The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 9
Scene from "Kiss Me Ami in. at the Keith Theatre Thanksgiving Evening. November 27th. Sunshine I Land By RALPH HAMILTON CCopyrlfht. 1919, by the Weittrn N1M - oaoer Union.) "Wnke up, Illruml somebody Is Bcrcnmlng jout in tlie pasture lot." Mrs. Benson shook her somnolent better-half vigorously, hut he mumbled In a confused way. As she was about to call out to their son Sidney, who slept In another room, the young man in question hurried past the open door, pulling on his coat. "Something Is on fire, mother," he said, "but It isn't near the house. You had better get dressed while I see what the trouble Is." A series of new screams rang out as young Benson reached the yard, daz zled by a great glare, a direct view of which the intervening stables partially shut out. As he rounded a shed he saw that a haystack was ablaze. The flaming filaments were bearing di rectly toward the buildings. Sidney darted lightning quick for a pitchforfc, dismantled, scattered and trnmped out the manaclng heap and stared hard at a figure crouching against the pasture gate. "Was it you who screamed?" he challenged, 4 M,n hi? suspicious tones died down to gentleness. The Intruder wns a young girl, pale and trembling. She arose to her feet. In the dying glow of the lire her rare beauty shone forth with n vividness that thrilled Sidney. Her attire was rich to the point of extravagance nnd she wore two lings and a pin at her throat that sent back dazzling prls matlc sparkles of color. "Yes," she replied In a quavering tone. "I was tired with a long, long trninp nnd weak, too, from hunger. I wns seeking shelter when I reached here. I sat down on the horse block, for there wns no light In the house. Then I thought I saw one behind the barn, but It was only a rough-looking tramp lighting his pipe. When he saw me he ran, and T think It likely he dropped a match that started the Are. The hay rack blazed and I tried to wake up somebody In the house by screaming." "It is a good thing you did, Miss," returned Sidney, approvingly. "If the barns had ever caught the whole place would hnve gone. Are are you n stranger nround here?" "Very much so," came the prompt reply, and Sidney was greatly puzzled. The girl showed no phnso of boldness, yet sTTe wns clear and definite. "-We've got you to thank for saving the bnrns nnd probably the house," he As must leave the farm nnd am moving to town. I will sell the the following property, located one mile north and two miles east of North Platte. Neb., on Wednesday, December 3, 1919, Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., 103 HEAD OF CATTLE Twonty-four head of milch cows, 12 are giving milk now, all aro with calf and some fresh soon; 7 head of 2-year-old steers, 8 2-year old heifers, will be fresh In spring; 14 head of yearling calves, 30 head of spring calves, mostly all White Faces; one three-year-old Ited Short Horn Bull, eligible to registry. 13 HEAD OF HORSES One span of grey geldings 6 and 8 years old, weight 3,000 and broke; one span black geldings coming 3-years-old, weight 2C00; one span black geldings 10 years old, weight 2100 and broke; gray gelding 8 years old, weight 1300 and broke; bay mare 7 years old, weight 1400 broke; gray gelding 12 years old, two bay saddle horses 6 and 8 years old, weight 1000 each; brown single driver, 9 years old, weight. 1300; brown mare 12 years old. 13 HEAD OF HOGS 13 head of shoats, weight ahout 175 pounds each. FARM IMPLEMENTS 2 Deering mowers, 1 is practically now, 3 Milwaukee mowers In good shape, 2 hay stackers in good shape, 3 hay rakes In fair shape, 2 hay, sweeps, 2 riding listers, 2 cultivators In good shape, Ingrain bindor In good shape, 4 wide wheel wagon gears, 1 narrow wheel wagon with box in good shape, 4 bale racks, 1 hay rack, 1 three-section hnrrow in good shape, 1 three-horse gasoline engine, 1 wind mill and 2 -ater tanks, 1 four-horso road scraper, 1 scraper, G set of work harness, most of them In good shape, 1 good saddle and bridle, 1 spring wagon, 2 good grind stones, 1 large size Do Laval cream separator. IMPROVEMENTS 2 wagon shacks, ono 10x12 feet, other 8x10 feet, 1 cow barn 14x30 feet, 1 cow shed, holds 50 head of cattle, 1 grainory 12x14 feet, 1 milk houso 8x10 feet, 1 hog shod, 1 garage, 1 hen house. HOUSEHOLD GOODS I kitchen cabinet, 2 range cook stoves, these stoves aro in good shape, 1 heating stove, 1 tablo, 1 stack cover and 2 tents. 200 tons of prairie hay in stack. 200 bushels of rye, and a number of things not mentioned. FIU3E LUNCH AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK TERMS G months timo, 10 per cent intorest All sums under ?20 cash. It will pay you to bo with us at this sale. MRS. DORA E. ROBINSON, Owner. EI). KIEIUG, Auctioneer. KAY C. LANGFOItl), Clerk. said. "If you hadn't given the warn i Ins that blas'.lng stack would soon have ! done Its work. You had better come I to the house. 1 think my mother will i be up and and she will see that you I nrc made comfortable." I "Perhaps you don't evuctly take me ; on trust," spoke the girl. "This dross i does not belong to me nnd these blaz ing gems arc stage diamonds. All I will tell you Is that I am an orphan, nnd I ran nwny from tin school where my gunrdlan had placed me and Joined a traveling show. They were good people In It, but It failed and the i sheriff seized everything except the clothing we had on." "But what are you thinking of do Ing now?" questioned Benson. "Oh, anything to earn n living." re plied the girl. "I won't go back to school nnd, as I wrote my guardian, I Intend to choose my own way In life." Sidney led the way to the house. Ills mother wns down s,tnlrs and she viewed this strange guest with temer ity. Midnight and a beautiful girl dressed like a princess Mrs. Benson had only known through novels or the movie stage. However, she could not refuse hos pitality to one who had probably Hived their home. She prepared n meal and saw' that their visitor was comfortably Installed In' the best bed room. - Nrrf movnlPf Adrlnnne Mnrfel. as "he lob' 'hem her name was. became III with a fever. It was a week be fore she was up and around. By that time she hnd won on the motherly regard of Mrs. Benson to tin extent thnt would mnke parting u sorrow. "Let me stay In the dear old place," suggested Adrlnnne. "I will be glad to work just to be among the kind, good people you nre." There came about what might hnve been anticipated. From the first Sid ney loved her; from the first she es teemed him as the manly, true-hearted fellow he was. They were quietly married. One day an nutomoblllst drove In to the farmyard for water. Sidney wns getting it when joyous faced Adrlnnne came out of the house. "Weill Weill" exclaimed the auto mnblllst. "Found at last, eh, and pret tier than ever. My dear girl, you have led us n long quest." "Sidney," .spoke Adrlanna In her strnightforward way, "this is my guar dian thnt was. And Mr. Boyden, this Is my husbnnd nnd we are the hap piest pair In the world." "A femme sole nc longer, then?" ob served the lawyer. "Don't call me names, dear old guardy, but what Ih n femme sole?" "A single lady, my dear, but now, being u married one. I fancy I had bet ter nrrange with your husbnnd to take over the fortune your fnther left you." "Sidney never knew there was a for tune," said Adrianne, "and I never cared for It after finding n home in this real, beautiful sunshine land." TURN TO PRIVATE CURRENCY People of Siberia Satisfied With tho Trade Checks That the Merchants Have Issued. Private trade-cheeks, Issued by firms nnd wealthy Individuals, have largely replaced the nut hum currencv in Si berla. The ruble In nnv form outside the metal disk Is too unstable to be accounted of real value and the work man who finds himself with nockets full of "Omsk" or "Kereusky" cur rency need hold no fear of belnir con sldercd a plutocrat. For the ruble, nn to a few months ago worth half a dol lar m exchange, has diminished to somewhat less than four cents, face value. True, tho green paper variety ianejed "Kerenskv" commands n blub er premium than do the vellow-bneked bills of Omsk; true, again, the tender of the former Is worth more thnn cither of the two aforementioned. But for nil practical purposes the people oi Vladivostok receive and demand quite as a matter of course tho nunlnt slips Issued by their tradesmen. Kn terprlse on the part of the merchnnts, it mny be observed, keeps pace with ino tunes; for examn e. ono Vlndlvo stok restaurateur has had his checks made to read: "American Grill. Two Hubles. Not Good for Kver." DEGENERACY DUE TO WEALTH' People of Sybarls Allowed Their Char acter to Be Sapped by Love of Luxury. The present meaning of tho word sybarite Is n perswn devoted to luxury and plensuro. It Is derived from tho ancient city of Syburls, sltunted In southern Italy near to the shores of the Gulf of Taranto. It wns founded by the Greeks 720 11. O. nnd became Tery powerful. In the days of Its opulence it was ruler over four nntlons with their 215 towns and could raise an army of 300,000 men and equip them well for the field. The walls surrounding tho city wore said to extend six miles nnd tho suburbs covered nn nren of seven miles. It wns the old story, however, for na tho city grew In wenlth Its people degen erated nnd became noted for effem inacy nnd self-indulgence, nnd it Js told of them thnt no trade that made a noise w'iis allowed within tho city limits. Senecn tells the story that one of tlu Sybarites complulned that he had not rested comfortably during the whole night, and upon being asked why, ho stated that he had found a roso lenf doubled up under his pil low, which had hurt him pain fully. Thus It is easy to see how the word sybarite has been bestowed upon one who lives for pleasure and self-gratification. Wl6dom of Betty. Wo had n family picnic. When we hnd eaten our supper wo sauntered slowly out of the park townrd the car line. Suddenly, Betty turned and ran quickly back toward the spot where wo hnd eaten. "Betty, come quick," said mother. Betty ran faster, without any ex cuse for her conduct. "What are you going back for? Why don't you come when I call?" cried mother to Betty's retreatlnc back. "Just a minute, mother." renlied Betty. "I want to get my gum. I parked It on ono of the benches." Chlcngo Tribune. Flies Imprisoned In Amber. Tho proverbial "flv in umber" in strikingly exemplified In a collection or red nmner rrom iJunnn recently pre sented to tho British museum. Tim nm. her Is unusually rich in insects, Includ ing, according to an English nuthorlty, who has examined the mntorlni thir. ty-ono new species, of which flvo nre types or new genera. Most of these arc found in a block of larger than a man's fist. This has been ciu mio succs nuout imir nn Inch thick. Nearly every large order of Insect is represented wlh the exception of nnts. Swordflsh a Fathead. It surely would be Imprudent to ad dress that formidable creature, the swordllsh as Fathead, yet the term would be quite appropriate. The heads of one hundred nverngo swordllsh will yield sixty-five gallons of an oil thnt has high market vain?. Itcfincd and sun bleached, it is indis tinguishable from whale oil, nnd fetch es the same price. In fact, commer cially, It Is whale oil. Whale oil Is obtained on a much larger scale from halibut heads, which aro treated In the same way as the swordllsh heads I. e., cooked to a pulj) with steam nnd pressed. A short ton of them will yield forty gallons of oil. Boston nnd Gloucester (Mnss.) annually produce twelve thousand gal lons of refined whnlo oil from hnllbut heads. Avvny bnck in the 70s somebody dis covered that salmon bends were rich In oil, nnd since then the production of It has been n considerable industry in connection with tho Pacific salmon fishery. By 1895 the annual output had risen to fifty thousand gallons. His Identity. "I see you hnve u new professional man In town," said "the picture en larger, who visited tho hamlet suffi ciently often to be mildly Interested in the hnppenings thereof. "I noticed tho sign, 'J. W. Bloor, O. D., M. T. D., D. C What is ho practicing, anyhow logomachy ?" "Nope ; economy nnd eye doctoring," replied the landlord of tho Petunia tavern. Kansas City Star. Canada's Fuel Resources. The fuel resources of Canada are situated li'i tho extreme east and west and the western part of Alberta; the lignite' coals aro situated in the prov inces of Alhertn and Saskatchewan, but lying between the limits of these deposits Is n great stretch of terri tory devoid of coal measure of eco nomic value. Tho 12,000 squnro miles of peat bogs arc situated in this area. Refused to Make Money. "Have wo nny currency left?" asked the bolsfievist premier. "Not enough to paper ono small room," replied the minister of finance, with a bolshevistic snicker. "Then wo'd better print some more." "That's what I think, but tho print ers refuse to lift a hand until wo pay them off in real money." Birmingham Ago-IIernld. Chance for Aviators. Chairs of jeronautlcs have been es tablished at the universities of Cam bridge and London and various aero nautical scholarships have been Insti tuted in ISugland. For Snlo Ono second hand Ford touring body with Dotrolt winter top, like now. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. The Result. A prohibitionist said nt n dinner: "Booze spoils everything. Yes, it even spoils tho grand gamo of bnse- Imll. "Two local teams in a smnll town once ngrced to piny a match game, and the proprietor of tho Rod Dog saloon took tho team he favored out side and said: "'Boys, for every run you mnko to day I'll glvo you a keg of beer.' "By a curious coincidence the pro prietor of tho Tin Can saloon mnde nn exactly slmllnr speech to the other team. And what wns tho result? "Tho result, gentlemen, was thnt tho two saloonkeepers rushed frantically out on tho diamond in tho sixth Inning nnd said tho gamo must bo stopped nt once. The score stood ut CO to 57." STATES HELP DISABLED MEN Louisiana and Te!as Are Prominent In the Work of Assisting the Unfortunates. Much encouragement has coitte to the district olllrera of tho federal board for voenilnnul education, ns lo cnl Interest has been dlsplnyed In tho work of re-eduentlon for dlsnbled sol diers. The building In which men In "tryout" courses are taught at Tulnno university wns donated for the pur pose. It is u modern, up-to-date build ing, spacious enough to iiQComodnto the men who will need this typo of training In this district. Tho shops at Tulnno University will still bo utilized, as will the automobile instruction, nnd rolnted subjects in Kngllsh and in simple urthmetlc will ho given In this building. In addition, it may bo used ns n socinl center for the men. An organization has been perfected among the disabled men In training, nnd other social organizations In the city hnvo shown Interest In plnnulng entertainment for them. A splendid spirit has developed among tho men and they seem much interested In their work. A slmllnrly satisfactory arrange ment has been made In Texns nt tho Grubb school. Ten thousand dollars hnvo been npproprlnted by tho stato for use In this school In connection with tho work done by tho board. . The school receives pupils at nny time, nnd no tuition Is chnrged. Bnrrncks are being built by tho nuthorltles to house ) tho men, nnd n speclnl mess hnll Is being prepared for them. Red Sandstone. Colorado Is full of wonderful red sandstone rocks. They nro lined nnd grooved nnd stippled over with fino dots; they nre worn nnd hollowed and curved Into Innumerable grotesquo Bhnpes; from the tiny stone which you can hold in your Jinnd to the sharp colossnl wall, hundreds of feet high, which no mnn can climb, there Is not nn inch which does not look us if for millions of years it had Ireen worked by tools. Yet no hand, no tool, hns been there. Grains of sand have dono !t nil grains of snnd blowing nnd eddying In wind currents. Helen Hunt .Tnckson. BLACKLEG GERM FREE'AGGRESSIN 25cFASDOSE. One dose immunizes the calf for" life, lixtra strong 7 dose syringes, needles, etc., for salc. All orders promptly filled with lresh vaccine. ' DR. W. T. PR1TCHARD, DistribJtSJr NorthJ PIatte, Neb. k 1 . i FARM' LOANS I have plenty of SIX PER CENTJMONEY to loan on improved J farms and ranches, with interest payable annually and with option of payingfall or part of loan at any time. Tax free mortgages bought and sold. T. C. PATTERSON, Loan Broker. B. & L. Building, North Pintle, Nebr. RIDE A BICYCLE DAYTON, MIAME, HUDSON, RAICYCLE AND EXCEL- , SIOR BICYCLES. JOHN H. NULL. JimLlSTOM STOCK WAFEBEHS - "V.'ji - 1 "OHTUCCZABU 8 OAV JE.3 ,UL-fi1g3r L.-J.TrHm, MIMIMI milliLilll III-1 i '-BliMOHEl ' Tiffl A ra mm. Co. m " O "on cArrte HOUSES OMAHA, NEBR. sheep andhoss jbw fyaiff hhh m h i in 1 1 nm in m See Display on lot east of Herrod's Grocery. HARRY J. VANNATTER, Local Agent.