The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 02, 1919, Image 10

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gcmMStecklu SnhuncJ
HtA L HAM), Editor and Publisher j
Ono t'car by Mnll, In nil ranee. .Spl.Tfi '
Ono xcor or tamer, in ihitiiucc, $z.uu
Entered at the- North Platto, Nebraska
Postoffico ns Second Class Matter.
Tuesday, ii:c.'i:Miu:it 2, llll!).
Englishman Believes He Has Dlscov
ered the Site of Edward the Con
fessor's Palace.
In Windsor's ,'ieit park the discov
ery bus been made of what nppenrs to
be the Rite of Edward the Confessors'
palace. The discoverer, Capt. Vnushnn
William, had hits attention drawn to
two moats where rabbits hud been bur
rowing, and here he unearthed somo
tiles like Norman bricks. Ho next
came upon Hints, sandstone and tiles,
nnd ho Is continuing the senrth. In
the days of Queen Victoria a tower
with wnlls 12 feet thick was pulled
down which was said by archeologlsts
to have been built by Edwnrd the Con
fessor. The secretary of the Berkshire
Archeologlcnl society In connection
with Captain Wlllinnm' find, stntcs thnt
there was before the foundation of
Windsor castle a palace in Windsor
forest where mnny notable events hap
pened. This pnlaco had a tower ns a
means of defense. In a llarlelan MS.
nn Illumination occurs which repre
sents n palace whero a lady Is seen giv
ing alms and cnrnlng for herself tHe
title of "lonf-glver." The manor of
Old Windsor belonged to tbo Saxon
kings, nnd Edwnrd the Confessor cer
tainly held court there. Edwrtrd being
prevented by his nobles from going to
Rome caused Westminster to be built
with tbo money which ho would have
spent on his Journey. Ho then gave
Old Windsor to the monks, but the gift
was revoked by William tho Con
queror, who found Windsor convenient
for his hunts In tho forests.
Dakar, In South Africa, Promises to
Develop Into Something Like
i Another Liverpool.
The city of Dakar In South Africa,
less thnn half n century ngo In n really
primitive condition, with naked chil
dren running nround tho streets nnd
mothers working with babies strapped
upon their backs, has suddenly come
Into prominence as the prospective
"Liverpool" of Africa. In the keen
competition that is expected between
America nnd Europe for trade In South
Africa, Dakar, it Is believed, will have
an Important role to piny. ..-
f The French nre today making ex
tensive Improvements nt Dnkar. They
have spent much money In enlarging
the dry dock nnd making the hnrhor
deeper as well as increasing tho facil
ities for transferring cargo from bont
to train. The Dnkar of todny Is n
thriving town of about 25,000 people,
with wldo well-lald-out streets, a largo
technical school, hospitals and work
shops. There are, however, a great
majority of natives, being In fact, only
about 3,(300 Frenchmen.
Those natives have been snld by
ftomo to havo formerly been the mas
ters Of tho Mediterranean. They nro
wonderful lighters and it wns ony
with great difficulty that in 1S02, Gen.
Fnldherbe, tho French governor, wnR
nblo to overcome them. Thus he paved
the way for the founding of Dakar.
We may know a great deal more about
It Inter. ar72ti38nSE&aM
Navy's Great Airship Hangar.
Tho navy Is purchasing Its first rigid
airship in Knglnnd at n cost of $2,000,
000. To house It a hugo luingnr Is to
bo erected at Lnkohursr, N. J., which
will he 800 feet long, 205 feet wide,
and will have a clear Inside height of
174 feet, while tho total height from
the ground to tho peak of the roof will
bo over 200 foot. Tho steel frame
work will bo over 0,000 tons. Two ele
.vators and several stairways will lend
'to the toof. The many shops neces
wiry for the ninlntennnce of tho nlr
slilps will be built In between tho
great arched trusses that support tho
roof. Three railroad tracks will run
the entire length of tho building. The
hangar will be large enough to hold
one ship of 10,000,000 cubic foot ca
pacity, and n smuller ono at each side,
or two 5,000,000 cubic feet ships side
by side. -Sclcntjftc American.
Be Master of Yourself.
To bo nblo to keep cool when nil the
world goes mad shows mental grasp
and genuine bigness. This trows with
tho years. It becomes u part of the
nature. Nowly dubbed arlstocraclei
and the victims of sudden wealth usu
ally betray their plsbelan origin by
their cultivated show of authority.
wnere uio mooa tells it rises with
might to occasions, but seldom allows
Itself to get ruffled without occasion.
And what a spectacle one can mak
f himself by getting nil stewed about
nothing or losing his temper on some
llttlo thing that approximates the zero
mark. The renlly big character Is
slow to anger and Irrltntes llttlo dub'
by his superior calm control, At tho
nme time the exhibition of mastery
challenges the secret admiration of nil.
Taken Up.
Tnkon up on or about Soptembor 1st
ly tho undorslgnod who resides a hnlf
milo north of tho Platto Valloy school
House, a roan bull, about 3 years old
weight about 1000 pounds, hunch on
right hind kneo, no brand. Owner
call, provo property, pay charges nnd
inko animal away.
Crow's Nest
(Copyrlebt, 1910 by tht Weitorn Nw
paper Union.)
John Burt, n lonely man, except for
the company of nn aged mother, enmo
down the spiral stnlrcase at the top
story of the city ball and started for
home. As he took one elevator down,
another reached tho top Hoor nnd a I
vomitr woman left It. She was fnr more
lonely than he. Wretchedness showed
In her face and her eyes roved about
her like those of n hunted being seek
itK a refuge.
She was Lucy Newton, and ever
since she could remember until recent
ly she had lived In a lonely old house
In n dead country town, a drudge to
a cross grnlncd exacting relative.
When the latter had died Lucy hnd
come to tho city. For days she had
wnlked the streets, seeking work but
finding none. Footsore, weary, hungry,
despairing, she had been told to pre
sent her case to the free employment
burenu at tho city hall, to find the
offices closed. It was chill outside nnd
the building was a worm welcome
"I must rest for n little time," she
murmured brokenly, enme to the spiral
staircase, noticed a landing hnlf woy
up, sat down on Its broad surface,
drooped utterly exhausted, and was
soon fast asleep.
"Why I What Is this?" came to her
confused hearing twelve hours later,
nnd she snt up nnd blinked at tho light
of n new morning. John Burt, n small
pnrccl under his arm, stared down
strangely nt the haggard, frightened
"I I wns very tired," stammered
Lucy. "I hnd no place to go. It wns
warm here I meant no harm."
"You have done none," Burt quickly
answered her In the kindliest of tones.
"Wait -until I unlock the door," and
he stepped past her. "Come In nnd
rest a bit."
Lucy stared vaguely. Her host had
opened the door of a queer turret
shaped room, the entire upper hulf
of which was framed In glass. Over a
hundred feet below wns tho street.
Afar In every direction the city spread
out. She could not surmise the object
or utility of this nnrrow apartment.
"This Is the Crow's Nest, ns It Is
called," explnlned Burt, "and I nm Its
keeper, employed by the city to note
smoke violations, watch, specify and
report the same. There Is a comfort
able arm chair."
Burt went o7er to a bench on which
wns a small oil stove. He lit It nnd
took down n coffee pot from a shelf,
opened the parcel he had carried and
ns his guest sat stnrtng drenmlly from
the lofty eerie, plnced on n stand at her
elbow a steaming cup of Coffee nnd
his noonday lunch.
He left his guest to herself ns he
set about his usual duties. With a
telcscopo ho swung the circle of his
tower room. When ho noted some fac
tory chimney pouring out smoke he
would consult n chart, a clock, and
finally write upon a tab such records
as: "Brown and Company, plnnt
smoked for seventeen minutes. Appar
ently use low grnde fuel, with no
smoke consumer." Glnnclng toward
the girl ho noted that she hnd fallen
asleep In her chnlr. She awoke about
noon, nil embarrassment over a sense
of Intrusion upon tho time nnd atten
tion of a perfect stranger, She arose,
yyords of gratitude upon her lips, nnd
tenrs came, she broke down utterly,
and then, as Burt gently questioned
her, all tho somber story of her lonely
life .came ouf.J2SS5WiS '
"Poor chltilT" ho commented, and
his hnnd rested like henlson upon her
bowed head. "You Indeed need n
friend, nnd I know whero to find you
ono. i nnvo nn old mother wlio will bo
glad as myself to shelter you ns u wel
come visitor, until you nro more nblo
to cope with a cold, heartless world."
Tho aged mother of John Burt wel
comed Lucy Newton ns only n kind-
hearted woman could do. It wns well
thnt Lucy had fallen into such friend
ly hnnds, for she hnd nn attack (rf
fever lnstlng for over two weeks. Ono
evening during her convalescence
she heard mother and son discussing
their affairs.
"Yes, I feel I shnll have to give up
my position," Burt was saying. "Tho
doctor directs that I must rest my
eyes completely for six months. It hns
got so that I cannot locnte the smoke,
not even with tho telescope."
A wave of Inllnlte lovo swept over
tho mind of Lucy ns she realized how
much she owed to these good kind
people. Sho glided Into tho adjoining
room and approuched the gravc-fneed
Burt and his anxious mother,
"Oh, Mr. Burt!" sho pleaded, "let
mo bo your eyes until you nre all well
again let me labor for you dny nnd
night. If It Is necessary, to show you
how my soul prizes your helpfulness,
your kindness, and that of your moth-
er for n homeless, friendless orphan
girl I"
Lucy was duly Installed In tho
Crow's Nest, directed by Burt, but
quickly becoming expert In her task
It was like a new dream-life to tho
poor waif tho glory of far vision over
tho world below, tho pence of those
beautiful evenings In tho little home.
Sho had never hnd a lovo exportenco
until now. Burt hnd long since settled
down Into tho conviction that he was
destined to remain n bachelor. What
could come about, savo thnt these two
so strangely drifted together should
unite their longing souIb In n mutual
lovo so Kweet, so preclnii" thnt life
became to them u real paradise I
McDonald Dank DIdy.
Phono 97.
, (1, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phone 70. Res. Phono 1242
Xotleo to Non-lteshlent Defendant.
Oscar L. Livingstone nnd tho E of
the SWVi and Lots G and 7, Section fi.
Township 12, Range 80, Lincoln coun-
ty, .Nebraska, aim an persons claiming
any intorost of any kind In said real
estate or any part thereof, will here
by tako notice that Robert E. Ander
son, plaintiff In an action whoroin the
said Robert E. Anderson Is plaintiff
and you and each of you aro defend
ants, filed his potltlon in tho district
court of Lincoln coounty, Nebraska,
on tho 0th day of October, 1919, the
object and prayer of which said peti
tion is to quiet plaintiff's tltlo in and
to tho E of tho SW4 and Lots G nnd
7, Section G, Township 12, Range 30,
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Plaintiff further socks in said action
to quiet his titlo against a certain
mortgage executed by John Klnman,
single, to Margaret Livingston which
mortgago Is recorded in Book 18, page
29G, of the mortgago records of Lin
coln county, Nebraska, and which
mortgago is dated August 17, 1893.
Plaintiff alleges In his petition that
said mortgago has ueen paid, ana maiuno East Third St. Phono 912
uio same nas ueen uurreu uy uiu
statutes of limitation of tho state of
Nebraska; that ho and his grantors
havo been In the absolute, opon, ex
clusive, continuous and adverse pos
session of said land for more than
ten years and that tho (plaintiff has a
now and absolute titlo to said real es
tate, and that tho defendants have no
right, title or Interest of any kind in
and to said real estate.
You aro required to answer said
potltlon on or bofore tho 22d day of
December, 1919, or Judgment will bo
taken against you by default.
By Halllgnn, Beatty & Halllgan, his
Attorneys. nlldb
Notice to Non-Itcsldcnt Defendants.
Mead State Bank, a corporation,
Wilbor A. Brothwell, Phoenix Invest
ment Company, a foreign corporation
organized under tho laws of the state
of Colorado, and the SWA of Section
G, Township 10, Rnngo 33, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, and all persons
claiming any interest of any kind in
said real ostato or any part thereof,
defendants, will hereby tako notice
that on tho Gth dny of November. 1919,
A. H. Stevens, plaintiff, filed his potl
tlon in tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, in an action .whore
uio sam a. n. siovens is pininun anu
you, and each of you, aro defendants,
tho object and prayer of which peti-
and to the SW4 of Section 0, Town
ship 10, Rango 33, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against the claims and de
mands of each of the defendants to
said action in said real estate
Plaintiff nllegcs In his petition that
.tho defendant, Mend Stato Bank, a
corporation, Wilbor A. Brothwell nnd
Phoenix Investment. Company, n for-
olgn corporation, claims somo right,
tltlo or interest in and to said real
estato by virtue- of a mortgage exe
cuted by Stephen A, Albro nnd wifo
in Mnnd Ktntn Ttnnlr n TlAnomhor 9i
1889, which mortgage Js duly recorded
in Book 5, 'pago 298, real estate roc
ords of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho
said Mead Stato Bank claiming to
own somo interest in said mortgngo.
and tho said Wilbor A. Bothwoll
claiming to own somo interest in said
mortgago as assigneo thereof from
said bank and as purchaser of said
promlsos undor a foreclosure of said
mortgago, and Phoenix Investment
Company claiming to own somo in
torcst in said real estato by virtue of
being tho owner of some of tho notes
secured by said mortgago.
Plaintiff nllogos that said mortgago
and tho indebtedness secured thereby
havo hcen paid, that tho samo is
barred by tho statutes of limitations
of tho state of Nobraska, that plain
tiff has been In tho opon, notorious,
oxcluslvo, continuous, hostile, ndvorso
possession of said real ostato for moro
than ton years, and that ho therefore
has a now and independent title to
said real estato, and thnt said de
fendants nnd each of them to said no-
tion havo no right, tltlo or lntorest of
any kind in said real estate, having!
neon oarreu therefrom by said ad-
vorso possession and tho statute of
limitations of tho state of Nobraska.
ou aro required to answer said no-
tltlon on or before tho 22d day of
December, 1919.
A. H. STEVENS, Plaintiff.
By Halllgan, Boatty & Halllgan, his
Attorneys. nlldB
(.ouiiT. von Tim iustiuot oic
In tho Matter of William V. Masters,
Chho No. 7C, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary
Order Vor Vint Mretlnic of Creditor
At is'ortn l'latto m snld District oi
this 18th day of November. A. D.. 1919.
before Walter V. Ilonclnnd, lloforeo In
This cmibo enmo on for hearing be
foro tho lloforeo upon consideration of
tne potuion or the bankrupt nnd tho
adjudication heretofore made nnd It
la ordored thnt tho first mootlnp of
creditors of snld bankrupt bo hold at
the olllce of tho lloforeo In IlnnlVr, n
in i.incoin county, isoorns n. nt North
I'iniio, in Hani county, on tne 13th dny
oi uocomuor, j. iyiy, nt 10 o'clock
n. in.
It Is further ordored thnt the bnnlc
runt be excused from further attend
nnco of the Court until tho first meet
Imr or tlio creditors: that snld bnnk
rupt nttend nt tho tliho and nlnco of
hoidinif tho nrst meeting of the ered
Itors and brine with h in nil of his
books, pancrs nnd records relatlnc to
his nssotH nnd his Indebtedness. It Is
further ordered thnt until tho further
order or tho court thnt the bnnkrunt
cnrofully preserve nil of the nssets of
the bankrupt beionKinpr to his snld es
tnto nnd protect tho same ns nn oihcer
or tne court
9? n licttrvH ill ijim ript
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol I'ostoflice.
Phone 58 -
A modern Institution' for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical nnd confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Rcdlield. M. D. J. S. SIKMS.M.D.
General I'nrin Snles a Specialty.
References and Dafvs at First Na-
tlonal Bank, North Platto, Neb.
You May Think
stfl i Crf
a grouch but if you will
come to him for Drug
Store needs, you will soon
discover he isn't and that
he doesn't rob you on
Over Jlirschfcld's
Offico Phone 333
Res. Phono 1020
Dates can bo made at the Platto
Valley State Bank or Phono 156
l always uiko siock buyers with me.
0fflco Phonn o40
Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb
Phono for Appointment.:.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bnnk Building
OfflcO PllOnO 83 RcsidCIlCO 88
Plisyiclnn and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstretrlcs.
Qfflco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130, Residence 115
Physlcinn. Ohstctrictnn
Surgeon. X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phone Offico 012 Residence G7G
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Thernpj
728 City National Bank BuIIdhig.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Roxnll Drug Store
Offico Phono 371. Houso 1068
Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plntte, - Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
Offico over McDonald Bank.
Office PllOllO 1130 BOS. Phone 1120
General Auctioneer.
Llvo Stock nnd Farm Snlcs. Phono
or Wro nt My Expense for Dates.
Licensed Enibamera
Undortakera andFunoralDlroctori
Day phono 41
Night phono Blnck 588
North I'lnllr, Lincoln Count',
Know nil men by these presents:
Thnt we, whose nnines nre hereto at
tached, havo nssoclnted ourselves to
Bother for the purpose of forming a co
operntlve corporation under the laws
of tho State of Nebraska, nnd for that
purpose, do hereby adopt tho following
Artlolos of Incorporation:
Tho name of this corporntlon shnll
be "North I'lntte Equity Association.'
Tht principal plncu of trnnonotlni;
the biislnoss of this corporntlon shnll
be In the city of North Platto, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, and such other
plncos as the Hoard of Directors shnll
The Keiioral nature of the business
to he transacted by this corporation
shall be to buy, sell, trado and deal In,
nt wholesale and retail, groceries, pro
visions, food supplies, wares, veReta
bles, produce, and all othor articles
and thlnKH incidental to a Kenornl sro
cory, voKctnblc, food supply, poultry,
llsh, Kmno, produce and provision mer
cantile business, to construct, buy,
lense nnd otherwise acquire, and to
operate, sell, trade and otherwise make
use of elevators for the storage of
grains nnd cereals of all classes: to
onrry on the business of slaughtering
all kinds of cattle and nnlmnls, used
for tho purpose of food, to manufac
ture and dispose of tho offal of the
same, nnd to establish nnd erect cold
storage, and refrlgorntors, stables,
pens, nnd buildings, necessary to con
duct the slaughtering business, and to
do whatever else may bo necessary
and useful for the business of slaugh
tering rattle and animals Intended for
food, and iu mnnfacturlng and dispos
ing of the offal of tho same: to buy.
sell, store, cure, manufacture and oth
erwise handle fresh, salt and smoked
meats, flsh, oysters and sea food pro
ducts: to buy. sell, own raise, shin nnd
otherwise handle all kinds of farm nnd
dairy products, live ntock. poultry, and
domestic, foreign and manufactured
rood products; to buy, sell, manufac
ture, and deal in Ice: to maintain re
frigerators for frozen products, and to
conduct a general cold stornce bus!
less, ,to manufacture, buy, prepare and
soil ico cream and ices, as well ns milk
cream. Ingredients for making Ico
cream and Ices; to buy and sell all
kinds of lumber, cement, coal; to buy
sell. lease, exchange. dTspose of. or
otherwise deal in all kinds of machin
ery, engineering and hardware special
ties, gasoline or gas engines and mo
tors, steam engines, boilers, electrical
motors, rami machinery, farm equip
ment, wire, dnlry supplies, vehicles,
and machinery nnd annllnneos of evorv
kind, nature and description, to buy,
sell, and deal In seeds nnd poultry
feed, to carry on a general hardware
bu.slnoss. Including the purchase and
sale or all kinds of hardware pt whole-,
sale rnd retail; to purchase and m-M
furniture and articles used In the fur
nlshlng and equipment of banks the
ntres. churches, schools, residence's and
other public and private buildings:; to
uuy, sou, trade ami deal in gram. feed.
hay, straw and other agricultural pro
ducts at wnoiesalo and retail; to buy
sell nnd deal In at wholesale and retail
dry goods, clothing, wearing ap.iarel
and textile fabrics of everv kind, lintn.
cap., millinery, boots, shoes, furnishing
kuuuh, uincy goods, ana ail articles
ann mercnanuise or like general char
acter and description, and to conduct
the business of general dry-goods and
doming merchants ta Iors.draners. hnb
erdnshers, milliners, dressmakers and
general outfllters; to manufacture buy
mm sen orena, caKes, pies, cncKers
biscuit, nastrv. Ice cream and otber
food products and all kinds of pastry,
Dreaa stuns end otner similar articles;
to buy. sell, lease, store and repair
automobiles and motoi vehicles of all
descriptions nnd their parts and acces
sories; ana to manufacture and sell
automobile tons, bodies and otber unto
mobile pans, and to pro.'ide and main
tain restaurants. Inns, eating houses,
or places ot entertainment nnd re
freshment; and to do all thlncs lncl
dont to tho general transaction of the
cliaracter of business hereinbefore
enumerated and implied; to make nnd
perform contracts of anv kind and des
crlptlon, and in carrying on Its busi
ness, or for tho purposo of attaining or
furthering any of Its objects, to do nny
nnd all things which n natural person
could do and exercise, and which now
or hereafter may bo authorized by law
and In tho purchase or acquisition of
property, business rights, or franchis
es, or for additional working capital,
or ror any otner object in or about its
business or affairs, nnd with limit ns to
amount, to incur debt, and to raise
borrow and secure the payment of mon
ey In any lawful manner. Including the
Issue and sale or other disposition of
ponds, warrants, debentures, obllga
tlons. negotiable and transferrnble In
struments nnd evidences of Indebted
ness of all kinds, whether secured by
mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or oth
erwise: and to. own. lease, and sell
such personal and real property as may
be necessary and useful ror tho trans
action of the husrness nnd the nccom-
pllshment of tho purposo of this cor
This corporntlon shall continue for n
period or ninety-nine ivv) years, ne
irlnnlntr with tho date of Incornora-
tlon, unless sooner dissolved according
to law.
The amount of capital stock of this
corporation shall bo Two Hundred
Thousand ($200,000) Dollars, divided
Into Twenty Thousand (20.000) share
of tho nar value of Ten Dollars
($10.00) each. Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000) shall be bo fully paid In a
tlietlnie of commencement of business
This stock shall bo non-asseBsablo. The
highest nmount of Indobtodnoss t
which this corporation shall nt nny
time subject Itself shall not exceed
two-thirds of tho paid-up capital stock
Tho affairs of this corporation shall
be conducted by a board or Seven (7)
directors, wbo shall ho elected annual
ly by the stockholders. Tho board of
directors shall elect a president, a vlco
presldent, a secretnry and a treasurer
from tholr own number. Tho nnmes
and places of residence of tho members
of this board of directors selected to
mnnago nnd control nil the business nnd
prudential nfralrs or tins corporntlon
until tholr successors nro elected nnd
qunllfied nro:
Nnmo Address
Edgnr M. Dnwson, North Plntte, Nebr.
Ilnrry M. Johnson North Plntte, Nebr.
Chnrles F. Burroughs, North Plntte,
William Kbright, R. F. 1", Box 14, North
Plntte, Nebr.
Thos. Orton, 209 S. Mnple St., North
Platte Nebr.
Gone Crooic, 319 S. Chestnut St., North
Platte, Nebr.
Wm. Slmnnts, Box G45, North Plntte,
Tho stockholders shall hnvo authori
ty to ennct by-laws suitable for tho
conduct nnd mnnngement of the cor
porntlon business. Tho by-laws may
rostrlct and limit the right of persons
to own nnd trnnsfor the shnres of stock
of this corporation.
These articles may bo amended nt
. . cmnnlnl .nnnHnrr nt tlm
stockholders, provided that n written
no'co or tno proposed nmonuinem mum
bo mnlled ten days In advance of said
meeting to onch of the stockholders at
their lost known place of residence.
hereunto sot our hands this day of
November, 1919.
Name Address
Thos, Orton, North Plntte, Nebr. v
Ellis Eglehoff, North Plntte, Nebr.
M. Hayes, North Platte, Nebr
J H Morrow, North Plntte, Nebr
Oeo, W Eddy. North Platte Nobr
Roy Lnnnln. North Platte, Nebr
Cheat' rP Williams, North Platte, Nebr
S. W. Throckmorton, North I'lntto, Neb.
Win. O. Sheedy, North Platto, Nobr.
Gene Crook, North Platto, Nobr.
J. Roy Dorran, North Platte, Nebr,
w. w. Yates. North Platte. Nebr.
O. R Huff, North Platto, Nobr. ;
m. n. uucntoi. North i'lntte. we nr.
A. S. Cornwall, North Plntto. Nebr.
Rob't. M. Weeks, North Plntte, Nebr.
E. II. Yntcs, North Platto, Nolir.
John T. Stewart, North Plntto, Nobr.
Samuel M. Sonder, North Platte, Nobr.
Wm. J. Stewart, North Platto. Nobr.
Wm. Kbright, North Platte, Nobr.
ed II. Thompson, North Plntte, Nebr.
oy E. Ebrlght. North Platte Nebr.
Win. Slmnnts, North Plntto, Nebr.
W. F. Vosolnkn. North Plntte Nobr.
VS. Hnstlngs, North Plntte, Nebr.
M. Dawson. North Plntte. Nobr.
HershcV S. AVelch. North Plntto. Nebr.
Harry M. Johnson, North l'latto, Nobr.
(. naries i iiurrougns. Norm Platto
Nebr. n2fidl
.Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 170C of Albert M. Seibort,
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested In said estate take no
tice that a petition has been filed for
tho appointment of F. C. Plelstlckor as
administrator of said ostato which has
been sot for henrlng herein on Decom-
lor iu, 1918, nt 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated November- 18. 1919.
u25(U2 ' County Judge.
In the matter of tho estate of Thomas
Connelly, deceased, in the County
Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska.
To the Heirs nnd all Persons Interest
ed In Said Estate.
Notice Is hereby given thnt Kato
Connelly, ns administratrix of said es
tate, filed her final account herein on
November 18, 1919, nnd nlso her appli
cation for tho nsslgnmont ' of tho real
estate belonging to said estate, to-wlt,
an undivided one-eighth Interest In and
to the tltlo in fee to nil tho Southeast
Quarter (SEU) of Section twenty-four
(24). in Townsnip Thirteen (13). Norm
of Range Thirty (30), West Gth P. M.,
nnd thnt snid final account and appli
cation for the assignment of said es
tate will be hoard before the County
Court In the court houso in the City of
North Platte, county or Lincoln and
State of Nobraska, on the IB th day of
December. 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at
which time any person interested may
appear and show cause, if any
there be, why tho the said final account
should not bo approved and allowed
and the said estato assigned ns provid
ed by law.
Dated at North i'lntte. Nebraska.
November 18, 1919.
n2Bdl2 County Judge.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
Phone 210
Big Price for Furs,
Don"t sell your Furs jpefore see
ing me. Furs are high and I
am offering the top prices.
Graduate "Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex-
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Vine Street
Hospital Phono Black 633
House Phone Black 633
Notice to Creditors
Estate No. 1700 of Major A. White,- de
ceased in tho Coiinty Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Sato of Nebraska, ss. Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said estate is
March 19th, 1920, and for settlement
of said estate is November 13th, 1920;
that I will sit at tho county court
room In said county, on Decomber
18th, 1919, nt 10 o'clock a. m., and on
March 19, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections duly
nl8dl2 County Judge.
Beoler, Crosby & Basklns, Atty.
Legal Notice.
T. F. Laughlin and Estelle. Gibson,
James Gibson, Rachel A. Staloy, Rosa
Connor, and Robert Staley, heirs at
law of John Staley, deceased, and Cecil
Teuell, National Fire Insuranco Com
pany, The South Half of tho South
West Quarter of Section 32, in Town
ship 11, North of Rango 32, in Lincoln
County, Nobraska, and all persons
claiming any interest of any kind In
said real estato or any part thereof,
will tako notice that on the 28th day
of June, 1919, W. T. Gulher as plaintiff
filed his petition In tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which aro to foro
closo a certain mortgago deed alleged
to havo been executed and delivered by
tho defendants, W. T. Ervln and Win
nie Ervin to T. F. Laughlin May 9th,
1916, and thoroby conveying to said
Laughlin tho South Half of tho South
west Quarter of Section 32 in Town
ship 11, North of Rango 32, W. Cth P.
M,,' In Lincoln County, Nebraska.
That on October 6th, 1919, the said
W. T. Ervin and Winnie Ervln de
fendants filed tholr answer and cross
petition in said action, tho object and
prayer of which aro to clear title to
said lands of certain clouds thereon
and to quiet nnd confirm such tltlo In
tho said W. T. Ervin and to exclude
each and nil of said defendants, nnd
all persons claiming any Interest of
any kind In snld real estato or anv
part thereof, from any right, tltlo or
clnlm against said promises.
You aro required to answer said
cross potltlon on or boforo the 22d
day of Decomber, 1919.
Dated Novembor 10th, 1919.
E. E. CARR, Their Attorneys, nlld!