The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 2

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Let "Danderine" save your
hair and douEle
its beauty
Oh, girls, such tin abundance 01
thick, heavy, Invigorated .hair; a pen
feet mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious
ly fluffy, bright and so easy to manage
Just moisten a cloth with a llttla
"Dandcrlno" and cnrefully draw ll
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a tlmo; this magically ro
moves all dirt, excess oil and grease,
but your hair Is not loft brittle, dry,
stringy or faded, but charmingly soft
with glossy, golden gleams and tender
Ughta. Tho youthful glints, tints and
color are again In your hair.
"Danderine" is a tonlc-beautlfler.
Besides doubling tho beauty of tho
balr at once. It checks dandruff and
tops falling hair. Got delightful Dan
dcrlno for a few cents at any drug
or toilet counter and use It as a
dressing and invlgorator as told on
bottle- Adv.
What They Said.
Tho following conversation ensued
between two colored troops In an out
post while Jerry was putting over a
"Sam. Ah don't lllco tho hum them
ihells has; they talks to me."
"You neveh seo mo turning white,
nlggnh. What they sny7"
"They Bay, Y o u ain't going back
to A la BAM I" The American Lo
gon Weekly.
Look Rt tongue! Remove polcona
from stomach, liver and
Accept "California" Syrup ot Figs
only look for tho nnmo California on
tho package, thon vou nro suri our
child Is having tho best and most harm
less laxatlyo or physic for tho little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
lovo Its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's doso on each bot
tle. Glvo It without fear.
Mother! You must say "California.'
Tho Difference.
"Father," suld tho small boy, "whin
Is tho difference between a republic
and an nhsblute monarchy?
"A republic, my son, Is regulnted bj
public opinion. An absoluto monarch)
Is regulated by somebody's prlvnti
Important to all Women
Readers of this Papei
Thousand upon thousand ol womei
have kidney or bladder trouble and neve)
uapect it.
Women's complaints often prove to b)
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tbi
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dltion, they may cause the other orgaoi
to become diseased.
You may suffer pain In the back, bead
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, lrrlu
bio and may be despondent; it makes an;
one so.
But hundreds of women claim that Di
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restorini
health to the kidneys, proved to be jus!
the remedy needed to overcome sues
Many fend for a sample bottle to set
what Swamp-Root, the great kidaey,
liver and bladder medicine, will do fot
theu. By enclosing ten cents to Dr
Kilmer & Co., BinghMnton, N. Y.. you
may receive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post. You can purchase medium and
'txge site bottles at all drug stores. Adv,
Properly Labeled.
Jack Did 1 borrow $5 of you on
day last mouth?
Bob Pll have to consult my memo
rendu book. Yes: here It Is. "Cbnrltj
Its Nature,
"Flow did you llnd the naturaliNt'r
lecture on sponges?"
"Of absorbing Interest."
American Red Cross Courier Is
Not Molested by Bandits
in Balkans.
Life of Balkan Courier Is Far From
Simple Travels Take Her to
All Parts of the Intricate
Bucharest. A New York young
woman, with n smile, a dog and a tan
leather dispatch bag, Is braving the
lloodK, torn up railroads, broken
bridges, snow-clad mountain passu
and till the other hardships that inula;
up the substance of present-day travel
In the Balkans.
She Is Mrs. Helen Ornnnls, formerly
librarian In the New York Public
library. The smile Is tho famous
Ornnnls smile that carries her through
all sorts of unexpected dlllleultleu In a
country where dllllcultlos aru real.
That smile decided tho American Bed
Cross authorities to give to her a po
sition as courier. The dog Is a Cau
casian Hhepherd, half wolf, which was
given to Mrs. Grannls by an admiring
lloiiiiiiinlun peasant woman. And the
dispatch bag contains valuable papers
for I be American army and the Bed
Cross which Mrs. Grannls delivers
from headquarters In Bucharest nil
over the Intricate Balkans.
Llfo Far From Simple.
The life of a Balkan courier Is far
from simple. Ballroads have been do
strayed everywhere. Bridges ure lying
In the hods of streams. Beads In
many districts are morasses of mud.
Through the mountain districts roam
bands of coniltadjl who prey upon lone
Mrs. Grannls has braved her way
through everything. When she cunnot
take a train she uses a donkey, a
camlonette, a curt drawn by a water
buffalo. She Is familiar with narrow
gauge railways that threaten to roll
off the mountains Into gorges. She
knows the wheeze and strain of a one
lunged river steamboat, panting
against a slx-mlle current. She can
cross a bridgeless stream on horse
back or with a rowboat.
And with the nonchalunce of a sub
way straphanger she drops from one
mountain top to another on the swing
ing acrlnl cables left behind by tho
enemy armies of occupation.
Smile Takes Her Throujjh.
She has has mut bandits but Invaria
bly, with her smile, with the "U. S."
on her uniform and her talent for tight
places, she has won through unnio
Mrs. Grannls' travels start at Bucha
rest. The cities she "makes" Include
Belgrade, Sarajevo, Bagusa, Cottlnje,
Podgorltza, Tirana, Scutari and Su
J. Hampton Moure, president of the
dolphin congressman and Itepubllcan
speaking during the ceremony at
MutcH took over the Chesapeake ami
Accolades for Children
Fight the Disease.
"Knighthood" Prize for Battle Aualnst
White Plague In the United
Washington. Through tho agency
of Major B. J. Lloyd of the United
States health service, accolades will be
held In virtually every school In tho
country when tho second annual tour
ntimunt of the modern health crusade
comes to an end this school year.
This was the statement inadp at the
National Tuberculosis association of
fices, where the crusade witllorgnnUed
mid where the new tournament was
tiniiiiunewl. The tournament hold
diiniltnnwusly all over rln country
ir !" weeks, begin with the opening
r Hi" term this- full,, ,
lift yt'Hr. i In- flint I" ulilcli the niv
lonlkn. It does not matter to her. On
her latest trip she carried a letter
from the governor of Albania to Col.
Henry W. Anderson of Blchmond, Vn., i
Balkan commissioner for the Bed
Cross, thanking the American people i
for the relief work done In his country.
Her tlrst work for the Bed Cros- 1
was with the bureau of personnel In
Paris, where she labored nights, days
ami Sundays getting ncrsorinc off to
the front. She left Pnrls January 1,
1010, to Join the Balkan commission.
and at length was permitted tn tnko
the courier position which sho Insisted
on having.
Clever Work of Detectives Solves
"Great False Teeth
New York Sleuth Flndr Jewels In
Awning Repairer's Pocket and
the Artificial Masticators in
an Ash Can.
New York. Clever work on tho part
of Detective Sergeants Joseph Leonard
and Thomas Appal solved a robbery
which might otherwise have remained
on tho record us the "great false teeth
James K. Andrews, a banker, dis
covered that a set of false teeth which
he recently Installed ilid not function
with tho celerity promised by bis den
tists Mrs. Andrews started with them
to the dentist for adjustment.
Mrs. Andrews bad the teeth In her
pocketbook along with $75 In bills.
As she wns leaving the apartment the
bell rang. Mrs. Andrews placed the
pocketbook on u nearby couch oh u
muld opened the door and admitted
a stranger, who anuounced that he
was there to repair ail awning
Mrs. Andrews went to an adjoining
room, but when she returned the pock
etbook with the $75 and the artificial
masticators had disappeared. She tel
ephoned for tho detectives.
Telephones for Detectives.
They responded with ulucrlty and
after listening to Mrs. Andrew's story
of the vanishing of the false teeth,
resorted to the old Sherlock Holmes
system of deduction. Footprints on
the Persian rugs of the Andrew's
apartment revealed that the awning
repairer had found It Imperative to
change the scone of his operations to
another apartment In the house. There
they went.
internal Waterway association, I'Ikji
nominee for mayor of Phllmh-lphi,
Delaware City, Del., with which thu
Delaware canal.
mini Jousts with disease took plaep.
found many "pagos," "squires" and
"knights" ready to be given their ti
tles of knights banneret, the highest
degree of honor to be received by the
crusaders. In many cities and towns
accolades were held and on the West-
em coast Major Lloyd personally gave
the four "blows" to hundreds of "air
knights." or hoys and girls who had
faithfully performed 11 health chores
for the entire tournament and so be
enmu knights banneret.
At the capltol In Washington tho
largest accolade of the crusade was
held, with Vice President Marshall lift
ing as league master and conferring
the honors on the candidates. The
steps of the capital building were
tilled with children who had fought a
winning light against disease.
There are S.OOO.WH) children In the
crusade, and It Is estlmnted that more
Nhan 75 per cent of them will win hoii.
nrs in tne tournament. By complet-
Hen Decides Own Case
in Court; Goes Home
Sharon, Pa. Ownership of a
hen worth $1, alleged by a Sha
ron man to have been stolen by
n neighbor, wus decided by the
The neighbor, n woman, when
arraigned before Justice Hugh
Jones, declared the chicken be
longed to her. Constable Harry
Galvln wns directed by Justice
Jones to take the hen nhd re
lease .It some distance from the
homes of the plaintiff and de
fendant, who agreed to abide by
the decision of the bird.
The chicken strutted off to tho
plaintiff's yard. The defendant
was compelled to pay $4.50 costs.
Drawing his highly polished nickel
wutch from Ills vest pocket, Detective
Leonard placed It against the awning
man's chest and, In a voice marked
ror the profundity of Its tone, said
"Aha I What have we hero?"
"Where?" asked the awning man, as
suming nn air of nonchalance.
"There," replied the astute detect
ive, as he shoved his hand In the awn
ing nmii's coat pocket and drew forth
a handful of glittering Jewelry.
Tho unexpected Jewelry deepened
the mystery.
Oh, Where Are the Teeth?
"But Where's the false teeth?" asked
Detective Appel, who believes? In fol
lowing every trail to tho end. '
"Patience," replied Leonard, "let the
magistrate find that out."
So the awning man, who later said
he was Charles Langfelder of (19 Wal
ton street, Brooklyn, was haled before
Magistrate McQuade In the west side
ourt, where he denied nil.
"Your Honor, we have a clue to the
false teeth," said the detectives In
chorus. "Hold him for n few minutes,
and we'll recover them."
They hurried back to the apartment
house, where they found the pocket
book and the teeth In an ash barrel.
Langfelder wns then held In $1,500
ball to await the action of tho grand
The detectives are still trying to
llnd the owner of the Jewelry.
Berlin Worried Lest Seat of Govern-
ment Be Shifted to the
Berlin, Germany. The Boersen Zol-
tung, one of 'the ablest Germnn news
papers, says tho fate of the city Is
In the balance and that It Is, perhaps,
tdb late to save It from becoming a
city of ihe second class, with the re
njovul of the capital and tho activity
In u business and political sense to
somelthlnolnnd city. It Is a theory
that has been gaining ground lately
and is causing Berlin to lose sleep.
Strikes hnve followed one another
In an endless succession. The uncer
tainty of the economic situation al
most led to a boycotting of Berlin as
tho chief work center of Germany. De
spite the huge expense, one Industry
after another loft Berlin for quieter,
steadier Ik-Ids,
Merchants, politicians and Industrial
leaders have predicted that the .trans
fer of the assembly or relchstag would
Inflict a severe blow on Berlin, espe
cially If It should lead to the choice
of another capital.
Will Dispense With Dutch State Po
lice at His New House at
Amerongen, Holland. It Is reported
that the former German emperor has
ho far recovered from fears of mo
lestation that when he moves Into his
new house at Doom, the Dutch police,
who have been constantly on guard
about tho Bontlnck castle hero since
his arrival, will be relieved of duty.
Thore are no wnlls or moats nhout the
I house of Doom, which Is visible nnd
tusy oi ueeess irom mo main nignwny.
Ing the 11 henlth chores for the in
weeks they will not only receive their
titles, but will win badges and pins
for the lesser ranks of ptfgo and squire,
and gold and sliver buttons for the
ranks of knights and knights lmn
nerot. They will also win banners
showing their class has been 100 per
cent successful In the crusade.
This Is one of the vltnl phases of
the light against the white nlninio.
which will bo directly affected by the
success or the country-wide campaign
of education now being conducted by
the National Tuberculosis associa
tion. War Lid Off Baccarat.
Paris. Baccarat Is again allowed in
the clubs, since the ratification of tho
peace treaty. As soon as tho ban was
lifted a veritable frenzy of gambling
set In nil over Uuropc. It Is ostlmutod
$1,000,000,000 was won and lost In the
tlrst night after the game wus re
Durable rtrlngs for lacing machine
belts ure sometimes nuulu of eel bklns.
An'mal Is Naturally Clean and It It
Dairyman's Duty to Keep Her
So Means More Milk.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Sightliness and attractiveness art
feminine assets which extend even tc
tho dairy cow. Nnturally sho Is o
clean an tidy beast Unfortunate
man has been obliged to confine the
dairy cow closely In stables during
certain periods of tho year, with the
consequence that unless he dallj
brushes and grooms the dnlry mat
rons, their sleek, seemly coats soor
lose their gloss and luster and be
come densely matted with dirt and
litter. For the same rensons that II
pays to groom horses greater effi
ciency from neat, splck-spnn coats It
also proves invaluable to "doll up'
tho dairy cow dally by vigorous nppll
cutlon of brush and curry comb. Com
comfort that lnexplalnuble condition
of well-being which means nnlma!
satisfaction nnd the economical pro
ductlon of the maximum flow of milk
Is fostered by careful and perslstcnl
grooming during the season when the
cows need such extra attention, us
ordinarily during the pasture perloc"
the animals of their own accord keer
themselves clean.
The enthusiastic use of the brusr
and currycomb, supplemented by s
moist cloth, as siege guns agalnsi
dust nnd dirt, are good mediums foi
lncrensed production, according to th
opinions of progressive dairymen ro
ported to the United States depart
ment of agriculture. They mnlntaln
that the clean coats and luxuriom
feelings of contentment induce In
creased production of milk. If you
doubt the profits from grooming drilrj
cows, put It up to Bossle and hei
stable mates via the referendum-votf
From a sanitary standpoint, the
densely mntted, tllthy and caked coat
of tho dirty cow Is one of the mnlr
sources of contamination in milk
Filth dries on the body of the animal
and, unless It Is removed previous tc
milking, a portion of it is likely tr
fall into the milk pnll and enrry un
dclrah1e bacteria with It. Hence
Grooming Increases Cow Comfort and
Makes for Clean Milk.
grooming cows Is a fundamental safe
guard against1 inferior, germ-lnden
milk. Where cows are groomed dnlly
during their period of close confine
ment nn attendant requires only about
two or three minutes a cow to prepare
and, gloss up the nnlmnls as though
for a banquet. On the other hand, It
Is difllcult and time-consuming to
clean off cows which have been kept
without grooming In n dirty stable.
Tho commendable practice Is to
groom and clean the cows dally at
such a tlmo between the milking
periods that there will ho abundant
opportunity for the dust put Into cir
culation to settle so that It will
not contaminate the milk ns it Is
drawn from the cows. It Is necessary
for best results to wipe off the udder
and flanks of oach cow with a moist,
clean cloth Just before milking, In or
der to remove all the surfucc dust
and dirt which has escaped the previ
ous clean-up processes. It Is recom
mended that dairymen exercise spe
clal care to provide plenty of material
so that at all times they mny use
clean cloths In proparlng the cows for
milking, ns too commonly the wiping
cloth, unloss cnrefully handled, be
comes a source of contnmlnntlon. It
is also advisable to clip off the long
hairs from udder and flanks of each
I cow.
Get Instant relief with
'Tape's Cold Compound
Don't stay stuff ed-upl Quit blowing
and snuffling I A dose of "Pnpe'o Colo
Compound" taken every two hours un
til three doses nro taken usually
breaks up a cold and ends all grlpp
The very first doso opens your
clogged-up nostrils and tho air pass
ages of your head ; stops nose running f
relieves the headache, dullness, fevor
lshness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness.
"Pnpe's Cold Compound" Is ths
qulckest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents nt drug stores. It
acts without assistance. Tastes nice
Contains no quinine. Insist on Papo'al
Power of the Human Voice,
Ml hear you aro studying elocution.
"1 am."
"But you told mo you intended f
devote your life to moving pictures."
"True. But I'm going to be a di
rector nnd I'll hnve to holler at tbs
actors." '
Snowy linens aro tho prldo ot every
housewife. Keep them In that condi
tion by using Red Cross Ball Blue Is.
four laundry. 5 cents "at grocers.
After all, Is It sensitiveness or Just
It's easy to be thankful when we nr
prosperous. IVORY
Should be used
when your car it ihabbv
when your furniture it duD
to polish your piano
to brighten woodwork
It is wonderfully effective with
out being in any way injurious
Minalactnred from the cct inircdkotl bj
Omaha, Nob.
and uifd on (heir own furniture lor orer 25 m
ASK YOUR DEALER, dmriiorc Boon
bold noic. laroituic ttoie. dept. (tore. est.
flies f. -7-L Thl Aeroplane U mada
VSSfcR&sof aluminum. Dractlcallr
Inches long. Guaranteed
to fly joo feel on Ita own power, and "Land
Jurt lllco tho Urge aeropltnci. Write Todijr.
Send only $1.00 and your Name and Addreta.
Machine wlU be forwarded by return mail.
Two men to represent Tho Omaha Ben
I In your town, to look after new nnd re
newal subscriptions. Liberal commissior
to the right men. Write E. R. RAGAN,
Circulation Manager, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Nebraska Directory
nn a nu e. n -? r-ui
3rd Floor PAXTON BLOCK. .6th and Faraaa.
Sta., OMAHA. Best equipped Dental Office
In Omaha. Paaaanubla Price. BpeclaJ
discount to all people lltlng- ouulue ot Omaha.
Ui-l Ml Xirtatt.t New aad Ci4 HUrt a4 OUt Flatar fiMUB-
S. W.Cor. 11th nnd Dougla SU, Omaha. Na
Pnono Dontlaa Z724. all wa atk Is a chane to bl.
1207 Harney SU Omaha, Neb.
700 Choi-ry bU Ds Moluei, lav
Distributors for General Uloctrlc Oo.t Ancneaa.
UlectrloUo. Teleptiobei: 0. A. Wood 1'reasrror Oo
1ST A 0013 stock ot general auppllaa. both olUat
632 S. 16th Street
Omaha. Neb.
New, absolutely flreprooa
With prlrate toilet ll.JAi
with prtrate bath
11.75 to CM
FRED A. CASTLE, ProprlBta)
Mnlu 1 o and Works
23rd, Hickory and U. P. R. R.
I'houe Douglaa 1043
20th, Center and C. B. Ac Q.
l'lione DoDglaa 1141
Oxy-Aceryleue Welding
OMiai9170flgw zoo rooms If
lU.wwyt-'.t-u'rca ''VMltUU UNO ECONOMY