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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
Chronic Gastritis Health Talk No. 20 by Drs. State. If a diagram wore drawn of the nerves that supply vigor and tone to the stomach it would show that those nerves come from one trunk nerve that loaves the backbone at a point just op posite the lower end of the shoulder blades. When from bad habits of sit ting stooped, or from any acci dental jar or injury, the joints of the backbone at this point become out of alignment there is pressure upon the stomach nerve, and the suffering depend ing upon the degree of pressure, is destined to many pains and much indigestion with other consequent ails and ills. NO CHARGE There is no charge for consultation and it places you under no obligation. Drs. States & States, Tho T. S. C. Chiroprnctors. Building und Lonn Building North IMotto Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES "-THE FOLLOWING HEAD EVE 5 EARS MCSE THfloAT ASMS- ST' HCART LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS B0WEL5 APPENDIX (bladder LOWER p'vjn LIMBS LOWER PINCHED HtKVE5,!MP05SlBLt TO FURNISH PROPER IMPUL5ES (LIKE AMD HEALTH) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI55UE5 61 fP.tfK U4I VV - 1 Two Lonely Souls By ALDEN CHAPMAN (Copyright, by th WaiUra Nwa paptr Union.) A lovely pink rose described a circle In the nlr over the fence surrounding tho grounds of u large rambling old fashioned house and lnmlcd directly nt'illnnh llm )irnat it Tlnimi Pnvlim I Ho clutched It as It wan headed for the ground, glanced up and met the flashing eyes and smiling fuco of u lady half concealed by the shrub bery. Then, tho latter darted away, pursued by a little girl who, her apron full of flowers, pelted her out of view with tho fragrant (lowers. Somehow the nllml of Bruno was set In a turmoil. Had the lady In the floral battle alined ut Iter child op ponent, or at himself? At all events, the episode set his niliiil In a whirl. He had reached thirty the sumo Im pressible Idealist that be hud been at twenty. He treasured tho rose und dreamed dreams. Ho passed the same place slowly tho next day. Half ob scured by some lilacs wus a feminine form. Bruno slightly raised his hut. Unmistakably In rusponse there was the flutter of a hundkerchlef, lie was noticed. It must be the lady of the rose bnttlel A vast ferment of senti ment and romanticism took place In his soul, The next morning It was raining, but from uu upper window in the house, a white hand moved as If in notice or greeting. Pusshig down the street the next day with his close friend, Dale Arm strong, Hruuo clutched his arm fever ishly and Indicating a lady crossing from the house now his center of at traction to an automobile, and whose face was that of the lady of the roses, he uttered tumultuously : "Armstrong, you know everybody In town. Who Is that girl?" "Girl?" repeated Dale. She Is a married woman Mrs. Walter Martin. Husband and child. What's your In terest?" "Nothing," he faltered In a sort of a collapsing groan. "Love blasted I my Ideal vanished! Only a flirt I" he told himself In a suppressed undertone. It was the rude blighting of u possible romance In Its building that so crushed Bruno. He had woven a fairy fabric of Ideality and It was humiliating, de pressing, disappointing to have It thus sent asunder. Armstrong, coming In to his olllce the next day, found him seated, morose and hollow-eyed nt the window, staring out blankly at nothing ness, "What's the trouble, Bruno?" be ball ed In bis cheery off-hand way. "Oh, tired of life and Its false prom ises," returned the other dismally. 1 don't seem to reach any goal In my experiences. Tell von. I'm almost sul- clilul In my present mood." "That so?" milled Armstrong bland ly. "Well, ovep In my olllce I'vo got n real glittering stiletto, a true and honest, (lendly rovolver and a bottle of 'sure tiling cyanide. Want to make n choice?" "Thank you, no," answered Bruno sourly, nettled at the ImdlHHgOi good nnturod as it was. "If 1 ever stef) off abruptly the water route Is the surest and cheapest." There seemed to be n sntlfiictlO In nursing hid dnrk Ideas. Bruno did not client hliniielf by trying 10 hellofe Jint he had been Incurably enptlviUwI' by the lady of the roses. The V8i of romance land had attracted litm hut he had only glimpsed its confUMffctfrhen fnte had abruptly transformed it Into a dt'eary desert. "Oh, for one true sympnthetlCouU" he pondered ns dpjectedly lie iniid lit way homeward. It was warm and he took off bis coat. He wiH restless nnd Irritated and began pacing up and down. He got directly up to the edge of the em bankment overlooking the stream. "All, placid waters, not so cruel as a harsh, disappointing world," he ut tered melodramatically. "No no surely you are not think ing of of " Bruno started. A slender, winsome woman bad sefzed his arm. " He did not know that it was she who had thrown the lilac spray In his path and had followed him, She was fair of face and graceful of form, although as far up In the twenties as himself, but there was a gentle sympathy In her eyes that somehow won x.n him. "If you menu I was go' n Jutnj. In," be said, "no; I'd ought to though." "Think of your friends !" "I have none. Nobody cares for ir.e." "And you never noticed the lilac spray t" reproachfully censured this sentimental spinster -"after bowing to me In the garden and responding with a smile to my waving from the Window 1" "Oh, It was you!" oxeln.lmed Bruno. "I haven't confided in my sister. Mrs. Martin," continued Miss Bella Weston, "but It has been very pleas ant to think I was making a manly, sympathetic acquaintance." She bung her head now. Bruno took another look nt her. understanding his error as to the roses. He pitied her .embarrassment. II" appreciated her Interest In himself. "We Eeem to be two lonely ones," he said. "vTe come In a queer way, don't we? Well, maybe It 'Is fate." "You wouldn't ever think again of that hfrtTld river, and all that, would you?" pleaded Bella. "Not as long as you care about It," responded Bruno tenderly, Mutual Difficulty. Mrs. Stuart Menzles, In Sportsmen Parsons, tells an mousing story of a cleric, famed alike as n hard rider to hounds and a profound scholar, who was one day performing a christening ceremony. Owing to the mother's faulty pro nunciation of the aspirate he could n make out, writes Mrs, Menzles, wheth er the child's name was to bo Annn or Hannah, so, stooping, he asked her quietly. "How do you spell It?" To this the mother, In an embar rassed and confidential whisper, re piled: "Well, I nln't no schollnrd, neither, sir." She was evidently, adds Mrs. Men zles, surprised nt his "Ignorance, Fancy his hnvlng to ask her how to spell I v THE UNIVERSAL CAR Have Ford Mechanics Repair Your Car. The mechanics in our shop who will adjust or repair your Ford car, or Ford truck, are men who understand the Ford mechanism and who know the Ford way of making repairs and replacements. They are experienced Ford mechanics and because of their familiarity with Ford cars do your work more intelligently and more quickly than can other skilled mechan ics who lack Ford experience. Tho work on your car will bo done in a completely equipped shop with time-saving Ford tools and equipment. Whether your car needs an ad justment or a thorough overhauling, wo are prepared to give you careful and prompt service. And nothing but the Genuine Ford-made parts and replacements will bo used. When tho work is finished, the charge will bo the reasonable, standard Ford prices. Our stock of Ford parts is always complete. And our Ford garage and Ford mechanics aro at your service at any time. We are Authorized Ford Dealers and not only repair Fords but also sell them. Drive in or 'phono. Be fair to your car and your pocketbook. ,1 Ford Touring $00. " ' Ford Itondster $575. Ford Sedan $875 Ford Coupolot $750. ; Ford Truck $51)0. t . All with starter, F. O. B. Detroit. HEND-OGIER AUTO CO. Insist on (Jenulne Von) Parts . Sloped She SfaedShe Danced slmvOon him aWay frpm his fiancee yllchard .ffioMa'tcl artel w m c m mi rm. w m - , Jl Jb JL Jl4 JUP JtmcTL JL.I by Jlazimola &Charfes Br SUN 111 November 25th, 26tli, 2 Afternoon Matinee starting at 2:30 P. 7the HOW POTTERY IS FASHIONED Skill of the Maker Produces Earthen ware Utensils That Are Beauti ful to the Rye. From tlie earliest times rude vessel of burnt clay were used to hold foods and though the potter's wheel and ef fective methods of glnzlng earthen ware have produced china beautiful beyond description, the common clay crock and bowl are still precious pos sessions In tho collection of our every day utensils. The greatest maker of earthenwam In Englnnd was .Toslnh Wcdgewooi who made "tho Potteries," a strip of clay barrens, six by eight miles long, produce wares famous throughout tho civilized world. The quality of the clay used decides the kind of pottery, stone china, or fine china thnt will bo produced. Tho red crockery, of which crocks, pons, casseroles, mnrmltes and such work-u-day dishes are made, Is common brick clay. It Is often glazod with litharge of lead ground with the clay. This glaze Is almost transpar ent nnd the rich colors of the clay show through handsomely. The lead, however, has been found to cause In testlnnl poisoning when acid foods have been kept In theso convenient containers so that salt glazed ware ! more In demand. In some countries lead-glazed vessels may not be sold for household use. The salt glaze ft produced by throwing course salt Into the kiln during tiring. Arab Prophecy Fulfilled. There Is nn Arab legend which I heard often out In the East, that no: until the Nile flowed Into Palestine would the Turk he driven from Jeru salem a picturesque way of Intimat ing that the Turk would stay there for ever (as In Virgil's First Eclogue a like prophecy was made, two thousand years ago, of the Impossibility of the Germnns reaching the Tigris). But tho Nile now flows Into Pales tine, not metaphorically, but literally. I have seen the plant nt Kantnrn. whore (under the direction of a Ca nadlnn engineer) the sweet water of .the Nile Is filtered and started on Its Journey through a 12-Inch pipe across the desert toward Gaza. The mound of sand that protects It Is visible a ...... i.. ..,.,. 11... .... ti ...... .1 ..n n. J l II luun iii.iu til.- i.iiiiwuii HI" Ml1 f way from the Suez to the edge of Palestine. And the Turk has been driven from Jerusalem by the same forces that caused the water of the Nile to flow Into Palestine. John H. Klnley In Scrlbner's Slagazlne. HIGH HONORS PAID JUDGES LONG-LOST BELL TOLLS AGAIN Restored After Mysterious Disappear ance of More Than a Quarter of a Century. Exactly u quarter of n century, to the day, after tho old boll that rang In the church on Chenlere Camlnnda went down In the awful storm that wrecked the settlement, It rang again on Grand Isle last October as the party that came to dedicate the new church on the Island stepped ashore from tho boat, says the New Orleans Picayune. This boll has an Interesting history. Father D'Esplnosn brought to the beach the costly plate of his family. But on Oamlnnda beach there was little use for costly silver, so It wns sold and the proceeds used to purchase a bell for the church. After the storm tho bell lay neglect ed In the barren sand. Archbishop Chapelle ordered tho bell returned to tho Cnmlnadn people. Then came a mysterious event. One morning the bell disappeared and for all these years Its location was un known, except perhaps to thos vtho had secreted It. The tones of the hell now float over the same waters anil lands lands and waters famous In tho history of Pirate Lafltte. Not Sufficiently Cooked. A hunter, more boastful than sue-, cessful, once Joined a bear-hunting ex pedition. During the hunt, as this man was resting by the side of a rock and talking with another hunter, he remarked": "If there's anything I dote on, It's bear. A slice of bear steak nicely done Is perfect 1" "Well," sold his companion, looking up, "I'm hanged If there Isn't a boar now 1" The man who "doted on hear" looked up, saw an Immense grizzly standing on the top of the rock, gave a yell and leaped Into the woods nnd disappeared. His companion soon overtook him, nnd said to the fugrtlvo as he came up: "I thought you liked hear?" "Well, I do," snld the runaway; "but thnt one ain't done enough !" Whalers In the Sky. The shooting of a whale with a ma chine gun from his airplane by nn American aviator oft the Paclllc const, nenr Sun Diego, Cnl., a few days ago, opens up a new Held of possibility In the whaling industry. It suggests whaling ships of the future cruising forth with on equipment of airplanes and a complement of nvlators and skilled gunners to gcout for and bag these monsters of the deep. If It seems fnntnsttc, one has ouly to remember that other Industries have been more startllugly revolutionized In the Inst 40 or BO years by the Invention of new appliances or tho discovery of now processes. Imposing Ceremonies That Used to Mark Their Coming to the Vari ous County Assizes. The stately ceremonies which liar attended the coming of an English Judge to the county assizes, three times in each yenr, mny be accounted for by the fuct that the Judge, on these occasions, represented the king, nnd for the time being was accorded courtesies not very different from those which would be offered the king himself. In the quaint old city of Chester, which all traveling Americans know better, perhnps, than any city of Eng land outside of London, It was tho custom, before railroads were known, for the high sheriff of the county to meet the Incoming Judge with a body of men, armed with javelins, at the border of "the county which ho was leaving, In order to conduct him In safety to the pluce in which he was to reside during the term of tho Cheshire court. This came to be a very Imposing ceremony. On one oc casion, CO years ago, the ofllce of high sheriff was filled by a baronet, who awaited the Judge at the couitfy bor ders with 18 Javelin men, 40 servants, 100 tenants, his entire family (Oiling stately carriages), trumpeters In two detachments, two prominent editors In their carriages, and several of the county gentry. He'en Marshall Pratt in St. Nicholas. MUST TAKE TIME TO THINK Social Candor. "My husband considered n very lont; time before ho proposed to mo. ITo was very careful." "Ah, Ifs always Jhose caroful puonln who get taken lu. Scientist Explains Why Men Who Do Great Things Have to Have Abundant Leisure. It was said by Ilelmholtz, on his seventieth birthday, according to Dr. Graham I.usk, in an address printed in Science, that a great idea had nover come to him when he was at his desk, nor when he was tired, nor after tak ing a glnss of wine, but usually when he was walking In the garden musing of other things. Dr. Lusk goes on : "The scientist must have leisure to think over the problems which offer and he must have a certnln discrimi nation In order to distinguish between the things which nre worth doing nnd those which are not. To do this re quires a certain delay In action In order thnt plans may be matured. Tho Individual who can not he happy un less he Is nt work at full power all the time Is much less likely to ac complish successful scientific work thun he who will not commence a research until he has satisfied himself that It Is worth doing. It Is not to be denied thnt this essential qualification of scientific life Is frequently regard ed with scorn by the busy practltlonor of medicine, who gives himself no time either for thought or study." Scientific American.