The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 3
A A Supreme Sacrifice By AMALIES E. CODD ; (Copyright, bjr tha Weitern Nra paper union.) "Dcnr brother Victor It's Just like him," suld Mrs. Kulotto us she linlslml rending a letter tlmt hud Just arrived. "It he coming on, mamma," eagerly questioned her daughter, Victoria. "Oh, how glad 1 shall he to see him." There was genuine warmth nnd sin cerity In the fresh young tones. Vic toria had never seen the uncle she so cherished, hut had always treasured the oft repeated tale of how when she was horn the confirmed old bachelor after whom they hail named her their first horn, had come two thousand miles across the country to view the little mlto he was so proud of Upon her every birthday, for eight een years a few days before the natal occasion there arrived regularly some gift or memento. . They kept pace with the maturing years. It was a silver cup, then a child's ring, then a wonderful doll, a tricycle, a talking machine, and so on until this strongly hteadfast rel ative upon her graduation sent Vic toria a watcli and chain. After that for two years, every week, Victoria wrote a pleasant, loving letter and re ceived in return a crudely fashioned epistle replete with tenderness and love. She had last written him that she was about to marry Dudley Marsh. The Kulettes were comparatively poor people, and while Uncle Victor had been always profuse in his gifts, Mrs. Eulctte had understood that her broth er wns scarcely even well to do. She was profoundly surprised, therefore, when she read In her brother's letter that he would lie on hand by the wed ding day and enclosed a draft for two thousand dollars. "1 want every cent of It spent for the wedding and for starting these young people out right In life," the eplstle run. "Dear little namesake, I feel that I must see her made happy at any cost." Dudley Marsh demurred when he was made aware of the niunltlcence of the generous Uncle Victor. He and Victoria had mapped out an Idea! mod sf start In life, he wild, and besides the dear old man was doing too much for her. "You will break brother Victor's heart if you say one word to spoil his pleasure in showing his love for Vic toria," declared Mrs. Unlet to, and so the matter rested and Uncle Victor ar rived, rugged, bronzed, suggesting n man who had known little else than hard work. "You see, Hertjiu," he obsvrved to his sister, "this is a wonderful event In the life of a man who never had chick nor child, and whose thoughts Just revolve round and round the baby grown to a woman tlint was named af ter him," and to the last Uncle Victor smiled, chuckled, laughed, played the extravagant spendthrift to perfection, and as he loft on the train for home am Victoria threw her arms about his neck and kls.ed him, the old man wills- ' pered rapturously to himself: "It was worth It I" j Then the smile faded. Ills brow j furrowed thoughtfully and all the long i overland Journey Uncle Victor sat grave faced and rellectlve as though turning over nnd over In his mind some I serious proniem. For twenty years he had conducted a restaurant in a little mining town. Making the su preme sacrifice of his life, he had fol lowed an Impulse he could not control when he learned of the approaching wedding. As a matter of fact he had cut away the only provision for his old age to give to Victoria comfort and happiness. Now, back home again, lie found himself without a dol lar in the world and started to work In one of the big mines of the district. lie received a few letters from Vic toVlu bubbling over with the joys of n newly made bride, and these he treas ,ured, for she did not write again after a year. Then sturdily ho resigned hlfuself to the arduous labor he had undertaken. One day there was a bad accident In this mine. A giant In strength, fearless, self-sacrificing, be fought his way to the surface four times, and each time carrying back to life nn overcome miner, the lost res cued one being the son of the wealthy owner of the mine. Kor a month tenderly cared for ut a hospital, a hero to all, Hie old man fought death and came oft' the victor, though n cripple for life. It was morn ing when his full senses had returned for the first time. Peacefully he lay on his cot, gazing out at the green-clad hills in the distance when a fluttering form crossvd the room. "Uncle! dear Uncle Victor!" cried Victoria Marsh, and she was kneeling at his side, her loving nrms enclosing him. "Oh, you hero! and eh! you wicked, wicked to give up all you hwl for my happiness! Hut !t Is all right now, for Dudley has come Into u great fortune, and he made me hur ry to your side the moment we learned of all that had happened." "I'm all right," declared Uncle Vic tor Manchly, "the mining boys have arranged to furnish me mitehes and a home." "Have they?" llHred forth Victoria excitedly. "Well, they'll he disappoint ed! Right straight you are coming East with nm, or Dudlej will ho out here with a posso to kldnup yiii. And," continued Victoria in n whisper, "theru'H a little child wnltlng for you, our first born, and we have nninod him niter you--Victor i" DUE TO DIGESTIVE TROUBLE Condition of Narcolepsy Revealed by Victim's Absolutely Irresistible Desire for Sleep. Even after n meal of moderate slzo taken by n normal subject there Is a slight tendency to drowsiness, which becomes much more pronounced after i heavy meul or In dyspeptics. When sleep under such conditions la Irresistible we have nnrcolepsy. The lint lent may fall naleep so abruptly that he may endanger himself or oth ers. It Is characteristic, however, of narcolepsy of whatever kind that tho attack Is of brief duration. The vic tim, never collapses, for ho nlwnys has time to assume a posture suitable for sleep.. He may even announce that he must doze for n few minutes, after which ho will uwnke refreshed. He may bo kept awake or readily awakened. Hence there should be no likelihood of mistaking narcoleptics for epileptics of any kind. The diges tive troubtes are of no particular type cases have been seen of nlcohollc gastritis, hyperchlorhydrla, atony, etc. In these patients Indigestion Is only a determining cause, but relief of the stomach mischief seems to lead to complete recovery. Possibly akin to these gnstrlc cases nre others In which a subject falls Into an Impera tive sleep after Indulgence In alcohol, hut who wakes In a few moments completely sober, Instead of passing Into a stupor. Kocky Mountnln News. GULL HAD GOOD APPETITE Veracious Observer Asserts Bird Swal lowed Fifteen Smelt Within Space of One Hour. Sea gulls never visit the Cowlitz and Lewis rivers except when the smelt are running. Iocul fishermen know when the fish are at hand by seeing the big white birds In the air wheeling ami diving and uttering their plaintive cry- They sound like complaining children with rather weak lungs. When the gulls nre tired of flying they settle on piles along the shore or on sand banks which they whiten like a fall of snow. When the sharp eye of a gull sees n smelt ho plunges for It, submerges his bill and head, and brings It up squirming. The bird swallows his prey In full flight, seldom or never perching to dispose of It. A most observant young man relates that a friend of his at Kelso, on the Cowlitz, selected a grill which he could Identify nnd watched It for an hour to .1... I . It -. L ..! .,..., ItMIIll Lilt MUt'll 1L CUUUlll ltll'1 I lowed. The number was surprisingly j large fifteen. Terhaps this gull was more export j or luckier than nnlliinrv. Tt must ! have been nn exceptional bird In color at least or the Kelso naturullst could not have told It from the rest of tin? flock. Perhaps it was exceptional In other ways. And perhaps It had n double personality. Portland (Ore.) Journnl. Obituary of a Jellyfish. I One jellyfish at least became world fnnious, and when she died, nfter Hv- i Ing for sixty-seven yenrs in the most intellectual society, under the protec tion of five successive learned gentle mon, she received the honors of nn obituary notice In the Scotsman. "Granny" belonged to the jellyfish family, but was, strictly speaking, a sea anemone whom Sir John Graham Dalyell picked off the rocks and kept In sea water all the years of his life. Sir John fed his protege regularly with one-half mussel a fortnight, and she bore a lnrge family. The Scotsman "In Meinorlam" no tlce ntnted that GOO of Granny's off spring were known. When Sir John died his anemone was passed on to an arctic explorer, and at his death she was bequeathed to another scien tific man. Granny throve nnd bred lit tle ones; she outlived four protectors, nnd died finally because of the neglect or lll-trentment of a botanist. How Much Is Enough to Eat? Science Is speaking up for the 12-year-old who Is nlways hungry. "Age, size and activity." have all to do with tho matter. A boy mny need more to ent than a girl because he exercises more rather thnn because he Is lar ger. A small, bookish father tied to a desk may need much Ies to ent than his romping, growing 12-year-old progeny. It Is safe to say that n grow ing child needs nil the bread und butter and milk nnd fruit that It will eat; when the appetite must be coaxed with sweets It is not to he trusted. If you have stopped running and growing, don't gauge Hobble's needs by your relative sizes. Growing Is ftrenunus business. Be sure that the ch'Idren have both building material for this Important occupation and en ergy fuel for their ceaseless activity. Watching the child's weight will give you a key to the situation. Center of Sponge Industry. Nassau, the capital of the Bahama Is lunds, is a town which seems to ex ist for tho sponge buslimss. Its coral streets ull lead to "the sponge mar ket." Carts, slutted on the sides like squaro bird cages and filled with sponges, are nlwnys in progress along Ray street. A fleet of sponge boats Is always passing in and nut of harbor or rldlug at anchor head out along tho sponge wharf. Men of business hang out their signs ns "Sponge Brokers." Entire yards are filled with spongers, and the constant chatter and song of hundreds of ncgresses at work clip ping nnd pounding, assorting nnd dry ing sponges, are among the familiar strt sounds. A Romance In Colors By VICTOR REDCLIFFE (Copyright, 1919, by the W.itcra Nwi papar Union.) "Something of a mystery, your new hoarder, Isn't he?" queried Mrs. Doty of her neighbor nt the nearest farm place to her own home. "Oh. I think not," was the smiling reply of the young matron, Mrs. Ran som, who wns the mother of two chil dren whom this new boarder had all but adopted so far as kindness and liberality were concerned. "On the contrary Mr. Wharton Is bluff, free and open, and acts like a man glad to get out In the country where he can do Just as he pleases. No, Indeed, not nt all mysterious, but I can say queer." "In what way, now?" urged Mrs. Doty, who was a confirmed gossip. "Well, he spends half of his time with the children, romps with them, ttakes tUen: on long unto rides, buys them all kinds of toys and makes kites for them; In fact he seems extrava gantly fond of juvenile company." "Going to stay long with you?" "A week or two vacation he told me when he first came," replied Mrs. Han som. "Hut it has run into Ids third week, nnd he shows no signs of going as yet." The Inquisitive Mrs. Doty having dis appointedly exhausted the theme un der discussion, chose a new subject challenging her Inquisltlveness. "Who nre the folks who have tnken the Gale place?" she Inquired. ' "Now, there may be u mystery," spoke Mrs. Hansom sprightly. "They are new people and keep closely to themselves a sour-vlsaged old man, his spinster sister, and, they say, a niece. I haven't seen the girl close at hand, for, you know. the Gale place Is surrounded by that hlgb-splked brick wall, but a glimpse now and (hen from our bay window shows that this niece Is graceful, and, I think, pretty. She never leaves the grounds, and one or the other of the man nnd woman Is with her whenever she Is In the gar den." Tust then there sounded out echoes of Joyous, excited shouts and, pointing through the open window space, Mrs. Hnnsoni said: "There Is Mr. Wharton now," and the neighbor peered curious ly at the new boarder. Mrs. Hansom had reason to especially notice this fact, for the day previous he had presented one of the children with a large rubber ball tastefully dec- orated witli alternate red nnd blue stripes. In a game of toss and catch he hnd sent It spinning over the brick I wall of the Gale place, and thul was I the last seen of It, and he consoled the ' little lad to whom he hnd presented It with a promise to place It. I That night ut dusk Mr. Wharton had an animated Juvenile escort as he sent i up the red und blue kite with a red. I nnd blue lantern attached to Its tall. As he guided It aloft the string broke, and it, too, foil within the extensive grounds of the Gale place. "And he did It n-purpose," de clared little Benny to his mother later on. "I saw bin: snap the string." It was two days later that the man who had taken the Gule place camo over to the Hansom home and ar ranged for a regular supply of fresh eggs, butter nnd milk. Their delivery became the task of little Benny. The second evening of this function he startled his mother and very much In terested Mr. Wharton by handing the latter a folded note. "The pretty girl over there gave me the letter," said Benny, "and half a dollar not to tell anything about It. She suld I was to give the letter to the red and blue man and forget all about it." "That's me, and here's a dollar to help you forget It, Benny," observed Mr. Wharton, nnd he hastily perused the note nnd went nt once to his room, chuckling riotously. "Mrs. Doty wns right there Is a mystery here!" soliloquized the puz zled Mrs. Hnnsoni. Mr. Wharton was gone into the vil lage all that evening and Mrs. Han som went to bed after his return to be awake trying to solve the enlgmu of his queer actions. She dozed, to be awakened by a soft chugging sound coming apparently from the rear of the house, and hastened to a window that overlooked the back garden. There stood an nutomohlle, red nnd blue, and Mr. Whnrton was Jut help ing a young lady Into It, whom the driver Jrev Into his arms and kissed rapturously. Away went the machine. Mr. Wharton, all smiles, waving his hand after Its Inmates suggested a fa therly blessing. Next morning, when Mrs. Unuwim came downstairs she found her nonrd or awaiting her, his suitcase at his side. "You dear little woman," lie said. "I'm leaving a neat Ilttlo bonus in ad dition to my hoard money, as 1 have got to get back to business." "And the young lady, sir, and the young niun and the automobile?" flut tered Mrs. Hansom. "Oh! you saw the elopement, eh? Well, my son was the young man, wlmiu I have assisted In gelling uway with I lie poor, pui scented victim of relatives Interested In her fortune, Man and wife by this time. You see, 1 hud to use Don's favorite college col ors, with which Lucia was familiar, to attract her attention and got a note to Her. l cii like a romance, don't you? Woll, you have been an Indirect agent in making two loving mills happy!" Sale Thoroughbred oars at the Johansen Sale Bam, North Platte, Saturday ? November 29. commencing at 1 F. M., sharp. 26 Head of Fine Animals will be offered. C. J. Landbolm & Son and Claus Anderson Owners. Only I2 Cents An Hour And Think of the Work if Q,vno The Automatic Electric Washer. washes a tubful in a few minutes, without labor,' and tht clothes are cleaner, look better and last longer. And il can be operated for 1V cents an hour! Think of the la bor that was formerly required to turn out a washing all being replaced by a few minutes' work at the rate of 1V1;C an hour. It certainly cuts out the Blue Mondays North Platte Light and Power Co. HAY We Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. of Poland China m Am- L 1 1 .1 I HI t:i"NrnM.I. ir--i J Whon in North Platto stop at tho i Now Hotol Palace, nnd Cafo. You will I bo treated well. C8tf ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer (Jcnernl Farm Snlcs a Specialty. References nnd Dntcs nt First Nn tlonnl Ilnnk, North I'lntlc, Neb. t()0 Kast Third SI. l'liono 912 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoflicc. Phone 58 A modern institution fur the itntlflc treatment of medical, surgiral and confinement case. Completely quipped X-Ray and diftcmistlc laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Locas. M. D. J.B. RedGeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. You Way Think a grouch but if you will come to him for Drug Store needs, you will soon discover he isn't and that he doesn't rob you on prices. HAROLD EENNER Osteopath Over Hlrstchfeld's Offlco Phono 333 Rus. Phono 1020 R. I. SHAPPELL , Auctioneer v Dntos can bo mndo nt tho Platto Vnlloy Stato Hunk or Phono 15G Sutherland, Nebraska. I nlwnys tnko stock buyers with mo. Office Phono 340 Rob. Phono 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Ne. Phono for Appolntmontc. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Hunk Building Office l'liono 8! Residence 33 GEO. B. DENT, FhsjJcIan and Surgeon. Special Attention GItob to Surgery ana Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Offlco 130, Residence 116- DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrlctnn Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phone Office 012 Residence C70 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 726 City National Bank Bulldta. Omaha, Nebraska. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platto, Nebraska. DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Surgoom Office over Rcxnll Drag Store Offlco Phono 371. Houso 10G8 Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LAYI Offlco over McDonald Bunk. Office Phono Res. Phono 1156 I. D. BROWNFIELD, General Auctioneer. Live Stock nnd Fnrm Sales. Phone or Wire nt My Expense for Dates. HKRSHEY, NEBRASKA. I 1