the day came to depart It was
"How much will It cost If Sylvia and
I use your carriage to the station?"
Mrs. Green said to Miss Vinton.
"Twenty-five cents. But it's nn open
buckboard and you'd get wet"
"How much would It cost if we used
the station wagon?
"Fifty cents."
Mrs. Green looked at Sylvia's be
draggled bonnet and dross nnd then nt
her own clothing.
"Well, Sylvia, I guess we haven't
got anything on that tho rain would
hurt. I guess we'll take your back
board, Miss Vinton."
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur nnsii w triv. lGth at eight o'clock, with Mrs. C. S
on a HiirnrlHn nnrtv nt Hi alt linmn nn Clinton. 204 west Fourth street, Mrs
eaBt Sixth street Wednosday night by ay Swopo and Mrs. Stanloy Orr act-t
tno bungalow bunch, and tho newly- "B " assistant nuaiuaaua. ..o. .
weds prosonted with a vory handsome tor earnestly requests that mombors
upholstered rocking chair also with Bond in tnoir war recorus nui
an artlclo which though not partlcu- than tho Tuesday, meeting.
lariy nandsomo may provo very ubo- mua. oituai uiv,
ful in n year or two. Pss Correspondent
Flno llnon handkerchiefs with a rinni,inrnrr iinll.llni? for Rank.
neat colored border la tho correct Yestorday morning carpentors began
stylo now. Edwards-Roynolds Co. 9G-4 tho constrUction of a temporary, bulld-
W. V. Iloaelnml receive., n lottor inc on Fifth street which will bo oc-
yestorday from his father and mothor, cupled by tho Platte Valloy Bank
who nre wintering at St Cloud, Fla. while Its banking room is remodeled.
Mrs. Hoaglaud continues to improve Work on tho remodeling will begin ns
in health, and tho Judgo is enjoying soon as tho oanK is moveu huh mu
the southern climate. The Judgo temporary building.
"What's going on in the parlorr'
asked the old friend who had como In
the back way.
"Meeting of our own foreign rela
tions committee," answered Mr. Cum
rox. "Mother and the girls are talking
over the family affairs of my oldest
daughter, who married one of those
overseas nobelmen."
speaks of mooting W. S. Alyon, who
located south of Sutherland moro thnn
thirty years ago.
Good old wlntor Is with us now.
Why not buy your winter blankots?
nVoTn0,1 r 8.t W& church at 9:45 a. m.
Kplscopnl Church
Divine sorvicos for Sunday, Docom-
bor 14.
Holy communion nt rectory 8 a. m.
church school and blbio ciass at
$2.95, $3.45, $3.95, $4.45 and up. Part
wool ?u.8b, $u.y& and up, and tho 100
por cent wool $12.35, $14.85 nnd up
at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.
Morning prayor and Bormon 11.
Church school North sldo 3 p. m.
Methodist Church Announcement.
Sundav school 9:45 a. m,
Preaching 11 a. m., subject, "Tho
No ovonlng sor-
What Is moro heartily appreciated
by tho avorago woman thnn a woll
choson ploco of furnlturo? For what Lord's Holy Day,"
woman Isn't delighted nt tho nros- vlcos.
poets of beautifying hor homo? And Epworth Longuo G:30 p. in. at tho
what man doosn't onjoy Bolid comfort parsonage H. E. msbs, rastor.
In lila "linmn ' nvmilniTB? Mnlnnnv I "o-;,
hns ib For Salo A bargain: room nouso,
T , , ,r - modern oxcopt heat: has garago. oarn
.no. uuiiu juuuiuw umi irs. V. U. Un.1 nrMil a.,n,1 Plinnn hlnnlc 4UK
noiBUCkor ontortalned Tuosday at n 0 winti, otmnt SGtf
ireo courso unc ioon comp montnryj tmii ninnn nnnnoitn tm innnt.
iu auaa iuyriiu xieoier nt ino nomo or " o -
tho former. Tablo decorations wero makes a specialty of steaks and chops,
ntnk nnrl wliltn awnnt nnna Also servo 35o and 40o merchants
roses, vith red roses as favors for tho lunch. Try us. 88tf
guosts. Plates wero laid for twontv- Wo dollvor fresh meat with grocory
six. -.rdars. Dick Steggomnn, phono 212. tf
December 8, 1919.
Board. met pursuant to adjourn
ment present full board and county
Wm. Lundqulst, road work, $20.30.
Sundry persons, work on Brady
bridge. $G8.2G.
W. H. Watson, mdse. county poor.
Holt Mfg. Co.,. repairs on tractor
Emma Pulver, care of poor, $G95.40.
Bert Leach, gas and oil, $4.80.
Insitute Peeblo Minded, $135.22.
Tho Hub, mdse. county poor, $24.35
Bratt, Goodman & Buckley, rent,
E. F. Cnklin, road work, $24.50.
Alva Baker, fuel for jail, $40.00.
Geo. E. Prosser, fees and services.
Adjourned to December 15, 1919.
;;0:; ,
Nothing will glvo your friends more
pleasuro than to seo you in a becom
ing now hat The Leader Morcantllo
Co. offers their whole stock of mil
linery at greatly reduced prices.
Jolmnsen's Salo Dates
20th, Geo. Snyder's genoral farm
salo 3 miles east of Maxwell.
4th, Leo Mustard, general farm salo,
southeast of North Platte.
18th. A. H. Turpen general farm salo
10 miles northwest of North Platte.
Now modern houso, oak finish, corn
er location, with very little oxpenso
could be made Into a double houso.
Rent from half would make goodly
payments on property. Priced at
cost of construction. Phono Red 834
::o:: .
Eur Conts nnd Robes.
Wo take orders for tanning furs
and hides for coats and robes and for
tho making of coats and robes from
furs and hides. Coats relined and re
paired. 9lf L. LIPSHITZ.
Director General of Railroads
Emergency Train Changes.
The coal shortage makes it necessary to tempor
arily discontinue, effective at once, trains Nos. 3 and
10 between North Platte and Green River, leaving
North Platte 2:25 a. m. arriving North Platte 2:15 p.
Other Union Pacific branch and main line trains
will also be discontinued and a general change made
in schedules, concerning which Union Pacific Agent
will gladly furnish information.