The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 5

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Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health.
Philadelphia, Pn. "I was very weak,
always tired, my back ached, and 1 felt
BicKly most of the
time. I went to a
doctor and ho said
I had nervous Indi
gestion, which ad
ded to my weak
condition kept mo
worrying most of
tho time and he
said if I could not
stop that, I could
not get well. I
heard so muchabout
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
veeotable Com-
riund my husband wunted mo to try it
took it for a week and felt a little bet
ter. I kept itup for three months, and
I feci fine ond can eat anything now
without distress or nervousness. ' 'Mrs.
J. WoitTHLiNE, 2842 North Toylor St,
Philadelphia Pa.
The majority of mothers nowadays
-overdo, there aro so many demands
upon their time and strength; the result
4s invariably a weakened, run-down,
nervous condition with headaches, back
ache, irritability ond depression and
soon more serious ailments develop.
It is at such periods in life that Lydia E.
Pinkham'a vegetable Compound will
restore a normal healthy condition, as
(t did to Mrs. Worthline.
Caused by
Millions of people In (act about 9 out 01
It suffer more or less from Indigestion,
cute or chronic. Nearly every case t
eaused by Acid-Stomach.
There are other stomach disorders which
also are sure signs of Avlil-Momuch belch
ins, heartburn, bloat after eating, food re
peatlng, sour, gassy stomach. There are
many ailments which, while they do not
eause much distress in tne stomach llseii,
re, nevertheless, traceable to an acid
stomach. Among these are nervousness,
biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheuma
tlsm, Impoverished blood, weakness, lnsonv
ola. melancholia and a lone train of phys
leal and mental miseries that keep the
victims In miserable health year after year.
The right thing to do Is to attack then
ailments at their source get rid of the acld
(tomach. A wonderful modern remedy called
EATONIC now makes It easy to do this.
One of hundreds of thousands of grateful
titers of EATONIC writes: "I have been
troubled with Intestinal Indigestion for about
alne years and have spent quite a sum for
medicine, but without relief. After using
EATONIC for a few days the gas and pains
In my bowels disappeared. EATONIC Is Just
the remedy I needed."
We have thousands of letters telling of
thesa marvelous benefits. Try EATONIC and
you, too, will be Just as enthusiastic In Itr
Your druggist has EATONIC. Get a big
10c box from him today. He will refund
.rour money If you are not satisfied.
Illicit Music.
"Pretty dry time at the club dinner
last night, eh, old man?
"Well, the orchestra gave us a lot
of Meyerbeer." Iioston Evening Trim
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor eOlclcncy as
well as promote skin purity, skin com'
fort and skin health. No mug, no
Uiny soup, no germs, no waste, no
Irritation even when shaved twice
dally. One soap for all uses shaving,
buthlnc and shampooing. Adv.
Nothing Like That Here.
An English chemist's synthetic milk
which tun be condensed or dried, Is
mnde from pennuls, soy beans, sugar,
water und mineral salts from real
- milk.
To have friends, one must be
Why That Lame Back?
Morning lameness, sharp twinsea when
bending and an all day backache; each
is cause enough to suspect kidney com
plaint. If you feel tired all the time
and are annoyed by dizzy spells, head
aches and irregular kidney action, you
have additional proof and should act
quickly to prevent more serious kidney
trouble. Use Doan'a Kidney Mis,
the remedy that is recommended every
where by grateful users. Atk your
An Iowa Case
Alonzo Adams, Osce
ola, Iowa, says: "I had
lumbago. Sharp pains
went through my kid
neys and loft me al
most helpless. I could
neither atoop nor
straighten. Mornings
I was tired and ex
hausted, owing to lack
of Bleep. My lcldneys
acted Irregularly and
th. lairatlnnfl WftA 11 Tl -
natural, I took Doan's1
Kidney Pills and tho
trouble entirely disap
peared." Get DoanV at Any Store, 00c a Box
For Irritated Throats
take a tried and tested remedy one that
acta promptly and effectively and contains
oo opiates. You get that remedy by niklna for
B (Tor your acid-stomaoI)
Get the Genuine rBS
njwTggfg in Every Cake
If Instead of it gem, or even n .liwcr,
wo could cast tho gift of a lovuly
thought In tho henrt of n friend, that
would be giving as tho angels gUo.
Georgo MacDonnld.
When going upstairs plnco the
whole foot on tho stair und keep the
body erect; this manner
of climbing stairs will
not strain any muscle
A dish mop used for
washing dishes Is a groat
saving on the hands as
the wnter mny bo used
much hotter and tho
process Is finished quicker.
When raisins and prunes stick to
the paper which wraps them, hold
thorn n moment near tho steam of a
A baby, no mnttor how young.
should be given fraiucnt drinks of
sterilized water. A bottle Is the, besl
way to give It until' tho child Is old
enough to drink from n cup.
Orange Juice for babies, given be
tween meals. Is n most wholesome and
refreshing drink.
A harmless laxative which will he a
pleasure to the children to tnko Is the
following: Grind through a moat
grinder one pound each of llgs. dates.
raisins and softened prunes, with' live
cents worth of senna leaves. Mix and
knead well, form Into n loaf ami wrap
In waxed paper; keep In a cool place.
For a child a pioco the size of a poran
Is sufllclont ; adults may tnko a largef
piece. This will keep for weeks, Is en
tirely harmless and much less expen
sive than many drugs sold for the
Add preserved citron to the mince
meat; It adds greatly to tho flavor of
this time-honored pie filling; the
citron melon which Is home prepared.
not that used for cake.
Citron melon, if grated before pre
serving, may bo used for many dainty
dishes or garnishes for Ices, giving
a delicate flavor well liked and adding
to the variety of good things as well
One may boll a pudding In a double
boiler Instead of In the old-time pud
ding bag. Line the upper pnrt of the
holler with oiled paper, turn In the
pudding nud It will come out In good
When It Is neressary to clean up
holstered furniture Indoors, cover with
a dampened cloth r,nd beat; the dust
?llngs to the eloth.
Coffee custard Is prepared by steep
Ing two tablespoonfuls of ground
coffee in two cupfuls of milk; then
strain, add the eggs und sugar and
cook as usual.
There la only ono wny to got ready
for Immortality, and that Is to lovo
this llfo nnd live 1 as bravely and
faithfully und chourfully as wo can.
Henry Van Dyko.
A young tender rabbit Is n delicious
oisn wnen propeny cookchi and served.
wash and wipe the meat
carefully; cut In scrving
sized pieces; brown In a
little fat, then add water
and tvo tablespoonfuls
of vinegar, cooking slow
ly until tender. Thicken
the gravy and serve as
one does fricasseed
chicken. If an older rab
bit. Is to be cooked, It should be par
boiled In water with a tablespoonful
or two of vinegar until tender, then
brown as above.
Roast Wild Duck. Clean and truss
the duck; sprinkle well with salt and
pepper and cover the breast with thin
strips of salt pork. Place on a rack
In a dripping pan or roaster; add n
llttlo water to tho pan; place In a
hot oven nnd rook for hnlf an hour.
Caste nt least flvo times during the
roasting. Servo with currant Jelly.
An onion or two mry be put Into the
cavity of the bird, or a bunch of cel
ery, removing before serving. These
flavors add much to the flavor of a
wild duck. Most epicures agrre thnf
tho highly-seasoned shillings overpow
er the delicate flavor of the bird. For
those who still cling to the method of
stufllng, tho following will b0 enjoyed:
Raisin Stuffing. Sonk one qunrt of
bread crumbs In cold water nnd
squeeze dry; ndd two well-boutbn eggs,
one teaspoonful of snlt. two table
spoonfuls of chopped parsley, onr cup
ful of chopped raisins nnd one-Jmlf
cupful of chopped celery.
Roast Venison. Uub the roast nil
over with tho cut side of n lemon;
Inrd It with strips of fat salt pork, nmi
ronst IB minutes to the oound. hasting
occasionally; cook until tender but
rare. Serve with spiced grape jelly.
If ono cares to Improve the flavor, add
a small chopped onion anil carrot to
tho roasting pan.
Rabbit With Vegetables pinee a
thick layer of onions In a casserole,
then a layer of rabbit cut In serving'
4zed pieces, a sifting or flour and
son-nnlug and immlier layer of onions,
mid rabbit until nil Is used. Cover
nd cook In a moderate oven.
in. moisture (except that In the
I'Muro). Ik added, care must be tak
n to Ueop li from scorching. Serve
.) m;i lied potatoes.
The happy state of mind bo rarely
possenscd In which we can sny "t huvo
enough," Is the highest attainment of
philosophy Happiness consists not In
possessing murli but In being content
with what ho possess. Uo who wants
llttlo always tins enough. Zimmerman.
Milk, the food best suited to chil
dren', makes the best of foundation for
wholesome desserts, good
for the young, wholesome
for those of weakened di
gestion. A smooth, nice custard
may be made using two
eggs nnd u pint of milk.
If one wishes to hnve the
custard thick enough to
mold, three to four eggs
should bo added. The more egg tho
more nutriment, so It Is n dish to be
recommended when eggs are at all rea
sonable In price.
Bakc"rJ Custard. Kent four eggs
slightly, add n half cupful of sugar
and n quart of fresh milk. Cook over
water In the oven, sprinkling In n bit of
elnnnmon, nutmeg or nny flavor de
sired. A pinch of salt should also bo
added to nil milk dishes. Do not allow
tho wnter to boll nt nny time during
the baking or the custard will whey.
Any egg and milk combination should
always be cooked nt n low tempera
ture. To tost the custard to know
when It Is done dip n knife Into the
confer; if It comes out clean the cus
tard Is ready to be taken from the
ofen nnd hot water. If the cups aro
allowed to stand outside the oven In
the water they will often overcook.
Ginger Custard. Line buttered cus
tard cups with .pieces of canton gin
ger, then pour In n thick custard,
using four eggs to a p'nt of milk, n
third of n cup of sugar, n fourth of
n teaspoonful of salt and two tea
spoonfuls of vanilla. Heat the ogns
slightly, add sugar, salt, milk and
flavoring and strain Into the mould ot
moulds. Set in hot water and bako
until firm. Serve with a spoonful of
canton ginger sirup poured over each
Caramel Custard. Melt In a smooth
omelet pan one-half cupful of sugar,
add gradually four cupfuls of scalding
hot milk and stir until the caramel is
dissolved. Ilent five eggs, add half a
teaspoonful of salt, a tonspoonful of
vanilla and strain Into n mould rinsed
In cold water. Hake as usual. Serve
with a caramel sauce..
No man or woman of tho humblest
sort can really bo strong, gentle, pure
nnd good without somebody being
helped nnd comforted by the very ex
istence of that goodness. Phillips
Cooked food made from sour milk
or sour cream has a flavor and textun
which Is cspeclallj
good. Cakes inadi
with cream or soui
milk keep bettti
nud improve In fh
Waffles. Mix am'
sift one cupful of
Hour, a half ten
spoonful of salt .and ono and one-hall
teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Ileal
one egg. add one cupful of sour milk
then the flour mixture; bent well; adc
a teaspoonful of soda dissolved In halt
a tablespoonful of water, nud when
well mixed add n tablespoonful ol
butter; heat again and cook on u hoi
waflle Iron. Serve hot with maple
sirup. '
Sour Milk Bl6cult. Mix nnd sift to
gether one quart of flour, one ten
spoonful of soda, one teaspoonful each
of salt and sugar, cut In two table
spoonfuls of shortening and moisten
with one nnd one-hnlf cupfuls of soui
milk. Holl out and bake In a hot
.oven. Serve with honey or maple
Boston Brown Bread, Mix tlmf
nushly one cupful each of whole wheal
flour, coinmeiil, and gnUinm flour. Mix
two cupfuls of sour milk and one-hnlf
cupful of motnsses and a teaspoon! ul
of salt with one teaspoonful of soda.
Stir In tho dry Ingredients, heating
thoroughly. Turn Info well-buttered
linking powder enns and steam two
hours. Remove the covers nnd dry out
In tho oven for in minutes. Italsins
and nuts may be added If fTeslrod. Cut
In neat slices, using u string.
Spoon BreaaV Tnko one pint of
coarse ivhlte cornfnenl, half n teaspoon
ful of salt, and enough boiling water
to iiui'jo a smooth pa.fte. Add one egg,
one cupful of sour milk or buttermilk,
and u half tt'Aspnnnful of soda. Ilent
untl' smooth ; pour Into n hot, well
butt prod bit'ilnr; dish and then bake
Sour Cream Cookies Cream half a
ei'pful of shortening with ono nnd one
half eiiprtils of sugar; mid two beaten
eggs, half a cupful of sour croarn. one
teaspoonful of soda and flour ti roll;
flavor with nutmeg nnd chill before
Series of Impacts Being Conducted at
Arlington to Determine Impact
on Roads.
(Prepared by tho Unltod States Depart
ment of Agriculture)
To determine the destructive effect
of heavily loaded nuto trucks un high
ways and streets, nnd to meet the de
mand for data on tho design uf road
surfaces nnd foundations to withstand
such heavy traffic, n series of experi
ments is being conducted by tho bu
reau of public roads at tho Arlington
cxperlmont farm to dctermlno tho Im
pact of nuto trucks on roads.
The most striking slnglo develop
ment In tho highway field In 1018 wu9
tho tremendous Increase In motor
truck traffic. Flvo years ago heavy
motor trucks were few In number and
limited practically entirely to tho
paved streets of larger cities. Thcso
vehicles now comprise probably 4 to
5 per cent of the grand total of all
motor vehicles nnd aro to bo found
wherever tralllc conditions permit
prolltnblo use. But very few roads
were designed to carry nny largo vol
iimo of this class of tralllc. Conse
quently, tho cost of ndequato main
tenance was Increased greatly during
the yenr. In many places tho dnmago
due to tho Incessant pounding of thoso
fast nnd heavy vehicles was so great
its to require complete reconstruction.
Much Investigational and Experi
mental Work Done by tho De
partment of Agriculture.
Much Investigational nnd experi
mental work on road building has
been in progress for u number of
years and road engineers aro nblo aa
n result of this work to give valuable
advice ns to the most economical
method of building nnd maintaining
roads for the varying conditions exist
ing in different localities. Much of
this investigational work has been
done by the highways division of tho
United Stutcs department of agricul
ture nnd somo by tho various state
highways commissions. No rond build
ing operations ought to be undertaken
without the aid und expert advlco
which these agencies nro willing nnd
nblo to give. Taxpayers should Insist
upon this.
Excess Water Successfully Removed
By Use of Piece of Pipe, Opera
ted by Two Men.
A simple method for compacting .the
surface of concrcto roads and remov
ing excess water has been evolved
by an engineer, 1$. P. ISntchelder, of
Ravenna, Ohio.
After striking off the surface with
a template, according to Mr. notehold
er's plan, a piece of ordinary gnsplpe,
operated by two men, Is used ns a rol
ler. After the excess water hns como
to the surface, another trip up and
bnck with the roller removes nil tho
A Piece of Ordinary Gasplpe Is Suc
cessfully Used as a Roller to Remove
Excess Water From the Road Sur
faces,, water1 and leaves the surfneo in good
condition for further finishing If nec
essary. A wave of mortar Is carried
ahead of the roller tho "first time
over," which fills In porons places or
depressions. The second rolling re
moves nothing but water that Is virtu
ally clear.
This method is especially useful
When using crushed stone or slog.
Popular Science Monthly.
It Should Be Especial Business of Ev.
cry Road Commlss'oner to Make
It should be tho special busln'ftM
of every road commissioner to find the"
weak nnd susceptible parts of n rond,
nnd if there is any likelihood nt all
o tho creation of tf "bottomless pit,"
tho jsnylftc of "n stlttfft In time" will
apply very truthfully to tho question
In hand,
Interest in Road BuUtfititf.
Tho Increasing Interest In fMul con
struction In Cuba Is an Indirect result
of tho world's demand for sugar la the
war period.
Motor Truck Is Best.
For nil tho genernl hnulnge on the
farm a motor truck is the best, vehicle
If tho roads In tho neighborhood are
Campaign Moving Rapidly.
Tho good roads campaign Is moving
more rapidly than over before.
It is the plain, public duty of every
citizen to criticize proposed govern
ment measures believed to be harmful
Swift & Company is in a better pos
ition perhaps, than others, to under
stand the meat packing business in- all
its relations to public and private inter
ests, even though the others may have
been giving the subject a great deal of
sincere attention.
Swift & Company is convinced that
Interference with its legitimate business
function by governmental agencies,
however well intentioned, would be an
injury to every man, woman and
child who wants meat to eat, as well
as to the men who raise the meat and
to those who dress and distribute it
Maximum service that cannot
monopolize because of keen competi
tion and lack of control over sources
of supply is furnished at a minimum
of profit a fraction of a cent per
pound from all sources.
Therefore Swift & Company is
taking every legitimate step of citizen
ship to prevent such interference.
These advertisements are intended
to help you, and to help Congress
decide what is best to be done. Mis
takes are costly and apt to be harmful
in these trying times.
Lot us send you a
Address Swift
Union Stock Yards,
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
mmm&mmA swift &company I I ,
I I 79 ant 7 . O I II f AND OY PRODUCTS- II
J6.yO y SiSC III It ss cents it paid roRTHi IJHHi
Sxp4a$n jf V l a I II l UVC ANIMAL ffl
Yr'V ToStoat Raiser II CNTS r0R labor
Af vaunAaain.ii it tt. EXPENSES AND FREIGHT U
v5r ts& 1,04 ewTiTHEMA,M' Jr
oyrup wmiy
l..i. ; i III. ti ,n
Bitur rfM fr, mi Uotr li
The high school teacher was giving
a review biography of John Milton.
"Ills life Influenced n grent ninny of
his poems," she told Hip clnsa, "nnd
Milton hnd n very unhappy llfo In
deed, Ills first wife nnd ho were very
unhappy." She tnlked n few minutes
nnd then nflked: "Now whnt poem
did this unhappy innrrlnge cuuse him
to write?"
"I'nradlso Lost," cntMo hack from one
of tho listeners.
The Suprtme Sparkle,
"Now thnt you are a lilgh-snlarled
picture star, you cnii wear dlnmondn,"
"Dlnmondsl" echoed tho film favor
te, Rcornfully. "Where are you go
ing to get any Jowelry that will put
up a display to compare with the elec
tric lights at the front of the liouso?"
In a Low Key.
Joe What was tlm tenor ot ulsf
Hob Thero Wito 0j tenor to It; ho
has n bans voice.
A wonmn dislikes rnii who under
Htiind her.
Mornin -
eepYbur EVes
m in MB
m as
Clean - Clear Healthy
MMt for frM E Car Murlo Co.aUca,aU4A
Swift "Dollar."
& Company,
Chicago, 111.
rt - nfa 'nnn trrmA rpJMOn wllV
,m.. c.u TA... Dnmlinm TlUnil Rvmn onM
Know you win iiHimiun ..wiit. r-
5oa try It. IU .uperior sootlneta la pledged by th Jfenatf
ones label anil you can depend upon It.
Sorghum blend syrup
Mada br an exelaalT. procesi which maka It wholesome
economical ami delicious from cane grown In oar own field
Km rawte. will,. UJ (Wufcml
Nsw Recipe Book Sent FREE 1
oeNtn&i, omen, !) citt, mo. . . w if .
rW m fort Bcott. JUn. , tm4 lln. lllud, Ait. UAiAVWV
Uuafulami UM-Cou Srrot
Fond Mother Don't you think ttu
baby resembles his fntherl
Caller Well er they are botk
bald. )
112 Millions
used last year
Standard told remedy for 20 year
In tablet torm taie, sura, ne
opiates breaks up a cold In 14
nours relieves grip in oar..
Money back II It (alls, ins
eenulne cox nas a Jteo
lop wnn r. nui
At All Drag Star
new, low price, guaranteed tire. Liberal
commission. Write for price lists.
410 N. 16th St. Omaha, Nob.
ia uaaTiM uabtui, caioaoo i
IW nl nil