The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1919, Image 3

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If 1S
w Hi
, It Is evident thnt blouses nntl smocks
nro asplrlug to rival evening frocks
nnd the chances are that they are go
.Ing to succeed. There Is no end to
;the fanciful ways In which they nro
mado and nothing Is too cxtravagaut
In the way of trimming them. For din
uer and theater wear they have ad
vantages and they appear In brilliant
and light color?, and 4n combinations
.of two colors In materials, with dec
orations that call Into play many ad
ditional hues. The peplum blouse, tlw
apron blouse and the smock have u
gay future ahead of them.
Georgette? crepe, chiffon and net
with chnntllly nnd gold-run Inccs now
ly recruited In their company nro the
flimy mediums In which evening
blouses are mnde. Worn with skirts
of black satin they achieve n toilette
that tuny be worn with assurance.
Among color combinations, emer
nld or even more vivid greens with
black nro distinctive. Copper colored
crepo with gold lace, champagne with
black embrolderyt pencock blue and
light green show the fondness for vir
ile colors. There Is a new sort of dec
oration that looks like tho finest bend
work done In ninny colors. But It Is
Velvet Becomes
Just bow It happens has never been
explained, but It happens every little
while that n certain style seizes the at
tention, simultaneously, of women all
over the length nnd breadth of the
land. Merchants wnko up some morn
ing to And thnt nppnrently every worn
nn tins made up her mind over night
that she wants one kind of fabric, one
partlculnr color, one style. Just now
It seems thnt every woman wants a
velvet gown, In addition to tho satin
frock for which thero has been a uni
versal demand. It seems that tho
shops saw tills wave of demand rolling
In, and that designers nnd manufac
turers were prepared for It,
Designers require supple mntcrlnls
for frocks nnd they have determined
on chiffon velvets In very wldo widths,
nnd tho finest grades of velveteen, as
best suited to tholr purposes. These
tire used for afternoon mill evening
dresses. The heavier grades of vel
veteen will answer for suits, but the
more llexlhlo stuffs nre liked for every
thing nnd chiffon velvets arc in such
demand thnt they bring very high
prices. The best grades of velveteen
me by no means chenp. By way of
recompense, velvet frocks are very
simply designed and fussy decorations
nre conspicuous by their absence on
them ; so that the minimum of goods
Is required.
These, points nro apparent In the
pretty frock for nftornonn, shown at
the left of the two pictured here. It Is of
wide, light-weight velveteen In marine
blue. This skirt has six round plults
set on nt each side widening the hip
a sort of paint put on in dots set closo
together nnd appears in motifs on
girdles of georgette like the blouse,
Blouses rh one color nro enlivened
with rich girdles of gold or silver bro
cade. Embroideries In silk and in
Deads, often used together, and oc
casionally mock Jewels and gold tlssuo
confess thnt nothing Is too splendid
for tho blouse which is to bo worn In
the evening, nnd narrow bands of dark
fur And themselves placed to tho best
advantage on laco and georgette.
Two pretty examples of tho mode nre
shown here. In one of them crepo
do chine appears with sntln in nn odd,
original model with woodbine leaves
In silk nnd bends, embroidered on tho
sntliu It has an npron nt the front,
bloused nt tho waistline nud bordered
with tho embroidered satin. The long
sleeves flaro nt tho wrtet nnd nro fin
ished with a satin bnnd. Palo god
nnd turquoise blue ere, ns always, bap
py together In the blouse at the right.
Blue beads give n good account of
themselves ns n trimming nnd tho
sleeves challenge us to pronounce them
tho most graceful of the many styles
thnt help to make tho senson Interest
Satin's Rival
lines nnd this arrangement of the ma
terial Is borrowed from u Paris de
signer who Introduced It early In thp
season. As'ldo from this smnll vagary
It Is plain. The" bodice has a play
back and surplice front filled In wltt
llesh-colored georgette. Ono sldo ol
tho front Is extended Into a soft glrdlo
finished at the front with a handsonu
bended ornament. The long sleeve
hnve a turned-back frill of velveteen.
Tho small muffler collar Is a separate
affair that swathes tho neck In soft
folds nnd buttons nt the side. It mny
bo taken off Indoors.
Satin gowns reveal that their design
ers are moro or less devoted to drnped
skirts, tho model pictured being among
the simplest of those. In this frock a
smock of satin, split to tho wulstllne
at tho left side, Is covered with a sun
burst pattern and points mudo of sllk
brald couched on. The design Is nn
Aztec Inspiration pure nnd simple nnd
n long glrdlo of sntln ending In tassels
repeats It. A plain turndown collar
nnd deep cuffs of tho satlu arc Impor
tant details In this frock nnd help to
account for Its distinction.
Batik decorations In nil their hluli
colorful effects will unquestionably lio
seen to n great extent In autumn
blouses, overblouses nnd iiagllvM'os ot
till kinds.
"Now cows," said Mrs. Cow, "I'd
like to talk. I hope none of you will
be so rude ns to moo nnd luterrupt
mo when I stnrt speaking.
"Of course when I get to the end
of a sentence I do not mind If you sny
'Moo, moo, thnt was line, line."
"What If wo should sny, 'Moo, moo,
thnt was horrible, horrible,'" suggest
cd another cow. "What would you
tmy to that?"
"That would be something I couldn't
permit," said Mrs. Cow. "It would bo
very rude. But I think you will nil
agreo with me In what I have to say."
"Wo don't really know whether wo
will or not," snld tho other cows.
"Of course not, Moo, moo," snld Miss
Bossy r "we don't know nt nil."
"Too bnd," said Mrs. Cow, "that you
shouldn't show a little moro trust nnd
confidence In Mrs. Cow, your own
friend nnd companion, Mrs. Cow."
"Too bad," snld the other cows, "but
wo haven't n great deal of sense. And
we're not so nffectlonnte that we love
you because you're one of us. Some
times n cow shows nffectlon, but ns a
rule we're a rather unaffectlonatc lot."
"Well," said Mrs. Cow. "the only
tmng for nie to do Is- to tell yon what.
I havo to tell you and then mnybo
you'll think different.
"In fnct, I feel sure yon will feel
"We thought you said we'd feel the
same," said the other cows.
"You'll agree with me," said Mrs.
Cow. "and so you will feel different
from the way you do now. Now you
uon't agree with me."
"Wo don't either agree or dlsngree,"
said one of tho other cows, "but we do
wish you'd toll us whnt you have to
tell us so we can see whether we
agree or not."
"Some of us may agree, and some
of us may not," said Miss Bossy.
"The young cow speaks wisely," said
another cow.
"Are you going to give mo a chnnce
to tulk?" asked Mrs. Cow.
"Moo, moo, give her n chance," the
others said.
"You see," said Mrs. Cow, as she
chewed slowly and as though time
"You'll Agree With Me."
meant nothing to her, "they say that
cows give milk."
"Well, that's the truth Isn't It?" ask
ed Miss Bossy. "If you mean us to
ugree with you about thnt we will, or
If you mean us to agree with you lu
not agreeing with It "
"Now. Miss Bossy, don't sny too
much and get mixed up," snld Mrs.
Cow. "Walt until I have finished."
"Moo, moo, wait until she has fin
ished," the others said.
"They say that cows give milk,"
Mrs. Cow .continued, "but we don't nc
tnally give It."
"What do, we do. moo, moo, what do
we do?" nsked tho other cows.
"We make the fnrnier pay us In
board and lodgings," said Mrs. Cow.
"Ha, ha, cows arc business creatures,
we're paid for our milk. Of course
wo nre.
"And when food for us Is more ex
pensive the farmer charges more for
tho milk. You sec wo don't give our
milk exnctly. We give It In return for
the payment of food nnd board."
"A good Idea," snld the other cows.
"Moo, moo, you're right. We don't
give our milk nt all. We give it In
return for something, for two things,
In fact.
"Yes, moo, moo, Mrs. Cow, we agree
with you. You're a wise cow."
"And we're all wise cow?, moo,
moo," said Mrs. Cow, "to Insist upon
board and lodging In return for our
milk. Why thnt Is the way people do!
They give their time for work nnd In
return they get money which pays the
rent mid buys the food!"
She Knew It.
Klve-year-old Mnrgery was Invited
to n party and, womanlike, she wnntod
n new frock.
Her mother, finding the child's nnrfv
drew In good condition, refused to buv
Her father, trying to console his lit-
tie daughter, snld:
"Let me spo the dress, Margery:"
She brought It out and he snld:
"Why, Margery. It Is very nreltv!
I've never seen It before."
"Well," responded the child. "I've
seen It ollln."
Good Use for Surplice,
Mttlo Boy (In church for tli i first
time, ns the surnllced choir
whispers to his father) Arn tliov nil
yolug to have tlelr hair cut, father?
w c
n U
"Of courso you remember the fnblo
of tho thrifty nnt nnd tho mendicant
"Yes j tho grasshopper, having sung
mi uuiuiucr, was mvitcu to uance."
"And then whnt bunneiied?"
"Well, If the grasshopper was any
good ns a dancer, it ought to havo
mado enough money to mnko tho ant
frtnl 111... . . . ,.
iv-v. hihhh ciinnge.
Figuring. the Chances.
"Tom," snld his young wife. "I
bought n ticket todayfor a plnno that's
going to bo rnmod off."
umi now muny chances nro
"A thousand. That's what decided
me. Where thero nro so many chnnces
ns Hint ono ought to stand n real good
snow, ougtitn't one, dear?"
A Good Belief.
"Do you believe In n happier ex
istence nftcr death?"
"Yes. And-1 beliovo that wo could.
nil mnko this n hnpplcr exlstcnco
wnne wo live if wo bnd tho will to
do it."
"Do you wear an insignia In your
"Yes. During- tho winter tho
moths laid out a comploto 18-holo
courso on it."
The Locomotive.
The locomotive Is content
To shun all moods Importunnto.
It works without an arRumont
Which Is extremely fortunate.
"I It Is now proposed to have
the word 'obey' stricken from the mar
riage ceremony."
"Yes, In the interests of economy I
I've always held that Insofar as that
ivord was concerned the minister
might just ns well have saved his
An Interest In the Business.
Old Pa Pscadds I won't have you
marrying a mere clerk. You tell thnt
young man to keep nwuy until ho has.
nn Interest in ills Arm.
Myrtle Pscadds Why, dad, he has
thnt now. Tho mnnnger told him he'd
havo to take some interest 1l his work
or he'd lose his Job nnd he's nlrcady
dono It.
Quoting Figures.
Skinner, the Doctor Hnve you re
duced nny under tho dlot I prescribed?
Nlckolplncb, tho Mortgngo Shark-
Not much ; nbout 2 per cent.
Sho Jupiter ha3 eight moons.
He Geo whiz! Fancy courting a
girl under eight of 'em.
Existence Brief but BIIbr'hI.
The pig doth dwell In Joy complete
yipari rrom mortnl Hurry,
He gets ns much as ho can eat
And never has to worry.
Loving One's Enemies.
"Ilnvo you ever tried to lovo vour
enemies ?"
"Yes," answered the slow-snonklnc
man, "I hnve tried. But I never cet
n real enemy to reciprocate my nffec-
lions with any degree of reliability"
"Here is a fine tonic which win
quickly bring back your husband's ap
"Dear me, doctor. I'vo been trettlm.
along so fine with my market money
since lie lost his nppetlte."
Our Erotic Literature.
The Advertiser Cnn vou nm mv
nd next to pure rending matter?
Tho Ad Manager I'll do tho bout i
cnn. But this Is a popular story mag
azine and there's not much remllnf.
matter In It that's very pure.
Hogs Kept Under Conditions Such aa Shown In the Illustration Are More
Apt to Contract Tuberculosis.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture)
With llvo stock nnd their products
on n higher plnno of values than in
previous years thero has come to
stockmen nnd farmers a keener reali
zation of tho need to stamp out anlmnl
diseases. This Important development
in live-stock raising was shown repeat
edly at tho conferenco of state and
federal sanitary officials who assem
bled in Chicago to dlscusa tubercu
losis eradication.
Whereas in tho past tho unwilling
ness of cattlo owners to havo their
herds tested In order to locate tho
disease has been a limiting factor In
tho work, now there nro wulting lists,
nnd tho problem confronting state and
federal ofllciuls Is to meet tho de
mands. Coupled with thnt problem
Is tho need for improved methods of
testing nnd n moro uniform system ot
certifying to tho lienlth of nnlmnls so
that stock may bo shipped Interstate
with a minimum of inconvcnicnco nnd
First Conferenco of Its Kind.
Tho conference, called by tho fed
eral bureau of nnlmnl Industry to dis
cuss theso problems', was the first of
Its klpd, and 158 delegates from va
rious parts of the country were in at
tendance. In opening the meeting Dr.
John IL Mohler, chief of tho bureau,
emphasized the Importance of conduct
ing dlscnse eradication in a manner
that Is practicable and workable as
well as being- scientifically correct.
Llkcwiso ho announced tho desire of
the federal government to receive In
formation from nil sources to supple
ment tho work of United States de
partment of agriculture Investigators.
A problem of considerable importance
Is tho tuberculin testing of cattlo nt
public stockyards. Such testing Is
aimed to check traffic in diseased an-
Imnls and to protect communities
which havo llttlo bovino tuberculosis
rrom infection by cattlo that aro dis
eased or of doubtful health. This con
dition applies especially to dairy stock
and to breeding cattle, but In prevent
ing interstate movement of tubercu
lous nnlmals, ilve-stock sanitary of
ficials rccognlzo tho need for doing
tho work In tho most expeditious man
Discuss Merita of Tests.
In addition to tho subcutaneous test,
which has been the most widely used
In detecting tuberculosis in live-stock,
two other tests tho intradermal and
ophthalmic received close study nnd
discussion. The Intradermal test, In
tho experience of many of the dele
gates, is especially useful In testing
rnngo cnttlc and those which nro un
accustomed to hnndllng. It has a
field of usefulness, likewise, In very
liot or cold weather when tho atmos
pheric temperature makes dlfllcult un
nccurato diagnosis with tho subcu
taneous test, which depends on a se
ries of animal-temperature rendlngs.
Tho ophthnlmic, or oyc test, Is an-
other means of diagnosing tubercu-
.osls. This test Is- npplled to one eye,
the other being left untreated for com
parison, nnd a characteristic appear
ance Indicates whether tho disease Is
present. Tho eyo test thus fnr has
been used chiefly either In combina
tion with tho other tests or nt? a meuns
Df obtaining further cvldenco on sus
picious cases. Tho discussion Indlcnt
:d tho usefulness of all three tests In
letectlng tuberculosis In llvo etock,
jnd when used in combination the
lests appear to be nn almost unfailing
means .of diagnosing tho dlscnse. As
a supplement to the conference, ex
perimental testing by tho three meth
ods was conducted nt the Union stock
yards. Accredited Herd Plan Indorsed.
Delegates from all parts of the coun
try reported keen interest in their lo
calities In the so-called accredited
herd plan, under which tho federal
state authorities grant a certificate to
owners of herds found to be freo from
tuberculosis nnd which arc maintain
ed in n prescribed manner. The prin
ciple of tho plan was warinly Indorsed
as a constructive means of tubercu
loifls eradication, nnd the conference
fnvorcd Its contlnunnce nlong present
lines or with additional requirements
that will Incrcnso Its effectiveness. A
topic receiving specinl emphasis was
the need for painstaking and thorough
disinfection of premises where dlscnse
has been found, followed by continu
ous attention to sanitation of build
ings and surroundings.
Tuberculosis In Swine.
Eradicating tuberculosis from cat
tle will practically solvo the problem
of controlling tho disease nmong
swine. Thnt was tho opinion of vet
erinary experts experienced In the
handling nnd postmortem examination
of swlno received nt tho principal mar
ket centers. By means of n simple
and practical marker, hogs may be
tattooed with distinguished letters nnd
figures, and when disenso Is found by
postmortem examination, tho Identity
of such animals Is known. With ' a
simple syBtcm of records It Is thus
possible to trnco a shipment to the
farm from which It enmo and stnmp
out Infectious dlscnscs nt their source.
Tho evldcnco submitted showed thnt
swine become infected with tubercu
losis, principally from cattle, either by
following them In feed lots or pas
tures, by receiving Infected dairy by
products or by eating tuberculosis
carcasses. In addition thero are nu
merous other, but less common meth
ods by which swlno contract tuborcu
losls. Insist on Thorough Work.
Tho discussions revealed a wldo dif
ference of conditions nnd problems,
many of them Intricate, but there was
unanimous ngrcemcnt on the main
topic to eradicate tuberculosis from
llvo stock throughout tho United
States and to do It nt the earliest
possible time. Farmers and stockmen
of tho country virtually havo sot n
pace in their demands for testing that
is faster than was anticlnotcd a few
years ago, but tho llvo stock sanitary
ofllclals nro not to bo outdone. Thn
federal bureau of animal Industry Is
now producing nbout thrco times na
much tuberculin ns n year ago, and If
Is being distributed freo to federal,
state, county nnd municipal ofllclaln
Those In charge of the work In differ
en states recognized that the present
progress is but n beginning, nnd tc
avoid confusion thero must bo uni
form policies nnd methods. Thoi
stressed also the Importance of doing
tno work thoroughly nnd well, so
there will bo no reaction nnd loss of
Llvq stock owners may bo of great
Immediate assistance In tho work.
with much benefit to themselves, if
they will isolate all animals hrnucht
Into their herds until such anlmnls aw
definitely known to bo hcnlthy, and1
also will mnlntaln clean and snnltnn
surroundings. Tho gradual Incrcns
in tno number or llvo stock in the
United Stntcs nnd also In the shin-
ment and exchange of nnlmnla mnko
disenso control nnd eradication a prob
lem demanding tho closest co-opcrn
tlon nmong llvo stock owners, sani
tary ofilcinls and the nubile In crenernl
The regulations which havo been
found necessary aro directed, the con
ference showed, nt n small mlnorltj
of conscienceless neonlo who. If nn.
checked, would spread dlscaso nil over
tno country. In nddltlon mnny of the
provisions regarding hnndllnc of llv
stock in Interstate traffic aro a check
on carelessness or Indifference to pub
lic weirnre. It Is believed that tho
great majority of llvo stock men.
knowing these facts, will support reg
ulations which nro aimed to correct
tho conditions.
Baby-Beef Industry Is of Increasing.
Importance and Is Receiving .
Attention of Farmers. ' "
(Prepared by tho Ur-ltod States Depart
ment or Airricuuure.)
With tho growing scarcity of feedor
cattlo and the advance In vnluo of
farm lands, says tho United States de
partment of agriculture, tho baby-beef
industry is or increasing Importanco
and Is receiving the nttention of farm
ers In nil llvo stock sections of the
country. Farmers' Bulletin 811 dlB
cusses the various phnses of produc
ing baby beef for market. '
Live Stock
Italse tho heifer calves from tho
best cows.
When you think of dairy cattle.
think of purebred cattle.
The good cow of Inferior breeding Is
not qualified to drop n good calf. ' ,
Tho cow does not usually become
productive until she at least two-
years old.
There Is no roueluiL'o which Is nt
moro Importanco to tho producer oC
beef cattle than silage.
Thousands of farmers in thr-
try already havo discarded scrub stoek
and nro better oft! because of that de