The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 1

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    Thc Jl o rth
to oinbimc.
No. 91
AII,K0A1)S PAY $i:tO,000
The 1919 iporsonal taxoa which ho
Union Pacific and Burlington rail
roads will pay to County Treasurer
Souder this montr will, In round num
bers, amount to one hundred and thir
ty thousand dollars. The Union Pa
cific personal tax Is $107,000 and that
pf the Burlington $23,000. Tho latter
company .handed Its check to Treas
urer Spiitler liisjtvcck and tho Union
Pacific will issue Us check some day
this week.
Wo may cuss tho railroads for ex-
cossivo freight charges, poor freight
sovlco and a dozon otho sins of com-
to paying taxes for the support of our
BChoos and cunty government, the
ralroads arc tho big factor, and if it
wore not for the taxes they pay we
would have mighty hard sledding
keeping our schools In operation and
meeting our county expenses. In fact
did not these two railroads run
through our county, we would nocos
sarlly either havo poor school accom
modatlons and few county accommo
dations or else have taxes so high as to
bo almost confiscatory. In viow of
tho holp tho railroads aro to us in the
way of supporting our schools per
haps our crtlcisms of them should be
tempered. One thing is sure, tho rail
roads aro not escaping their just share
of taxation In fabt they, aro really
paying on a mo'ro honest valuation
than we do as individuals.
Pat O'llrlcn Passes Awny
A wire received by H. N. Smith Sun
day announced tho death that morning
at Kansas City, of Pat O'Brien, who
ulp to his resignation three or four
years ago, was tho oldest passenger
conductor in the Union Pacific ser
rico. Mr. O'Brien began his service
with tho company, at Cheyenne, whore
ho made his homo for many years and
later removed to this city. He leavos
a wife, two sons and ono daughter, all
of whom live in or near Kansas City.
: :o: :
Some high class wool blankets liavo
just arrived which wo are including In
our blanket salo; good merchandise at
real salo prices. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
License to wed was issued yester
day to Geo. M. Sapanshlck of this city
and Elizabeth Steimle of Salisbury,
Try Dixon, you won't be disap
Hed Cross Election.
Tho annual election' of directors of
Lincoln County Chapter American Red
Cross will be held tomorrow, Novem
ber 26th, from 10 a. m. until 7 p. m.,
In tho lobby of tho postofflco building.
Flfteon mombors will be voted for
the nominating commltteo having
recommended tho following names:
Miss Annlo Kramph, -
Wilson Tout,
Mrs. E. S. Davis, ,p r v .
.-.-Mrs. B, u. Field k.,
V. P. Snyder,
AV. J. O'Connor,
Mrs. Joseph Roddy,
Mrs. M. E. Scott,
Mrs. Charles Boguo,
Mrs. R. F. Cotterell, ,
Mrs. I. L. Baro,
Mrs. A. P. Kelly,
AV. V. Hoagland,
Capt. E. W. Fetter,
E. F. Soobergor,
Mrs. C. AV. Groves,
C. L. Baskins.
M. J. Forbes,
Harry Dixon,
Capt. A. AV. Shilling,
S. M. Souder,
J. J. Halligan,
Oscar Sandall,
Mrs. R. C. Langford,
is'. E. Buckley,
R. D. Blrgo,
Mrs. H. A. Lawhead,
Mrs. M. F. Hosier,
Mrs. W. II. LeDloyt.
A meeting of tho directors (which
Includes tho branch chairmen) Is also
called for the same evening at olght
o'clock at Chapter headquarters for
tho purpose of electing officers and
an executive committee for the ensu
ing Red Cross year.
E. F. SEEBERGER, Chairman.
ST of tiu: c
Titriii: in a
Indications at AVaslilngton yesterday
wore that tho wage controversy bo
tweon coal operators nnd minors could
only bo solved by tho government us
ing force.
AVlth both the minors and tho oper
ators taking a stand against any fur
ther concessions, nnd with multiplying
reports of sufforJhg.from lnck of coal
Fuor,Adinlhlstrator'Gnrt!eld, Attorney
General Pnlmor and Director General
Illnos plan to meet anil outline Uie
courso which tho government shall
tako In forcing an agreement between
minors and operators, or at least mak
ing n temporary agreement by which
tho minors shall return .to work
Tho wage scale commltteo mot yes
terday morning but Immediately ad
journed to today when they oxpect
Garfield to mako a statement of the
condition of tho coal industry as ho
flndB It
TWo soperate proposals aro before
tho committees. One is the offer of
tho operators for an Increase of 20 per
.1. A. Foster Passes Awuv,
DEADLOCK1 John A. Foster, for many years a
rosldpnt of North Plntto, a votoran of
the, Crimean war and tho civil war,
dltil Sunday at his home in Otnnha,
to which city, ho had romoved from
North Platto three years ogo. Tho
Lrfcmnlns woro brought to this city this
morning and tho funeral will be hold
J-om the Episcopal church this nftor
6onat2:30. ,
Mr. Foster, moro fnmlllnrly known
rife "Jack," was a bnnd muslotrtn tfo"nj
many yeara. ana as ucn no piaxvjou
tho cornatloii of Quoon Vlcto'rla ol
England, nnd also at the funornl of
President Abraham Lincoln, having
during tho civil war sorved as a mem
ber of a roglmontal band. Ho enmo to
North Platto more than fifty years
ago and for a long period was employ
ed as a bollormakcr In tho local shops.
Ho continued as such until a few years
ago whon advancing ngo called for a
cessation of manual labor.
Now suggestions for Xmas. Dixon,
tho jeweler.
Mrs. L. B. Redmond returned yes
terday from Omaha, whore she was
called by tho death of her father, tho
lato John A. Foster.
Suits now sold at sacrificing prices.
E. T. Tramp & Sons.,
L. E. Johnson, of Omaha, who Is
claim agont for the Union Pacific,
transacted business In town Saturday,
Last call to engraved card custom
ers. Dixon, the jewoler.
Paymaster T. C. Cullen, of Omahr
spent the week end in town hunting.
Wo can match all shades of shoes
at Tramps Ready to Wear.
Introducing The 1920
Packard Phonograph
-The Packard plays all makes of records
perfectly and is therefore all talking
machines in one. It's tone modifies and
regulates the tone, soft, medium or low
to suit any occasion. The Packard's
wonderful improved all wood tone
chamber makes it the finest tone instru
ment in the world. Priced from
$100 to $200.
North Platte Drug Co.
The Rexall Store.
Mi la North Platte DEC. AUUl
Prices from $2.50 Down. No Phono orders. No seats laid awny.
Half order" now. Box office sale Dec Gth. CURTAIN WILL RISE
Rlchnrd Walon Tully (James 0. l'cedo, Gen. Mgr.) Presents
In his latest nnd greatest dramatic success,
"The Masquerader"
Br John Hunter Booth, from tho noYOl )y Kutherlne Cecil Thurston.
Original cast and production intact on transcontinental tour, In
cluding doublo rovolving stages, two complete mechanical crows, triple
oloctrlcal equipraont. Requiring turoo cars for transportation.
D. A. It. Observe Anniversary
Sioux Lookout Chapter, D. A. R.,
hold Its third anniversary at tho homo
cent for day work and 15 cents v ton 0f Mrs. Frank Hoxlo Friday evening
for machine mining anu the ottier is when a three-courso luncheon was
the demands of the minors for a wago served. Regent Mrs. H. M. Grimes
increase or 40 per cent anu a seven- presided as toastmistress and pro-
hour day. ' posed several toasts which wero re
Thomas T. Hrowster, chairman or snonded to in u very ablo manner. A
tho operators committee, said: musical program was nlso rendered
"I see no hope for a settlement Twenty-five or more members woro
now," and admitted mat both parties present
aro Bimpiy marKing ume uniu uie gov- ::o::
ernmont acts. Browster declared it "Wanted.
would bo Impossible for the operators Middle need woman for ceneral
to accopt Secretary. Wilson's propoal- housework. Work not heavy, throe
tlon for an increase to tho miners and children In family, everything mod
said that it would mean a 70 per cent orn; good pay and homo for right
increase In the total cost of coal pro- party. Phono or call on Mrs. J. E.
ductlon. , Sebastian. 911 east Second streot. tf
Both sides are expectant of govern- ::o::-
moiu action ana neiuier is eager ior ix. JudirQ Woodhurst united in nmrrlaco
r-m.T.. . c t. i.. it...ui I ,J -
HIB uue ia m uujiu ill 1110 biiuuuuii vstoPjv m-i,- rr.T.vili nml Prvin
1 .11 1.1 .. !.!. t.l 4- 1 1.1 " ' "
is ii uisjubiuuu uu uuui biuub to luun phlfor both of Arnold
...V. "I'"" H UUIUWIIMUI 11f .tilt . t .. . . - ..11
tribunal How than at any stago of the .. "u ' "
game. Leaders of both parties to tho lne ?11ch kld B?v?- ,whlch. hfvo
i.o,. ,i, a n uurneu uy us uu uurmg our ury
those they represent and If thoy can Sll" "D""
show that tho settlomont of Uie Issue
was made by a board appointee by For Sale 2 coats, 1 ladies' and 1
tho president it would lift the burden gontlemon s; 1 White drop head sow
from their shoulders. ling machine and a few wlndow8hados
Whatever stops are takon by the Phono Red. 830. 91-2
government, every effort will bo made Tri rii i t i.
e . l. i,, - . . , i ihc uiuuu i. uuiiiu iu;tii ugutll liua
In the meantime industrial plants , J" .', """' ,,"'"
toTll Throwing thoraS $V?" P l Md
men out of employment, and every
where tho utmost conservation of coal Tho Baptist choir, under the leader
Is being urged. ship of Mrs. Gilbert Brown, assisted
o:: by othor talent, will kIvo a musical
The Tuesday brldco club will be en-1 recital' on the evonlne of December
tortnined this afternoon-by 'Mrs. W. H.llJs
muioiiuiu. i i, ,,, t ni..,ft. i, ,., ..
Mrs. Frank Hoxlo wont to Colorado position as clerk In the First National
Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs. Bank. Mr. Plymesser came hero last
L. S. Smith and son Walter Hoxlo. siprlng and engaged In tho grocery
An fnrnr.Tst.eil vnstnrihiv. n. rinrlr? ; business, later Selling OUt to Noble
change In temperature occurred last He nas ,iad considerable exporlcnco as
night and the temperature this morn- UiUUt rK,
ing is quite chilly. sNew winter sweaters for boys and
Union Tlmnksclvlnc services will he fflrls at Tho Leader Mercantile Go
held at the Methodist church torhor
row ovenlng at eight o'clock. Rev.
Dr. Curry will deliver tho sermon and
tho Methodist choir will furnish tho
Moderate low prices now-prevail on
all misses and women s suits and
conts at The Leader Mercantile Co.
Deputy Claude Delanoy returned
yesterdny from St Joe, Mo., with Win.
Wilson, who Is charged with raising a
check from six to sixty dollars. He
will probably bo arraigned in court to
At Last A plan by which you can
give mother or father a pair of good
glasses for Xmas. See Dixon & Son,
sight specialists.
Wo havo always carried 'ti line of
I Imported French kid gloves and
while Fronch kid gloves aro scaree we
I carry a moro comploto lino of colors
than over before E. T. Tramp &
For Ront Room In all modern homo
for ono or two people, with or with
out laundry and kitchen privileges.
Phono Rod 830.
North Platto owners of autos, who
intend spending tho winter In Call
fornla announce their Intetlon of buy
Ing cars upon their arrival Uioro, and
.when ready to como home sell them,
In this way thoy havo the use of a car
at an oxpenso less than than shipping
their cars to tho coast.
Mldwlntor trimmed lints aro bolng
displayed in tho millinery department
of Tho Londor Mercantile Co. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clabaugh, of Ok
lahoma City, arrived Sunday for a vis
it with Mr. Clubaugh's paronts.
Dosirablo rlcli shades In silk pot
tlcoats of dopeiidnhlo quality on sale
nt The Leader Mercantile Co.
$tr and iirs. Ralph Clabaugh ro
rnad Sunday from a trip to Omaha,
Dos Moines and southern points.
Ed Dickey will loavo tomorrow for Jowolor.
Fremont to attend tho annual conven
tion of tho Nebraska laundrymon.
Paul Ilnrrlngton returned this
morning from Donvor whoro ho had
been visiting his paronts for a fow
A Dixon gift Is always good.
Mrs. Harwlck and son Warron, of
Chicago, aro spending a fow days at
the J. K. Wasley homo while enrouto
to Donvor.
Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Christian Science Thanksgiving ser
vice Thursday 11 a. m Building nnd
Loan building, room 25. A cordial In
vitation is extended to nil to attend
this service
Lot Clinton & Son tako enro of your
Tho little daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Morrlck, of Maxwell, died at n
loqal'-hpspltal yesterday.
vtofo' taKcff to Maxwoll
for Interment. '
Wedding suggestions Dbcon, tho
Tho rentnlnH
this mdHIw-hV
Furs! Furs! Most delightful, beau
tiful, luxurious furs, our stock 1st now
at Its best. Mako soloctlons early at
Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.
Dick Grace, of Omaha, assistant gou
eral uollor Inspector of tho Union Pa
cific, has been spending tho past fow
days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Darnell and
daughtor left this morning for Lin
coln to spond Thanksgiving with Mr.
Barncll's mother.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. M. Soronson entor
tulned Inst ovenlng nt a Blx o'clock
dinner complimentary to Miss Irma
Huffman. Covers wore laid for nine.
November arrival of wlntor uiider
iwear. Wo fit them all, men, womon
and children. Doctor Denton's sleep
ing garments for children on Balo at
Tho Loader Morcantllo Co.
Miss Maudo Koonnv of Tina Mrtlnan.
who has boon visiting hor undo, E. S.
Davis, for tho past week, loft yester
day for San Francisco to spond jib
Cotton flannels on salo at 226, 25,
2TYjc and up. Extra quality hloachcd
and unbleached plain and fancy colors
sultahlo for undorgarments at Tho
Leader Morcantllo Co.
November arrivals of winter undor
wear. Wo fit thorn all. men, women
nnd children. Doctor Denton's sleep
ing garments for children on calo at
Tho Loader Morcantllo Co.
J. E. Wasloy, who recently pur
chased tho Hendy property-on west
Third street nnd moved his family
hero from Moorofleld, has accepted ft
position ns salesman with tho J. S.
DavlB Ajito Co.
Roses, chrysanthemums and carna
tions, "tho nation's most oxpresslvo
flowors," for Thanksgiving. North
Platte Floral Co. Phono 1023.
100 lb. Flour Sacks at $1.25 a dozen.
50 lb. Flour Sacks at 50c a doz.
Crystal Theatre
Thursday and Friday.
"Social Ambition"
Tolls tho story of a man's redemption
with all In tho world but ono woman
against him.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday.
' " L
The story of a madcap gyp3y princess, a. romance of riches and
"Red Head
Something new In weddings. Thoy
woro engaged and married within live
minutes, to the tune of a jazz baud
Crystal Theatre
Today and Tomorrow.
Keith Theatre, Thanksgiving Evening.
Creator of the Laughing Habit
iPHSk I. ii Hj IIIj U 111 hL
X delightful series of tuneful melodies, sparkling humor and "everything" to amuse you.
A wonderful 'cast of comedians, singers and dancers. A big chorus of Broadway stage
beauties. Bower's own Symphony orchestra. Don t mis3 it;
Prices $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00, plus war tax. .
Seats on sale today.
Curtain at 8 o 'clock.