(lOVFKN'.irENT'S EFFORT TO JtEOUOE II. C. In FAILS HtA L HAKE, Editor and Publisher V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i On,l'car bjr Mnll, In ftdTanco..$1.7ri' Onofl'car by Carrier, In adranco, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska IoBtoffico as Second Class Matter. rUESDAV, NOVK.MHHJt 25, 19111. ' Saw Wood Quit Kicking. Whon wo look ovor tlio statomonts Issued by tho banks of Lincoln county1 anil boo tho vast sum of money on do-i oaft, which sum ha nearly doubled' In tho past five yearn, wo are tompted' to doubt tho statement of the farmer tho laborer nnd tho business man when ho says ho Isn't saving as much mpnoy as. Jio. did in the pro-war porlod. If loll us whero tho big: Increaso In ov- ory bank In Llnppln county como from? Tho fact Is this money belongs to! Lincoln county peoplo and to nobody J olso, and notwithstanding tho high . cost of living they are piling up sav-1 Ings fnstcr than thoy ovor did before. Tho average mnn whon ho throws upj his hands and deplores the high cost of overy thing, and says ho Is gradu ally drifting to tho penniless state, Is simply camouflaging; his real con dition Is about fifty per cent hotter than over before, and GOO por cent hot ter than when ho bought or sojd po tatoes for 25 cents a bushol, whoat for 75 cents and paid $1.25 por pair for .shoos. And In addition to saving mon ey, ho Is enjoying llfo moro, has more comforts and spends twlco as much for personal pleasures as ho ovor did before. Lot's keep on sawing wood and quit kicking about high prices es pecially when tho kicking doesn t get us anywhoro. ::o:: That Gothenburg (JaVne. In -Its artlclo on tho North Platte Gothonburg foot ball gomo, the Inde pendent says: "By way of comparison, former Gov ernor Novlllo,, who accompanied tho team as conch, stated that It was tho nicest gnmo ho over witnessed botweon tho two schools. Tho management of tho schools of North Plrttto havo ro fused to take us into their schedule slnco 1915. Thoy gave us as their rca son nbuso from bystanders and fol lowers of tho local team. Tho game was scheduled only at their own ro- quesL If there ever was any small town stuff pulled by supinators from olthcr of tho towns It did not mani fest It on Tuesday afternoon. We'll make them Uko us so strongly that somo day. thoy will go homo with tho small end of tho score and a smile.' Piinl nf Tlianlru Wfo express our slnporo thanks to members of tho 0. R. C, Masons and to friends and neighbors for thplr many kindly acts tendered us during tho ill ness and following tho death of our hUBband and father and for tho floral offerings. MRS. A. M. BEIBERT, HELEN SEIOERT DORIS SBIHERT. Washington. Dosplte' tho govern ment's campaign ngalii8t,the high cost of living tho average family 6xpenui- ture for food In fifty cltlos was ap proximately tho samo In October as In septomoor, inuor uureau siauBiics disclosed. A docreaso of two-tenths of one por cent in the retail price of twenty-two staple food articles Ir ro portod, including: potatoes 12 per cent, sirloin stonk and cabbage, por cent; lard, 0 per cent; bacon and hams 5 por cent; pork 'hops, 4 por cent; round steak, chuck roast, plate beef, hens and onions, 3 por cent; rib rooBt, hunb, cornmeal and coffee, 2 per cont each; oloomargorlne, cheose, canned corn nnd peas, 1 por cent oacli. Eighteen articles Increased, Includ ing: oggs 14 per cont; buttor and rnls lns, 8 per cent; rlco 5 per cont; sal mon, sugar and prunes, 4 per cent; ornngos, 3 pur cont; fresh milk and bannnns, 2 pur cont; canned milk, macaroni, navy beans and cannod to matnes, lper cent. s ::of: Walling Word from Carlisle. A Cheyenne dlpatch dated Sunday says: "The secret service departmont of tho Union Paqtflc railroad hero to night announced It was "marking time" awaiting for definite word from William L. Carlisle, tho train robber who oscaped fron the Wyoming state penitentiary a week ago. Carllslo has celebrated his week of freedom by robbing a passengor train tho Los Angeles limited and bringing out tho largest posses that over hunted a man through tho "bad lands" of this state Tonight tho railroad detoctlvos aro frank In assorting that they expoct to hoar of Carllslo definitely when tho young bandit attempts to hold up an other ipas8cnger trnln. REPOItT OP THE CONDITION OP THE McDonald State Bank. of North Platte, Clmrtor No. 047 In the State of Nebraska at the close of bus iness, Nov. 1C, 1919. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $584, 333,17 Overdrafts 3,033.89 Bonds, securities, judgments claims, etc 49,440.51 Banking house, furniture and llxturcs 16,566.48 Other Real Estate 7,609.22 Due rrom nat'l ana Stato banks ... 96.082.23 Checks and Items of oxchange ... 10,698.58 U. 8. of A. Govern ment Uonjls ... 10,000.00 Currency 10,354.00 CJold Coin 725.00 Silver, nickels and cents 3,600.41 131,460.2 Total 70i,ai:i.in LIABILITIES CaDttal stock Data In S100.000.00 HurnlUH fund 20.000.00 Undivided profits, net 17,380.03 Individual depos its subject, to check 393,469.15 Demand certifi cates of depos its 10,565.41 Time certificates of deposit ... 225,623.93 Certified chocks 315.00 Duo to national and Htate banks 18.489.09 64S.462.ES Depositor's guaranty fund 5,500.83 A. D. Boas, who has, boon a rosldont of tho .south part of tlio county for thlrty-Bovon years, but recently sold his ranch, was In town yesterday looking over city property with a view f buying and becoming a North Platto rosldont Total 7iiu:t.in State or NoDrnska. county of Lincoln, m I. W. 10. Starr, cashlor of tho abovo named bank do hereby swear "that the above statoment Is a correct and true copy of tho report made to tho Stato unnxinK iioaru. W. E. STARR, Cashlor. AttPSt W, II. McDONALD, Director, N. V. REYNOLDS. Director. nubscrlbed nnd sworn to before me this 22d day of November, 1919. II. .1. TIIIESSEN, Notary Public My commission expires Oct. 3d, 1925 Wonderful Tailoring Sale TWO PIECE SUIT AND PANTS Made To Order Very Special at $0.75!! Full Suit and Extra Pants $40.78. The FabricsiAre Guaranteed All Wool We challenge any tailor in this section to duplicate the suit alone for less than $40 or 50, and give you the same quality of material. Right now you have an opportunity to buy a first class suit made to your individual measure, inclu ding an extra pair of pants for less money than most tailors ask for the suit alone.' Tt's just like buying two good suits for the price of one, as the extra pants will double the life ot your suit. BURKE'S TAILOR SHOP. 1 Letter R By ALVAH JORDAN GARTH (Copyrlfht, lilt, by the Western Hewi paper Union.) Ilmltl Block wns fast going to dewy" nnd lis owner deplored the fact, hut hi wns engaged In costly lltigntlon and had decided to let repair unci general renovation of the old downtown build Ing'walt until he wns In less straitened circumstances. Hartley Dunne was a wanderer, al most n tramp. Drink lind been bis fall ing nnd he hnd got so far clown life's, bidder that If he hud not tabvn 11 new grip on Its worn runes lie would have fallen off entirely. He had decided he would' try to reform. I lei wns given a position in the core making department of Hurge &. Co. lie was to go to worjx the following Monday, and the firm, In accordance swlth Its regular custom with nil employes, hnd Insured life and llnil) under the employer's liability act, ns also ns to sick benefits. Hartley was putting In Saturday strolling iibout, when be halted In front of the Iludd building to glance Into a window. "Ill, there; look out!" suddenly stnrtled him. The man nt the curb who uttered the warning wns pointing upwnrds. Hart ley glanced In that direction to dis cern n dark object hurtling elownwnrd.s. It was the .letter "II" of the building name, loosened by tlhie. It was formed of metal ; tho screws that held It In place had rusted away, and ns It weighed nenrly four pounds It drove Hartley senseless to the pavement ns It struck bis head, rebounded to bis nrm, shattered the wrist, nnd nn nmbulnnee wns summoned nnd tho victim of the accident was. rushed nway. For a full month Hartley lny on n hospital cot. When he wns discharged the ward surgeon Informed him Hint bis head wound would benl In time, but that he would never have the full use of bis Injured forearm us formerly. The rest, care and attention hnd done much to relnvlgorute. the former Inebri ate. Hartley went nt once to Hurge & Co. Thoy could not employ n crippled mnn, but under the terms of his acci dent policy Hartley was given four hundred dollars and a hint that the owner of Hudd Hlock might Indemnify him hnndsomely for his oermnnent In Jury. The latter could not afford an other suit. He gave Hnrtley ono thou- 'sand dollnrs for a final settlement of nil claims. Hartley bought a new suit and was a very presentnble person, clean shaven nnd In his right mind, nnd vaguely wondering If there was somo chance In life for him after all. . "Thnt letter 'R. " ho mused. .""It's been n fateful one to me. Somehow.! can't get It out of my mind. Hello!" ' He wns passing a smnll fcurio slore when he noticed the sign In Its :wln clow. "Fortunes told for fifty cents." The whim seized him to enter. He found 11 shrewd eyed, gipsy-nttlrcd woman who motioned hint to a scat be fore a great crystal ball. "I've come to see If you can give mo an occult augury as to some possible mysticism In my being bit by a big Iron 'It.' " he prefaced, nnd told his story, "Urn-inn 1" murmured the fortune teller. "A strange story, 'Us. It Is cryptic. Could It refer," nnd she studied the lines of dissipation In IhiHlejt's face, "to Hum"? "' "Thnt's right enough." "And Reform?" vaguely Intimated the seeress. "I'm on tho road to It," vouchsafed Hnrtley. "Hut that's nil clear to me "Ah, then! by the way, bus there been some woman In your life?" Hartley started. Ills brow furrowed. Thought, memory sent n vivid pang through bis frame. "Yes," bo acceded with sot lips. "You nre thinking of n mother?" "She died long slnco." "A sister, then?" "I never hud one.'" " 'It, 'R nnd a woman. Could It be Ruth ; no, Ruby?" with n craf ty look of guessing. "Ah, 1 have It Raehnel !" Hartley's fnce writhed. He silently placed tho fee upon tho stand and with set lips nnd ir far-nwny expression upon his face left the place. Rnchael I He bad not dnreel to think of tho wife 1io hud deserted after two years of neglect nnd destitution. He hnd always felt that ho deserved the harsh, but Just words with which sho had bade him lenvo her and never re turn. Hut now fato seemed to point the way back to his lost love. He bad given up the cruel drink, he had money, he wondered If the change In his nature would not nppenl to the woman whoso life he had clouded Two days later Hartley reached his old homo town to learn that his wife with her little child wns supporting Doth Dy operating n confectionery store, making a bare living. His heart beat fast ns he located the place and entered It. lie wns hopeful, for his In formant had told him that Mrs. Duano was a line business woman and with capitm could greatly Increase hor trade. Capital? Had he not over n thousand dollars! A sweet-faced llttlo girl called her mother as Hartley stood at the eoun ter. Comely, clear eyed, Mrs. Dunne greeted the customer with n nod. Then with a scream. The pair faced one nn- other after the lnpse of five years. "You havo come back !" she gasped 'A repentant husband and father," no supplemented fervently. "Is there n Place nero for tho now Hun in nnnnor There was. Restoration, reformation expressive Rs and to these, as time An Enviable Reputation " Already Won Hundreds of dealers who drove new Cleveland Sixes from the factory in Cleveland to their home cities have written the factory expressing their admiration and confi dence in the car. What they all say is summed up in this sentence from one of them, "I can look any man in the face now and tell him the Cleveland is a regular automobile." And that's what the Cleveland washouts and desert sands where Six is a regular automobile, an other cars stall and stop, unusual automobile. Its power and endurance have Hundreds of Cleveland Sixes, within the past four months, have undergone long, gruelling, cross country drives, with honor. They have passed over great hill drives and long mountain climbs, plowed through mud.and already won the Cleveland an enviable reputation. This is not surprising, for skill and sin cerity are built into this car by men who have contributed their genius to the building up of one of America's finest quality cars. Five Passenger Touring Car $1385. Three Passenger Roadster $1385 (F. O. B. Factory) J. V. Romigb, Agent, North Platte, Nek. CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO,' 'WW.. - " ' IT'""1"1. : T-'-1 Five Flowing Wells The Huffmans, prominent ranchmen and stockmen In MoPherson county, havo five flowing wollB. Ira Huffman was In tho city the first of the week and Informed us of tho above He says that four of tho wells will flow six or seven gallons per minute each and ono of them will average two gal lons per minute. Thoy havo only bad to go from 225 to 250 feet deep to get theso wolls. 'Thoy have dono the work themselves, it taking only ono day to each well. It Is their Intention to put; d6wn several more wells on their ranches. Tho well that only flows two gallons per minujte thoy call a lizzie, but thoy, aro using It. A larger tank has to be used at this well than at the others. These wells and the others thoy will strike will settle the water problem for them in the future. A stockman's troubles are usually not having water. When tho wind blows tho ipumps aro out of fix, and when tho pumps are working the wind won't Ijlow. Sutherland Courier. : :of: LOTS FOR SALE I want to sell three lots, location very desirable, wfest 12th street. Need the money. J. W. LE MASTER . 90tf : :o: : Chas. Liston, of Dickens, was a bus iness visitor In town Saturday. Demands for Telephone Service Exceed all Former Records , fv",tThe demand for telephone service the last year has been tre ;; -.mendous, and we have not been able to meet the situation to our sat- isfaction. Service has not been what we have wanted it to be, and some times the delays in installing equipment have been much more than we would like to have them. ' y . We are now in the very midst of a race between an overpower ing demand for telephone service and the upbuilding of our system whose growth was held back and whose forces were scattered by the needs of war. , . We are steadily adding to our forces and extending our property, to meet the unusual demands for service, but far more work is still required before pre-war conditions can be had. No persons in any industry are jvorking more earnestly for the public's welfare than the employees of this company, and we want to assure our patrons that everything is being done that can be done to give them tho beBt possible grade of telephone service. I ( ESSjl. ) I Nebraska Telephone Company wurw on, mere was nileled Rlthesl