gemtf&eritly (tribune. IRA L BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Olio Tear by Mall, in advance. .91. 7S Ono Year Ijj- Carrier, In udvanco, $2.00 Entered at the- North Platlo, Nobraaka Poatofflco as Second Class Mattor. Friday, jiECESiniin riTloio. NO ATTRACTION IN WEAKNESS Writer Denies Statement That Pale, Fragile Women Appeal to Chival rous Instinct In' Men.' There seems to bo tin end to tlio dis cussion of mnrrylntf nnd giving In mar riage, and the vlowHlnts of tho dispu tants are us various a their previous' condition of servitude. Tlio latest to add fuel to the over-lambent flames of tho controversy Is a speaker who told tho International conference of women phyfilelnna that "what every woman knows" today Is Hint "pale, wonk wom en are most appealing to men" because of tho chivalrous Instinct of fragility nnd pitiable dependence. To this find ing ninny will enter their respectful demurrer, snys a writer in tho Phila delphia Ledger. There Is nothing par ticularly attractive to a man In the prospect of having a life partner whoso health Is precarious and who Is unable to look to the wuys of her household or to bo the pnrtlclpunt in the husband's Interests In his business or In his recre ative hours. There are all about us the most beautiful nnd touching exam ples 6f devotion and Interdependence between, husband and wife, when the one or the other Is enfeebled by an In herited or an nccldcntul ailment, but such an ailment Is a liability and not an asset In the partnership; und while In tho mid-Victorian days, of which we heur so much, It mny have been fash ionable to look as though ono were passing Into a decline, and It tnuy have, been considered soulful und splr ltful to be unhealthy, today It Is held to bo morbid and even Immoral to make anything less thiin the most nnd tho best of tlio bodily tenement that Is tho homo of tlio Immortal spirit. HONOR MEMORY OF WOMEN Many Places of Prominence Named for Distinguished Members of the Weaker Sex. Jinny geographical names have been given places to honor tho memory of women. Thus It Is that Elizabeth, N. J., was named to honor one of Eng land's queens, while Vlrglnlu was named to honor the virgin monarch. Maryland preserves the name of the, quoin of Charles I. The Naval acad emy, nt Annapolis does honor to Queen Anne. Tho English were purtlciilnrly gen erous It; conferring Humes of women on places. In Australia tho lato Queen Victoria Is honored In two provinces, Quecnslnnd nnd Victoria, while the ,most benutlful city In that common wealth, Adelaides was nnmcd In mem ory of tho queen of William IV of England. The provlnco of Alberta. In Canada, was named for Princess Loulso Alberta, daughter tof Queen Victoria, and wife of the marquis of Lome, who was governor-general of Canada In 1882. The largest lake In Africa Is Victoria Nyniizn, and Vic toria fulls were mimed for Quooit Vic toria, as was also the cupltal f the provlnco of Hrltlsh Columbia, flumdn. The Island of St, Helena was named after the mother of Constant luc tho Great, who also gave mum; to her birthplace, Ilelenopolls. The French were especially prone to honor tho holy women of their nice, nnd Suult Sto. Marie and oilier points In Canada, first pierced by French priests, b!ze their trull across the continent. New Metal Produced. A new Invention, called conducting nlumlnum, which Is sold to bo crentlng a profound Impression, has been mado by Dr. Georges Glullnl, the most fn mous export In tho aluminum trade, states Consul Philip Holland, Ilasel, Switzerland, In a recent report. Tito new metnl Is produced by putting tho ordinary aluminum through a special patented process, by which It ncqulres tho same mechanical qualities and ca pacltles as bronze, copper and brass without chnnglng Its specific weight. It Is snld thnt tho price of the now molnl can bo kept within very low limits, so that, oven nt tho prewar prices of other motnls, It will bo able, by reason of Us smaller specific weight, to com poto with copper and brass very fa vorably. Tho fact that tho now metnl Is a conductor will muko It especially In demand In tho electrical trade. Chinese Masons In Victoria. A sea lion, a fuslllndo of crackers, n banquet, nnd the raising of tho Chi nese flag, Indicated to tho Victorian town of Echucn that a brunch of tho Chlneso Masonic society had been formed. Chlneso from ull parts of .Victoria uttended tho ceremony, nnd tho mayor nnd councilors of Echuca were guests. The Chlneso muster of ceremonies was Interviewed by; re turned soldiers who objected to tho flying of tho Chlneso flag ulono. Aus tralian nnd British Hugs were at once v hoisted to tho top of the flagpole. Curtailing the Time. "I can't keep my watch from gnln Ing time," remarked tho man who Is always fretted about something," "Can't a Joweler fir It?" "I doubt 1L I begin to suspect that watch was made In one of those fac tories where nobody thinks about any thing except shorter hours.'.' SOME LUCKY FINDS i , Priceless Art Treasures Dug Up in Odd Places. Recovery of Long-Lost Old Masters Have Not Infrequently Made the Fortunes of Their Fortunate Discoverers. Tho recent discovery of a long-lost Rnphnol In an old curiosity shop In a Paris slum recnlls many a story, no less dramatic, of treasure trove In art, says a London Tlt-Iilts writer. It Is not long since a stolen canvas by Itophnol of the "Holy Family" wns found In tho cottage of an Italian peasant, where It was serving the s6r- dld purpose of stopping a broken win dow; a Corrcglo which had vanished from the walls of the Dresden gallery nnd been lost to sight for generations wns recovered from the recesses of a Saxon hayloft, nnd priceless tnpos trlos, designed by Raphael for Pope Leo X., were rescued from the hands of n Paris Jew after he had burnt two of tho pieces In order to extract tho gold and silver contnlncd In their texture. Hnphncrs pictures, Indeed, seem to bo peculiarly 111 futed. Only a few yenrs ago his "La Uclle Jardiniere" wns picked up at a second hand shop In Paris for 44 francs. Ills Vatican "Adam and Eve" was found flung nsldc In the corner of a picture deal er's shop In the Ituc St. Lazare, by nn artist who paid a hundred francs for It, and sold It a few days later for 80,000, and for a modest 50 centimes a Parisian art amateur purchased Hn phncrs original design for his great picture, '"La Dlsputa Sacramento," for which ho would willingly havo paid 20,000 times as much. More romantic still Is the story of the great muster's famous picture, "The Mussncre of tho Innocents," which wns recently discovered In tho cottage of a poor widow at Como. Originally owned by Cardlnnl Lulgl d'Este, It bad somehow come Into tho possession of a priest, who bad pnld the cqulvulent of a sovereign for It, and who gnvc It to tho Duko Alfonso d'Esto more than three centuries ugo. After the duke's1 death tho canvas vanished utterly un til It came so dramatically to light agnln In tho Como cottuge. Rubens' famous masterpiece, "The Visitation." was, a fow years ago, ex changed by a Paris curiosity dealer for two Louis XV. arm chairs und a sixteenth century coffer, nnd a for tuniito collector discovered among n number of ennvases exhibited for sale by a second hnnd dealer at Mont mnrtro ono of Tailors' finest canvases, which he wns able to purchase for 30 francs. A portrait of Noll Gwynn by Sir Peter Lely wns discovered In singular circumstances at Birmingham by a medical man. While nttcndlng a pa tient In n smnll tenement ho noticed on the wall of the living room n tat tered picture of the head and bust of a woman. The frame was worm-eaten with ago; but, despite Its torn condi tion, the picture seemed a good ono and It .wns purchased by the doctor for a trifle. Ho took It away und ulti mately sent It to ho cleaned. There wns nothing on tho canvas to Indicate tho artist's name, but tho eyes of the subject boro that peculiar expression of tender lnngulshment, blinded sweetness and drowsiness at tempted by no other painter thnn Lely. Girls Play Fox and Hounds. French vlllngo streets nro ndmlr nbly adapted to tho American gnme of fox und bounds, nccordlng to Miss Vera B. Ilnlnes of Lake Bluff, 111. Miss 11 nines Is In charge of a sum mer camp which tho Y. W. O. A. litis opened for Industrial girls at Qui heron, France. Tho ennip Is similar to those which tho association has established In this? country for girls who wnnt nn out-ot-tloor vacation with plenty of sports und good times, but who cannot nfford to pay much for It. It Is only ono of three established In Franco by the American Y. W. C. A. . Swimming Is tnught every afternoon for thoso who wish to learn It at Qulb eron, but tho weather Is . almost too cool to mnko this sport popular, Miss nalnes writes. The girls nro anxious to learn Amorlcan games, so they have been plnylng for and hounds through tho streets of tho vlllngo In the after noons and becoming acquainted with "bacon nnd bnts," on tho beuch nnd lone hikes. Bonfires nro noxt to Im possible In arranging because of tho scarcity of ull tho essentials wood, Wienerwursts and nmrshmallows. Didn't Stay to Say. One rainy morning In tho early full I wus awakened by n noise, writes a .correspondent of tho Chicago Tribune. I listened, henrd some more noises, nnd decided there must bo somo one In tho house. I Jumped from my bed, turned on tho light In tho dining roma, nnd there, to my horror, stood Mr. Bur- glnr nt tho kitchen door. IIo !md Jumped through tho pantry wind" nnd got only as far as tho kitchen when I caught him. I screamed at the ton of my volco: "Get out of hero! What do you want here, nnywuy?" and quietly ho unlocked tho door and went, never saying a word. The Critical Cuisine. "This coal shortage" began the op nrehensivo citizen. "It doesn't Interest mo." Interrupt ed Mr. Storiulngtoti Barnes. "My Hnmlot gets roasted regardless of tho fuel supply." DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank DIdy. Phone 97. I)HS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors G, 0, 7 Building Si Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Hos. Phono 1242 .Notice (o Non-Hesfdcnt Defendants. Oscar L. Livingstone and the BVis of tho SW'A and Lots C nnd 7, Section G, ! Township 12, Itango 30, Lincoln ooun- any interest of any kind in said real I) , nUUIURKUf UUU till IJUiOUUO .ltlllllll, ( estate or any part thoroof, will here by tako notice that Robert E. Ander son, plaintiff In an action wherein the said Robert E. Anderson is plaintiff and you and each of you aro defend ants, filed bis petition In tho district court of Lincoln coounty, Nobraska, on tho Gth day of October, 1919, the object and prayer of which said peti tion is to qulot plaintiff's title in ami to tho E of tho SW& and Lots G and 7, Section 0, Township 12, Range 30, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff further socks In said action to quiet his tltlo against a certain mortgago oxecutod by John Klemnn, slnglo, to Margaret Livingston which mortgage Is recorded in Book 18, page 29G, of the mortgago records of Lin coln county, Nobraska, and which mortgago is dated August 17, 1893. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that said mortgago has beon paid, and that tho samo has been barred by the statu tos of limitation of tho stato of Nebraska; that ho and his grantors have been In tho absolute, opon, ex clusive, continuous and adverse pos session of said land for more than ton years and that tho (plaintiff has a now and absolute tltlo to said real es tate, and that tho defendants have no right, tltlo or Interest of any kind in and to said real estate. You are , required to answer said petition on or before the 22d day of December, 1919, or Judgment will bp taken against you by default. ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Plaintiff, By Hnlligan, Beatty & Halllgan. his Attorneys. nlldS Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Mead Stato Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwoll, Phoenix Invest ment Company, a forolgn corporation organized under tho laws of the state of Colorado, and tho SW4 of Section G, Township 10, Range 33, Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd all persons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real estate or any part thereof, defendants, will heroby tako notice that on tho Gth day of November, 1919, A. II. Stevens, plaintiff, filed his peti tion In the, district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, In an action where tho said A. II. Stevens Is Iplalntlff and you, and each of you, aro defendants, tho object nnd prayer of which peti tion is to quiet tho plaintiff's tltlo in and to tho SWH of Section 6, Town ship 10, Range 33, Lincoln county, Nobraska, against the claims and de mands of each of tho defendants to said action In said real estate Plaintiff allogos In his petition that Jtho dofendant, Mead State Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwcll and Phoonlx Investment Company, a for olgn corporation, claims some right, tltlo or Intcrost In and to said real ostato by virtue of n mortgago exe cuted by Stephen A. Albro and wife to Mead State Bank on December 24 1889, which mortgago Is duly recorded In Book G, page 298, real estate roc ords of Lincoln county, Nobraska, the said Mead Stato Bank claiming to own somo- lntorost In said mortgage, nnd tho said Wllber A. Bothwoll claiming to own some interest in said mortgago as assignee thereof from said bank nnd as purchasor of said promises under a foreclosure of said mortgago, and Phoonlx Invostmont Company claiming to own somo In torest in said real ostato by virtue of being tho owner of somo of the notes securod by said mortgago. Plaintiff allogos that said mortgago and tho Indebtedness socurod thcroby havo boon paid, that the samo Is barred by tho statutos of limitations of tho stato of Nobraska, that plain tiff has beon in the opon, notorious, oxcluslvo, continuous, hostile adverse possession of said real estate for more than ton years, and that ho therefore has a now and lndopondont title to Bald real estate, and that said do fondants nnd each of thotn to said ac Hon havo no right, tltlo or Intorest of any kind In said real ostato, having beon barred therofrom by said ad vorso possession and the statute of limitations of tho stato of Nebraska You nro required to answer said pe tition on or boforo tlio 22d dny of uocomuer, 1919. A. II. STEVENS, Plulntlff. By Halllgan, Boatty & Halllgan, his Attorneys. ntldB IN TUB UN1TI5I) STATUS IHSTHICT tOUIlT, FOll TUB IHSTIUOT Oil NKllHASICA, NortTII IHjATTB DIVISION. In tho Matter of William P. Masters llankrunt. Case No. 76, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary i-eimon. Order For Flrt Mcrtlnir of CrnlKni-a At North Platte In said District on this 19th day 6f November. A. D.. 1019. before "Walter V. Iloagland, Iloferee In uanKrupicy. ThlB cause came on for henrlncr bn foro tho Hoforeo upon consideration' of tno petition or the bankrupt and the adjudication heretofore made and It In ordered that tho first mobtlnir of creditors of said bankrupt bo held at tho office of the Xtoforoo In Bankruptcy lit Lincoln County. Nebraska, at North I'iniie. in sain county, on the 13th day or uecemuer, a. jj., ioid, at 10 o'clock a. in. It la furthor ordered that tho bank rupt be excused from furthor attend ance or tno court until tho first meet Ing of tho creditors: thnt said bank runt attend at the time and place nt holding tho first mooting of tho crod ItorH and bring with him all of hlB books, papers and records relating to his nBsots and hln Indebtedness. It Is furthor ordered that until the further oruor or tno court mat tno nnnitrupt carefully preservo all of tho nssotn of tho bankrupt belonging to his said ob tnte nnd nrotect tho snmo nn an ofllcer of thi court. WAITKtt V iiont.Nn. 92-2 Ueforet In Bankruptcy ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. Inferences and Dales at First Nn tlonul Hunk. North Platte. Neb. im n i mi i i D. ... ,i 100 Enst Third St. Phono 012 Doni K. Robinson, December .'!. T. J. O'Brien, December 10. Carl Smith, December Hi. It. Marshall, January 22. Frank Strollherg, February 23. Charlie Slilnn, February 27. J, J-i -biU HUbrilAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, north Platte, Nobr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical ;!!Lons' f?i 8Unm?i,lc8. MiS: .... , n -, , bios, produce, and all othor articles and Obstetrical Cases. A place ttnd things Incidental to a general grow-here the sick are cared for so as to rory, vegetable, food supply, poultry, bring about normal conditions in the nsh, game, produco and provision mer- easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono ill). V.irlli IMiiHn Vnb norm i.iaue, neu. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the (icientific treatm"nt of medical, surgical and confinement casua. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. DenL M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J. B. RcJGeli H. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Orer Hlrschfeld's Office Phono 333 Rea. Phone 1020 R. I. SHAPPELL Auctioneer Dates can bo mado at tho Platte Valley Stato Bank or Phono 156 Sutherland, Nebraska, always take stock buyers with mo. Office Phono 340 Rea. Phone 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Nob Phone for Appointments:. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Snecial Attention Given to Surirery McDonald Rank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 33 GEO. R. DENT, Phiylcliin and Sorgeon. Special Attention Glfcn to Surgery and ObstretrlcR. Office: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115 DR. IIEDFIELD L'hysiclitii, Obstctrlctaii Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Office 012 Residence (170 DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY Practice Limited to Surpory and Radium Therapj 7S8 City National Dank Uulldiug. Omaha. Nebraska. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 a.nd 2, Belton Building North Platte, Nobraaka. DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgeon Office oror Hoxnll Drag Store Office Phono 371. Houso 10C8 Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. W. E. FLYNN ATT0RNEY.AT.LA1 Office over 31cl)onald Bank. Offlrn Phono H!l Hos. Phone USA I. D. RROWNFIELD, , General Auctioneer. Live Stock nnd Form Sales. Phone or TVlro at My Exponso for Dates. 1IEKS1IEY, NEBRASKA. DEREYBF.EKY & FORBES, Licensed Etnbamera Undertakers and Funeral Director Day phono 41 I Night phono Black 088 AltTIOMSS 01.' INCOltl'OIt.VTIOlV of VOUTII I'ltATTl I5U.UITY ASSOCIATION of North I'lnttr, Lincoln County, .clrii.itn. Know all men by those prostata: That we, whose names are hereto at tached, have associated ourselves to gether for the purposo of forming a co operative corporation undor the laws ai ine smie oi iNourasKa, anu ior mm purpose, do hereby adopt the following Article! of Incorporation ARTICLE I. The name of thin corporation shall bo "North Platte Equity Association. ' ARTICLE II. The principal plco of transacting the business of this corporation shall be In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and such othor places n the Hoard of Directors shall select. ' ARTICLE III. The Knoral nature of the business to he transacted by this corporation shall be to buy, soil, trade and deal In, at wholesale ana retail, groceries, pro cnntlle business, to construct, buv. I nse nnd otherwise acnulre and to operate, sell, trade and otherwise mnko use of elevators for the storage of Krnlns ftm, cercfliB of nU cinBsoss to carry on tho buslnesa of slaughtering all kinds of cattte nnd animals, used , ror tne purpose ot roou, to manufac ture and dlaposo of tho offal of tho same, and to establish and erect cold storage, and refrigerators, stables, pens, and buildings, necessary to con iduct the slnughtortng business, and to do whatevor else may bo necessary and useful for the business of slnugh i terlng cattle and animals Intended for 1 food, nnd In ninnfacturlng nnd dispos ing of the offnl of tho same; to buy, .sell, Btore, cure, manufacture and oth erwise hnndlo fresh, salt and smoked I meats, fish, oysters and sea food pro j ducts; to buy, sell, own. raise, ship and otherwise handle all kinds of farm and Idnlry products, live ntock. poultry, and uoinestlc, foreign npd manufactured food product!; to buy, sell, manufac ture, and deal In Ice; to maintain re frigerators for frozen products, and to conduct a general cold storage busl less, to manufacture, buy, prepuce and sell ice cream nnd icos, as well as milk cream, Ingredients for making lco .1 I ...... . 1..... .1 . 1 1 1 I uiuuiu mill ivva, IV liu tlliu ?UMI Ull kinds of lumber, cemont, coal; to buy Ben. lease, exchange, dispose of. or otherwise deal In all kinds of machin ery, engineering and hardware speclal- i lies, gasoune or gnu engines nnd mo jtors, steam engines, boilers, electrical jmotors, farm machinery, f.'rri rnnlp ment. wire, dairy supplies vehicle, land tnnchlnery nnd appliances of every icinti, nature and description, to buy, sell, and deal In seeds and poultry feed, to carry on n general hardware business, Including the purchase and sale of all kinds of hardware et whole snl nnd retail; to purchase and si M furniture nnd articles used in the fur nishing nnd equipment of banks the atres, churches, schools, residence's and Other DUbllc !inil nrlvntn linllilln.ri.rt,. 'buy, sell, trade nnd deal In grain, fiort. nay, straw anu otner agricultural pro ducts at wholesale and retail; to buy sell and denl In nt wholesale and retail, dry goods, clothing, wearing npsarel nnd textile fabrics of every kind. hats. caps, millinery, boots, shoes, furnishing guuus, inncy gooas, nnn nil articles and merchandise of like general char acter and description, nnd to conduct the business of irenernl drx'-ennils nni-i clothing merchants, tailors, drapers, hab- eruasnors, milliners, dressmakers and general outfit torn; to manufacture, buy uuu teu urenu, ciiices, pies, cncKers, biscuit, pastry, lco cream and other food products nnd all klndB of pastry, broad stuffs nnd other similar articles; to buy sell, lease, storo and repair automobiles nnd motoi vohlcles of all descriptions nnd their parts and acces sories; nnd to manufacture and sell automobile tons, bodies nnd ntlinr mitn. mobile pa'-ts, and to pro.-Ide and main tain restaurants, Inns, eating houses, ur places 01 entertainment nnn re freshment: and to do all thincs Inci dent to the general transaction of the ennracter or business hereinbefore enumerated nnd implied; to mnko and nerrorm contracts or anv kind nnd des cription, nnd In carrying on Its busi ness, or for tho purpose of attaining or lurtnering any or its ODjccts, to do any nnn an tnings wnicn a natural person coultl do nnd oxerelBe, and which now or hereafter may be authorized hv law: and In the purchase or acaulHltlon of property, business rigntB, or franchis es, or ror additional working capital, or for any other object In or nbout Its business tor affairs, and with limit as to amount, to Incur debt, nnd to ralBe, borrow and secure the payment of mon ey In nny lawful manner, Including the Issuo nnd sale or other disposition of bonds, warrants, debentures, obliga tions, negotiable nnd transferable in struments nnd evidences of Indebted ness of nil kinds, whether secured by mortgnge, pledge, nceu or trust or oth erwise: nnd to own. lease, and sell such personal and real property as may no necessary nna userui' ror tne trans action of the business nnd the nccom plishmont of tho purposo of this cor poration. AHTICLE IV. This corporation shall continue for a period of ninety-nine (99) years, bo ginning with tho date of Incorpora tion, unless sooner dissolved according to lnw. AHTICLK V. The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall be Two Hundred Thousand (f200,000) Dollars, divided Into Twenty Thousand (20,000) shares of tho par value of Ten Dollars ($10.00) onch. Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) flhall be be fully paid In nt the tlmo of commencement of business. ThlH stock shall ho non-assessable. Thrt highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital stock. AUTIC1.E VI. The affairs of this corporation shall bo conducted by a board of Seven (7) directors, who shall bo elected annual ly by the stockholders. Tho board of directors Bhall eloct a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer from, their own number. The names and plnces of residence of the members of this board of directors selected to manage nnd control all tho business and prudential nffalrs of this corporation until their successors nro elected nnd qualified are: Name Address Edgar M. Dawson, North Platte, Nobr. Harry M. Johnson. North Platte, Ntir. Charles F. Burroughs, North Platte, Nebr. William Ebrlght, n. F. D, Box 14, North Platte, Nebr. Thos. Orton. 209 S. Maple t , North Platto Nebr. Oono Crook. 319 S. Chestnut tit., North Platte, Nebr. Wm. Simnnts, Box 545, North Platte, Neb. ARTICLE VII. The stockholders shall hnve authori ty to ennct by-laws suitable for tho conduct nnd management of the cor poration business. The by-laws may restrict and limit tho right of persons to own nnd transfer tho shares of stock of this corporation. ARTICLE VIII. Thoso articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of tho stockholders, provided that a written notice of the proposed nmendment shall bo mailed ton days In ndvance of said meeting to each of tho stockholders at their Inst known place of rosldence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wo havo hereunto pot our hands this day of November, 1919. Name Address Thos, Orton, North Platte, Nebr. Ellis Eglehoff, North Platte, Nebr. M. Hayofl, North Platto, Nobr. J. II. Morrow, North Platte, Nebr, Oeo. W. Eddy. North Platto Nebr. Roy Lannln, North Plntto, Nobr. Chester C Williams, North Platte, Nebr S. W. Throokmorton, North Platte. Nob. Win. O. Hheedy, North Platte, Nobr. Qene Crook, North Platte Nobr. J. Itoy Dorran. North Platte. NSUr. W. V. Yates, North Platte, Nobr. O. It Huff, North Platte, Nobr. M. n. Buohtel, North Platto, Nebr. A. 8. Cornwall, North Platte Nebr. Ilob't. M. Weeks, North Platte, Nebr. K. II. Yates, North Platto, Nobr. John T. Stewnrt, North l'lntte, Nebr. Samuel M. Houder, North Platte, Nebr. Wm. J. Stewart, North Platto Nebr. Wm. Ebrlght, North Platte, Nebr. Frod H. Thompson, North Plntto, Nebr. Loy E. bright, North Platto Nobr Win. Slmants, North Plntto, Nobr W. F. Vosolpka. North Plntto Nebr. L. E. Hastings, North Platto, Nebr. Ei M. Dawson, North Plntto. Nobr. Hcrshoy S. Welch. North Plntto. Nebr. Harry M. Johnson, North Platte, Nebr. unnries t: liurroughB. North Platte Nebr. nSBdtO Estato No. 170G of Albert M. Soibert, uccoaseu, in uie uounty court or Lin coln County, Nebraska. , , The State of Nebraska. To nil ner- sons Interested In said ostato take no tice that a petition has been nied for tho appointment Of F. C. Plolstlnknr no administrator of said estato which has noen sot tor lionring herein on Decem ber 19, 1919, at 9 o'clock n. m. Dated November 18, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHUHST n2Cdl2 County Judge. NOT1CH In tho matter of tho estate of Thomas uonnouy, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. To the Heirs and nil Persons Interest ed in said Estate. Notice Is hereby given that K.ito Connelly, as administratrix of said es tate,, niou her nnal account herein on November 18. 1919, and also her nnnll- cation for tho assignment of the real estato belonging to said estate, to-wlt, an undivided one-eighth Interest In and Quarter (8EU) of Section twenty-four (24), In Township Thirteen (13) North of Bange Thirty (30). West Gth P. Al and that Bald Jlnal account nnd appli cation tor tne assignment of said es tate will be hoard before tho County Court In the. court hoUBe In tho City of North Platte, County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, on tho 15 th dny of December, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M at which tlmo any person Interested may appear nnd show causo, If any thoro be. why the tho said nnnl account should not be approved and allowed nnd tho said estate assigned as provid ed by law. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska. November 18, 1919. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, n25dl2 County Judge. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCn CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS Big Price for Furs, Don"t sell your Furs before see ing me. Furs are high and I am offering the 'top prices. L. UPSHUR W. T. PRITCHARI), Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex asslstant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital U15 South Vino Street. Hospital Phono Black t33 House Phone Black NoUco to Creditors Estate No. 1700 of Maor A. White, de ceased in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Sato of Nobraska, ss. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estate is March 19th, 1920, and for settlemont of said estate is November 13th, 1920; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on December 18th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on Murch 19, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tiled. (SEA.) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, nl8dl2 County Judge. Beoler, Crosby & Basklns, Atty. Legal Notice. T. P. Laughlin and Estelle Gibson, James Gibson, Rachol A. Staloy, Rosa Connor, and Robert Staley, heirs at law of John Staley, deceased, and Cecil Touoll, National Fire Insurance Com pany, Tho South Half of the South West Quarter of Section 32, In Town ship 11, North of Range 32, In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estato or any part thereof, will tako notice that on the 28th day of Juno, 1919, W. T. Gulhor as plaintiff filed his petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, the ob ject and prayor of which aro to fore close n certain mortgago deed alleged to havo been executed and dollvered by tho dofondants, W. T. Ervln and Wln nio Ervin to T. F. Laughlin May 9th, 191G, and thereby convoying to said Laughlin tho South Half of tho South west Quarter of Section 32 In Town ship 11, North of Rango 32, W. Gth P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska. That on October Gth, 1919, the said W. T. Ervln and WInnIo Ervln do fondants filed their answer and cross petition in snld action, tho obiect nnd prayor of which are to clear title to said lands of certain clouds thereon and to quiet and confirm such title in tho said W. T. Ervln and to exclude each and all of said defendants, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real ostato or any part thereof, from any right, tltlo or claim against said premises. You aro required to answer said cross petition on or boforo the 22d day of December, 1919. Dated Novembor 10th, 1919. W. T. ERVIN and WINNIE ERVIN, .Defendants. By IIOAOLAND & HOAGLAND and E. E. CARR, Their Attorneys. nlldG