ff THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIWJNE. AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR RUSSIAN RELIEF AMERICAN ORNAMENTS FOR AMERICA'S CHRISTMAS Tht'KO lire the officers of left to right, nro Kllhu Koot, anil Samuel Mcltoberts. tlie American central Princess Cnntucuzeno cominlltou for Itusslun Spernnsky and Henry relief which meets In New York. Seated, de llucli. Standing, Montgomery Schuyler TRAINING A FOOTBALL TEAM WITH AN AIRPLANE An Interesting photograph showing Amerlcun girls In un American factory making Ainc mentH from Aniorlcan material colored with American dyes. Experiments for the pnst three United States can make these trinkets as successfully ns Germany. rlcan Christmas years have show tree orna n that thu ONTARIO' FIRST FARMER CABINET MEETS Conch Bob Evans Is making novel use of an airplane, la training the football team of Leland Stanford university Jn the piny photographed tlio aviator starts the muchlno and tries to gain headway against the strength of the men. POLISH MERCHANT MARINE STARTED . WrV 1 Ontario's newly elected farmer cabinet photographed In the U. b O. headquarters just after being sworn in by the lieutenant governor, Sir .lohn Ilendrle. From left to right: Manning Doherty, minister of agriculture; Harry Mills, minister of mines; Walter Hollo, minister of wealth and labor; H. C. Nixon, provincial secretary; K. O. Biggs, min ister of public works; K. C. Drury, prime minister; W. 12. Hanoy, K. C, attorney general; Peter Smith, provincial treasurer; Lieut. Col. D. Cnrmlchnel, D. S. O., minister without portfolio; It. H. Grant, minister of education, nnd Benluh Bowman, minister of lands and forests. WOMAN JOURNALIST OF CHINA i 1 MILK CONSUMERS ON STRIKE i SAW THE KAISER BEG ON HIS KNEES Scene at tho launching and christening of the S. S. Koscluszko at pier "20, Brooklyn. The ship was christened by Uov. Dr. Kwlatkowsld. Thu Ivoscutszko was purchased from tho United States shipping board by tho Polish-American Navigation corporation with money subscribed by over ten thousand Polish Americans In the United States. PALLO AND HIS BUST OF MERCIER Miss Souml Chlug, one of China's lending Journalists, who has come to Amerlcn to lecture to tho Chinese In this country. Sho Is ono of the best Informed women In the empire nnd represented n lnrgu group of Chlneso Journals and syndicates at thu Paris peace conference. i Expect to Uncover Treasures. Mulllngar, cnpltal of County West month, Ireland, Is on tho tip-toe of excitement because of n hunt for trensuro trove. Gold coins of great size have been found In an old passage wny discovered under n Held. They hour Inslgnln of currency "thnt un doubtedly have Ogham origin." Ogham Inscriptions arc found only on ancient monuments In Ireland and other Cel tic countries. Their origin Is wrapped In mystery. Cooking utensils have also been found. They are of mate ' rinl far better than thnt used In theso out-of-date times. But this Is only a beginning. The passage hns Just re- ....ilt. Itnnii utt-iinl.- lit .... Ing out excavations ror drain ago. Thero are strong Indications that treasures trovo and valuable memen toes of past ages nro to be found In tho passage, which It Is believed must lend to nn enrthen fortification. Five hundred thousand users of bot tled milk In New York city, working' In unison with the community coun cils of national defense, started a three-day boycott of milk. The Idea wits to voice n strong public protest ngnlnst tho prohibitive cost of the esseutlnl of life. Net Quail in Thousands. In tho Mediterrnneun no bird Is bet ter known thnn tho quail from tho Spanish littoral to tho Arnblnn hill sides. Twlco a year It pnsses over the great Inland sen, northward In spring nnd southward In September and October. Its coming Is quite a festival, and mnny an outstnnding bill and many a peasant's overdue rent Is paid at Its expense. When It goes northwnrd In Mny to Its nesting place In middle Europe tho sandy Italian sen benches nre lined in tho line of Its flight with fine net ting loosely held up by stakes, nnd tho unhappy Httlo quails, flying low over tho sea, plunge Into these nnd ure securely held by the falling meshes. No fewer than 17,000 have been re ceived In Homo In one day, nnd In the smnll Island of Daprl, near Naples, 1C0.000 are sometimes taken In n sea son. Detroit News. n,i!ln fiitiiniiu iiiiilnlti hitxldn tile bust of t'lll'dlnul MiM-rlor ulilrl tut him acwiiU'd at the request of his eminence. Baby Always Star Performer. Every member of the family with tho exception of the growing hoy will sometimes wnko up In tho middle of the night, but nono of tho others can get ns wldo nwnko us baby. Two Things to Explain. Tho trophy for absent-mindedness goes to Harold. Ho took his fiancee to tho picture show house the other night nnd left her standing In tho lobby while he went to the ticket win dow. "Ono ticket, plense," ho suld. A lit tie Inter, when the girl trailed him through the entrance, tho doorman nsked hltu how ho lad expected to do It. "But I had a harder time explain lng4o tho Blrl that sho really was nn Important Item In Tho evening's pro Countess de Lledekerke, chairman of tho Belgian Purple Cross, nowi visiting the United States, who saw tho kaiser kneeling on the ground beforoi tho Dutch oillcer at tho little guard station in Holland, begging to be saved! from arrest. Her home Is in the little frontier village of Kysden, in that por-j tlon of Belgium which hns been under Holland's control. GENERAL WOOD AND FAMILY i MaJ. Gen. Leonnrd Wood, Mrs. Wood and their family, In tho first photo eranh taken of them together since tho general's return from Franco. Tii sons, Cnpt. Uionnru woou, jr., nun i.ieui. ysuorne u. wood, went Into tho service nt tho outbreak of the war, tho captain serving with the Klghty-nrst division in Fruuce. Tim dnnghtur, Louise, Is still In school. gram.