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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
PERK By ELIZABETH DE DOER (Copyright, 1910, McClure Newspaper Syn dicate.) Three of the famous four mit In their banner-hung den. Suddenly Ted Morse, cnptnln of the crow, rose, and dramatically pounding his tnnned list upon tho desk, said: "Look here, follows, wo'vo got to do something about Perk!" Slip Morgan punched tho white II on n.rod pillow nnd throw It nt Bill Mltton, trnck champion. Slip was Bliortstop on the Imsobnll toMm. "Come off of thnt, Morgan," the af flicted drawled, "Whnt'll wo do about Perk?" Tod took the floor. "This Is tho way things stand. We're graduating this year and I'm having the famous four spend tho summer with mo on Long Islnnd. AVe'II have n big time, but look nt Pork! He'll probably ship a young library home before lie comes. Thnt lad's tho bright est man In college j but boys, he's miss ing life." One hnnd was flourished In tho smoke-heavy air. "What girl would glvo a row of pins for n mnn who's nlwnys burled In books? They don't care If he graduates summa cum laude. What they want to know is, if he broko his ankle In footbnll 1 or won a cup In tennis. And the worst of It Is," tho speaker registered deep emotion, "Perk Is so very good looking 1" "Yes," Slip finshed, "a month's train ing would make him the biggest bug on the team. Dut no, he prefers to write books on electricity." Three long groans ! Bill spoke next. "Perk is a wonder, but Ted said It, he's missed life, and It's up to us to force It upon him. The question Is, how?" Inspiration soared Into tho room and Slip's inevitable hnnd leaped to catch It Tho game Is on. i Perk was lennlng over Miss Mny. When one Is six feet two and one's partner In Ave feet, one nnturnlly leans over. A becoming pink hnd flwept his face nnd a painful expres sion, thnt of absolute resignation, hid beneath It. Miss Mny spoke prettily. "Oh, Mr. Perkins, It must bo won derful to be famous In college." Perk wns afraid to contrndlct, but denied fame bravely. Miss May was determined. "You mustn't try to deny It," she fihook a pink forefinger nt him, "for Ted hns told us nil about you, nnd," Bhe looked sweetly up, "personally, I had much rather bo famous In sports than tho brightest man In college. I just love baseball, nnd they say you are so splendid. Perk gasped I This was Ted's work I Ted's and the other two. They hnd told all tho young ladles present thnt he was a college-fnmed athlete, and, try hard as ho could to deny It all, the girls had henped him with admir ing nttentlon. Perk snw tho object of his temporary hutj grinning ncross tho dance hall and would have given his summa cum laude to hit him. Thnt night words burned between tlie fnmous four. "Yes, they all bellevo it and they're going to keep on believing It," Ted quietly Informed his former roommnte. "It's just n llttlo lcsson tho college for cot, old mnn, nnd you owe your pres ent popularity to us." "Thanks," said Perk bitterly, "espe cially In tho enso of Snlly Byron," but the boys laughed and Perk reddened resigned. Tho next day Perk took Sally canoe ing. Things hnd progressed. They were already applying first nnmcs. "What a wonderfully steady stroke you have, Perk," Sally complimented. "I supposo you acquired thnt from practicing In thecrow." "I novcr " Perk began, but never ended. As tho dny went on ho suffered more, but ho learned. lie took n new interest in sports nnd they suited him eo perfectly. Ills books wero for gotten, not too much, but enough. And three of the fnmous four wagged their heads approvingly then jubilantly for Perk had fullen in lovo.' A Sunday evening wns being herald ed by n goldcn-purplo sunset nnd Perk had enticed It took very llttlo enticing Sally to tho shore. They sat quietly, Sally's small hand hidden In tho man's big one. With th6 last lingering rnys of tho setting sun, Perk turned to tho girl beside him. "Snlly," ho said quietly, studiedly. "I liavo something I want to toll you. I hnven't plnyed fair I've Hod." Tho girl's eyes widened but sho made no reply, lie went on: "Tho boys tried to piny a llttlo Joko on me, but they cnrrled It n bit far, nnd I didn't havo tho ncrvo to deny It. They said I was, a big nthleto In col lego and, well, I'm not I'm nothing In n girl's opinion In yours. I didn't realize what It would menu to a girl llko you and I went In for tho biggest things thnt Interested me books. I wns all wrong, but It's too late. I don't suppose," he dropped her hand and looked away, "I can 4iopo to bo forgiven, but I want you to know how hard It's been to tell you this, be cause," his eyes found hers, "I lovo you." Sho smiled hnpplly. "Perk, dearest," I knew all tho time. Ted let mo In on tho llttlo Joke, nnd I think It's dono you good. It's broad ened your views and Interest) and," Alio looked adorable, "and It's proved to me that you're n mnn-and Pork, you inlrh I" ' (I t know that thn ' I BEFORE DAY OF GUNPOWDER Soldiers Were Capable of Dolnjj Con siderable Execution With the ow and Arrow. The first "gnu" used In warfare wan undoubtedly the crossbow arbalest of the type having a reflex composite bow made of wood, sinew, horn or whalebone, nnd wound tip with i rachet or "crnnnnquln," which slipped on ovor the stock nnd wns held In place by a loop controlled by a trans verse peg In tho stock Just behind the lock. This weapon reached its highest development In Germany under Mnxl mlllnn, when It had n steel bow of Immense power. There Is one In thu Boston niuxemn with n bow of over two and ono-half Inches wide and near ly three-fourths of an Inch thick. In central Europe, France nnd Spain the bow was not used much save by the people who came under Mohnmmedan Influence. The cross-bow being a much easier weapon to use, It was forbidden lti England to anyone not having a certain Income, in order thnt tho yeo men nnd common people should be forced to use the long bow, which In military purposes wns vastly superior on account of the rapidity of Its fire, although outranged by tho crossbow. It had one grcnt advantage of light noss. A military crossbow with wind lass weighs about 20 pounds. REVOLUTION IN OLD EGYPT Records Tell of Uprising Which Evi dently Ended Unhappily for the Rebellious Citizens. A recently deciphered papyrus shows n pretty revolutionary spirit among the Egyptians In the year 2000 B. 0., or nearly 4,000 years before the French thought of an upheaval. The period Is between the old and tho middle kingdom, and an Egyptian sage plaintively Invites the king to snve his people In telling him of the conditions of the country. He tells him that "thnt Is past which yester day could be seen. The lnnd turns like a potter's wheel. The noblo cry out nnd the poor aro full of Joy. Ench town snys, 'Let us drive the strong from without our midst I Those who wore clothes aro now in rags. Noblo women trail through the land, and housewives say, 'Had we only some thing to entl' . . . The poor pos sess lordly things, and those who could, buy themselves no sandnls now hnve treasure. . . . The peoplo have dethroned the king nnd perse cuted his ofllclnls." Thnt the revolu tion was u success seems hnrdly to hnve been tlie case, for the papyrus goes on to say that laughter has gone ; misery Is In tho land; big and small say, "If only I were dead." Up a Tree. While In Africa recently Mr. A. 8. Le Souef, director of the Taronga ;soo (Sydney), snw plenty of elephants, hlch were destructive to the crops put In by the natives of the Uganda country. Ho also observed the body of a small antelope about 14 feet up a tree. The enrenss of the antelope had been put lit this position for sufo keeping, by leopnrds. "These members of the cat family nre hnnd roine, and extremely active," says Mr. Le Souef. "They play about In clear places In the forest, tenr up the ground, and spring far up the trees. They are most active, but they do not readily nttnek humnnlty, unless It bo a child at evening, nnd they nro hungry. Tho beauty of their fur makes them desirable for a zoo and for rugs, but tho number that mny be killed Is limited. I snw the beautiful Colobus monkey, which, in spite of its striking black-and-white coloring, was difficult to observe among the Juniper trees from whoso brnnches hung long pieces of lichen." No Man's a Hero to His Wife. Whllo the tire that destroyed the four-story Stlllmun department store In Muncie rocontly wns nt Its height an excited woman cnllcd police bend quarters, snylng thather husband, a workman, wns supposed to bo repair ing tho roof on the Stlllman building and she fenred he might havo perished In the flumes. A policeman who In vestigated found thnt tlie man in ques tion not only hnd escaped but had helped to save a woman clerk who was In danger,. The offlcer informed the wife of this, thinking she would not only be relloved but proud of the hus band. Instead she snapped bnck: "What wns my husband doing on the roof with a woman 7" Indlnnnpolls News. Length of Llfo Extended. In 1348-60, 25,000,000 denths from the plnguo or "black death" occurred, which was one-fourth of the entire population of tho world at thnt time. The average length of life In tho six teenth century wns only 21 years, while In this, tho twentieth century, the average life Is forty-flyo yenrs. In India, however, the average life today Is only twenty-four years. We are enabled to see what the sci ence of medicine Is accomplishing In more civilized countries, where igno rance and superstition do not prevail to any great extent. i Prsooclous Youth, Mary nnd Ruth were discussing plans for playing houso and Mary said, "I'll be tho mother and you bo my lit tle girl." r "No," said Ruth, "I want to bo the father." "Oh," said Mary, "let's play we've got plenty of money, and then- we won't need a futher." CELESTA By BRUCE BERESFORD (Copyright, 1919, by the Wt-Urn Nawi pnptr Union.) When father wtis cross and mother tired out mid sister Emmii In n bad temper, pretty, gentle Aldn Percy had nn unfailing source of respite and pleasure Celestn. Celesta was her pet canary. lie was nothing of u singer, although he had n full vocabulary of llttlo chirpings, of odd express Ivoness, covering :i gamut from pitiful,, pleading down to the hnrslt Inflections of complaint and scolding. As to his cute capers and tricks, his gyrations on his porch and his taking ways of daintily picking a cherry from Alda's own ruby lips and swinging on her neck chain extended lengthwise, he was acrobatic, entertain ing, guest and lover all In one. He greeted her with Joyful whistle at dawn and nil but kissed her good night. Friends might prove false and suitors tiresome, but Celesta thought only of Alda, lived only for her, and when one dny he lay dead In the bot tom of his cage Alda could not have mourned more sincerely If It had been a cherished member of the fam ily. Alda took no one Into the matter of the final disposition of her dead pet. "If there Is a bird's heaven," she told her mother, "Celesta's spirit has gone there. As to the poor llttlo body. It shall go bnck to the elements of nn ture thnt composed It." So Alda went down to the basement where the Janitor hnd his ofllce. She had been to the florist's nnd had ob tained a little box lined with soft white cotton. In this she placed the dead bird, covering him with flowers. Q'hls Impromptu casket she covered with folds of soft tissue paper. The Janitor wns conversing with u bright fnced, well dressed young man ns Alda entered tho ofllce. "Mr. Nelson," she spoke, extending the pnrcel In her hnnd, "will you please place this In the furnace. It Is my dead pet bird, Celesta, and I hnve no plnce to bury him." The. young mnn hnd drawn aside to afford Alda nn opportunity to proffer her request. As she told the object of her mission he removed his hat, anil Alda was grateful for what she took to be n recognition of respect, fond in terest in the dead companion of ninny happy hours. Tears were In her eyes ns she parted with all that remained of her little favorite. She turned away with only a casual glance at the young man. It wns an Impulsive remark of a close girl friend thnt caused her new uneasiness nnd worry after she hnd become quite resigned to her loss. Aldn hnd told this friend of the fnte of the little bird. "'Oh, Alda! how could you have consented to such a shocking thing ns having poor Celesta burned up!" exclaimed Winnie Tow ner, nnd the more Alda thoucht of the net the deeper grew her regret and melancholy." One dny she enme across xne janitor. "Of course you disposed of my bird ns I suggested?" said Aldu. "No, Miss. I didn't." came tho nnin-.- Ing reply. "Young Mr. Worrell asked me all about you that day you came to my otiice. lie opened the little box and saw the flowers and everything. kelson.' he says to mo. 'I will tnkn charge of this. Wo have a quiet pretty spot In our home garden 'where I am going to bury it.'" "And who Is Mr. Worrell?" ones- tinned Alda, n load seeming to have been lifted from her heart. "He and his sister own the buildiiiir here," explnlned the Janitor. "He Is tho young mnn who was here the day you brought the bird to me. Ho anil Ms sister live In tho big house with an lion fence all around n beautiful gar den up on Mersey street, onnosltn tlie library building." So llttlo Celestn had appealed to other hearts than her own I A feel ing of tho most fervent gratitude to ward Blake Worrell came to Alda, to remain permanently. Ono pleasant nf ternoon sho walked slowly by the plnco the Jnnltor described. Aldu look ed beyond tho fenets ncross the lovely flower beds nnd shrubbery, wondering where the grave of Celestn could be, und experiencing a sensation of rare relief and gladness to rcnllzo thnt her favorlto reposed amid such beauty nnd peace. A mnn nnd a woman came from the house nnd turned down the street toward the spot where Aldn stood. She recognized the young mnn of the Junltor's room. He hnlf pnused, slightly lifted Ids hat and passed on whllo Alda flushed, sho knew not why. The pair halted a few feet further on nnd the sweet fnced lady, Worrell's sister, came back to Alda. "My brother tells mo you are Miss Percy," she spoke. "Can I venture to think that you would like to seo whore we hnvo placed Celesta, alongside of two of our own remembered house hold pets?" Thnt broke the ice and let loose a flood of fervid emotions in tho Impres sible Aldn. The three visited n llttlo mound In n peaceful corner of tho lovely gnrden, nnd when they pnrted Aldn wns warmly Invited to again meet theso true souled people, whoso thoughts were so closely in harmony with her own. And with tho first flowers of spring bloMiomlng, It wns by the side of her huobnml that Aldn Worrell looked down upon tho little mound so pre cious to both. AltTH I.HS OP INCOKI'OHATION of MlltTII IM.ATTH UUUITV ASMCIATIO. I ( I .North I'lnHr, Lincoln Count, , .Ni-liniMka. , Know n 1 1 men by these prenentit: ' That we. whone names am hereto at I taclid, have associated ourselves to gether for the purpose of forming a co , operative corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska, nnd for that purpose, no nereny adopt the rollowltiK Articles of Incorporation; AHTIC'LB I. The name of this corporation shall be "North Platte Equity Association." ARTICL.K II. The principal plnco of trannactltiR the business of this corporation shall lie In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska., and such other places as the Hoard of Directors shall select. A11TICLI5 in. The general nature of the business to be transacted by thlH corporation shall tie to buy, sell, trade and deal In, at wholesnle and retail, groceries, pro visions, food supplies, warps, vegeta bles, produce, nnd all other articles and thlliKM Incidental to a general gro cery, vegetable, food supply, poultry, fish, game, produce nnd provision mer cantile buslnuss, to construct, buy, lonso and otherwise acquire and to operate, sell, trade and otherwise make use of elevators for the storage of grains and cereals of all elanse; to carry on the business of slanghterlHg nil kinds of cattle and nnlnmls, used for tho purpose of food, to manufac ture and dispone of the offnl of the same, and to estnbllsh and oroct cold Btorntfe, nnd refrigerators, stables, penil, nnd bulldlngH, necessary to eon duct the slaughtering business, and to do whatever elro may bo necessary ami userui tor the business or slaugh tering cattle and aiilinnlf Intended for rood, nnd In mnnfncturlng and dispos ing of tho offal of the same: to buv. sell, store, cure, manufacture and oth erwise handle fresh, salt and smoked meats, fish, oysters and sea food pro ducts: to buy. sell, own raise, shin nnd otherwise handle all kinds of farm nnd dairy products, live stock, poultry, nnd domestic, foreign and manufactured rood products: to buy, sell, manufac ture, nnd deal In Ire: to irmlntnln re frigerators for frozen products, and to conduct a genoral cold storage busl Icrs, to manufacture, buy, prepare and Bell ico cronm and ices, as well as milk croam. Ingredients for making ice crenm and Ices; to buy and sell all kinds of lumber, cement, coal; to buy sell, lease, exchnnge. dispose of. or otherwise deal In all kinds of tnnliln. ery. engineering nnd hardware special ties, gasollno or gns engines and mo tors, steam engines, boilers, electrical motors larm mncninery, rnrm equip ment, wire, dairy supplies vehicles, and machinery and annll nnees of .verv kind, nnture nnd description, to buy, nun, nun ueai in seens and poultry feed, to enrry on a general hnrdwaro business, including the purchase ami sale of all kinds of hart1 ware ft vhole snle rnd retail; to purchase and H..-M furniture and articles used in the fur bishing and equipment of bunkq the atres, churches, schools, residence's and other public nnd private buildings; to ouy, 3cii, iracie nnu deal in grain, "ed, hay, straw and other agricultural pro ducts nt wholesale and retail: to bdy sell nnd deal in at wholesale and retail, dry goods, clothing, wenrlng apviarel nnd textile fabrics of everv kind. lmtn. cap. inllliipry, boots, shoes, furnishing Kuuu, umuy goons, and an articles and merchandise of like genoral ehnr acter and description, and to conduct the business of genoral dry-goods and clothing morchants tailors. drnnors. lmh. erdashers, milliners, dressmakers nnd general outfitters; to manufacture, buy una sen oread, cakes, pies, crnekers, blseult. pastry, ice cream nnd other food products nnd all kinds of pastry, bread stuffs and other slmllnr nrtlcles; to buy sell, lease, store nnd repair automobiles and motot vehicles of all descriptions nnd their parts and acces sories; and to manufacture nnd sell nutomoblle tops, bodies nnd other auto mobile parts, and to provide und main tain restaurants, Inns, eating houses, w. iM.ia-n ui nnieriainment and re freshment; nnd to do all things Inci dent to tho general trnnnnrHnn nt th. character of business hereinbefore enumerated and implied; to mnko and perform contracts of anv kind nnd des cription, and In carrying on Its busi ness, or for the purposo of attaining or furthering nny of its objects, to do any and all things which a natural person could do nnd exercise, nnd which now or hereafter may bo authorized by law; and in tho purchase or acquisition of property, business rights, or franchis es, or for additional working capital, or for any other object In or about its business or affairs, nnd with limit ns to amount, to Incur debt, and to raise, borrow and secure the pnyment of mon ey in nny lnwful manner, Including the Issue and sale or other disposition of bonds, warrants, debentures, obliga tions, negotiable and transferable In struments nnd evidences of Indebted ness of all kinds, whether secured by mortgnge, pledge, deed of trust or oth erwise: nnd to own. 1pnsf nrwl noil such personnl and real property as may uu iiuuunaiiry nnn useiui ror the trans action of the business nnd tho accom plishment of tho purposo of this cor poration. ARTICLE IV. This corporation shnll contlnuo for a period of nlnoty-nlno (99) years, be ginning With the date of Inenrnnrn- tion, unless sooner dissolved nccordlng L(J 1UW. Aimciyn: v. The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall bo Two Hundred Thousnnd ($200,000) Dollnrs divided Into Twonty Thousand (20,000) shares ?r.yi pnr value of Ten Dollars ($10.00) ench. Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) shall be be fully paid In at the time of commencement of business. This stock shall be non-nssessnblo. The highest nmount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shnll at nny time subject ltsolf shnll not exceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital stock. - ARTICLK VI. The affairs of this corporation shall bo conducted by n bonrd of Seven (7) directors, who shnll bo olected nnnunl ly by tho stockholders. Tho board of directors shnll elect a president, a vice president, n secretary nnd a treasurer from their own number. The names and plnces of residence of tho members nr tills linnrd nf rilrectnrn HAlnntml r. manage and control nil the rfuslness nnd prudcntlnl nfrnirs of this corporation until their successors aro elected and qualified are: Name Address Kdgnr St. Dawson, North Platte, Nobr. Harry M. Johnson North Plntte, Nebr. Charles F. Burroughs, North Plntte, Nobr "William Kbrlght. It. P. D, Box U, North riatte, Nebr. Thos. Orton, 209 S. Maple St., North Platte. Nebr. Gone Crook. 319 S. Chestnut St., North Plntte, Nebr. "Win. Slmnnts, Box G4G, North Plntte, Neb. ARTICLE VII. The stockholders shnll havo authori ty to enact by-laws suitable for the copduct and management of the cor poration business. Tho by-lnws may restrict and limit the right of persons to own nnd trnnsfer the shares of stock of this corporation. AUTIOLK VIII. Thoso articles may be nmended nt any regulnr or special meeting of the stockholders, provided thnt n written notice of tho proposed nmondtnent shnll be mnlled ton days In ndvnnco of said meeting to each of the stockholders at their last known plnco of residence.. IN "WITNESS WIIRRKOF, wo have hereunto sot our, hands this day of November, 1919. Name Address Thos. Orton, North Plntto, Nebr. Kills Kglehoff,' North Platto, Nebr. M. Hnyes, North Platte. Nebr. J. II. Morrow, North Plntte. Nebr. fieo. W. ISddv, North PlRtte. Nebr. Itoy l4tnnln. North Platte. Nebr. Cheatsr C. Williams, North Plntte, Nebr. S W Throckmorton, North Plntte, Neb. Win. o. Sheeriy, North I'latte, Nebr. Gene Crook, North Platte. Nebr. J. Roy Dorran, North Platto, Nebr." W. W. Yates, North Platte, Nebr. O. R Huff, North Platte, Nebr. M. R. Uuchtcl, North Platte, Nebr. A. S. Cornwall, North Platte Nebr. Rob't. SI. Weeks, North Platte, Nebr. E. H. Yates, North Platte, Nebr. John T. Stewart, North Platte, Nebr. Samuel SI. Souder, North Platte, Nebr. Wm. J. Stewart. North Platte Nebr. Wrn. Ebrlght, North Platto. Nebr. Pred H. Thompson, North Platte, Nebr. Loy K. Rbrlght.-North Platte Nebr. Wm. Slmants. North Pirtte, 'Nebr. W. K. Voselpk. North Platte Nebr. L. B. Hastings. North Platte, Nebr. E. M. Dawson. North Platte, Nebr. Hershey 8. Welch, North Plntte, Nebr. Hnrrv M. Johnson, North Platte, Nebr Chnrles P. Burroughs, North Platte b.,j ' n26dl9 Notice of Petition, Estate No. 1700 of Albert SI. Seibert, deceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. To nil per sons Interested In said estate take no tice thnt a petition has been nied for the appointment of P. C. Plelstlcker as administrator of said estate which has been set for hearing herein on Decem ber 19, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated November 18, 1919. (SISAL) WSI. 11. C. AVOODHURST "2fidl2 County Judge XOTIOI In the mattor of tho estate of Thomas Connolly, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. To the Heirs nnd all Persons Interest ed In Said Estate. Notice is hereby given that Kate Connolly, ns administratrix of said es tate, filed her final account herein on November 18, 1919, and also her nppll cntion for tho assignment of the real estnte belonging to said estate, to-wlt, an undivided one-eighth interest In and to the title In fee to all the Southeast Qunrter (SI3'4) of Section twenty-four (24), Jn Township Thirteen (13) North of Rnngc Thirty (30), West 6th' P. SI., nnd that said final account nnd appli cation for the assignment of said es tate will be heard before the County Court in tho court houso In the City of North Plntte, County of Lincoln nnd Stnto of Nebraska, on the 15 th day of December, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. St., nt which time any person interested may appear and show cause, if any there be, why the the said final account should not be approved and allowed nnd the said estnte assigned as provid ed by law. Dated at North Plntte. Nebraskn, November 18. 1919. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, n2Sdl2 County Judge. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 100 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS Big Price for Furs, Don"t sell your Furs before see ing me. Furs are high and I am offering the top prices. L. LIPSHITZ. T. PRITCHARl), Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex- assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Dlack 633 Notice to Creditors Estato No. 1700 of Major A. White, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska. Tho Sato of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said estato will tako notico that tho time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estate is March 19th, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is November 13th, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on December 18th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on March 19, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. ra., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust 'all claims and objections duly filed. (SEA.) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, nl8dl2 County Judge. Beolcr, Crosby & Basklns, Atty. Legal Notice. T. P. Laughlin and Estelle Gibson, James Gibson, Rachel A. Staloy, Rosa Connor, and Robert Staloy, heirs at law of John Staley, deceased, and Cecil Touoll, National Firo Insurance Com pany, Tho South Half of tho South West Quartor of Section 32, in Town ship 11, North of Range 32, In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind .in said real estato or any part thereof, will ako notico that on the 28th day of Juno, 1919, W. TGuihor as plaintiff filed his petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho ob ject and pray&vof which aro to fore close a certain mortgngo deed alleged to havo boon executed and delivered by tho defendants, W. T. Ervln nnd Win nlo Ervln to T. P. Laughlin May 9th, 191C, nnd thereby convoying to said Laughlin tho South Half of tho South west Quartor of Section 32 in Town ship 11, North of Rango 32, W. Cth P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska. Hint on October Cth, 1919, tho said W. T. Ervln and Winnie Ervln de- fondants filed their answer and cross petition in said action, tho object and prayer of which aro to clear title to said lands of certain clouds thereon and to qulot nnd confirm such title In tho snld W. T. Ervin and to oxcludo each and all of said dofondants, and all porsons claiming any intorost of any kind in said real estato or any part thoreof, from any right, tltlo or claim against said premlsos. You aro required to answer said cross petition on or boforo the 22d day of Decombor, 1919. Dated November 10th, 1919. W. T. ERVIN and WINNIE ERVIN, Dofondants. By HOAGLAND & HOAGLAND nnd E. E. CARR. Their Attorneys. nlldS T. S. BLAWKBNBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with D. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Roynolds Terrace. Phone Dlack 1105. IHiS. STATES & STATES Cliirppraclors , 0, 7 Uuildlng & Loan lliiildJng. OiTIcp Phone 70. Res. Phono 1242 HIE TWINE3I HOSPITAL, 1008 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Plntte, Nebr. For the tretitraent of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cnsos. A placo where tho sick are cared for bo as to bring about normal conditions In the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phone 110. North Plntte, Neb. Notico to Non-Resident Defendants. Oscar L. Llvingstouo and the E oC tho SWVt and Lots 6 and 7, Section 0, Township 12, Rango 30, Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind In said real estato or any part thereof, will horo by take notico that Robert E. Auder son, plaintiff in an action wherein tho said Robert E. Anderson is plqlntiX and you and each of you aro defend ants, filed his petition in tho district court of Lincoln coounty, Nebraska, on tho 6th day of October, 1919, tho object and prayer of which said peti tion 1b to quiet plaintiff's title in and to tho EV6 of tho SWJi and Lots 6 and 7, Section 6, Township 12, Range 30, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff further seeks In said action to quiet his title against a certain mortgage executed by John Kleman, single, to Margaret Livingston which mortgage is recorded in Book 18, page 29G, of tho mortgago records of Lin coln county, Nebraska, and which mortgago is dated August 17, 1893. Plaintiff alleges in his petition that said mortgage has been paid, and that the same has been barred by tho statutes of limitation of the state of Nebraska; that ho and his grantors have been in the absolute, open, ex clusive, continuous and adverse pos session of said land for more than ten years and that the iplaintlff has a now and absolute titlo to said real es tate, and that the defendants have no right, title or interest of any kind in and to said real estato. You are required to answer said petition on or boforo the 22d day of December, 1919, or judgment will bo taken against you by default. ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Plaintiff, By Halllgan, Beatty & Halligan, hiB Attorneys. nlldS Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Mead State Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwell, Phoenix Invest ment Company, a foreign corporation oreanlzed under the laws of Mm sdntn I of Colorado, and the SW4 of Section u, Township iu, Rango 33, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, defendants, will hereby take notico that on the 6th day of November, 1919, A. H. Stevens, plaintiff, filed his peti tion In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in an action whore the said A. H. Stevens is plaintiff and you, and each of you, aro defendants, the object and prayer of which peti tion is to quiet tho plaintiff's title In and to tho SWVi of Section 6, Town- ship 10, Rango 33, Lincoln county, Nebraska, against tho claims and de mands of each of the defendants to said action in said real estate. Plaintiff alleges in his petition that .tho defendant, Mead State Bank, a corporation, Wllber A. Brothwell and Phoenix Investment Company, a for eign corporation, claims some right, title or interest In and to said real estato by virtue of a mortgago exe cuted by Stephen A. Albro and wifo to Mend State Bank on December 24, 1889, which mortgago is duly recorded In Book 5, 'page 29S, real estato rec ords of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the said Mead Stato Bank claiming to own somo Interest in said mortgage, and tho said Wllber A. Bothwell claiming to own some interest in said mortgago as assignee thereof from said bank and as purchaser of said -premises under a foreclosure of said' mortgage, and Phoenix Investment Company claiming to own somo in terest in said real estato by virtue of boing tho owner of somo of the notes secured by said mortgago. Plaintiff alleges that said mortgago and the Indebtedness secured thoroby havo beon paid, that tho same is barred by the statutes of limitations of the stato of Nobraska, that plain tiff hnB been In tho open, notorious, exclusive, continuous, hostilo, adverse possession of said real estate for moro than ten years, and that ho therefore has a now and independent title to said real estate, and that said de fendants and each of them to said ac tion havo no right, tltlo or interest of any Kinu in said real estato, having been barred therefrom by said ad vorso possession nnd tho statute ot limitations of tho stato of Nebraska. You are required to answer said pe tition on or boforo tho 22d day of Decombor, 1919. r, tt A' H- STEVENS, Plaintiff. By Halligan, Beatty & Halllgan, his Attorneys. nlld5 Noticn in Prillfnia Estato No. 1695 of Henry P. Coates. do ceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credi tors of said estato will take notico tha timo limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato is March 5, 1920, and for settlement of said estato is October 28, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on December B, 1919, at 9 O Clock a. m.. and nn Mn1, r mon at 9 o clock a. m., to rocelvo, examine. objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. WOODHURST, "8 County Judge.