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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
"1 VOKTH PI TTr KF.MT WT.FKT.Y TTUBUNK 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package NOW SO DOES TOE PRICE! Ill PLACE NAMES THAT PUZZLE Europeans Said to Find It Hard to Master the Designations of tho Various States. Down on the wharves they tell a tory of how two British sailors wero rowing a skiff under the stern of the nttl?hlp Ohio as she lay In un Eug tah port. "A ho, a hultch, and n 10," Raid one f the llinles, "Wot a 'ell of a name for i eliip!" We made very merry over Russian md Polish names. When (t came to the Balkans we were free to confess that we didn't know whether the Do jrudja was a river or a breakfast food. But It Is now borne In upon us that ur own place names may not mean much more to Europeans than some if theirs mean to us. Half the nunies of our state. are pure Choctaw to all but educated Eu ropeans, and not much more to many af those. A celebrated violinist said be had long ago given up trying to comprehend American geography or Indian names, and simply bought his railroad ticket to uuy place his man ager designated. "You ought to translate them." ho added plaintively. Bis host confessed : "We can't." Boston Globe. 8mall Consolation. Hubby Look at Blinks retired from bueineBS, and 1 am still In harness. Wine Yes, but Blinks Isn't a mule. a. woman seldom means all the mean tnlngs Rhe says. Why. The new high-school teacher thought that she was making a decided hit with the older boys because they gath ered around her to talk at many of the Intermissions. The principal, who had noticed this, commended her on her interest In the boys and then told' the boys how they should appreciate her for this same Interest. "I guess you like to have her talk football with you," he smiled. "Oh, no," hastily corrected one of them. "She doesn't know any football. We talk It before her and then we like to stand near so we can hear all the foolish questions she asks the fellows about It." For His Own Good. "What became of Niblick who used to be in the ribbons and laces?" "We've transferred him to the iiard waro department," answered the man ager, "lie was getting too sentiment"! with some of our feminine patrons. If he's called to wait on a woman In the hardware department she'll probably be the kind who won't stand any fool ishness." Birmingham Age-IIerald. Applied Knowledge. Our little boy nskts so many ques tion' and so many of them we are un able to answer, so we give him this answer: "That's just nature, son." One day I asked him how he got Ills face so dirty, and he said: "That's just nature, mother." Chicago Tribune. And sometimes when n man's fnults are burled with his bones, the latter have too much company. RpBfflmBjmfiitmiianmimmaiiinm SI Nights eepless and coffee-drinking arc closely linked together with many people. If your case is like that, try Instant Postern awholcsome cereal drinkwith a really rich coffee-like flavor that meets the test of taste, just as the beverage itself meets trip test of health. Economical, Ready Instantly, Delicious Made by Postum Cereal Company Battle Creek, Michigan Sold by Grocers and General Stores GIVE GRIT TO AID DIGESTION Hens Should Havo Access at All Times to Supply of Material to Help Grind Feed. (Prepared by tho United Sta'tos Depart ment of Agriculture.) Tho bens should have access at all times to n supply of grit or stones of a size small enough to be swallowed readily. Grit Is used by tho hens to help In grinding In thtlr gizzards tho hard grains which they eat. A supply t ordinary gravel will answer the purpose of grit very well. Crushed oys ter or clam shell also should be given to tho hens and be kept before them at all times. If tills Is withheld the hens J32 a Sclf-Feeders Are Handy for Holding Grit, Crushed Oy6ter Shell, Etc. are likely to lack sufficient shell-form Ing material In their feed, with the ro suit that they lay many soft-shelled oj thin-shelled eggs. Grit or shell can bt purchased in small quantities at any feed or poultry supply store. PECULIARITIES OF TURKEYS Show the Least Intelligence of Any Farm Fowl When Young and the Most When Matured. Some one said the turkey shows tlu least Intelligence when small and tht most intelligence after maturity ol any fowl known. This Is true of all the farm fowls. The goose a'nd duck will often go some distance from tlw poultry range, make a nest, deposit their eggs, Bit and hatch, if undls turbed, taking no notice as to whethet being watched by human eyes or not The turkey Is very cautious. She wll lead one, if she finds she Is belnf watched, away from the nest or when she intends making it, often making nest and sitting down cozlly, until liei watcher decides, or is .deceived Into thinking she is on the nest, but he will havo to try it over again. Aftei tho watcher has gone away, she leaves her temporary nest for tho true one deposits her egg and usually covers it deeply with leaves or other trash. WINTER SHELTER FOR GEESE Fowls Are Very Hardy and Open Sheds Are Satisfactory for Cold Weather Season. Geese do not need shelter except during cold winter weather, when open sheds mny be provided. Goslings are not usually hatched until good pasture is available, and need addi tional feed only for n few weeks. The range of pasture used either for gos lings or for geeso should ho lnrgt enough so that tho grass will remain clean, or tho stock should be moved frequently to fresh land. Coops, bar rels, or some other dry shelter should bo provided for tho young goslings. Geeso are very hnrdy and free from diseases and insect pests. OEWM FOGGY? If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy tako "Cascarets." Tomorrow tho sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Tour system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your meals aro turning Into poison, gases and acids. You cannot feel right Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splen did always by taking Cascarets occa sionally. vThey net without griping or Inconvenience. They never sicken you liko Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too Cascarets work while you sleep. Adv. QUEER KIND OF OLD CODGER Tybalt Totter In Fair Way to Be Read Out of the Aged Men's Pro tectlve Union. "1 have reached tho age of eighty three years," admitted old Tybalt Tnr.r, "and yet I do not think that n man Is only ns old as he-ec nee; heel feels, and that all the c .ncly widows are after me, merely bocnuso they treat mo with civility. I havo never lind much cause to complain of anybody's lnck of respect for the aged 1 find that tho aged gpnernlly get nil the respect their behavior entitles them to. And I have found that tho nverage busy citizen Is not deeply In terested In tho trivial happenings of 1854 nnd thereabout. "As well ns I can remember, tho weather back yonder wan usually Just ubout the same ns it Is now. I cnunot sny thnt I am greotly surprised to find profiteering going on, for to the best of my recollection n considerable pro portion of tho people have hogged each other at every chance they got But wlm t is especially queer about mo Is that 1 do not make n practlco of denouncing and raving at young peo ple for cutting tho same fool capers thnt I did when I was their age." Kansas City Star. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genulno Aspirinsay Bayer Insist on "Dnyer Tablets of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing prop er directions for Colds, Pain, Head ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, nnd Rheu matism. Namo "Bayer" mcnn9 genulno Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono acctlcacldcster of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. HE KNEW ONLY ONE METHOD "See Other Side." Vic works In a downtown drug atore. The other day an elderly wom an perplexed him when she gnvo htm a newspaper clipping nnd asked him if he had any of that. Lie read: "Eight-button length chnmolsetto gloves, $1.40." "You must be In tho wrong shop, mndnine," suggested Vic. "This Is n drug store, Isn't it?" asked tho woman. ."Yes," snld Vic, "but we don't Bell eight-button gloves." Then tho- woman reached for tho clipping, turned It over nnd on tho other side was nn advertisement for snake oil. Detroit News. Italian Wanted to Be Incorporated and Went About Scheme in a Practical Way. "Mister," nn Italian of middle ago addressed Lou Guernsey. "1 want to bo Incorporated." By questioning tho Italian, Lou gnlncd the Information that his client was n mnn of odd Jobs, mowing lawns, carrying coal, washing windows, etc. "You see," explained tho client, "I am going to havo some advertising cards printed nnd I think It would glvo an Influence if I say on them I am Incorporated." "But how," nBkcd Guernsey, "do you expect to hnvo yourself incorporated?" "I hnvo no knowledge." was tho re piy, "but If it costs, I will pry!" Los Angeles Times. MY HEAD! Whnn th'a sSm. .1 i l- i l. : -1. uiwuu ilor nchca. whoa sjono feels all out sof-Borts per. 'Imps a coated tongue it is tht signal thnt pol leons are accuo ulatimt in tb 'system, and should bo clean ed out at once. Slooninoo i after meals, bil iousness, aiiil ncas, acidity oJ tho stomach, hcartbUTBj offensive breath and allied nilmcnta results from auto intoxication or self-poisoning. Tako castor oil, or procure at the dnii store, a pleasant vcgctablo laxative, called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta, com posed of May-apple, aloca and Jalap. Kansas City, Kans. "Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pcllota havo boon my favorite family median for many years. J rnisod quite a largo fajiily and from tho time my children were small I alway them tho ,v.;iiihi m j i.ijja WEvC I. M. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County bo. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of If. J. Cheney & Co., doing biiBlnoBs in tho City of To ledo, County and 8 to. to aforesaid, and that mld nrm will pay tho sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh (that cannot bo cured by tho use ot HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presonco, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1SSG. (Seal) A. W. dtcaaon, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. F. J. Cheney Sc. Co., Tolodo, Ohio. No one lias a more vivid imagina tion than tho mnn who imagines ho knows it all. The Probable Period. "How much longer," growled n guest, "are those old codgers over there In the corner going to continue to wran gle?" "About an hour, prob'Iy," replied tho landlord of the Petunia tavern. "They are discussing tho League of Nntlons, and they've only got just as far as ar guing yet. They have to cuss and yell and call names before they got It set tled for today nnd start off madder than wet hens." Kansas City Star. When money talks to tho most of us It Is at the other end of a long distance phone. Courtesy Is a rare gem, but may bo hod without price. Many n man's only extravagant hab it Is a wlfo. Determination wins; persistence is nlways rownrded. cave Thov were casv to IX tako and pleasant . Ar,tU in every way, winftJi iJi 1 ' never causing dis- ""'"" tress. For alug gish liver, tu'ck-hcndachcs, constipation o? biliousness thrro is no medicine that can equal tho 'Pleasant Pellets.' I found them a great help to mo in bringing up my family in ns much as they have many times warded off sick spells my children would otherwise havo had." MRS. blAUY E. BRADLEY. 032 Homer Ave, Rely On Cuticora ForSkinTroubles All dmnlitiiBoiplS, Ointment 3 AM, T1cmX, Bampl ion, (r ot "Cmtltmra, Dp. B, tultl" PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM BamoT'elVindraa-Staptll&lrriklUsa Kettor Color and Botutyto Gray and Faded Halt oon, una fi.ooai annuw HINDERCORNS ltemon Corn. Cl- lourrt, rta, ttopt all (win. euurM comfort to thai frt. nitH wnlklnc iut, 16a, tir mil or at DrsjM KUU. UImox Chemical WorU. tatc&ocn. tl. J PATENTS Wstion E, Colomaa, IT A 1 Cll 1 U fate nt lAwjer.WMhlnevoa: rl n BBHIW b.a AtfTlcoana boo Ira Uatas reaionabla, Highest tf rencel. llMtMrrloa FRECKLES POSITIVELY RVMOVCD tr Dr. BmTl -1m r drvc.t.t r V jyil, M. fnm loth. Or. CM. Barrj Write For Mtwlantppt Map and Hoineieekenr' dulilo. Ad. Southern Land Co., Meridian, Mia W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 46-1919. KIDNEYS WEAKENING? BETTER LOOK OUT! Kidney nnd bladder troubles don't idisappenr of themselves. They grow upon you, slowly but steadily, under mining your health with deadly cer tainty, until you fall a victim to In curablo disease. Stop your troubles while there is time. Don't wait until HtOo pains be come biff aches. Don't trlllo with din case. To avoid futures suffering begin treatment with GOLD MI2DAI. Haar lem Oil Capsulcu now. Take three or four every day until you feel that you arc entirely frco from pain. This well-known preparation has been one of tho national remedies of IIol land for centuries. In 3000 the govern ment of tho Netherlands granted a p clnl charter authorizing Its solo. Tho good housewife of Holland would almost ns noon bo without food as with out her "Ileal Dutch Drops," as she quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Their use restore strength and Is responsible in a great measure for tho sturdy, robust health of tho Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist and insist on his mipnlylnc you with a box of GOLD MEDAt Haarlem Oil Capsules. Tako them as directed, and if you are not satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Look for tho namo GOLD M13DAL on tho bos and accept no other. In eotled boxes, three sizes. S5K. PENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work guaranteed 10 years. Fillings, Crowns, Bridffo-work Platos and Extract! Homo treatment for Gum Disoasos, tightens tooth and preserves health. It will pay yon to como for this Quality Work. Sond for Booklet oa1 WOODMEN OP WORLD DUILDINO. OMAHA? N Kll If you would avoid llmbemcck al low no dead carcasses or maggots on your farm. It pays every farmer to havo n poultry-wired yard for ills fowls In which they may bo enclosed wlion desirable. i Much of tho year's success with tho farm llock depends on tho quality of tho birds that arc left after tho fall culling. Figure on enough poultry litter for the laying house so that tho birds can have clean scratching materlul through out the winter. a A little extra enre of your liens and a bit of choice feed will pay In eggs many times. Don't be nfruld of doing too much. a The hen needs exercise the same as a human being. You can't expect liens tto havo health and lay winter eggs when' huddled up in a small space. ,Nct Contents 15riuid Praohmj Children Cry For ALCOHOL" 3 PER CENT, j AVcOclablcftcpaxaUoawrM jmiini:nA!tn.roodbvHcdula- lineUicStWlisnndDmrclscfJ TIicrcbyPfomoUnDiicstt neither Oplnm.Monnora lmwnl.NoTWAuuu Horn Sd )&tktytrthrir JV helpful Remedy for ConstipaUonnndDiarrhoei widWrishssond rcsiflUnti thcrcfrwnjnhifao'y- facsimile S!4natopt InECEKTAiniCoTnB What Is CASTORIA Castorla is a'harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dropa and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of iaX3 SI Exact Copy of Wrapper. !ii Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Havo Always Bought TMa OINTAUH COMPANY, NKW VOBK CITY, BiaramtfTnnp'n"t"llia"n''l"ffilM"rm''""aiu'1 mmtmam